#nubbs announces
nonbinarybrainstorm · 4 years
I’m participating in Secret Solenoid and all of you creative folk out there should also consider signing up! It’s the tf fandom’s secret santa! You can find the info @secretsolenoid. Sign up s started yesterday (Nov 6) so you have time to contemplate but in events such as this the more’s the merrier. Happy tidings to all!
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boneless-mika · 5 years
My sister’s horse is literally the only horse I’ve ever heard of where the name they announce at competitions (the horse’s full legal name) is what the horse is actually called by the owner
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yuristarwars · 2 years
10 LEGO Set Ideas
Okay I have multiple ideas for new LEGO Star Wars sets especially with all the content coming out in the next couple years, so here we go!
1: The Mantis
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This ship would be perfect for introducing Jedi Fallen Order Minifigures into rotation, especially with the announcement of Jedi:Survivor. A lift-able top looks totally doable and that back wing could certainly be used well as a handle.
2: Third Sister Duel
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A great way to introduce Mega-Figures other than the Wampa into LEGO Star Wars and could possibly imitate the likes of Vader vs Kenobi’s latest duel set, with unique play features to put them up against each other.
3: LEGO Mossy AT-AT
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Another great JFO piece could be this, a take on the AT-AT without being an exact copy of the last two. It could be like the Rebels AT-TE where it’s like the past few, but stands apart. They could even introduce some great figures like Saw Gerrara and a purge trooper!
4: Black X-Wing
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Moving on to the Andor section, we have the Black X-Wing, which I think should be fairly easy for LEGO, just a reskin of the old X-Wing and add this new interesting looking character and some metal crates and they’re all set!
5: Luthen’s Rebel Starfighter
This is a new and interesting ship which I think LEGO could do very well, with its unique shape, interesting gun mechanics, and opening exit. This could be really cool and unique, if done right. Not to mention they could make new minifigures like that droid we see in the trailer
6: Cantwell Class Star-Destroyer
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This could make for a great $160 set for Andor if LEGO needs the money and would be a great pairing with Luthen’s Starfighter.
7: T-47 Airspeeder
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A classic that can be reconfigured and re-tooled. Would love to see some spring-loaded missiles for better playability.
8: Mon Cala Cruiser
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Since next year is gonna be the 40 year anniversary of Return of the Jedi, this could be a great reward and be comparable to the likes of the UCS Star Destroyer. It could include fan favorite characters like Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, and Nien Nubb, ofc with RotJ Lando Calrissian.
9: Ahsoka and Rex Order 66 Escape
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This one would be great for many reasons. For one, Ahsoka as a character has experienced a surge in popularity both from the fandom and from the franchise, so this would be a guaranteed sell for anyone who doesn’t have her from the 2 previous sets that contained her. Secondly, this would be a great place to include Jesse and Rex figures, that many classic Clone Wars fans would enjoy
10: Theed Palace
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This would be great for fans of the prequels. The LEGO STAR WARS:The Skywalker Saga video game has already done a lot of the heavy lifting for designers, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be Minifigure Scale, but birthplace of many great Star Wars moments would also be a great place to include: Nute Gunray, Young Padme, Captain Pannaca, Qui-Gon Jinn, Young Obi-Wan, Darth Maul, and maybe two or three Battle Droids and Royal Guards. It’s the one piece of the Phantom Menace LEGO hasn’t done to death already and I feel like it would be a good change of pace for people who are sick of ships and speeders and wants something more like the Mos Eisley set.
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 4 years
I’m not very good at talking about myself and sharing my thoughts on social media (or just in general really) because most of the time I feel like they just come off as excuses or that no one really wants to know? 
But maybe I shouldn’t be so afraid of that... 
Anyway I know it’s been awhile but I’m back for the most part. 
I had finals week and then my family wanted to celebrate me graduating college so then I got really busy because everyone including my great aunts and extended cousins wanted to wish me congratulations. 
Then I got hit with some of the worst writer’s block I’ve ever experienced...
So that’s why it’s been awhile
I hope to get back to more writing so I can update this blog more and all that
Thanks for sticking around!
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 4 years
My mother, a very silly woman full of mischief who is much taller and muscular than I has made me a reasonably strong margarita. Just fair warning some of the things that will be coming up may end up a little odd.
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 5 years
Requests and Hookups: OPEN
I will be keeping requests and hookups open throughout quarantine and I want y’all to know I’m going to be taking sfw requests on my main blog: wizardwisenmore so feel free to pop over there too if you want.
So, anyway, ask away!
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 5 years
Hey, how have you been?
I... have been better. I go to college in the Bay Area of California. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s like near San Francisco. So, basically one of the heavier hit parts of the state. Things have been a bit chaotic with navigating things with the strike and then the pandemic hit and I have to worry about how I’m going to graduate and what next quarter is going to look like and making up hours for my internship and now finals are coming up. Thankfully, I’m going to my home town tomorrow so I’ll a least be home. This coming week I have all my finals and then I will be free. I really would have rathered to have been writing all this time because it is my first love and it makes me happy. On top of my important responsibilities, I also run a dnd campaign for a bunch of squishy freshmen so to yknow help keep their spirits up I’ve been trying to keep that going as long as I can. Now, I may not see most of them again because they’re probably not going to be on campus this coming quarter with classes all being online. It’s been a lot and I can only focus on so much yknow? The prompts in my inbox right now have seemed a bit like a chore instead of something fun and I know if I write them while feeling like that they won’t turn out nice. Right now my plan is to pop back on Thursday with new content and the reopening of requests and hookups. So, yeah. That’s how I’m doing. Sorry for not keeping in touch. This is a tumultuous time we’re all living in. I hope you all stay safe and stay well. My best to you all
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 5 years
Requests and Hookups Open
Yaaaaaaay I cleared my inbox. So, come on and ask me to write stuff and get weird with it!
Not going to write anymore today because boi am i tired but ye will write more... later
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 5 years
I am... so sick... I will try to get to the lovely requests and such this weekend when I hope I will be feeling better but I don’t know... Thank you all for being wonderful and kind
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 5 years
I’ll be completing my inbox and then I’ll take more requests. Ask box is still open to chat n stuff but not request n such.
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 5 years
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69 followers!!!! That means I’m gonna be starting up hook-up requests!
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 5 years
What are "hook up requests"? And how do I get one!!!??
They’re like the “match up” requests you see on some blogs. Except instead of it being who I would ship you with it’s essentially who I think would get with you for like one night of passion. You just send me an ask with a description of you and detail which scenario you want. There are more details under the hookup page link on my blog.
I realize some people are on mobile so here’s the text on the hookup page:
For a hook-up request, I need a description of you that’s at least a little more than just a physical description. You don’t have to add anything physical at all though. I just need a general idea of you. In this case I definitely need you to specify what universe: TFA, TFP, or IDW. That sort of thing.
You can pick just one, a combination of two, or all three for me to answer:
One-night stand: who would hook-up with you no fuss no muss but that’s all there is to it, it’s sex, nothing more nothing less
Hate/Angry-sex: who would get with you because you just peeved them off just that much and they needed some kind of outlet
PWF (Porn with Feelings): who would hook up with you because they really feel something more but feel like this is the closest they’ll ever get to you
Because the word count for asks is pretty tight they can be shortened to: ONS, AS, and PWF
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 5 years
Surprisingly, I’m almost to 69 followers which I feel like is something of a big goal like a blog like this. So, once I reach 69 I think I’m gonna start doing something I’m going to call “hook-ups”. Lots of other blogs do match-ups which are a lot of fun and this is gonna be a lot like that but with a twist.
hook-ups are gonna be you give me a personal description of yourself and I’m going to give you a combination of any of the following three answers and the why: One-night stand: who would hook-up with you no fuss no muss but that’s all there is to it, it’s sex, nothing more nothing less Hate/Angry-sex: who would get with you because you just peeved them off just that much and they needed some kind of outlet PWF (Porn with Feelings): who would hook up with you because they really feel something more but feel like this is the closest they’ll ever get to you
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nonbinarybrainstorm · 5 years
I’m not sick anymore so yay! I’ll be getting back to filling out requests again but I will be disappearing again in a week to go complete a naturalist summer course. Anywho... Yay smut!
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