#nyo germano
rosethreeart · 1 year
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I’m WAY too easily convinced to draw these three again
I had to give Romano and nyo america some redesigns tho cause I use their old ones as ocs now
See y’all in like three months as per usual JCNCDJSN
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bunny-bun-draws · 6 months
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✨ Commissions compilation ✨
Last commissions (and a little art trade) compilation of the year!! All done during November and some December! Thank you everyone for a year full of commissions 💕
@cringecontent-funhouse (Chibi head, two characters) 
Makayla (Chibi head)
Lapis (Chibi head, simple color bust, pet)
diablitoys_juguetes (Instagram) (Pet) 
Elliott (Simple color bust)
Katie (Simple color bust)
juliokahverengi2 (Instagram) (Style 1 chibis) 
hyromori (Instagram) (Chibi sketch, two characters) 
@lillystarreds (Patreon) (Chibi sketch) 
@tema-makes-art-sometimes (Art trade) 
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br34dr10t · 2 years
Germany x Anyone; America, Italy, Southern Italy, Seborga, England Preferred but not required. Nyos Accepted, no 2p or OCs
Word Count: 243
Ludwig let out a soft yawn as he turned off his alarm clock from his morning alarm. It was early, though the German was no stranger to being up so early in the day. This was his morning routine; get out of bed, get a shower, shave, get dressed, slick his hair back, then leave for work. It was like clockwork.
Being an engineer was not a particularly hard job, though it could be stressful at times. He was a young guy in his field and the job he worked at was full of well seasoned employees who sometimes gave him trouble for being both single at thirty two as well as how tight lipped he was. Though they were all pretty nice, if not too enveloped in trying to decipher the younger man’s personal life. Ludwig also got along well with them, so that was good as well. They were all friendly and it made it easier to handle their pestering.
That particular day, Ludwig’s older friend at the job site approached him and offered to set him up with one of his kids. They were around Ludwig’s age and he thought they might be a good fit. Ludwig was not huge on dates or the idea of dating, though he chose to do it to both be kind and hope that this would get him off of the radar for a bit if he went out this one time.
So after work, the German went home and started to get himself ready for the date. He had no idea what to wear, not being entirely knowledgeable overall about these types of things and what was considered appropriate to wear. Eventually, he ended up choosing a matching pair of chocolate colored blazer and trousers. Under the blazer was a cream colored turtleneck and on his feet were dress boots to match. Once dressed, Ludwig headed out the door and drove to the agreed upon restaurant to wait for the other to show up inside the lobby.
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wise-weasel · 1 year
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Hetalia Roleplay Information Area
Welcome! This is a place that I’ve made to allow you to read all of my information in one place without any of the bullshit of having to search my tumblr.
You can find starters, shipping lists, plot ideas, my favorite tropes and more!
**Please note, if you are under 20 years of age I ask that you disconnect with me. I am 27 and I do not roleplay with minors and would prefer not to roleplay with anyone under 20. If you roleplay with me or interact and you lie about your age, I will immediately block you. I take this very seriously.**
**All characters that I play are at least 18 years of age. I do not roleplay as characters under that limit unless it is a child/parent relationship.**
Ship List
Nyo! Northern Italy: GerIta, PruIta, EngIta, SpaIta, 2p! Germany x Nyo! Italy, DenIta, 2p! Denmark x Nyo! Italy
Nyo! Southern Italy and 1p! Southern Italy: SpaMano, GerMano, AmeriMano, EngMano, PruMano, and PortMano
Nyo! Prussia and 1p! Prussia: PruIta, PruMano, PrUk, Nyo! PruHun, PruAus, PruAme, PruScott, PruCan, 2p!Can x Pru and PrAnce
Nyo! Seborga and 1p! Seborga: PortBorga, SeyBorga, SpaBorga, and GerBorga
Nyo! America and 1p! America: USUK, AmeriMano, PruAme, DenAme, RusAme
Nyo! Canada and 1p! Canada: PruCan, RusCan, and GerCan
AU/Trope List List
Plot Ideas, Universes, Tropes
Flower shop/coffee shop/shop au
And they were roommates
Fake dating
Unrequited love
Prompt List
1. Why are you helping me?
2. We could get arrested for this.
3. Was that supposed to hurt
4. We have to be quiet.
5. You're trembling.
6. Tell me again.
7. I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending that they're you.
8. Do you regret it.
9. I still remember the way you taste.
10. We still need to talk about what happened last night.
11. Do you trust me?
12. What happens if I do this?
13. You're making me want things that I cannot have.
14. People are starting to stare.
15. Is this what you want?
16. Can't you see that I love you?
17. I cannot believe you!
18. Why would you do this to me?
19. Why now? You had all of these years to do it, but you picked now?
20. Where do you think you're going?
I am always open to new ideas and such! This being said, feel free to ask for other ideas or AUs!
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canonrpfinder · 4 months
Looking for Hetalia Rp
Characters Played:
• Nyo! Prussia
•Nyo! Italy
•Nyo! Southern Italy
AUs I like:
• Omegaverse
• Soulmates
• Slice of Life
• Fantasy
• Coffee Shop/ Flower shop /Tattoo Parlor
• Historical/ Medieval (Doesn't have to be perfectly accurate)
• Mix of these
• Open to suggestions as well
• PruScot (Canon or Fanon)
• PruCan
• Pru x 2p! Can
• PrUk
Nyo! Italy
• GerIta
• PruIta
• EngIta
• 2p! Get x Ita
• DenIta
Nyo! Southern Italy
• GerMano
• EngMano
• PruMano
• I prefer MxF, playing F over M but I can play some M characters.
• I'm 27, so partners need to be at least 18. Minors DNI
• Like or comment and I'll dm you.
• I prefer to RP via Discord or Email.
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cupofkey · 4 years
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@anniekawaii73 ahhhh thank you for your support!! I love every single person who read both sides now so much yall have my WHOLE heart and soul. literally I put my whole self into that fic. anyways I love germano (and other alt ships/rarepairs... @frukmerunning​’s art has put me on the germano/itapan train) so here is your drabble about these gfs on a road trip. yes they are gay yes they are horrid drivers. yes I love them
anyways I hope you like this :)
Monika’s life flashes before her eyes again, for what must be the fifth time in the last ten minutes alone, and she can’t help gasping— she doesn’t scare easily, but it’s really getting a bit difficult to have some restraint at this point.
“Come on,” Chiara snaps, jerking the steering wheel to the right and cutting off a white sedan. “Quit being whiny about my driving, or I’ll never drive you again, and you can just drive the rest of the trip.”
The sedan honks furiously. Chiara swerves back into the other lane, having passed a couple of pickup trucks.
“I appreciate you,” Monika says, strained, “but if you take the next roundabout at this speed, we are going to flip over and die.”
“If we die, we die,” Chiara drawls. “Do I look like I give a fuck?”
“I… I hope so?”
Chiara huffs. “Whatever. Look, if you’re so offended, we’ll just switch off before we get back on the highway.”
“Alright,” Monika says. “Thank you.”
“Didn’t know you were so averse to my driving,” Chiara mutters.
“Well— just not, er, in the city,” Monika says, clenching her teeth as the car rocks dangerously to one side. “I mean, we’ve just been on the highway so far, which is less…”
“Full of fucking idiots.” As if to punctuate her statement, Chiara slams on the brakes and honks furiously at the minivan in front of them that’s pulling over.
Monika sighs. “People, yes.”
“Yeah, and we went on this road trip to get the fuck away from those,” Chiara says, flicking at her turn signal for less than a second before revving up between two cars. “Or, at least, I did.”
“Fair enough,” Monika says, her nerves tinged with ease, even fondness. Mostly, she finds herself glancing over at Chiara— focusing on the determined set of her face, the striking line of her profile, the way light plays over her knuckles and fingers on the steering wheel.
We might die, but I can’t complain about the company.
“Quit staring at me,” Chiara huffs. “I can fucking feel it. I’m trying to drive.”
“I can’t help it,” Monika says.
Chiara flushes, white-knuckling the wheel even tighter than she already is, her throat bobbing as she swallows. No response— a flash of buzzy elation squeezes Monika tight.
Ah, she’s so… 
“Here, you weirdo,” Chiara grumbles, pulling into a strip mall parking lot and throwing the car in park. “So you can stop staring at me while I’m trying to focus. You better be the best fuckin’ driver on the planet.”
Monika snorts lightly. “I’ll try my hardest.”
So they get out of the car and switch, and Monika spends a solid minute readjusting everything to her height (“It’s not my fault you’re an Amazon,” Chiara says, although she doesn’t sound too angry about it.) Then she gets back onto the main road, following the signs pointing to the interstate— lawfully, because she prioritizes safety, and her focus is completely on the road.
That is, until Chiara squeaks.
“Are you—” Monika stutters, glancing over to see her girlfriend flattening herself against the seat, eyes big and jaw clenched. “Er, is something—”
“Why,” Chiara grits out, “are you driving. So fucking fast.”
Monika frowns. “I’m… is this fast? I’m in the left lane, I’m leaving space for other drivers, I’m signalling…”
“You’re literally driving over a hundred miles per hour.”
“And?” Monika says, a little defensively now. “You were swerving like a getaway driver back there.”
“Because people are slow and stupid,” Chiara hisses. “Nobody is being stupid here. There’s one other person and you’re trying to accelerate off the fucking planet.”
Monika winces— I’m not going that fast, am I? I’m not. This isn’t that fast for the highway, it’s just…
“Well,” she cautiously says. “It’s a little over the speed limit. But I’m careful.”
Chiara just groans, sinking into her seat and pressing her hands into her face. “A little. For Christ’s sake.”
“Do you want to…” Monika bites her lip, torn between feeling worried and amused, checking her mirrors and smoothly passing the car in front of her. “Maybe you can take a nap? You’ve been driving for the last few hours, after all.”
“How the hell can I nap when you’re driving like it’s NASCAR?”
“Alright, alright,” Monika sighs, “I’ll try to slow down. And I’ll pull over at the next rest stop so you can get a break. Is that okay?”
“Fine,” Chiara mumbles, and she curls up against the window, looking very…
Well, she doesn’t look angry. Just small.
Monika finds herself smiling at the road as the minutes tick by, easing her foot off the gas as much as she can handle, luxuriating in the gentle brush of the air conditioning against her face. Maybe we’re both idiots who can’t drive safely, but I can’t bring myself to mind. The fact that I’m taking a trip with her at all…
“Hey, one mile,” Chiara announces, pointing at the sign indicating a rest stop. “Get over there.”
“Alright, alright,” Monika chuckles.
She signals, changes lanes, finally slows down to the speed limit as she takes the exit. It’s a pretty small rest stop, all things considered: there isn’t much beyond a modest restroom and a single park bench, a dented trash can that’s near overflowing with scraps of this and that, a couple beat-up looking cars.
Monika pulls into a parking space, checks her reference points. They get out of the car and stretch.
“I’m never letting you drive on the highway again,” Chiara declares. “We’re taking the scenic route from now on.”
Monika chuckles, twisting left and right. “Didn’t we decide it was a waste of gas?”
“No, you decided,” Chiara says. “And my sanity is a hell of a lot more important than gas money. I don’t want you to crash and die in front of me.”
The words are morbid, flippant, and horribly, horribly endearing. Monika makes her way over to the passenger side.
“Only if I get to drive any time we enter city limits,” she dryly says.
Chiara huffs. “Deal. Now come here, I was seriously fuckin’ worried.”
She tilts up on her tiptoes, something that makes Monika’s heartbeat race uncontrollably— oh, god, she’s so lovely, I think I’m going to die.
Well, maybe not. As long as Chiara sticks to driving on the highway.
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farg0dss · 2 years
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Caterina: There! Now ya know! Ya happy now!!!
Germano is now canon on my blog!
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Yep the scary potato is sensitive.
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rosethreeart · 1 year
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I just like them being soft
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br34dr10t · 2 years
Roleplay Informational Area
Welcome to my roleplay doc! This is a place that I’ve made to allow you to read all of my information in one place without any of the bullshit of having to search my tumblr.
You can find starters, shipping lists, plot ideas, my favorite tropes and more!
**Please note, if you are under 18 years of age I ask that you disconnect with me. I am 26 and I do not roleplay with minors. If you roleplay with me or interact and you lie about your age, I will immediately block you. I take this very seriously.**
Shipping List
Nyo! Northern Italy: GerIta, PruIta, EngIta, SpaIta, 2p! Germany x Nyo! Italy, DenIta, 2p! Denmark x Nyo! Italy
Nyo! Southern Italy and 1p! Southern Italy: SpaMano, GerMano, AmeriMano, EngMano, PruMano, and PortMano
Nyo! Prussia and 1p! Prussia: PruIta, PruMano, PrUk, Nyo! PruHun, PruAus, PruAme, PruScott, and PrAnce
Seborga: PortBorga, SeyBorga, SpaBorga, and FraBorga
Nyo! America and 1p! America: USUK, AmeriMano, PruAme, DenAme, RusAme
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" @grandparomeaskblog do you REALLY needed jars this big or did you try to compensate for something else?"
//Mun: gosh Im so sorry. this is so extremly random haha xD
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cml-san · 6 years
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So in my English class we’ve got 2 options: 1) Paste and color the bimonthly term cover the teacher gives us
2) Draw it
I always draw it and put obvious fandom references
1 st Nyo!Romano (Hetalia)
2nd America/Alfred F. Jones (Hetalia)
3rd Alexander and Eliza Hamilton (Hamilton)
4th Evan Hansen, Connor Murphy and the insanely cool Jared Kleinman (Dear Evan Hansen)
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nicecarito · 7 years
B2 Monika (Romano x Fem!Germany)
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A request from that cute meme of outfits....
It supposed to be only Monika with a wedding dress but I couldn’t resist..... Germano is one of my favorite OTPS and I couldn’t resist but draw Romano like the groom <3 <3. still, I like to design dresses, I think Monika looks really cute....
Male!Germany is so fucking confused....
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cupofkey · 4 years
Ahhh, Thank you so much for the drabble! It was super fun and might and wonderful and gay, and I honestly can't. Also both of them are terrible drivers but they complement each other so nicely, and I just jssjiwlslwla. Thank you sooo much for writing this again!
thank you it was rly my pleasure!! I will def be writing them more they are wonderful :) and yeah driving with Chiara is definitely very uhh nauseating lol. meanwhile Monika is always WAY too close to the car in front of her
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