#nynn deathly hallows au
racfoam · 9 months
nynn Deathly Hallows AU
A day after Harry buried Dobby, she was sitting at the edge of the beach of Shell Cottage, staring out at the sea.
It was when she felt a wind not borne of the seaside caress on the doors of the soul bond that her body tensed. Picking herself up, Harry pulled out Draco's wand and Disapparated.
Harry landed on another beach, where above her, looking white cliffs stood tall. It was much warmer here.
The doors were pushed gently. Harry approached the sea, pulling of her Muggle clothes as she went, toeing off her trainers and pulling off her socks.
She could feel him at the back of her head now, so she laid on the bed of sand, spreading out her limbs, submerging her body inside the cool, cold water, closing her eyes. All her troubles went away underwater as the ocean drenched her face, her scar, her arms and any unlocthed skin. Everything turned quiet. Harry's long hair floated like a black veil in the sea.
After the first bubble came out her lips, Harry broke the surface again, refreshingly drenched. She stood up from the shallow and dried her hair with a drying charm, then did the same to the rest of her body. The moment the water was gone, Harry missed the feel of it. She Accioed her clothes to her and put on her shirt first.
The doors yawned open, creaking inside Harry’s ears. Saying nothing, Harry pulled up her trousers next.
She was stuffing her socked feet into her trainers when she felt the bond open, and Voldemort step past the doors.
Harry stood up, and Voldemort was there, three feet away from her, a red-eyed skeleton draped in black robes.
“Did the knife find a mark?” he asked, his cold voice all around her, just like the wind.
Harry clenched her teeth. She held her head high, and said nothing. The less Voldemort knows, the better. Harry climbed up the sandy beach, brushing past Voldemort; the cloth of his robe brushed against the cotton of her red shirt.
A skeletal, strong hand latched around her forearm, pulling Harry back, turning her around.
When Harry was turned to him, the hand released her. She felt his eyes on her.
“You’ve grown thinner.”
Was that a note of worry in his voice?
“It’s the fugitive style.” said Harry, staring at his collar. “You should try it out. Does wonders for your brain.”
Voldemort hummed. He moved out of Harry's periohery, and started circling her. Harry heard the sound of his bare feet on the sand as they walked, smelled the snowflakes she came to connect to his scent. She even felt the warmth of his breath on her neck when he leaned in and whispered, “Why did you run, Harry? I wouldn’t have harmed you. I would have been merciful toward your friends.”
Harry feels wetness on her cheeks. Despite drying her clothes and hair, her face is still wet from swimming in the ocean.
Voldemort stops in front of her, blocking her view of the blue horizon of the sea. Harry looks up at him then. His serpentine features are tense, impatience clear on the ivory face.
Harry glares at him for stepping in her way.
There are many things Harry could say.
“How was robbing Dumbledore’s grave?” she asks instead.
The impatience momentarily shifts to surprise. Voldemort looked almost displeased Harry knew what he had done while she was busy crashing on the beach and holding a dying Dobby in her arms.
Voldemort's skeletal hand disappears into the pocket of his robe. It pulls out a wand of dark wood.
Harry already thinks it doesn't suit him. The bone yew suited Voldemort much better.
Voldemort lifts it, sweeps his fingers across the bumped edges, thoughtful.
“It is not as though he will be needing it. I deserve it.”
Harry feels so disappointed and somber no words come. What was the point of trying, anyway?
“You’re still taking things that don't belong to you.” said Harry, breaking the silence.
Voldemort lunged, fast as a viper, with blinding speed. His long, skeletal fingers wrapped around Harry's throat, holding her paralysed.
“You belong to me!” he hissed, nightmarish face dangerously close, red eyes scalding into her. Harry's heart stopped beating for a moment as she stared at the enraged face.
Harry watched the rage fade, the tension vanish from the snake-like face. The fingers restraining her like a python loosened their grip on her neck, and his hands travelled up her skin. His fingers brushed her ears, and the next moment, those same palms were cradling her face as though she was the most fragile thing in the world.
The hiss turned into a silky whisper. “You’re mine.”
Another beat of silence.
“Come home to me.”
The red eyes trailed along her face hungrily, his breath caressing her cheek, wintery cold in a blooming spring sun.
The hunger overtook his eyes, the slitted pupils expanding into exploding dark holes. It was the only warning Harry received. Not that she could have stepped away, anyway, not with her face caged between his palms.
Voldemort sealed his mouth over Harry’s, kissing her hungrily. The kiss was warm and scalding hot, sending electric tremors through the most tender, vulnerable parts of her. Her lips were parted, so Voldemort took advantage, driving his tongue inside her mouth.
Harry didn't move. Didn't make a sound. She let him kiss her, let him have it. Voldemort, greedy as he was, hungering for more, took as much as he could, curling his tongue around Harry's mouth, tasting her and her lips both.
When it got too much, when Harry couldn’t breathe anymore, she whimpered into him. Voldemort pulled away regrettably, releasing Harry from his affection, tongue and lips retreating. He was smiling so beautifully, like an overjoyed boy.
The smile fell when he saw the sadness on Harry's face. Confusion marred his face. He looked as though he had no idea what he’d done wrong.
Harry felt so sad over the fact — over the fact Voldemort thought there was nothing wrong with this — that she felt tears gather in her eyes.
Voldemort bent down and kissed Harry again, this one slow and tender, not as passionate. Harry didn’t know how many times he kissed her. She knew she kissed him back a few times, hoping it would make him stop. But it felt as though he knew her heart wasn't in it, and kept pressing for more, his fingers caressing her face adoringly, repeating “Come home to me.” between each kiss.
Harry returned to Shell Cottage an hour later, rushed to the bathroom, and cried.
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racfoam · 1 year
more nynn deathly hallows AU (Harry at the DE meeting at the beginning of DH cus why not)
Harry clenched her eyes shut, trying not to feel, not to let her emotions overflow into the soul bond, double-checking the doors, ascertaining they remained shut. She could hear Malfoy scrambling up from where he’d fallen off his chair, could feel the caressing touch of Voldemort’s fingertips and nails along the surface of her right knuckle; he was checking she remained there, in the flesh, sitting beside him. That she did not up and vanish. Harry had promised not to, but it was a challenge to keep her word. Nagini's body was now full of a human body, and Harry felt she was about to be sick. No wonder the serpent was so big. Voldemort fed her a diet consisting of large prey.  Harry could hear many people rise from the chairs, but she knew to stay, because Voldemort did not rise, thoughtful, the fingers of his left hand continuing to caress Harry's hand absentmindedly.  She could hear most of the group walk back to the stairs, that would lead them out of the manor. Harry was itching to leave, too; this manor felt suffocating and too dark for her liking. Harry wasn’t really listening to any of the Death Eaters’ goodbyes. It was taking all her focus not to sob and cry, not to show a hint of anything, not even a trembling chin. It took a lot of effort. Somehow, Harry managed it. Harry ignored Malfoy’s pitying look when he passed by her lest she pulled her wand out and knocked him back to the ground again. When all the footsteps faded, the long table empty, the Malfoys scarce, there was only a bloated Nagini on the dining table, Harry and Voldemort. Nagini opened her maw, yawning widely.  Voldemort stood, grabbing Harry by the hand and helping her stand. Harry wrapped her arm around his elbow. More not to fall off her numb legs than to let him be a gentleman. Nagini spread over the table; it was clear she intended to stay there for a while. Nobody would dare approach her, Harry knew.   Without warning, they Disapparated. They reappeared in the sitting room. Harry instantly let go of Voldemort's arm. The red eyes watched her.  “Are you hungry?” he asked. “You haven’t eaten dinner.” Harry felt like chuckling. He just took her to a meeting of pureblooded maniacs, and he was worrying about her not eating dinner? It was a wonder Harry still had her lunch stored in her stomach. “No,” said Harry quietly. She stood on her tip toes and kissed him on the cheek quickly — his skin was soft under her lips, and she felt him still under the touch — and then hurried to the doors of her room. “Good night.”
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racfoam · 1 year
nynn Deathly Hallows AU
Harry thought about it. About all the time Voldemort has. He had all the time in the world.
Voldemort had so much time, and Harry had so little.
Harry wondered how it could ever work, the two of them, when Voldemort had forever and Harry had mortality.
Voldemort was like water, ever-lasting.
Harry was just a pebble. One day, she would sink.
And no matter how much Harry wished she could do something, she knew she couldn't do it. She couldn't embrace immortality if it meant becoming a lake and watching all of her friends sink like pebbles one day, to the bottom of the lake while Harry remains.
And yet, at the same time, Harry couldn't bear the thought of losing Voldemort when she only just got him.
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racfoam · 1 year
I was wondering about like scabiour and harry , you know like a snippet, thank you
Oh boy, if Harry could bash anyone's face in, it'd be Scabiour, mostly cus of all the leering he gives Hermione. I actually had to goggle the name 😅
This snippet is set in nynn Deathly Hallows AU. It turned into Harrymort and only a short mention of Scabiour. Sorry, anon 😅
The locket purred happily between Harry’s breasts. It felt like a cat burrowing itself into her chest and purring. There was no shrieking or any sort of weight. Hermione really was right. The locket didn’t see Harry as an enemy. The feeling of wrongness, however, remained as Harry helped Hermione gather herbs to make the pain-relieving potion.
Harry hadn’t learned how to fix bones yet, and she hated that she hadn’t. All she managed to do was tether Ron's splinched skin back up. Despite Hermione’s praise, Harry felt lacking. She should have done more, learned more. She decided to start learning the spell from Advanced Healing first thing in the morning.
The wrath from Voldemort had dulled now. She could still feel him past the barricade of the doors of the soul bond. He was lingering, and every time his skeletal fingers touched the doors, a shiver wracked down Harry's spine. As though, instead of the doors, the pads of his fingers were trailing along Harry’s skin.
She felt an echo of his feelings. A gaping, aching sensation, in the center of her chest. Her hands felt so empty, even with her wand (but Harry wasn’t holding her wand) in her hand.
“I can feel you, Harry. Your mind is wrapped around mine.”
Harry stayed quiet. She noticed one of the herbs on the ground, bent down, and picked it up.
“You were in Grimmauld this entire time... Was saving the mudbloods that important to you?”
Harry felt a surge of relief. Voldemort thought it was a planned breakout. She felt a bit boldened by that. So, she reached out and grasped the golden thread between them.
“You killed Gregorovitch. I thought you like your wand.”
Voldemort’s delight filled the bond. Harry's entire body turned light, weightless with joy.
“Hello, Harry. You didn't allow me to congratulate you your seventeeth.”
“I had an entire event planned for it. Imagine my disappointment when you slipped away again.”
Harry felt her breath catch. Voldemort stood in front of her.
“Allow me to give you a gift.”
Voldemort bent down, and pressed a gentle kiss to Harry's unmoving lips. Harry kept her eyes closed, latching onto the feel of his lips.
“Happy birthday, Harry.” Voldemort whispered against Harry’s lips, his sibilant voice echoing around her, slithering softly across her skin.
A twig snapped. Harry's eyes snapped open. Voldemort was gone. And there, in front of the shield, stood Hermione, back stiff and tense. On the other side...
Harry's stomach sunk. Three wizards in ragged robes stood on the other side. One wizard, Harry recognised; Greyback.
It was however, a brown long-haired wizard that led the group. Every nerve in Harry's body tensed up. In silence, as quietly as possible, Harry approached Hermione. Just in case.
The brown-haired wizard had stopped moving. He smelled the air, and he turned to face them; facing the shield.
Harry's eyes widened..
“What's that smell?” asked the wizard, his tone muffled, as though he was speaking through a wall.
Then, he got distracted.
“Snatchers,” said Harry. She smiled at Hermione. “Good to know your enchantments work.”
“He could smell it,” said Hermione, fright in her voice. “My perfume.”
“Gross,” said Harry disgustedly. She grabbed Hermione's hand, pulling her back down; they headed back to camp.
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racfoam · 2 years
🫧 Rac’s Masterlist Of Snippets 🫧
(last updated: 6th April, 2023)
BTS Dh Part 2
nynn snippets
graveyard add-on
what-if, Voldemort kisses Harry on the graveyard (Read the Warnings!)
Hermione Defending Harry (4th Year)
nynn Harry meets Movie Voldemort (Graveyard)
Voldemort licks Harry’s wound (Graveyard)
Sirius’ reaction to Harry crushing on Cedric
Cedric gives Harry clue about the egg + Moody reacting to Hedric
Fred & George’s nickname for Voldemort
Voldemort Faces The Dursleys Pt 2 (what-if)
Voldemort shows Harry he can fly
Harry dreaming of Voldemort
Harry’s Letter 1
Harry’s Letter 2
Sirius' reaction to Harrymort getting together
Harry & Voldemort Summer of 6th Year
Harry hears Voldemort laugh
Harry & Bellatrix Ministry fight (5th Year SPOILERS)
Harry under Amortentia (6th Year)
Harry almost gets attacked by McLaggen, Voldemort & Ron team up (6th Year)
Harry & Voldemort, Harry & Slughorn (6th Year)
Scene with Mirrors (SPOILERS)
old fashion vs new fashion
no towels, walk naked (SPOILER for 7th Year)
Flashback Scene - Slughorn Meets Voldemort after he was refused the DADA position (6th Year)
Harry & Voldemort talking about Slughorn, Slughorn is the father that STEPPED UP 😤 (6th Year)
Harry high on Liquid Luck (6th Year)
Voldemort calling Harry beautiful (SPOILERS 5th Year)
Harry being beautiful (6th Year)
McLaggen eyeing Harry during Quidditch Practice (6th Year)
Harry vs Snape (SPOILERS 6th Year)
Harry asking Voldemort for help with homework through the soul bond (5th Year)
Harry using the soul bond during Potions (5th Year)
McGonagall murdering Umbridge (5th Year)
Hedwig is accepting bribery
King's Cross Meeting
Harry talks to Sirius after the Atrium (SPOILER)
Voldemort & Barty (SPOILER)
Slughorn hugs Harry (short)
Harry & Sirius during Ministry fight (short)
Fred & George teasing Harry
Two Apples (SPOILER)
Harry's Quotes in 5th Year (SPOILER)
Death Eaters (SPOILER)
The Quaffle Incident (SPOILER)
Harry dreaming about kisses (SPOILER)
Bellatrix meets Harry
what Slytherin Locket is doing during nynn
Voldemort & Dumbledore Face Off Atrium (SPOILERS)
“I lie to myself.” (SPOILERS)
Harry asks Voldemort about his anatomy
Harry & Voldemort 6th Year Summer
Harrymort cuddles (6th Year)
Muttons (be proud)
Reference Pictures for Voldemort in nynn
Fem Harry Reference Pictures
nynn Deathly Hallows AU
escape from Ministry
Harry going into the Forbidden Forest
"I'll blow it up!" The Trio
Nagini in Godric's Hollow + nynn Voldemort stealing cupcakes
Harry flying on Ili
Seven Potters Polyjuice Scene
Dursleys packing + fight at Malfoy Manor
Harry's no good 17th Birthday
Harry & Hedwig after sky chase, Harry is so done with everything
Voldemort & Death Eaters celebrate Harry's homecoming
nynn Voldemort raises Harry AU Masterlist
nynn Lily & James alive AU
Harry is too chill and very hungry after dementor attack + Lily & Harry heartwarming scene
James & Harry
future son-in-law
all the times Voldemort calls James dad, and the time James calls Voldemort son
nynn James survives, Voldemort Wins AU
nynn Lily survives, Voldemort wins AU
nynn Professor Gaunt
pt 1
pt 2
pt 3
pt 4
snowball fight
Gaunt gets jealous
Harry finds out Gaunt is Voldemort
pt 6 kiss™
nynn Same Age, growing up together & 1st Wizarding War
Tom & Harry’s first meeting written by Anon
Tom sneaks into Harry's dormitory
Harry & Voldemort moments during 1st Wizarding War
Lily & James discussing whether the Dark Lord has a wife
when Voldemort & Harry argue
Voldemort tells Harry about the Prophecy
Halloween 1981
Dolohov returns with baby Voldemort in 1983
Voldemort decides not to kill Harrison
Harry & Voldemort raising Harrison (angst)
Harrison says his first words
Harrison meets Hermione (Harmione)
Harry & Voldemort + 17-year-old Harrison going to meet Hermione's parents
last thought, last breath
- Canon Compliant, Harry surrenders in Forbidden Forest, Voldemort discovers Harry is a Horcrux, Captive Harry, Dark Fic
Narcissa is too sober for this
Harry tries to get drunk, Voldemort stops her
The Dark Lord wants his birthday gift (Mature themes)
your fingers seek mine (Masterlist)
generousity - Harry Time-Travels to 1st Wizarding War AU (Masterlist)
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racfoam · 2 years
OMG I'm literally obsessed with your snippets. Can we get more of nynn 7th year au more? With more Voldy pleeeaassseee???🥺🙏
Happy you like the snippets, anon! Do you mean nynn Deathly Hallows AU or you mean nynn 7th Year itself? I might run out of the no-spoiler ones. Something with Voldemort, hm...
nynn Deathly Hallows AU
“He's coming!” yelled Harry, blank fear in every letter. The air turned cold at her words, cold as the snow outside of the house they were trapped in. “Hermione, he’s coming!”
Harry went to pull out the Invisibility Cloak, toss it to Hermione, but Nagini reared up again, recovering from the charm that pushed her away.
And Voldemort blasted the doors of the house down at the sane time that Harry covered the length of the bedroom, vision blinded by gold, the only sharp outline that remained Hermione. Nagini slithered after Harry, striking out, launching herself high mid-air to topple Harry, lunging at her again.
A wave of magic knocked into the snake mid-air. It knocked Nagini into the nearest wall.
“Nooo!” moaned Nagini, curling up, sounding like she was crying. Something inside Harry's heart throbbed. “Master! Master! Hurry! Mistress!”
And Harry could hear Voldemort rushing up the stairs, could hear his heart beating the same as her own, until the beats mixed, until she could no longer tell which beat was hers and which his.
“GET READY TO JUMP!" screamed Harry, leaping over the bed as Nagini curled, hissing panically, “Mistress! Mistress!”, crying on the floor, calling for Harry like Harry was abandoning her, like Harry was throwing Nagini away on the street to starve and die —
Harry clenched her jaw tight. It hurt. It hurt. Everything hurt.
“Jump —” gasped Hermione in confusion, but there was no time to explain, no time to stop moving.
Voldemort reached the landing, Voldemort was in front of the doors...
Harry leapt onto the bed, grabbed Hermione tight by the hand, glared at the window, shattering it open, creating a path out.
The doors of the bedroom burst down at the same moment Harry tugged Hermione with her, leapt off the bed — Harry never held Hermione's hand as tight as she did in this moment, she thought that not even a Crucio could force her to release Hermione's hand — and jumped through the window the same time Nagini recovered, lunging for them one last time.
“Confringo!” cried Hermione forcefully. A blast of fire exploded from her wand, directly at Nagini, blasting the large serpent back once more. Harry felt something hot scorch her wand-hand.
Harry could see a white, skeletal hand reaching for her. For a moment she met the cat-like, red eyes.
Then, they twisted, and vanished, the white skeletal fingers missing Harry by a breath. Lord Voldemort’s mad scream of rage filled the Christmas night, Harry’s skull burst open, and she knew no more.
nynn 7th Year
Let it be known Lord Voldemort was the stealthiest wizard alive. For what other talent except stealth could have enabled him to sneak out of the bedroom he shared with his soulmate — he hardly slept, instead staring at his soulmate's beautiful sleeping face in child-like wonder and fascination abd it was a time well-spent — and down to the kitchen to feast on the cupcakes his soulmate baked?
He would replace them by the time his darling witch woke, of course. Otherwise, he was certain he would have his bed-sharing privilege revoked no matter how valiantly he struggled.
So, he arrived to the freezer, and opened its double doors with a single look. He located the cupcakes and took one.
He was rather hungry, and there was nothing better but something made by his soulmate to sate his hunger and fill his stomach.
Voldemort was not a novice in sneaking to the kitchen to eat a few extra things. Just because the cupcakes were for the Death Eater meeting for this evening did not mean he would allow those fools the privilege of being the ones to eat the cupcakes first.
First come, first serve. Also, they were Slytherin themed. Is it not fair that the Heir of Slytherin is the first to get a taste?
The flavours mixed pleasantly in his mouth, and he quickly — but neatly because there can be no crumbs left, no evidence of his excursion; the couch was not somewhere where he wanted to sleep — went to the second one. In the end, he had the entire tray of the frozen delights floating in front of him and he was on his sixth one when he heard footsteps down the stairs.
He quickly vanished the evidence, replaced the missing cupcakes by a cloning charm, and set the tray back inside. All without fuss, and without lifting a finger.
Truly, it was very amusing and fun. He hasn't had so much fun in a while. By the time Harriet entered the kitchen, casting a light charm, he was brewing hot chocolate.
Those beautiful, emerald eyes blinked multiple times at the lack of the scene of a crime.
“Good morning, Harry,” he greeted silkily, rolling the ‘r’ of her name, lengthening the ‘y’. It had its required effect; Harriet shivered, and her delicate features painted a wine-red.
Harriet frowned.
“Morning," she murmured, staring at him suspiciously, before heading to the fridge to check on the cupcakes. She spent a few seconds counting them.
Voldemort fought back a victorious smirk.
“Bit early for hot chocolate,” Harriet mumbled.
“You’re bleeding and I know one of your remedies is this.” he said.
Harriet flushed.
“Thank you," she said shyly.
Voldemort hummed, pleasure coursing through his veins. He nuzzled Harriet's temple, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“You welcome," he purred, and delighted in the little meek sound his soulmate made.
Hope you liked it! ❤️
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racfoam · 2 years
nynn Deathly Hallows AU snippet
“I'm gonna blow him up,” decided Harry.
“Don’t blow up the tent! We have food in here!" Ron yelled.
“That's what you're concerned about?” asked Harry, confounded, wanting to grab Ron and shake him. “The Dark Lord is inside our tent and you’re concerned about food?!”
“Food is important!” said Ron loudly. “If I have to transfigure branches into strawberries one more time, I’ll go mad!”
Harry gave Ron a dirty look. Ron was six foot one, he didn't need more food. In fact, it wouldn't be amiss if Ron gave Harry some of his height.
“I’m blowing it up!” screamed Harry, decision made.
“Don’t blow anything up, you’ll blow yourself up!” Hermione hissed.
“Well I don’t wanna die in a tent!” Harry screamed back.
Ten feet away, Voldemort laughed, amused by their panic.
“Oh, shut up!” shouted Harry, Hermione and Ron at the same time.
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racfoam · 2 years
Here is a nynn 7th Year Deathly Hallows AU. I say AU because 7th Year of nynn probably won’t be following the events of Deathly Hallows but oh, do I love playing around in it, there is so much possibility for ANGST and I am the best at writing angst. Warning, there is discussion of potential physical assault.
The Dursleys were packing.
Harry helped Dudley organize his clothes and safely package his video game system.
There was a load of stuff Dudley had, which meant a load had to be left behind. His gaze lingered on Indiana Jones cassettes and Mario Kart game discs before he pushed them into Harry’s arms without a word. The light caught in his blue eyes; they were twinkling with tears.
“I won’t be able to play them,” said Harry, confused.
“Doesn’t matter,” grunted Dudley, still avoiding making eye contact; his voice was rather wobbly. “Just carry them with you, in that pit of a pouch you have... wish I had an endless backpack...”
Harry’s lips twitched at that. She nodded, took the cassettes, game discs, and the Game Boy, and stored it in the small pouch hanging off her jeans. They continued packing things into boxes.
“You remember how to escape chokeholds? Front and rear-naked?”
“Yes,” said Harry.
The moment Harry had come back for the summer holidays, Dudley had insisted to train her in physical self-defence. It had scared Harry at first because she saw how by nature, men were stronger than women. Even when they started out with play wrestling on the mats in the back garden, when Harry gave it her all, Dudley had still won without putting much of his weight on it.
“And how to escape being pinned down?” he pressed. “That one’s important.”
Harry’s blood always turned to ice regarding that particular position, and it did so now, even after muscle memory memorized the counterattack, even now that she was capable to perform all the steps with lightning speed thanks to Dudley's teaching.
The first time they had tried to practice that one, Harry had a panic attack. With time, she calmed down enough and no longer did her brain empty itself with blind panic, no longer did every limb freeze in place.
But the goosebumps were yet to fade away.
“Yeah, and the kicks, tackles and punches... Best is to aim for the groin when everything else fails. And bite and scratch — aim for the eyes with my nails.”
Dudley nodded.
“Good,” said Dudley, sighing out shakily, nodding to himself. “Good. Knife?”
“Front pocket. If he's too far away, slash. Close enough, stab.”
“Good,” said Dudley, in that same, shaky sort of voice. It was strange, to hear Dudley, who fought boxing matches with older boys and came on top, sound concerned for his cousin who he bullied when they were kids. In fact, it sounded like Dudley would rather take on the international heavy-weight boxing champion than think of Harry being attacked.
Here is Harry using the knife Sirius gave her in Malfoy Manor.
Too far to slash.
Close enough to stab.
The knife materialized in Harry's palm, and she didn't hesitate for a single second. Before they even realized something was gripped in her hand, Harry wrenched her arm forward and plunged the knife into the closest part of Greyback she could reach. She felt the flesh open under the sharp blade, felt the knife bury itself deep into the muscle, forcing it apart, as though Harry was using her own hand as the knife itself —
Blood trickled out, warm and hot, reaching her fingers on the metal grip carved of the Sirius constellation.
There was a yell. It sounded far away. All Harry could hear was the beat of her heart, all she could think was save Hermione save Hermione —
Pull it out, open the wound, now, quick!
Harry pulled the knife out with lightning-bolt speed. There was a grunt of pain. Something slammed into the side of her cheek. Something heavy and hard. A fist.
Greyback had swung and hit Harry in the side of the right cheek. The entire world swayed. Black dots exploded in her vision. However, the grip on the knife remained. There was still hope. There was still a chance.
Harry threw herself forward, wrapping her arms around Greyback's knees, pushing off the floor with her feet, tackling him to the floor.
The knife plunged into flesh again, this time in the back of Greyback's left knee, into the nerves and the hamstring’s and this time Greyback howled like a miserable dog...
Harry’s other hand worked fast, finding the wand in Greyback's wand pocket. She plunged the tip toward his chest, and let her magic burst forth without a single incantation.
A red light burst out of the wand, and Greyback fell still, unconsciouss.
Harry scrambled up from the werewolf, left hand holding the wand, right hand the knife. She could feel the stinging jinx Hermione placed fading away, the swelling reducing.
Another blast of magic burst forth from the wand upon Harry's command. A large blastwave exploded in a circle. It knocked everyone but Harry off their feet. Bellatrix had separated from Hermione. Harry pointed the wand at Hermione. An invisible thread lunged out of the wand, covered the distance of fifteen feet lightning-quick, and wound up around Hermione’s torso, and yanked Hermione toward Harry.
Hermione crashed into Harry’s arms, and they both fell over. Harry was up again, a large bubble sphere of a shield appearing forth, surrounding her and Hermione as a curse sent by Bellatrix rebounded off the bubble.
The shield remained, shimmering and transparent, and Harry reached out with her hand for Hermione to clamber up, Hermione’s hold bone-squeezingly tight.
“Harry, you’re...”
Visible. Except her sight was still blurry, her glasses stored deep in the inner pocket of her outer cloak.
The group of four stared at Harry for a moment, wide-mouthed, apparently speechless with shock.
It was followed by Bellatrix's cheery, celebratory laugh; Bellatrix clapped excitedly, hopping up and down like a madwoman who won the lottery. She looked a bit blurry from this distance, but Harry heard her just fine.
Harry's heart thundered against her ribcage.
Then, she felt her scar burn. Groaning, she bent over, stumbling backward, trying to flee the pain. The shield shimmered dangerously, but remained firm. Hermione caught her, her body becoming Harry's pillar.
Warm, soft hands, hair smelling on old parchment and earth... Hermione...
Harry felt her glasses be placed on the bridge of her nose by those same hands, and she looked this way and that, trying to find who it was.
Lucius Malfoy’s sleeve was pulled up to his elbow, and the Dark Mark on his forearm stood in stark, black ink against his skin, crawling on its surface.
Harry's eyes stretched in horror. And then, she felt another pang of pain... And... Excitement and joy, bubbling up inside her stomach, threatening to swallow her whole.
There was a loud BOOM. It came from the dungeons. Bellatrix and Narcissa turned to the stairwell, but they were too slow —
“EXPELLIARMUS!” bellowed Ron, roaring like a lion, pointing a wand that was not his own at the witches. Both Bellatrix’s and Narcissa's wands flew out of their hands, and Ron caught one, while Luna caught the other. A goblin was with them, and Ollivander, too.
“Ron!” gasped Hermione in relief; she looked ready to collapse with relief at the sight of Ron, wild-eyed and hair messy, but unharmed. Ron looked mad. Looked ready to tear Bellatrix limb from limb.
They outnumbered them. They could get away...
Another surge of pain attacked Harry. This time, she saw dark smoke travelling across the grey sky, flying faster than a thestral or a Firebolt. It was approaching the dark Malfoy Manor, where they were...
Her wrist stung.
Then, the smoke was rising high, climbing up into the air, into the dim sky. Stormclouds appeared, and thunder rumbled.
Then, the smoke twisted downward, and dove toward the roof covering the drawing room.
Harry opened her eyes.
“RON!” screamed Harry at the top of her lungs, voice resounding across the thickening air. “DIVE!”
Ron grabbed Luna, Ollivander and the goblin, and flung them and himself down into the stairs, where they’d come from.
It was tunneling downward, this dark force of power, it was heading straight down toward the roof...
A cold, high voice whispered in Harry’s head.
The only coherent thought Harry could think was: Shit.
The ceiling collapsed. The glass of the windows exploded. A large storm broke. Its shockwave shattered the protective, powerful sphere Harry conjured, splintering it into meaningless shards. The storm knocked everyone off their feet, tumbling them onto the ground.
Blindly aiming while being knocked away mid-air, the red jet of light burst out of the stolen wand, travelling into the dark cloud of smoke.
All Harry held onto tightly was the wand, and Hermione's hand. Harry crash-landed on her back, the breath punched out of her in a gasp.
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racfoam · 2 years
nynn Deathly Hallows AU. Warning, I cried writing this.
“Don’t go!” yelled Hermione, grasping onto Harry's arm in a grip so tight it felt impossible to escape it.
“I'm not letting you go!” Hermione sobbed loudly, and hugged Harry, trying to keep Harry there, here on the stone steps, here in the castle, here in her warm arms. 
“I won't let you take a single step into that forest! Do you —” Hermione sobbed again, clutching Harry tight, desperately. “—understand?”
Harry’s lips trembled. She laid her forehead against Hermione's. She felt something wet trace its way down her face, and did not have to think hard to realize they were tears.
Green stared into brown. One last time.
The next words Harry spoke were sobbed, her voice pitched weakly as she stared at her best friend’s tears welling in her eyes, “I have to go now, Hermione.” 
One last time, Harry gathered her courage. She needed to be brave. Brave for Hermione. Brave for Ron. Brave for everyone.
“You have to let me go,” whispered Harry against Hermione's hair, in a voice that sounded too brave to have issued from her own mouth. Harry cradled Hermione close, wishing she could cling to Hermione forever, hold Hermione forever, stay here forever.
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racfoam · 2 years
Some more nynn Deathly Hallows AU
The rest had taken off. Ili stirred as the thestrals and Sirius’ motorbike whooshed into the air. Harry placed her right hand on the dragon's neck, onto the scales.
Her ribbon was gone. It had been that way the entire summer. The words were bared to the world for a full month, and Harry still felt naked without the ribbon tied around her wrist. But there was no point in hiding it anymore.
Harry looked up into the dark night sky, watching it for any signs, hoping nothing happened. Nobody except the Order members knew she was being moved tonight... Voldemort probably had the wrong date... There was no need to worry.
A sudden chill raised goosebumbs on her arms and up her nape. Thunder rumbled high in the sky, flashing white.
That didn’t make sense... The forecast was clear skies, not a storm...
Then, again.
And again.
Harry felt she was going to be sick. Maybe they just bumped into two patrolling Death Eaters... Maybe it was just a short exchange of spells.
A sickening green light, up in the clouds, illuminated the sky and every thought vanished.
Harry settled her left hand flat on the scales, bent stomach-flat on the nape, pasted her legs tight around the width of Ili’s body, gripped the closest spike tight with her right hand, and thought hard, “Fly!”
Ili stood on her hind legs, craning her head up to the sky, where multiple colours were blooming. From here, they looked like fireworks, but Harry knew very well they were not something as simple as that. They were spells.
Harry thought again, focusing on the thread between herself and the dragon, created by the touch on the scales. Up! Fly!
Ili gave a hollow, reptilian bellow, and Harry thought it was over — Ili was going to throw her off and eat her for dinner — and then wind rushed against her face, and she felt the hind legs leave the ground, felt the great flapping of large, bat-like wings, its wing joints moving up and down behind her trainers.
Ili was flying nose-first, up toward the lights blooming across the sky. Harry was holding on for dear life, in every sense of the word. Ili was as fast as the Firebolt, streaking upward. The only surprise and advantage they had was the fact they were concealed and Ili may be able to maneouver easily through the chaos.
A sense of wonder momentarily filled Harry. She was flying. On a dragon. Were Harry not so terrified, she would have laughed in joy.
They were approaching the dark clouds now. The air grew colder, seeping into Harry's bones, assaulting her ears.
They erupted through the clouds, entering into the eye of the storm.
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racfoam · 2 years
More spoilers for 7th year please thank you the best author
They weren’t really spoilers because it’s not how I plan nynn 7th Year to go at all, that's why I called it nynn Deathly Hallows AU bcs it’s an au-divergence we could say, haha. But sure!
“Yeah, imagine if You-Know-Who caught one of us and we be forced to snog him,” whispered Fred, widening his eyes dramatically, wiggling his eyebrows.
Disgusted, Harry gave Fred a glare, wondering whether she should slap him. Ron held out his tongue in disgust, gagging at the mental picture.
“Thank you for that provided image, Fred. I could have lived without that.” said George sarcastically, disgusted.
Sirius patted Harry’s back, but it wasn’t comforting at all.
“Well, none of you get captured, then,” grunted Moody at the gathered six. “Because when the Polyjuice fades and You-Know-Who finds out you are not Potter, your life is forfeit.”
Harry didn’t know what was more troubling. Moody going along with Fred’s suggestion, or Moody warning them of the possibility of capture.
“HERMIONE ISN’T DOING IT, THEN!” yelled Harry and Ron protectively at the same time.
“Potter, you’re taking the other way round on the Horntail. We're going west to Devon, you’re going east to London.”
Harry's stomach dropped. She hasn’t ever successfully steered Ili in all the times she trained with Charlie last year and during winter holidays in sixth year. And Charlie wasn't here to help Harry cushion the fall when Ili bucks Harry off.
“It’s settled, then,” said Harry bluntly, with fake cheer, while Hedwig perched herself atop her shoulder. “I’m going to die.”
Harry cast the Disillusionment Charm on Hedwig, and after she nodded to her owl, Hedwig's claws left her shoulders, and she swept away, completely invisible.
“Where do I even land Ili?” If I don't die trying to fly with her. “She’s fifteen feet long in her smallest size.”
“You dive into the rooftop of King’s Cross.”
Harry was rendered speechless. She was starting to be pretty certain that Moody was trying to kill her.
“Dive,” said Harry slowly. “With a Horntail... into the glass roof of...”
“Yes,” said Moody simply, and didn’t elaborate.
Harry had a mad desire to laugh.
“Certainty of death, small chances of success,” said Harry. “Fun.”
“You and the dragon will be Disillusioned, of course,” said Moody, smiling at Harry, completely missing the point.
“Unlike us,” said Ron miserably, and Hermione elbowed him in the ribs.
“I’ll go get Ili ready,” said Harry. She couldn’t watch this anymore. She needed to breathe. Needed some fresh air.
All of her friends, Tonks, Sirius, Lupin, everyone, risking their lives for her while she flew in the other direction like a coward... It didn’t sit right with Harry at all. She was supposed to go with them, be up there, fighting the Death Eaters with them...
But that’s what he would want... He would want me to go in there and fight. It would make it easier for him to grab me...
Harry pulled out the pouch in which the small Horntail lived. She opened the string, and a triangular, black head wiggled out from the cloth, golden eyes staring up at her curiously.
“How do you feel about flying tonight, Ili?”
The dragon exhaled fire through her nostrils, then hopped out of the bag and into Harry's palm. Harry placed the Hungarian Horntail on the grass. Ili went over to the center of the large backyard. She was as big as a pebble. Not for long.
Harry drew her wand, and pointed it at the dragon, and started to pray as she said, “Engorgio.”
The dragon grew in size. First, large as a dog, then, large as a horse, and then, she stood ten feet tall and fifteen feet long, towering over Harry, casting a shadow over the garden, her horned, spiky tail landing with a thump right beside the fence. Ili left large footmarks in the ground as she spun around, trying to accomodate her body in the suddenly small space.
And this was the smallest form.
Harry lowered her wand. The dragon lowered her head, big golden eyes reflecting Harry sharply in their predatory pools. Then, the dragon gave Harry a small nudge. It was a small nudge to Ili, but it was like a firm shove to Harry, who barely managed to catch her footing before falling straight on her arse. Ili huffed, sounding pleased, then curled up, and laid down in the garden, creating a small tremor in the ground.
Harry exhaled. That's the easy part done. Now for actually mounting Ili and flying her without reins or a saddle.
Yeah. Harry was a dead witch walking.
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racfoam · 2 years
nynn Deathly Hallows AU This is complete crack, don’t take any of this seriously. Or do. Have fun.
So. This is how Harry’s seventeenth birthday went.
Voldemort and the Death Eaters crashed Bill’s wedding. Harry got her dress stained by the wedding cake duelling the aforementioned wedding crasher and there are still leftovers of chicken soup in her hair. Though she also got some good hits in with the sauce all over Voldemort’s serpentine face and frosting on the front of his dark cloak (couldn’t he even dress up for the wedding if he was going to crash it? Really now.), so that evened it out.
Next, Harry almost got tackled by Barty and Rabastan. She was only saved by Sirius and Lupin who tackled them to the floor before they could reach her. Ron managed to knock Goyle Sr on his arse, which Harry thinks deserves an entire feast because it was brilliant. Not to mention what Hermione did. At one point , it turned into free for all, spells flying everywhere like fireworks, disabling Harry from finding Hermione and Ron to Disapparate. So, Hermione, in a stroke of brilliance (or perhaps madness) collapsed the tent on everyone’s heads, forcing everyone to Apparate outside its borders lest they wanted to be trapped under it, giving Harry opportunity to directly crash into Hermione and Ron, then Disapparating with them.
The adventure, however, did not end there. Because they didn’t really stick the landing very well.
Harry almost got ran over by a bus. Then attacked again by two Death Eaters in a coffee shop.
Nowhere in England was safe, not when Voldemort now had control over the Ministry of Magic.
“But doesn't he have people around Grimmauld Place?” Hermione asked as they hurried down the busy street.
“We're not taking the front entrance. Or the back one.” said Harry.
“But Harry —”
You could say Harry was angry. Just a tiny bit.
“Harry’s right. With any luck, Sirius will have gone there, too.” said Ron.
Hermione looked from Harry to Ron, then agreed with a nod.
Harry grabbed both their hands each, then thought of the kitchen in Grimmauld Place. The trio vanished with a pop.
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racfoam · 9 months
Ohhhh, now i'm kind of motivated to continue reading just to find which scene that is bit the draft thooo 😳 is it also related to nynn? Or a different au? I see that happening either during Sirius' death or in deathly hallows idk but ugh, its so perfect 👌
It will be in nynn sequel ie 5th Year, it’s already written in.
The quote happens in JJK Chapter 214 of the manga. That's all I can say. Enjoy the read. 👍🏻
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racfoam · 2 years
So I adore the nuances you have between all your Voldemorts because you totally can see where nynn and the Voldemort wins AU Voldemort are very different. Like nynn Voldemort talks with Nagini about waiting to share his bedchamber with Harry until she's of age even though he's super yearning for his mate while VW AU Voldemort seemed to straight up want her as a birthday gift to himself and if that's the birthday after the Twiwizard Tournament she'd be at most 15 and was way more demanding in terms of lack of physical space.
Oh, definitely. It’s pretty interesting to see the nuances and stuff, and Voldemort is an interesting character to write. I mean, I sometimes overlook these nuances, I just try to write him as right to his character as possible.
I only have to say that the Voldemort Wins AU if you’re talking about the last thought last breath (which isn’t set in nynn universe but in canon)— that is the fic in which Voldemort wants Harry as a birthday gift scene happens — Harry is 18 by that time in that scene. If you mean nynn Voldemort Raises Harry AU he also waits until she’s 17/18. Or do you mean the nynn where Harry gets captured on the graveyard? Though that one doesn’t have the birthday gift scene.
I lose count of what snippets I sent and which ones I didn’t, I am so sorry if I'm wrong. They’re hard to keep track of.
We need to find a way to keep this organized so I know which AU we’re talking about.
nynn - not you not now
nynn VRH - not you, not now AU in which Voldemort wins 1st Wizarding War and Voldemort Raises Harry
nynn graveyard - set in nynn universe, Voldemort captures Harry in the graveyard
nynn DH AU - not you, not now Deathly Hallows AU but later diverges from the Forbidden Forest, also a Voldemort Wins AU
ltlb- last thought last breath - canon universe, not nynn, Voldemort finds out Harry is a horcrux in the forbidden forest, Voldemort Wins AU, captive Harry (a dark fic), the one with the birthday gift scene.
See, so many things going on through my head, that’s why the Voldemort Wins AU is too vague a title for me. I have too many of those. But the ‘birthday gift’ scene is from last thought last breath and Harry is 18 at that time... except I don’t remember if I shared it. Well I probably did? I got no idea. My memory sucks with these things.
Oh, now I want to write that with Harry being 15 and Voldemort just not having a single moral bone in his body (I mean, he never does). Do I already have some of that written but it's too scary and I'm a bit scared to share it? Yeah.
Anyway, yeah, Voldemort is fun to write (and intimidating to write, too, mostly because of vocabulary he uses in his POV is different from when it’s Harry’s POV), and I love these things you pointed out! Sorry for the long answer.
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