#nurse chisaki
zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Chisaki Kai (nurse)x reader (reader)
{no quirk/simple au; just for know}
I don't know if some of you will remember but I wrote about a nurse Chisaki one month ago; I guess; and I did wanted to make one more writing about it, the person who requested this gave me permission since the original idea was from them so... yeah. Here it is.
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Aizawa and Yamada were chatting on the teacher's room along with Nemuri about how the students were or annoying them; mostly Aizawa; or being extremely good at their grades and their improvement.
When you entered the room the three stopped talking as Nemuri called you to thei chatty talk with a smile on her face.
Every teacher from U.A seemed to be in that room but out of everyone you were more closer to these three than anyone else between your colleagues. Okay, Toshinori was also one of them but he wasn't in the room, so... yeah.
"How is it going (L/N)? The second year is giving too much work?" Nemuri asked in excitement while Aizawa and Yamada greeted you.
"After mostly of them are waiting for their grades to come out? They are like tiny quiet little angels. Especially the ones who wouldn't shut up on my classes." You sayed while you picked your coffe and sitted along with the group.
"EH?! You're lucky you know that?!" Yamada yelled "My students won't stay quiet even if they went bad on their english tests!"
"Is mostly because you don't put order in your class." Aizawa muttered before he took a gulp from his own bitter drink while Hizashi gasped in offense.
"Mine's are a little bit aprehensive about their grades but still give me some work... did you expelled yours yet Aizawa?" Nemuri asked arching an eyebrow while smilling sarcastically at her friend, which scoffed in response.
"By the way; I know that doesn't fit the topic calm down before you three throw judgment comments at me." Hizashi chuckled while lifting his hands up before he looked at you and pointed "Is seriously that the teacher from 3-B was fired? The guy refuses to talk about it."
"Oh yeah... there was also a guard of ours that was fired." Aizawa pointed out before he looked at you, surprisingly, interested about the topic "Have any coments to do?"
Before you could even respond; Nemuri beat you to it as she hitted slightly the table with her two hands.
"Oh I know about it! They were caught by missy (L/N) here-" she elbowed you jokingly wiggling her eyebrows "Beating up that new nurse. I guess his name is... ah shit I forgot." She laughed before looking at you with that smirk, expecting you say it.
You sighed in false annoyance before taking a sip from your hot coffee.
"Chisaki, Nemuri. His name is Chisaki Kai."
You knew that she knew it her name, but all of this was just mocking because she already knew your... little information.
"You mean that man? Huh, he doesn't seem like the type to accept a punch without throwing one back... or even worse." Yamada shivered at remembering those golden eyes glaring at him whenever he would speak too loud when passing by the halls.
"He doesn't because he would probably have a few problems to deal with it later. We all know his story in here." Aizawa pointed out, throwing his little bag of coffe perfectly on the trash can not much far away from you guys.
You joked, lifting one of yours arms up with a hand curled up in a fist, saying a heartly 'Score!' Which Aizawa only sighed in dissapointment at your behaviour while the other two laughed.
"Speaking of which, you seem very close to that guy huh? How I wonder..." Yamada smirked before taking a bite from his lunch while Nemuri started to smirk devilish at you while poking your arm repeatedly.
Dear god...
"Yeah, I know him a bit, to not say much." You smiled at remembering him.
"A bit? You're always going to that infirmary." Aizawa pointed out, lifting one of his eyebrows questionably "Or you're just as clusmy as Midoriya or you're at the point of moving in to there."
You chuckled at the first comparation, Midoriya was sure one of the most popular students on the teachers, the boy was the sweetest thing but he... was constantly visiting the infirmary due to his injuries...
You already talked with him billions of times....
"Oh come on Shota! You're acting like you're her father or something!" Joked Hizashi receiving a glare from his friend "I know she is young but chill out!"
"That is true. You're the baby in here (Y/N)!" Nemuri joked while you groaned and frowned at the both.
You were indeed the youngest out of every teacher in the room, but still was just as brilliant as them and always had respect from your colleagues due to your intelligence and your gentle persona...
Although there was a lot of teasing... a lot.
"So~ I tell them? Or you do it yourself?" Nemuri singed while poking your arm again.
"Hush. There's no need for that in the first place..." You got up from your chair and went to throw the trash you made away, greeting with a smile another coworker close to the wall.
Taking advantage of you already being close to the snacks machine, you searched on your pocket for some coins to get something to eat.
"Tell what Nemuri?" Aizawa asked in irritation while Yamada poked his head between them also wanting to hear.
"Well, our little (Y/N) is-"
The door of the room suddenly oppened, catchingthe main three attention while some others already glared at the presence.
Chisaki not even spared a glance at neither of them and just looked around in search for what... who he was looking for.
"Oi! Who said you can enter in here?! This room is only for teachers!" One man yelled coming straight to Chisaki direction before he frooze dead on his pace as soon as Chisaki looked at him with threatening golden murderous eyes.
"In my face is very much evident how I care about this statement right? So get out of sign already." He said with his usual cold and cruel voice as he dodge the man and walked around the room.
"That guy gives me chills." Hizashi whispered while Nemuri nodded.
"Something about him doesn't feel right... and is not only because he is from the yakusa..." Aizawa muttered while discreet looking at Chisaki.
You were to absorved on getting a snack on the machine that you don't even knew why was everyone so silent, but you still wanted that candy bar so fuck it.
Chisaki spoted you and sighed in irritation yet relieve as hs started making his way towards you.
There you were...
Aizawa and Yamada notice the action of his and immediately went to get up to go over to you, but both hands of Nemuri pushed them back down with a smirk.
"What the hell?! The guy looks like he is going to kill her!" Hizashi whisper yelled while for the first time, he hated to admit it, Shota nodded in agreement at his friend comment.
"Chill out you two. Look." She whispered while pointing at the dark brow haired young man standing right behind you with serious eyes as you still tried to pick that damn candy bar.
"You're late." He said, a bit of annoyance and even the slightest hint of hurt in his voice, making you jump at the sudden manifestation of his voice, and so close to collaborate.
"You almost scared the shit out of me! Don't do that!" You said while placing a hand over your heart, which was beating like crazy after his actions.
"Watch your vocabulary; but don't change the topics. You were late, and I acted like a fool waiting and looking for you in this whole hell." He handed you a sandwich, neatly enveloped by plastic, with a glare before he looked in disgust at the machine in front of you both.
"Eat this, its yours anyway. We don't know what those things are made of."
"Ah I must had leaved on the infirmary! Thank you so much!" You smiled at him and gently pried your lunch from his hand.
He scoffed in response as a try to hide the pink on his covered cheeks.
"Wouldn't it make more sense if you let to eat latee since is already close to dinner?" You stopped midway from bringing your sandwich to your mouth after Chisaki numbly spoke.
"Uh... good idea." You smiled in embarrassment before you placed the plastic back and went to pick your purse and work folders.
He followed you right after, waiting despite his impatience while tapping his foot on the ground slightly.
"What the hell?" Yamada whispered while the woman nesides him smirked and whispered to both of her friends
"These two are dating for at least four months by now. Isn't it cute?"
"Cute? She is dating a sociopath ex criminal, and you found it cute?" Aizawa whispered monoustly.
"Hey. You didn't listened the stories that she tells me about him, so hush old man."
"... we have the same age."
"By you guys! See you on monday!" You waved at them while Chisaki hovered over your figurine like a hawks... subsconciously staring at them with his typical boreddom eyes.
You two left the room, leaving everyone; except Nemuri; with mouth agape or at least with wide eyes.
"NO WAY!" Yamada yelled before he lift himself from his chair and poked his head discretely out from the room, Aizawa and Nemuri following right after to sneak a peek.
The three gasped slightly at seing Chisaki, the man they knew for being a fearless and cruel individual and avoided any form of touch like he was the devil running away from the cross of Christ, snake his gloved hand discreetly in yours and hold while you giggled.
"My eyes are hallucinating or..?"
"Your eyes can't hallucinate Mic... but this is new."
"I told you two!"
Chisaki suddenly sended the three a one side death glare, making Yamada and Nemuri yelp in fear while Shota only deadpanned at his dumb friends.
He scoffed and returned his attention to you, muttering in oure irritation.
"Why you talk to those sick people anyway? They doesn't seem worth it not even of your presence."
"They are my coworkers and... friends Kai. I can't just ignore their existence."
"You should." He scoffed, soon sighing in relief at seing you both left the school grounds.
"Anyway, how was work?" You skiled up at him, receiving a sigh of his while he let go of your hand to place his own on his pocket.
"Disgusting, irritating and annoying. Nothing new."
"Hm I see." You mused with a smile.
"... you're free?" He asked, avoiding your curious eyes.
"Have some papers to assign and a few gardes and final tests to make and correct... why?"
"Does it take long?" You looked at your folders and winced at the huge amount...
"A little." You sadly commented, already feeling tired of only looking at them.
He sighed again with a hint of dissapointment before a idea popped into his head.
"You cleaned your appartment?" You deadpanned.
This is what you have to atture when your botfriend is a myshophobic/germophobic...
"Yeah? Only yesterday though, why?" You smiled nervously at his question before stopping by your car.
"...I, well..." he sighed in annoyance before spilling it out "If it is about biology or math I could help you a bit so this way you end things faster."
You tilted your head in confusion before finally getting what he truly meant, Chisaki wasn't difficult to understand especoally when he already was so close to you...
"I would like a extra hand if you wouldn't mind. Although there's nothing of yours in my place remember?"
"I can bring some clothes if you insist. Probably I will arrive by eight and a half or close to." He said monoustly while getting closer to you.
"Sounds perfect love. See you then." You smiled up at him, catching the hint of a tiny smile hrowing in his face.
"Here." He caressed one side of your face affectionately before placing a kiss on your lips affectionately right after he lowered down his mask.
"Love you." You whispered gently seing his smirk and the playfull roll of his eyes.
You distance yourself from him to emter your car before giving him a last kiss and a 'Bye my handsome, hi and bye Kurono!'
... wait. Kurono?
"Never saw you the type of getting affection neither giving it Kai." Smirked his friend behind him, luckily dodging a punch from Chisaki.
"Relax relax it was only a comment!" Exclaimed the man lifting his hands up in surrender.
"I should cut your tongue out after this." He growled before making his way to his home by walking.
"Gonna tell Pops about it?"
"If I don't tell he would discover anyway."
"That's true. Can you believe it there's people on the house betting when you're going to lose your virginity?" He choked on his own saliva at his indecent friend's comment.
"Pardon me what the actual hell?!"
"Yeah. Irinaka betted three more months."
"... I'm going to kill anyone included on this... no exceptions..." he growled before hurrying up his pace while Hari mumbled from behind to himself.
"Hopefully he doesn't discover that I betted one more year."
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dabihaul666 · 6 years
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something something nurse morrigan
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nonobadcat · 3 years
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Yandere Dr. Chisaki Kai X F!Nurse Reader - Real World/Real Time AU
Rating: Explicit - Minors do not interact
This chapter is deticated to Suffix who requested a chapter write from Kai’s perspective so you could all see how a yandere Overhaul thinks. The reader is still referred to as “you” but this chapter is more of a 3rd person style.
Reader discretion advised: Full story contains rape, yandere behavior, graphic depictions of skin disease
Chapter Warnings: Yandere obsessive behavior, dub-con to non-con smut, tutor/student sex, praise kink, slight medical kink, implied mid-stage Stockholm Syndrome, Kai is dismissive as heck about Reader’s trauma-related victim guilt, test anxiety, slight pregnacy kink, heavy discussions of immunology.
Read the full story on: Archive of Our Own
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Chapter 12 Excerpt:
Doctor Chisaki opened the door to his home, only to see your flustered face staring right at him. Your lips were puffy from being worried by gnawing teeth. Your hands were clenched tight to the soft fabric of your tiered, ruffled dress. Your eyes were wet with frantic tears.
“Oh thank heaven you’re back Kai!”
The ever poised doctor damn near dropped his keys on the floor.
“W-” He coughed to hide the stammer. “What is it?”
You held up your notes and stabbed your finger furiously into one page. “T Cells!” you squeaked in a voice of utter panic. The tears started to well in your eyes again. “I can’t remember T Cells!”
Ah… the test must be tomorrow.
Kai’s practiced smile was flawless and calm. “Of course,” he agreed in a smooth soothing tone.
At first, he worried you’d spot it, but the way your shoulders relaxed told him you were too far gone into an utter panic to know or care. Clearly, the pregnancy hormones were having their effect. Not two days ago you’d been composed and flippant about the exam. Now, you needed direction before you slumped to the floor in a nervous meltdown. It made his heartthrob. If there was one thing Kai loved, it was telling his nurse exactly what to do.
“You’re too flustered to learn like this,” he stated in a tone that sounded identical to his psychiatrist. “You can’t retain anything if you’re panicking.”
You wiped your eyes with the back of your hand and whimpered out a broken: “Yes, Kai.”
Oh fuck… Did those words really just come out of your mouth? The doctor's cock was at half-mast in an instant.
“Why don’t you make some tea and I’ll get dinner started. After you’ve had a short break, we’ll get this straightened out.” He raised an eyebrow and tried to hide his erection behind his bag. “Okay?”
With your emotions careening up and down on, you nodded with a sniffle. As you retreated down the hallway, greedy eyes watched the way the fabric of your skirt clung to your backside. The thought of you sitting in his lap on that soft rump was enough to make him lick his lips. Half distracted by the curve of your hips, he pumped the hand sanitizer so hard that some of it sprayed on the floor. With a curse, he was forced to clean it up.
Read the full chapter at: Archive of Our Own
@inorganicone2230 - Thank you for being my enabler.
@imaginedheroine​ - Thank you for all the love and support.
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bnhavibes · 4 years
Dark Paradise Ch 1
Chapter 1: Anathema
Mafia AU, Nurse!Reader Dabi/Reader, Villain!Todoroki/Reader, Cop!Aizawa/Reader, Villain!Midoriya/Reader
I think I will just post the rest on Ao3 and not post here unless it randomly gets a lot of attention. It gets a bit redundant after a while.
Rating: Explicit for a reason, starting the fifth chapter. Gotta have tension first 
Word Count: ~4.5k
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8:46pm, May 6th
Location: Undisclosed
The TV chatter buzzed in the background of the warm-lit common room. Shigaraki Tomura was perched on a circular bar seat, hunched horridly over the counter to the extent that his back curled into the shape of a question mark. He swirled his rosy drink, watching, mesmerized, as the ice displaced liquid and clinked against its confines. His mind wandered to when he first met her.
He splayed a harsh knock on the front door of the dilapidated house—if you could really call it that—that functioned as the Shie Hassaikai headquarters.The crackling royal blue paint on the door shattered from the weight of his fist, crumbling onto his knuckles.
It was Shigaraki’s right to meet anyone new in town, and he had heard whispers on the streets about a family member joining Tommy’s ranks. He tilted and opened his hand so the paint pieces fell onto his palm. He tightened his hand into a fist, making contact with all five fingers and watching with satisfaction as the dust floated down to the cracked pavement below.  
His dusty blue hair whipped lightly in the biting breeze of the city at midnight. A city sleeping. Except for this little part of town that was always awake. In some way or another. Silhouettes of flames from the fiery lamps framing the door licked at the shadows on his face and the caliginous alleyway behind him. Monsters in the darkness. Wood flooring groaned and creaked from inside as heavy footfalls made their way closer to the door, gradually increasing in volume.  
The door slid open to reveal a tall, lean man with short purple hair and striking eyes of melted gold. The corners of Shigaraki’s cracked lips turned up minutely, gaining a modicum of satisfaction that it was Chisaki Kai, and not the old man who had answered. He seemed to be a man who would be more… receptive to Shigaraki’s will. A curved staircase sat behind him, quality Persian rugs covered the wood panel flooring and the stairs. Mahogany tables and bookshelves decorated the foyer, and what little he could see of a living room. It was much nicer than he could have anticipated.  
“Tomura.” The deep voice rang out into the air between them, gilded eyes narrowing in skepticism. “What are you doing here?”  
“Here to see the new member you didn’t bother telling me about.” Without invitation, Shigaraki stepped through the doorway, forcing the coat-clad man back a step. “I have a right to be informed of these things, you know?” Shigaraki’s sanguine eyes bored into Kai’s, flashing down to his—thankfully still gloved—hands hovering in the air in front of him. He couldn’t deny that Kai had a quirk that struck fear into the hearts of the most powerful villains and gangsters. Bursting into a mess of blood and internal organs was not an honorable way to go. However, Shigaraki had a similarly deadly quirk, and he was giving the orders here.  
Shigaraki’s eyes scanned the house, taking another step in and towards the living room.  
“Where’s Tommy?”  
“Old man went to bed already.” Shigaraki hummed pensively.  
“And where is the new guy?” Not dignifying Shigaraki with a response, Kai began walking into the living room, a silent command to follow. Stepping through the archway to the living room, crimson eyes flicked over the room. Two large bookshelves bursting with classic leather bound books lined the back wall, and two large couches and two armchairs sat above a hulking rug with the group’s insignia woven in. A young woman was laid out on the largest of the couches, a fuzzy blanket thrown haphazardly over her sleeping frame. When Shigaraki’s eyes reached her, his breath hitched and the world fell away.  
Seeing Shigaraki’s unspoken question as he eyed the girl, Kai spoke up, causing the taller man to startle slightly.  
“This is Tommy’s niece.” When Kai said her name, Shigaraki repeated it distantly, eyes glazed over.  
“How old?”
“17. Tommy took her in after his brother—her father—died.” Shigaraki raised a brow at the extra detail that answered the question he had been planning to ask next.
“Is she involved in your operations?”
“No, but she knows about them. She’s a sharp girl. Feisty, too,” Kai said with a huff. After a short breath, Shigaraki’s voice rasped with finality,  
“I want her.”  
Kai’s eyes betrayed his incredulity. “You what?”
“I want,” Shigaraki leaned in, all fingers but one curling around Kai’s bicep, “the girl.” His minatory gaze was trained on Kai’s, daring him to step out of line. Kai took a shaky inhale, eyes flicking over to the young woman on the couch. He raised his non-threatened arm in a conciliatory gesture.
“What do you mean?”  
“She will be handed over to the League when she’s older, but I want her willingly.” Kai wore a controlled expression, though his muscles tensed in rage and his eyebrows twitched, gears turning as he realized what he would be required to do.  
“All I need from you is information about her. Sometimes in the form of,” Shigaraki paused, drumming the fingers of his unoccupied hand through the air with dark reverie, “pictures.”  
Now that Shigaraki had seen her, he knew what he wanted, that this is who he had been waiting for. The key to everything. He needed to see her but she couldn’t know that he was pulling the strings from behind the stage, nor that her beloved  family  were simply marionettes, pawns playing to his will.  
“Will you do that for me, Kai?” Shigaraki’s four fingers gripped tighter around Kai’s tense arm; a reminder that he didn’t have a choice. “If you don’t, I trust it’s not necessary to say what will happen to you.”
The other hand reached into the pocket of his black pants, pulling out a photo of a young girl with cotton candy blue hair and a small horn on the right side of her forehead. A smile graced her small features. Kai’s face contorted in horror as he recognized his daughter. He had done everything in his power to keep her away from this mess so she wouldn’t be in danger. Tears that he refused to let fall burned his eyes.
“You wouldn’t want her to suffer the consequences, would you now?” Shigaraki reveled in the excruciating conflict in Kai’s eyes, pleased as it quickly melted into resolve.
“No, Tomura. I understand. How often?”
“Hmm, once every few months.” Shigaraki’s face split open in a grin that was all teeth. Kai had never seen him wear this expression, nor had he ever seen him without that detached hand over his face. He now saw why, and shoved down a shudder at the thought of how he had gotten that hand.
“She will be going off to college in a few months. I can’t get pictures then.” That took the grin off his face, though it was replaced with a much more terrifying expression: discontent.
“I’m sure you’ll find a way. A man of your capabilities.” Shigaraki turned back towards the archway that led to the foyer, but paused a moment. “You can keep a secret, yes?” Kai nodded in tacit understanding. What else could he say? Nothing, if he valued his life. And Eri’s. The pale-haired man turned his head forward and let himself out.
It stabbed at Kai’s heart that he had to keep this from Tommy. They had been inseparable since their college years when they realized that there was a better life for them than mundane office jobs. They hadn’t thought about consequences like this when they first started their life of organized crime.  
The thought that he had to send Shigaraki photos of a  minor  who was basically his niece made his stomach churn, bile burning and scratching his esophagus. Kai looked over at the thankfully still-sleeping figure on the couch, guilt and self-hatred making him bend over slightly as he knelt down to brush a few soft locks out of her face.  
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.  
                   Shigaraki Tomura set the phone down and hummed pensively, the sound muffled through the hand that covered his face. He had been having dealings with the Shie Hassaiki, led by a jovial, stout man named Tommy and his right-hand man Chisaki Kai for as long as he had been in charge of the League of Villains. He had only started blackmailing them for information on the girl when he first met her six years ago. The way shame had layered Kai’s voice on the phone made a sadistic glee settle in his stomach. How delicious, the taste of familial betrayal.
“It is about time, isn’t it?” An unsettling grin twisted his face, relishing the sting as the cracks of his chapped lips opened slightly at the movement. The crime lord had informed him that his target was increasingly unhappy, and considering shutting down her clinic temporarily. Shigaraki knew the time was right to make his move to insure that shut-down was permanent.
She will finally be mine. I’ve been so terribly patient. She would certainly be perfect to help with The League’s little problem that came in the form of an apathetic detective named Aizawa Shouta. He had been starting to dig a little too close for Shigaraki’s liking. But he would have to warm her up before he got her involved in that.
Below him, resting on the bar counter next to a nearly empty glass of vodka cranberry was a pile of pictures. One showed a man with red hair and tall stature discussing something with a hooded figure in a dark parking lot. There was a large black “X” drawn over the picture. Several other pictures were covered with an “X,”  only three left unmarred.
The first was of a man with tired obsidian eyes petting what seemed to be a stray cat. His all-black jumpsuit faded into the dark alleyway behind him, raven hair brushing into his face as he looked down. Just his cheeks and up poked out from a gray scarf wound around his neck. Another showed a young man with a mess of violet hair and eyes to match sitting at a table in a coffee shop. It was clearly candid; blurry and taken through a window.
A dry, cracked hand reached out and picked up the other. His eyes widened with glee. It showed a woman clad in scrubs and a stethoscope walking up the crumbling concrete steps to a house. She looked sad.
She needs to come willingly. After he could finally have her, he couldn’t deal with it being fake. She needed to want him organically, truly, unequivocally. He refused to take anything less. Shigaraki gazed back down at the picture of the man with red hair.
He could see it all now: they beat that mobster beyond repair, shove him at her doorstep knowing he won’t survive, because he is already too hurt for her to save him. It was something Shigaraki had done a few times more recently, chipping away at her sanity bit by bit. This man would be the last straw.
Shigaraki had taken great measures to assure that no one permanent would work for her clinic. There was no way she could handle that sick of a patient on her own. She hadn’t been successful in their other trial runs. If she was the firmly ethical nurse he thought she was, this backed her into a corner where she would have no choice but to shut down her clinic until she found another employee.
Then, the League would swoop in, showing her a way out, and she would come running to his arms. He could gather from the information that Kai begrudgingly gave him that his plan was working so far. The next piece was to shake up her trust in those mobs around town that she made deals with, and that would be the last push towards the League.
“Dabi.” A dry, raspy voice called out, and the scarred man looked up at Shigaraki from his place on the couch. Dabi had been incredibly valuable to the League in the year he had been with them. Takami Keigo always did provide Shigaraki with the best.
“I need you to run an errand.”
            11:54pm, May 8th
Location: The house from the photo
“72/38.” You sighed, contemplating. The rest of the vitals looked pretty shit, too. You had seen worse, having worked in trauma ER before, but those patients had all died. Also, you were not in a hospital right now, and had relatively few resources to handle a patient in such critical condition.
You had been just about to close up when the bloodied man had stumbled into your makeshift clinic in the basement of your ramshackle house. He looked  rough : diaphoretic, pale, extremities cool to the touch, and increasingly unable to answer questions. His pulses were thready; barely palpable, but present nonetheless. At least that was a start.
The ambulance was already in route; you had called them as soon as you laid eyes on the patient. He just had that  look about him that you always saw before a patient died on you. This particular independent ambulance company was familiar with you and asked no questions about your underground business, which you were so incredibly thankful for. You kept them on the line so they would be up to date on any changes.
Calling them was something you didn’t like doing in this underground business of yours. Treating mostly villains, mobsters, and petty criminals had its downsides. Like how you had to make all the judgement calls on your own. The autonomy was nice, but there was no one to check you when you made a mistake, and no extra set of hands in an emergency.
That fact had become much more stressful lately, as you had recently had a series of trauma patients that had died under your care. They were in too bad of shape when they arrived for you to handle with your relatively limited resources. Though that fact wasn’t necessarily your fault, it was hard to shake the idea that you could have prevented it in some way. If you had tried just  that much harder, maybe they would still be alive. The reality was that there was no way you could save them on your own.
Well, your usual extra set of hands, Yaoyorozu Momo, was currently taking a little break from work doing God knows what, or who. You weren’t the only one who ran your own little side business. Momo was a tall, well-figured woman who was obviously very aware of that fact. She wasn’t an official employee because she did not have a nursing license, but she helped you plenty, and you would always pay her a sizable chunk of whatever money the three nearby mobs gave you.
The first was the Deku mob, run by Midoriya Izuku, a freckled man who, when frustrated, looked comically similar to an angry piece of broccoli due to his forest green hair and eyes.
The Hawks mob’s frontman was Takami Keigo. He was striking, not only because he was an attractive man, but something to do with the six-foot long pair of red wings protruding from his back. He was always smoking from what you could tell; you had only met him once. Quite a mysterious and vigilant man. When you had stepped through the door to his office for the first time you were met with five razor sharp crimson feathers pointed at your carotid artery. You were more cautious when making deals with the Hawks mob, having heard that they worked with the League of Villains from time to time. You didn’t know the extent of the deals, nor how closely tied they were with the League.
The third, the Shie Hassaikai, was run by your Uncle Tommy and his best friend Chisaki Kai, and was considerably less powerful than the other two. Tommy had wispy vermilion hair that shot out in all directions as if he was constantly touching a static ball. You had always wondered if he kept one in his pocket just to spite everyone. It was definitely something he would do. He was a jovial old man, maybe a bit too cheery to be a crime lord. Despite his levity, he could be very vicious to people who had wronged him or his family, as you had seen in the past.
It was in exchange for your loyalty, medical services and silence about their illegal activities that you got a bit of money, medical supplies, and protection. What mobs called “protection” was really just not murdering you. It didn’t mean that you didn’t get the occasional new punk in the neighbourhood harassing you, but you had your own ways of dealing with that.
The man laying on your table reminded you vaguely of a younger version of Tommy you had only seen in pictures, minus the bright expression.
This particular man had lost a lot of blood, and was in hypovolemic shock, which is no joke. When blood pressures get low enough, your major organs don’t get enough blood flow and they go into acute failure. Basically, the patient could potentially die—or have irreparable organ damage—if you don’t do a lot of things really quickly. Keeping this in mind, you rushed to start an IV, the smell of chlorhexidine hanging in the air.
You gripped the man’s shoulder and shook him lightly to get his attention. “I’m going to give you some fluids right now and some blood, okay?” He nodded at your loud voice and you took that as consent to start.
You hung the bag and fully opened the clamp, humming in approval as you watched the drops of fluid come down as rapidly as the tubing would let them.
“You need to go to the hospital. The ambulance is on the way.” You looked back down at the patient squirming as you hooked up the tubing to the IV in the man’s arm.
You hastily moved down your mental to-do list and ignored the patient’s slurred protests about the hospital through his oxygen mask. At least he was somewhat stable for now. Having applied pressure dressings to his many lacerations, you kept assessing him and went to listen to his lungs, but a trembling hand on your arm stopped you.
“Please don’t let me die,  please,” the crimson-haired man slurred. His hand grasped weakly at your arm and the look in his eyes shattered your heart, no matter how much you tried to not let it affect you. It was that expression that had made you quit your job in the hospital in favor of something less traumatizing. A shaky exhale left your lips. You pushed down the ever-present urge to reassure him that everything would be okay.
“Hey, less talking, more breathing. Take  deep  breaths.” Glancing at the monitor, you saw his oxygen was still slightly low, and his extremities were increasingly pale and cool. Not so stable, then.
Hardly conscious, any speech was likely not understood by the man laying on your makeshift stretcher. It was just a habit by now. Branded into you from years of practice. The brain is more observant than most people give it credit for.
Plus, it was some conversation. Anything to ease the increasing tension in your shoulders as you got his blood transfusion ready. His blood pressure was steady for now, but that would certainly change; it was just a matter of time. You tried to calm your racing mind and sound more confident in his health than you actually were. Come on, ambulance.  Maybe he could hang on for three more minutes.
“Okay some O neg for you, my friend. Agh, please hang on for me.” The patient was rapidly becoming less responsive. Anger and disappointment pricked at your veins. You weren’t usually this  shaky  with a critical patient, but you weren’t usually alone. With no one else to assist you, it was a lot of pressure.
Speaking of pressure, you squeezed the bag of warmed fluids to push it into his vein faster while the other IV was delivering the blood transfusion. While gazing at the semi-conscious man before you and brushing his silky red hair out of his face, a rolling drop of sweat on his forehead caught your eye.
He wasn’t that sweaty before. Your eyes raked over his figure, assessing any changes. You saw that his fingertips were bathed in grey, spreading up his hand like wildfire. Cyanosis.
You heard the alarm from the heart monitor before you saw it. The characteristic hills and valleys of-
His blood pressure had tanked. Your heart dropped; he was crashing. The most important thing was chest compressions. Hastily, you hopped up onto the stretcher and started frantically compressing his sternum, despite your trembling hands. Your vision tunneled. You yelled out to the phone, “the patient is a full arrest!” Sweat beaded up on your forehead from the effort.
After what felt like hours, but in reality was only a few minutes, tears formed in your eyes. You were too physically exhausted by now to do effective chest compressions, and that’s all you could think as you looked into your patient’s empty eyes.
They always say people turn blue, but really it’s more like layers of dirt dusting over their lips, their hands. A dirty gray that spreads across their sickly pale skin. It’s quite horrifying, really. The kind of thing that sticks with you, and finds you in your sleep.
When the medics finally did arrive, you barely heard them over the cacophonous alarms from the vitals monitor.
“I gave one round of epi six minutes ago,” you yelled as they intubated the patient, forcing air into his lungs as you helped them transfer the patient to their stretcher.
You watched as they took the patient away, pessimistic about their ability to revive him. All you could see were his pleading eyes, his desperate last words echoing in your head. As you gasped for air, rubbing your aching wrists, you wondered how much more of this you could take.
You were so horrified and enraged that this had happened again, wetness beading in your eyelashes and blurring your vision. There was no fucking way you could handle a code blue on your own. The sickening unfairness of it twisted your stomach . If the patient had gone to the hospital first they may have lived.
They could have lived if you hadn’t opened the clinic without one more person to help. You shook away those thoughts with a whip of your ponytail. The motion made the white walls of the room spin.
Your skin dampened as your sudden lightheadedness pulled you into a kneel on the ground. Luckily you were situated in front of the biohazard trash can that was a little too full for your liking. You would need to make some calls soon to get the waste collected. You greedily sucked in breaths, certain you were paler than the sterile gauze still strewn about the room. The sick feeling that pulled your stomach taut rolled up your throat until you were heaving whatever shit snack food you called dinner into the bin. Gloved hands grappled the side of the fire engine red container, arms writhing as you struggled to breathe between convulsions. Tears burned your eyes, forming rivers on your cheeks as you spat out the last of your purge.
You already had PTSD from your childhood, so these recent events had set it off again, visiting you at night, making you wake up screaming, your sleep shirt soaked through with sweat. Maybe it was time to move to something significantly less intense. You could do routine checkups for people instead. Routine checkups on villains. The thought made you scoff. Or you could go back to working at the hospital and give up this clinic you’d had for three long years. You shook your head as it spun from the sheer uncertainty of it all.  Something to think about later.
The one thing you were certain of was that you would shut down the clinic until you could find at least one other person to help you. This could not happen again. Honestly, your clinic wasn’t even made to handle traumas like that. Whoever the hell got the idea that you could fix whatever was sent your way should burn. It had caused you and those patients’ families an abundance of unnecessary pain. Before you started plotting the murder of whoever was putting you through this torture (it was probably God. You had to kill God now), you needed to shower the night off of your taxed body.
You sighed from exhaustion, eyelids drooping, gazing down at your once again bloodied arms and gloves. You let the tension seep out of your shoulders with your exhale. Even after so many years of dealing with trauma patients, it never got any easier to lose someone. It always hurt you to see someone die alone. As you shoved your soiled gloves in the now even more bio-hazardous bin, you wondered how you had gotten here.
No more for tonight. A glance at the clock pulled another heavy exhale from you.
Your now bare feet padded across the tile of the downstairs bathroom as you peeled off the sweaty clothes, throwing your scrubs in the wash. You heard a light crunching sound and watched as more of the paint peeled away from the wall. You flicked it onto the floor and heaved a jaded sigh, shaking your head. You stepped under the burning hot stream and groaned in relief, emptily watched the crimson trail down the drain as you scrubbed your arms. You took some cleansing breaths and felt the water washing away the stress of the night. The sweet, floral smell of shampoo and soap surrounded you, steam rolling off your skin in curling tendrils. You rubbed deep circles into your tense shoulders, willing away the haunting images and any guilt about what happened.
You did the best you could. You did the best you could. You’re not a bad nurse.
You repeated your mantra until you believed it, or rather were able to shove down the unsavory feelings enough to be...okay...somewhat.
You were drying your hair when you heard a knock at the door. A frustrated exhale fell into the surrounding air. You had forgotten to turn off your back porch light, your usual sign that you were closed. You felt too exhausted to yell that you weren’t taking any more patients tonight, so you resigned to look through the small window next to the back door to discover who dared disturb you now. As you shuffled out of the bathroom into the clinic area of the basement, the smell of disinfectant assaulted your nose, and you crinkled it in disgust. You grabbed a scalpel and carefully tucked it into the waistband of your pajama shorts, pulling your shirt down over it.
Your breath caught in your throat as your eyes grazed over the man in front of your door.
Chapter 2
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jennathearcher · 4 years
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torn to pieces by a loving hand: a playlist for hero kai chisaki and villain aimi uehara (nurse) 
1. save you - emilie autumn 2. iris - diamante & breaking benjamin 3. the walk - imogen heap 4. heavy in your arms - florence + the machine 5. heart attack - demi lovato 6. set fire to the rain - adele 7. please don’t make me love you - kate shindle 8. love and war - fleurie 9. love love love - of monsters and men 10. dancing with our hands tied - taylor swift 11. i’m kissing you - des’ree 12. battlefield - jordin sparks 13. this is my world - hans zimmer & junkie xl 14. the sharpest lives - my chemical romance 15. holy - king princess 16. i caught myself - paramore 17. monster - meg myers 18. poison - alice cooper 19. please stay - francois klark 20. easy target - blink 182
[listen here]
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merapart · 5 years
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MHA ,where everything is the same except Overhaul took Recovery girl’s place
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gentrychild · 2 years
For the title ask game, kind of got inspired
Here be dragons; and other cryptics
Greed is more than just money
Curses of youth, melancholy of olds
Macallans are best green
Taking one, giving back twice
Girls' guide to how to trap a rabbit
The day where Chisaki became the new nurse
At the foot of the tower
I decided where the line is
Two right foot is no excuse for crime
Here be dragons; and other cryptics
Izuku explores new horizons trying to find a legendary dragon but for some reason, every time he finds a supernatural creature, they run away screaming, which really complicates his job as a cryptozoologist.
Greed is more than just money
Demon AU where Yoichi is surprised that his brother is affiliated with greed since he never cared about money, only to realize that it perfectly suits him.
Curses of youth, melancholy of olds
Gran Torino and Young Toshi fic where Toshinori is eager to fight with his master while Gran Torino is making the :| face.
Macallans are best green
After Izuku goes back to UA, he goes on a patrol with Aoyama, who delivers him straight to AFO. To Aoyama's horror, Izuku knew what was happening.
Taking one, giving back twice
Time travel AU where Tomura is determined to save Twice.
Girls' guide to how to trap a rabbit
The girls tricking Izuku to practicing self-care.
The day where Chisaki became the new nurse
Instead of putting his pops on life support after he didn't like his plan, Chisaki leaves the yakuza and is forcefully recruited by Recovery Girl because she freaking needs vacations.
Every student know that the new nurse is a yakuza.
Izuku and him hate each other, which is a problem since Izuku has a reserved bed at the infirmary.
At the foot of the tower
Fantasy AU where Izuku finds a job as a guard of a spooky tower. Nice job. Meets many strange people. Several times a week, someone with obvious murdery intents climbs the tower with the obvious intention of killing someone living up there but they never walked out of it. After some time, he starts to get curious.
I decided where the line is
Lady Nagant creating rules in order to keep her sanity intact during her tenure as the Commission favorite hitman.
It doesn't work for long.
Two right foot is no excuse for crime
Ballerina AU where AFO's old ballet teacher is convinced that Yoichi is the criminal because he sucks at dancing, no matter how many times Yoichi, Second and Third try to tell her she's wrong.
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idiotvamp · 3 years
[ bnha actor au headcanons ]
actors will be the characters name , their hero name will be the show character
chiyo shuzenji (recovery girl) is a retired nurse irl , whenever someone gets hurt on set she scolds them (lovingly) and grabs the first aid kit .
bakugo is inko & toshinori 's son .
since toshinori is a famous actor bakugo got a lot of backlash when casted at first . a lot of ppl would send him hate & say he only got casted bc his dad .
izuku & bakugo play bffs on a lot of diff shows & movies that when one gets a role u can just expect the other at this point .
izuku basically gets the tom holland treatment . they didnt know abt dabi / touya until a couple days b4 filming .
this was bc he actually spoiled bakugo getting kidnapped first . they were like "wait the episode doesnt come out for another 2 weeks ??" bakugo went insane .
denki says they spoil the show & just tell over-exaggerated lies . ppl believed all of them the first 2 years .
"omg i cant wait until everyone sees this weeks episode !! turns out that i am actually present mic & all mights child !! "
all the absurd " spoilers " they say r actually fan theories they see on twitter . a fan sees them say one of their thoeries and is like " ?? does this count a denki notice ?? "
its how denki spoiled dabi / touya in s3
eri & mirio r siblings & r chisakis kids .
it hurt him sm 2 see his babies in pain :(
his wife works in the costume department .
himiko & jin r the irl toga & twice .
in an interview she joked around saying "twice wasnt supposed to where a mask but they saw jin 's ugly mug & changed their minds !"
it was an obvious joke but ppl tried cancelling her & she had to tweet an apology . jin made fun of her for WEEKS .
tenko & touya basically act like shigaraki & dabi and no one believed they were dating at first .
" u wanna kiss me so bad it hurts " *kicks him in the shin & then kisses him on the cheek*
the LOV actors r a himiko protection squad
they hired actual trans ppl 2 play magne & tiger
chisaki apologized profusely whenever overhaul misgendered magne in the show .
after that one scene in the show aired he donated to trans youth & trans poc & made a post about trans rights
enji is a bit like endeavor . he doesnt abuse kids but he can be really stuck up when it comes to fans and doesnt like acknowledging them .
enji def creates a multitude of inasas LMAO
izuku is a huge deku kinnie . him + eijirou are very outspoken abt bullying & suicide awareness .
momo & jirou r basically cherry & joes english vas (sk8 the infinity) when it comes to shipping their characters >:)
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
I don’t know if the previous ask went through, but yeah. PreSIMPdent Chisaki Kai and First Lady go baby shopping. Please. Could you imagine it? The prams, the clashing opinions on what the babies would use, the bets on who would win the right to dress up the babies?!?!
Baby Shopping: Yandere President Kai x First Lady reader
Yessss omggg
Okay let's go back to when First Lady was still pregnant.
Kai didn't allow you to leave the house during your pregnancy, especially not without him. When you said you wanted to do baby shopping, he suggested you order stuff online. But then you turned into this wilted flower and he finally gave in. While you were busy celebrating your mini freedom, you failed to notice that Kai said you were going baby shopping... with him.
So, when the time came for you to go out and you found Kai already waiting for you in the car, you just huffed and sat in because you knew it was either his way or no way. Besides, he was probably doing this for the cameras.
When you guys arrived at the mall, you all immediately stood out. Well, you could've gotten away with it since you were wearing regular, maternity sundress, and the Secret Service would be wearing casual wear as disguise too, but since Kai had to come along, the Secret Service was dressed in suits and Kai was also wearing one of his luxury designer suits.
Who wears suits to a mall?
The Secret Service made a barrier around the two of you as people began hounding the Presidential couple, some asking for pictures, others congratulating you on your pregnancy.
Kai held your hand as he lead you to Chanel, then Gucci, then other luxury brands. You thought he was shopping for himself, but to your surprise, he was shopping for the triplets, and you. You didn't even know they made clothes for newborns and maternity wear.
Your eyes bulged out everytime the cashier rung up, and no matter how much you tried to convince Kai that the babies were going poop and puke in the clothes, he paid no mind. "The best for our babies. No expense should be spared."
You mentally rolled your eyes. The paparazzi didn't come until like 20 minutes later, who was he showing off for?
But after burning money at these shops, Kai finally followed you to the shops you wanted to go. You bought swaddles. onesies (especially the bear ones), bibs, wash clothes, and several other things, your eyes attracted to whatever looked cute and comfy. And yeah, you did buy many of the clothes in a matching set of 3 because you did want the triplets to match. While you were picking out the clothes, Kai was holding your hand and following you wherever you went, but he was engrossed in his phone.
"What are you doing?" You asked, curiosity finally catching up to you.
Kai hummed, looking away from his phone and at you. "Buying furniture for the babies, some maternity things, stuff that's hard to carry out of here. Here's what I've bought so far." He showed you cart in his phone, your cheeks flushing as you read the contents.
"You- you bought breast pumps and nipple cream?!" You whispered yelled at him. Kai didn't understand why you're angry. "Yeah. Why? Is this not right?"
"No- I could've just bought that stuff myself! You don't even know my preference." You said, but Kai did know your preference. He shopped exactly what you'd wanted.
Kai looked back at his phone. "Well, I haven't bought the nursing bras yet. Do you have a preferred colour-?"
"NO-! I'll buy that myself."
Kai was nice enough to wait patiently as you checked out the bra section, your cheeks still red as the Secret Service still followed you around, but at least they were pretending to be focused on something else and not on the lacy, DD, padded bras.
Kai would often try to make you rest and sit down, insisting to rest your feet. When you would sit down, Kai, being the enormous jerk he is, would slip off your shoes and rub your swollen feet, further embarrassing you as the cameras began flashing and people started awing over how cute the President is for the First Lady. Asshole.
After you guys finally got done shopping, you all left the mall, the Secret Service and Kai holding many bags. As you guys sat in the car, your stomach growled loudly. You didn't even dare to look at Kai, not wanting to see his stupid face.
"What do you wanna eat? Are you craving something?"
"Are you craving something?" You mimicked, pissed at him for a reason you were not exactly sure of yet, but you knew you were mad at him.
Kai's lips quirked a little as he told the driver to go to your favourite restaurant. You sat in the car while Kai got out. After a couple of minutes, he returned with bags of food. As the delicious smell of the food wafted through the car, you still looked out of your window, lips still pulled into an adorable scowl.
"Here." Kai said, slowly pushing the food towards your form. You didn't want to eat anything he'd got, but your babies were hungry, so you snatched up the bag and dug through it, still refusing to look at your husband.
Surprisingly, Kai had gotten you exactly what you were craving. Burritos and loaded fries.
You "hmmped" before stuffing yourself with the delicious food. Kai smiled to himself as he watched you eat with gusto. Somewhere between eating your 3rd burrito, you had fallen asleep, burrito still clutched in your hands.
Kai tried to pull the burrito out of your hand, but that stirred you up as you looked at him with half lidded eyes, trying to sound menacing but ended up sounding sad "My... burrito."
He nodded, petting your hair. "Yes, your burrito. I'm not eating it, just wrapping it for you to eat it later." You nodded, still sleepy, and let go of the burrito. Kai wrapped it up back in foil and placed it in the paper bag, before pulling out some tissues to wipe your mouth.
Once you arrived home, Kai carried you inside and to his room, tucking you in as he joined you from behind. Placing his arms around you, Kai rubbed circles into your pregnant belly, grinning as you sighed in your sleep. He looked at your sleeping, before kissing your chubby cheek.
"My sweet little wife."
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whumperooni · 3 years
Having a doctor kink and parading around in a nurse outfit because you want daddy Overhaul's dick.
Nonny I love this but I'm in whumptober mode so all I can picture is it backfiring.
Because it's so obvious and he knows what you're after- he sees you being so pathetic and transparent and it just...
Well, it disgusts him. You and you weak attempts at seduction disgust him.
But if you want to play doctor, Chisaki could always use a new subject to experiment on. And, yes, he does need to try the shiny new tools he procured from the black market before using them on more valuable guinea pigs.
And, besides- you're much more beautiful when you're crying and pleading instead of simpering at him and scampering about putting on your childish, irritating display ♡
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Olá !!! I have one for ya ! How about nurse chisaki x reader teacher , the plot being chisaki is is forced to be UA new nurse and gets the crap beaten out of him almost everyday by students , but he can’t do nothing about it because no one likes him so no one wants to help him, until one day the reader finds him being beaten up and saves him and he just falls for her after that and maybe she helps him with his reputation? It’s a long one sorry about that , love your work ❤️❤️❤️
Olá!! So, I will make this an no quirk AU since I guess that people on UA wouldn't want a imprisoned criminal category fucking B villain as their nurse. I loved your request btw
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Honestly? He felt worse...
Ever since the school U.A demanded his services; since he was basically forced to take a job when he got out of prison; as their nurse, Chisaki was in a awful mood almost 24 hours at day, even when he wasn't working.
Chisaki was going to refuse and even insult these bastards to even look exactly for him to do this despicable job, but Pops made up his mind.
"If you don't accept this Kai your penalty on jail can increase and the yakusa will be prejudiced by it. Accept this offer already."
Well, here was... treating his own swollen and purple eye.
Just like him, the students and even some teachers weren't pleased by his presence on their school ground. And some expressed their disgust towards him with physical violence and degrading words.
Chisaki wasn't weak and could easily pin them down and take their lifes away, but if he even dared to raise a hand, he was going to suffer the consequences with the police and the yakusa would be prejudiced with the news of him... and Pops could be arrested as well.
So he just take it. It's not like it was anything he cared for anyway...
A knock on the door interrupted his actions and he immediately puffed an air of pure irritation at the thought of another person treating him like disgusting trash or even chosing to beat him up.
"Come in." He groaned impatiently as he got out of the the tiny bathroom of the infirmary.
He froze when he saw you. A teacher from class 2-B wondering around, looking at everthing with an innocent smile and pure interest.
Well, the least he would get was going to be a slap on his face or a kick on his private area...
"Ah hello!" You noticed his presence and your happy face soon transformed into one of worry at seing his black eye "Oh god! Are you okay? What happened?" You approached him and he took a step back covering his eye while glaring at you with his good one.
"Not your business. What do you want?" He growled, making you lift your hands up in defence as you simply nodded.
"Ok, not going to interfere. Sorry, I just got worried, but I understand. I just came here to grab a pill for a headache for one student of mine."
"Right." He went into one of his shelfs and grabbed one pot and roughly handed it to you one exactly pill.
"That should be enough." You smiled up at him and bowed shortly after.
"Thank you very much Chisaki-kun. Have a good a day!" You waved at him and got out.
He scoffed before plopping down on his chair as he grabbed a small amount of cotton.
"Good day... right."
On the other day you passed by and greated him like normally, while he was attending a student, whose was scowling at him already.
"Good morning Chisaki-kun. What happened in here?"
He stared at you for a few seconds before pointing with his palm at a cut on the student's arm, irritation clearly on his face.
"Woah kiddo what happened on the battle field?"
The boy smiled at you while he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"Long day at training (L/N) sensei. My colleague went a bit overboard on me." You giggled while Chisaki picked his equipments to start to sterilize the injury.
"I can do it myself." The student said roughly trying to get the supplies fron Chisaki's hands.
"Do you even have the knowledge of the topic? No, right? So just shut it and let me do my damn job." Chisaki groaned before luckily dodging the younger boy slap.
"Hey! What is the meaning of this?!" You shouted at the student making him flinch in fear while Chisaki widened his eyes.
"Miss he is-"
"I don't want to hear it!" You pointed a threatening finger at his face "You better respect this man for doing at least a decent job! He is your superior, and you own him some respect! Did you hear me?!" The boy nodded nervously at seing an usual calm and cheerful teacher in such a state of wrath.
"Good. Now let him threat the wound or else you can get out of here and look for recovery girl." The boy slowly got up and leaved the infirmary.
Chisaki looked at you, sighing in pure annoyance while pinching between your eyebrows with your other hand on your hip.
"I apologize for his behavior Chisaki-kun. I will talk with principal Nezu about it."
"It's..." he looked at you questionably "Not necessary." He put the uttensiles back in their originals places.
"What do you want?" He returned to look at you, crossing arms and with his usual glare.
"Uh? Oh! Nothing, I was just passing by and wanted to see how were you doing!" A beep catched the attention of both of you before you gasped looking at the time.
"My break It's over. I have to get back to class right away or my students will destroy the classroom."
"Quite troublesome brats aren't they?" He lifted one of his eyebrows up which you only giggled making your way to the door.
"Maybe, but they are good kids. See you soon!" You bowed and closed the door.
Why did you even defended him..? And you didn't even wanted nothing in return.
What the hell were you planning? And what was this warm on his chest..?
As time passed by, Kai had already memorized your breaks, since everytime you went to his infirmary to catch up. He noticed that you stayed, talked and treated him like a decent human being, different from many of this hell.
So its not shocking for him to notice that he may had developed a certain... fondness for you.
So he was slightly concerned when you were ten minutes late than normal to your usual visit.
"Waiting for miss (L/N) young man?" Asked recovery girl making her way to a reunion with principal Nezu.
Chisaki merely sended a death glare at her before scoffing and returning his supposed 'attention' on his book.
"Rude as always." Mumbled the older woman shooking her head in disbelief.
Before he could finally be emerged on his book, a knock on the door was hearded, and Chisaki felt his worries go away immediately when he saw your figurine carring two mugs carefully.
"I know I'm late, but lecture today was almost impossible since my students were anxious about their grades. And I may have made a bit too much tea to calm down my nerves." You smiled sitting on a chair in front of his desk and offering him one mug.
"Gladly." He brushed his gloved fingers with your skin, which sended a wave of shiver in his intere body.
He choosed to ignore it and just drink it in peace. At least you gave him a excuse for being late.
"Rough day?" You asked as soon as you finished sipping on your tea.
"Not as much. Students have been more careful and choosing to go to recovery girl instead." He blantly said before taking another sip of his own tea "Less sick brats and teachers for me to take care of."
You laughed, almost spilling your tea, but luckily you had put your mug down and swallowed the hit drink before the worse could happen.
Chisaki himself felt a rush of warm spread on his cheeks but before he could evict, he let out his own chuckle... your laugh was just so adorable and yet so catching that he couldn't help himself.
Your eyes immediately went wide open as your jaw dropped. When he finally oppened his eyes, he immediately built his wall up, already waiting for the worst.
"What?" He asked bitterly.
"It's the first time I heard you laugh." You smiled brightly at him "In fact its the first time I even got a chance to know that you're happy! It's difficult to see it when you're so serious and wears this mask all the time you know?" He scoffed, choosing to look down at his hot tea.
"So what if?" He asked in a arrogant tone, bringing his mug to another sip as he closed his eyes, not really expecting a answer.
"Well, it's adorable." He choked on his tea in surprise and started to cough.
"Woah! You're okay there?" You went to pat his back but he stopped you with one his hands; silently demanding distance; while the other slapped his chest a couple of times.
"Sorry, no touching, I forgot." He finally recuperated and breath in slowly to catch his breath.
"You're okay?" You asked giggling when he glared down at you.
"Get out of my office."
"It's not an office Chisaki." You started to laugh at seing his ears turning pink as he pointed at the door.
"Get out of my infirmary then, visit time is over." You laughed at his irritation and with hands up to your chest in surrender, you started to make your way towards the door.
"Okay okay sir! Can I at least pick my-"
"Alright, a present for you then. See ya tomorrow on the same time!" You giggled when you heard him scoffing.
He groaned when he returned sitting down on his chair as he rubbed at his dark brow hair.
He looked at the black mug in front of him and carefully passed the point of his fingers through it.
"A gift...from you..." he mumbled, ignoring the fact that he was smilling like a idiot at such stupid yet so endearing action of yours.
The first thing he hearded was your gasp coming from the door frame of the tiny bathroom of the infirmary.
"Chisaki what happened?!" You asked with desperation as you took steps closer to the man, whose his uncovered nose was bleeding along with a few cuts and purple marks covering his jaw and the left side of his face.
"(L/N) it's nothing to worry about." He numbly said as he tried to pick his black mask again.
"Nothing to worry about your ass Chisaki! You're bleeding!" You grapped his wrist which he flinched and pushed him out of the bathroom to force him to sit on a chair.
"How dare you-" he growled but soon stopped at seing the raged look you carried in your eyes as you picked a first aid kit.
You sitted in front of him and picked a pair of gloves and quickly wear them before grabbing a puff of cotton with alcohol and pressed gently at his cuts and wiped away his blood.
He winced at first, but soon relaxed and just let you be, as he looked down at both of your feets on the ground.
"Kai..." you called "Who are the persons doing this? It's not the first time I catch you injured. Please, I'm actually begging here."
He stayed in silence, not daring to look at your (E/C) eyes... he couldn't understand why you were so worried about... him. Him, out of all people, didn't you know who he was? Were you that dumb? Or just as antisocial as he was?
"Don't you know who I am?" He sighed the words which made your actions immediately stop.
"Chisaki Kai. The nurse of this school. Why?" He finally looked at you, a mixture of disbelief and irritation.
"Don't play dumb with me. You know who I am. You know I'm from the yakusa. You know how dangerous I can be. You know how hated I am." He growled animalistic, noticing the way you retreated a little, but your face still calm as ever.
"What the hell are your intentions on acting like this? Answer me, now." He demanded in a dark tone.
You sighed putting the kit aside and crossing your arms and putting one leg over the other.
"So? I already had knowledge of who you was and are, right. But can't I be at least respectful or even like your company? I mean, its not like everyone in this building is a saint or something like that."
His eyes softened a little before he looked down and bringed his hands up to his hair.
"I can't understand you... yet I'm... dammit.."
"Do you want me to go..?" You asked, not really wanting to go, but still respecting his decisions.
He shook his head with his hands still planted on his hair.
"... do you want a hug?" He jerked back up and looked at you dead in the eye with anger.
"Just offering! Calm down!" You lift your hands in defence.
He thought for a few seconds before sighing...
"I'm calm." He standed up and went to the bathroom again closing the door.
You looked over at his desk and couldn't help but smile and blush at seing the black mug standing there, perfectly clean and shinning through the lights of the infirmary.
When will he notice..?
You walked through the halls in search of Chisaki, since he wasn't in the infirmary, and recovery girl also having no idea where he was, since he was gone to grab a few supplies that were missing and didn't come back for an hour by now...
You eyes widened when you saw one guard and even one teacher of the third year cornering him on a wall as he only looked with his usual empty eyes and irritated face as he wiped away the blood dripping from his mouth.
"You two sick people already done? I'm going to be late for my work." He received a punch on the jaw as a answer as they went for even more.
"Guess not huh?" He grunted.
"HEY!" you screamed running in their direction and yanking the teacher away from Chisaki and standing at his front to provide any punches the guard could give.
"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" you shouted angrily at them, making both go wide eyed.
"Miss (L/N) please calm down-" the teacher tried to reason but you just got more infuriated.
"(L/N), he is dangerous, if we don't keep him grounded he may try to-"
"Are you trying to tell me you've been treating him like a wild animal since WHEN?!" Both flinched at your tone and even Chisaki widened his eyes in surprise.
"You know you two are no better than him if you beat him up for nothing?! I don't care if Principal Nezu fire me for this, but if I ever catch any of you or your partners even daring to touch him, I will give you a punch so hard that will make you bastards go straight TO THE MOON!" you pointed furiously at the direction of the exit "GET OUT OF MY SIGN. NOW!"
Both made their ways pretty quickly out, as you took a couple of breaths to calm your self down. When you turned to be in his front you saw Chisaki staring at you with wide golden eyes.
"You're okay? Did they did more than this?" You asked worriedly, containing your urge to hold his upper arms in a form of comfort.
He tried to form words but he was just in shock... you could lose your job for that scandal you just throw and yet you yelled at the top of your lungs at your coworkers... protecting him, defending him even...
"Come on." You signal for him to go to the infirmary before Aizawa got out of his class and looked worriedly and in guard at both of you.
"(L/N)? Did something happened?" You only waved him off and said you could explain later as you grabbed Chisaki's hand, who for once didn't flinch, and lead the way to the infirmary.
When you both arrived, recovery girl wasn't there anymore.
Chisaki numbly stayed on his feet as you looked for the first aid kit.
"You will be late for your class..." he monotonously pointed it out, not really wanting you to go.
"Is English class now. Mic is taking care of then..."
"Right... the noisy one..." you approached him and he stopped your actions to threat his injury.
"Chisaki can you please not be so stu-"
"Kai... calm me Kai." He numbly said, still looking down at his feet.
"Y-Your first name? Ok. If you want to. But still-"
"I..." he interrupted you again, looking hesitant to even finish his sentence "I think I will... accept that offer now... if you wouldn't mind."
"Huh? What offer?" You confusely looked up at him.
He for once looked at your eyes, like a kicked puppy, before he enveloped his arms on you as he buried his face on the crook of your neck.
He was even surprised that he didn't felt the urge to pull back or even felt disgusted at the contact, instead a warm feeling of comfort and safety enveloping him. Comproving his theory...
He was in love with you... he felt good with your presence near him... he felt for once loved and cared...
His tears started to fall silently when he felt the gentle pressure of your fingers in his scalp, carresing gently his head in comfort.
"It's okay Kai."
He felt... for once... safe and sound... the first and every time he felt good about being vulnerable in front of someone...
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dabihaul666 · 6 years
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nonobadcat · 3 years
A Blistering Affection - Yandere Dr. Chisaki Kai X Nurse Reader - Real World AU: Chapter 9 Excerpt
Reader discresion advisory:
This particular chapter contains collection of a urine sample in a medically inappropriate, dubcon creepy manner. Full story contains graphic depictions of skin disease and intimate partner sexual violence.
Read the full story at Archive of Our Own
Maybe… Maybe if you told whoever it was about your situation...
You paused at the door, hand hovering above the handle before you looked down at your clothing. While you had managed to wash your face this morning and change out of the hospital gown, you’d still selected oversized sweatpants and a soft, ratty t-shirt to wear while reading. As you heard a third man’s voice, you shook your head and quickly retreated to your stockpile of clothing. A simple pair of slim fit canvas slacks and knit blouse later, you looked in the mirror and found yourself mildly presentable. Cautiously, you made your way out to the living room, unsure of what you’d find.
What you found was Dr. Chisaki Kai, sitting on the couch, holding your cell phone long ways with a model worthy smile on his face. As you froze in the door, he turned his head to face you. As soon as his face was turned away from the camera, the genteel expression became a shit-eating grin.
“Oh! Welcome back, beautiful. Did you have a good nap?” he asked.
“Kai…” you asked in a low questioning tone. “Who are you talking to?”
The grin on his face could have lit an entire city block. His eyes were curled into a full-tilt wrinkled smile “Your parents of course. You forgot to call them this morning so they got worried.” He turned back to the phone and shrugged. “I apologize that I may bear some of the responsibility for her poor sleeping habits.”
“Oh no, no Kai sweetie!” your mother practically cooed, waving him off. “She’s always been a bit forgetful. I do hope you’ll forgive her for that.”
Your jaw dropped.
Kai… sweetie?!
“Yeah, seriously,” your brother teased. “Not too late to change your mind and bail, Doc.”
Kai shook his head. “It was too late the first time I saw her at the practice.”
Your mother let out a squeal of delight and started to fan herself. In the background, you could see your brother rolling his eyes.
“My goodness!” your father exclaimed from somewhere behind the other two. “Honey, come look at this!”
Your mother’s face retreated off the screen and the phone jumped as she passed it to your brother. “OH MY!”
“What?” your brother demanded, walking over to where your parents were.
“You really own the entire practice?” Your father’s voice was breathless as if he might faint. “All ten branches?”
“Well, a sixty percent share of it," Kai added. "There are other owners."
“The number one dermatologist in Tokyo for five years running!?” your mother gasped, reading the news article.
Kai waved his hand as if to dismiss the claim. "That article is a bit biased. I helped the newspaper's owner's wife with some wrinkles and she's been talking about us ever since."
“Twenty-seven published papers?!” your brother exclaimed. He turned back to the phone in shock. “How on earth did you find time to do all that?
Kai’s grin turned sheepish. He scratched his cheek. “I really wanted to impress my father.”
“Damn,” your brother groaned. “I am so not the favorite anymore.”
Your father gave your brother a rough slap on the back. “Better step it up or he’s getting your room.”
Your mother’s smile was cat-like. Her eyes rolled upward and she bit her lower lip. “Nonsense darling. He has his own house in Setagaya. He wouldn’t want that dumpy little room.”
Somehow, you had expected your family would come up eventually. Deep down, you’d been waiting for some sort of “what would happen to them if you tried to leave me?” to rear its ugly head from the moment you woke in his t-shirt. However, not in a million years had you ever anticipated this turn of events. The doctor had got to your family all right, but not through threats. No… This was far worse.
He’d ensnared them with his charm.
Read this chapter at Archive of Our Own
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patchworkpuzzle · 2 years
Hi Patchy! Such a cute event c:
Can I have a potion with Overhaul from mha?
If you’re uncomfortable with him, you can do Aizawa instead 💜
I appreciate you! ✨
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Traveler, I welcome to my cart and to take all the time you need to browse my wares. Though, if you will allow me to help you decide on what you truly need I can. It’s quite simple really, you want the love of a man who cannot find himself to trust your intentions, is that correct? Perhaps due to lack of trust he has experienced in his past.
So to you, I offer the essence of purity, not because I feel you need to become untouched or untainted by what life has given you. Oh no, not at all. Besides, this potion will not change those things regardless. I give this to you so that whoever may take it will see whether the heart and intentions of those they see are pure. I also suggest not many be in the room while this potion is in effect.
We wouldn’t want a squabble now would we?
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Reserved. That is what you thought was the best descriptor of the man you worked for.  Never dismissive or cruel, just cold and held back from sharing his emotions with you.
You figured it was due to years in this field. As a doctor, and a well received one at that, you would have more then enough bad days to toughen up your skin; whether it be at work or within your personal life. To build this cold barrier as to keep yourself from getting too invested in another person so when the inevitability of them leaving would never hurt as much.
That is what you deduced over the years you spent working alongside him. Faithful nurse to help aide him in healing the wounds and ailments of the crown and people at court. Most days were easy, a simple cough or cold diagnosis, in which you gave the affected person some medicine and asked they rest for a few days before sending them off. Other days were stressful, and left the pair of you with little sleep, as you work tirelessly to help heal all the injured knights that can back from battle.
No matter the circumstances, you stayed by his side and worked dutifully.
You figured with the proximity, and hours spent together within the ward, the job provided that you would be somewhat close to the doctor; that a sense or familiarity and a bond would form between you both, a budding friendship or romance to appear in some fashion. But Dr. Chisaki remaid ever a mystery to you, even after all this time.
You pined after him, not surprisingly to you or the other nurses that took residency within the small hospital. Watching him everyday, finding small things about him that was truly unique to him; what he liked, what he didn’t, the way he wrote while in a hurry or not, how he drank coffee in the morning but tea at night, all of it was taken note by you.
And yet, you always felt a little sadden by him. Not because he seemed to ignore you or your presence, though that did not help, but he always seemed lonely to you; as par the course this profesion lead. However most still had family or friends to spend their sparse free time with, you yourself had a few people to enjoy small moment life with. And yet, whenever you ask him, his plans seemed only to be to go to his home alone and stay in the darken silence. 
No family, no friends, no lover. It made you almost pity the doctor, even after he cold responded to you his reasonings - that his joy and pride comes from his work - your heart still pang in sadness over it all.
He hated that look too. Chisaki never liked seeing the sorrow that painted itself within your eyes. But that was all the more reason to distance himself from you. He had his heart broken a long time ago, his love unfaithful, and he never wanted to go through that kind of pain again; never wanted to get to close to anyone.
But try as he might, he always wanted to be near you. 
And no matter how cold and cruel he seemed to be towards you, his malice trying in vain for to see him as monstrous, he would always find you the next day dutifully preparing his patients for him; a small kind smile upon your lips. He pined for you, just as much as you pined for him. But past hurt made him untrustworthy of the kindness of others, even if he so desperately wanted to be help within its sweet embrace.
You wanted him to trust you, to allow the both of you to be love and be loved in return. You jumped at the chance when you saw a potion peddler in the market place, mind too preoccupied by the possibilities the wares would bring to you to ever be wary of the mysterious witch. You were thankful of the potion she gave you, the essence of purity that will allow the user to see the true intentions of the people around them. You only issue was getting him to unwittingly drink it and not lie to him about it; to keep yourself pure for him to see.
It was a task that set your nerves alight, that made you lose you sleep as your mind went over every possibility it could think of; some were positive, most were not. But you knew you had to try, and your heart hurt to terribly to allow you to postpone it further when you knew of the upcoming nuptials the townsfolk would be undertaking as the spring buds started appearing.
You had to do it in his coffee you concluded on your walk to the ward, for the stronger taste would hide that of the potion’s. And in the early morning it was just you two, to quietly prep for the day in silence, in each others soft and quiet company. You thought that would be the ideal time as well, less people around would cause less stress and hardship upon him. 
His presence startled you as you prepared his beverage, as you normally did, too caught up in your act to listen out for his approaching footsteps. His call to you made you jump, nearly causing the whole beverage cart to tip over - and more importantly for your potion to wasted and the bottle to be noticed.
“Why so jumpy?” Chisaki’s cool voice could barely be heard of the blood rushing to your ears and face.
“N-no reason really, just lost in thought I suppose” You sheepishly replied keeping your head tucked down “I will start the morning rounds, getting the appropriate papers.”
You scurried away on light feet, your embarrassment taking charge for a moment as you did your best to compose yourself. You didn’t run far off, just to the next room to grab papers that would not be helpful, but you needed to stay close. And to allow yourself an excuse so you may interact with him.
You took a deep breath, straightening your clothes and smoothing out invisible wrinkles, shuffling the papers to be better carried in your one hand before walking back into the small room you left him in.
“Dr. Chisaki, these papers are on patients already discharged. Where are the ones for those we currently have?” You asked, voice dying off as you looked at him; his eyes were puffy and red, with tears threatening to fall from them “a-are you alright, sir?”
“Perfectly fine…” He muttered out, turning his head so the tears he was blinking from his eyes would not be seen by you “Let me see those.”
You handed out the parchements to him, but couldn’t help but worry over his state. Perhaps this was too much, that this was not the solution you should have gone with. Your mind could not stop itself from racing of ways to fix his current plight as you gazed at him.
“You’re glowing.” He finally muttered after a moment of deadly silence “You’re the only one that is glowing.” “Sir, I am not sure I follow.” You responded, taking this chance to step towards him.
“You… you glow. I do not know why but you glow.” Chisaki finally turned towards you, eyes still filled with tears but they held a softness you had never seen before “And it makes me happy. You make me happy.”
Chisaki close the small gap between the pair of you, his arm wrapping around your waist and a hand moving up to cradle your face; to keep your eyes locked with his. He allowed his tears to fall freely now, they looked almost golden as they cascaded down his cheeks. You would have marveled at it had you not been so enraptured by his confession.
“Y-you make me happy to.” You confessed, your own tears starting to swell in your eyes “My heart has longed for you for so long now.”
He shushed you, forehead coming to rest upon yours, and allowing you both the bask in eachother embrace; to fill your lungs with the other scent and to enjoy the sweet and quiet warmth.
“Then let us both make each other happy, and loved. Now and forevermore.”
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Love truly is the strongest form of purity, I do hope it stays with you for many lifetimes to come, dear traveler. Though please, make sure that new partner of yours keeps away from direct sunlight for a day or two; his eyes will certainly not be too fond of it. I would hate for any temparary blindnes to bestowed upon him.
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Do you want to take a chance on a failing traveler's potion?
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vampireloverz · 3 years
↳ bnha masterlist 
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✰ please heed the warnings before each fic!
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shouta aizawa / eraserhead 
— dont be scared, little one → demon x gn! reader
— it’ll make you feel better → step daddy x fem! reader
— shibari → gn! reader
— spanking aizawa → dom gn! reader
taishiro toyomitsu / fatgum
— one-on-one hero training → fem! reader
— a willing victim → fem! reader
— yandere hc
— fatgum + mirko threesome → gn! reader
— prep drabble → gn! reader
— drabble → gn! reader
— you fucking taishiro drabble → gn! reader
enji todoroki / endeavor
— when is a monster not a monster? oh, when you love it. → fire demon x fem! reader
rumi usagiyama / mirko
— all i want is to be your girl → fem! reader
— mirko + fatgum threesome → gn! reader
toshinori yagi / all might
— if i didn’t care, would i feel this way? → fem! reader
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tomura shigaraki 
— just another day on the job → rich boy x fem! reader
dabi / touya todoroki
— i hear my heart breaking tonight. do you hear it too? → gn! reader
— i taste the good and bad in you and want them both. → gn! reader
— touya with a bimbo → fem! reader
— touya-nii and his new girlfriend → fem! reader
— ice → sfw gn! reader
overhaul / kai chisaki
— only you, you’re the only thing i’ll see, forever → vampire x fem vampire! reader
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hitoshi shinsou
— you love me, right? → step brother x fem! reader
katsuki bakugou
— sit. stay. roll over. → dogboy hybrid x fem! reader
— baby, i wont be your sweet tea → masochistic yandere x gn! reader
— here is my hand that will not harm you. → bodyguard x fem bodyguard! reader
— can’t help it, i want you → fem! reader
— if i got rid of my demons, i’d lose my angels. → demon! krbk x gn afab! reader
— cherries → sfw gn! reader
— pillow humping drabble → fem! reader
— big brother katsuki feat. bakusquad drabble → fem! reader
— jealous big brother katsuki → fem! reader
— wip… exes to lovers
— village deity bkg
— reader noncons bkg
eijiro kirishima
— wolf in sheep’s clothing → werewolf x fem! reader
— hello, nurse! → yandere fem! reader
— i’m watching you. i’m coming closer. i think i’m in love! → yandere villain x fem! reader
— if i got rid of my demons, i’d lose my angels. → demon! krbk x gn afab! reader
— big brother drabble + part two → gn! reader
— virgin pro hero kiri → gn! reader
— alpha kiri → gn omega! reader
izuku midoriya
— thirst drabble → fem! reader
— speaking from experience -> fem writer! reader
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natsuo todoroki 
— just one more drink (then another, then another) → fem! reader
— supplemental lessons → fem professor! reader
— my brother is a silly watchdog, my sister is a precious jewel → alpha big brother x omega little sister! reader
— bad behavior, good reward → hybrid! natsuo x dom gn! reader
— natsuo-nii drabble → fem! reader
— cum drabble → fem! reader
— soft drabble → sfw gn! reader
— teasing best friend natsuo → gn! reader
— baby trapping → fem! reader
— riding natsuo → gn! reader
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— full fics tag + drabbles tag
— haikyuu!! masterlist + jjk masterlist
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jennathearcher · 4 years
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welcome to my cage: a playlist for a music industry au featuring kai chisaki and original character aimi uehara 
1. poison and wine - the civil wars 2. broken - seether ft. amy lee 3. pretty little head - eliza rickman 4. a little death - the neighbourhood 5. decode (acoustic) - paramore 6. criminal - fiona apple 7. 99 luftballons - kaleida 8. laura - amanda palmer & brendan maclean 9. i will always love you - chase holfelder 10. hit me with your best shot - adona 11. what i’ve done - linkin park 12. cupid carries a gun - karliene 13. dark paradise - lana del rey 14. break you hard - natalia kills 15. unravel (full version) - jonathan young 16. rules - jayme dee 17. bury a friend - billie eilish 18. coin-operated boy - the dresden dolls 19. dried up, tied and dead to the world - marilyn manson 20. bottom of the deep blue sea - missio
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