#mathias densen
alfredosauce50 · 2 years
Coming up in 2nd place is our very own Mathias! Requests are closed, but it’s about time I gave him some more headcanons. Once again, writing him is gonna be an absolute piece of cake because he’s one of my best characters, if not the best.
Without further ado, let’s hop right into it!
Content warning: Very brief NSFW.
Denmark headcanons
As the resident golden retriever, Mathias is always bounding with energy. He loves to have fun, and is up for just about anything. But under his kind and unassuming nature is something quite untamable.
Mathias looks exactly how he sounds. He has spiky blonde hair that sticks up in the front and around his head. He also has some sideburns going on. It’s a bit wild and unruly, but he’ll just tell you it’s indicative of his personality! From a distance, he might even look like a pineapple.
Being in his early to mid-twenties, he has rather sharp features. You could even say Mathias looks mature, but it’s hard to tell with all the different expressions he makes. You’ll have to catch him reading, focusing on a movie, or building a hard Lego set to see his neutral face. It only lasts so long before it changes to something else entirely.
He’s very pale. It’s only his cheeks and nose that are a little pink from rosacea. Mathias also turns really red after physical exertion or sunburn. He needs to slap on a heap of sunscreen or he’s else not gonna survive. In regards to height, he’s well over six-feet. If you told him he was tall, he’ll just laugh and say, “you should see everyone else back home. You’d be surprised!” The average height of Danish males is 5’11” (181 cm), so you best bet there’s lots of guys even taller than him.
Mathias is huge. On top of his height, he works out a lot, so he has pretty big muscles. What he doesn’t like as much is cardio, so he has a bit of fat. It doesn’t make him look any less fit, only more on the bulky side. He prefers it, actually.
(Here’s a drawing of him I did)
He’s an extrovert that thrives off attention. If he doesn’t get it, he dies like a house plant in bad soil. It’s not validation he’s looking for; it’s the company. Mathias is the happiest when he’s around friends. He’s super outgoing, optimistic, and loves doing things with people around him. Not only is it lively, he feels more supported that way. On the flip side, he will get quite lonely if he doesn’t have anybody to hang out with.
The closest he gets to alone time is parallel play. If he’s winding down, he would like someone to sit with him. He’s the type to need a study buddy so he can be held accountable, and so he doesn’t get bored. He focuses much better, even.
Mathias is very loud. You can hear him coming, going, and when he talks, his voice overpowers everything else. Sometimes, it feels like he’s just shouting whenever he opens his mouth. If you tell him to be quiet, he will, but forgets and goes back to normal ten minutes later. So in places like shop, parks, or restaurants where it’s not an immediate rule to speak with inside voices, you’ll have to get creative. Try whispering at him so he can copy you. “Why are we whispering?”
He’s sweet, but really dense. Rest assured, you won’t find him in any of those horror stories of guys being ignorant, inconsiderate or unhelpful. Mathias is too kind for that. He would go out of his way to help anybody, and without expecting anything in return. If you had a hard day, he will suggest to do something together to cheer you up. “Let’s go grab dinner and dessert. My treat!”
He’s just oblivious. He won’t understand the very obvious implications in front of him, but it’s a part of his unassuming nature to not get ahead of himself. As a result, he’s immune to awkward and intimate situations. Long silences, deep stares, and being alone in private places. Mathias won’t react and carry on like normal. If someone flirted with him, he’d think they were just ‘being nice.’ He wouldn’t even realize they liked him if they said it to his face. “Aw, I like you too!”
He gets distracted easily. If it’s not something he can do lickety-split, he tends to wander off to do other things. Mathias might start folding the clothes, get hungry halfway, then cook and eat. After that, he’ll work out, shower, and power nap. Then when he wakes ups, he’ll wonder why the clothes aren’t folded! As you can see, he’s a little forgetful, so a reminder would do. “Oh, yeahhh.”
Mathias never gets angry. He has a very good temper, and so much that it’s calming for those who don’t. But if he does lose it, there’s usually a good reason. That makes his anger really scary, especially when he falls dead silent. That, or he says some pretty hurtful things, so it’s no wonder why he stays quiet for the most part. With his patience, it takes a lot to push him to that point, but don’t take him for granted. He can take back his kindness as readily as he can give it.
He’s not what you would call ‘protective.’ For one-time situations, Mathias sits watch in the back. He trusts you to handle things on your own, and if you can’t, he’s already next to you. He’ll calmly tell someone to leave you alone, or take over how he sees fit. Acting ‘macho’ and making a scene couldn’t be further from who he is. What he might do is put on the most neutral poker face, hug you, then stare long and hard at the person for a reaction. Indifference is the biggest insult you can pay someone. You’d be surprised at what else he’s capable of, or knows.
Mathias is a true Lego fan. He grew up playing with it, and never grew out of it. The sets he buys just got more complicated. If he doesn’t have one to build, he’ll just make something up. And you bet he has merch! Keychains, shirts, stickers, etc. He’s also gone as Lego characters for Halloween. Batman? Psh. Lego Batman? You have his attention. Himself as Lego? Even better.
He’s a gamer. Mathias plays a lot of Minecraft, and gets pretty creative with his builds. What can he say, he already likes building blocks in real life! If you play it with him, he’ll make a cute house and farm with you. To top it off, he’ll add a little Danish flag. He’s also the type to customize his characters to look just like him, and use plain old ‘Mathias’ for his usernames. Just imagine him as a Minecraft character spamming the crouch command when he’s trying to get your attention (or as a declaration of peace in survival mode).
He loves EDM, and in particular, house music. It’s hyper, feel-good, and sentimental all at once. Mathias would kill to attend all the big festivals like Tomorrowland and Electric Daisy Carnival. (Only he can’t get tickets before they sell out!) He wants to experience the energy of partying with thousands of other people. The lights, the crazy sets, the bass that he can feel. If you go with him, he’ll carry you on his shoulders and dance under you. Mathias is actually the biggest party animal, but manages to be responsible!
Mathias is an avid traveler. He would practically go anywhere that lets in visitors. Bali for beaches and wrestling with Komodo dragons, Cairo to see the Pyramids and ancient ruins, and Kyoto for the temples and shrines. He does well just about anywhere, and would most likely return with gifts from locals he befriended. It also doesn’t matter what hotel he stays in, or if he stays in one at all. He can go backpacking. So long as the itinerary is packed and the food is amazing, he’s all set!
He’s a gym bro. He works out five times a week, and never skips leg day. Mathias is really strong. He squats pretty heavy, and can bench four plates. What he can’t do as well, is cardio. Allen beats him by a landslide in this department. Mathias isn’t nearly as consistent and might prefer doing it at home (if you know what I mean)
Aside from being college student, he’d either be a boxer, firefighter, or marine biologist. Mathias would be a southpaw with a mean left hook, and his build lets him absorb a lot of punches. As for the fire department, he has the selflessness and physical capabilities to rescue or carry people to safety. And last, but not least, he’s always been fascinated with the sea and the creatures that live in it. He’s not afraid of going to cold places like the Antarctic, and he sure as hell isn’t afraid of the idea of ‘unstable employment.’
Psychology + romance
If you breathe right in his direction, he’d already consider you his friend. Mathias is that open and warm of a person. But that’s the same reason why romance with him is so difficult. He’s quick to smile, laugh, and unleash hugs for anybody. Not just you. So the question is, does he actually like you, or is he just affectionate with everyone?
Everything begins with a good friendship. Maybe you’re an indifferent classmate that happened to sit near him. And he isn’t a straight-A student. He falls behind from time to time, has difficulty understanding material, and can be poor at juggling tasks. But he really tries! Mathias asks a lot of questions, ‘stupid’ ones included, and you’ll inevitably find yourself helping him out of pity. “Psst. Did you get to copy down that last slide?”
He seems like a nice guy, and you’d hate to see him fail. You agree to meet up with him to do work together, but it usually turns into an unpaid tutoring session. You’ll need to be very patient with him. He’s not book smart. Your only saving grace is how earnest he is about his studies.
“Look closely, okay?” You instruct.
“Okay.” He stares intensely at your face, and you only get to explain for a few seconds before stopping.
“Not me. The diagram!”
The ball gets rolling when Mathias invites you out. That’s when you start appreciating him as a person, and not just a classmate who’s copying your homework! He’s fun, bubbly, and easy to talk to. You won’t be afraid of asking him for things, and get accommodated with his touchy nature. In fact, you’ll have a hard time not hugging him when he’s smiling at you like that.
On the other hand, you can be perfectly stern with him too. After many *frustrating* hours of tutoring him, you feel perfectly comfortable telling him off when he needs it. Mathias isn’t a masochist at all, but he finds that insanely attractive. It just means you care about him. Because even if he does stupid things, you still stick around. But what gets him to fall hard is when you defend him for the first time.
Mathias is so unselfish, his kindness gets taken advantage of. And he’s usually too oblivious to see it. He’s sometimes buying food for ‘friends’ that never pay him back. And when he’s in group activities, he’s always the spokesperson even when he doesn’t understand the material. Either that, or he promises to help them with their load of the work. When you find out, you’re furious.
“Can’t you see they’re using you?”
“But I don’t mind doing these things,” Mathias says, frowning a little. “It’s just how I’ve always been.”
“I know. But I’m starting to think you don’t have a selfish bone in your body--and not even for yourself. You’ll lose out on things that matter to you because you’re so busy doing everything for everyone else.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m that busy.”
“You can barely keep up with class, Mat. And you don’t even have time for your hobbies anymore.”
He falls silent, unable to argue with that.
“You may not be selfish, but other people are.” You murmur faintly, face contorting as you continue. “And it makes me sad. I hate the way they treat you.”
Mathias starts following you around like a puppy. Wherever you go, he follows. He’s affectionate by nature too, but picks up more and more habits. Since when was he always holding your hand? Kissing your head? When he hugs you from behind, he fits perfectly around you like your favorite sweater. You might brush it off as his personality, especially when he’s so huggy with other friends. Funnily enough, you end up being the dense one. You’re in denial out of respect, but to be fair, it’s not like he’s said anything.
“Your hand is really hot, Mat.”
“Okay. Let’s go inside where the air-con is.”
His number one love language is physical touch. So it’s no wonder he gets upset that you don’t react to it at all. You’re not responding to his efforts at connecting with you, and it leads him to believe you’re not all that interested. Mathias has the communication skills of an egg, and is too shy to say it outright that he likes you--which is interesting because he can touch you like he does. That’s partially because you don’t make a fuss about it, so his cover isn’t ever blown.
The slow-burn is a hot one. He’s sad about being rejected (despite not having asked you out yet) but he just can’t resist you. Mathias is always staring at you like he wants something. He’s an open-book, and ends up having it written all over his face. Dazed looks, pouts, any kind of expression you’d make when you want more. And if you ask what’s wrong, he’ll just hug you and say, “nothing. I just missed you today.”
His breaking point is simple. You let your guard down. It’s inevitable with someone like Mathias, whose kind and unassuming nature makes him practically harmless. Right? Wrong. You’re at his place, wearing his shirt, and getting ready for bed after spending the day with him. He just got out of the shower, and he’s wearing nothing but boxers. And he’s just standing there, menacingly.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
His gaze on you is too hot for you to stomach.
Just when you think it can’t get any worse, he comes over and gets so close, he’s pressing up against you. His arms are around your waist, and he tilts his head to hover his lips over yours. Then, he just stops, almost like he’s letting everything sink in.
All those dazed stares, forehead kisses, hugs, and squeezes. Mathias has always liked you.
When it finally hits you, his mouth is on yours.
Dating doesn’t come after friendship. Sex does. Mathias fucks you all night, and really hard to dispel all the sexual tension that’s built up for months. By the time you wake up, you have a new boyfriend and an uncontrollable shaking in your legs. But that’s not all. Whoever that’s sleeping next to you is barely like the golden retriever you first met. Not anymore.
Just when you thought he couldn’t be selfish, he becomes the most selfish person in the world. The only redeeming factor is that it’s only when it comes to you. Mathias will be crazy stubborn then. When he wants something from you, he won’t stop until he gets his way. And when he argues for it, he masks his persistence by asking a lot of questions. “Why?” He asks. “Why not?”
He gives intensely, and takes intensely. Mathias may be a kind and reliable partner, but he’s very demanding when it comes to anything sexual. It’s how he processes affection, and he’s a needy person. Even if he won’t goad you into anything, he’ll get pouty and feel neglected if you don’t respond to him. Sex is central to the relationship, so expect to be ravished into oblivion.
He’s smarter than he looks. He knows more than he lets on, and may pretend to be dense when he doesn’t want something. Once again, the endless cycle of “why” will start and get pretty tiring. Don’t cross him. You won’t be able to because of how he feels for you, but other people could. And Mathias can be frightening when he wants to be.
He tries to be nurturing, but ends up suffocating. Mathias would do anything for his partner, that’s for sure. But he might cross boundaries under the assumption he’s helping you. That, or he asks too much from you. Love, time, sex. You’ll never feel unwanted, but sometimes, you just need the space. It’s gonna be a long learning curb, you’ll go in circles with him again and again, or might not end up anywhere at all, but it’s always his adoring smile that gets you running right back.
There’s no winning with Mathias, and it’s hard to stay mad at him when he’s crazy about you. His love is passionate and even a little obsessive. Everything he does is for you and him. His life with you, and his future too. The sooner you realize that, the more leverage he’ll have over you. You’ll never escape him, and he’ll chase you to the ends of the Earth if he has to.
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I need to talk about Denmark's human name. I never liked the fandom name Mathias Køhler, because I have some personal beef with the name Mathias, and I'd rather have a -sen last name to represent him, since those are way more common in Denmark. But hey, it's a fandom name, so just use some of Himaruya's suggestions then, right?
Everywhere you look for Denmark's human name in the English-speaking fandom, you'll find something along the lines of this:
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So first name, use one of those, last name, Densen, case closed, right? Except, no. It's not. As a Dane, Densen (I've seen it spelled Dansen on occasion) is SUPER rare. It doesn't read as a real last name to me, and if I go to the Danish statistic site for names, there's only four people with Densen as a last name, and ZERO with Dansen. So it never sat right with me. That, and this misconception that Andersen, Arnesen, and Christensen could work as a first name just seemed wrong to me – the -sen suffix means "son of", and is never used in first names unless your parents hate you or something. That's why I dug deeper.
I clicked the source.
Now, my Japanese is pretty bad, but there's this nifty little thing called website translation, so I translated it to English, and this was the results:
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And I thought, "huh, that's weird? Where's that horrible Densen?" I can guess that "Anelsen" is a poor translation of Andersen and "Anasen" is either a different spelling of that or Arnesen. "Mikel" should be spelled Mikkel (which Hima does spell it as). But clearly, something was missing. In the whole translated page, there was nothing about Densen. So I sent it back to Japanese and searched for デンマーク to get to the right spot:
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There's no デンセン or anything close to it. It doesn't exist. So I came to the only conclusion I could – it's a mistranslation/add on made by the translator. I don't know if it was done with bad intent or not, but either way, this Densen-thing is wrong! I remember coming across someone speculating it might be a bad translation of Dinesen, the pen name of a Danish female author, but it never even existed in the first place!
So please stop using Densen/Dansen as Denmark's last name with the justification that Himaruya liked it. You can use it as a fandom name (and I'll think you're silly for it), but don't say it has any canon justification, because it doesn't.
It does make me wonder how many other odd translations there is in the English-speaking fandom...
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glittery-ishfish · 2 years
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For context:
"In a 2010 blog post of Himaruya's, the names Himaruya had suggested to him that he liked for Denmark were Andersen, Christensen, Arnesen, Simon Densen, Abel, Mikkel, Magnus, and Bertram, with "Densen" being the surname he liked.[43]" -Hetalia Archives
Mathias Kohler was never one of the name ideas.
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sunnysssol · 2 years
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hello hetalia fandom,,, I drew two sweet and one not-so-sweet boy 🙏
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feliciohno · 4 years
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someone in a server said denmark with 33 so heres a dragon man
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pizzaapplecheese · 4 years
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I was reading the 2011 Christmas event
Denmark NO don't
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daretobeking · 4 years
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Just some Den references for an AU I’m in :)
I’ll try to get it fully done soon but no promises to the three people who’ll see this and care.
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shianhygge-imagines · 8 years
Taking a Chance [Denmark/Reader]
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The beginning of my Hetalia series called “Taking a Chance.” These ficlets are based off of my travels to the countries. So far, I only plan to write about the countries I’ve been to. And the events in this story, while written in Reader format, most of these events (including the background story) did happen to me.
While I am very much aware that fans have dubbed Denmark with the human name, “Mathias Køhler,” I am going with the surname “Densen.”
|Masterlist Link|
You groaned as you made your way out of the airport terminal, awkwardly strolling along despite the stiffness in your legs. Behind you rolled your carry-on, perfectly 55cm x 40cm x 23 cm, and weighing a little under 10kg. On your back was a bright red Hershel backpack with a silvery white outline and in your left hand was the camera bag for your Canon EOS 70D.
It had been a long and uncomfortable flight, spent squished in the middle seat of a side row, and having gotten no sleep because of the crying children on the plane. But you’d pushed aside your annoyance because you were finally getting out of your home country. Too true, you were perhaps a bit young to be traveling alone, especially at the barely bloomed age of 19, but you’d thirsted for this opportunity since you were young.
The trip was quite sudden, the tickets had been under $500 USD, a great deal especially when one took in the fact that you would be traveling when weather in Denmark would be most pleasant. And you’d begged your parents to let you go. It wouldn’t be your first time begging to go to another country, but your previous attempts had ended in tears, with your mother agreeing that you should go out and see the world as she did when she was your age, and your father, vehemently refusing to let you out of the country and insisting that you should wait until you were married and had a job before traveling. You’d cried because it was an uphill battle when it came to your father, who was content keeping you almost locked up and under his control until he gave you away. And when, finally, you were able to get both of your parents to agree, you wasted no time to buy the plane tickets and arrange for accommodations. 
It was only eight days in Copenhagen, but for you, it wasn’t just a vacation. You took a deep breath and grinned as you made your way through customs, the bulletproof glass doors sliding shut behind as security waved you through with a smile. “This was freedom.”
Despite being in university, which was meant to promote independence in its students, most young adults your age knew nothing of independence, content with letting their parents cook food for them, clean for them, and do their laundry for them. Yet they fancied themselves independent. No, you couldn’t consider living in a university dorm as being independent. For you, traveling abroad and being self dependent in a country that wasn’t your own was the ultimate test of independence.
You wanted to travel to many countries, but why did you pick Denmark?
“Excuse me?” You politely strolled up towards one of the airport workers with a tilt of your head and a peaceful smile, “I need to get to Amagerbro, would you happen to know where I should go for the metro?”
The man smiled, looking to be only a few years older than you before pointing towards an exit down the crowded main entrance, “You should take the M2 to Amagerbro, six stops away.” Then, the man pointed towards a row of kiosks behind you, “You can buy metro tickets at the kiosks if you have Danish krones or an international credit card.”
“Okay, thank you very much!” You thanked with a smile before quickly scurrying towards the kiosk, smiling back as the man bid you a pleasant stay in Copenhagen. Yes, one of the reasons for choosing Denmark was that the people here spoke English quite well, which meant it was easy to communicate with the locals. Another reason was the nice weather, currently 23 degrees Celsius.
You’d had little to no trouble buying the two zone ticket, and had boarded the metro train just in time before the doors shut. The cleanliness of the metro impressed you, much cleaner than the trains in the city back home. The design was sleek, the train wasn’t longer than 3 carts, and it wasn’t piloted by anyone. “How efficient.” You muttered before pulling out the folded papers in your jacket pocket.
You were staying in the Amagerbro district in Copenhagen in an apartment that you rented on Airbnb. One condition that your parents had set for you was that you had to try and save as much money as possible, and as a result, it was definitely out of the question for you to live out of a hotel. Though, honestly, sharing an apartment with other people didn’t scare you in the least. It was so similar to living out of the dorms, though you had no idea who you were sharing the apartment with. You’d been in contact with the owner, a nice man in his late 30s who worked at the Royal Danish Theatre, but he’d said that while he lived out of the apartment some days, the only person you would be seeing would be whoever was renting the other room in the apartment.
After getting off the metro, dragging your luggage behind you with a yawn, you carefully navigated the streets until you found the apartment building you were staying at. Picking up the keys from the owner of the cafe at the corner of the block, you made your way into the old building and up four flights of stairs. Once at the topmost floor, you inserted the key into the lock on the right door and made your way into your temporary living quarters. Quite frankly, while the building and apartment was old, it gave off this cute rustic feeling, making you feel at home instantly. Closing the door behind you, you slowly and quietly walked down the hall and into the first door on the left, where your room was. The size of the room was similar to your room back home and the window, stretching over five feet tall, overlooked the street below.
A small clamor came from down the hall, making you wince and turn, abandoning your luggage in the room as you took a glance out of the room door just in time to see a tall young man with messy blonde hair skid out of the door located down the hall and stop.
“Handsome” and “blue eyes,” were the first words that popped into your head as you blinked owlishly at each other with a hallway separating you two.
The guy looked a few years older than you, but he was tall. Your eyes gleamed subtly. You loved tall men. His eyes wandered over you, and yours over him, the both of you silent for a full minute before you decided to fully walk out from the room instead of simply poking your head out.
“Um... Hej?” For whatever reason, your ability for decent human interaction disappeared when you opened your mouth, resulting in the greeting in the form of an unsure question in a language that you knew bits and pieces of. You blanched before turning red, “Shit that was too informal.” you turned more red when you realized that you spoke that out loud, “Shit I said that out loud, didn’t I?” You promptly shut your mouth before slowly retreating back into the room while averting your eyes, “I’ll just... go back into the room now... “
The entire time your made an embarrassment out of yourself, the man seemed to just blink at you, but now, as you hurried to awkwardly leave his company, a large grin seemed to split his face as he covered the length of the hallway in a few strolls, “Hvad hedder du?”
You froze, your brain trying to process the minimal Danish that you taught yourself, turning to face the guy, you had to tilt your head up to look at him before you spoke in your terrible pronunciation, “J-jeg hedder Y/N... U-unskuld? Jeg taler ikke dansk...”
The man blinked before fawning over your attempt at speaking Danish, “Wow! You’re Danish isn’t bad! Nice to meet you, Y/N. I’m Mathias.” The excited blonde offered a hand, which you took before he shook it vigorously.
As Mathias shook your hand, you kind of stared blankly, reminded of a child who didn’t know how to properly shake hands. I wonder when he’ll realize that people don’t shake hands this long. You thought to yourself as your arm went lax, your entire limp limb shaking with the motion. Honestly, Mathias seemed really friendly, so you suddenly spoke up, “Uh. I don’t know much about Danish culture, but I was told that you guys like to drink here? And I was wondering if you could recommend a place to go?”
The hand shaking stopped abruptly as the Dane cheered, “I knew there was something that I liked about you!” Mathias threw an arm around your shoulder, getting a bit too close than what was deemed proper, “Do you have aquavit where you’re from, Y/N?”
You tilted your head away from Mathias’s face before answering, beyond shy that an attractive Dane had an arm around you, “No, but I’ve been dying to try it.”
“Hehe. You remind me of my brother, Lukas.” His large hand gripped your shoulder firmly, “He’s kind of quiet as well. But don’t worry! A few drinks will loosen you up!” You were barely able to grab your wallet before Mathias dragged you out of the apartment with a loud cheer.
It’s said that one way to get to know a Dane is to go out drinking with them. And you enjoyed your liquor, so it didn’t seem bad that you were being invited for a drink... If only you were aware of how much Mathias could consume...
I forgot that translations exist...
Hvad hedder du -> What’s your name
Jeg hedder... -> My name is ...
(purposely wrote it wrong in the story to signify a bad pronunciation) Undskyld -> Excuse me/Sorry/Pardon me
Jeg taler ikke dansk -> I don’t speak Danish
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gybas-blog · 2 years
Prince's Diary AU
I said I would make it and here it is.
Summary: Mathias Kohler is an 18 year old student, he lives a normal life in America with his mom. One day he arrives from school and finds his mother having tea with a stranger. The man tells him that he is the only heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Delar and that his real name is Magnus Densen. Mathias has to go to Delar and prepare to become King. Once in Delar, his life will change for the better.
Characters: Mathias Kohler/Magnus Densen- Mathias just turned 18 and is about to graduate, but has to leave his life behind to become the future king of Delar. Mrs. Kohler- She's Mathias' mom. She met Mathias' dad when they were young, they had a child and got engaged. She wasn't accepted by the royal family, so she moved to America. Alfred F. Jones- He's Mathias best friend, they grew up together and promised they would always be friends. When Mathias left, Alfred followed him. He helps Mathias in any way he can. Arthur Kirkland- He was the Queen's secretary, so when she and her son died, he had to find the only heir and make sure he learns everything he needs to know to become king. He and Alfred fight a lot at first, but then, they become very close. Lukas Bondevik- The heir prince to the throne of Pufliaria, the neihboring kingdom of Delar. As the future King, he has to get along with the King of Delar, but he did not expect to fall in love with him. Now, he has to choose between his Kingdom and his love. Emil Steilsson- As he is not the firstborn, he is often overlooked and left out of important events. He decided to leave public life when he turns 18, but his brother could change his plans. Might add more characters later.
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I used random name generators for kingdom names, it took me an hour 😥
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alfredosauce50 · 1 year
One more night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 11
Wordcount: 4, 365 Rating: M for strong language and mature themes
The reader is referred to as she/her
One more night - 11
Off to the races
Mathias rolled his fists against a speed bag, getting it to bounce back and forth rhythmically. A sheen of sweat had glazed over his skin from head to toe, but he never faltered. He was finally back in the zone.
He also lost everything he gained, revealing his past triumphs. Bulging shoulders, a six-pack, and strong legs for a muscular body. He swung into the speed bag one last time, making it rock to and fro.
And he was just getting started.
“You’re in a good mood today,” You commented from the kitchen, sipping a warm cup of coffee. Everyone slept in on Sundays, Allen included, but he got up at nine to do nothing but scribble in his sketchbook.
“Am I?” He lifted his eyes to you, only to look down at his page again. “What gave it away?”
“You’re drawing.”
“I can’t channel my inner negativity sometimes?”
“I think we both know how you actually do that.”
“Okay, fine. You got me.” He mumbled, moving his pencil around for a few finishing touches. Once he was satisfied, he held up his drawing with a proud, toothy grin. “Look. It’s a fortress.”
“Wow,” You mouthed. A smiling stick figure with black shades stood on top of a castle, raining machine gunfire and grenades on the masses below. “And who’s that guarding the fortress?”
“What about all the people down here?”
“I think you know.” He put his sketchbook down.
Now that Mathias moved back home, Allen was the happiest he’d ever been. Even though they were on better terms, this was his home, and he had a very particular idea of what that looked like.
“You guys realize Hammy has been roaming outside his cage for a while.” Amy sauntered in with a squint.
Allen flew off the couch and scrambled into the hallway. With his spot vacant, she plopped down next to you and kicked her feet onto the coffee table. When he came back with his pet, he scowled.
“Hey, you stole my spot!”
“Didn’t see your name on it.”
“I was literally just there!” He stuck out a hand.
“Well, you weren’t for a second.” She hummed.
The three of you, just like old times.
“To think I used to complain about people bringing their babies to the theater,” Amy muttered, collecting her popcorn from the snack bar. She spun around to reveal Bob strapped to her torso. “Now I’m people.”
“And you’re seeing Captain America of all movies.”
“I must be crazy.”
“I mean,” You made a face. Amy was the one who suggested this, but now that she was here, she had to be persuaded. “It was either here or the gym. It’s not your fault Malena couldn’t take him tonight.”
“That’s not even the problem,” She sighed.
“Then what is?” You asked, confused.
“I don’t wanna leave Bob with anybody right now.” Amy hugged him close, face falling slightly.
She still had a hard time being away from her baby after that incident. She didn’t have a choice while working, but now that she was off-duty, keeping him around was always at the back of her mind.
“Then I guess we’ll have to get him used to these kinds of places.” You pulled her along, watching her expression closely. She let you, albeit reluctantly. “There’s a first time for everything, you know?”
“I guess,” She fixed his earmuffs. “Sorry, Bob.”
“When was the last time you went to see a movie anyway?” You asked, walking inside with her.
“Beats me.”
Two hours later, you both emerged from the theater.
“That was fucking amazing,” She let out, smiling from ear to ear. “Bob fell asleep halfway through!”
You and Amy swung by Whole Foods after.
“Do you think he’s gonna win?” She asked, watching you add several bananas to the shopping cart.
The question had been looming over your minds ever since Mathias brought it up. Heavyweight boxers from all over the continent fought under one arena for the belt.
“It’s hard to say,” You shook your head, falling deep in thought.
“I’m just relieved he didn’t give up.”
“Me too.” She furrowed her brows.
“Whatever happens, I’m really happy that he’s kinda himself again,” You added, smiling briefly. Because even after everything that happened, he didn’t quit. And that couldn’t be more fitting for who he was.
“Well, I’m glad he’s back.” Amy hummed, though her expression came off as more bittersweet than anything. Your face fell slightly when you picked up on it. “I wouldn’t be telling you this otherwise.”
“Telling me what?”
“That Mat told me,” She inhaled a deep breath before revealing what had been on her mind forever. “He wanted you to move out with him. And I just want you to know that I’m a hundred percent for it.”
“What?” Your heart sank. “He told you?”
“Ages ago, actually. I just never had the chance to bring it up. Didn’t wanna cause any more drama,” Amelia explained, pushing the cart along as she spoke. “What, with everything that went down?”
You turned away, eyes darting restlessly and mind racing with a million thoughts. This whole time?
“Allen would’ve gone nuts.” She widened her eyes.
It was no secret that he loved you dearly, going so far as to use you as an emotional crutch. To leave was to put him in a vulnerable headspace, but you couldn’t be there for him forever, not even if you wanted to.
“Not that he won’t freak out if you told him now, but he might not fly off the handle when you do.”
“But what about the apartment?” You asked, voice faint. Now that moving out was on the table, every doubt you’ve ever had flooded your mind in a rush of anxiety. “And what about Bob? I can’t just leave.”
“We’ll be fine,” Amy assured, holding your shoulder. It was a blanket statement at best, but how else were things supposed to be? “Allen will have to get a job someday. And Bob won’t be small forever.”
“But he’s only six months old.” You uttered.
“He can sit upright and eat scrambled eggs, now. That’s pretty big if you ask me.” She nudged you.
You laughed some, thankful for her lightheartedness.
“But, point is,” She went back to pushing her cart, as reflective of the continuation of the conversation.  “You’ve already been there for the most crucial part of his life. And nine months before that too.”
“Of course I was, Amy. That’s a given.”
“What if it’s not supposed to be given?” She asked, much to your dismay. “You’ve already done so much for us, and I can’t just force you to stay forever. That would be the most selfish thing I could do to you.”
“Maybe,” You replied stiffly. Everything she just said was a stark reminder of what you told Allen once, and you always regretted it from the bottom of your heart. “But you aren’t forcing me to do anything.”
“I love living with you guys,” You let out, voice faint to hide the sadness in it. “You’re my best friend.”
Amy stood perfectly still, overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. Then, she turned to you, eyes wide. When she saw that you were barely holding it together, she did something completely out of character.
She hugged you as tight as she could.
“I know.” She shut her eyes. “But you have to go.”
You hugged her back, lips pursed tightly in a frown. She knew what you really wanted, and would go to great lengths for you to have it. Even if it meant letting you go, the hardest thing she could ever do.
“Do you think Bob will remember me?”
“He will if you visit,” She released you with a content smile, knowing she managed to convince you. So, she took in your face for what felt like the last time. “So don’t go somewhere I can’t get to, okay?”
Getting Amelia on board with the idea was easy because she was already all for it. Allen, on the other hand, would be a completely different story. But you had to tell him someday, even if that wasn’t today.
You pushed the door open to the local boxing gym.
When you got inside, you saw Mathias doing mitt work with Allen. Their brewing friendship was the most unexpected development yet, and you had to cover your mouth to hide your enthusiasm.
They had more in common than they looked.
The sun was almost set when you three walked home together. Allen had his arms folded behind his head, his dark eyes staring into the distance. Mathias had your hand in his, which squeezed you here and there.
“So,” You began, breaking the comfortable silence with a query. “Are you two friends now?”
They both made a face, brows raised and squinting.
“I don’t think Allen would be comfortable with that.”
“No, I wouldn’t.”
“Oh, alright.” You sighed, stifling a laugh at their synchronization. “I was just curious, is all.”
“Saying we’re friends would be putting him on the same level as you. And that’s gross.” Allen mumbled.
“There’s always distinctions you make with different friends you have,” You glanced at him and watched his expression intently, which didn’t seem to change. “Surely you have friends you’re close to, or not at all.”
“Not really,” He shrugged. “I mean, I used to.”
A brief silence followed, and you were left to put the pieces together. Mathias didn’t have any idea what he implied, but you knew better. He must’ve been talking about his pals from Afghanistan.
“It’s fine.” Allen grinned at you. “I have you guys.”
You didn’t say anything more, only bringing his arm down to hold it. He appreciated the gesture, the discreteness of it, and smiled warmly at you to prove it. You smiled back as if to tell him he was right.
He had you, Amy, and Bob.
Slowly, but surely, Mathias could make the cut too.
“You told Amy,” You began, staying in the doorway as he shuffled through his things in his bedroom. Allen waited outside in the front yard, giving you both a moment of privacy, however brief that may be.
Mathias stopped for a moment, back turned to you.
“Are you mad at me?” He murmured.
“No,” You neared him, gaze softening. He glanced over his shoulder, surprised. But that dissolved into relief as soon as you said this. “I’m actually glad you did. I don’t think I would’ve been able to tell her.”
“I’m glad,” He smiled, taking your hands.
You smiled back, warmed by his touch.
“She loves you more than you know.”
Out of the four of you, Mathias was the least afraid of change. It took a lot of faith to carry himself the way he did, and he did so naturally. Without him, you would’ve been stuck in the same place for years.
“So, what did she say?”
Allen kicked a pebble off the pavement. When he glanced up at the apartment again, he saw you two having a conversation. About what, he didn’t know. But he could make a judgement from afar.
The way Mathias looked at you, laughed, then picked you up in the tightest embrace had him wondering if this was the end of everything he knew. It was a huge jump from point a to b, but he wasn’t stupid.
He looked too happy for it to be anything else.
You did too, talking excitedly about something he wasn’t a part of, and never would be. When that dawned on Allen, he turned away, heart in his hand. That night, he walked home by himself.
Out on the balcony where he always was, he knelt over his plants and tended to them. Basil, thyme, sage, and parsley—all Summer herbs. He snipped off the stalks and harvested them for the coming Fall.
“Why didn’t you wait for me?”
“I thought you were staying at his place.”
“If I was, I would’ve said that.” You stepped outside with him. When he didn’t respond, you instantly knew he was bent out of shape over something, but what, you didn’t know. “What is this really about?”
“Nothing,” He kept chopping his plants, but his movements grew less and less controlled as he continued. His front was already crumbling, and you just got here. “Everything’s just nice and peachy.”
“Okay, Al.” You relented, turning to the sliding door.
The sight of your back was all it took.
“If you don’t wanna talk about it, you don’t have to.”
What remained of his hard exterior was all but gone. You broke him down all over again, and simply by letting him be. He couldn’t take it anymore. Not the distance, or the reality that he could never have you.
“Wait.” He stood up, sighing. “Don’t close that door.”
You stopped halfway through the door frame, your eyes softening at his change of heart. If he had something to tell you, you did too. And your concerns were realer than what he thought he saw out there.
“I wanna talk.”
Mathias knocked on the doorframe of his coach’s office. In his hand was the slip of paper he’d been itching to get for the past month. He handed it to his mentor, who scanned it before tossing it on his desk.
With that out of the way, the old man stood up and brushed past him in a slight hobble.
“Get your wraps. We’re gonna start with the basics.”
Allen stood with you on the balcony, his arms draped over the railing. He stared into the night as he tried to think of the words. After a few minutes of mulling it over, this was the best he could come up with.
“So, what, he propose to you or something?”
“No!” You shot him a heated look, watching his brows go up. “Is that what you were upset about?”
He pursed his lips, hands raised in denial. But seeing that you were unconvinced, he just sucked it up.
“Well, he didn’t propose, okay?”
“Then that’s all I wanted to know,” He grinned, voice rich with satisfaction. He went back to his usual self almost instantly, hopping back into the living room. “Now all I’m missing is a kiss for good measure.”
“A kiss?” You stifled a laugh.
“You know I’m only kidding.” He scraped the bottom of his flip-flops against the entry mat to clean them. When Allen faced you again, he leaned against the door frame. “You don’t have to if you don’t wanna.”
He might’ve said one thing, but the gentle smile on his face meant another. And since you couldn’t give him what he really wanted, you gave him the next best thing. You leaned forward and hugged him.
Allen’s arms went around you on instinct, like a reflex he didn’t need to think about. There, he nestled his chin on your head, closing his eyes in the embrace. Then, his smile grew out of a deep sense of peace.
Now this wasn’t so bad. He also got the assurances he needed, so why was he still so sad?
“Listen, Al.”
Mathias raised his gloved fists, bright red in color.
“I have something I need to tell you.”
With his head low and eyes up, he looked intensely focused as he jabbed the sandbag in front of him. Only they were nothing but light taps, hitting the same spot on the leather, over and over.
“Okay, then tell me.” Allen was a little unnerved that you even had to announce it. What he saw tonight, how he always felt around you, and your anxious demeanor only seemed to validate that fear.
“I’m moving out with Mat.” You finally let out.
A few seconds of painstaking silence went by.
Mathias tightened the strings of his hoodie until only his face was left uncovered. Now that Summer was ending, he could feel a cool breeze on his morning runs. The seasons were changing, and so was he.
“I don’t know, but probably sometime after his tournament. We haven’t decided on anything yet,” You answered truthfully, scanning his face for something, anything. But he gave you nothing.
“Does Amy know?”
Or so you thought.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I told her last week.”
“Right.” He looked down, eyes darkening. It was inconceivable that anybody could be so hurt over something so minor, but Allen wasn’t just anybody. “Why am I always the last one to know things?”
“I was gonna tell you, Al. I promise.” You spoke softly, taking his arms. “I just had to find the right time.”
“Why is it always Amy you go to when you know something will affect me most?” He rubbed his eyes with one hand, choking back a sob. “You guys are always keeping things from me and leaving me out!”
“We only do that because we don’t wanna hurt you!” You flushed, making him shake his head bitterly.
“You’re gonna hurt me anyway. So you might as well just say it.” Allen muttered, staring dead into your eyes as a single tear fell from his. His words were cutting, and the way he looked at you, even more so.
“I’m sorry,” Your voice broke. “I never mean to.”
He was right about being excluded, and he had all the right in the world to berate you for it. It was also selfish to expect him to react any different, especially when you’ve always known of his greatest fear.
Being isolated, physically or mentally.
“And you probably already knew that, too.” He shook his head again, turning away to get to your bedroom. But before he could lock himself in it, you grabbed onto his wrist. “You just didn’t wanna freak me out.”
“Of course I didn’t wanna freak you out,” You let out, tone desperate. “That’s the only reason why I have a hard time telling you about these things. Not because I don’t love you, or don’t feel close to you.”
“And how’s that turning out for you?” He faced you, eyes burning with truth. “I’ll find out anyway. I always do. Then I’ll find my own time to freak out. Because that’s just what I do. That’s what I’m the best at.”
Usually, he was the one making compromises in conversations, taking the fall for his faults.
“Losing my temper. Because I’m a fucking manic.”
“That’s not true!”
But right now, he was as quick as a whip.
And he was right about everything.
“It is, though. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t be here having this fucking conversation.” Allen glared, but his anger with you only lasted so long. “And since we’re here, you wanna know why I flipped out in the first place?”
“Why did you flip out, then?” You uttered.
“It’s not just because I have a thing for you, okay?” He exclaimed, chest heaving and face reddening.
“Then why?” You flushed, eyes darting restlessly.
“Because if you get married, you’re gonna go away.” Allen said shakily, voice faint with unbearable hurt. “You’re gonna go somewhere I can’t get to, get busy, have a few babies, and you won’t have time for me.”
Your face contorted.
“Then you’re gonna forget about me,”
It was unthinkable that you could ever cut him out of your life, but he was already treating it like reality.
“And I won’t be a part of your life anymore.”
“You’ll always be a part of my life, Allen.” You reached up to caress his face, currently streaked with tears. “Even if we won’t see each other as much, I’ll always be thinking of you. And I’d still call and visit you.”
“But that’s not good enough,” He choked.
“I won’t be far, I promise. I promised Amy that too.”
“But you won’t be here.”
“You have to learn be independent from me, Allen.”
He shook his head, breathing too hard to manage a verbal protest. You were asking way too much of him, even if it was just to live out partially separate lives. You were his rock, and he wasn’t ready to let you go.
“But you also have to trust me.”
A string was tied across the ring like a washing line. The gym was dark, save for the spotlight they stood under, coach and pupil. The pupil in question stood next to the line, his shoulder barely just grazing it.
Then, he ducked under it to the other side.
He repeated the motion, bobbing under the line from side to side. By bending down and moving quickly from left to right, he could dodge anything thrown at him. But the timing and range had to be perfect.
“I’m so jealous of Mathias,” He squeezed you, eyes shut tight as he whispered frantically into your neck. “He’s got everything going for him. When he wants something, he just gets it. I can’t do that.”
“I think we’ve all felt that way before,” You admitted, holding him closer. “He’s the best of all of us.”
Mathias rolled under a punch, dodging it like second nature. When he rose, he jabbed his opponent twice, getting them to back up. He was a speed demon, taking advantage of their mistakes on the fly.
With the newly-established distance, he threw his fist up for a killer uppercut. It collided with their jaw, throwing their head back in a splash of saliva. And just like that, his partner fell on the mat, defeated.
“But there’s something you have that he doesn’t.”
“And what’s that?” Allen murmured, pulling back.
“Mathias and I can fight, argue, or even break up one day, but not us,” You answered, frowning deeply. “And I know that sounds bad, but there’s nothing in the world that could change what we have.”
He smiled and bowed his head at what he’d already known, a truth he constantly needed reminding of. But you always knew the right thing to say. And for that, everything felt like it was going to be okay.
“You’ll always be my family.”
“Maybe that’s why I never tried anything,” Allen said. He’d been so hung up over what he could’ve had, he never realized this was what he really wanted all along. “Because I didn’t wanna ruin what we had.”
“And what did we have?” You smiled.
He gazed up at you, eyes twinkling.
“Something perfect.”
He was your best friend, and maybe a little more than that, but he made it a point to never cross that line. What you had with Allen was incorruptible, the kind of love people spent their entire lives looking for.
“Something pure.” He kissed you on the forehead, the most innocent kind of affection one could give. And you leaned in, basking in the warmth of his soft lips. “And I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Allen stayed with you all night. With your body next to his, he never fell asleep so fast. This may only be for so long, but he couldn’t be upset about it forever. You were moving on, and he had to accept that.
“That makes seven rompers and five pairs of pants,”
You sorted through the baby clothes in the basket Mathias held. He insisted on tagging along with you to ‘help you hold things,’ but you had a sneaking suspicion he came for another spending spree.
“Anything else we need?”
“Uhhh,” He scanned the shopping list with a focused expression. “Four pajama outfits… And a tank top?”
“Oh. That’s for Allen,” You pointed at the bottom of the note. “See how the handwriting changes?”
“Oh,” Mathias mumbled. Now that you mentioned it. When he glanced up again, you were off to look for those items, so he did what he thought would be the next best thing: doing some browsing on his own.
When he approached you for your opinion, you were still in the baby section, picking out sleepers.
“What do you think?” He held two outfits in front of you and moved them up and down. “Blue or yellow?
“Those are for newborns, Mathias,” You answered, going back to the rack. “They’re not gonna fit Bob,”
“I know they’re for newborns.”
“If I say ‘blue’ and see the blue one in your dresser, I’m seriously gonna murder you,” You sighed, knowing exactly where this conversation was going. And frankly speaking, you were a little nervous.
“Okaaay. Does that mean you’ll spare me if I buy the yellow one?” He hummed with growing smile.
“Mat,” You shot him a heated look, embarrassed out of your wits. “The bear was cute, but this is crazy.”
“But these are cute too!”
“No, I meant you,” You sighed, stifling a defeated laugh at his outburst. “We haven’t even moved out and you’re already thinking that far ahead. Imagine what Allen would do to you if I ever got pregnant.”
“You don’t have to wait for his approval, you know?” Mathias grumbled, putting both outfits back, blue and yellow. “I know he’s close to you, but what we do is none of his business. So he should stay out of it.”
“Still,” You shook your head. “You’re going too fast.”
“I know, I know. I just got excited,” He sighed, noting how worried you looked. And it was a fair reaction given the kind of person he was. Tenacious, self-indulgent, and apparently, family-oriented.
But he’d be damned if he didn’t already learn his lesson. So he stopped you in the aisle, hands on your shoulders. “I’m not rushing you into anything. Especially not something this important, okay?”
“Good,” You softened your gaze, peering up at him. “Because I don’t wanna fight with you anymore.”
If anything, he’d save this for after the tournament.
“I wouldn’t wanna fight me either.”
You were about to give him an earful for being so unserious, but you let it slide this time. After overcoming a roadblock and months of preparation, he was finally in shape for his biggest event yet.
“Are you nervous?”
“A little,” He grinned. “But I’m ready.”
Next chapter: Finale Part I
Tag-list: @sunnysssol @chicha027 @javelintine @sport-lova @archive-of-bones
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Denmark, America, Iceland and germany with a scenekid s/o 😮
Hello there hun! This is quite an interesting headcanon because I never see a headcanon with a S/O who is a Scenekid. However, I would love to make this one and I will try my best to make this one and I am very sorry if you don't like the result, Anyway, Have a nice day, Anon!
Warning: None
P.S: This is for gender-neutral readers.
Alfred F.Jones, Ludwig Beilschmidt, and Mathias Køhler/Andersen Densen and Emil Steilsson with a Scenekid S/O
Alfred F.Jones
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I can see Alfred as one of the typical supportive boyfriends or partners, he would probably like your style and he would think your style is really cool since I think he really likes a bright colour.
I also think that he would love you more if you have some kind of cute piercings on your ear or on your mouth like a helix, lobe, tragus ear piercings or snake bite, medusa, or spider bites piercings on the mouth or lips.
He also would love to see you in a unique hairstyle, he would probably hype you up to have bright blue. pink. green hair and he would probably join you if he doesn't have a world meeting the next day or when he's on vacation.
However, he would mistake your style with Emo or goth because he doesn't know the difference between them. It's canon that he's not really the brightest crayon because he often ignore other people opinion and often put his nose where's he does not belong ( I mean he likes to get other people business).
You need to explain to him the difference between Emo, Scene, Punk, and Scenekid. It will take a long time since he's quite stubborn but once he gets it, there is a chance he could tell difference between them.
During the time when he thinks Emo and Scenekid are the same, he would think you are also depressed and dark like Emo does so he would try to cheer you up almost every day by inviting you to play a game together with him and letting you talk with Tony the Alien.
That was also the best day because you knew many fun games and how to win some difficult games, especially if it's a fighting game like mortal combat or Injustice.
Ludwig Beilschmidt
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I don't know how to say this gently without hurting your feeling but I don't really think or see Germany as someone who is supportive of these kinds of styles.
It is canon that he is a type of a person who would obey the rules and doesn't like to break them. Because of that, I think Germany would prefer your original form where you haven't dyed your hair or put a piercing on you.
Don't be sad, he isn't insensitive people so I think he would still respect you and not treat you differently even if you are his S/O. He would still love you the way you are.
However, if you try to make him join your style by dyeing his hair with a colourful colour or putting some piercing on him, he would deny your request because he thinks it's strange to dye your hair and it would be painful to wear a piercing.
I think Ludwig is also curious about these kinds of cultures where people would make themselves as a Scenekid, Punk, Goth, or Emo because it seems they look so free to style themselves whereas countries like them are not allowed to be like them.
I think he would also know the difference between Emo, Scene, and other people with dark styles and he's not going to be insensitive about it like Alfred would.
Ludwig probably would throw some questions to you, curious why do you like to dye your hair in bright colours, have tight and bright clothes, and use a neon accessory.
Mathias Køhler/ Andersen Densen
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Just like America, I think Denmark or Andersen are going to be supportive of your style and I think he would love your style because he thinks it's interesting, eye-catching, and cool.
I would also think that he would also dye his hair with bright colours, especially if it's a red or blue colour. He would probably also pierce his ears in Helix, Industrial, lobe, tragus, or conch because he thinks ear piercings are really cool.
If you told him to wear tight clothes, skinny jeans or any neon coloured accessories, he would probably wear it even if it's in the meeting room and countries stare at him as if he's an alien since he looks not formal.
Overall, he would be a great and supportive boyfriend and I think he would be willing to learn the culture of scenekid and the history of it.
He would also hear the same music style as you, it could be pop-punk, metalcore, deathcore, or electronic genre type of music. The reason so he could talk about it together with you and fanboy/fangirl the same band with you.
Every afternoon before dinner, the two of you would listen to Bring Me to Horizon, Panic! At the Disco or Fall Out Boy together. After that, the two of you are going to talk about how cool the music and the band was.
I think Denmark would also spend tons of money to buy bright neon colours clothing for a matching couple so the two of you could have the same style, it doesn't matter if it's pink, light blue, or lavender, he would still rock those colours with you too.
Emil Steilsson
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Emil is one of the hardest characters to write because I am a little bit unsure with his personality but I think I can pull this out without making this headcanon too OOC for him.
I think Iceland won't be as judgemental as Ludwig and would be more respectful to you, he still loves you even if you dyed your hair with neon colours or if you had a piercing on your lips, eyebrows, ears, nose, or anywhere.
I think Emil would think piercings are something normal because lots of teenagers or adults have a piercing on them or when people dye their hair with bright colours.
Emil would probably throw some questions there and there but it was more to curiosity because he wants to know the culture about scene kid and their type of music.
If you want him to have a piercing, I think he would probably do it in a certain area where people don't easily notice like a belly button piercing or a tongue piercing but he won't dye his hair or use a humongous tattoo, he probably hates attention.
I would also think that he will listen to the music together with you but he won't turn into a fan-like Denmark would. If you suggest him, he would listen to the music together with you and if he likes it, you would catch him hum the song sometimes.
In music, I would think he would prefer something a little bit softer like Bring me to life from Evansence or Creeping in my Soul by Cryoshell. He doesn't really enjoy music with loud notes and beat.
He probably would fit more into Emo or Goth instead of Scene because, in my opinion, he is more introverted and he doesn't like loud voices
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urmomsstuntdouble · 4 years
so a while ago i made a post with the signatures i made for the characters in 1836, and i was kinda having a lot of fun with it, so i decided to make signatures for all the hetalia characters (im totally not procrastinating with the intensity of the sun rn wym). so here they are, with the names closest to canon that i could find. my commentary is also interspersed. anywho here’s the signatures!
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so this first page is of the characters whose names are in latin and cyrillic, the scripts i feel comfortable writing in. this is 99% europeans, plus the us, canada, and cuba. this is alphabetized by the name of the country the character repesents but not their actual human name because im a dumbass, except for the last three, which are russia, belarus, and ukraine. belgium doesn’t have a canon last name, so i deferred to netherlands’ surname for her. denmark’s name here is magnus densen, which is the only full name given in canon. there are other potential first names and last names given for him (none of which are mathias kholer btw) but seeing as magnus densen is the only actual full name, that’s the one i decided to go with. i also used erzebet as hungary’s name, and beilshmidt for germany (who doesn’t have a canon last name but you know. siblings with prussia), tolys for lithuania, timo for finland, antoño for spain (more old fashioned than antonio), vash for switzerland, and irinya chernenko for ukraine. 
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this second one is mostly asian countries with scripts that i dont know how to write in/am not comfortable writing in. for most of the asian countries, and egypt, it’s common to use signet rings as a form of signature. im not confident in my ability to create unique signets for all of them and in five different languages that i niether speak nor know the script for, so i left that out. egypt’s official name is gupta mohammad hassan, but since the p sound doesn’t exist in modern egyptian arabic, i decided it wouldn’t make sense for him to have gupta as one of his names. while he would probably speak coptic, i doubt that many members of the government or even your average egyptian who’d be seeing his name on official papers (cops if he gets pulled over for speeding, personal credit card, etc) would be able to pronounce it. coptic is sort of in the same boat as latin with its status as a dead language that some people speak as a second language, and i don’t think there have been any native speakers for a few hundred years. for greece, i gave him both a roman and greek signature, because im a bit more familiar with the greek script than any of the asian ones. seychelles is included here rather than on the latin only sheet because she doesn’t have a canon surname. making it bonnefoy is a bit weird imo and not logically consistent with how former colonies names work in canon (look no further than any character from the americas), so i gave her my own. her name here is michelle vinot. hong kong also has his english name, leon, next to his cantonese name, but i wasn’t sure if he had an english surname, so i just left it as a first name (he’s already got a cantonese surname so i didn’t think an english one was necessary). anyway uh final note is that i hope taiwan and hong kong’s signatures are different enough from china’s bc i wanted them to be somewhat similar, but with varying degrees of divergence from china. 
anyway that’s all i have for now, i hope these were cool! ta ta for now
edit: i tried tagging them in the order they appear (in case you cant read one of them) but apparently theres a limit to how many tags you can put on a post, so they’re under the cut now 
america/alfred f jones
austria/roderich edelstein
belgium/emma morgens
canada/matthew williams
cuba/máximo machado
denmark/magnus densen
england/arthur kirkland
estonia/eduard von bock
finland/timo väinämöinen
france/francis bonnefoy
germany/ludwig beilshmidt
hungary/erzebet héderváry (forgot the accent marks on the actual signatue)
iceland/emil steilsson
lithuania/tolys laurinaitis
liechtenstein/lily zwingli
latvia/raivis galante (end of 1st sheet left column)
monaco/lucille bonnefoy
norway/lukas bondevik
poland/feliks łukasiewicz
prussia/gilbert beilshmidt
romano/lovino vargas
spain/antoño fernandez carriedo
sweden/berwald oxtenstierna
switzerland/vash zwingli
veneziano/feliciano vargas
russia/ivan braginsky/Иван Брагинскы
belarus/natalya arlovskaya/Наталыа Арловскаыа
ukraine/irinya chernenko/ириныа черненко (end of 1st sheet right column)
china/wang yao/王瑤 (i used google translate for this. i apologise. also used the traditional option)
egypt/muhammad hassan/محمد حسن (arabic from google translate)
greece/herakles karpusi/Ηρακλής καρπούζι (greek from google translate)
hong kong/wang ka lung | leon/王家龙 (simplified chinese from google translate)
japan/honda kiku/本田菊 (from google translate)
south korea/im yong soo/ 임수용 (hangul from google translate)
seychelles/michelle vinot
tawian/lin xiao mei/林小梅 (simplified chinese from google translate)
turkey/sadik adnan/صادق عدنان (arabic from google translate. the turkish alphabet is very similar to the latin one and not all turks use arabic to sign their names, however, it was common for sultans and other members of the upper class to have very elaborate signets called tughras which used arabic calligraphy. i feel like a country would have something about as fancy, and that turkey is the sort of guy who would want one, so here’s his name in arabic. idk that he’d use it all that much these days, but woo! history!)
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hadzyuka · 6 years
{ nationverse starter for @dereretyndigtland !! }
“Natallia, honestly, it’s just a few days. Talk to Mathias. Play nice. And then, you won’t have to worry about it anymore.” Natallia’s assistant, Nikita, let out a weary sigh before handing her her purse. 
“Niki, you know I don’t want to be here-”, she grumbled, sliding her purse over her shoulder before getting out of the sleek black car that had driven her from the airport. She was told to meet the Danish representative, Mathias Densen, here, in front of the building where their government officials would meet. 
“Natallia, remember what I said.” Nikita warned, giving her a stern look over the brim of his glasses. “Your luggage will be delivered to your hotel room, I’ll make sure of it.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She waved a dismissive hand with a brief, amused smile. “Play nice. Thanks, Niki.” And with that, Natallia carefully headed up the steps to wait in the lobby for Mathias to appear. She knew she had seen him here and there at meetings, and knew that he was...louder than many people she knew. 
Natallia found a comfortable looking bench to sit on in the lobby, where she delicately crossed her legs and pulled out her phone. Manicured nails tapped away on the screen as she mindlessly scrolled through her Instagram feed. Goddd, she hated these mandatory meetings. Half the time, it seemed like it was her government trying to force her to make new friends. Did Mathias have no concept of time? She glanced at the gold hands of her watch. 5 minutes late. Hmph. He wasn’t off to a good start.
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feliciohno · 4 years
uh hi
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buruzaitama · 6 years
i would love it so much if you drew my precious child denmark
Of course!!! 
BTW I wasn’t sure if you called him “child” or just requested a Child Denmark X’DD… Anyway, he’s still like a child ♥.
I hope you like it ^^
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Den © Himaruya
* Don’t repost without my permission *
// Requests Closed by now //
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matthewko28 · 7 years
*Hetalia fanfic. Something about that time of the month. A common topic followed a common fluffy story.
*One shot! Human AU!! Steady relationship!!! DanxNyo!Sve :)
*De/nm/ark=Mathias Densen, software engineer, his work type is kind of Tsuzaki’s in NiGeHaji (逃げ恥, a Japanese tv drama I like :3); Nyo!Sw/ed/en=Kristina Oxenstierna, family lawyer(solicitor?). I guess they both work in London.
*These settings are just for fun, it’ll not be mentioned a lot in the following story.
*Rating K+ but maybe up to T (or maybe not, I hope so).
*I’m not a native English speaker neither major in law, if there are any mistakes please correct me (in respectful), thanks!
*Disclaimer: I don’t own anything but the story itself.
The alarm clock was going off. Mathias struggled to turn off the annoying sound, turned over to stay on the bed.
It looked like the alarm was nearly broken, he couldn’t hear it clearly even when he was not asleep. If one day he was late to work, it might be reasonable to blame all wrongs on this little junk. Mathias thought, almost falling into dreams, his fingertips touched something smooth and silky. Stroking along the texture, he closed his eyes, grinning with happiness. Mathias then rolled over to the other side, hug and cuddle up to someone whom he shared a bed with, buried his face into the long, straight blonde hair, “Good morning, Krisi, my dear.”
The soft skin and the light natural fragrance he was holding on made he couldn’t help but sigh and nuzzle them again. Mathias guessed, he might be willing to hang around with those annoying clients and insoluble problems constantly for a whole month, just in return for the right to be woken up by his treasure every morning… um not well, it sounds lovely too to have a lazy weekend… they could stay in bed or cook their brunch, they could stay together all day long… hmm it sounds more attractive to him now…
Mathias hummed unconsciously, tightening arms he put around the other one’s waist.
Unfortunately, someone who he was cuddling up could totally feel nothing about his love pouring out from his heart and soul.
“Get away….”
Kristina had turned her back on Mathias since the beginning. She pressed her face to bed, hands slowly moved and covered up Mathias’ though, she just wanted to be released from his crossing fingers, “Don’t touch me, it’s muggy….”
“Pffft, why don’t you answer me another ‘good morning?’”
“I think you’ve been used to it.”
Mathias felt so bored and loosened his grip. The morning kiss failed, the rest he could look forward to was just the most ordinary mode. He sighed again, rolled onto his back and closed his eyes, waiting until his girlfriend get up and pinch his shoulder to urge him prepare for work.
Two minutes passed, their bedroom was still quiet. Mathias almost fell asleep again, but the next minute, he became alert.
Something is wrong. He suddenly realized it.
If it was actually “the most ordinary mode,” he would see Kristina sit in front of her dressing table and wear her hair in a bun before he turned off the alarm. Mathias spent a few seconds thinking back what they did yesterday. It wasn’t the first time Mathias went to sleep earlier than Kristina. In the past a month, Kristina became a little busier than ever, she stayed up late again last night. It was just as usual, the only difference maybe was that she looked more silent but anxious than before? Kristina has been very unhappy when Mathias picked her up. From her office to their home, she kept quiet along the way, kicked off her heels when they just got back home. Oh gosh, she looked so damn unpleasant. Should he feel grateful that his dear Krisi didn’t object to his complaint and office gossip when he was driving?
Slowly, Mathias recalled another strange thing he saw in the early morning, when he woke up to use the bathroom; what on earth are those bloodstains on the shower floor?
Mathias sat up suddenly, turned to look at what happened to Kristina. Kristina was lying with her back turned on him though. She lowered her head, curling up with hands holding her belly tightly.
“Krisi, are you alright?”
He ran a hand through her hair and put the other hand on her body, “Krisi?”
“…I’m fine.” Kristina pushed his hands away gently. Before Mathias asked her more, she got out of bed, found out her glasses and tampon and went to the bathroom. She was slouching and walking unsteadily. Mathias frowned at the nightstand, he could make sure what caused Kristina to be so painful was certainly not the low blood sugar in the morning. The drawer was still opened and the sanitary products inside were so messy. The owner would not allow such a condition happened in usual time.
However, the bathroom door had locked. Mathias had no interest in slapping it then getting another fight. He put the stuff in order, got out of bed lazily, planning to go to kitchen and wash his face.
After he came back, Kristina was still in the bathroom. Mathias opened his wardrobe with humming songs, searching a shirt he preferred today. When he was wearing it, the door was finally opened, “Morning!”
“Feeling better?”
No one answered.
Kristina passed by him, with a work suit in her arms.
Mathias doubted he could stand it.
“Kristina, stop!” He grabbed her arm to let him face her, just found that Kristina was really weak. She looked pale and uncomfortable, keeping pressing a hand on lower abdomen when Mathias stared at her.
“You sure you still have to work today?” He knew his voice was becoming overbearing and aggressive, also assured that his girlfriend despised his behavior in such a case definitely.
As expected, Kristina shook off his hand, “I am running late.”
“No, wait, it doesn’t relate to being late,” Mathias held her back again, but this time he controlled his strength carefully, “I mean…you are having your period, aren’t you? Don’t you take a day off?”
Before Kristina answered, he quickly added, “I think you do need it.”
“I think I don’t need it yet,” Kristina said softly, twisting her body to get rid of his grasp, “besides, I have a client meeting today. I don’t want to stand her up.”
“Does it mean standing her up? Could you both just… reschedule it?”
“No way, it’ll be good to everyone if the case closed as early…ugh!…”
Suddenly, a severe pain hit her, making her couldn’t support herself. Kristina knelt down on the floor without precautions, feeling that she just fell into the darkness. She closed her eyes, hearing small noise beside her. Mathias immediately knelt down too, holding her upper body to avoid letting her collapse on the floor.
“Geez, you are trembling…can you walk?”
Kristina looked downwards, after a while she finally nodded slightly.
“Would you get into bed first?” Mathias caught her by the elbow before getting her reply. He was wide awake, being startled thoroughly. In some ways his bad habit of nagging even worsened, “I have told you a hundred times you should lead a normal life but you always say ‘well, another half hour’ blablabla, poor you have a bad luck today. You are such a workaholic, always forget to take a rest or have a meal, well it doesn’t matter, but how can you have no sense of feeling cold? Have I talked about this? Last time I passed by the study room and you almost scared me to death…”
Kristina sat on the bed and pressed her lips together. She touched Mathias’ fingers, slowly wrapped and caressed them.
Mathias’ words offended though, she just couldn’t push his tenderness away; he was trying to massage her belly. Kristina was so disappointed at her bad health status and her tolerance to it. She needed something to balance her mood. Mathias’ hands looked like they could warm up anything, and that was actually she was searching for in the moment.
But, at the same time, this guy was going to nag about the relation between menstrual cycle and making something. Kristina didn’t want to listen to this kind of issue at all, especially when it was the time they just got up.
She rubbed her forehead with a sigh.
“…Mathias, three minutes, could you keep quiet for just…”
“No, I can’t.”
They caught sight of each other, struggling to resist the impulse to roll their eyes.
Still, it’s Mathias who breaks the silence as always. He took a deep breath, turned his hand over and held Kristina’s tightly, “Seriously, do you want to take a leave today? Every time you go to office, you wear your skirt suit – don’t mention your pant suits – your skirt suit and tights and heels and…anything else? Your stoic face? Now you are in too much pain to walk firmly, why you still consider that… you can keep wearing them and working?”
“You assumed that I can’t manage my work.”
“No! I didn’t mean it! I just want you… can’t you…”
Mathias scratched his head in frustration, feeling distressed to express his thoughts properly. Suddenly, an odd sound appeared out of nowhere.
It was a standard default ringtone, ringing out from a work phone, and the cellphone belonged to Kristina.
He felt the hand he was grabbing at twitched slightly.
“Uh-huh, it’s time to work, ja?” Mathias stood up by putting his hands upon his knees. He walked to the end table, unplugged the phone charger and looked back to the bed. Kristina had straightened an arm towards him.
The sound hadn’t stopped yet. It even became louder because of its owner’s setting.
Without any hesitation, Mathias answered the phone call then left the room.
“Good morning! Northcape Law Firm! Densen speaking, how may I help you?”
“Darn it, you…!”
“Ah, sure, I’m her assistant, yes,…”
The door slammed shut.
Kristina put down her pillow. She curled up her body again due to the cramps. She didn’t know if the pain would worsen or not, couldn’t help but moan though she had bitten her lips. She couldn’t make sure it is feeling pain or Mathias’ and her bad tempers that put her in such a difficult position. The silence spread throughout the space, but it would not be better if the silence replaced by an argument.
She hadn’t thought out how could she face him yet.
The door was opened, “Hey, where is your medicine? I didn’t find it in the box,” Mathias carried a tray between his hands and waist. It looked like a little awkward, though, he was trying to prevent the stuffs on it spilling over, “Wait, you have cramps again? Shit… Give me a minute!”
He slammed the door again, walked to the bed in a hurry. Kristina looked up when Mathias put a hand on her belly. The tray was placed on the nightstand. There were two pieces of toast and a mug with steam on it.
She stared at the cellphone beside the food. The phone call had finished.
“Are you alright? I guess you’ve been okay.”
“…My purse,” she refocused, pointing the coat rack, “The painkillers are in my purse, the white packet one.”
“Got it,” Mathias moved his hand from her belly, standing up and searching for the purse. After picked up the small box however, he paused at the door, “would you try to avoid taking them? They’re harmful to your health after all.”
“Of course I know.”
That might be the impatience in her voice which amused him, Mathias started to snicker. Kristina frowned at him.
“What did you mean?”
“Assistant,” she picked up her cellphone.
“Oh, I supposed you didn’t want to expose your personal life,” Mathias shrugged, walked back with smile on his face. Kristina didn’t want to get details why this guy laughed so happily, at least, not now.
“It’ll be my pleasure if you allow me to introduce myself as your boyfriend, oh, husband sounds better, you could take over it.”
“Stop kidding.”
“Okay, stop kidding.”
Mathias threw the box into the tray, took out Kristina’s phone when he sat on the edge of the bed, “Then, maybe it’s time to discuss this?” He showed the dark screen to her, as if he was displaying a new product.
She forced herself to not throw her head back or hit his face by the pillow.
“Your client today is… Ms. Palmer? She just called you.”
She nodded.
“She said today there is an activity in school that needs parents’ supporting, so she asked if the meeting rescheduled to the teatime… the time you determined at first was lunch time, right?”
She nodded again.
“I asked her to postpone to a later date, she said okay.”
“Why did you…”
“I SAID, today you are very, very weak and uncomfortable, that’s the only thing I told her. Luckily she could understand it, so she agreed with my suggestion,” quietly, Mathias put the cellphone back on the nightstand, “…I’m sorry for answering your phone call without your agreement.”
She looked downwards when Mathias put his hands on his thighs. His fingers were crossing tightly with nervousness and insecurity.
“I never… I never thought that you were the person who didn’t want to be responsible for your work. I’ve seen all your efforts to the profession since the first time I worked with you. I’ve seen how hard you concentrated on this case. I know you take the client seriously, otherwise you wouldn’t turn on the phone after work. But, if you are tired or sick, it doesn’t matter to take a rest, isn’t it? I just consider that you are tend to keep in good health to finish your work, or, fulfill your promise. After all, this is what you persist for several years…” he opened his hands, having no idea where to place them. He felt a bit of emptiness, “do you recall the case one year ago?”
“…Yes, as you thought,” Kristina moved her hands gently into his palms, “but… whom Ms. Palmer has to raise are twins.”
“Well, got it, one more kid,” he caressed his hair and laughed awkwardly, maybe it was because of the lack of water, “then… if you win the lawsuit, she will have a hard time with her children.”
“I believe she has prepared herself.”
“That’s true, or you wouldn’t take the case.”
She finally smiled in the first time in the morning. It was a small smile but warm and bright. She knew the man who was holding her hands would never ever miss it out.
“I have to apologize too, sorry to keep you worried, it’ll not happen again.”
“Hmmm I hold my reservations about that,” Mathias raised an eyebrow, but he could never keep a straight face for too long. After a few seconds, he started to chuckle, “so you decide to stay at home today?”
Kristina nodded.
“Will you ask Tina to send you another document?”
She suddenly held back a hand then smacked his arm.
“Hey this is just kidding! …Um, not yet, honestly I have a feeling that you’ll tend to do it if… Sorry I am wrong I’ll shut up now,” Mathias grabbed Kristina’s hand, tightening and put it in front of his face, “You know our office is running a project now… but once I finish today’s work, I’ll come home as soon as possible.”
“You are too nervous, it’s not having a baby.”
“Surely we can have a baby! If you want, after these days pass, we can make one imme…sorry,” he blocked the flying pillow, left a light kiss on Kristina’s cheek, “I’ll go to your office first, you know, ask for your leave today… what do you wanna eat? I’ll bring it home tonight.”
“Chocolate is prohibited.”
Aw, how rare he could see her childish disappointed face, “Well, then… anything you like, from Françoise’s bakery.”
“Huh, designated store, right?” Mathias scratched Kristina’s palm slightly, “then, Miss Kristina Oxenstierna, my dear lady, your super assistant, Mathias Densen, has thoroughly prepared to finish today’s missions!”
“You engineer have an assistant part-time job?”
Mathias stood up, gave her a wink and managed to dress. Kristina tried to get out of bed and ease herself when her boyfriend was wearing his trench coat. They exchanged a kiss before Mathias went out. The door opened and closed soon. The space indoor gradually sank into the silence and the sunlight.
It was still annoying to endure the uncomfortable and count down until the period passed, however, it was kinda worth to look forward to this time. Kristina wrapped herself in a blanket, put on the mug and sipped the hot drink.
End. Oct. 21. 2017. (translated into English at Mar. 01. 2018.)
Dan has called nyo!Fr and ordered some mini apple pies before work. It’ll be on time to pick it up after leaving office X)
*Also on https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12854022/1/Morning
*The origin Chinese version click here (if anyone has interest in :/)
*Ms. Palmer is an OC and yes,  Françoise is nyo!Fr. She was once Kristina’s client but soon they became friends.
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