#nsfs moceit
pxppetafterhours · 9 months
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What if I draw moceit? What then?
I can't get them off my mind since rewatching
Jan strikes me as the type to be into overstim and slightly demeaning praise, what better victim than a softie like Patton who gets overstimulated so easily it's humorous
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bottomloganagenda · 8 months
I need to get over my writers block! Send me some smutty prompts/kinks and a ship (of two or three Sides) and I may write it
What I will write
Most things,( but I'll let you know if I'm uncomfortable with something or just can't, so I may just say I can't or won't Incase I just didn't know about or forgot to include something in my will not write list)
Any combo of sides
What I won't write
Top Logan
Watersports (or anything similar)
Feet stuff
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softdomxiety · 2 years
This is your quarterly reminder that Janus Sanders has a praise kink and absolutely deserves to be railed about it
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bawdyphantom · 2 years
janus would 100% be into overstimulation, both on himself and others
— berry-in-the-basement
Y e s
He is Not satisfied until tears are shed-he of course knows when to ease up and always listens to his partners, but he'll always try to push them, just a lil
As for being on the receiving end, only two have been able to scratch that particular itch just right. And those are Virgil-who is downright Mean about it, like, "Oh? And who said I was finished with you? You're shaking, awe, what's the matter? Is it too much for you now? Hmm, too bad." and Janus Loves that. And Patton, who's almost sickeningly sweet with it, in a "oh I know you can go just a little while longer, you look so beautiful like this. I just wanna keep you looking like this for just a few more minutes-can you do that for me?" way. Everyone practicing safe words, of course
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bitterandenraged · 2 months
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tulipanthousa · 3 years
this one is not one i've thought of before but im kinda wondering if janus like,... if he sheds full snakeskin, if he could make it into things
like a collar. for his boyfriend(s)
also, if in canon we consider the pair divorced, Janus having a Thing for him and Patton falling into bed because they just *can't* keep their hands off each other and swearing that it's the last time, while both knowing that they're lying
hhhh snakeskin collar hot 5 stars
and i ADORE divorced-but-still-carrying-a-painfully-obvious-torch moceit, i thrive on these silly silly angsty boys, five stars
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soft moceit banging? soft moceit? soft moceit gently pleasuring each other? soft moceit in love? soft moceit making love and whispering soft nothings as they help each other come undone?
soft patton excited to strip janus and see all of his skin that he keeps hidden under his outfit, stepping back for a full view of janus spread across his bed, where he can see every part of him in full and patton's just so happy he smiles to himself and janus can't help but feel a little flustered and blushy at being stared at and he asks 'what?' timidly and patton just replies 'you're just... beautiful' all sappy and janus hides his face
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mendaxietysmuts · 4 years
Imaginine Dom!Patton using the countdown system for the other sides when he’s annoyed, wants them to stop (or start) doing something, etc. They’re usually pretty good at listening to it, except Deceit. When Deceit first encounters the dom side of Patton, he doesn’t take it seriously, especially the countdown.
Until Patton reaches “One.” and starts towards Deceit.
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