#aph ethiopia
miyuecakes · 5 months
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this aged poorly given that argentina withdrew from brics original
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marraiwa · 1 year
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too lazy to draw
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peonycats · 1 year
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Despite being loaded with work I had the sudden urge to draw out my Horn of Africa OCs (+ bonus Sudan who snuck in there 🤷)
Anyways, I tested out Vegalia’s hair brushes while drawing these guys and I had tons of fun!! I would recommend it to anyone else who wants to try more diverse hair types, even if its just as a reference for you to draw over👍
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altneuland · 7 months
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more Tigist!
I really thought of keeping her a private oc but how can I keep this beauty to myself??
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asackofpotatoes · 8 months
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meliissa-art · 2 months
China: I'm the oldest aru
Ethiopia: I'm older than you lol
China: Then I'm the oldest in Asia!
Yukaghir: Allow me to present myself....
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goldtracing · 3 years
The Coffee ClubTM  Part I
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Now that we’ve talked about The Tea Club TM it is time to talk about its counterpart, The Coffee ClubTM.
It is Ethiopia that founded the The Coffee ClubTMand actually discovered coffee in general. As such, it very serious business for her and she’ll take extra time just for coffee. Eshe even has an elaborate coffee ceremony, that she insists on preforming in the appropriate setting if possible. This tends to be the bane of the younger nations, that prefer on having coffee-to-go and standing around group chatting. The same can be said for her method of roasting the coffee beans herself, crushing them and making the beverages via direct infusion.
Due to trade, Yemen then became the co-founder of the club. Thanks to him, coffee was spread to the other Middle and Near Eastern countries, and popularised to the point where it became known as “the wine of Islam”. Drinks his coffee as he does his tea – strong to the point the normal people would get jitters.
As for the Near Eastern countries – Turkey is the greatest influence here, with nearly all the Balkan nations – Greece, Armenia, former Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria – sticking to the method he taught them. Said method is using finely ground coffee that isn’t filtered. The brew is cooked for a few minutes until it begins to froth and then poured into ornate cups and served with sweets, usually Turkish delight. Sadik prefers it moderately sweetened, black and sometimes with a hit of clove. Heracles has recently discovered frappe for himself and is therefore gravitating away from the traditions. It simply adds to the many things they tend to fight about.
Generally, Turkey seldom comes alone and never comes with just Greece or Armenia. If one of those are involved, then a third party has to join them – the bad blood between them would just cause things to go off the rails else. Furthermore, Turkey usually only extends invites to either of them through said third party.
Both Israel and Indonesia have the same simplistic style of making coffee, something over which they have formed a strange bond. It is adding the coffee powder in a cup, add hot water and maybe some sugar and serve. It is enough to make both Eshe and Rodrich shriek, yet Alfred has an appreciation for this method.
Saudia Arabia, Oman, Palestina and Syria all share a fairly similar coffee ceremony with three narrow pots – one for cooking the water, one for filtering and one for spicing the coffee. Spices that are used are usually saffron, cardamom, cloves or rose water. These nations tend to form a small clique during club meetings and usually tend together. Israel and Palestina are two personifications that under no circumstances should come near each other during gatherings. Since there are more such pair, Eshe has written an unofficial rule book on people that are not allowed to be seated close to each other.
Italy used to be on very good terms with Turkey in the Renaissance and therefore was one of the first Europeans to come into contact with coffee. After his pope blessed it in the 17th century, he happily and openly indulged in it. Felicano can be quite a snob when it comes to coffee, and will happily make coffee for everybody to ensure that the coffee suits his tastes. Thankfully for him, there a few that object to this tactic. At most, he gets reminded time and time again in icy tones by the Eastern coffee drinkers that he shouldn’t add milk to their coffee.
In lieu of the Siege of Vienna, Austria adopted coffee for himself and thus was the first Western European to do so. Can be as much a snob about it as Italy, and only tolerate the finest qualities. Has his coffee with either cake or sweets and see it as mandatory that coffee is served along with a small glass of water. Over the last few years, he has built up a rapport with Turkey and often converses with him at meetings. Sadik was become Rodrich’s informant on Middle Eastern matters and Rodrich Sadik’s informant on European matters. Sometimes they both fall into nostalgia for the old days and discuss art and cooking.
Germany and Prussia are also strong coffee drinkers. If anything, Ludwig needs coffee to wake up nowadays and if he is really desperate, then he’ll go for Ersatzkaffee. Always has a pack of that stuff in his suitcase or bag for emergencies. Gilbert needs coffee. He has written letters of complaint to the government when he was the GDR because he didn’t have coffee. Is also the sort of person whose urge to have coffee can be timed to the minute. When the urge comes in the afternoon, everything else can wait because then he has to have his coffee – a particular trait he shares with Austria.
 Now, I’ve split this into two parts because else the whole thing would be too long. Part II is here.  
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NAME : @peonycats ROLES: Headcanon, Fanart, Reblog BLOG TYPE: Hetalia blog WARNINGS: #Historical, #current events, #politics
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If you could put any character into Hetalia what country would they be
Mexico: OH BOY!! If Mexico isn’t introduced as a woman I will 1000% go bonkers. She has so much potential! Here we go. Mexico is a strong willed woman with curly hair and a confident air around her 24/7. She doesn’t like to speak English so she will only speak Spanish, especially with America, she won’t speak English with him just because. She is very passionate about her country’s rich history and will educate anyone who is interested, she doesn’t discriminate, she’s excited to share her culture with others :) She is very involved with children. She visits orphanages and hospitals to see them and tell them stories! She takes Mexican holidays very seriously and she puts photos of old friends on her alter during Dia de los Muertos to keep their memories alive long after their families are gone, she believes she owes it to them :’) She also has a HUGE passion for quinceneras ooooh my gosh!! She throws about six every year for families who can’t afford big parties, she throws them herself with her own government allowance! She makes the dress, books a nice venue and buys tons of flowers ‘every girl deserves to have her own special moment’ and you can bet that when the girls dance with their dads she has to excuse herself to cry happy tears in the bathroom. She often goes to church and she has crosses and statues of Jesus adorning her house because it makes her feel safe and comforted to have Him there to watch over her. Lastly, she knows she shouldn’t feed stray dogs. She’s been told not to....But she leaves seven dog bowls out at night for hungryc homeless doggies :’)
Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan would be a tall, slender woman with with deep brown eyes. She’s very stylish and has three closets worth of beautiful dresses, especially dresses that are yellow, orange and peach since she thinks they suit her best. She’s a Muslim woman but she doesn’t wear hijabs, they are not very common in her country at all so she doesn’t wear them. However, she has a collection of hijabs in every color just in case she may want to wear one. She’s kind but if she sees people littering or graffiti-ing buildings she will stomp over there and tell them off, she fears no man!! She loves children and goes out of her way to greet them and compliment their clothes or something like that. She’s fluent in many languages and often pretends she doesn’t speak English because she prefers her own language, Russian and French. She is very traditional when it comes to tea culture and hospitality. She’s a wonderful woman who loves her people very much!! :)
Ethiopia: Miss Ethiopia is so strong dude, she can easily toss a man in a river if she wanted to. She says she doesn’t like violence but she does get a kick out of putting men in their place if she has to. She does NOT mess around!!! She can’t stand liars, she refuses to associate with them. She almost always tells the truth, it is very important to her. If the government wants her to lie to her people, she will not. She does not enjoy living in her capital, it’s too stuffy and crowded for her!! And she doesn’t really like modern clothing so she sticks to her traditional clothes, which she mostly makes herself. Her hair is usually very intricate, she spends a long time braiding it. She loves her natural hair and does everything she can to keep it healthy :) She travels all over her country constantly she’s never in one place for too long. She rarely goes to world meetings just because she doesn’t...like to go. She sees them as a waste of time since she could be back at home with her people. She’s very involved with them!! She has a medical license so she helps sick men, women and children who may not have access to medical help. She loves her people so much and has dedicated most of her life to them, she’s selfless and a role model :’)
Greenland: He’s a strong boy who’s about 17-18 physically. He lives close with his citizens and is very social! He’s very involved in the community, more than happy to help whoever needs it! A woman needs help with her baby? He’s there to help! Someone’s stuck out on the water? No worries, he’s gonna go get his boat and help them back to shore! He sticks to where his people are and will move with them. If a city becomes less popular he’ll move to be close to others. When he was young he was alone a lot so staying close to his people is very very important to him! He doesn’t get invited to as many of Nordic events like Iceland does so he’s a bit bitter about that though he’d never admit it.
Jamaica: Miss Jamaica is a very strong woman. She is proud to be Jamaican and will let everybody know it! She goes to church every Sunday and helps out within the church community. Helping the elderly is very important to her, she sees people disregard the elderly a lot in the world so she sees it as her duty to help them! She dedicates Monday and Wednesday afternoons to helping out her elderly friends by cooking, cleaning and just socializing with them especially if they have no other family. It’s stereotypical but she loves when tourists come to Jamaica for Bob Marley’s birthday concert because seeing everyone bond over music and food like that makes her incredibly happy!! She’ll even set up a tent to make food for people too! And speaking of food, she knows how to cook, man!!! She can cook circles around most nations! She puts in a ton of spices and sings while cooking and she invites all of her neighbors over for cook outs as often as she can cause she just!! Loves to cook! And now she gets to share with her neighbors :) She’s a very kind woman but Dont underestimate her cause she can and will beat your ass u_u
Hawaii: I’m not really into statetalia at all but I imagine that Hawaii still has a representation around despite being part of the US. We’ve got another beautiful woman!! She’s about 5’6 with waist length hair that she’s been growing out for years. She is very passionate about conserving Hawaiian traditions so she teaches children the art of hula and passes down legends and stories of the spirits. Her arms and legs are decorated with tribal tattoos that she updates every decade or so since nation bodies reject ink over time. She often attends protests because she doesn’t want her land to be taken over by pipes or buildings. She gladly welcomes tourists, she loves showing off her culture to those who are curious about it because it’s so fun to see their eyes light up when they see traditional dances or fire stunts!
Most of these are women but there are like 4 female nations rn theyre all men which isn’t bad but female nations are even more interesting to me since women are constantly underestimated y’know. I hope I got this right, I did a lot of research first about these places. I think they’re all very beautiful places!!
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hetavols-blog · 7 years
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Hetalia Volume 1: Allied Forces Part 3 Scan and translation: panjapanja, madhatterarashi, alcnolien, meh-konnyaku, hikari-kaitou, jejunus, kuromitsu, doggiewoggie, equivalent-t, blankchocobo
Click images for better resolution. For the longer images, right-click and select ‘open image in new tab’ for best readability.
Note: This ‘arc’ focuses on the Allies, as the title notes, but each strip has its own name, as seen on the top right hand corner. It is the individual strip names that will be linked to in the master link page of volumes. Also note that the first two images and the last are untranslated.
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peonycats · 11 months
13,16,19 and 22 for Worst of Times and 11, 12, 6, and 14 for Best of Times 💜
13. Guilty Pleasure Trope, Headcanon etc
.........This is less of a trope and more of a Guilty Practice: I should honestly give more of my MENA men countries mustaches and body hair but I hate drawing mustaches and body hair 😭
16. Why do you want to fight Himaryu
Ethiopia's brief mention in the Gakuen Hetalia game reduces him to a joke for his connection to Italy, and not bring up one of the oldest countries in Africa and the only one to really escape European colonization on the continent, not even mentioning Ethiopia's rich history and literature 🗿
19. Has anyone ever gotten mad over how you've portrayed an character or over a headcanon or something?
I will never forget the saga of the Ugly England anon. I hope he's still out there to this day, getting mad at people who imply England is anything but a god incarnate
22. Popular Headcanon You Dislike
I actually really dislike FACES family. Get Seychelles outta there where's Mauritius
6. Best Take on a Fave
Shoutout to @friendly-neighbourhood-desi and @sk-1522 for some excellent aph india goodness 🙏
11. Give the Fandom a Compliment
Uhhh China stans stronk forever 💪
12. What Makes this Fandom Different in a Positive Way Compared to Other Fandoms
I think one thing I actually like about Hetalia is the fact that people can use it to explore other countries and cultures, particularly their own, in a very unique way! This sort of creativity and flexibility is something I don't see all that often, even in other country personification series, like SATW and Lullindo!
14. Any place on your bucket list due to Hetalia
Iceland, actually 😂
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altneuland · 7 months
Ancient Lovers
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Now that I showed you Kingdom / empire of Israel.. I can show you finally THIS SHIP and THIS art that I'm so so proud of...
so buckle up for the wildest ride...
Israel x Ethiopia lore!! Shortly explained, but it’s still long sorry
My interest in this ship has started way back, actually since high school, when we did a work about king Solomon and Queen of Sheba. I’ve learned so much new information that it kept me intrigued about it, and slowly getting more and more information to the point I just knew I’m gonna do it lol.
Now, Israel and Ethiopia case is a special one, because unlike many nations, both Ethiopia and Israel mention in their scripts and culture each other, specifically the Queen of Sheba and king of Israel affair. And both of them are really proud of it, of course biased (and you’ll see how biased it’s gonna get lol), but good biased. It is not dropping-the-other-low kind of biased.
Okay, let’s see where it all started.
Idk the dates (I’m bad with dates and usually don’t agree with them bc long story) but long time ago, there was the kingdom of Israel, ruled by Solomon at that time. Now, let me give you the setting. Israel at that point thrived, and people all around the east from china to Ethiopia heard of Daniel. Of course, some nations couldn’t care less but heard is enough for some to be considered as success lol.
Now, everyone I mentioned here “used” Daniel’s wisdom at some point; Egypt made Israel her best ally, Assyria made Israel his soldier (for a short period of time but he did), and Ethiopia… no spoilers yet. BUT YOU WILL LOVE THEY WAY SHE USED IT.
(Side note; this is also huge evidence that israel was always considered the smart nation around. I believe there was smarter nations but you know, it’s like more of the personality. Omg I sound so arrogant rn but let me cook).
And of course, people talk. And glorify things. Tigist already knew Daniel, but when the story of a Rhino reached her ear it was already a unicorn. Daniel was described as the smartest man alive, most rich, sexiest guy alive and what not lol. Tigist already fell in love before seeing. She thought she must see if it’s true. It was too good to be true to her ears. And, if it’s true; why can’t she have some of that to herself??
She packed the best gems and camels she has (and a lot of them) and headed Jerusalem.
She saw the most beautiful buildings and temple and what not, she tested Dani’s wisdom. And it all came up as true. She said the famous quote; “it is all 1000x better than the stories about you”.
Daniel knew nations don’t come to visit him just to visit him; he asked her. “Ma’am, what is your wish?”
Now, before I continue the story, let me tell you. Daniel was WEAK for her. Damn she was pretty. And hawt. He was ready to give her things she wanted. He assumed; permit to free pass through his place to India. Makes sense? He gave that to her. Why not. She was happy with that.
But here the thing!!! She wanted HIS SPERM. she wanted his dna. She wanted to have s3x with him so she could have some of this!! And I am not making that up!!! Both Israeli and Ethiopian scripts confirm that, and.. apparently it wasn’t just once !!
In the Ethiopian culture, there’s a whole bloodline of jews, apparently they have their own status because according to their belief, since they are around the Ethiopian culture could thrive !
Many many years later…
The story of Jews in Ethiopia is for another post, but when they came back to Israel Sudan was about to accuse Daniel of kidnapping Ethiopian people. But, before it was “confirmed”, Daniel went to Tigist and gave her everything she wanted!! Education, free tech, literally anything that a first world country can give to a third world country enough to thrive, at least a little more!! He gave her FOR FREE some of his inventions that later made Israel world leader in it, when it comes to water and water tech. He gave her leading tech on agriculture which israel is also leading in! He gave her free schools and to this day Israelis go and volunteer in Ethiopian schools! He didn't wanna feel guilty much for doing stuff under Ethiopian gov you know so he did what I feel like a bribe but you know idm he brought some jews home and the Ethiopia got a lot of good stuff so what can I saaay
Now, as not true as it might seem, Daniel sees Tigits as a poor lady who is in a constant need of charity. Tigist doesn’t seem to mind much tbh? She appreciates the help. She’s one of the only African countries who wants Israel part of Africa culturally ! and constantly asking about Daniel when he’s absent lol… she’s still hot for his ass I can tell u that
I think their relationship nowadays is mostly beneficial… both not seems to be bothered my that… let Dani do the do without feelings.. which is totally against his morals but lets not get into that shall we
Fun fact: in eilat there’s two hotels one next to another, Queen of Sheba and king Solomon, as a tribute to them
Tigist belong to me, too
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liyrical · 9 years
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oh yes i ship them
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takenforpomegranate · 9 years
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Oh yeah I also made some crappy transparents of APH Ethiopia, APH Liechtenstein and nyo!Austria.
use em how you want original art by Hidekaz Himaruya
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ask-ethiopia-blog · 9 years
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" Thank you anon, that’s very nice of you. To be honest it can be quiet a chore though."
// Her hair takes a long time to draw properly. ahh, but nevertheless it’s still fun to do.//
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pieceofcaustic · 10 years
I don't sleep well at night because of all the people who think that the newest Hetalia girl is Madagascar.
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