chrashley · 13 hours
verb: writhe; continual twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body, or noun: writhe; the total number of positive crossings minus the total number of negative crossings in a knot
11,981 words, explicit
this fic has been... so long in the making. i about drove myself crazy writing this but i had to get it out. this is a crazy passion project that at times i was afraid i would never finish, and it's the longest thing i have *ever* written. also, over a thousand minecraft diamonds were mined during the duration of this fic because i thought i had a tactic, but it turned out i did not.
this fic is truly dedicated to the quarry brainrot discord server, i would never have gotten this far without all of them :) shoutout to my many beta readers who supported me through the whole process as well!! i love all of you so much :)
feel free to send anon asks if you're not comfy commenting :)
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shuoof · 7 years
تجديد تعيين "الدوسري" وكيلاً لجامعة المجمعة لـ3 سنوات
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chrashley · 2 months
Dylan leaves him with an air-kiss and a wave, and then Ryan is alone on the floor of the radio hut. One hour, Ryan muses. That should be more than enough time.
explicit, 1.2k words, tboy ryan my beloved
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chrashley · 3 months
Top, bottom, or switch headcanons for each counselor?
dylan is top-preferring versatile and a true switch- he's got no real preference on control level, he'll go where he's needed. when topping he tends to fall into more of a submissive service top space bc he's more focused on his partner than himself
ryan is versatile with a strong preference for bottoming, and he's also a true switch. he doesn't tend to get into any specific headspace, but he greatly enjoys being taken care of and being the center of his partner's attention. he also loves to ride, he's got great thighs
kaitlyn is truly versatile with no preference, but she's very dominant. she likes submissive people who she can be a little mean to OR people who match her intense energy. either way, she's very difficult to break down into anything more submissive than a massive brat
abi is 100% a submissive pillow princess. she is a baby. she wants to be loved and cherished and treated gently and be taught what to do, as she's very inexperienced. she likes to buy and wear pretty black floral lace lingerie because she loves the way the lace stands out against her curves
emma is a true vers switch- she will do exactly what she reads she needs to do. that can be playing submissive on some occasions (she doesn't love it) or being a soft and gentle leading dom, which is her preference. she loves to dole out body worship, especially with women
jacob is......... jacob. he's hard to read but god is he pathetic. he would think himself a traditionally manly top until he gets pegged for the first time and after that he can barely get off without something inside him. i'd say he's a switchy bottom with a light sub lean
nick- for lack of being too on-the-nose- is, simply put, feral horny. he has a strong top preference but he's a surprisingly neutral switch. he's got a good range from sniveling masochist degradee to soft dom, but he's barely levelheaded for either modes considering how all-consuming arousal is for him, even pre-werewolf curse
laura and max are hard for me to pin down too- i never felt super connected to them- but i really enjoy Wife Guy Max who's just extremely into anything laura could propose to him. they've experimented with a lot and learned a lot together- i'd say together, they're both versatile, laura with a dom lean and max with a sub lean
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chrashley · 3 months
Hacketteers + their favorite positions (since u asked for nsfw :) )
JOSIEEE THIS ONE IS SO HAAAARD thank u :) my brain needs work while i go through a writing slump
abi is 1000% a tender missionary girl. she just really loves to be held and wants her partner's face close to her own so she can kiss hem and bury her head in their neck
god i am such a slut for ryan riding. dude. u have no fucking idea baby i'm diseased. he could ride anyone and i would rent myself in two and present my own organs to him
dylan is happy with any position where he can hold hands. literally anything. sappy gayass loser (whom i love and adore dearly)
kaitlyn is the #1 strap-on fan and she really likes topping doggy style so she can grab at hair, neck and hips as much as she likes
emma likes to hover over her partner, she wants her face and body to be the only thing they see. she wants to fully encompass their senses and their body
jacob likes to be ridden. he wants an eyeful. this is not news. he won't admit it but he also likes it bc he's beneath his partner
nick is a big fan of spooning sex, he likes to hold his partner close and have easy access to kiss their neck and talk into their ear
laura and max google weird positions to try and see if they like. they usually don't go too well (max is crazy clumsy). they don't have a favorite position, but they do have a small handful of go-tos that they seem to easily fall into
tagging you @noyoucantpinmedown just in case it doesn't notify that i answered bc it was a draft!! thanks for the ask <3
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chrashley · 3 months
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chrashley · 3 months
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chrashley · 3 months
is it really a relationship if you didn't almost kiss approximately 15 times over the summer and you have to put your hand over your mouth when you're getting off alone because you know you'll moan his name
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chrashley · 3 months
(under the cut of course)
so i have this postgame headcanon where if someone turned into a werewolf and the curse was broken, part of the infection remains, essentially making them half-werewolves. they no longer turn at the full moon, but there are characteristics that remain:
golden flecks in eyes (gives the illusion that one's irises have been sprinkled with gold leaf)
a remaining scar that never heals where they were bit (real wolf bites scar like crazy- i like to imagine the bite that gave one the infection would become a raised, hypertrophic scar)
and, of course, the catalyst of this scenario:
some sort of feeling icky on the full moon; it depends on the person how this behaves but in this case, for dylan, it's a lingering nauseous feeling he can't shake.
(in this case dylan was bit but ryan did not remove his hand. for plot reasons. also ryan is trans. for projection reasons. please read A New Perspective by @electricdecades this is not required reading it's just a really good fic)
EXCEPT. this full moon, the first full moon after the Werewolf Incident where dylan and ryan finally feel comfortable not pulling an all-nighter in the basement, (approx. 5-6 months postgame, probably) they decide to fool around as a means of distraction and dylan's dick starts to swell. he's panicking, ryan is thinking "oh my god is this really what i think it is", dylan is still panicking, ryan explains his monsterfucker habit, dylan is done panicking once he realizes ryan knows how to fix the Problem.
tl;dr ryan is trans, ryan is a monsterfucker, dylan is only kind of a werewolf, ryan gets knotted
i'm still outlining so it's not a fantastic synopsis BUT i am very passionate about this topic and i lay awake at night thinking about monsterfucker ryan. baby i'm diseased
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chrashley · 3 months
Since you want NSFW headcanon ideas: do any of the counselors use toys?
OH FUCK YES. i can use this to push another ryan agenda. hell yeah. thank you so much anon you've saved my life
did patience wane? by meowclops injected the concept of closeted monsterfucker ryan into my brain and i am just so violently passionate about it. he probably already wanted to fuck a werewolf pregame. i feel like he probably owns a decent collection of 4 or 5 monster-esque dildos and toys from one online shop he's very dedicated to. he usually gets them in dark red, maroon or black- he says they look sleeker that way
abi is much too shy to purchase any toys- she really wants to, though. she's worried about discreet packaging but she browses toy sites at least once a week and wistfully wishes she had the balls to order a vibrator
however, emma has a decent collection of very pretty toys that are more art than function- glass toys, for example- and once abi gets the courage to order a toy, emma offers to have it shipped to her house so they can try it out together so abi can pick it up comfortably.
kaitlyn owns a wide range of vibrators- she wants options. the only reason she owns any regular dildos is for her strap-on- which she only buys fun colors of because she hates flesh-colored dildos. and dildos with balls. she thinks balls are gross
dylan keeps losing his bottles of lube, buying new ones, and immediately finding the old ones ten minutes later. his record is six bottles in his bedroom drawer at once. his adhd is personally contributing to the sexual lubricant supply chain. on the topic of toys, i am genuinely so on the fence about if he would own a tenga product or not and it's kinda driving me crazy
jacob owns a singular silicone gas station cockring that's lasted him years for some reason. it's in rough shape but it does the job. he cleans it every time and keeps it in his pillowcase for privacy
nick doesn't own any toys or even lube, not because he doesn't want them, but because he's nervous about going to an adult superstore. he does not realize they can be purchased online.
laura is a huge, and i mean HUGE, fan of the strapless strap-on. she probably works out her kegel muscles just so she can use them more. she gets ones that vibrate on her side as well so she can have some sort of a phantom dick situation
max knew he was into anal play before he ever met laura- he owns a well-loved training set of buttplugs as well as a small dildo- not too small, just small enough to be simple. malewifing it up. laura had to slowly work him up to the size she prefers to top him with
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chrashley · 3 months
Which of the counselors would be virgins and which ones already lost their virginity?
i am SO glad you asked. i'm placing this at pre-game, so anything mentioned in this post happened before the summer of 2021
ryan's experience extends to a single time his freshman year girlfriend groped him over his dress pants during a school dance and he was not a fan. in a "why do people even really do this? it isn't fun" way, which is understandable, because a dry inexperienced groping session doesn't seem incredibly evoking. he was 15.
dylan had his first time in the back of a too-small car with his boyfriend after his junior prom- he bottomed because his boyfriend wanted him to- and it was awful. he laughs about it now because it's extremely funny that he had really bad sex in a vw beetle at the age of 17 and the height of 6'1". he always remembers to add that one lube packet is not enough lube for first time car anal
kaitlyn's first time was arranged on a dating app with a girl she didn't think would like her back- and it turns out she really didn't- but despite the two ending up more platonic friends going into senior year, kaitlyn can proudly say she made a girl cum on the first try
as mentioned in my postgame kids headcanons post, abi has a strong fear of intimacy. she hasn't even kissed anyone yet by the time the game starts, and she's barely even experienced a crush, which is why she's so incredibly careful when stepping into more with nick. she has a lot of body image and self worth issues to work through before she'll be truly comfortable with sex.
based on things emma says about other people's relationships, you would think she's had tons of experience, but she hasn't- she had her first time with a boy from the varsity cross country team when she was 16. it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't memorable, and she often finds herself wishing she had waited for someone more meaningful to come around instead of someone who just wanted her for her looks
before he met emma, jacob was a virgin. he talks mad shit about nick never seeing a girl naked, but he's projecting- he spent too much time focusing on sports and hosting parties in high school to get too interested in girls. he wants people to think the opposite, however, so he tends to unknowingly judge others harshly about how he perceives their sexual experience.
nick had a steady girlfriend in high school back in australia, but nobody at camp really believes him. it's true, though- he had his first time with her when he was 16 and she was 17, and he regards it as a very positive experience. they were quite active together before she broke it off with him (amicably) to go to college in another city. they're still in contact, but they've moved on from each other romantically.
max and laura were each other's first time. max panicked and proposed immediately afterwards because he was raised religious and didn't know sex didn't immediately make you pregnant. laura explained this to max but promised him that she would say yes to marrying him once they weren't newly 18.
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chrashley · 3 months
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chrashley · 3 months
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chrashley · 3 months
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chrashley · 3 months
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chrashley · 3 months
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