seemabhatnagar · 2 months
"Supreme Court Upholds NPPA's Demand for Overcharging by Sun Pharmaceutical under DPCO"
M/s Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. v. Union Of India & Others
Civil Appeal 7209/2019
Heard by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Sanjay Kumar J and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Augustine George Masih J
The legal battle of M/s Sun Pharmaceutical in the present matter began when the company received two demand notices from the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) in February and June 2005 for overcharging on the drug Roscilox. The pharmaceutical giant challenged these notices in response by filing a writ petition with the Delhi High Court. However, on July 13, 2005, the court dismissed their petition. M/s Sun Pharmaceutical filed a Letter Patent Appeal (LPA) against the dismissal. Unfortunately for the company, the Division Bench of the same court dismissed the LPA on August 6, 2014.
The appellant had already paid ₹1.25 crores towards this demand and approached the Supreme Court after failing at both levels in the Delhi High Court.
The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal on July 15, 2024 upholding the High Court’s rejection of the appellant’s claims. The status quo order regarding the recovery of the remaining amount, issued by the Court on November 10, 2014, was vacated. Consequently, the appellant was held liable for the overcharged amount.
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2. Legal Issue
Whether the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) was justified in raising a demand against the appellant (M/s Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd.) for charging a higher price than that fixed by the Government under the Drugs (Price Control) Order, 1995 (DPCO).
3. Points of Arguments
The Pharma Company claimed that it was neither a manufacturer, importer, nor distributor, and thus is outside the scope of Paragraph 13* of the DPCO.
More so the computation of the demand was erroneous based on Paragraph 19 of the DPCO.
Asserted that the appellant was a 'distributor' under the DPCO, thereby liable under Paragraph 13.
Highlighted the appellant's inconsistent explanations and failure to provide complete documentation regarding its arrangements with the manufacturer.
4. Court's Observation
The appellant admitted having purchased the drug directly from the manufacturer.
The definitions of 'distributor' and 'dealer' in the DPCO are not mutually exclusive, allowing for a distributor to also be a wholesaler or retailer.
‘Distributor’ means a distributor of drugs or his agent or a stockist appointed by a manufacturer or an importer for stocking his drugs for sale to a dealer.’
‘Dealer’ means a person on the business of purchase or sale of drugs, whether as a wholesaler or retailer and whether or not in conjunction with any other business and includes his agent.’
The appellant's inconsistent statements and lack of proper documentation undermined its claim of not being a distributor.
The intent of Paragraph 13 of the DPCO is to control drug prices and should not be narrowly interpreted.
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agnabeyainfo · 1 year
Получено разрешение на строительство четвертого энергоблока АЭС «Эль-Дабаа»
Управление по атомным электростанциям добилось нового исторического достижения в истории атомного проекта — получение разрешения на строительство четвертого энергоблока АЭС «Эль-Дабаа» 30 августа 2023 года, согласно графику реализации проекта. ... Читать дальше »
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rightnewshindi · 2 months
आम लोगों को सरकार की बड़ी राहत, 70 दवाइयों के कम होंगे दाम; एनपीपीए की बैठक में हुआ फैसला
Delhi News: सरकार ने वित्त वर्ष 2024-25 के पूर्ण बजट के करीब दो सप्ताह के बाद आम लोगों को बड़ी राहत दी है. पेनकिलर से लेकर एंटीबायोटिक्स समेत 70 जरूरी दवाओं के दाम को कम करने का फैसला लिया गया है. इससे आम लोगों के लिए कई बीमारियों का इलाज कराना सस्ता होने वाला है. एनपीपीए की हालिया बैठक में हुआ फैसला नेशनल फार्मास्यूटिकल प्राइसिंग अथॉरिटी (एनपीपीए) की हालिया बैठक में कई जरूरी दवाओं के दाम कम…
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the-fandom-crossroads · 9 months
Every Chinese Censorship Gaming Regulation Mihoyo Ignores!
China's game censorship board tightened regulations back in 2021. It led to 4 character skins being altered. But nothing else has come from the new regulations even though genshin breaks multiple other rules in this memo. Join Terry in discussing those broken rules and the reason Mihoyo can ignore the "recommendations" of the ccp.
While trying to research topics for a possible winter holiday video I fell down the censorship rabbit hole. I hope you found this interesting! Chinese censorship is complex and changing all the time.
But it is important to know that Genshin is Not at risk of actually being banned. Mihoyo would just have to make more changes to line up with new rules.
For example in the last 12 hours NPPA announced new regulations that might take away 90 wish pities. They want to lessen gambling and spending on gatchas. They also want to extend the monthly spending limits to adults. We'll see if these regulations actually go into effect. But if they do it would greatly change how wishing works in genshin.
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fantasyfactorxx · 10 months
Navigating the Digital Divide: China’s New Restrictions on Online Gaming and the Implications for Surveillance 
Critics argue that China’s recent move to restrict online gaming for minors has sparked global discussion about the potential consequences of such measures. While the intentions behind the regulations may be commendable, the implementation and potential outcomes raise concerns about individual privacy and the expansion of surveillance. This blog delves into the intricacies of China’s new gaming restrictions, exploring the potential consequences and their implications for surveillance.
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China’s Online Gaming Restrictions: A Closer Look
According to (World Economic Forum 2021), in August 2021, China’s National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA) issued a notice imposing new restrictions on online gaming for minors. The regulations stipulate that minors are prohibited from playing online games during the weekdays, with a maximum of three hours of playtime permitted on weekends and holidays. Additionally, gaming companies are mandated to implement strict identification verification procedures and adopt real-name registration systems to ensure compliance. It was mentioned by (Inocencio 2021), that only on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays - from 8pm to 9pm were kids allowed to play video games. On top of that real-name verification and log-in systems are now necessary for access to online games and gaming businesses are only able to provide three hours of service to young gamers during those short windows of time (Inocencio 2021).
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Potential Consequences of the Restrictions 
The implementation of these restrictions has the potential to impact various aspects of Chinese society, particularly among the young generation. One significant consequence is the potential for increased surveillance. To enforce the gaming restrictions, gaming companions may need to implement more stringent monitoring mechanisms, such as tracking playtime, game content, and user interactions. This increase in data collection could re=aise concerns about privacy and the potential for misuse of potential information (Xiao 2022). Restricting gaming for those under the age of eighteen can prevent addictions from forming, which some experts believe has serious ramification for the gaming business (Brooke 2021). Due to what research showed that gaming habits frequently develop in children, this may have an effect on China’s tech companies’ future earnings (Brooke 2021).
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Impact on Individual Privacy 
The expanded surveillance measures associated with the gaming restrictions could have a chilling effect on individual privacy. The constant monitoring of online activities could lead to self-censorship and a reluctance to engage in open and unfettered online interactions. This could potentially hinder the free flow of information and ideas, particularly among younger generations (Yaqoub, Jingwu & Ambekar 2023). This would ultimately be the same technological framework that shields kids from danger, restricts speech on the internet, and gathers a ton of personal information (Yang 2023).
Implications for Social Cohesion 
The restrictions could also have implications for social cohesion. By limiting minors’ access to online gaming, which has become a significant social platform for rmany young people, the regulations could potentially fragment social connections and hinder the formation of online communities. This could lead to a sense of isolation and disconnection among younger generations (Yue, Teresiene & Ullah 2021). This would in turn make children become socially apprehensive and find it difficult to communicate with adults or their classmates (Shoppe 2021). It is also mentioned by (Shoppe 2021) that because humans are social beings that share knowledge with one another, social isolation can impede social and emotional development in addition to slowing intellectual progress. 
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Alternative Approaches 
Instead of imposing strict restrictions, amore balanced approach could involve promoting healthier gaming habits and encouraging parental involvement in monitoring their children’s online activities. Educational programs could be implemented to teach minors about responsible gaming, cyberbullying prevention, and online safety. Additionally, promoting alternative leisure activities and encouraging physical and social interactions could help reduce excessive gaming among minors. One of the methods include to set a limit to one self. For example, setting timers for how long one plays a certain game and become conscious to the amount of time spent playing in a day even if one does not stop immediately after the timer goes off, awareness is still essential (Allan 2017).
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China's new restrictions on online gaming for minors raise concerns about individual privacy, surveillance, and the potential impact on social cohesion. While the intentions behind the regulations may be to promote healthy habits and protect minors, the implementation could have unintended consequences that require careful consideration. A more balanced approach that focuses on education, parental involvement, and alternative leisure activities could be more effective in addressing the underlying concerns while minimizing potential negative impacts. 
List of References
Allan, P 2017, ‘How to cut back on playing video games’, Lifehacker, 22 June, viewed 23 November 2023, <https://lifehacker.com/how-i-cut-back-on-playing-video-games-1796340031>.
Inocencio, R 2021, ‘What’s behind China’s new online gaming restrictions for kids?’, CBS News, 2 September, viewed 23 November 2023, <https://www.cbsnews.com/news/china-gaming-restrictions-online-crackdown-digital-technology/>.
Shoppe, S 2021, ‘Effects of social isolation on children’, Soul Shoppe, 5 October, viewed 23 November 2023, <https://soulshoppe.org/blog/2021/10/05/effects-of-social-isolation-on-children/#:~:text=It%20can%20make%20children%20anxious,hinder%20social%20and%20emotional%20growth.>.
World Econmic Forum 2021, What’s behind China’s video game restrictions, Media, Entertainment and Sport, viewed 22 November 2023, <https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/09/what-s-behind-china-s-video-game-restrictions/>..
Xiao, L 2022, ‘Reserve your judgement on “Draconian” Chinese video gaming restrictions on children’, Journal of Behaviroal Addictions, vol. 11, no. 2, viewed 22 November 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9295219/>. 
Yang, Z 2023, ‘China is escalating its war on kids’ screen time’, MIT Technology Review, 9 August, viewed 23 November 2023, <https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/08/09/1077567/china-children-screen-time-regulation/>.
Yaqoub, M, Jingwu, Z & Ambekar, SS 2023, ‘Pandemic impacts on cinema industry and over-the-top platforms in China’, Media International Australia, 3 January, viewed 22 November 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9816632/>.  Yue, X, Teresiene, D & Ullah, I 2021, ‘How COVID-19 pandemic affect film and drama industry in China an evidence of nonlinear empirical analysis’, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja, vol. 35, no. 1, viewed 22 November 2023, <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1331677X.2021.1937262>. 
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forblogmostly · 2 months
The Rise of India's Pharmaceutical Industry: A Story of Growth and Innovation
The Indian pharmaceutical industry has solidified its position as a global leader, ranking third in terms of production volume. Over the past nine years, the industry has experienced remarkable growth, boasting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.43%. India stands as the largest provider of generic drugs worldwide, with pharmaceutical exports exceeding $25 billion in the fiscal year 2023. Known for its affordable vaccines and generic medications, the industry encompasses a diverse array of product segments, including generic drugs, vaccines, and over-the-counter medications.
India's domestic pharmaceutical landscape is extensive, featuring around 3,000 drug companies and approximately 10,500 manufacturing units. The country exports pharmaceutical products to numerous regions, including North America, Africa, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. According to CRISIL, the sales in India's domestic pharmaceutical sector are expected to grow by 8% to 10% during the fiscal year 2023-24, driven by domestic expansion and increased exports to regulated markets. Currently, India holds a 5.71% share of the global pharmaceutical market.
The Government of India has implemented various initiatives to bolster the pharmaceutical sector. Key programs include the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP), the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Pharmaceuticals, and the Pharmaceutical Technology Upgradation Assistance Scheme (PTUAS). According to a recent report by EY FICCI, the Indian pharmaceutical market is projected to reach a value of around $130 billion by 2030.
Rajneesh Wellness: A Rising Star Amidst this backdrop, Rajneesh Wellness is emerging as one of the fastest-growing chains in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in the wellness sector. The market dynamics driving Rajneesh's success include:
Increasing Population: A growing population fuels the demand for healthcare services, subsequently boosting the retail pharmacy market. Prevalence of Chronic Conditions: The rising incidence of chronic conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, drives the need for medication management and pharmacy services. Convenience: As consumers seek easier access to healthcare, the retail pharmacy market continues to thrive. Health Consciousness: Increasing awareness of health issues drives demand for over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and wellness products. Government Policies: Initiatives like the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) and the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) enhance access to prescription drugs. Technological Advancements: Innovations such as electronic prescriptions and telemedicine are pivotal in shaping market growth. Economic Growth: India's expanding economy contributes to increased disposable income and investment in healthcare services. Innovative Collaborations and Telemedicine Rajneesh Wellness has also partnered with Hitachi MGR, creating a unique clinic model that provides accessible healthcare "closer to home" in larger cities. This initiative facilitates easier access to specialist doctors, primary care diagnostics, treatment facilities, and preventive health services, benefiting an estimated 1.5 million patients through telemedicine alone. Apollo Hospitals has similarly expanded its reach into remote regions, utilizing telemedicine to provide essential medical services and stabilize emergency cases before transferring patients to larger facilities if needed.
Telemedicine is transforming healthcare in India, enabling patients to seek medical advice through various communication channels. This model not only ensures affordable, accredited, and accessible healthcare but also supports the evolving paradigms of personal, preventive, and predictive care. With the Indian telemedicine market projected to reach $5.4 billion by 2025, the sector is expected to grow at an impressive CAGR of 31%.
Affordable Healthcare Initiatives To meet the increasing demand for affordable healthcare, innovative solutions like Hitachi's M-Star Telemed™ Platform are being deployed. This secure centralized patient repository allows healthcare professionals to deliver continuous care while maintaining patient confidentiality. The platform supports a 360-degree care approach, enabling patients to access medical records, schedule appointments, and receive notifications, while doctors benefit from easy access to patient information.
The Future of Rajneesh Wellness With 156 wellness stores currently in operation and an additional 270 stores granted by Eastern Railway, Rajneesh Wellness is poised to become a market leader in the eastern sector. Once these new stores are operational, Rajneesh Wellness will boast a total of 426 stores, surpassing competitors and establishing itself as the third-largest pharmacy chain in India.
In summary, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is on a trajectory of unprecedented growth, driven by innovative practices, strategic government initiatives, and a strong commitment to accessible healthcare. Rajneesh Wellness stands at the forefront of this evolution, paving the way for a healthier future for millions of patients across the country.
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aisharoy16 · 3 months
Gaming Addiction and Mental Health: Addressing the Challenges in China
The Chinese gaming industry is a powerhouse, rapidly expanding with advancements in technology, captivating game designs, and a growing base of dedicated gamers. However, as the industry flourishes, so does the concern over gaming addiction and its impact on mental health. Addressing these challenges has become paramount for the sustainable growth of the gaming industry in China.
The Rise of Gaming Addiction
In recent years, China has witnessed a significant increase in the number of gamers, particularly among the younger population. The allure of immersive gameplay, social interaction, and the thrill of competition has led many to spend excessive amounts of time gaming. According to a report by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), over 500 million people in China engage in online gaming, with a significant portion at risk of developing addictive behaviors.
Gaming addiction, recognized by the World Health Organization as "gaming disorder," is characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite negative consequences. This disorder can lead to severe mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and social isolation.
The Impact on Mental Health
The mental health repercussions of gaming addiction are profound. Prolonged gaming sessions can result in sleep deprivation, poor academic or work performance, and strained relationships. The virtual world becomes a refuge, leading to withdrawal from real-life social interactions and responsibilities.
Studies have shown that gaming addiction can also exacerbate pre-existing mental health conditions. Individuals with anxiety or depression may turn to gaming as a coping mechanism, creating a vicious cycle that worsens their overall mental well-being. The sense of achievement and social validation obtained in games can become addictive, making it challenging for individuals to disengage and seek help.
Government and Industry Responses
Recognizing the growing concern, the Chinese government has implemented several measures to combat gaming addiction. In 2019, the National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA) introduced regulations limiting the amount of time minors can spend on online games to 90 minutes on weekdays and three hours on weekends and holidays. Additionally, a curfew was imposed, prohibiting gaming between 10 PM and 8 AM for those under 18.
Furthermore, real-name registration systems have been mandated to enforce these restrictions effectively. These measures aim to curb excessive gaming among minors and promote a healthier gaming environment.
The Role of Game Developers
Game developers also play a crucial role in addressing gaming addiction. Leading companies like Tencent and NetEase have implemented features such as in-game reminders, playtime limits, and parental controls to help manage gaming habits. These initiatives are designed to encourage responsible gaming and prevent the onset of addictive behaviors.
In addition to technical solutions, developers are increasingly incorporating educational content and promoting positive in-game behaviors. By fostering a culture of healthy gaming, the industry can contribute to the well-being of its players.
Mental Health Support and Awareness
Raising awareness about the risks of gaming addiction and the importance of mental health is vital. Schools, parents, and healthcare providers must work together to educate young people about responsible gaming practices and the signs of addiction. Early intervention and support can prevent the escalation of gaming-related mental health issues.
Mental health services should be readily accessible to those in need. Counseling, support groups, and helplines can provide essential assistance to individuals struggling with gaming addiction. Integrating mental health resources within the gaming community, such as offering in-game support or partnerships with mental health organizations, can also make it easier for gamers to seek help.
A Balanced Approach
While gaming addiction is a serious concern, it is important to recognize the positive aspects of gaming. Games can enhance cognitive skills, foster social connections, and provide entertainment and relaxation. A balanced approach that promotes responsible gaming while addressing the risks of addiction is essential for the industry's long-term sustainability.
By continuing to innovate and implement measures that prioritize the mental health of players, the Chinese gaming industry can set a global standard for responsible gaming. As stakeholders in this dynamic sector, it is our collective responsibility to ensure that the virtual worlds we create contribute positively to the lives of our players.
The challenges of gaming addiction and mental health in China are complex and multifaceted. Through concerted efforts by the government, industry, and community, we can mitigate the risks and foster a healthier gaming environment. At Niko Partners, we are committed to providing insights and advocating for strategies that support the well-being of gamers and the sustainable growth of the gaming industry in China. Together, we can create a future where gaming remains a source of joy and enrichment for all.
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novumtimes · 4 months
China approves third batch of imported games in 2024, includes Tencent’s mobile version of Valorant · TechNode
China’s National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA) on Wednesday announced the approval of the third batch this year of imported game licenses. This batch includes 11 mobile games, one PC-end game, and three console games (for PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch). Notably, Black Desert, Daemon X Machina, and Valorant, three titles acquired by Tencent Games, have been approved. In…
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theshillongtimes · 4 months
Govt slashes prices of 41 medicines
New Delhi, May 16: The government has reduced the prices of 41 commonly used medicines and six formulations used to treat diseases such as diabetes, heart and liver ailments.
Antacids, multivitamins, and antibiotics are among the medicines that will become cheaper, according to a notification issued by the Department of Pharmaceuticals and National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA).
The pharma companies have been instructed to pass on the information on the reduced price of various medicines to dealers and stockists with immediate effect.
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tomaspinall · 5 months
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do you need a vpn for your xbox in china
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do you need a vpn for your xbox in china
Xbox VPN benefits in China
Title: Unlocking Gaming Potential: The Benefits of Using a VPN for Xbox in China
In China, where internet restrictions can limit access to various online platforms, including gaming networks, utilizing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for Xbox can significantly enhance the gaming experience. Here are the key benefits:
Overcoming Geo-Restrictions: Chinese gamers often face limitations accessing international gaming servers due to geo-blocking. By connecting to a VPN server outside China, Xbox users can bypass these restrictions and access a wider range of gaming options, including multiplayer modes and exclusive content available in other regions.
Reduced Lag and Ping Times: VPNs can optimize network routes, leading to reduced latency and improved ping times. This is particularly beneficial for online gaming, where split-second reactions can determine success or failure. By connecting to VPN servers with better infrastructure, Chinese gamers can enjoy smoother gameplay and competitive advantage.
Enhanced Privacy and Security: China’s stringent internet regulations may compromise user privacy and expose gamers to potential security risks. VPNs encrypt internet traffic, shielding it from prying eyes and protecting personal information from cyber threats. This added layer of security is crucial for safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring a safer gaming environment.
Access to Global Content Libraries: With a VPN, Xbox users in China can access content libraries from regions with more extensive collections of games, demos, and downloadable content. This opens up a world of gaming possibilities, allowing players to explore diverse genres and titles not readily available in the Chinese market.
Avoiding Bandwidth Throttling: Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in China often throttle bandwidth for certain online activities, including gaming, especially during peak hours. By masking their online activity with a VPN, gamers can evade throttling measures and maintain consistent connection speeds for uninterrupted gameplay.
In conclusion, using a VPN for Xbox in China offers numerous advantages, from bypassing geo-restrictions and reducing lag to enhancing privacy and accessing a broader range of gaming content. By leveraging VPN technology, Chinese gamers can unlock their gaming potential and enjoy a more fulfilling Xbox experience.
Gaming restrictions in China
In recent years, China has implemented strict regulations on the gaming industry, affecting both developers and players alike. These restrictions stem from concerns about gaming addiction among the youth population and the potential negative impact on their physical and mental health.
One of the significant measures introduced is the limitation on the amount of time minors can spend playing online games. In 2019, the National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA) imposed a curfew restricting gamers under the age of 18 to only 90 minutes of gaming per day on weekdays and three hours on weekends and holidays. Moreover, gaming sessions are only permitted between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM, and gaming companies are required to implement real-name registration systems to enforce these limits.
Furthermore, China has been stringent in regulating the content of video games, particularly those that contain violence, gambling, or other sensitive themes. Games that fail to meet the government's guidelines may face censorship or outright bans, impacting developers' ability to release their products in the Chinese market.
Additionally, China has taken steps to address the issue of gaming addiction through education and intervention programs. Schools and parents are encouraged to educate children about the potential risks of excessive gaming and promote healthier recreational activities.
Despite these restrictions, the gaming industry in China continues to thrive, albeit with certain limitations and challenges. Developers are adapting their strategies to comply with regulations while still catering to the vast gaming market in the country.
In conclusion, gaming restrictions in China reflect the government's efforts to mitigate the perceived negative effects of excessive gaming on its youth population. While these measures may pose challenges for developers and gamers, they aim to promote a healthier gaming environment and safeguard the well-being of young individuals.
Xbox online security
Xbox Online Security: Safeguarding Your Gaming Experience
Xbox is a popular gaming console that connects millions of gamers worldwide through its online platform. With the increasing number of online users, ensuring the security of the Xbox network has become crucial to protect gamers from potential threats. Xbox online security measures are in place to safeguard users' personal information, financial data, and gaming experience.
One of the key security features of Xbox is account protection. Users are encouraged to set up strong and unique passwords to prevent unauthorized access to their accounts. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to verify their identity through a secondary device or code. This helps to thwart hackers attempting to compromise accounts.
Another important aspect of Xbox online security is data encryption. When users engage in online gaming or transactions, their data is encrypted to prevent interception by cybercriminals. This encryption technology scrambles data so that only authorized parties can access and decipher it, keeping sensitive information secure.
Xbox also regularly updates its security protocols to address new and evolving threats. These updates include patches to fix vulnerabilities, as well as enhancements to strengthen the overall security framework. By staying proactive and vigilant, Xbox aims to stay one step ahead of cyber threats and provide a safe gaming environment for its users.
In conclusion, Xbox prioritizes online security to protect its users and maintain the integrity of its gaming platform. By implementing robust security measures such as account protection, data encryption, and regular updates, Xbox aims to create a secure and enjoyable gaming experience for all players.
VPN advantages for gaming
A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, offers a plethora of advantages for gamers looking to enhance their gaming experience. By utilizing a VPN for gaming purposes, players can enjoy numerous benefits that contribute to improved performance, security, and overall gameplay.
One of the key advantages of using a VPN for gaming is the ability to bypass region restrictions. Many game developers implement regional restrictions on certain game content, preventing players from accessing specific features or game servers based on their geographical location. With a VPN, gamers can easily connect to servers in different regions, allowing them to access restricted content and play with friends from around the world.
Moreover, a VPN enhances online security by encrypting the user's internet connection and masking their IP address. This not only protects gamers from DDoS attacks and cyber threats but also helps in safeguarding personal information and preventing potential privacy breaches while gaming online.
Additionally, using a VPN can reduce latency and improve connection speeds while gaming. By connecting to VPN servers closer to game servers, players can experience lower ping times, minimized lag, and smoother gameplay overall, especially when playing competitive online games that require quick responsiveness.
Furthermore, VPNs offer an added layer of protection against bandwidth throttling imposed by internet service providers (ISPs). By concealing internet traffic, VPNs prevent ISPs from monitoring and restricting bandwidth, ensuring that gamers can enjoy consistent speeds and uninterrupted gameplay sessions.
In conclusion, the advantages of using a VPN for gaming are significant, ranging from improved security and privacy to enhanced access to restricted content and optimized connection speeds. By incorporating a VPN into their gaming setup, players can elevate their gaming experience and enjoy a more seamless and enjoyable gameplay environment.
Xbox geo-blocking workaround
Xbox geo-blocking is a common issue that many gamers face when trying to access games or content that are restricted to certain regions. Geo-blocking is a practice used by companies to limit access to their services based on the user's geographical location. This can be frustrating for gamers who want to play specific games or access certain features that are not available in their region.
Fortunately, there are workarounds that can help gamers bypass Xbox geo-blocking restrictions. One popular method is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN allows users to connect to servers in different locations, effectively masking their actual location and allowing them to access content that may be geo-blocked in their region. By using a VPN, gamers can trick the Xbox servers into thinking they are located in a different region, thus gaining access to restricted games and content.
Another workaround is to change the region settings on the Xbox console itself. By switching the region settings to a location where the desired content is available, gamers may be able to access geo-blocked games and features. However, it is important to note that changing region settings may have other implications, such as currency and language settings.
While these workarounds can help gamers bypass Xbox geo-blocking restrictions, it is essential to remember that circumventing geo-blocking measures may violate Xbox's terms of service. Users should proceed with caution and be aware of the potential risks involved in using such methods to access restricted content. Ultimately, understanding the reasons behind geo-blocking and exploring legitimate alternatives is crucial in navigating these restrictions while respecting the rules and regulations set by Xbox.
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7997750902 · 6 months
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Impact of Rise in Essential Drug Prices in India
By order of the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), essential drug categories like antibiotics and pain killers have registered a marginal hike of 0.00551% from April 1, 2024.
Catch the full story here: https://goo.su/Umn6Cjq
By Hridkamal Roy, Editor, #IndiaPharmaOutlook
#Healthcare #UCPMP #medicalcommunity #scheduleddrugformulations #NPPA#pharmaceuticalmanufacturers
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mwolff7 · 6 months
Mike Riley - AI Toolbox and Guest Lecture at AI
Undermining the Public's Trust
AI Imagery such as deepfakes, I firmly believe both undermine the public's trust and also take credibility away from the public's trust. Based on many of the journalistic integrity principles I have learned from throughout my time at Elon. Though tools such as data wrapper and diagram.io will be extremely beneficial for people in newsrooms who are data, enterprise, and investigative centric, I feel, as the Associated Press says that 20% (in my opinion preferably more) should be done by humans.
Best Practices Going Forward for Regulating Artificial Intelligence
With over approximately 2,000 new AI tools and platforms come out on a monthly basis, to me it seems that there is no possible way that 1 individual, government or regulatory organization could possibly be able to keep up with and keep track of what is good or bad from a utilitarianism perspective.
_____________________________________________________________ CLASS NOTES
80: 80% of process can be automated 
20: 20% requires hand done fact checking 
AI: A Journalists Approach 
Traget repetitive tasks 
AI Tools the bad:
easier to create misinformation and disinformation 
Where is my data going? 
Ai=I Transcription tools and concerns 
Terms of Service: allows the company to take and use the data 
Otter, benefits and drawback of transcribing and logging by hand.
Generated AI: Biases 
ask to write a love story and it will write a hetero based love story 
Asked Stable diffusion to create a picture of an inmate output: is a 
Where copyrights stand 
Any works using AI may be copyrighted given that the content, piece includes human 
March 15, 2023: Copyright law decision
Copyright Laws of Concern
Fair Use 
allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism comment, news reporting, etc 
MidJourney V6 has cleaned up “tells” on fake images
Discolosing AI Use to Audience 
when of you tell readers that you used Ai to produce something? 
Do you feel readers and audience that you spell checked something? 
Ethics Guidelines from SPJ NPPA, PRSA, TrustingNews.com 
Using the term art director when published to the public in disclosing AI USE 
Best Practices to Achieve Results and Outputs for Journalistic Settings
How would you like the AI to respond/what you’d want 
Tell the software how to treat me or the data enterer 
Using AI to find databases, with reliable online links? 
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Hemingway App (cleans up grammar for writing and journalism: software to give you editing scores and to help you write? 
AI and Plagarism detection 
summarize.tech : will sumarize longer-form youtube videos 
Deep dream generator 
Struggle with verification of official data and statistics, specifically user when user error in inputs.  
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lastscenecom · 6 months
全米報道写真家協会 (NPPA) などの業界の専門組織は、ニュース写真が真実であることを保証する厳格な編集ガイドラインを設けています。 同様に、ゲッティイメージズやAP通信などの大手代理店も独自の同様の基準を設けています。 ほとんどの人は、これらの基準がどれほど厳しいかを理解していません。カラーバランスの修正や小さなトリミングなどの単純な手順を超える画像の編集は基本的に禁止されています。 写真の選択的な編集、画像からの何かの削除、さらには画像の重要な部分を削除するトリミングは固く禁じられています。
ケイト・ミドルトンの加工された写真は、もっと深刻な何かの兆候である | トーマス・スミス著 | ジェネレーター | 2024 年 3 月 | 中くらい
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chicosanchez · 9 months
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Durante 7 años colaboré como fotógrafo periodista en medios de comunicación y agencias de noticias internacionales como Reuters, EFE o EPA, por mencionar las más importantes. En estos años gané seis premios internacionales de lo mejor del fotoperiodismo o Best of Photojournalism (BOP) que otorga la Asociación Nacional de Fotógrafos de Estados Unidos o National Press Photographers Association (NPPA). Después de estos años inicié una carrera en la cual realicé seis libros de fotografía y escribí nueve libros. Si quieres conocer mis experiencias y enseñanzas en aquellos años te invito a adquirir mis libros en: https://chicosanchez.com
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tmagder · 9 months
New Chinese Gaming Rules Cause a Stir
Just before the end of 2023, the Chinese National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA) announced new rules to reduce playing time on video games for those under the age of eighteen. Then, just a day or two into 2024, the head of the NPPA was removed from office, and the fate of the new regulations is now unclear.
According to the Wall Street Journal, leading gaming companies like Tencent and NetEase were caught off-guard by the announcement and the shock-effect led to a massive sell-off in both companies' public shares. In one day, Tencent’s shares dropped 12% and the company lost $45 billion in value. NetEase, with more of its revenue reliant on video games than Tencent, saw shares drop by 25%.  
The gaming market in China has always been subject to the whims of government regulation. In 2019, minors - those under eighteen - were limited to no more than 90 minutes playing time during weekdays; in 2021 there was a months-long ban on issuing licenses for new games; lasted for months; later than year a new rule declared that minors could not play video games at all from Monday to Thursday, and would be allowed only three hours of game-time from Friday to Sunday. (It’s worth noting too that China only lifted its ban on gaming consoles like PlayStation in 2015). 
Even with the regulated limits on playing time for minors and the on-and-off licensing cycle, China remains the second biggest market by revenue in the world, according to Statista, just behind the US.
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Statista, Video Gaming Worldwide, p. 8
But, at the same time, according to Insider Intelligence, the number of digital gamers has actually declined in the last two years.
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Tencent and Netease both look to global markets to satisfy their business models. Tencent in particular, has made strategic investments in a number of foreign gaming companies, among them Riot Games (which it owns), and major stakes in Epic, Remedy and Ubisoft. That kind of diversification might give Tencent some protection from the whims of Chinese regulators. As Michelle Liu, Tencent’s CEO of Global Games, told GameIndustry a year ago: "Now, more and more, we aim to have more expertise, accumulate new capabilities for the overseas market."... "We want to build up our publishing system, not only in China's domestic market, but all over the world. That helps developers to engage the end user closely and efficiently. That's the direction that we want to [take]."  (400 words).
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