#nyooms to pen and paper
aria0fgold · 1 year
my shinigami cant be this cute
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i got lazy... i was supposed to draw uni, meido, and abbi beside him but laziness striked so text it is.
also a lil more info about the shinigamis cuz i got attached to the shinigami part of the au and now have information that wont be known in the story so have at thee!
Black and white shinigami! Although they have a human form which also changes the colour of their outfits too. Though it doesn't change Omori's outfit much. (aside from the paw pads and inner ears of the cat hood turning pink + red ribbon)
All shinigamis have pitch black eyes. A shinigami can choose any pattern they want that can look like their pupils, much like with the diamond pattern on Omori's eyes. (Meido has heart patterns for her.)
Shinigamis won't have any memories of when they were alive.
Shinigamis have death marks! It'll usually appear as a black patch on their body.
Omori's death mark is at the center of his stomach.
Meido's death mark are lines on her neck that she hides using a choker.
Uni's death mark is practically his entire head.
Abbi's death mark isn't visible on her body in the same way. Her hair is always dripping wet. (She still has the question mark here as well.)
When a shinigami has departed, (which usually means they got "fired" in a sense) the number they have is passed on to an unassigned shinigami to keep consistency of the numbering.
The number of times a codename has been passed on is the letter before the number. In Omori's case, it'll be 3 times. (A codename that hasn't been passed on will just have the number with no letter.)
Abbi was A-104, Meido is D-130, Uni is 109 (Uni is the oldest of them with Meido being the 2nd oldest although Abbi took on the caretaker role when she was around.)
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ID under cut:
[ID: 11 sketches of rabbits, pen on paper. Pencil underdrawings visible beneath each one. Captions written in cursive. From top to bottom, left to right: Side view of a rabbit in grass crouching down, nose close to the ground, captioned "sniff sniff". Page title "Bunnies :3" written at an angle. side view of a white rabbit sitting calmly. Captioned "No thoughts head empty." Side view of a rabbit looking out of the page captioned "Plotting...". Side view of a rabbit positioned as though speaking into the previous rabbit's ear, captioned "...scheming, perhaps...". Side view of a younger-looking rabbit running from right to left, mid-stride and a few inches off the ground, captioned "Nyoom!!". Side view of a rabbit running from left to right, landing from a jump, captioned "Zoom!". Back view of two rabbits sitting on their hind legs. The face of the rabbit on the right is visible and they are positioned as if in conversation. Captioned "Talking about you...". Back view of a rabbit taking off for a jump, hind legs extended, towards the left of the page. Captioned "hop!". Top-down view of a rabbit crouching down, nose to the ground, ears backwards, captioned "The investigator". 3/4 back view of a rabbit sitting up on its hind legs, ears straight up as if startled, looking back over its shoulder. No caption, but three exclamation marks are drawn next to its head. End ID]
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mythvoiced · 2 years
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@theimpalpable​ | “ that’s bad. ” (Félix to Samuel :D honestly, probably Félix being a mess IUWHEDIUH) two word starters
“Ye... Yeah, that’s bad!”
Samuel isn’t one to raise his voice. Which is a big fat lie, because he does often enough for the previous statement to sound even ridiculous to his own ears, if it wasn’t for his lack of willingness to admit the decibel he could sometimes reach.
Truth simply is that when he feels like he’s losing the ongoing battle against his anxiety, when he feels his very veins are about to crawl out of his skin and choke him where he stands, when he feels just a smidgen overwhelmed with just how insanely wrong so many things can go at once, he has a tendency to break his voice into half a shout.
Not that it would gather more attention that the situation at hand, but it’s an interesting assessment to make, how someone who begs to be considered calm and peaceful is anything but on his best days, and miles away from it when you meet him on his worst days and his anxiety quickly turns from a little odd to revealing a bite he’d rather suffocate on more often than not.
But also... His desk is kind of on fire.
In a way, makes for a pretty picture.
Reflects on Samuel’s glasses and encompasses Félix in the kind of colours Samuel had always assumed explores to walk in most of the time, you know, the reflection of a burning torch as the flames it creates break their lights and shadow dances on the walls of cavern he’s making his way through, first of humankind to have walked the secret path in centuries, lit up in orange as the only source of light in his hand deems him worthy of being coated in its primary colours.
It’d be a good sight to immortalise for a scene or two, good words to keep in mind and re-use for a fitting scene, a good scenario if only it wasn’t for the fact that his desk is on fire.
Samuel’s hands have long gotten lost in his hair, tugging at the short strands while simultaneously remaining stuck there, rendering him about as useful to the situation as Félix’ commentary.
Why had he even let him into his house.
Why is coffee creamer so stupidly flammable.
Why can’t he never just drink his coffee in peace.
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baby-n-boo · 4 years
Pink is not a girl’s color- regressor! Tommy, finally big brother tubbo, cg! Wilbur
Tommy was little. There was no two ways to put it. And, as if it wasn’t obvious enough from the fact he hadn't sworn in a whole ten minutes, His thumb was inserted firmly in his mouth as he gamed one-handedly, a small piece of paper over each of the webcams on his monitors, in case someone saw. He had finished his stream that day in rather a hurry, logging off of the dream SMP almost as soon as the confirmation came through that the stream had ended, already feeling the pull of the headspace on his mind, and knowing he wouldn’t have been able to hide it from his friends should he have fully slipped. But, for now, he was idly wandering around a solo server he had made for himself, trying to remember where he had built his home last time he had been on the server. His chair creaked in protest, as he tried to bring his knees up to his chest, resting his feet on the very edge of the seat, making him jump. It wasn’t that he was easily scared when little, but the fact he had become accustomed to the silence that seemed to surround him when he was small, since nobody ever wanted to talk to him without being mean.  
But it was ok. He could look after himself. He was a big boy, really! Mumbling to himself, around his thumb, he tried to direct his character over to the little hill he could see in the distance, not noticing the river running between himself and said mound, and promptly falling right in. At the sudden change of perspective, Tommy panicked, pulling his hand away from the keyboard like it had burnt him, in the hopes it would be fixed if he stopped. But it didn’t, leaving him arrested in fear, watching as the pretty bubbles went away, and his character started taking damage. He didn’t want the pretty red hearts to go away, they were nice!  
Whining slightly as the last one slipped away, and the death message popped up on screen, shading everything in a dim sort of red, Tommy shoved the mouse away too in frustration, refusing to respawn. He wore a stubborn pout as he spun on his chair to turn his back on the screens, just in time for a knock to sound on his door. Worrying for a moment, he yanked his thumb out, and minimised the tab, not wanting anyone to see, before calling out a “Yeah?” that sounded too loud and brash to be right, even for his normal self.  
Wilbur, poking his head through the door carefully, smiled to see Tommy not doing much, before starting to speak. “I, uh, I saw your stream ended? I was wondering if you wanted to come spend some time with real people now?” he joked, referencing how little time Tommy actually spent socialising. Despite how much he really really wanted to nod yes, and go with him, Tommy shook his head, carefully measuring his voice to reply. “Nah, you’re alright, I have masses of women to talk to.” he tried to joke back, his smile just a little too wide, the usual bravado missing from the tone, though Will shrugged it off, sure that if something was up, Tommy wouldn’t hesitate to complain about it.  
“Well, if you change your mind, don’t forget, Toby and I ’re right downstairs.” He reminded Tommy, with a slightly stern look, before ducking back out the door frame. He tried to nod an affirmation, turning as if to go back to his game, but, as soon as he heard the door click back into place, and the creak of the stairs, he pushed up off his chair, padding over to his bed instead. He wasn’t big enough for gaming, right now, and certainly not to go face his friends. Don’t get him wrong, he was glad they had offered to come over and keep him company while his parents were away for some business trip or other, but it was hard to hide his little space from them when he knew they would be watching his streams, and constantly reminding him to actually care for himself. Especially since it had saved him the embarrassment of his parents hiring some babysitter that never actually did anything, once they found out how old he was.  
Tummy rumbling as he sat down cross-legged amid the rumpled sheets, and pulled his favourite blanket out from under his pillow, Tommy whined, having run out of fruit snacks the previous night when he had been streaming till two in the morning. Normally, it wouldn’t be an issue, him just having to sneak down and grab something from the cupboards under the guise of still streaming, but he knew, as soon as he set foot on the stairs today, his friends would be dragging him into a switch game tournament, or a conversation, or, even worse, a trip to the store. Shuddering at the very thought of going outside, Tommy shook his head. No, going hungry was much better than whatever they had in store for him.  
His PC kept chiming with discord messages, probably from his other streamer friends to wonder why he had ended so fast, but he merely ignored them, balling up under the ratty sky-blue blanket, and trying to get his head to stop being quite so fuzzy. It didn’t help as his thumb crept back into his mouth, brushing against the cold metal of his braces, and he curled tighter, the scratchy material of his jeans starting to irritate him, as he slipped further and further. It was only a matter of time before something bad happened, so, desperately clinging to the last shreds of his adult mind, Tommy stumbled over to his closet, kicking off his jeans and baseball shirt in a frenzy of unstable movement.  
Once he was sure that it was all off, he glanced nervously toward the door, and quickly grabbed a bundle of material, throwing it onto the bed before someone could burst in and see it. Yanking a pair of shorts over his boxers, he quickly scurried back to the comfy area, hiding between the sheets as he fought his way into the other thing, a hoodie that was clearly multiple sizes too big, smelling of a foreign but comforting cologne. He’d picked it up from Wilbur’s bag the first night he had been here, thinking it had been his own, and had been reluctant to give it back upon discovering it, in fact, was not, something about how it made him feel small making it appealing.  
Flipping up the hood, so it fell over his eyes, Tommy giggled, flapping around the oversized sleeves in a childish manner, entertained by even the slightest of things in little space. By this point, his adult mind had entirely slipped away, replaced with the simple, cotton candy thoughts of the child Tommy now was. Confused as to why he was being so boring and lying round in bed all day, he pushed back his coverings with a smile, before gasping, looking around for Henry - his cow plush- in between the all-together too mature sheets. Black circles were just so grown up! Where were the dinosaurs? Or the racing cars!  
Temporarily distracted from his search by the thought of cars, Tommy gasped, running over to his cupboard, where he hid away all his colouring books, dragging out some nice-looking ones, and his big box of Crayola pens, giggling as they rattled noisily. Throwing them to the floor, Tommy lay down on his tummy across his rug, pushing up the too-long sleeves until he could see hs fingers. Wiggling them around, he couldn’t help but beam, it being such a silly movement, especially as they all bunched up to try picking up the slippery box of pens, only for it to bump back down. Kicking contentedly as he tried again, it wasn’t long before it was tipped upside down, the rainbow of colors spreading across the rug in a mess only a child could make, blues bouncing and reds rolling. In fact, every color other than pink.  
Not that Tommy noticed this lack, grabbing up his favourite colour, and flipping to a random page, cheering as it was a cool race car, with flames up the sides, all waiting to be coloured. Uncapping the pen with his teeth, he kept the lid in, chewing on the tip of it as he scribbled messily up and down the door of the car, smiling as it got bluer and bluer the more that he scribbled. Even if it didn’t particularly stay in the lines. Blue was nice, it was a boy’s color, like the sky, and the sea, and blue race cars that go nyoom! Will once said blue was a happy color, so that must mean it was good! Why else would he say it?  
It wasn’t like pink. Bleh, pink is a girl’s color, why would he want /that/? Pink was all flowers and dresses and bubblegum, blehhhh. Pulling a disgusted face, sticking his tongue out, which, in turn, made the lid fall out, Tommy shook his head. No, pink was most definitely not for a big boy like him. In his daydreaming, he hadn't heard the stairs creak, nor the tentative knock on the door, not realising as Tubbo crept into the room. “Hey, Tommy? Wilbur said we could ord- oh.” he started, before noticing his friend on the floor, surrounded by coloring pens. Tommy, spinning round at the familiar voice, smiled to see Tubbo, waving gently with his uncapped pen, but making no effort to get up, instead turning back to his coloring once he was done. “Well, I was gunna ask what pizza you wanted, but it’s ok, I'll just say pepperoni. Have fun with … what you’re doing.” Tubbo murmured, not wanting to disturb Tommy when he seemed so concentrated, instead shutting the door behind himself, and heading back down the stairs to where Wilbur was waiting on the sofa.
“Hey. What’d he say?” Will greeted, his laptop open to some takeout website, smiling gently as Tubbo relayed the information for pepperoni, before placing the order quickly. “Alright, that’s done, is he coming down?” he asked, shutting his laptop once he was done, just as Tubbo settled back in the armchair and picked up his switch. “Nah, he’s little.” he spoke simply, as if it was common knowledge, reopening his animal crossing island to keep fishing, like he had been. Confused, Wilbur tilted his head, brushing aside his hair as it flopped over his eyes, and let out a quiet “Huh?”, making Tubbo look up, and meet his eyes. “What do you mean little?” he asked, curiously, not understanding as the teen clammed up, looking mortified. “I shouldn’t have said that. I should /not/ have said that.” He muttered, hiding his red face behind the console. “It’s not my place to say.” he tried to wriggle out of the situation, but, with a stern look from Wilbur, he was pinned in place.  
“um...wow, how to put it...” he fidgeted in place, trying to find the words to explain to a rapidly more and more concerned WIlbur. “um...he’s thinking like a kid...not Tommy?” he tried, but, from the blank look he got back, he knew that wasn’t enough. “It’s...It’s like a response to stress? Or...or just cuz...?” he tried again, watching as Will nodded slowly. “Um...he’s coloring right now...i don’t think he wants to be bothered?” he interrupted, as Will stood, to go up the stairs. “I could...i could try to find a website to explain to you, if you wanted? I'm... I'm not too good at this.” Tubbo offered, reaching for his laptop, silently relieved as Wilbur sat back down.  
“That would be nice, actually, I'm lost.” He admitted, handing it over, and watching as Tubbo struggled to type out whatever he was trying to, eventually finding a page that seemed right. “Uh, it’s a Tumblr page but...i think it’s got the stuff on...” he mumbled, passing the brightly coloured page back over to him. Credit to him, as Tubbo watched on nervously, Will didn’t seem disgusted, reading with genuine intellectual curiosity, before sitting back. “Woah, okay. That’s intense.” He commented, letting out a deep exhale, and rubbing his eyes. “Why is he little, did you say?” he asked, but Tubbo froze. “I’m...i’m actually not sure. Tommy does it both ways, on purpose and not. Maybe the lore stream today? He did end quickly...” he commented mostly to himself, then rubbing his upper arm. “He normally comes and DMs me after if it’s been a hard stream though... maybe cuz you’re here, he didn’t want to talk about it?”  
Throwing out theories, Tubbo tried to hide his confusion and slight hurt that the little he liked to think of as his baby brother when he was in headspace, hadn't told him, chewing on his nails a little. “I do know he calls you his brother though...maybe he was shy in case you didn’t like him doing it?” he murmured, eyes flicking up to the bespectacled 24 year old watching with rapt attention. Luckily, he looked amused, adjusting his beanie. “Hey, it wouldn’t be the only time, I'm practically his older brother all the time.” He chuckled, casting an eye over the page still up on his screen. “It says here about something called...CGs?” he sounded tentative as he looked up to Tubbo again. “It does, and before you ask, No, he doesn’t have one. And yes, he really should, the chaotic doesn’t go down.” he replied, feeling a lot more comfortable now they could make fun of his friend again.  
“Should...should we head upstairs, go make sure he doesn’t like...set fire to something?” Will suggested, after a few moments of chuckling, right before a loud thump interrupted Tubbo’s beginning complaint. “Ok, Ok , maybe that’s a good idea.” he smiled, putting his switch to the side before standing. “I’ll go warn him.” He held out a hand to stop Will mounting the steps before him, smiling as he feigned offense. “Trust me, you wanna prepare for this, he might still be Tommy, but he’s... different.” Running up the stairs, best as he could, with the nerves he now had in every vein, he quickly pushed open the door, to see the little tugging at a stuffed animal wedge in a cardboard box. Carefully pulli ng it out, he easily identified it as Henry, pushing it into Tommy’s arms with a smile. “I have a surprise for you, Toms, you ready?” he asked, keeping his voice gentle as Tommy nodded enthusiastically. “Awe, good!”  
Awkward, shuffling footsteps were the only indicator Will was coming in, before he rounded the corner, with a small smile. “H-Hi Tommy.” his arms were held awkwardly in front of him, crossed across his chest like he didn’t know how to react. But it wasn’t too much of an issue, since, as soon as he saw Wilbur, Tommy jumped to his feet, running to him. “Wilby!” he cheered, hugging him tightly. “Missed chu!” he grinned, as Will hesitantly pet his hair. “Uh, hey kid, whatchu up to?” he asked, as Tubbo watched on with a soft smile, perching on the bed.  “I heard you were coloring?” he asked, looking to the teen for confirmation, as he nodded enthusiastically again, and dropped to his knees, grabbing his pens to keep going.  
“Yeah! Iz blu!” he smiled, thrusting a cyan pen to the elder one. Carefully sitting down between him and the wall, Wilbur smiled and nodded. “You’re right, it is blue. Do you like blue?” Clearly that was the right question, since Tommy started speaking, so fast they could barely get a word in edgewise, about the color, kicking his legs happily as he started to scribble again, starting to color in the fire on the side of the car now, under the watchful eye of his friends.  
Furrowing his brow slightly at the missing color, Will spoke up, after some small humming being the only thing to break the silence. “Hey, Toms, where’s your pink?” he wondered aloud, jumping slightly as Tommy shouted a “No!”, rather vehement. “No,no, no! Pink for /girls/.” he mumbled, when Will shushed him. Curious, he tilted his head, his hair falling agin, and ‘hmm’d  slightly. “Pink isnt a girl’s color, Tommy, what makes you think that?” he didn’t understand, not even as Tommy sent him a disbelieving face. “Pink...pink for princess” he struggled to explain, making Tubbo nod quietly from where he sat.  “But, I like pink, Toms, am I a princess?” he chimed in, taken aback as Tommy giggled, and nodded. “P’incess tubby!” he smiled, making Wilbur chuckle and nod. “That’s right, kid, Toby’s a princess now.” watching the teen stand and mockingly spin around, before carefully bopping Tommy’s head, like a fairy. “ding, ding, Tommy is now a kid!” he laughed, moving over to the cupboard that usually housed the colouring, pulling out a shameful looking pink tub, and placing it on the floor beside the kid. “Let’s try these ones too, huh?” Will prompted, picking up a pastel pink, and doodling a small flower in the corner.  
Tommy nodded, gently, slipping a little, pink pacifier into his mouth when nobody was looking, and hesitantly choosing a maroon pen, trying a clumsy smiley face, soon joined by tubbo doodling a bee, of course. Laughing, Will tried another flower, and a heart, wanting to keep what he did simple, making Tommy smile as a little of the ink went over his fingers. Catching the pen before he tried to draw on his own face, Will tutted gently at Tommy, his new little friend. His little...brother? Before they realised it, the scribbly car had been overshadowed by their doodles, Tommy having branched out into pink the more his friends didn’t seem to mind it being there, slowly smiling more and more, until he was giggling loud and free, fully convinced now, that Pink was, in fact, not a girl’s color.  
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animaniacs - s3e8: don’t tread on us
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i am. so sorry this is late. i wish i had a good reason but actually it was because i spent saturday night drinking bacardi with my mom. and then sunday morning throwing up all the bacardi. i have only just resumed feeling like a normal person.
episode summary: pinky and brain post racist things on facebook. no, i’m kidding and i’m sorry for the slander. they actually draft up an alternate version of the declaration of independence that names brain as supreme ruler of all things. very cool.
the rundown:
it’s boston, in 1775.
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people are coming to boston for lots of reasons, such as A, they are an old timey family in old timey clothes, and B, they are elmer fudd.
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“i’m hunting wedcoats!”
okay. enough of you, elmer. thankfully, the camera pans away before we’re forced to experience any more of that, and we are greeted with mice, instead.
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“at last, pinky, a new world to conquer.”
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“egad, brain, i forgot to turn off the lights in the old world!”
of course, back then this obviously didn’t apply to actual lights, so pinky just left a bunch of candles on. good going, pinky. it’s probably on fire by now!
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unfortunately then the drunk frat boys arrive. brain helpfully informs pinky that they are “not real indians”, which scans, because india is quite a long way from boston. they’re not native americans, either, which is probably what he means.
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“the colonists are revolting.”
“oh, i dunno, brain. i think the costumes are rather fetching.”
(obviously brain means revolting as in “starting a revolt”. kind of like rioting. more importantly, pinky should never be allowed to make that face again.)
WE WON’T PAY THE BRITISH TAX, yells a man off screen. the mice do not care. brain just has to keep explaining to pinky exactly what is going on around them, because if he stops being condescending for five minutes, he dies.
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“they’re carried away with the spirit of independance.”
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and so are they. hoo hoo.
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“ooo, earl grey. my favourite.”
thankfully, we then have a small timeskip to
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where thankfully we see that the mice have not drowned again for the second time in a row. hello, ferdinand von aegir! good to see you.
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“at last, pinky. after a year of watching and waiting, it is time to put my plan into action.”
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“you mean we’re finally going to learn to harmonise, get a choreographer and move to detroit?”
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brain is talking about His Plan. he is finally going to ascend to his rightful position in this budding democracy!
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man, i wonder when they stop doing this. does it happen in the spinoff? i don’t remember it being quite so prevalent.
but ok. ok look. so brain tells pinky about the declaration of independance.
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“all the governing principles of the nation are being put into that document.”
“oh haha too bad it doesn’t say anything about you being the leader”
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and brain is surprised. and then is like, oh are you pondering what i’m pondering. (”i think so brain but where do you stick the feather and call it macaroni?”) like he hadn’t thought of this originally?? so???? what was his plan going to be???? magnetise jefferson to the floor by his pocket change????
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don’t look at pinky like that, you silly little man.
so anyway they go off and do that.
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“we shall simply replace their declaration of independance with this! the declaration of obedience.” technically i think it’s more A Declataslion Of 9rediek, but i’ll give that to brain on the basis that he is a mouse and writing with a human pen must be hard. i’m not entirely sure i could write with materials bigger than me, either. so, yknow. no hard feelings, bee. it’s all good.
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but just look at ths, though.
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“we hold these truths to be self evident that-- a mouse named brain will be leader. that’s b, r, a, i, n. hoorah.”
“ooo, i like the hoorah part.”
eventually, brain figures out how to spell his own name (good for him) and they get to the crux of the plan; getting it onto the table.
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via paper plane, apparently? they have a whole diagram, which is cute. brain goes and stands on the table, pinky launches the declataslion of 9rediek, and they make the switch while... the... founding fathers aren’t looking, i guess. pinky does point out that they might notice, but brain brushes him off.
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because they’re all wearing those RIDICULOUS BIFOCALS invented by BEN FRANKLIN and you CAN’T SEE A THING THROUGH THEM
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<gay little hand flip>
so, as his arch nemisis ben franklin arrives, complete with the rest of The Continental Congress Delegates, brain puts his plan into action.
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“i hope the signing goes quickly, citizen adams. i have to get back to my experiments with electricity.”
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(adams’ response to this is “go fly a kite”. i feel like this is important to mention.)
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exhibit a: mousie on the shelf. he peep. brain tells pinky to get into position before plonking himself there. it’s cute.
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air mouse (nyoom). upon receiving the signal, pinky launches the paper.
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so. uh. turns out brain’s “meticulously calculated trajectory” was actually entirely incorrect. either that, or ben franklin’s head is just that big. but anyway, the declataslion is stuck in his stupid receding mullet, instead of on the table where it’s supposed to be.
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meanwhile, it turns out this is not the only trajectory calculated wrong. air mice nyoom ends in the same way every single other air mice nyoom ends, and pluto has another cause of death to add to their art collection.
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o he fall in the inkwell
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meanwhile, ben franklin finds the declataslion. he reads it, says “hmm”, and then just proceeds to steal it and run away.
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but not on pinky’s watch!
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or brain’s, once he manages to get out of the inkwell.
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WHAT A LOVELY STORM, yells ben franklin, for no reason. in a desperate attempt to get his declataslion back, brain climbs... directly on the kite.
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“pinky, follow me!” homeboy already knows what’s going to happen. cartoon sixth sense. that face.
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“once i get this declaration signed, i will be a shining example of american leadership!”
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oh dear.
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oh no.
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“are you a leader yet, brain?”
“only in the field of electric discovery.”
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as jefferson pulls the big bell to let everyone know the declaration of independance has been signed!
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it.... causes random parts of the mice to inflate until they vibrate themselves off the side of the building.
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i don’t know either.
anyway. could brain have calculated his trajectories better? absolutely. but not only did ben franklin own slaves, and brain would never, he... also just stole some random guy’s paper and fucked off with it, which was a mean thing to do.
brain: 3 ½ pinky: 5 ½ outside influence: 9
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“do you think they’ll object to changing the national currency to cheese balls?”
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“once this nation’s leaders unwittingly sign it, they’ll have no choice.”
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absolute-kings · 3 years
The door creaks open, and a ball of fluff nyooms into the room.
“Wan! Wan! *pant pant*”
He has a small piece of paper tied to his neck. Its message reads:
“Congratulations to Gyroaxia for claiming first place in the LRFes preliminary round! But we won’t lose to you quite yet! We’ll meet again on the stage.” - Argonavis ⭐️
Another piece of paper is attached. It reads:
“Thank you for choosing Pon-chan Mailing Services! That’ll be 500 Yen for delivery costs! 😄” - Banri Shiroishi
Ryo's face quickly lights up as soon as he sees the ball of floof. He kneels down to the floor and starts playing with the puppy.
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Reon sits on the floor next to Ryo.
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"Huh. Cute dog."
"Do ya wanna play with him, Reon?"
The dog bounces his way over to Reon and jumps up at him, knocking Reon back slightly. Reon gently holds the dog while laughing to himself.
"Wow, he's a friendly one."
Kenta walks over to Reon and picks up the first bit of paper, proceeding to read it aloud to the group.
"Argonavis' members are always so nice~."
Reon puts the puppy down and picks up the second paper, also reading it aloud.
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"So this is Pon-chan..."
Kenta turns his head to Pon-chan, who seemed to be attempting to play with Nyankotaro.
"Yeah, more importantly, 500 yen? Is he serious?"
"I think my brother may have mentioned that Shiroishi is quite serious with money."
"Should we pay it?"
"Do you have 500 yen?"
"No, I spent all my money on the snacks..."
Nayuta pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.
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"We are NOT paying them."
"Not to worry, I have a solution."
Kenta takes both pieces of paper and places them on the table. He then takes out a pen and writes the words"Thank you for your support" on the first paper and "Nice Try" on the second. Then, after wrapping both papers around a single 1 yen coin, gives the message to Pon-chan and pats him on the head, sending him on his way.
((Seeing Pon-chan made my day lol. I love the little ball of floof 🥰))
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khaloymes-a · 2 years
Powered Up + Superspeed! Enjoy nyooming.
Send ‘ Powered up’ + a superpower for my muse to gain that ability for the next 24 hours
Oh boy! He’s never sped walked this fast before! Johnnie’s running his errands so incredibly quickly that he can’t forget what he has to do next. What a handy power! He’s also never written this quickly before…his pen’s ablaze on the paper, his fingers speed over the typewriter’s keys. He’s never felt this productive before! Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad if he had it permanently…
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Coda 13 x19/20: Jessica
i have no idea where this came from, except i really liked Jessica the reaper and i do like writing from other POV’s, than team free will.
Warnings..angst, one swear, implied shagging.
tagging @thanatosx49 @ishipit24 @sumara62 @randomizationsposts @quailpower @notalentdouchebag @nobodys-baby-now @northernvillagewitch @coco-goes-nyoom @bluestar86 @authoressskr @miscee and @gabesgoldwings cause your gif made me write this.
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Coda 13×19/20: Jessica
Jessica watched nervously as Billy picked up another note book and ran her finger over the lines, stopping occasionally to amend some detail in red pen. She heard Billy sigh as she scratched out a sentence, to Jessica her boss exuded frustration, annoyance even. After a while Billy sat back, closing the notebook with a snap and leaning back in the high backed black chair.
“You wanted to see me?”Jessica managed to ask, aware her voice was a little on the squeaky side, the old Death had been easier to approach, Billy by comparison was damn intimidating.
“Yes, Jessica isn’t it?”
“Yes ma’am” She couldn’t hold that gaze and stared at her feet instead.
“You did a good job, watching the Winchesters.” There was a rustle and Billy sighed as she leaned back further in her chair. Jessica tried not to let the little bubble of pride she felt show on her face.
“I’m going to need you to go back.” Billy said.
“What!” The word was out of her mouth before she could stop it, she actually clapped her hand over her mouth like some kind of human.
“Do you have a problem with that?” Billy-Death was looking right at her and this time she couldn’t look away.
“No I just thought, I could go back to reaping souls now,” Jessica tried a bright smile, but it faded under that stare. “I mean, unless you needed me further, which you do.”
“Good, then we are on the same page. You are dismissed”
“Thank you ma’am” Jessica hoped her boss would not pick up on the note of reluctance in her voice that she could not totally suppress. But Billy just waved her away like she was inconsequential. Which I am, Jessica mused as she slipped through the veil to the bunker. She sat unnoticed and invisible at the end of the library table, watching as the Winchesters, their Angel and Rowena ate Mexican food.
“have you no manners? Dean!” Rowena stood up and shoved Dean’s booted feet of the table.
“Hey!” Surprised Dean dropped the contents of his Taco, down his shirt.
“Born in a barn the pair of you” Rowena snorted handing Dean a paper napkin, then when Dean made no move to clean up the mess, snatching it back and scrubbing at his shirt herself.
Jessica watched the scene and sighed, this was going to be a long assignment.
It had been two days, Dean and Cas were having breakfast, their morning ritual. Or rather Dean was having breakfast, Cas just sipped from a mug of steaming coffee. Jessica found that weird, an angel drinking a human beverage and seeming to enjoy it. That wasn’t the oddest thing though, what really confused her was the desperate way Cas looked at Dean when the hunters gaze was elsewhere. It wasn’t until she caught Dean staring at Cas with exactly the same expression that she understood. Love, you couldn’t reap human souls for millennia without picking up on a few human emotions. She had seen this sort of bond before, seen that look before. Usually it was accompanied by a souls insistence on staying in the veil to be close to someone still living. But these two, the need crackled between them like like lightening and yet Jessica had barely seen them touch.
“Does Rowena think she can find him?” Cas asked, his brow furrowed with concern.
“She says so, Sam’s taking her out for magic supplies later.” Dean grinned up at Cas in a way that Jessica couldn’t quite decipher.
“That’s good, we need to find Gabriel” Cas’ voice was serious, but his expression shifted, he smiled a little half smile at Dean. Jessica was frowning now, what is going on here?
“So just you and me this afternoon,” Dean reached over and took Cas’ coffee cup, their fingertips brushing against each other briefly.
“Finally,” Cas muttered.
A week, a whole week and she had seen things. It had been difficult enough the first time she had done this duty, now it was getting unbearable. The passing of time wasn’t something she usually had to deal with for long, now though it was dragging at her like a lead weight. She sat cross-legged on the floor of the bathroom while Sam showered. It was literally the safest place in the bunker, yesterday she had thought Rowena might have sensed her and the witch was the last person Jessica wanted discovering her surveillance. Cas and Dean though, were growing bolder with their intimate moments and frankly she was starting to feel like an intruder. She could hear Sam singing softly to himself and his silhouette danced behind the shower curtain. Jessica snapped her fingers and moved herself into the shower behind Sam. She sniffed his soapy hair. “Mmm new shampoo, Sammy. What’s this one?” she squinted at the soapy pink bottle, “Oh nice papaya and ginseng.” Momentarily she played with the idea of manifesting right there behind him, if only to enjoy the look of shock on his face. Instead she settled for watching the soap suds slip down Sam’s back, it really was an enjoyable way to waste time.
Another week, now Jessica spent most of her time in Sam’s room, hiding if she was honest. The Arch-angel Gabriel had joined the Winchesters, she had felt his presence like a supernova lighting up even the bunkers distant darkest corners and had to make herself small, barely even a shadow to avoid him sensing her presence. So she stayed in Sam’s room, flicked through the books he left neatly piled up on his night stand and watched him sleep. For the first time in her aeons long existence, Jessica knew she was lonely. In the past there were always other reapers around and the souls that she had reaped gave her the satisfaction to carry on. What’s the point? She was starting to think Billy had forgotten her, she was nothing after all a mere functionary, unimportant one of thousands.
Sam stalked in then, he was angry. She could tell from the way he smacked the beer he was carrying down on the night stand and how he threw his clothes around the room as he got ready for bed. “You fucking idiot, Dean” he muttered under his breath and grabbed his laptop.  Jessica sat next to him unnoticed as always, and watched as he booted up the computer and set his favourite movie playing. The one he always watched when he was upset ‘beast master’. Suddenly she couldn’t stand it anymore, it had been weeks since she had spoken to anyone and watching Sam crush his anger down was actually hurting her in ways she wasn’t used to.
“Hello Sam” he stared at her a moment before jumping to his feet, mouth hanging open.
“What do you want?”
“Honestly? I just want to watch the movie. Maybe have a sip of that beer” She smiled at him, “Please Sam?”
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sammichbread · 7 years
shit my cat does: -stands on my chest and YELLS if i don’t give him some of whatever i’m eating -tries to eat my hand about every other time i go to pet him -if i leave my bedroom door even SLIGHTLY open, he nyooms in and tries to climb into my guinea pigs’ pens -attacks random small things i leave on my desk -knocks over my stacking boxes -tries to climb on my robot arm (which is also stacked on top of three boxes and a pencil case, so i’m the fool there) -brushes up against the glass jars i keep my dice and rocks in (also stacked), giving me a heart attack every time -steals my papers -disappears every 5 minutes, giving me a heart attack because i can never find him and my brain assumes he just got out when i let the dog out or something -climbs inside of an old rocking chair we have in the living room and jumps out when anybody walks past
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