freetobeafcknriot · 1 year
𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒘. 𓄹
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
Bleeding Love
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Category: Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Characters: Morisuke Yaku, Yū Nishinoya
Here is my story for the Haikyuu!! RarePair Exchange! Enjoy some angsty yet sweet YakuNoya! :)
Vannah’s song pick: “Bleeding Love” by Leona Lewis
Morisuke Yaku had overwhelming respect for Yū Nishinoya. Anyone who watched their interactions on the court could attest to that; you had to be blind not to notice. As a fellow libero, he commended Yū’s tenacity and humility and compassion for his teammates. What a lot of people didn’t know, however, was how great of friends they were off the court. When they shed the mantle of libero and changed out of their uniforms, they were just two high school boys—having fun with movie nights, arcade trips, videogame sessions, and very overzealous karaoke competitions. Only their closest friends observed that aspect of their relationship, even though it wasn’t something they necessarily kept secret. 
There was only one thing that no one knew about Morisuke when it came to the Karasuno libero, however, and it was that he had an absolutely massive crush on him. 
It had started off as just pure admiration, honestly. How could Morisuke not be totally impressed by him? The first time he’d ever met Yū on the court, witnessing his humility and desire for improvement, he’d been intrigued. How many people walked up to someone they’d just played against and declared that they’d be better than them one day? It was amusing and, even better, exciting. It wasn’t often that Morisuke felt challenged by someone, but he did that day. 
And it made his blood sing. 
The encounter made Morisuke dive headlong into his training, and during their joint training in Tokyo, he’d found himself practicing with Yū. The Karasuno libero was a calm force of nature on the court, but off, he honestly was a giant goofball. Morisuke found himself drawn to him though, invigorated by the endless energy Yū seemed to radiate, and left the training camp both with a renewed sense of determination as well as Yū’s contact information. 
And it just took off from there. Occasional hangouts turned into weekly meet-ups, and casual friendship turned into something deeper, until Morisuke felt the undeniable tugs at his heartstrings every time he clapped eyes on the painfully radiant young man. So many times did Morisuke find himself uplifted by Yū’s great big smile, his wonderful laugh, his endless energy—but it hurt, too. Every day not asking Yū to be his made his heart clench a little further until it felt like a super-tight knot in his chest. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think, he could only lament about what a chickenshit he was and wallow in the fact that he would come to regret it someday. 
An outsider would probably call him dramatic, tell him just to just get over it and confess already. And Morisuke had considered it several times. But each time he’d open his mouth, the words would dry up on his tongue. He’d envision Yū recoiling in disgust, or laughing it off as a joke, or even the dreaded “I don’t feel the same, but we can still be friends!” and the panic would take hold of him with cold, icy fingers. 
So he never said anything. He let the wound fester, let the knife stay in his heart while he bled out his love in silence. He just watched, waited, suffered, and time marched inevitably onward with everyone none the wiser to the fact that Morisuke was dying drop by drop by excruciating drop. 
After graduation, Morisuke moved on with his professional volleyball career. Yū moved on to his third year, and though Morisuke was terribly busy playing for the local team and working on a contract with the Russian Volleyball Super League, they still kept well in touch. Yū was just a hop, skip, and a jump away, after all. Another year passed before they knew it, the same as ever—Yū smiling, Morisuke suffering. Somehow, he managed to delude himself that things would always be this way, and even though it was painful, at least he would have Yū around.
Then, while paying a visit to his alma mater, he found out that his world was about to come crashing down around him. 
“Eh? Yū’s going traveling?” Morisuke blinked, unable to help the way his mouth fell open in shock. 
“That’s right!” Lev quipped as he dropped the last volleyball into the container. Having finished up practice for the day, the team was now cleaning up the gym. Though the first-years did most of the grunt work, Lev still liked to be helpful. “I was talking to Shouyou about the third-years’ plans, and he told me that he’s gonna start traveling the world instead of going to college. I think he leaves the day after Karasuno’s graduation.” 
“I… see.” 
Morisuke reached out to place his hand against the wall, gripped with the sudden sensation that the world was spinning. Karasuno’s graduation was in a few days—why hadn’t Yū told him? He’d always talked about traveling after he finished high school, but surely he would have told Morisuke that he’d made solid plans. Maybe he just hadn’t had a chance to mention it in the last few weeks. After all, Morisuke had been especially busy these days, and so had Yū with all the preparations for graduating. Morisuke was supposed to be on the other side of the country doing dealings with the Russian Volleyball Super League starting the day of Karasuno’s graduation. Maybe Yū just didn’t want to make Morisuke feel like he had to rearrange his schedule to see him off? 
But besides all that—what was Morisuke going to do? How was he going to manage with him being so far away? He’d always been right there, close enough for it to be okay, close enough for all the suffering in silence to be worth it. When Yū was gone, though, what then? 
What then would Morisuke have to keep him going?
“Morisuke-senpai, are you okay?” 
Morisuke blinked a few times, drawn back to reality by Lev’s voice. The tall Russian boy leaned down to peer into his face, silver eyebrows cinched in concern. “You’re awfully pale, and you’ve broken out into a sweat. Are you sick, senpai?” 
“Yes. I don’t feel well,” Morisuke groaned, putting a hand over his face. It definitely wasn’t a lie; the world was still spinning around him a little, making his belly swirl with nausea. “I should get home… Sorry, I know I was supposed to critique you today, but I’m just not up to it.” 
“No worries!” Lev chirped and waved his hands in a dismissive gesture. “Go home, get some rest, feel better. You can always come by again sometime!” 
Though Lev didn’t mean anything by it, Morisuke felt his heart twist. That’s right. He would be stuck here, and Yū would go far, far away, leaving him behind. 
Morisuke tottered out to his car, collapsing in the driver’s seat. Rather than start up the car, he pulled back the seat and just laid there, closing his eyes to help with the vertigo-like sensation. He then scrunched up his eyes when he felt bitter tears well up in the corners of his eyes, and he used the heels of his palms to scrub at them angrily. What had he been expecting? How could he have deluded himself like this? He should have always known that it couldn’t have gone on like this forever, that someday Yū would leave for some reason or another, because why would he stay when Morisuke had given him no reason to? 
He should have always known that he only had enough blood to give, that one day it would run dry and leave him cold and empty and heartbroken. He’d bled it all out now, wasted it all in this goddamned silent compromise with himself—and now it was too late. 
Or was it? 
This is nuts, he thought to himself as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other on the threshold of the door. The doorbell taunted him, and though his fingers itched to ring it, he hadn’t yet. It was ass o’clock in the morning, after all; the sun hadn’t even come up, but he was about to wake someone up in his state of mania. 
But if anyone knew when Yū’s plane was leaving later on that morning, it would be Asahi Azumane.
Before he could change his mind, Morisuke slammed a fist down on the doorbell. His heart immediately sank down in his feet with the echo of the chime through the house, a cold dose of the reality that he was really about to do this. He’d rescheduled his meeting with the Russians—maybe at the expense of his future career—all for this moment, which may not even yield anything useful. And even then, he didn’t know what he would do if it did! He wasted his few precious seconds to make an escape on debating whether or not to do so, and then the door slowly opened to reveal a very tired and confused Asahi. 
The tall brunet squinted at him before rubbing an eye tiredly with the heel of his palm. 
“Morisuke Yaku?” he said in sleepy realization, then yawned loudly. “Sorry, I—it’s early, is something the matter?” He was trying to be polite, but Morisuke could tell that he was reeling with the question of what Morisuke would be doing on his doorstep before the sun had even come up. Morisuke couldn’t blame him, and he shrunk in on himself with mortification at how inconsiderate he was being—but the guy was awake now, so he might as well get on with it.
“Asahi, do you know anything about Yū’s flight today?” 
“Flight?” he echoed. He stared at Morisuke in confusion for a few seconds, his sleep-addled mind struggling to process the strange question arising from the already strange encounter. His eyes lit up when it finally dawned on him, and his eyebrows shot up his forehead. “Oh! Right, he’s flying out of Sendai Airport at 7 a.m. I think he said his first stop was Hawaii so he could take a beach vacation.” 
Morisuke hadn’t expected much, so he couldn’t help but stare dumbfoundedly at Asahi, who had literally given him all the information he needed in a matter of a few sentences. While he did so, Asahi reached up to scratch at his messy brown hair, which was still piled atop his head in a loose bun that was mussed from sleep. 
“None of us are going to see him off. He insisted, so we had a party last night instead… Are you thinking about going to say good-bye? I don’t know if that’s—” 
“Thanks for the information! I gotta go!” Morisuke interrupted. He promptly spun on his heel and left Asahi just as dazed as before in the threshold of his door. The brunet was still staring at him with a slightly agape mouth as he peeled out of the driveway in his car, beelining for Sendai Airport. There was no time to think about what he was doing, or what would happen if things went wrong; he was just overwhelmed with the great need to get there.
Sweat bloomed on his forehead as he glanced at the clock, which read 6:10 a.m. I can make it! he tried to convince himself, his foot falling more heavily on the gas pedal. The roar of his car’s engine did little to drown out the beating of his heart in his ears, and he was so focused on getting to the airport on time that he didn’t even consider the most essential question: 
What the hell was he going to say? 
Morisuke’s breaths came in little pants as he ran across the parking lot and into the lobby of the airport. He looked around wildly for anything that could be useful—though a listing of all the outgoing flights would be preferable, the first thing he spotted was a customer service kiosk. He sprinted for it; thankfully, no one was currently looking for assistance, so he slammed right into the counter and startled the poor girl who was in charge of working that morning. The clock read 6:30 a.m.; the flight would be boarding soon, and then Yū would be gone. 
“Excuse me! Can you tell me which flights are outgoing to Hawaii at 7 a.m.?” he cried, nearly screaming at the girl in agitation. She gave him a concerned look before turning to her computer, rapidly typing on the keyboard while side-eyeing him. 
“Let’s see… There’s only one flight to Hawaii at that time, boarding at Terminal 7.” 
“Thank you!” As much a whirlwind as his mind, Morisuke was then gone, leaving the confused attendant in the dust. He tore across the airport in search of Terminal 7; hearing his frantic footsteps pounding on the tile, the other airport-goers gave him a wide berth and inquisitive stares. Arms pumping at his sides, he dashed past the cafés and specialty stores and convenience shops and coffee booths; his gaze bounced from sign to sign, reading them off in his head. His heart leaped up into his throat when he finally spotted the sign for Terminal 7, just as a pleasant male voice announced that the flight to Hawaii was now boarding.
Morisuke could see the terminal at the end of the hall. Scores of people stood up at the announcement, forming a single-file line to scan their plane tickets at the desk. Morisuke’s heart then plummeted down into his feet; with such a crowd, how could he hope to spot Yū? There was precious little time, so he did the first thing that came to mind—he vaulted over the back row of lobby seats to then climb into one, making the businessman passed out in the next one over jolt awake. He started cursing Morisuke out, then realized that this was in fact his flight and scrambled out of the chair to hurry into line. Meanwhile, none the wiser to the disgruntled man, Morisuke scanned the line for Yū. 
Just when he was beginning to think that he may have missed him, he spotted Yū standing behind a very boisterous pair of teenagers who were filling their cellphone galleries up with a million selfies. Yū sported a pair of sunglasses, a pair of bermuda shorts, and a classic blue Hawaiian-patterned shirt. He had a duffel bag slung over his shoulder and a snapback turned backwards on his head, letting the little tufts of blond hair in his bangs hang out of the small opening in the front. He seemed totally unaware of Morisuke’s arrival, just chewing on some gum while he shuffled forward in line. 
Morisuke opened his mouth to shout his name—and then he froze. 
What am I doing?! he thought in horror. I’m such a selfish jerk! I can’t do this to him right now, when he’s about to fly out and start the rest of his life! He slowly slipped down from the chair, putting his face in his hands. Just springing this on him, with no time for him to consider anything—I can’t. I can’t do that to him. This isn’t right.
He wanted to. Oh, God, how he wanted to. He wanted to keep bleeding, keep gushing all this love, but he couldn’t do that at the expense of Yū’s feelings. He’d rather bleed himself dry than hurt the one person who meant the world to him. 
Even if now that person would be a world away. 
Morisuke jumped as he was suddenly addressed. He whipped his hands away from his face and there Yū was, standing in front of him. Morisuke kept looking between him and the slowly dwindling line, unable to process for several moments that he was no longer there. 
“Morisuke, what are you doing here?” Yū pressed, holding up his cellphone to show a text conversation. “I just happened to check my phone before boarding, and Asahi told me you stopped by this house this morning to ask about my flight—I thought you were supposed to be meeting with the Russian Volleyball Super League? Why are you here? What’s going on?” 
If the universe was going to give Morisuke a sign to go for it, then this was damn sure it. 
“I didn’t come here to see you off!” Morisuke interrupted. “At least, not totally. I’m here to tell you something important.” He took a deep breath, then stepped forward, fists balled up at his sides as he looked Yū right in the eyes. For the first time, he didn’t feel afraid; he didn’t worry about what Yū was going to say. Because he finally realized that it didn’t matter. What happened next didn’t matter. He just wanted him to know.
“I love you.” 
The blood that Morisuke thought had dried up started to gush forth again. He felt it fill him up, fill him to the brim with warmth. It made him melt from the inside out, and as a sweet smile bloomed on his lips, he relaxed one of his hands to reach out and grab Yū’s. 
“I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner. I was scared of what you might say or do, and I convinced myself that I would be okay if I could just be close to you… And when I found out that you were leaving, I realized that I was going to lose you. And it made me crazy,” he laughed, a blush rising to his cheeks. “Crazy enough to chase you down to this airport and confess to you like in some cheesy romance drama.” 
“Yeah, that’s pretty crazy,” Yū chuckled. His voice was quiet, contemplative. 
“I don’t want to keep you here,” Morisuke added hastily. “I know that traveling the world is your dream. I just… I don’t know, really,” he admitted with another shy, awkward laugh. “I actually was about to turn around and go home—” 
“Well, I’m glad I saw you first,” Yū said quickly, and the seriousness in his voice made Morisuke freeze. Yū squeezed his hand firmly, then stepped forward; the distance between them was now way too close, way too close for just a friendship. Morisuke’s heart stuttered in his chest.
With a sweet smile, Yū continued, “I feel the same way. I have for a long time, and I wanted to say something too… But I was more scared of losing what we had. The idea of not having you around…” 
“‘S painful.” Morisuke thought he would feel more profound, or maybe jump for joy now that Yū had reciprocated his feelings, but he just felt… at peace. He felt like he and Yū were sharing a wavelength, that their hearts and souls were melding. 
“Yeah,” Yū hummed, tipping his head to the side slightly as he regarded Morisuke with a look of pure contentment. In the background, the attendants were doing the last calls for boarding, but Yū didn’t look like he was in any rush to leave. “I’m glad you came,” he said next, quietly but full of feeling. 
“Me too.” 
They just continued to hold each other’s hands and stare into one another’s eyes. It just felt right, to sit there and absorb all the things they couldn’t voice in words. Finally, Yū looked behind him and said disappointedly, “I really have to go… This is the final call.” 
When he looked back, Morisuke was smiling warmly. 
“I’ll be okay,” he told him, and he meant it. Because looking at Yū now, he realized that it didn’t matter how many miles were between them. Even oceans apart, they could still find a way to be close now. Morisuke didn’t have to bleed his love anymore. 
“Okay,” Yū said. He walked backwards, still holding Morisuke’s hand to stretch out their arms. He held on for as long as he could, until their fingers finally slipped apart. “I’ll call you as soon as I land, okay? And then we can talk about everything.” 
“Okay,” Morisuke smiled. It was so strange. He thought he would feel so many things. And he did feel, but—he just felt full, like his body was swollen to the brim with happiness. It just made him feel oddly tranquil, like everything was going to work out all right even though Yū was rushing to the plane. “Okay,” he whispered to himself as Yū vanished into the hall with one last wave. 
Just as he was beginning to consider that maybe he should have kissed him or something, Yū came sprinting back out. He flung his duffel bag aside and literally sprang at Morisuke from six feet away. Morisuke managed to catch him by the middle, and Yū locked his legs around his waist as he smashed his lips against Morisuke’s in a feverish, desperate, passionate kiss. Morisuke responded in kind, totally ignorant to the claps and cheers resounding around the airport terminal. 
And their hearts beat as one, bleeding love for each other with every pump. Because it didn’t matter how much they bled. As long as they had each other, it was a fountain that would never stop flowing.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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yakunoyaweek2k22 · 3 years
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huii-2d · 4 years
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I bet Yaku had a heart attack when he saw Noya with his hair down for the first time. (cuz I did XP)
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lia483 · 2 years
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skellyjingles · 4 years
Wrote a canon-compliant timeskip!Yakunoya fic, please check it out if you’re interested, it’s my first one!
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Here’s a drawing I did for it :D
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blkjackals · 4 years
From Day One
Pairing: Yaku Morisuke x Nishinoya Yuu
WC: 1.5k
Genre: Tooth-rotting Fluff, Alternating POV’s, Canon Compliant (kinda)
Notes: hi im currently in a state of yakunoya brainrot so
Tags: @vinncent @madireyn @the-black-birb @loneveenas @tamcitrus
Morisuke Yaku didn’t know where to start. Firstly, the Karasuno Libero - he thinks his name was Nishinoya - was shorter than he was. Secondly, Nishinoya seemed to have a crazy amount of admiration for him, despite their skills being fairly even. Lastly, Nishinoya had no right to be that cute. 
Yaku’s cheeks flushed at the last thought, and he ran his hands down his face. It had been a day since they played against Karasuno for the first time in years, and he couldn’t get the tiny ball of energy out of his mind. The match replays in his head, again and again, as he lays in his bedroom. Grumbling, he pulls his pillow over his face and presses into it. 
“Damn…” he mumbles, before pushing himself to sit up. He knows full well that Kuroo caught onto his behavior after the match, and that Karasuno’s secondary setter, Sugawara, noticed too. The only thing he could hope for is that they would avoid the topic, and that Sugawara wouldn’t breath a word of it to Nishinoya.
A sudden beeping filled his room, and with a loud sigh he shut off his alarm that was telling him to wake up for school. A whole night spent thinking about someone who lives in Miyagi, someone he may not ever see again. How pathetic. With a sigh, Yaku pushes himself to his feet and makes his bed, figuring that he can just get a coffee on the way to school. He’ll need it if Kuroo chooses to tease him, afterall.
Yuu Nishinoya knows he made a fool of himself yesterday. Fanboying over Nekoma’s Libero like that had to have tipped him off to the little crush he held for him, there’s no way it hadn’t. It’s the only thing he could think about on the way home, especially after Sugawara said that Yaku seemed to be appreciative of what he had said. 
Nishinoya’s cheeks flush at the last bit, the knowledge that maybe the Libero he looked up to had some kind of positive feelings towards him too. For some reason though, he doubts it. It’s probably Sugawara meddling anyways. He replays the match and the conversation afterwards in his head a few times as he makes his way to school, quieter than he normally is.
“It’s so far though…” He whispers to himself, dragging a hand down his face as he turns the corner. Though, maybe he could ask Hinata how his friendship with Kenma is, considering the ginger and the setter had exchanged Line’s. That could give him an idea of if he should confess his budding feelings to the other Libero, though he doubts he will. Afterall, Tokyo is far.
He yelps when someone shoves him slightly, looking over to see Tanaka with a Gari-Gari for him. Shaking his head to dispel his thoughts, he takes the popsicle and bites half off, thanking his best friend. He can think more about this later, he figures, when he has the ability to do something about it afterwards.
It takes awhile for the two teams to meet again, both busy with other matches and tournaments, but when Noya finally steps off the bus in Tokyo he’s made his mind up. Sometime before their last day here, he will confess to Yaku Morisuke, Nekoma’s Libero, the man who can kill a spiker without even touching the ball. 
As soon as Noya enters the gym, his eyes are drawn to the other Libero, and his cheeks flush. “Oh, Hey Yaku-san” Sugawara says, gently pushing past Noya to greet the Libero. The jostling causes him to snap out of it, and he turns back to Tanaka and Taketora, unable to see how Yaku’s eyes linger on him as well.
Yaku was waiting by the door to see Nishinoya again. Well, as close as he could without raising suspicion. Unfortunately for him, it was hard to see the other Libero right off the bat, as he was hidden a little amongst his team members. Yaku looked away, figuring he’d see him later, missing how Noya’s eyes stuck to him until Sugawara called his name and Yaku turned.
When the other libero turns away, Yaku’s eyes linger on him throughout his conversation with Sugawara. “Yaku-san?” Sugawara says, and Yaku shakes his head twice before smiling. “Yeah, sorry. I’m a little distracted.” He explains, and Sugawara nods. Not long later, the matches start for the day, and all throughout he always seems to just miss catching Noya staring at him.
By the end of the day, both teams were drained, but Noya had more than enough energy. During extra practice he chose to stay behind, stretching and practicing receives by tossing the ball against the wall. He didn’t notice Yaku standing by the door as he was finishing up. “Oh! Yaku-san!” Noya exclaims, jumping ever so slightly as his cheeks flush. He hadn’t heard Yaku enter, and most importantly, he was sitting in the middle of the gym at the moment, first aid kit close by as he stretched.
“Can I join you?” Yaku asks, and Noya nods. They stretch in silence until Noya pops open the first aid kit and kneels down next to Yaku’s legs. Quietly, he spreads cream onto the bruises and applies bandaids to the cuts, his touch gentle. His brain is running at a million miles an hour, barely able to process that he’s touching his crush. Building up his courage, he finally speaks up. 
“Yes, Nishinoya?”
“This may seem random, and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, but I really like you. Like really really like you. I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?”
“Yuu, I like you too. I’d love to.”
Yuu cheers, jumping forwards to wrap Morisuke in a tight hug. He closes his eyes tight as Morisuke’s arms wrap around him, melting into the embrace. It’s only a moment later that their lips touch, and his entire body feels like it’s floating. Nishinoya Yuu never would’ve thought that Yaku Morisuke would feel the same about him, never in a million years, but here he is, kissing the man who had his whole heart, in a gym in Tokyo during their training camp. 
It felt right. Like he’s home.
Yaku was tired, like most others at the end of their first day of training camp. But, during dinner he heard a whisper from Sugawara that Nishinoya would be doing extra practice in Gym 4, and he instantly felt rejuvenated, something the thought of the other Libero could only do. When he reaches the gym, he stands by the door and admires the Karasuno Libero, waiting a half hour before he makes his presence known. 
“Can I join you?” He asks, his heart jumping when Nishinoya nods. He can see the red on his cheeks, and knows his are equal or worse. He reaches towards the first aid kit, wanting to fix Noya up, but the other Libero beats him to it. Yaku’s eyes wander Noya’s body, until the other male speaks up. 
“Yes, Nishinoya?”
“This may seem random, and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, but I really like you. Like really really like you. I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?”
“Yuu, I like you too. I’d love to.”
Yuu jumps into a hug, and Morisuke happily embraces him, burying his face in his shoulder. His heart is pounding, he thought he’d have to be the one to confess but instead Yuu did it. Always one step ahead, always a bundle of energy, Morisuke can’t help but admire that about him as he pulls him into a kiss. He can’t believe how this day turned out, it feels surreal in so many ways. Yaku Morisuke never would’ve thought that Nishinoya Yuu would feel the same about him, never in a million years, but here he is, kissing the man who had his whole heart, in a gym in Tokyo during their training camp.
It felt right. Like he’s home.
Finally, they kick open the door to their new apartment downtown Tokyo, not far from Waseda University, where they both play on the team. Yuu brings the last box up from the trunk, pausing in the doorway to admire his boyfriend, Morisuke, bent over and grabbing items out of the box. Yuu walks over, smacking his ass gently as he passes to set the bag he was carrying down. 
“Yuu! C’mon baby, we have to unpack.” Morisuke says, exhaustion clear in his voice as Yuu bounces back over, empty handed, and throws his arms around him. “But we just moved in together! It's a huge milestone, Mori!” Yuu defends, using his boyfriend's shoulders as leverage to jump up high. Morisuke laughs quietly, shaking his head at his antics. 
Highs and lows be damned, they’d stick with each other through it all. Morisuke wouldn’t pass his own Guardian Deity for the world, and Yuu wouldn’t let his stray cat go anywhere. Afterall, they were each other's homes. Now and soon to be forever, if the ring sitting at the bottom of one of the cardboard boxes had any say in the matter.
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haikyuu-trash-can · 5 years
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anime-mood · 6 years
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Yaku Morisuke
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yakuniku · 6 years
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one of my favorite things is Noya fanboying over Yaku
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ghostlyfield · 6 years
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libero boyfriends
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freetobeafcknriot · 1 year
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featuring: yaku and nishinoya being bi + pan goals. ✨
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lavendori · 6 years
me, seeing the phrase
"We are also each other’s
juxtaposed over the panels of yaku/noya and kuro/tsukki:
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yakunoyaweek2k22 · 3 years
。*゚✲*☆ #YAKUNOYAWEEK2022: 𝖨𝖭𝖥𝖮 & 𝖱𝖴𝖫𝖤𝖲.  ↴
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。*゚✲*☆ #YAKUNOYAWEEK2022: 𝖨𝖭𝖥𝖮 & 𝖱𝖴𝖫𝖤𝖲.  ↴
— The week runs from April 3rd (a.k.a. Yakunoya Day) to April 9th.
— For each day, you have three possible prompts: a noun, a place or setting, and an alternative universe. You are free to combine and interpret them any way you want and use as many of them as you want. So long as they correspond to the same day, you're good!
— The prompts are up to interpretation. This means any kind of content is welcome: fanfics, fanart, edits, animations, videos, cosplay, anything really! The same thing applies to the rating of your work; be it Nsfw or anything else, it is allowed. We just ask you to tag it accordingly for the sake of minors and people who might be sensitive to a certain topic.
— You can, of course, include as many characters and ships as you want. It goes without saying that the main focus must be the lovely couple of short kings this whole event is dedicated to, but still, in this household, we shall get as chaotic and creatively unhinged as we can possibly be.
— Use the hashtag #YakunoyaWeek2022 to make your work easy to track down and share, and if you post on Tumblr and/or Twitter, please tag us! We'll be happy to retweet and/or reblog your work!
— For fanwriters: we have an open collection on AO3, here! ➜ http://tiny.cc/bvvnuz !
— The goal is to have fun and merrily go nuts together, so don't stress yourselves out to be on time. You can submit your works whenever they are ready, in any order and all. We will continue to retweet and reblog content after the end of the event, in any case!
— Last but not least, please, be respectful and patient.
— If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to DM us here or on Twitter, which you will find here: Twitter   !
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huii-2d · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Yaku!!
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lia483 · 2 years
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