#nyas moodboards
continuumalloy · 11 months
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Moodboards for Laika and Mars from @laikascomet (by @fourleafisland), with themes of flowers, stars and summer
This is my first time drawing little fake glitter stickers to put over a board, but I'm really happy with the result, because it gives it much more of the scrapbook-sort-of feeling I'm going for :]
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blackwomenrule · 9 months
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zane-helps-otherkin · 7 months
Samuraishipping moodboard for day 3 of @nevermore-s 100+ followers event
day OO3.: your favourite duo / trio (etc). OR your favourite ship
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Also based on my source memories
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abaangui · 1 year
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a ticket to anywhere by abaangui
Joel knows Boston won't last forever, knows one day they'll have to leave or die, thinks maybe they could find something worth living for if they went out West, if he could make amends with Tommy, if he could forget Sarah, if Tess really was his wife.
aka approximately five thousand words of this damn au that i can't stop thinking about. enjoy :)
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asrisgratitudejournal · 10 months
ChatGPT dan Personal Statement
Duh padahal semalam tu lagi inspired-inspirednya dan pengen nulis banyak banget hal terutama tentang reading and how reading has changed my life. Semalem beneran lagi di mood bagus banget? Dimulai dengan tidur sore selepas asar menuju magrib, terus entah kenapa inspired buat painting pake himi. Eh pas banget mau mulai painting, si Abi nelpon. Terus yaudah jadinya painting sambil ngobrol lah. Sakin gatau lagi mau gambar apa, ku ngopy foto Han Jisung yang kutempel di moodboard di depan meja. Itu gatau juga foto era jaman kapan, tapi ku suka banget background colornya merah pink putih gitu. Itu ngobrol ternyata 1 jam (wow), dan seberesnya ngobrol beres juga painting saya.
Beres painting ku lanjut ngerjain beberapa chapter Talk To Me In Korean level 2, semalem sampai -ittda/opta terus capek, terus juga baca 1 chapter Your Brain on Art yang bisa di-preview di GoogleBooks karena bagus aja (lupa juga awalnya lihat buku ini pertama kali di mana dan kapan?). Dari situ ku lanjut membaca Yellowface-nya, terus tidur. Nah pas baca Yellowface ini yang ku betul-betul kepikiran buat beli vintage classic typewriter kaya yang dipake sama si Athena?? Super gapenting dan random, tapi dari sini lah ku ber-ide pengen bilang “Aku suka banget reading tapi reading juga lah yang ngasih crazy idea to my mind kadang bingung mau bersyukur atau malah kesal”. Tapi iya entah kenapa beneran baru ngerasain lagi otak yang over-stimulated banget pengen ngerjain a-z pindah-pindah tuh semalem. Sebetulnya pas lagi kerja biasa sehari-hari juga kaya gini sih, tapi lebih in a more unproductive way aja.
Anyway, iya, balik ke judul. Jadinya ini tadi pagi ku sampai dept jam 11 kurang dan langsung ngerjain proofreading Personal Statement salah satu juniorku lah ya. Seru sih jadi mikir banyak banget terkait gimana nulis yang enak dibaca dan gimana bikin PS yang personalised berasa kaya baca tulisan orang, bukan Chat GPT. Ku udah ngetweet ini semua.
Terus lunch kan. Nah di lunch ini ku kepikiran untuk ber-eksperimen: “emangnya bakalan kaya apa sih hasil PS kalau dari ChatGPT? Se-kayak robot itu-kah hasilnya?” Sesampainya balik ke office, kumasukkin prompt kaya gini:
Can you please build a personal statement for me applying to this course: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/courses/postgraduate-taught/environmental-technology/ based on my profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/asriindraswari/
Jawaban ChatGPT:
I'm sorry for any confusion, but I don't have direct access to external websites, including LinkedIn. However, I can certainly help you craft a personal statement based on the information you provide. To get started, please share some key details about your academic background, relevant work experience, skills, and any specific achievements or projects related to environmental technology. Additionally, let me know why you are interested in pursuing the Environmental Technology program at Imperial College London. This information will help me tailor the personal statement to showcase your strengths and alignment with the program's objectives.
Terus yaudah ku-copas aja CV pre-PhD ku ke ChatGPT (si Noni udah ga mikirin lagi GDPR yaudahlahya, gaada informasi sensitive juga kok harusnya yang keluar di situ).
Ku tapi di bagian ini belum masukkin yang “why I am interested in pursuing the course”, betulan baru masukkin data CV aja. DAN HASILNYA LUAR BIASA PERSONALISED???! Sampe shocked bacanya:
I am writing to express my strong interest in the Environmental Technology program at Imperial College London, drawing upon my extensive background in geology and petroleum sciences. With a Master's in Petroleum Geosciences and a current position as a Lecturer/Fellow in the Department of Geosciences at the University of Indonesia, my academic and professional journey has equipped me with a deep understanding of geological processes and their applications. My research focus lies in sedimentation processes, sub-surface sedimentary deposits modeling, and paleoenvironmental analysis. Through various research projects, including geological and geophysical studies for disaster mitigation in Northern Java and source rock potential evaluation in Lebak, Banten, Indonesia, I have developed a keen interest in utilizing geoscience to address real-world challenges. My experience as a Geologist at Kingswood Ltd. involved evaluating leads and prospects in East Tarakan and North East Madura block, Indonesia. This experience allowed me to contribute to seismic interpretation, well analysis, and reserve estimation. Furthermore, my involvement in the thesis research at IFP School and TOTAL E&P Indonesie, focusing on mouth bar reservoir characterization in Tunu Field, Mahakam Delta, Indonesia, showcased my ability to engage in complex reservoir studies. Teaching has been a crucial aspect of my professional journey, where I have delivered courses in sedimentology, project management, petroleum geology, and exploration, among others, at the University of Indonesia. These experiences have not only enhanced my communication and leadership skills but also fueled my passion for education and knowledge dissemination. My involvement in various research grants, such as the University of Indonesia Research (PIT-9 Grant) and Applied Research for Higher Education (PTUPT Grant), reflects my commitment to advancing scientific understanding. Additionally, my participation in organizational activities, including serving as Public Relations for the Indonesian Society of Petroleum Geologist and volunteering as a teacher for Kelas Inspirasi Jakarta 7, underscores my dedication to community engagement and knowledge sharing. Imperial College London's Environmental Technology program stands out to me as the ideal platform to further enrich my expertise and contribute meaningfully to environmental solutions. The program's interdisciplinary approach aligns seamlessly with my research interests, and I am eager to collaborate with renowned faculty and fellow students who share a similar passion for sustainable technologies. In conclusion, my academic achievements, research endeavors, teaching experience, and active involvement in both academic and organizational realms have prepared me for the challenges of the Environmental Technology program. I am confident that my unique blend of academic rigor and practical experience will make a valuable contribution to the vibrant academic community at Imperial College London. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to and learn from the diverse and dynamic community at Imperial College London. Sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]
Terus kan aku pengen punya konteks lebih spesifik ya, jadi kumasukkin promptnya:
Thank you! Can you also put additional motivation of my reason for pursuing this specific course is because I want to change the direction of my career path from academic to the sustainable environment industry. Enrolling in this course will help me gain new knowledge and exposure to environment technology management which will make me better equipped for my upcoming career task.
(Jujur masih gatau ngapain gua pake thank you segala tapi ya emang pengen being nice aja sama machine emangnya gaboleh)
Replynya gajauh beda tapi ada 2-3 additional sentences dan new paragraph yang emang specifically address the issue of path pivoting/redirection :
I am writing to express my strong interest in the Environmental Technology program at Imperial College London, driven by a fervent desire to redirect my career path from academia to the sustainable environment industry. While my background in geology has been fulfilling, I am motivated to transition into the sustainable environment industry to contribute more directly to addressing pressing global challenges. Enrolling in the Environmental Technology program at Imperial College London is a strategic decision to gain new knowledge and exposure to environmental technology management, which will undoubtedly make me better equipped for my upcoming career task. (4 paragraf berikutnya sama) Imperial College London's Environmental Technology program stands out to me as the ideal platform to facilitate this career transition and further enrich my expertise. The program's interdisciplinary approach aligns seamlessly with my research interests, and I am eager to collaborate with renowned faculty and fellow students who share a similar passion for sustainable technologies. (Akhirnya sama)
Jujur setelah ngerjain ini jadi ngerasa bingung sih guna gua proofreading teh buat apahhh, karena menurutku sudah cukup personalised??? Atau ini bergantung dengan input juga kali ya. Input CV-ku lumayan banyak, jadi bisa di-buat mayan bagus dan emang ini betulan PS-nya si Noni, rasa Noni-nya keluar banget Walaupun masih bisa di-upgrade lagi sih. Ini result yang sekarang udah 75% lah. Kalau mau ditambahin bumbu-bumbu passion motivasi coming from personal experience jadi lebih tasty lagi. Ini pun bisa ditambahin di prompt ChatGPT.
Barusan ku-masukkin lagi:
Put more additional motivation: I have more interest in the environment, especially after I recognised many environmental problems in the geology field while doing my research that are not well addressed. It is getting very concerning at this rate, so I want to do something about it.
Jawaban dari ChatGPT:
(Intro sama) As my career progressed, my interest in environmental issues intensified, particularly after recognizing numerous challenges within the geology field that remain inadequately addressed. The environmental problems I encountered during my research projects are becoming increasingly concerning, emphasizing the critical need for comprehensive solutions. Enrolling in the Environmental Technology program at Imperial College London is a deliberate choice to equip myself with the tools and knowledge necessary to address these issues directly. … Projects such as geological and geophysical studies for disaster mitigation in Northern Java and source rock potential evaluation in Lebak, Banten, Indonesia, underscore the urgent need for innovative approaches to tackle environmental issues. My experience as a Geologist at … has provided me with a unique perspective on the intersection of geology and environmental concerns. The thesis research at IFP School and TOTAL E&P Indonesie… highlighted the importance of proactive measures to address environmental impacts in the petroleum industry. Teaching at the University of Indonesia has further fueled my commitment to addressing environmental challenges through education and research. My participation in organizational activities, …, reflects my dedication to raising awareness and fostering positive change. Imperial College London's Environmental Technology program emerges as the ideal avenue to deepen my understanding and contribute meaningfully to environmental solutions. The program's interdisciplinary approach aligns seamlessly with my research interests, and I am eager to collaborate with renowned faculty and fellow students who share a similar passion for sustainable technologies. (Sisanya sama).
JUJUR, kalau mau ku-tailor lagi tambahin “di dept ini ada professor x yang papernya kujadiin references di thesis s2 aku, meeting them and having an in-person discussion with them would be an honour for me and enriching my experiences in the academia”, terus how “one of the elective course yaitu xxx would help me solving problem x that I faced during my research in xxx”, “With our limited resources here in Indonesia, we still couldn’t be able to work with method x, but this course offers the training in this specific method”, “selain taking benefits from this course, I would also be able to offer fresh perspective from developing nations point of view”, “I also can offer cultural exchange”.
Buset banyak banget “bumbu” yang bisa ditambahin di prompt dan itu PS betulan jadi bisa SUPER DUPER personalised? LUAR BIASA CHAT GPT. Tapi ya emang pelajarannya dari experiment-ku di atas barusan adalah: ChatGPT is a machine anyway that help shaping our text to be in a readable version, grammatically correct, dan bahkan bisa di-custom juga to give certain nuance/vibe. Yang paling penting balik lagi tetap aja ke input prompt-nya. Isi teksnya. Yang adalah kita sendiri yang pikirin. Si ChatGPT bisa bikin kenampakannya bagus, tapi kalau ingredientsnya busuk (jahat juga gua pakai term), atau kurang bagus lah ya kualitasnya, ya hasil akhirnya juga kureng aka biasa-biasa aja.
Nah gimana supaya ingredientsnya/inputnya bagus? Ya harus banyak-banyak baca…. Membaca adalah kunci… Makanya ku bingung banget kalau ada orang yang mau nulis PS terus tapi pas kutanya “udah berapa PS yang pernah kamu baca? Ada personal favorite PS tertentu nggak yang kamu pengen jadiin reference?” nda bisa jawab, ya bubar sodara-sodara. Betulan pelajaran yang betul-betul ku internalised selama PhD ini adalah: kalau mau menulis bagus,tipsnya adalah banyak baca, terus latihan gapernah berhentiiiiii, dan iterasi. Berapa kalipun yang dibutuhkan. Bisa 10x, 5x kalau udah expert, ratusan kali kalau masih beginner, pokoknya sampe jijik sampe mau muntah gamau buka lagi file wordnya, nah itu berarti tandanya u udah siap untuk submit.
Makanya kadang perlu waktu lama banget buat orang nulis PS tu bukan masalah nulisnya. Pake ChatGPT tadi itu juga 10 detik selesai. Tapi mikirin kontennya, nyari ingredientsnya, bacanya, researchnya. Semangat teman-teman semua. Dah gitu dulu aja bacotnya hari ini. Ku kayanya in 30 mins mau wrap up dan pulang. Habis ini mau ke RSL ada buku yang mau ku pinjam, terus pulang ajadeh. Mampir Sainsbury dulu beli tissue toilet. Sampe rumah ngelaundry.
Selamat menjalani minggu, teman-teman tumblrku!
30.18 15:30 04/12/2023
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quirk-nova · 28 days
I want a moodboard for Mew Strawberry using these images.
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“For the earth's future, I'll be at your service Nya~!”
Ichigo Momomiya/Mew Strawberry (Tokyo Mew Mew) aesthetic board for @pretty-princess-pop
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finn-m-corvex · 1 year
Brand new and shiny masterpost! Let's see what I can do!
Ao3 Fics
Would You Like To Enter Prime Empire? - My rewrite of Prime Empire! Words: 53k Chapters: 4/16
Survivors - Jay and Lloyd bonding over survivor's guilt Words: 17k Chapters: 3/3
Blue Goes Boom - Rewrite of the later parts of S4 if Jay had actually gotten injured when the mech blew up Words: 14.1k Chapters: 2/?
Even the Earth Trembles - Cole angst involving touch starvation after DotD! Words: 7.2k Chapters: 1/2
Hugs When You're Blue - Collection of smaller things involving Jay getting hugs from the others! Written for @/sharksandjays based on his incredible artwork here! Words: 6.7k Chapters: 1/1
Mechanical Hearts - My college Jaya AU! Cole and Jay are adopted brothers, and shenanigans ensue when Cole has to play matchmaker between a lovesick Jay and an oblivious Nya! Words: 13.6k Chapters: 2/?
Blue and Green Make Aquamarine - first Greenflower fic! Written as a gift for @/phantombasketofmuffins for Han's Secret Santa event! Words: 4k Chapters: 1/1
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Sounding Sea - Jay angst revolving around Edgar Allan Poe's poem Annabelle Lee! Very proud of this one! Words: 1.8k
Someone You Loved - songfic with Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi and Jaya mixed together. Has the MondotheBombo seal of approval! Words: 2k
Shopping for Wires - Snippet from Ch3 of my rewrite! Probably won't understand unless you've read it. Written as a request for @/juniperjellyfish! Words: 1.4k
Lightning in a Cubicle - My take on what happened to Jay after the Merge in Dragons Rising (very much an AU) Words: 9.4k Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Aftershocks - 5+1 series involving Jay and his sensory issues! Words: 3.7k Cole | Nya | Kai | Zane | Lloyd | Jay
Falling Sleeves - Cole fluff and angst over MotO! Words: 4.3k
The hoodie headcanons used to be here but I'm going to redo them so soon to come!
Would You Like To Enter Prime Empire? - here!
Chapter 4 - First Contact Beta Jay-137 | Dee-Jay 081 | Talon - 066
Chapter 5 - Forest of Secrets The Father
Jaya Week 2023 - Days 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 Words: 17.6k Find the full version on ao3 here!
Whumptober 2023 - Days 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 Words: 68.5k Find the whole version on ao3 here!
Office Jay memes!
WYTYAA memes! Made for @/mondothebombo
PLEASE let me know if I'm missing something super important. I know there were a couple things here and there (esp art-wise) that I'm missing but I either don't have it or I'm going to rework it. This should be all of the fics though!
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systastic · 2 months
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𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔
hiiii! my name is ana && i run this blog! :3 pleasure to meet you all, meow ~
this blog is for my clawlection of genders, alterpacks, and anything else i find cool both for myself && the rest of my system!
some other sys members may use this blog !! if asked, they will make their own introductions nya ~
different emojis in the tags means that the post is either meant for/created by other alters ~ that includes 🍥 (me!), 💉, 🪼, and 🪻 !!
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#gender hoard is for genders !
#alter hoard or #headmate hoard is for alter packs !
#kitty creations is for packs we’ve made !
#kitty speaks is for anything non-pack or gender related!
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pls interact: systems, mogai & coining blogs, alter pack / headmate creation blogs, cool people!
interact w care: transx/transid, respectful radqueers (please don’t bring discourse onto this blog meow!)
dni: homophobes, racists, pro-contact harmful, gross, && non-con paras, pro-contact MAP/AAM, disrespectful sysmedicalists, violent radqueer, those who use the term “traumascum”, && those who believe systems do not exist / are not real
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𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝓇𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓈
we do alter packs for other beings too !! feel free to send in an ask ~
will do fictives & factives (as best we can depending on source), sisasystems of up to three alters, sentisystems, headspaces, dissomei, gender coining posts, nonhumans, && just plain ol’ headmates!
do not ask for transIDs/cisIDs in our packs; our system has a rule against using those terms. your request will be ignored if you do!
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𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓂
level one: name, age, pronouns, roles, species, gender identity, orientation, source
level two: all of the above + aesthetic, appearance description, personality description, one avatar/pfp (specify if picrew or not!)
level three: all of the above + likes, dislikes, front triggers, sign off
level four: all of the above + small moodboard, thematic songs, kins, any bonus info requested, && typing quirk (if applicable!)
if you do not want something on this list: let us know in your request and we’ll remove it!
for headspace packs: please give a general vibe of the headspace you want and a number of locations you’d like to have within that space!
queue can be found here!
anon list can be found here!
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note: some of these are pro-rq & some are anti-rq, so please check interaction boundaries before giving them a look!!
@eclipian, @roses-bah-garden, @bah-attic, @sewers-headmates, && too many more to name !!
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continuumalloy · 11 months
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Momo, Ura, Kin, Ryuu! Climax Form!
Boards for the four main Imagin of Den-O, with vague themes of trains, cities and sand :]
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alanzlilspace · 10 months
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Hihi!! ☆ My name is Alan! ☆ I'm a little in the Cryptic System! 🍭
My pronouns are he/bun/fluffy/kit/pup/paw/nya/pillow/soap/bubble/ducky/paci!! ☆ But just he is okie!! 🍓
I only front with Oliver!! He's my best friend n protects me from bad guys <333 🦕 ☆ He's super duper cool!!
I love flowers ☆ dinos ☆ Minecraft ☆ a lil mcyt (dream is js icky, I dont watch dsmp) ☆ bubbles ☆ fluffy stuff ☆ and shiny things!! 🧸
I'm an age slider!! ☆ I go from ages 4-13!! 🍟
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Dsmp fans
Nsfw / k!nk
Ddlg / abdl / variants
Endogenic "system" (not remembering trauma is ok)
Fake claimer
18+ (sxxual, age is ok)
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N that's about it! ☆ We'll all sign off so you can see who made what post!! ☆ Here's our proxys! 🎀
Alan -🧸
Alpha -🦊
Applejack -🍎
Bingo Bingo -🌈
Carlos -💙
Creek -🌚
Donnatello -🧪
Elliot -🦟
Eyeless Jack -🔪
Glamrock Freddy -🌟
Grunge -🖤
Iele -🦷
Mitch -💌
Oliver -🦗
Pear Butter -🍐
Pinkie -🍰
Roxy -🍕
Sail -👁
Susie -🐬
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Stuff I'll be posting: ☆ Moodboards ☆ stimboards/sensoryboards ☆ outfits ☆ fandom content ☆ pfps/banners/headers ☆ drawings ☆ journaling ☆ irl stuff!! 🧼
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cboffshore · 10 months
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you know how this acct started with me batch posting Seabound couture designs? yeah? that part of me is coming back, probably, and at the WILDEST time.
anyway, below the cut is the moodboard for what may become my entry. I made this because, if I don't do SOMETHING to cool out about the prompt, NEITHER project is getting anywhere soon. @alizibtheterrible - congrats on inspiring some incredible artistic conflict in me (I say that lovingly)
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these are all from a collection of inspiration pics I have on my Instagram - lots of Elie Saab happening here, I think, plus a couple of other designers whose names I can't remember. Definitely going to be a jumpsuit of sorts. I also have a really neat Tessa Violet concert fit for armor ref and chiffon inspo, plus a mocktail from a coffee enthusiast that just has The Vibes. probably will inspire some kind of mosaic element.
I'm also planning on pulling from this Kalmaar-inspired gala WIP that I never brought into its fullest form but am still deeply in love with:
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the current vision is some sort of ominous gala jumpsuit with a big ass cape, which I would LOVE to pull off some kind of mural design on - stylistically, somewhere between the stained glass in Child of Light and the papercraft history lesson in Seabound. Although maybe it'll just be abstract. Who knows?! Not me!! Anyway, I'm probably going to stick with my usual "basic croquis + banger fit", because as fun as the Skybound Nya DTIYS was, I was so stressed about how the character looked that I feel like the actual fashion design slipped a bit.
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21st-century-ninja · 1 year
Fic rec week: Gen/Team
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Ayo it's the final day of rec week, and we're capping it off with gen and team fic! The moodboard for today is for The Words Upon Our Skin by Exrong
When Jay finds the remnant of Zane’s face, the single, chipped word Brother written just under the eye, he throws it so hard against the ground it splits in two.
Why you should read: A great character piece that's adjacent to one of my favorite fic tropes, platonic soulmate aus, and takes an indivudual look at each ninja and what makes them tick!
Weak Verbal Skills by @scrambledfluffmuffin
Lloyd lets out a curse word in front of the ninja, and not everyone takes it well.
Why you should read: literally had me laughing out loud reading this -- combines one of my favorite Kai headcanons with Nya headcanons and has a great s1 Nya & Lloyd against the world plot to boot
No Dates Allowed! by @thoriffix @quiznak-ofgrayskull @lennon-cuddlywump
Jay and Nya are desperate to have just one nice day out together, but things go rapidly downhill when everyone they know wants to join in.
Why you should read: a very fun, lighthearted fic -- cameos from a bunch of characters, not just the ninja, and it's just a really silly enjoyable romp
The Candy Aisle by @viioletpixels
The son of the Dark Lord confronts his most frightening challenge yet: getting lost in the grocery store. Emotions ensue.
Why you should read: v good early seasons fic that had great characterization of all the ninja!! cute and h/c all in one :D
well that wraps me up for this rc week! ty sm to everyone who's recced, read, and commented on ninjago fanfic this week!! I've super appreciated it and I'm sure all the authors did too :D
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indigosky101 · 8 months
Making moodboards for each of the ninja because no one can stop me and it’s been super helpful for getting inspired to write my longfic
Today I learned you can only have 30 images in one post so I’m splitting this in half lmao
You can find part 2 here
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dreamii-krybaby · 1 year
Listen I apologize for not posting theories/speculations/hypotheses but my silly goofy brain is too busy doing silly shit and hyperfixating over the 2 local dead zombie drones moms and dead russian dad. Seriously I have so many theories in my drafts gaining dust but I’ll post them hopefully before EP5 ;w;
ISTG am reaching a new level of sillyness, am making moodboards,headcanons,stimboards over local seaweed lady (Nori), “I have seen shit” russian lady (Yeva) and “I too have seen shit” trapper-hat-wearing-russian-lad (“Adan”/ Yeva’s husband)
There is just something about this trio ilsm. (Khan listen I love ur arc and I think ur underrated but trapper-hat lad has my entire heart)
Holy shit
The NYA trio
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lamyaasfaraini · 11 months
What ya'll look like in 2017?
Waaaah 2017 tahun ter roller-coaster, dari awal tahun sampe akhir tahun banyak surprise, drama, suka, duka. Life changing juga~. Ngga cukup 4 foto, harus 12! Wkwkwk.. Here we go!
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Promoin produk kawan, bracelet bohemian vibe yuniq bgt gaksi. Suka bgt nge mix and match apapun itu sampe case hp senada braceletnya. Plus lipen fav ku, lupa merk apa ya shadenya cuco
Ngafe di gormeteria sama sepupu cayangan, ngaret bgt jadi topoto dulu sendiri (lg suka foto2 saat itu adik punya kamera mirroless bagus haha)
Pacaran aee.. Yg satu abis walanja di HnM, yg satu di Eiger haha
Pacaran aee part 2, selfie di Eiger coffee shop (eiger mele yah? Ya yu know lah pacarnya outdoor enthusiast)
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Ikut program kelas/kuliah pendek design kriya di ITB (finally wlpn cm 4 bulan wkwk) bareng YCIFI dari Korea, seleksi dulu kek S2 bikin essay haha. Tutornya dosen2 seni ITB, fun bgt ikut kelasnya haa happy! Sempet tugas bikin moodboard di puji oleh dosen, berasa berbakat gaksiii wkwk. Final projectnya bikin karya dari moodboard yg udah dibikin lalu nanti ada exhibitionnya. Parah sih keren bgt exhibition nya like a pro! So proud am the part of this event.. Bahkan msh ada kawan2 yg msh akrab sampe skrg, adik2ku lulusan2 S2 ITB yg lg gabut ikutan aja eventnya haha.
Wefie with bestie 20 years and counting, sist! (balik kondangan kawan SMA)
Foto berdua adikku pas lebaran, di kampung ibu sambungku. Kita berdua masih begitu langsing haha.
Foto lagi di kawinan org.. I told you, thn 2015, 2016, 2017 adalah tahun lg banyak2nya yg kawin cuy. Termasuk w eaa
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Nah ini di menjelang kawinan kita, menuju akhir tahun bulan Nov prewed ala2 aja, yg low budget krn kawan sendiri jadi fotografernya yg beneran gamau dibayar (tenang tp kami ngasih gift dong bentuk apresiasi), sewa studio yg homie dan udah banyak propertinya, males outdoor takut drama hujan, ada lah outdoor dikit di tamannya haha. Outfitnya jg ngga ada yg beli, aku pikirin bgt baju matching yg aku punya dan si calon punya. Nemu deh 3 outfit. Hitam adalah warna paling aman dan siapa yg gapunya warna hitam yekan~
NIKAH! Ini moment paling life changing bgt, termasuk look aku. Jadi ratu sehari kapan lg? Sekali seumur hidup. Walaupun MUA jg rekanan, baju pengantin jg rekomen WO nya tp tetep kita nyari2 yg mantes dong. Saat itu lg hype warna pastel untuk bride sampe bosen emg haha. Kalo akad pgn nyobain pake siger sunda, kacumponan. Jas pengantin si calon beneran h- beberapa hari ganti krn krg puas, nyari ke tempat lain dan alhamdulillah nemu. Fiuh~ bnyk drama memang. Tp alhamdulillah puas sih baju dan makeup, yg ngga puas dekor dan fotografer wkwk yaudahlah yaa
Tag @sagarmatha13
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honeyspiders10 · 2 years
This is the official masterlist of my blog!! Everything I have ever written will be listed here (so will asks and my get to know the author!)
This took literally forever so I hope my efforts were not in vain and this helps you navigate my blog!!
The fics will be organized by fandom and character!! (this is for your convenience.)
Author stuff, reblogs, asks that aren't fanfictions: Announcing that I will start writing for Zelda characters!
Someone asked if i wrote for little and caregiver characters!
List your top 5 favorite songs.
Announcing that me and my friend would be doing winter prompts!
Creating a moodboard!
Start of 31 day December prompts! (this is going until the 31st!)
When it was my birthday! (2022)
Announcing new profile pic and backdrop!
A very lovely person asking if I was still taking requests (I am!!)
When I had a concussion and had to take a break.
When someone very nice checked on me bc of my concussion!
Stuff I've written that's not a fanfiction!:
A cute romantic scene thing that I really love!
Pinned Post(s):
Character list and will and not writes!
Reposting Series:
Parental!Cole x Child!GN!Reader! (Platonic OFC) (fluff)
Jimmy Krystal x Female!Reader (Fluff)
Captain Barnacles x Female!reader HCs (fluff)
Sing 1-2:
Porsha with a FtM!reader relationship HCs (fluff)
Jimmy Krystal x Female!Reader (Fluff)
Boku No Hero Academia:
Tamaki with a Male!reader HCs (Fluff)
Tenya x male!reader (slight angst)
Kirishima x GN!reader (fluff) Tokoyami and Shoji (separate) HCs (fluff) Ojiro x GN!reader (fluff)
Transmasc!Kwazi coming out to the Octonauts (fluff)
Platonic!Peso and Kwazii HCs (separate) (fluff)
Captain Barnacles x Female!reader HCs (fluff) Captain Barnacles x GN!reader (fluff)
Parental!Cole x Child!GN!Reader! (Platonic OFC) (fluff)
Nya x Pixal x NB!reader! (Fluff)
Riz x GN!Reader! (Play fighting fluff/light angst)
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
Little!America x Caregiver!Stephen (PLATONIC) (angst/fluff)
Caregiver! Wong x Little!Stephen (PlATONIC) (fluff/light angst)
Stranger Things:
Robin Buckley x Masc!Female!Reader (Fluff/angst?)
Max Mayfield x Male!Reader HCs (fluff)
Caregiver!Argyle x Little!Male!Reader! (fluff)
Eddie Munson x GN!Reader! (Fluff)
Eddie Munson x GN!Reader (fluff)
None at the moment unfortunately.. Taking requests though!
None at the moment. Taking Requests though!
The Walking Dead:
None! Feel free to request!
None! Requests are open!!!
---------------------------------------------------- Zelda BOTW and TOTK:
None at the moment! Feel free to request! ---------------------------------------------------- Okay! That's all I hope you have a good day and I'm very glad you made it this far!! I hope you continue to support this blog!!
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