#nunny don't!
once strides have guided them out of view, out of visions so piercing and full of uncalled judgement, did a calloused hand seek out. mirroring a devious serpent, as arm slides gracefully around golden princess' petite waist. a pull, a drag, alike the touch of a feather, does war incarnate guide the sun and seas into half an embrace. like a shield, found towering presence looming himself upon radiant existence, within his hold. a chuckle, rumbles upward, through the volcanic tunnel of a throat.
' - fear not. none is looking. ' he almost hums, and he sways two bodies from side to side, gentle, to the drum of faint musical instruments, in the far distance of the halls. war could not help himself, to brush those fair locks of hers, out of her stunningly shaped visage.
' do tell, dear princess, is it truly a round of chess you were seeking for? or have you had some ulterior motives, to such bold request? what was it again? you wish to mate me? ' - ( oseis/nunnally )
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She could not blame the ladies at the court that they laughed at her. She should not have gotten involved in a game, in a competition that was not hers; that she could not win. Nunnally was proud, but not too proud to admit to herself that disturbing the cheerfulness of that circle around Lord Oseis, that proposing a game of chess, no matter the choice of words, was already that one step too far. Showing to the world - or rather to the court as what would the world care? – that she had the same feelings, and perhaps even the same desires, as everyone else. Something that she was forbidding herself to express as long as she remembered. Why was she so eager to toss aside her only shield against all those who despised her? What was it in that man that he was leaving her so fragile, so exposed?
She was grateful War did not laugh; Nunnally could stand all the soft mockery of the court ladies, but would not accept his (even if deserved?). She was used to such a treatment. The lonely princess whose only guilt was that she was not the expected son. A heiress and not a heir. Three letters that were changing so much. More like everything? His deep bow, the chivalrous reply and the light critique of what had just happened, but without having her tainted, without having her involved made Nunnally think that Lord Oseis was not only her sword but also her shield? Her armour against the world?
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She happily accepted the arm offered to her, forcing herself to seem, to act casual and not eager. She spoke nothing; they did not deserve her words. Their giggles did not require her reply. And Lord Oseis, as well as everyone else, would simply understand what taking his arm meant. Their steps were quiet as they were leaving the ball room, but as they were being watched by those gathered there, they seemed to drown out all other sounds. A few more strides and she was safely led out to the refreshing coldness of the halls and their nooks and crannies that probably witnessed so many laughs and tears of lovers seeking their solitude…Why was she suddenly thinking about that?
( “(…) I do now vow and I do not kneel…(…)” ) his words were ringing in her mind like red flags when the War Incarnate gently pulled her into a hug…into a dance…his grip so feathery, yet so firm. Lord Oseis was almost not touching her, but why did it feel like he was caging her, tying, taking her proud…her freedom away?  
(“ Fear not. None is looking.”) – his luring words as if he could feel her blood quickening and her lungs desperately grasping for air; oh, how good it was that he was mistaken! That what Lord Oseis thought was a fear of being seen, of being discovered, was, indeed, a fear that she would allow herself to indulge into his touch…that she would let herself feel what she had decided she never would. But she never danced in such a way! She did not want Lord Oseis to be only her sword, her shield, her armour…she wanted him to be…no! Nunnally would not admit that even to herself as that could be the first sign to mark the beginning of her end…
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His words…they terrified the girl…who was he? How could he read her so easily?
“My Lord…” – her voice seemed so distant, so unnatural – “Since when a game of chess has become a bold request?” – he was not human! Nunnally was sure of it by then, although she could still not decide on who he was. Was Lord Oseis her end? Or was he a new beginning for her? – “Unless you’re suggesting a game for much higher stake?”
(“I wish to mate you?”) – was it what she said? – (“You wish to mate me?”) – was that what he said? Her own words used against her? But she was going to stay truthful to them.
“That’s what it was, My Lord. I wish to mate you…don’t you wish to mate me?” – were they still taking about chess? Was she still taking about chess?
“Winning…seeing the king…the queen collapse…isn't that what you desire?”
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starplatinumnun · 10 months
i love wwx so much i wish i could bite him
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nny11writes · 2 months
nunny!! what are you really into writing at the moment
Having fun writing some seriously fucked up and deranged modern AUs at the moment. I don't plan to post them, I don't think most folks would get them or enjoy them, but I need a vent valve somewhere and Catra is the unfortunate blorbo suffering through it lol
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eddiegettingshot · 5 months
I've just been catching up on your posts and its funny because me and my bff were having this convo yesterday. How its all Buddie Buddie Buddie in the media and then a dose of reality hits where you remember the show is Buck/Tommy and Eddie/Super Nunny. I think ship bait is probably right (if by the end of the season there hasn't been any significant signs towards Buddie in show) because as glad as I am they did make Buck bi, I haven't exactly been waiting with baited breath for 6 seasons to see him hang out with the Temu version of Eddie you know? From the official account posting the photo of Buddie at the court to Oliver going off the rails, using Buddie to promo the wedding - its been a lot when the reality is currently very different.
And in show decisions are a whole other issue if they don't go there with Buddie 'endgame'.
yeah lol the way i just saw oliver giving one of his non-answers about tommy in that podcast too 😭 just interesting all around
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avid-idiot · 1 year
our names together would be
neo and nessa don't work neither does chaos and nessa and I can't think of anything for atticus and nessa
but yeah it does count :|
See? Mission failed successfully <3
Netticus just sounds like some spell :/
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But mentioning before we go? He actually doesn't like that movie. 🤔// that and the fact they talked about Jenny. I don't think his team would be so dumb to mention the other person with racist comments surfacing during him dating her when they wanna swipe that all under the rug. I'm still undecided if it was her team or us weekly trying to get clicks but I don't think it was his team. Although it could have been her team trying to point fingers at Jenny and be like 'she did it too' to steer stuff away from nunny and more towards Chris and/or Jenny being the problem in this, if that makes sense
Definitely click baiting but like you, I'm not sure if it was one of the teams and if so, which one....
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starzfield · 5 months
❛ oh, just so you know, i don't ever lose this game. ❜ Duncan
At her side, Duncan raised an eyebrow at the show of confidence, before snorting. Not that Nunnally was short of confidence, but somehow it was about the most random things, at least in his opinion. Like right now.
He shook his head, taking the offered darts and giving her her own. “You sure sound sure of yourself. You know what ? If you win I’ll carry for the whole day whatever dumb plushie we’re going to win at that game, okay ?”
The stand keeper seemed to hesitate between being amused at both their confidence and being actually worried. Ignoring him, Duncan started, focusing on his aim, to throw the five darts at the colorful balloons in front of him. But too confident and rusty, he actually missed the first one. Frowning and annoyed, the four other shots were impeccable, popping four balloons. Not a bad score, even if he was still highly annoyed at that first missed one.
“Well, your turn Nunny. Show me what ya got girl.”
It was obvious the man didn’t really think she was that good at it, but maybe she’d surprise him. He couldn’t say if she was just bluffing for fun or actually a dart prodigy. Himself got great at them from nights in bars and playing it with friends at boring moments. He wasn’t sure how someone like this woman could have learned darts, but… Nunnally often surprised him.
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jess-moloney · 10 months
If, for some weird reason, you are dying to get your hands on these sunglasses and Ice Studios claims a pair is sold out, that seems to not be the case on the partner website they did the collaboration with. Also, there's a lot more options. A ton more. There's a ton more to this collection than Ice Studios presents on their shop website.
If they want to be this exclusive limited brand that only sells 3-4 items and create this idea of FOMO they don't know how to do that. If your website says "sold out" but I can go to the partner website and still find the same thing for sale and get the same thing with your logo on it then it's not exclusive and it's also not selling out. To be fair some of these have sold out in both places, but Ice Studios is by far not presenting the whole collection.
There are more than 8 glasses in 8 colors. A lot more. If you're going to be limited and exclusive then do that, but this isn't doing that. Once again, I don't understand what they are trying to be. A huge brand with household recognition, or a small brand that does limited items and preys on people's idea of FOMO. You can't be both at once that's not how it works.
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dasmondkuss · 1 year
i thought you were going to kiss me.
@lured-into-wonderland | MORE QUESTION PROMPTS
Autumn has been the harbor of a headache for the entirety of the day. He's been quiet and serious, unlike himself. Especially when he's around Nunnally. She brings a particular joy to the daily, and it's hard to shake off the feeling, even when his head is pounding on the sides. It's why despite the pain, he has stayed close to her; with excuses to disguise his headache, so he doesn't get an extra one with Nunny trying to care for him.
"Sure. I'll get it for you." Perhaps, his steps had also been too quiet, taking Nunnally by surprise who turned and stroked against Autumn's silhouette. She lost her balance, so Autumn's instinct was to hold her, make sure she was fine..., smirk at her blushing cheeks. Then, finally, get the cup from the shelf for her.
He hadn't been able to take a step away when Nunny whispered her thoughts. It made his head pound harder on the right side.
He did not wish their relationship to go down that way. At all. In the slightest.
Autumn smirked, lifting her chin and posing a caring kiss on her forehead. "Don't give it a second thought. I don't play with dolls. They're too fragile."
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thecreativewolf · 3 years
A Stray Owl fic featuring Nuniq who belongs to @flooficandii (who helped with the fic).
Fluffiness and awkward confession ensues!
"Umm, Ate Nunnie??"
Nuniq looks up to see Askal. Sweat trickled down in his face and his red gloved hands nervously caressing each other. "Yes?" She asks, intrigued. "Umm do you know any umm--" he laughs nervously--" dating advice?" Her eyes narrowed and her form, her form sitting upright and hands putting down the table she had been viewing for a while. "Hmm. Depends. So, who are we talking about?" Askal stutters, unable to form any sentence. Nuniq's lips meet to make a smirk and a subtle smug expression forms in her face.
"Ah, it's nothing Ate! T'was a prank!" Askal nervously chuckles as he gestures finger guns at Nuniq. His forced and fake smile falters as Nuniq looks unconvinced. "Ah fine.." A tint of red showing in his cheeks. "It's Soooova." Nuniq lets out a massive snort, startling Askal. "Called it." Her smugness fully showed. "So, whaddya need? I know blondie from head to toe."
After some rehearsals, Askal mustered up every ounce of his courage to confess his feelings to Sova. He walks to Sova's room only to find the man himself instead. Askal gulps and wipes some sweat off his face.
"Kuya Sova."
Unbeknownst to them, Nuniq and Bantay silently watch from afar; making sure not to be seen. White text appeared on Bantay's screen: 'Yep, he's going to lose it.' 
"Give him some slack, we've practiced it plenty of times than he can count." Nuniq replied, her eyes still watching the conversation. Askal played a rolling eye animation on his screen. A nearby whooshing and tweaking noise fills Nuniq's ears. She turns to see Bantay, whose tail wagged. Bantay stops then stares directly at her. 'Don't tell anyone.' 
They return their focus back on the conversation.
"Sova," Askal stuffs his gloved hands in his pockets, "there is--" "--something I'm meaning to tell you." Both of their eyes widened as they realised they said the same thing. "You go first." Sova offers. "Oh! No, you first! I'm sure yours is far more important!" Askal offers back, forcing a smile. A growing awkwardness begins filling the atmosphere. Both their eyes meet and Askal could feel butterflies in his stomach. "I--" he takes in a huge breath--"I think that I-- I LIKE YOU." Askal lets out a huge breath and covers his face. 
'Called it.' Bantay makes a whirring noise that is translated to a sigh. 'He lost--' 
"It appears that the feeling is mutual." Sova suddenly spoke, a shy smile spreading.
Oh shit.. OH SHIT! Nuniq thought as her eyes widened in disbelief. Bantay, from the shock, shuts down literally and seconds later "wakes up." "Well look what we have here!" Nuniq raises her voice and reveals herself to the unsuspecting Askal and Sova. "I thought he was just gonna stand there and take it! Didn't know you had the hots for the mech boy too, Sova." Both of them stammered with their words, their faces both flushing with red as they tried to make up an excuse.
Bantay decided to reveal himself as well, walking confidently towards the already embarrassed two. 'It's no use. I've seen everything as well.' Nuniq lets out a laugh. "Nah I get it. If you guys need some privacy, I'm done." She beckons Bantay to follow her. "C'mon Bantay. Let's give the two lovebirds some privacy." 
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diana-prince-s · 2 years
What belief do you have that isn’t logically grounded, but you still firmly believe in? Do you believe in any cryptyd? How about UFOs? Good luck charms?
The only cryptid I believe in is Katie McGrath
No but seriously umm I don't think I really do believe in aliens or ghouls and ghosts, but I don't spend too much time dwelling on them because mama I have enough issues on my own without having to worry about ghosts and goblins. I did used to watch that show about cryptids that talked about the Chupacabra and the sea monsters and tried to figure out if people really saw them or not, but they freaked me out so I guess I like to think that they don't exist because I'm scared of them.
As for charms and such... I don't believe in good luck stuff but I do believe in bad luck stuff. My Nunnie always says that you can't toast with water because it's bad luck, and my mom says you can't put hats on beds or tables. And my neighbors say that you can't pass salt hand to hand, you have to put it down on the table so the other person can pick it up or it's bad luck!!
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" Hello, Servants !"  Connie, dressed as a nun, greeted Steven, Patricia, and Danie with an echoing exclamation as they took a seat in the church created by the customizable alternative reality orb.
"Looking like a blessing, Heartberry." Steven flirted, getting a wink from the R&D member.
"Ey! That's not how a nun should act!" Patricia reprimanded with a grin. "Little sinner."
"It's my first night; get off back." Connie bit, getting a laugh.
 "I don't like the fact that we are being called, Servants." Danny joked
"Never agree to serve a church!" Patricia added, getting a laugh from the others.
"We are all servants to the holy grail war. Sheep to be slaughtered in service." 
"I'm sorry, what?" Steven sat up."I came here cause I heard there was a naughty nun and the way to enlightenment. No one said anything about a war."
"Nothing is more holy than fighting and shedding the blood of ancient heroes for a chance for your greatest desire. As ordained by the most sacred of entities." Connie bowed in prayer.
"Jesus?" Daniel hung his head to the left.
"Allah?" Patricia rubbed her chin.
"Love?" Steven grinned.
"Visual novels and anime," Connie answered, clapping her hands twice, " Thank you, Type-moon and Ufotable, praises be to them."  She states seriously before a beat of silence caused all four to laugh.
"Ok, so what are we doing here, Nunnie?" Tricia grinned.
"Yes, you three and I have been chosen to join the next holy grail war." Connie started before hopping up on the podium and crossing her legs, the moon shining on her dark blue nun dress and cross pendant that hung near her breast and a smug smirk that reached her panther-colored eyes. "For all our viewers who don't know, the holy grail war is fought between seven 'heroic' servants from across time and their partners of the present, for a wish from the grail, in a battle royale."
"Gotta love how you put quotes around heroic." Patricia teased, getting a knowing look from Connie.
"If ya know...Ya know," She grinned, "now let me finish..each of the heroes summoned by the Holy Grail is placed into one of seven classes...Usually."
"Adding those truths again." Steven gave her a joking point, getting a playful kiss his way.
"The seven standard classes are the Three Knight classes of Saber, Lancer, Archer, and the Four Cavalry classes of Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker." She finished folding her hands on her left knee, "Any questions?"
"Are we doing Fate, UBW, Heaven's feel-"
"None!" Connie interrupted Danny, "What we're doing here is taking a personality quiz to find out our servant classes."
"Oh! So we're masters, huh?" Danny smirked.
"Nope!" Connie smiled, laying back to get her phone from behind the podium. Sending them each a link to their phone." You guys are servants, and the quiz we're gonna take will determine what type."
"Ugh!" Steven groaned," I'm a terrible test taker."
"Steb, it's a personality quiz." Tricia grinned, " there's no grade.." She turned to Connie, "Right?.."
"There is no grading." She reassured, getting dual sighs of relief, "But I will personally judge you based on your class."
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❤🍓: curious about what happened next? Check under the link under the break. Love ya 😘
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four-fortyfour · 5 years
In this life I've been scarred
So I walk around here with my guard up
And they quick to say Lil Nunny trippin'
I think about my past and get in my feelings
I think about the people who deserve me
I think about the ones who didn't deserve me (okay)
Think about the ones who did me dirty (okay)
I won't let you close enough to hurt me
And I been staying to myself, I been moving lowkey
'Cause I don't know you and nigga you don't know me
I don't need no new homeboys, nigga I'm straight
You can keep yo handshakes, these niggas snakes
I'll play it safe
Sometimes I wish baker understand (okay)
That I am not yo average man (okay)
Ain't insecure, I'm just hurting, trying to find out is you worth it
Opening up make me worry and new faces make me nervous
Like where these niggas was when we was slidin' in my Acura
Now they wanna pop up because them Rs in the back of us
And we be state to state, promoters always got them racks for us
New niggas come 'round and I disappear like Perry the Platypus
In this life I've been scarred,
So I walk around here with my guard up
And they quick to say Lil Nunny trippin'
I think about my past and get in my feelings
I think about the people who deserve me
I think about the ones who didn't deserve me (okay)
Think about the ones who did me dirty (okay)
I won't let you close enough to hurt me (okay)
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sexyrasputin · 5 years
sophie is back (and sadly so are other certain ppl)
So desperately did Sophie want for everything to be okay again. She wanted to go back to the normalcy she had grown up with and had grown comfortable with with Arden. Sophie wanted nothing to do with werewolves, with packs, with mates, with anything complicated. She just wanted to go back to before Demetrius interrupted her life and set everything on a downhill slope.
But Arden had said something completely true that night. Life was never going to go back to her version of normal ever again. It would always be Arden's version of normal.
Sometimes she wished she had never met him.
The thought hit with a speeding train to the stomach. No. No she didn't wish she hadn't met Arden. She didn't fully regret everything with him. She just wished she could have done it differently. Maybe they could have taken things more slowly. Maybe he could have told her about werewolves and mates when they were both closer to ready. Maybe they could have had a normal relationship before everything came to light. Then none of this chaos would have happened, right?
But no. Zan would have happened no matter what. Zan, the creator of all chaos in the house. Zan, who just loved playing Moon Goddess.
Sophie understood why Zan hated Arden and why she hated almost everybody. She knew Zan's story about inadequacy, about never fitting into the human or werewolf worlds, about a mother who didn't want her, about a dead best friend and the twin brother who caused the death living it up and having what appeared to be a perfect life. Sophie knew all of that. But that didn't excuse Zan's behavior. That didn't excuse purposefully ruining Sophie's relationship with Arden. Her "friend" had claimed that she had Sophie's best interests at heart, but the only interests in Zan's heart were her own. If she even had a heart. According to Ben she did, but Ben saw the good in even the scum of the earth. He'd be able to find the positive traits in Sophie's dad.
Shaking her head and trying not to explode with anger, especially after Demetrius' comment about Arden not doing anything for her, she fell back against her bed. What hurt and angered her the most was that he was right. Arden wouldn't do anything for Sophie anymore. As scared as she was of him, of the chaos he brought wherever he went, she still loved him. She still wanted to be with him. At least sometimes she did. And Sophie had ruined whatever relationship they had had.
A few minutes passed of silent crying, her shoulders shaking as she gasped for breath. In a house full of werewolves, she knew people heard her. But just like Arden, they didn't care about her anymore either. She had truly ruined everything. And to think that while things sucked before Zan revealed the truth that should have come from Arden, Sophie had thought she was alone then. But she had had a lot more people to lose than just her little siblings.
Slowly, Sophie forced herself to sit up against the wall, her wolf stuffed animal and Nunny hugged tightly to her chest.
Before any more crying and wallowing in her misery could happen, her door opened. The daggers in her eyes matched the fury in Sophie's heart as she met Zan's gaze.
"Go away, Zan. I don't want to hear it." Zan, unfortunately, did not go away. Instead, she waltzed in and sat at the desk that was still covered with her belongings.
"No, Sophie. You're gonna hear it. I can't believe you went to Arden last night! Don't you know how horrible he is for you?" she exclaimed, her voice echoing out of the small room and through the open door. More than likely, without advanced hearing, the whole house could hear her.
"Oh, you can't believe that I had a nightmare and that I still care about him? You can't believe that my emotions aren't cut and dry like yours? You can't believe that I actually have emotions other than anger?" Sophie spat out, her tone acerbic and acidic. She really, really wished that Zan was the one who had never come into her life. Losing her siblings had been hard enough, but losing Arden, maybe once and for all? Sophie wasn't sure she'd survive that one.
"Yeah, I can't! You know what a monster he is and what he's like!" Zan screamed back.
"No, Zan, I know what a monster you are. You don't care about me at all and we both know it. Everybody knows it. You only care about hurting Arden. I get it, your best friend died and he's probably to blame. But did you ever realize that he lost his sister? And that you are a constant reminder of that? Did you ever realize that I've lost a sister and a mom, that I know exactly what you're going through? People suck, Zan. Grow up and get used to it. That or get out of all of our lives, because the only one that wants you here anymore is your mate."
Sophie didn't know where the confidence to stand up to Zan had come from. She didn't know where that empathy for Arden or her own anger had come from. But it was about dang time that it got out.
Even without supernaturally skilled hearing, Sophie could hear someone breathing in the doorway. She could see out of the corner of her eyes Ben's familiar light hair. Yeah, he'd come to try and keep the peace. But that wasn't possible anymore. Not after Zan had encouraged Sophie to ruin the last good thing in her life.
Zan stood up from the desk, seething with bitter anger. Sophie knew that Zan knew she was right. She could see it in her face, in the tense lines in her forehead and the guilt in her eyes. Zan hated herself as much as everybody else hated her.
For a few tense moments there was silent, but it snapped when Zan picked up a picture frame and threw it against the wall over Sophie's head.
"Zan! Don't!" Ben raced into the room, grabbing hold of his mate before she could throw something else, something that definitely would have hit Sophie in the face.
"Get out of this house already, Zan, if you hate us all so much. Goodness knows we feel the same way about you." Zan's jaw dropped open at Sophie's cruel comment, something that sounded like something Arden would say. Ben glared at Sophie, and this was the first time she had ever seen him angry. Guilt tried to creep into her heart, but the anger fenced off her emotions. Nothing more was said as Ben pulling a screaming Zan out of the room and slammed the door behind him. Yeah, maybe Sophie had just burned the only bridges she had left, but she knew this time it was for the best.
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sexyrasputin · 5 years
serious sophie
Truth be told, Sophie hadn't wanted to help Arden. But she found herself walking up to his bathroom and helping him anyways. Then, like the utter idiot she was, she had kissed him. Passionately.
At least Sophie never claimed she was smart. If she had been smart she never would have chosen Arden over her family in the first place, no matter how much she loved him. And after hearing about what Arden had done, well, Sophie wasn't so sure she loved him that much anymore.
It wasn't like he had done anything inherently wrong, but he wasn't the man she thought him to be. And she wasn't sure she could continue to love him.
Sophie paced the floor of Zan's room--her room now--with a hand in her hair. She wanted to talk to Violet or Ben, but they would just try and coax her to get back together with Arden, or at least give him another chance. So Zan sat on Sophie's bed, watching as she paced frantically.
"I can't believe I kissed him, Zan. That was such a stupid mistake!" she whimpered. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Zan nod in agreement. Not helpful, but at least her friend was honest.
"Yeah, it was. But hey, you're out of here in a few weeks when you move into the dorms, right?" With an anguished sigh, Sophie stopped in her tracks.
"No, actually. Because my dad officially disowned me and is no longer going to be paying for my college. And while my scholarships cover tuition, they only cover half of even the cheapest dorm options, and I can't take out a loan by myself. So I'm stuck." Tears filled Sophie's eyes as she finally let the troubling news out. For a week she had been trying to pretend it wasn't true, and she had been trying to contact her dad as usual. Sophie didn't like not having her family. She had made a major mistake. She had given up everything good in her life, everything that really mattered, for a crazy werewolf with anger issues who was now putting her life at risk just by being important to him. Yeah, Sophie had messed up big time.
The sobs came slowly, but Sophie crawled into her bed, grasping Nunny tightly. But even her comfort blanket couldn't help now. Her head was so dizzy still. She couldn't focus or think or concentrate or anything. Her heart ached more than it had when her Mom left or when Jessie had died. Something about losing the man she thought she loved because he wasn't who she thought he was in addition to losing her family absolutely wrecked Sophie.
"I just- I don't know what I'm going to do Zan. I'm basically stuck here until I can get a job and save up enough to get my own crappy place. And I just- I feel so alone. I left my family, and it's not like I can trust Arden, even when he's literally all my brain will let me think about. And on top of it all I'm completely dizzy, worse than my worst concussion, and nothing is helping," she whimpered. Zan sat up straighter. Dizzy? She knew that feeling all too well. After the whole mess with Ben that had gone on for two years, well, Zan knew what it was like to be dizzy. And as much as she hated it, Arden was the only solution.
"Sophie, the reason you're so dizzy is because of the mate bo-" A pillow hit Zan in the face before she could finish.
"Enough with the stupid mate business! I'm sick of this. I'm sick of being involved here and with werewolves and having a soulmate or whatever, especially one that clearly isn't actually my soul mate! I just want to go home!" Full body sobs wracked Sophie, and she tried to muffle her crying with her blanket but it wasn't working. She couldn't stop crying. Everything inside of her hurt. She just wanted things to go back to the way they were before she met Arden on the day of Annabeth's funeral. The sister he'd been so stupid with that she got killed.
Realistically, Sophie knew that Arden would never live down the guilt of his sister dying. Sophie still blamed herself for Jessie's death, and her sister's suicide had had absolutely nothing to do with anybody but the bullies at school and their mom. So actually being the cause of it? As well as so many other lives? Sophie couldn't imagine the guilt that wracked Arden constantly. And she didn't want to. She didn't even want to understand what he was going through. She didn't want to feel sympathy or empathy. All she wanted was to forget about him for good and never ever see him again. But judging by her current financial predicaments and this stupid mate bond bull crap, that would never be possible.
For the first time ever, Sophie understood how Jessie could ever feel so hopeless and alone that she took her own life.
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