#nyo 2p america
eyesthatwatchyou · 5 months
Ooohh u want more 2p content oooohhh... [hypnotizes u]
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More diana hehe
Feat 2p Canada [James 'jamieboy' hehe <3]
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alfredosauce50 · 1 year
One more night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 11
Wordcount: 4, 365 Rating: M for strong language and mature themes
The reader is referred to as she/her
One more night - 11
Off to the races
Mathias rolled his fists against a speed bag, getting it to bounce back and forth rhythmically. A sheen of sweat had glazed over his skin from head to toe, but he never faltered. He was finally back in the zone.
He also lost everything he gained, revealing his past triumphs. Bulging shoulders, a six-pack, and strong legs for a muscular body. He swung into the speed bag one last time, making it rock to and fro.
And he was just getting started.
“You’re in a good mood today,” You commented from the kitchen, sipping a warm cup of coffee. Everyone slept in on Sundays, Allen included, but he got up at nine to do nothing but scribble in his sketchbook.
“Am I?” He lifted his eyes to you, only to look down at his page again. “What gave it away?”
“You’re drawing.”
“I can’t channel my inner negativity sometimes?”
“I think we both know how you actually do that.”
“Okay, fine. You got me.” He mumbled, moving his pencil around for a few finishing touches. Once he was satisfied, he held up his drawing with a proud, toothy grin. “Look. It’s a fortress.”
“Wow,” You mouthed. A smiling stick figure with black shades stood on top of a castle, raining machine gunfire and grenades on the masses below. “And who’s that guarding the fortress?”
“What about all the people down here?”
“I think you know.” He put his sketchbook down.
Now that Mathias moved back home, Allen was the happiest he’d ever been. Even though they were on better terms, this was his home, and he had a very particular idea of what that looked like.
“You guys realize Hammy has been roaming outside his cage for a while.” Amy sauntered in with a squint.
Allen flew off the couch and scrambled into the hallway. With his spot vacant, she plopped down next to you and kicked her feet onto the coffee table. When he came back with his pet, he scowled.
“Hey, you stole my spot!”
“Didn’t see your name on it.”
“I was literally just there!” He stuck out a hand.
“Well, you weren’t for a second.” She hummed.
The three of you, just like old times.
“To think I used to complain about people bringing their babies to the theater,” Amy muttered, collecting her popcorn from the snack bar. She spun around to reveal Bob strapped to her torso. “Now I’m people.”
“And you’re seeing Captain America of all movies.”
“I must be crazy.”
“I mean,” You made a face. Amy was the one who suggested this, but now that she was here, she had to be persuaded. “It was either here or the gym. It’s not your fault Malena couldn’t take him tonight.”
“That’s not even the problem,” She sighed.
“Then what is?” You asked, confused.
“I don’t wanna leave Bob with anybody right now.” Amy hugged him close, face falling slightly.
She still had a hard time being away from her baby after that incident. She didn’t have a choice while working, but now that she was off-duty, keeping him around was always at the back of her mind.
“Then I guess we’ll have to get him used to these kinds of places.” You pulled her along, watching her expression closely. She let you, albeit reluctantly. “There’s a first time for everything, you know?”
“I guess,” She fixed his earmuffs. “Sorry, Bob.”
“When was the last time you went to see a movie anyway?” You asked, walking inside with her.
“Beats me.”
Two hours later, you both emerged from the theater.
“That was fucking amazing,” She let out, smiling from ear to ear. “Bob fell asleep halfway through!”
You and Amy swung by Whole Foods after.
“Do you think he’s gonna win?” She asked, watching you add several bananas to the shopping cart.
The question had been looming over your minds ever since Mathias brought it up. Heavyweight boxers from all over the continent fought under one arena for the belt.
“It’s hard to say,” You shook your head, falling deep in thought.
“I’m just relieved he didn’t give up.”
“Me too.” She furrowed her brows.
“Whatever happens, I’m really happy that he’s kinda himself again,” You added, smiling briefly. Because even after everything that happened, he didn’t quit. And that couldn’t be more fitting for who he was.
“Well, I’m glad he’s back.” Amy hummed, though her expression came off as more bittersweet than anything. Your face fell slightly when you picked up on it. “I wouldn’t be telling you this otherwise.”
“Telling me what?”
“That Mat told me,” She inhaled a deep breath before revealing what had been on her mind forever. “He wanted you to move out with him. And I just want you to know that I’m a hundred percent for it.”
“What?” Your heart sank. “He told you?”
“Ages ago, actually. I just never had the chance to bring it up. Didn’t wanna cause any more drama,” Amelia explained, pushing the cart along as she spoke. “What, with everything that went down?”
You turned away, eyes darting restlessly and mind racing with a million thoughts. This whole time?
“Allen would’ve gone nuts.” She widened her eyes.
It was no secret that he loved you dearly, going so far as to use you as an emotional crutch. To leave was to put him in a vulnerable headspace, but you couldn’t be there for him forever, not even if you wanted to.
“Not that he won’t freak out if you told him now, but he might not fly off the handle when you do.”
“But what about the apartment?” You asked, voice faint. Now that moving out was on the table, every doubt you’ve ever had flooded your mind in a rush of anxiety. “And what about Bob? I can’t just leave.”
“We’ll be fine,” Amy assured, holding your shoulder. It was a blanket statement at best, but how else were things supposed to be? “Allen will have to get a job someday. And Bob won’t be small forever.”
“But he’s only six months old.” You uttered.
“He can sit upright and eat scrambled eggs, now. That’s pretty big if you ask me.” She nudged you.
You laughed some, thankful for her lightheartedness.
“But, point is,” She went back to pushing her cart, as reflective of the continuation of the conversation.  “You’ve already been there for the most crucial part of his life. And nine months before that too.”
“Of course I was, Amy. That’s a given.”
“What if it’s not supposed to be given?” She asked, much to your dismay. “You’ve already done so much for us, and I can’t just force you to stay forever. That would be the most selfish thing I could do to you.”
“Maybe,” You replied stiffly. Everything she just said was a stark reminder of what you told Allen once, and you always regretted it from the bottom of your heart. “But you aren’t forcing me to do anything.”
“I love living with you guys,” You let out, voice faint to hide the sadness in it. “You’re my best friend.”
Amy stood perfectly still, overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. Then, she turned to you, eyes wide. When she saw that you were barely holding it together, she did something completely out of character.
She hugged you as tight as she could.
“I know.” She shut her eyes. “But you have to go.”
You hugged her back, lips pursed tightly in a frown. She knew what you really wanted, and would go to great lengths for you to have it. Even if it meant letting you go, the hardest thing she could ever do.
“Do you think Bob will remember me?”
“He will if you visit,” She released you with a content smile, knowing she managed to convince you. So, she took in your face for what felt like the last time. “So don’t go somewhere I can’t get to, okay?”
Getting Amelia on board with the idea was easy because she was already all for it. Allen, on the other hand, would be a completely different story. But you had to tell him someday, even if that wasn’t today.
You pushed the door open to the local boxing gym.
When you got inside, you saw Mathias doing mitt work with Allen. Their brewing friendship was the most unexpected development yet, and you had to cover your mouth to hide your enthusiasm.
They had more in common than they looked.
The sun was almost set when you three walked home together. Allen had his arms folded behind his head, his dark eyes staring into the distance. Mathias had your hand in his, which squeezed you here and there.
“So,” You began, breaking the comfortable silence with a query. “Are you two friends now?”
They both made a face, brows raised and squinting.
“I don’t think Allen would be comfortable with that.”
“No, I wouldn’t.”
“Oh, alright.” You sighed, stifling a laugh at their synchronization. “I was just curious, is all.”
“Saying we’re friends would be putting him on the same level as you. And that’s gross.” Allen mumbled.
“There’s always distinctions you make with different friends you have,” You glanced at him and watched his expression intently, which didn’t seem to change. “Surely you have friends you’re close to, or not at all.”
“Not really,” He shrugged. “I mean, I used to.”
A brief silence followed, and you were left to put the pieces together. Mathias didn’t have any idea what he implied, but you knew better. He must’ve been talking about his pals from Afghanistan.
“It’s fine.” Allen grinned at you. “I have you guys.”
You didn’t say anything more, only bringing his arm down to hold it. He appreciated the gesture, the discreteness of it, and smiled warmly at you to prove it. You smiled back as if to tell him he was right.
He had you, Amy, and Bob.
Slowly, but surely, Mathias could make the cut too.
“You told Amy,” You began, staying in the doorway as he shuffled through his things in his bedroom. Allen waited outside in the front yard, giving you both a moment of privacy, however brief that may be.
Mathias stopped for a moment, back turned to you.
“Are you mad at me?” He murmured.
“No,” You neared him, gaze softening. He glanced over his shoulder, surprised. But that dissolved into relief as soon as you said this. “I’m actually glad you did. I don’t think I would’ve been able to tell her.”
“I’m glad,” He smiled, taking your hands.
You smiled back, warmed by his touch.
“She loves you more than you know.”
Out of the four of you, Mathias was the least afraid of change. It took a lot of faith to carry himself the way he did, and he did so naturally. Without him, you would’ve been stuck in the same place for years.
“So, what did she say?”
Allen kicked a pebble off the pavement. When he glanced up at the apartment again, he saw you two having a conversation. About what, he didn’t know. But he could make a judgement from afar.
The way Mathias looked at you, laughed, then picked you up in the tightest embrace had him wondering if this was the end of everything he knew. It was a huge jump from point a to b, but he wasn’t stupid.
He looked too happy for it to be anything else.
You did too, talking excitedly about something he wasn’t a part of, and never would be. When that dawned on Allen, he turned away, heart in his hand. That night, he walked home by himself.
Out on the balcony where he always was, he knelt over his plants and tended to them. Basil, thyme, sage, and parsley—all Summer herbs. He snipped off the stalks and harvested them for the coming Fall.
“Why didn’t you wait for me?”
“I thought you were staying at his place.”
“If I was, I would’ve said that.” You stepped outside with him. When he didn’t respond, you instantly knew he was bent out of shape over something, but what, you didn’t know. “What is this really about?”
“Nothing,” He kept chopping his plants, but his movements grew less and less controlled as he continued. His front was already crumbling, and you just got here. “Everything’s just nice and peachy.”
“Okay, Al.” You relented, turning to the sliding door.
The sight of your back was all it took.
“If you don’t wanna talk about it, you don’t have to.”
What remained of his hard exterior was all but gone. You broke him down all over again, and simply by letting him be. He couldn’t take it anymore. Not the distance, or the reality that he could never have you.
“Wait.” He stood up, sighing. “Don’t close that door.”
You stopped halfway through the door frame, your eyes softening at his change of heart. If he had something to tell you, you did too. And your concerns were realer than what he thought he saw out there.
“I wanna talk.”
Mathias knocked on the doorframe of his coach’s office. In his hand was the slip of paper he’d been itching to get for the past month. He handed it to his mentor, who scanned it before tossing it on his desk.
With that out of the way, the old man stood up and brushed past him in a slight hobble.
“Get your wraps. We’re gonna start with the basics.”
Allen stood with you on the balcony, his arms draped over the railing. He stared into the night as he tried to think of the words. After a few minutes of mulling it over, this was the best he could come up with.
“So, what, he propose to you or something?”
“No!” You shot him a heated look, watching his brows go up. “Is that what you were upset about?”
He pursed his lips, hands raised in denial. But seeing that you were unconvinced, he just sucked it up.
“Well, he didn’t propose, okay?”
“Then that’s all I wanted to know,” He grinned, voice rich with satisfaction. He went back to his usual self almost instantly, hopping back into the living room. “Now all I’m missing is a kiss for good measure.”
“A kiss?” You stifled a laugh.
“You know I’m only kidding.” He scraped the bottom of his flip-flops against the entry mat to clean them. When Allen faced you again, he leaned against the door frame. “You don’t have to if you don’t wanna.”
He might’ve said one thing, but the gentle smile on his face meant another. And since you couldn’t give him what he really wanted, you gave him the next best thing. You leaned forward and hugged him.
Allen’s arms went around you on instinct, like a reflex he didn’t need to think about. There, he nestled his chin on your head, closing his eyes in the embrace. Then, his smile grew out of a deep sense of peace.
Now this wasn’t so bad. He also got the assurances he needed, so why was he still so sad?
“Listen, Al.”
Mathias raised his gloved fists, bright red in color.
“I have something I need to tell you.”
With his head low and eyes up, he looked intensely focused as he jabbed the sandbag in front of him. Only they were nothing but light taps, hitting the same spot on the leather, over and over.
“Okay, then tell me.” Allen was a little unnerved that you even had to announce it. What he saw tonight, how he always felt around you, and your anxious demeanor only seemed to validate that fear.
“I’m moving out with Mat.” You finally let out.
A few seconds of painstaking silence went by.
Mathias tightened the strings of his hoodie until only his face was left uncovered. Now that Summer was ending, he could feel a cool breeze on his morning runs. The seasons were changing, and so was he.
“I don’t know, but probably sometime after his tournament. We haven’t decided on anything yet,” You answered truthfully, scanning his face for something, anything. But he gave you nothing.
“Does Amy know?”
Or so you thought.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I told her last week.”
“Right.” He looked down, eyes darkening. It was inconceivable that anybody could be so hurt over something so minor, but Allen wasn’t just anybody. “Why am I always the last one to know things?”
“I was gonna tell you, Al. I promise.” You spoke softly, taking his arms. “I just had to find the right time.”
“Why is it always Amy you go to when you know something will affect me most?” He rubbed his eyes with one hand, choking back a sob. “You guys are always keeping things from me and leaving me out!”
“We only do that because we don’t wanna hurt you!” You flushed, making him shake his head bitterly.
“You’re gonna hurt me anyway. So you might as well just say it.” Allen muttered, staring dead into your eyes as a single tear fell from his. His words were cutting, and the way he looked at you, even more so.
“I’m sorry,” Your voice broke. “I never mean to.”
He was right about being excluded, and he had all the right in the world to berate you for it. It was also selfish to expect him to react any different, especially when you’ve always known of his greatest fear.
Being isolated, physically or mentally.
“And you probably already knew that, too.” He shook his head again, turning away to get to your bedroom. But before he could lock himself in it, you grabbed onto his wrist. “You just didn’t wanna freak me out.”
“Of course I didn’t wanna freak you out,” You let out, tone desperate. “That’s the only reason why I have a hard time telling you about these things. Not because I don’t love you, or don’t feel close to you.”
“And how’s that turning out for you?” He faced you, eyes burning with truth. “I’ll find out anyway. I always do. Then I’ll find my own time to freak out. Because that’s just what I do. That’s what I’m the best at.”
Usually, he was the one making compromises in conversations, taking the fall for his faults.
“Losing my temper. Because I’m a fucking manic.”
“That’s not true!”
But right now, he was as quick as a whip.
And he was right about everything.
“It is, though. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t be here having this fucking conversation.” Allen glared, but his anger with you only lasted so long. “And since we’re here, you wanna know why I flipped out in the first place?”
“Why did you flip out, then?” You uttered.
“It’s not just because I have a thing for you, okay?” He exclaimed, chest heaving and face reddening.
“Then why?” You flushed, eyes darting restlessly.
“Because if you get married, you’re gonna go away.” Allen said shakily, voice faint with unbearable hurt. “You’re gonna go somewhere I can’t get to, get busy, have a few babies, and you won’t have time for me.”
Your face contorted.
“Then you’re gonna forget about me,”
It was unthinkable that you could ever cut him out of your life, but he was already treating it like reality.
“And I won’t be a part of your life anymore.”
“You’ll always be a part of my life, Allen.” You reached up to caress his face, currently streaked with tears. “Even if we won’t see each other as much, I’ll always be thinking of you. And I’d still call and visit you.”
“But that’s not good enough,” He choked.
“I won’t be far, I promise. I promised Amy that too.”
“But you won’t be here.”
“You have to learn be independent from me, Allen.”
He shook his head, breathing too hard to manage a verbal protest. You were asking way too much of him, even if it was just to live out partially separate lives. You were his rock, and he wasn’t ready to let you go.
“But you also have to trust me.”
A string was tied across the ring like a washing line. The gym was dark, save for the spotlight they stood under, coach and pupil. The pupil in question stood next to the line, his shoulder barely just grazing it.
Then, he ducked under it to the other side.
He repeated the motion, bobbing under the line from side to side. By bending down and moving quickly from left to right, he could dodge anything thrown at him. But the timing and range had to be perfect.
“I’m so jealous of Mathias,” He squeezed you, eyes shut tight as he whispered frantically into your neck. “He’s got everything going for him. When he wants something, he just gets it. I can’t do that.”
“I think we’ve all felt that way before,” You admitted, holding him closer. “He’s the best of all of us.”
Mathias rolled under a punch, dodging it like second nature. When he rose, he jabbed his opponent twice, getting them to back up. He was a speed demon, taking advantage of their mistakes on the fly.
With the newly-established distance, he threw his fist up for a killer uppercut. It collided with their jaw, throwing their head back in a splash of saliva. And just like that, his partner fell on the mat, defeated.
“But there’s something you have that he doesn’t.”
“And what’s that?” Allen murmured, pulling back.
“Mathias and I can fight, argue, or even break up one day, but not us,” You answered, frowning deeply. “And I know that sounds bad, but there’s nothing in the world that could change what we have.”
He smiled and bowed his head at what he’d already known, a truth he constantly needed reminding of. But you always knew the right thing to say. And for that, everything felt like it was going to be okay.
“You’ll always be my family.”
“Maybe that’s why I never tried anything,” Allen said. He’d been so hung up over what he could’ve had, he never realized this was what he really wanted all along. “Because I didn’t wanna ruin what we had.”
“And what did we have?” You smiled.
He gazed up at you, eyes twinkling.
“Something perfect.”
He was your best friend, and maybe a little more than that, but he made it a point to never cross that line. What you had with Allen was incorruptible, the kind of love people spent their entire lives looking for.
“Something pure.” He kissed you on the forehead, the most innocent kind of affection one could give. And you leaned in, basking in the warmth of his soft lips. “And I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Allen stayed with you all night. With your body next to his, he never fell asleep so fast. This may only be for so long, but he couldn’t be upset about it forever. You were moving on, and he had to accept that.
“That makes seven rompers and five pairs of pants,”
You sorted through the baby clothes in the basket Mathias held. He insisted on tagging along with you to ‘help you hold things,’ but you had a sneaking suspicion he came for another spending spree.
“Anything else we need?”
“Uhhh,” He scanned the shopping list with a focused expression. “Four pajama outfits… And a tank top?”
“Oh. That’s for Allen,” You pointed at the bottom of the note. “See how the handwriting changes?”
“Oh,” Mathias mumbled. Now that you mentioned it. When he glanced up again, you were off to look for those items, so he did what he thought would be the next best thing: doing some browsing on his own.
When he approached you for your opinion, you were still in the baby section, picking out sleepers.
“What do you think?” He held two outfits in front of you and moved them up and down. “Blue or yellow?
“Those are for newborns, Mathias,” You answered, going back to the rack. “They’re not gonna fit Bob,”
“I know they’re for newborns.”
“If I say ‘blue’ and see the blue one in your dresser, I’m seriously gonna murder you,” You sighed, knowing exactly where this conversation was going. And frankly speaking, you were a little nervous.
“Okaaay. Does that mean you’ll spare me if I buy the yellow one?” He hummed with growing smile.
“Mat,” You shot him a heated look, embarrassed out of your wits. “The bear was cute, but this is crazy.”
“But these are cute too!”
“No, I meant you,” You sighed, stifling a defeated laugh at his outburst. “We haven’t even moved out and you’re already thinking that far ahead. Imagine what Allen would do to you if I ever got pregnant.”
“You don’t have to wait for his approval, you know?” Mathias grumbled, putting both outfits back, blue and yellow. “I know he’s close to you, but what we do is none of his business. So he should stay out of it.”
“Still,” You shook your head. “You’re going too fast.”
“I know, I know. I just got excited,” He sighed, noting how worried you looked. And it was a fair reaction given the kind of person he was. Tenacious, self-indulgent, and apparently, family-oriented.
But he’d be damned if he didn’t already learn his lesson. So he stopped you in the aisle, hands on your shoulders. “I’m not rushing you into anything. Especially not something this important, okay?”
“Good,” You softened your gaze, peering up at him. “Because I don’t wanna fight with you anymore.”
If anything, he’d save this for after the tournament.
“I wouldn’t wanna fight me either.”
You were about to give him an earful for being so unserious, but you let it slide this time. After overcoming a roadblock and months of preparation, he was finally in shape for his biggest event yet.
“Are you nervous?”
“A little,” He grinned. “But I’m ready.”
Next chapter: Finale Part I
Tag-list: @sunnysssol @chicha027 @javelintine @sport-lova @archive-of-bones
27 notes · View notes
nalidyne · 7 months
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Obligatory Gangsta AU Nyotaliafication ✨
881 notes · View notes
hellonerf · 26 days
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it's been a while. okay girls break it up
287 notes · View notes
vyoru · 2 months
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Mr Jones get down!
239 notes · View notes
khloxxy · 3 months
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288 notes · View notes
bigfanofnewyork · 4 months
hey so this is for all of y’all (1p, 2p, nyo) which way do y’all swing? Guys or gals, if you catch my drift.
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220 notes · View notes
loudbearsalad · 2 months
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AMY HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE STORE (Delete later) 🗣️‼️‼️‼️
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unhetalia · 1 month
my 2ptalia headcanon is that while everyone else's counterpart are just doubles in a 90 degree angle, alfred's counterpart is not his double at all. it's just... a completely different guy. jake (2p america) isn't even matt's (2p canada) brother.
when the two universes meet, no one quite understands. the two aren't similar in any way. jake is 6'3 to alfred's 5'11, with dark brown hair and disconcertingly red eyes. he has an eyebrow and a tongue piercing, and he is an asshole of epic proportions. he enters a room and offends everyone there. he doesn't smile so much as smirk or leer or bare his teeth. if alfred was the hero, jake was the villain.
yet jake loves animals, and hasn't eaten meat in a hundred years. he lets little old ladies bully him and reminisce about how much he reminds them of their long dead husbands. he loves turning his face towards the sun and basking in its warmth.
that last part is likely why, when their worlds collide, he can't help but be in awe of the other world's america, who seems like sunshine personified. who smiles easily and lets insults roll off him without any need to cause a fuss. when the nations of both worlds wonder why their americas are so different, alfred only grins and says that he's just one of a kind! before winking at jake with exaggerated flare.
jake is helpless to stop himself from returning america's grin, even as he can feel the shocked stares of his fellow nations.
while everyone else obsesses with returning them to their own world, jake obsesses over alfred. of course, he doesn't expect that world's england - four inches shorter and dressed like a perfect gentleman - to corner him in a dark hallway with a sword to his throat and demand he stay away from his america.
it takes him three hours to shake off the... trepidation... from that encounter - their england isn't nearly as violent OR as invested in his safety. still, that england really has no right trying to warn jake away from alfred, right? he's pretty sure even in this universe, america is no longer under british rule.
(boy, is jake totally wrong about that.)
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coralcatsea · 5 months
Another Colour/2ptalia Compilation
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kyyypo · 1 year
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i love the gyaru & yandere duo sm theyre... interesting...
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<- (make-up) || (no make-up) ->
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the outfits only for this specific art (⁠/⁠^⁠-⁠^)⁠/
tho i said i love gyaru & yandere duo, i feel like it would be cool if 2p! nyo! england is more of a yangire? like,,, she could be aromatic and has this very wrong assumption about love, she always says things like "im doing it for love!" but in reality, shes an emotionless doll who cant feel anything at all. always acts sweet but takes ppl lives without a second thought. she seems to be obsessed with the ideal of love but like,,, she kills just bc she loves watching ppl suffer from pain and call it "love" bc she "has butterflies in my stomach". idk i feel like that would be cool...
also nyo! america (both the og and 2p) has such gyaru vibe thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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canneddamage · 2 months
I feel like England has kind of lost the dread and fear they once felt when America's birthday comes up. Thanks to France and other countries basically giving em some free-range therapy and consoling England only sulks for 2 days instead of the whole month of July.
Though America comes across as completely oblivious to this fact, I think they are very VERY aware of this. Like during the party for America's birthday, they like pull England aside just to say that they are the best parent a little colony could've asked for despite all the trouble. It makes England cry rivers and they spend the whole night crying to France about their favorite little bastard child.
England always feels the need to spoil America on their birthday, getting them something they know America will feel a deep connection to.
England then will say something along the lines of "Well, I know what you actually like, so I thought this would be meaningful." And it makes America feel a bit emotional. They don't show it to the crowd of other countries but the moment that America and England are alone 100% America is going to break down a little.
Please do not tag this as usuk.
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
One more night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 10
Wordcount: 2, 794 Rating: M for strong language The reader is referred to as she/her. 
One more night - 10
“Not really. Why?” Mathias frowned.
Yet, his activewear answered almost every question he had—sweatpants and tank top, ready to go.
“If you’re looking for her, she just left.”
“I wasn’t looking for her,” Allen took a swig from his shaker. Then, he brushed past him, walking into his apartment. Without asking, he went straight to his pantry for snacks. “You think I’d know her schedule like the back of my hand. I was looking for you.”
“Always with the questions. But to be fair, I’d ask myself the same thing,” He turned to the Dane, who stared at him with the most unabashed confusion. “You know what you’re doing for the tournament?”
“I’m probably still signing up,” Mathias walked to his plate of eggs. He couldn’t understand what Allen was getting at, and he didn’t want to. But perhaps, his attitude was symbolic of what he already knew.
“Yeah. Why are you asking?”
“I just wanted to know,” The ex-marine raised his brows. “Like if you’re really pulling out.”
“I’d never actually do that. I was just saying that to not get her hopes up,” The boxer wiped his nose with the ball of his hand, not sparing him so little as a glance as he ate. “I’m not winning this thing.”
“So you’re giving up.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You basically did. And you basically are. It’s in your attitude.” Allen murmured, watching him prod at his eggs silently. As the pause stretched on, a frown deepened at the blonde’s expression. “Like I said.”
“No offense, but why do you care?” Mathias finally looked up, annoyance pricking at his voice.
“Because it’s my fault you ended up like this.”
“Okay? And are you trying to help me or something?” He scoffed, baffled by the idea. It was only when he factored self-absolution into this did anything remotely make sense. “I thought you hated me.”
“I’m not saying I don’t. I still do,” Allen grimaced, laughing out of his nose. “Ever since you came along, everything’s changed. Amy doesn’t rely on me as much as she used to, and I keep fighting with (F/N).”
There were only a million more reasons why they didn’t get along. They challenged each other just by existing—a protective, diehard brother versus an overzealous boyfriend who liked new horizons.
“But if I have to see you fuck this up, that’s on me.”
And yet, Allen was willing to put aside their differences for his boxing tournament.
“Then what do you suggest I do?” Mathias gave him a side-eye. Their partial reconciliation didn’t solve anything, not his damaged ribs, not his lackluster motivation, nor how close the deadline was.
“I can think of a few things,” Allen filled up a shaker from his pantry and made another pre-workout. “Low-intensity cardio, boxing, lifting, you name it. Anything you can handle and we’ll work our way up.”
Tossing it to the boxer, who caught it with no trouble, he headed out only to come back moments later.
“What are you standing around looking stupid for?”
“I still don’t get it.” Mathias frowned.
“Get what?”
“Why you wanna help me so much.”
“My regret not good enough for you?”
When Allen saw the other’s blank face, he was driven to do the unthinkable. Bending down to lift his left pant leg, he revealed that there hadn’t been a leg at all, only a metal prosthetic just below the knee.
Mathias was shocked silent, but there was nothing he could say to him. The ex-marine was the last person to want anybody’s sympathy, let alone his.
“I figured you’d notice sooner or later. Got this back in 2011. Stepped on something I shouldn’t have.” Allen said, fixing his pants. “Lost my job, our income, and I couldn’t walk for months. But I had help.”
The only thing he could do was listen quietly out of respect, and he did, watching those dark red eyes burn with a faith that could put any religion to shame. Little did he know, that faith was in him.
“I don’t know how you do it, being so motivated all the time, but don’t stop now.” Allen pointed at him.
Mathias felt the strongest rush of emotions. Shame, sadness, and even a stroke of determination. Allen did what felt impossible to him, and to be believed in the same way reignited a spark he thought he lost.
“If a sad piece of shit like me can survive that, you can get through this. I just know it.”
You and Amy went to PetSmart a few hours before closing. Allen was insistent about taking Bob for the day, so it was just you two. After collecting your online order, you both marveled at the trunk.
It was filled with miscellaneous hamster necessities: a spacious cage, a huge block of wooden shavings, a packet of food pellets, chews, toys, and hideouts. Now that it was all put in perspective, getting a new pet was still a big ask, no matter how small.
“The things I do for my brother,” Amy grumbled, shutting the trunk before walking back to the store.
“If you keep doing it, there must be a reason.”
“It’s only because I feel sorry for him.”
“I don’t think he’d be very happy hearing that,” You laughed, not that you disagreed with that sentiment. “But hey, if being nice to him bothers you that much, you should make it two months instead of one.”
“I just might.” She stifled a smile, but it broke out across her face anyway. Two months without a car was inhumane for the employed, but not for Allen. “It’s not like he’s going anywhere. And if he is, he’s not above catching the bus like everyone else.”
“You can be kinda evil sometimes.”
“Hey, was it me or you who suggested that?”
You and Amy huddled in front of the Syrian hamster cages to watch them scramble around or run on the wheel. One had a black coat, another orange, and the last had golden brown fur with a white underbelly.
“So, which one should we get?” You asked.
Once the cage was set up in the hallway, Amy gently placed a box inside. Out crawled a golden hamster. The little thing went straight for the food dish, stuffing seeds into its mouth until its cheeks blew up.
“Think he’s gonna like him?” She whispered.
Mathias dipped his hands into a bowl of chalk. After rubbing it all over his palms and fingers, he clapped a few times to get rid of the excess. It dispersed in white, powdery clouds, and he was ready for his lift.
He leaned down to reach the bar on the ground.
Allen drank from his shaker and watched him deadlift five-hundred pounds. He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t impressive--this wasn’t even his personal record, even. But to fail this meant a huge step back.
When Mathias got the bar up to his thighs, his body gave a shake and he vomited straight onto the floor.
“Oh, shit.” Allen raised his brows. “You okay, man?”
“Yeah--” The Dane spluttered. “--it happens.”
He lowered the bar to the ground, causing the plates to clink. He straightened up and wiped his mouth, wincing from the lingering putrid taste. His nausea came in a flash, but resolved itself just as fast.
“I don’t think this is supposed to be a regular thing,” Allen told him with a cautionary tone. It was a shame to see him in such terrible condition, and even more so to tell him this. “Maybe you should go lighter.”
Mathias fell deep into thought, not fond of the idea.
“I’m gonna get a mop.”
“Good idea.”
When he returned, he was rolling a bucket over.
“Please don’t tell (F/N).”
“Wasn’t gonna.”
They both came home an hour later.
When Allen walked in, you were on the floor cutting diamonds in a toilet paper roll and Amy was playing with the newest house pet. It turned out to be much friendlier than expected, sitting calmly in her hand.
“No fucking way.”
Your heads shot to the voice, freezing comedically like statues after being caught in the act. Only the hamster kept moving, alerted by the disturbance that was Allen’s uncontainable excitement.
“You guys got a hamster?!” He whisper-shouted. Dropping his bag with a clunk, he didn’t hesitate to scurry over with both his hands out. And the look on his face practically lit up the room. “Can I hold him?”
“How do you know it’s a boy?” Amy let it crawl onto his hand before leaning back with a contented smile.
“You see its balls?” Allen lifted the hamster as it turned around on his palm. “Kinda hard to miss.”
“Hm.” She nodded, pursing her lips.
“Fuck, he’s so cute I wanna put him in my mouth.” He sighed, moving it up to his head. Before he could get around to it, you leaned forward and lowered his hand. Amy just laughed without lifting a finger.
“So, whose idea was it to get a hammy?” He asked.
“It was Amy’s idea, actually.”
“No,” She shot you a look. “It was our idea.”
“Okay, okay, fine. Amy suggested it and I went along with it. We split everything half and half.”
“Really?” Allen turned to her, gaze softening.
“Alright, you got me.”
“Thanks, Ames.”
“Don’t get used to it. You’re still banned from driving for a month.” She pointed at him sternly.
“Then what if Mathias was in the car with me?”
The man in question was stuffing his face in the kitchen, too hungry to pay attention to the gathering on the floor. But when his name was mentioned, he froze with half a sandwich sticking out of his mouth.
“I’ll make an exception.”
Allen was out on the balcony smoking again. When the glass door slid open, he glanced over, though he already knew who it was. Nobody else joined him. Even then, seeing you always felt like the first time.
“Hey,” You came over to rest your arms on the railing. When he didn’t say anything, only staring out into the night, you peered at him with a growing smile. “Mat told me you got him to go to the gym today.”
“I did.”
“And you’re not wearing sweatpants.”
“Am I not allowed to wear shorts?” He hummed.
“You haven’t worn shorts all Summer.” You answered, watching his grin fall away. You reflected it with a sad smile of your own, your words just as bittersweet. “And he told me some other things too. So I just wanted to say I’m really proud of you, Allen.”
“Just that, huh?” He tossed the cigarette over the edge, facing you with his entire body. When it was your turn to give him the silent treatment, he didn’t have any of it. “Anything else you wanna tell me?”
“You guys didn’t do the laundry.”
“Okay.” He laughed, keeping his gentle smile as he spoke to you. “Anything else related to us?”
“I have a lot. But I’ll leave it for now--it’s getting late.”
“I could listen to you all night, doll.”
At the sound of that endearing nickname, you closed your eyes and wrapped yourself around him. There used to be days when you did exactly that, talking his ear off in bed. Single-sized or not, it never felt too small when you shared it with him. Allen closed his eyes too, having the same memories cross his mind.
“I know you don’t like Mathias, but I’m really grateful you’re doing this for him.” You squeezed him tighter.
“Learned from the best,” He nestled his chin on your head. His arms went around your waist in a loving embrace, and you both stayed that way for a good while. “You helped me, so I’m paying it forward.”
After putting some quarters into the washing machine, you got started with your first load. Mathias was there with you, so you had no problem dozing off on his shoulder while the clothes spun.
“Don’t fall asleep yet. You still have to help me fold the laundry,” He nudged you with his eyes closed.
“That’s just the pot calling the kettle black.”
“That’s just what?”
“Means you’re being hypocritical.” You murmured, inhaling a deep breath. “You always fall asleep here.”
“When have I fallen asleep in the laundromat?”
“Lots of times.”
“I have not!”
“Please. The first time I saw you, you were nodding away on that counter right over there,” You laughed, watching his face warp with confusion, realization, then embarrassment. “And you were drooling, too.”
“I don’t drool.” He mumbled.
“Say that to the pillowcases in the wash right now,” You smiled, darting your eyes over his flushed face.
When you first started dating him, he always had bruised cheeks, busted lips, and was sometimes just swollen in general. But you were patient, and Mathias ended up being more handsome than you expected.
“You also had a black eye.”
“What did you think of me back then?”
“To be honest,” You paused briefly to think of the words. “I thought you were just some local idiot.”
“But I was wrong. You weren’t very local at all.”
“You’re smarter than you look, Mat. Way smarter.” You chuckled, reaching up to his face as you added this with the sincerest gaze. “And you’re just about the sweetest guy I know, only second to Allen.”
“You really think that?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” You asked, voice faint and even a little hurt. It was unthinkable to suggest otherwise, that Mathias wasn’t kind. “You are sweet. You can just be a little stubborn about what you want.”
“Just a little?” He smiled.
“Okay, very. But that still doesn’t change my point.” You defended firmly. “Amelia has made some mistakes, but she’s still the smartest. And Allen’s only so destructive because he’s protective of us.”
When your expression suddenly changed, going from admiration to a harrowing sadness, he took your hands to stabilize them. But even his strong grip couldn’t stop you from going over the edge.
“They also trust me more than anything, even if I betray that. So I think you’re good, Mat.” You smiled. “All you ever wanted was for us to live together, and you were willing to give us so much for it to happen.”
“Of course I was.” He closed his eyes and frowned, exasperated that he even had to say it.
“But we just can’t take from you like that.”
“Why?” He asked again.
“Because making money is hard,” You squeezed his hands. “And you worked really hard for yours.”
“And you didn’t?”
“I did. It’s just not enough, so I’ll have to work harder. We’ll get there someday. I promise, Mat.”
“You make me wanna cry sometimes,” He uttered. His chest ached the hardest it ever had, and his face warped with sadness. “You’re always looking after other people, but you won’t let me look after you.”
Mathias got up at the crack of dawn.
Without waking you up, he got dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. Before he left the bedroom, he kissed you on the forehead. His warm lips lingered on your skin as these thoughts ran through his mind.
You’d be happy to know he was himself again.
But not the reason why.
As the sun peaked over the horizon, casting a warm orange haze over the town, he left the apartment to start his eight-mile run. He would go from this suburb to the next, then back to this one again.
His chest heaved from deep pants as he stared into the distance. Sweat hung off his chin, and every jog he made caused it to drip onto his shirt. His lungs were burning to the point of it showing on his face.
Winning this tournament was the only way he could go further in life, and for you to start yours.
Maybe this was him going in circles with you again, chasing you in a way you didn’t want him to. But he couldn’t have it any other way. He wanted you to accept everything he had to give to you.
The first person to witness this development was none other than whoever woke up next.
As one of the main caretakers, his body clock had changed to accommodate Bob’s. He snapped awake at six-thirty on the dot, and sure enough, his nephew was already wriggling in his crib, waiting to be fed.
As he nursed him by the window, eyes narrowed in a tired squint, he barely managed to catch someone zoom past on the quiet street. It was Mathias, and he just sprinted down the block without stopping.
“I’ll be damned.” Allen muttered. “He’s back.”
Next chapter: Off to the races
Tag-list: @sunnysssol @chicha027 @javelintine @bigballz47
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