#nsfs patton sanders
rookscastle · 3 months
we all know roman likes having his hair pulled so now imagine this. patton and roman watching a movie on the living room. roman is lying down with his head on patton's lap, and patton's running his fingers through his hair. every once in a while, he'll pull a little, just to tease. he'll ask roman what's wrong any time a whimper slips out of him, and act as if nothing's happened. by the end of the movie, roman's a complete, blushing mess, and patton has to sink them out to his room to take care of him.
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vulgarvixxen · 1 year
Roman being a birthday whore
Tw: drugs, alcohol, suggestive drinks, sex, crying(the happy kind but it’s there), drunk/tipsy sex, orgy
It was his birthday and Roman had been invited to a concert by his twin who knew how much he wanted to see this new band but was too nervous to go alone.
The band had a masquerade theme, each member wearing a mask that hid half their face. The lead singer Emotions had a cat mask with light blue details, Logic wore a raven mask with indigo and dark blue highlights against the black feather and played the keyboard. The bassist, Anxiety, wore a mask that covered the bottom of his face in a creepy spider mouth in a deep purple, the drummer, who went by Deceit, had a snake tattoo on the left side of his face and a yellow and gold snake mask on his right half. They were really cool and their music was a mix of seductive melodies with thought provoking lyrics that got Roman’s creative side flowing.
Remus brought “Birthday Queen” and “Birthday Bitch” sashes for them to wear, they were corny but in the fun way that his brother could be when he wasn’t being a gore gremlin from work. (Being head of the special effects team for horror movies really warps one’s humor.) The club was more underground and you had to “know a guy” to get in, which both twins did but Roman had never taken advantage of the fact. Being a costume designer and inspiring actor didn’t leave him a lot of time to make friends let alone friends you’d take to a club that had a grungy “IDGAF” vibe and catered to mainly behind the scenes clientele.
The outside was a boring looking concrete structure and inside it stayed mostly concrete, the walls were graffitied in mixed of color that popped out in 3-D designs where the black lights hit them. And the floors were a checkerboard of colored concrete covered in epoxy, glitter and confetti that seemed to be mixed in or just stuck between layers. It was grungy and beautiful, Roman was blown away and so grateful that his brother brought him here at last!
When a bartender wearing shades saw Remus they waved the twins over, “Hey Babe, I got you those passes you wanted. Two VIPs and two drink bracelets, your sweet birthday asses get to meet the band and all your drinks are free.” They explained, clipping on a neon pink bracelet, reminiscent of old hospital bracelets, onto each of their wrists. Remus gave them one of his happy feral grins, “You’re the best, Remy! I’d blow you right now if you weren’t on the clock.” To that “Remy” got a devilish grin of their own, “Speaking of blow jobs, let’s start you cuties off with a bj shot.”
The drink was made with some kind of coffee liqueur that smelled way too good to be cheap, Irish cream, and a healthy squirt of whipped cream. One of the shots was topped with edible gold and the other with edible rainbow glitter, Remus pulled the shots closer to the edge of the bar, taking the gold one for himself and putting the rainbow one in front of Roman. “There’s rules for this drink Ro-bro, no hands allowed, you have to knock it back with your mouth alone.” And to show what he means, Remus leans forward and wraps his lips around the glass rising up to throw the shot back. The chaos twin winks at Remy as he sets the shot glass back down without touching it, Remy looked like he was not at all impressed but that could have been his neutral face. Taking a stance so he won’t fall over, Roman put his hands behind his back and tried to copy what his brother did. It wasn’t perfect but he was able to get his mouth around his shot eventually, the taste of sweet coffee pours over his tongue and he finds it covers any alcohol flavor. He can’t quite put it down like Remus so once the glass is empty he uses his hand to put it on the bar, “That was really good, thanks Remy.” Remy smiled at him, “No problem, Babe, go have a fun birthday.”
The first hour was full of local bands playing a song or two, never staying for long before the next one came one, most of them weren’t Roman’s taste but a few didn’t sound half bad. They ended up buying a shirt from a three person band that was called Rainbow Panic and reminded him of LaPeer, the girls all wore different pride buttons and looked pretty young to be already so talented. They asked the girls to autograph the shirts. Between bands they got more drinks and mingled with some of the regulars that Remus seemed to know, it was really feeling like a party by the time the main act, the reason they were there, The Guise!
Conversation quieted to barely a whisper as the band started playing their song ‘Façade’, a song about feeling like an imposter in your own life. It was one of Roman’s favorites and the reason he had sought out more of their music, he was mouthing along with it as he let it flow through him. He couldn’t be sure but it looked like Anxiety noticed because he was giving their table more glances than the rest…could just be the silly birthday get up though. The second on the playlist was another great song, probably their most popular, ‘Subterfuge’. This one was about how we’re lied to from childhood and how telling the truth is more deceptive in this day and age. The story is cool but the lyrics are so clever by using words with double meanings. The next few in the list are ‘Parody’, ‘Veneer, and ‘Strike A Pose’, each one was pretty good and Roman knew all the words still but he wasn’t in love with them like the first two. The last before the break was Roman’s current favorite, ‘Reproduce’, it was about how being creative could feel like making love or being screwed. It was both relatable and really sexy, Emotions and Deceit shared the microphone for this one and it did things to his insides.
The break saw Remus getting them some pretzels while Roman kept watch of their drinks, the line at the bar was long so he wasn’t expecting his brother for a while. So when someone sat next to him Roman was rightfully surprised, the guy was wearing a purple hoodie that hid most of his face in shadow that set him on edge. “Uh sorry, just wanted to say happy birthday. Hope it’s a good one.” And just as quickly as he arrived the hooded mystery man was gone back into the crowd.
Remus thankful got back in time for the last small band to still be playing and Ro could tell him everything about the mystery guy, “Ooh, sounds like you could end up having a happy ending to your happy birthday. Lucky.” Re teased, knowing that Roman wasn’t one to typically have one night stands. They ate their snack and clapped with the rest of the room when The Guise came back for their final half. ‘Four-Flush’ about a lover cheating, ‘Assume’ about assuming a persona and the assumptions made because of that persona, ‘Jubilee’ celebrating a success by aiming higher, ‘Holy Revelry’ a newer song about embracing your flaws because it makes you human, and lastly the song that cemented their popularity, ‘Masquerade’, all about coming out of the closet and facing the “red death” of being disowned. The queer community in Hollywood had fallen in love with the pure emotion that Emotion put into it, it had made Roman cry the first few times he heard it.
The show wraps up with Emotions and Deceit thanking the audience and a club worker saying that the live music for the night was over and that a DJ would be playing the rest of the night. This was when Remus nudged him and waved their VIP passes at him, “Let’s go meet the band Ro-bro!” Oh right, they had those, he had forgotten. O-M-G he was going to meet the Guise, this was the best birthday ever! Going to the door that the band went through was nerve wracking, the bouncers were super nice though and knew Re so that was comforting. In the back there was an area or closed doors probably for dressing rooms and a curtain that the bouncers had pointed them to. Behind it was the band sitting on various furniture, chilling and out of some of the more restrictive parts of their costumes. The smell of weed tickled Roman’s nose and he noticed Deceit and Logic passing a thin joint between them, Emotions was drinking a bright pink concoction that almost hurt to look at, and Anxiety was sitting on the arm of a chair wearing a familiar hoodie and fiddling with his mask.
“Hiya, you guys rock. I can see why my bro here is a huge fan.” Remus says as a way of announcing their arrival. Anxiety jolts from his task and Roman can see his eyes widen, that was the mysterious stranger! Emotions waves at them, “Hi, nice to have you here and also happy birthday!” His talking voice is higher but just as soothing to hear, it distracts Roman from his mini heart-attack realization. Remus shoves Roman onto an unoccupied couch and sits next to him, “Thanks, sorry if Roman stays quiet for a hot second, normally he’s a real talker but he’s all star struck. Give him a minute and he’ll probably have a good story about some celebrity he fitted for some movie or whatever.” Roman blushes at the mention of his work, he always forgot that he technically was around stars all the time.
Logic asks if Remus has any stories of his own, the gremlin talks about meeting the lead lady of horror herself Sigourney Weaver when he worked on the newest Halloween movie. That got Roman to speak up a little and add the part Remus had purposely left out, it was purposely because Remus would never forget a part of that story. The conversation started picking up from there and soon Roman didn’t notice Remus leaving with Remy after a drink drop-off. He did however notice when the guys started to take off their masks.
Logic and Emotions had the easiest to get off and they both switched out contacts for very similar glasses, Logic with black and Emotions with a sky blue. Anxiety had followed with his spider mask and put it in a bag by his chair, he put in a set of spider bites that shone a rainbow of colors. Deceit was the last to uncover his full face but he didn’t add anything, actually he removed something, his tattoo! It had apparently been a temporary one he used to obscure his identity. But now Roman had a new problem, they each were very pretty and giving him a lot of attention.
“You know,” Deceit purrs, “We were going to go out and unwind, you should come with us.” Emotions nods enthusiastically, causing Deceit to chuckle. Logic chimes in next, “I’m sure if you let your brother know that it won’t be a problem, he seems like the protective sort.” Roman nods, Remus had always been his physical protector while Roman stood up for Remus during conflicts of feelings. It was just how they balanced each other out. “Be sure to share your location too, safety and all that.” Anxiety adds. Could he? Should he? This was every real life horror story beginning but it’s not like he was stupid enough to not already know to share his location, not that he needed to with the twins having “track my phone” for each other. “I mean, I’d like that. Re would probably say I need to be more adventurous anyway…” he was already pulling out his phone and sending the texts.
After some late night greasy hole in the wall food the band takes him along to a coffee shop that was pretty close to his own apartment, he didn’t say anything but they all knew the menu so they must come often. It’s there he sees the signs that the guys are partners in more than just the band. Emotions is a touchy person so seeing him hang onto the others doesn’t register at first but then he kisses Deceit and that tracked, the duets had so much heat in them not to be from actual feelings. But then he kisses Logic and calls him Logie, it’s too sweet to be a nickname based on his persona so it must be from Logic’s real name. Next was Anxiety snuggling his face into Deceit’s neck, the act screamed “lovers”. So when Roman caught smaller hints it became obvious that the band was a polycule.
Emotions giggly held his hand as the group went to the apartment complex just around the block from his own, Anxiety was close enough to his other side that they bumped shoulders in a way that felt intentional. Logic led the way with Deceit bringing up the rear, Roman felt safe instead of crowded like he would have normally. Inside their place was extremely homey, lived in and filled with love, it reminds Roman of sharing a dorm with his brother and Emile in college. “I’m grabbing beers, requests?” Anxiety asks, heading to what was likely the kitchen. Logic asked for his “usual” and Emotions called for a “dark”, what’s brought in is some local brew, two light beers and two lagers. “I didn’t know what you liked so I grabbed extras of their stuff, but um, I could get you water if you want.” Anxiety offers. It was really nice of him but Roman was in the mood for a normal beer after all those mixed drinks. “Beer sounds good to me, thanks.”
After a few beers they accidentally let slip their names, Patton, Logan, Virgil, and Janus. Roman now had a lap full of Patton, the guy was playing with Roman’s sash and humming. The others were all talking quietly as not to disturb Pat’s bubble of sound, it was a surprise when suddenly there was a pair of lips kissing his neck. He must of made a noise because the other three had stopped talking, he should be stopping Pat, those were Patton’s partners and the poor guy probably was drunk enough to think he was one of them! He was going to say something when Janus chuckled, “Of course our dear Emotions would be the first to make a move.” With the silence broken Virgil adds in quickly, “You can say no, he won’t be upset, we won’t be upset. This is all so sudden and all.” Logan seems to agree with how he nods and puts a hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
“W-what if I don’t want to say no?” Roman stutters, face burning. “Please.” Patton has quit giving him hickeys to give him the sexiest pair of puppy eyes. That was just unfair. Heart hammering Roman kisses those pouting lips, the next bit is a blur but eventually the five of them are in a bedroom with a California King with far less clothes on then they had on in the living room. Patton was kissing his neck again and Virgil had claimed his lips, he could see Logan or Janus but he could feel their hands all over him. Someone was taking off his pants but he couldn’t care less who, Virgil had just made the hottest whine into his mouth and he was kinda more focused on that. Whoever was taking pants off had done the same for Patton and making rounds, Virgil was rutting his hard-on onto Roman’s own. Patton switching places with Logan and slicked fingers entered him, “Good boy, so relaxed and willing to be filled” Janus hummed the praise from close by, Roman whimpered into Virgil’s kiss.
Logan had three fingers fully inside Roman when he pulled out, they were almost immediately replaced by Virgil’s dick. Roman figured it was him from the piercing and the way Virgil sighed at the same time he was filled. The pace started slow and built up, moans were mixed with praise and kisses from the others to both of them. All too soon Virgil had finished, pulling out quickly and falling into Janus’s waiting arms. “Aww, was our spiderling that pent up that he couldn’t even make it to our guest’s first time?” It was teasing but the tone made it sound like this was normal, Virgil was just like that.
Now Patton was back in front of him and had a happy grin on his cherub face, “Ro-Ro! It’s my turn, do you want my dick or my mouth?” Roman had always been more a bottom and when it came to oral he much preferred giving than receiving, “Your dick, please.” He answered, though quietly like he wasn’t already in their bed. “Aww, no need to be coy! You’re being so good using your words, you’re a very good boy.” God, Roman didn’t know why that pet name was affecting him more than ever before, was it because of who was saying it or how they said it like it was true? He couldn’t think about it long as Patton pushed in and Roman had to keep himself from screaming in pleasure. Emotions not only had a big heart but also a huge cock, thickening as it went and it just kept going! Logan rubbed one of his hips, helping him relax again and take more.
The pace Patton set was slow, he didn’t build up like Virgil had but kept perfect rhythm as he pushed deeper each time in. As this was going on Logan had moved on to just as slowly jacking Roman off, slick fingers playing with him like they had all the time in the world. When Virgil came back into the mix it was to litter his neck in soft kisses, from what Roman could see Janus was buried in Virgil and watching as the others played their parts. Something about that seemed so romantic and loving, so private that the blush on his cheeks traveled down to his chest. Looking at Logan or Patton didn’t help, they were looking at him like something precious. He spilled over Logan’s hand with a sob, Janus and Logan coo over him thinking it was just the orgasm but he couldn’t remember the last time he felt so loved. Patton came a few thrusts later, praise and “love you”s spilling out of him like a salve on a burn.
Janus and Logan kept up the coos as Patton and Virgil cuddled, dozing in and out as they watched for now. He was lubed up again by Logan as Janus took to kissing him, deeply and hotly. He didn’t notice when they started frotting but he was very aware when Logan entered him, the pace set was in sync with him and Janus. “You have been very good, Roman. Never impatient or demanding, you were even going to remind Patton that he wasn’t kissing one of us. So honest and humble, such a good boy.” Logan whispers into his ear, it has him whimpering into the kiss again and praying he isn’t crying. Janus breaks the kiss to add his own whispers, “Virgie showed you his face but you didn’t call him out backstage, you didn’t accuse me of being fake because of the tattoo either. How are you just so lovely, hmm? You could brag about working on movie sets but you got awe-struck by us, how did we go so lucky?” Roman is definitely close to tears now, hiding his face into Janus’s shoulder to hide his wet eyes and just bask in the moment.
Logan picks up his thrusts and ends up cumming next, not that Roman and Janus are far behind. Roman is pampered with kisses and more praises as the revived Patton gets washcloths to clean up with and Virgil has water bottles at the ready. Like outside Roman is in the middle of the group as they all settle down into a calm, he’s pretty sure Patton will be asleep soon and the rest of them are not going to last long either. He wonders as he starts to drift off if this will just be for tonight and he’ll have to treasure this night or if maybe, just maybe he has a chance to be part of this relationship.
In the morning he has several texts from Remus saying he was also going out, that he was staying with Remy, don’t wait up ;). Logan is awake and in the living room as Roman heads for the door, “Roman, a moment please.” He’s not sure what to expect from this, maybe a warning to keep quiet about their identities or not to contact them again, what he doesn’t think will happen is Logan adding his number to Roman’s phone or a promise of sending the rest of their numbers later in the day. “We normally date a new person first before taking them to bed but last night was an exception. I hope you will accept the offer.” The kiss goodbye was gentle and warm and Roman can’t help but smile all the way home.
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webplayanalogical · 24 days
imagines patton getting so horny and hard that he fuckin collapses in a heap on the floor. is this. is this anything
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allabtnsfw · 1 month
Any sander sides nsfw discord servers I can join?? I can’t find any and I’d rlly love to join some 🙏
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pxppetafterhours · 1 year
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What if I draw moceit? What then?
I can't get them off my mind since rewatching
Jan strikes me as the type to be into overstim and slightly demeaning praise, what better victim than a softie like Patton who gets overstimulated so easily it's humorous
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bottomloganagenda · 1 year
I need to get over my writers block! Send me some smutty prompts/kinks and a ship (of two or three Sides) and I may write it
What I will write
Most things,( but I'll let you know if I'm uncomfortable with something or just can't, so I may just say I can't or won't Incase I just didn't know about or forgot to include something in my will not write list)
Any combo of sides
What I won't write
Top Logan
Watersports (or anything similar)
Feet stuff
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Love Potion- Logicality
I’m not dead!! This fic should not have taken as long as it did for how short it is but oh well I’m a busy little college student. Here’s the second live potion fic this time featuring logicality. enjoy!
Trigger warning: Like the last one, this fic features a love/horny potion so there’s dubious consent in this
After a long day in the mindscape, Logan liked to wind down with a relaxing cup of chamomile tea. Unfortunately, as with most days, Roman ruined his peace of mind. While the creative side wasn’t there annoying him physically, he had left an unlabelled jar containing a bright pink liquid right in the way of the kettle. Logan sighed. Not only was he cluttering the kitchen with some nonsense undoubtedly from the imagination, but it was in the way of his end-of-day tea. Sure, it was petty, but he had had a long day and needed that tea before he snapped someone’s neck.
As he grabbed the jar by its lid, attempting to move it to Roman’s seat at the table so he would remember to take it back to his room, the lid immediately came loose, causing the jar to shatter on the floor, coating Logan in the strange liquid.
He let out a series of colorful swears as Virgil, who had been watching The Office on the couch, sprinted into the room. Logan barely spared him a glance, instead looking at his now stained clothes and still cursing Roman.
“Logan! What the hell happened? Are you okay?” Virgil asked, scrambling to guide him away from the danger of the glass shards.
“Your irresponsible, infuriating boyfriend happened,” Logan grumbled, “Roman left a jar on the counter and when I went to move it to make some tea, the lid came loose because apparently your dope of a boyfriend can’t screw lids on properly. Whatever was in the jar spilled all over me and the jar itself shattered.”
Virgil hummed as he carefully cleaned up the shards and Logan stood to grab paper towels to dry the puddles on his shirt and pants. Sitting at the table, he dabbed at the stains before he noticed Virgil’s breath begin to quicken as he mumbled worriedly about the unknown liquid that had now come in contact with both of their skin.
Sensing the oncoming panic attack, Logan put a comforting hand on his shoulder and reassured him. “Virgil, breathe,” he instructed. “Roman may be a moron, but I highly doubt he would leave out something potentially dangerous. That being said, I advise we both wash ourselves well to ensure whatever this substance was is no longer on our skin. It would also be wise for us to look for any out of the ordinary symptoms just to be safe, and if you happen to run into Roman, please inquire about this peculiar liquid.” Logan stood from where he was seated and walked toward the kitchen’s exit, intending to rid himself of the leftover, now sticky remnants of the spilled liquid, before stopping in the doorway.
“Oh, and if you do see him? Hit him over the head for me.”
By the time Logan arrived at his room, his vision had gotten slightly blurry. He cleaned his glasses and rubbed his eyes, but the cloudiness did not go away. In fact, it seemed to spread to his brain which was slowly beginning to feel like it was being stuffed with cotton. In the back of his mind, he pondered if this was an effect of the jar Roman had left out and briefly thought about telling Virgil, but those thoughts were quickly banished from his mind as retaining any coherent thought became much harder. The only thing he could process was how tingly and warm his skin felt and how desperately he needed to be touched.
Eyebrows furrowed at the development, he left his room, not remembering why he went there in the first place, especially when he could be spending time with his boyfriend instead. Without a second thought, or really any thought at all, Logan made his way to Patton’s room.
He didn’t even knock before opening the door to see his gorgeous boyfriend already undressing. His pants were still on but he was shirtless, his chubby stomach on display making Logan feel even hotter. The sound of his door opening caught Patton off guard and he turned around to face the noise.
“Oh! Logan! I wasn’t expecting to see you here so soon; I thought you were getting your nightly tea first. I didn’t even get the chance to put on the pretty new lingerie I got,” he smiled brightly.
“Couldn’t wait. Needed you now,” Logan growled. In all honesty, he forgot he and Patton had even planned to spend the night together as he had been so focused on getting to Patton as quickly as he could, unable to stand the heat scorching his skin.
Logan quickly made his way across the room to his boyfriend and didn’t hesitate before kissing him hard in a way that caught Patton off guard before melting and moaning into the kiss. It was messy and mostly tongue, but Logan couldn’t think of anything other than pleasuring his love and Patton had already been half hard in anticipation for his and Logan’s night together.
Through their kissing, they tactlessly rid each other of their clothes, craving the contact of bare skin. Logan sucked a hickey onto Patton’s neck, rubbing his thumbs over the side’s nipples. Logan’s skin was burning and he was panting like a dog in summer.
Patton let out a surprised shriek when he felt Logan’s very hard cock grind against him. With a hand on his chest, Patton pushed him away to breath before looking in his eyes and whispering, “Let’s take this to the bed, hm?”
Logan couldn’t agree more and pushed him towards the bed as they continued to make out until Patton’s legs hit the edge of the bed and he fell onto the mattress. Logan wasted no time getting on his knees at the edge of the bed, throwing Patton’s legs over his shoulders and eating him out aggressively.
Patton cried out at the sensation, dick throbbing despite the lack of attention, and he squirmed on the sheets. Logan only tore his mouth away to demand lube and as soon as Patton obtained it from his bedside drawer and tossed it to Logan, he was back to eating him out like a starving man. The sight of his lover spread out beneath him only fueled the fire burning in his gut and he had developed tunnel vision, only able to focus on pleasure.
Patton’s brain was already too scrambled to notice Logan uncapping the lube and spreading some on his fingers. He did, however, notice when Logan’s mouth moved from his hole to his cock as the man licked and sucked the tip in a teasing way that had Patton thrusting up for more. In response, Logan firmly planted one hand on his hips before circling his asshole with his lubed up fingers.
Logan could no longer form a coherent thought. He thrusted against the bed as he fingered and sucked off his partner, unable to stop himself. Lust consumed him and he desperately wanted to sink inside Patton’s tight, perky ass. Just the thought of that taunting ass sent a jolt of arousal right to his own cock, causing him to moan around the one in his mouth.
Patton shoved his fist into his mouth, embarrassed at how loud he was being, but unable to lower his voice. Logan was always skilled with his hands and even with his mind clouded with pure lust, he was able to find all the right places that made Patton scream. His fingers brushed against his prostate before ruthlessly rubbing against it. Patton could feel himself get close, eyes rolling back and mouth dropping open.
Unfortunately, Logan could also tell when Patton was about to come. He quickly pulled his mouth off Patton’s dick and removed his fingers from his hole, leaving Patton whining, desperate, and achingly empty.
Luckily, Patton was not left unsatisfied for long as his boyfriend moved back up to kiss him, wasting no time pushing his tongue into the other’s mouth. Logan held his dick in one hand, using the other to keep balance, and lined it up with Patton’s hole before sliding in with ease. Both sides groaned at the feeling, Logan’s eyes even fluttering shut as the burning heat within him finally began to be sated.
It didn’t take long for Logan to start moving inside his boyfriend, utterly blissed out at the feeling and desperate for more. He nipped at Patton’s neck and gripped his thick thighs tightly, determined to mark him up with pretty bruises on his freckled skin. In return, Patton cried out, arms wrapped around Logan with a hand gripping his hair tightly as back arched into pleasure Logan so graciously provided.
Logan fucked Patton like his life depended on it, driven mad by the lust consuming his body and the relief that came with finally scratching the itch caused by the pink liquid he spilled on himself what felt like ages ago. All he felt was pleasure and all he knew was Patton. Gorgeous Patton who took everything Logan provided so graciously, eyes screwed shut and panting as moans and whines escaped his mouth.
Seeing Patton so utterly debauched easily pushed Logan right to the edge and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Wanting to bring Patton over the edge with him, Logan grabbed his leaking cock and began stroking in time with his thrusts. His partner squirmed and his shouts got progressively loud, crying out Logan’s name.
The logical side couldn’t hold on any longer and came with a low, almost feral growl in Patton’s ass. The sudden feeling of his boyfriend filling him up caused Patton to moan as he too came. His orgasm was long and hard as Logan continued to fuck him through it, copious amounts of cum leaking from his cock before he began to whine from the overstimulation.
Logan pulled out and fell onto the bed next him, exhausted. His eyes fluttered shut and he began to fall asleep, feeling Patton kiss his cheek as he whispered, “Thank you, dear. I’ll get us cleaned up, you just relax for me.”
Patton continued whispering praises and sweet words to Logan even as he was on the verge of sleep before finally slipping into slumber as his soft, pudgy boyfriend finally cuddled up next to him. In the back of his mind, he knew he’d have to confront Roman and talk to Virgil about the mysterious liquid, but it could wait until the morning as all he wanted now was to fall asleep with Patton in his arms.
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rookscastle · 4 months
patton calls roman "your highness" during sex and roman gets so hard he passes out
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bawdyphantom · 2 years
janus would 100% be into overstimulation, both on himself and others
— berry-in-the-basement
Y e s
He is Not satisfied until tears are shed-he of course knows when to ease up and always listens to his partners, but he'll always try to push them, just a lil
As for being on the receiving end, only two have been able to scratch that particular itch just right. And those are Virgil-who is downright Mean about it, like, "Oh? And who said I was finished with you? You're shaking, awe, what's the matter? Is it too much for you now? Hmm, too bad." and Janus Loves that. And Patton, who's almost sickeningly sweet with it, in a "oh I know you can go just a little while longer, you look so beautiful like this. I just wanna keep you looking like this for just a few more minutes-can you do that for me?" way. Everyone practicing safe words, of course
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bon-pack-5 · 6 months
Patton being too rough with Virgil and the condom breaks but Patton is so close, Virgil tells him to pull out but too late, he breeds Virgil and knots him
Virgil is obviously upset but also loves the feeling of being bred, Patton can't help but keep cumming too and whining and apologizing.
Virgil is like "huff, whatever I guess it's fine, just cuddle me you mutt" and Patton is more than happy too
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webplayanalogical · 1 month
patton is a top no one can convince me otherwise. i could maybe accept vers patton but he tops more than he bottoms. ok
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vulgarvixxen · 1 year
cervical penetration with Patton. We need some morality pussy every once in a while.
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I tried a different style but it doesn’t translate well on tumblr so check it out on AO3
Tw: non traditional genitalia, mild degrading, biting
There was a reason Patton wanted to be considered the fatherly side but the reason was lost on the dark sides who hadn’t grown up with him, see each side of the Mindscape evolved as Thomas grew in a mirrored way in ways that reflected Thomas’s thinking. As a kid he was told that there needed to be a mommy and a daddy, his mind decided that each half of the mind needed a girl to be the mom. On the light side Patton had originally been formed as “Patty” but she never felt like a girl, when Thomas got older and met more people his ideas and understandings grew too. “Patty” became Patton almost overnight with Logan and Roman being happy to accept their friend for who he is, they even helped him get top surgery when Thomas was in college and was studying biology.
On the dark side of the mind a similar situation occurred with the edgy trio, Virgil had once been called “Melinno” or “Mel” after the Greek poet. He hated being different and he changed his name and wore baggy clothes as soon as Thomas learned what being trans was. It did help that his monstrous(animal) form made him feel manly with his ovipositor. Of course Remus and Janus playfully teased him (at least they thought it was playful, Virgil didn’t get the memo) until he left for the light side. The GG trio never brought up Patton’s transition and Virgil never brought up his own, to their knowledge the other was a CIS man like the rest of the sides.
As Janus and Remus messed with their “rivals” the two remaining sides were hanging out in Pat’s room, casually cuddling and watching a blooper reel from a muppet movie. It was during a video with Kermit and Fazzy that a familiar and hot sensation washes over Virgil, he curses under his breath as he checks his phone’s calendar. His seasonal heat shouldn’t start until the end of the week, what was it doing here so early?! There was no time to go to the imagination and find a cave to hide in for a few days, Patton would be concerned if he just rushed off without explanation too.
“H-hey Pat?”
“Uhhh, Virgy, can you say that again but slower?”
“I’m, um, trans. I also ha-have weird genitalia. My heat cycle came early. C-can I, would you…can I deposit into you? I promise it won’t hurt! They’re all duds anyway!”
After a few beats of silence Patton tosses the bowl of popcorn to a side table and hugs Virgil close.
“Thank you for telling me, I meant to tell you forever ago that I’m a trans man! I’d love to help you out with your problem. And after we can talk to Logie about anything you might want done, he and Roman created a doctor to give me top surgery! Best Father’s Day present ever!”
The amount of information was dizzying…or that could be the hormones fogging up Virgil’s brain, he catches the gist of it and nods. Next thing he remembers is kissing, Patton kissing him breathless as they both groped and grinded with a feverish need. Pat pulls off his shirt easily and then starts on Virgil’s, revealed is the pink and purple galaxy binder,
“That’s so pretty, mine was real with palm leaves. Well…it was more of a sports bra than a binder, it was always too constricting for my taste.”
He tosses away the shirt and helps Virgil out of his binder, the emo is too horny to be bothered by his body being so not masculine. The skin looks irritated so Patton is sure to be gentle when he roams his hands down Virgil’s sides, the poor thing whimpering in need and relief.
“Pat, pl-please, need to be in you so bad!”
“Shhh, soon. Let’s get rid of some more clothing and then you can have me.”
Khakis are flung over to the rest of the clothing pile, boxers a second later, the zipper to skinny jeans followed after some shimmying. “Aww, your boxers match!”
The galaxy boxers get tugged off and Virgil sighs in relief as Patton gasps in joy, Virgil’s ovipositor was thick and glistening as it waited for a warm place to be buried into. It twitches when a curious hand strokes it causing Virgil to moan, low and animalistic. In a split second decision Patton hops on top of Virgil, sinking down part way before stopping. The natural elasticity of frogs let him stretch around the girth without a problem, the combination of their slick making it even easier as he rose and sank at a quick pace.
“Fuck, fuck, you whore, should have been fucking you for years! You take me better than even Remus and he’s a good slut.” Virgil growls out, hands on Patton’s hips to pull him down with a harsher snap. The mild insult makes Patton unexpectedly more wet, “You like being my whore? Good, then you should know whores stay on their backs!”
With a movement so fast that it should have left them dizzy, Virgil flips their positions, he pounds into Patton at an unrelenting speed until he gets to resistance. “Shit, bet no one has ever fucked you this deep, huh whore. Don’t worry we’ll get used to it soon.” He pushes against the muscles blocking him from his goal for a short time then stops, the process repeats as Patton struggles to figure out if this is painful or pleasing. Just as he thinks that he’s going to have to tap out the pressure inside him gives and Virgil is inside his womb!
“Virgil! Fuck me, breed me, I’m your little whore! Please please, pretty please breed me!” The others could probably hear him but the thought didn’t cross his mind, actually the only thing he can think of is how knows that the pressure he wasn’t sure about is definitely pleasure. His heart jumps into his throat as he feels Virgil’s thumb circle his clitoris, a thrilled croak leaves his mouth followed by a breathy moan. Teeth are on his throat a second later, sucking and biting marking as Virgil plays with him. So much is happening that Patton cums without a chance to say anything.
Virgil bites him hard as he climaxes, “Now you can take all of them.” He purrs into Patton’s ear, venom making the other lax and pliable. The last few inches of his ovipositor pushes in and Patton whimpers, “Oh honey, it’s only going to get better. You’re going to feel so full soon, whore, and then we can have fun pushing them all out.” It sounds like a threat from a predator but it’s really a promise of my pleasure. Patton moans as he feels the first egg press through the ovi and deposit inside his womb, Virgil grins and nuzzles the bite mark.
Half an hour later Patton is the size of a beach ball and Virgil is cooing at the image, “Virgie, c-can you take pictures? I want to remember this for forever.” He can’t see which phone Virgil is using but he hears the click of the camera app. Patton actually liked this, he had always thought that being trans meant that he had to hate everything that came with what body he was made with but maybe he could indulge and still be dad.
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bottomloganagenda · 7 months
Need more NSFS blogs to follow and look through but I feel like I see a lot of them not tag so it's hard to find some to follow so if you're an NSFS blog reblog this or like or whatever I just wanna see some more
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rookscastle · 4 months
i think both roman and patton have a thing for crying during sex tbh and by the end of it they're both like 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
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bawdyphantom · 2 years
You'd think Patton would be the most vanilla out of them but nah, this man has kinks and a thing for hands, among other things
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