hattedhedgehog · 5 years
Not an assumption so much as an observation --- VERY talented and creative cosplayer and I absolutely LOVE your videos. I will make the assumption that you are/were involved in theater?
Oh gosh thanks! As for the assumption, it’s partially correct; I had a summer job assisting with a children’s theatre but other than that I have yet to be fully involved with productions (I’d like to be though!)
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nyssatrevelyan · 5 years
Because they were recently rescued:
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Nyssa Trevelyan
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And the love of her life
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starsandskies · 5 years
Your blog is amazing! I love the content you reblog, and it’s been a pleasure to browse it a little. I hope you keep enjoying it and sharing the things you like and enjoy! ♥
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serbrienneoftarth · 5 years
replied to your
Have this reminder that Brienne is actually a...
Um, she was allied with the Starks?
Brienne voice: And yet I keep marrying and swearing myself to Lannisters lol
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ironbullsmissingeye · 5 years
“Let me help.”
“Stupid fucking, fuck!” Shokrakar huffed as he tried to button up his shirt using only one hand. It had been only a couple of months since he’d lost his arm, thanks to Solas, and he was still struggling to get used to being without it. He had been given a new one but adjusting to that was hard too. Shokrakar had always struggled with change, but this was something more than he had ever expected. He couldn’t fight, couldn’t cut up his food, he couldn’t get himself dressed. He was trying, Maker knew he was, but he didn’t think he’d ever get used to it. He had just about given up.
“Let me help,” Came a gentle voice, Vivienne stepped into the room and over to Shokrakar. She had been watching him for a moment. She didn’t want to baby Shokrakar, she knew he could do it, he was just stubborn. Once he got something into his head, he stuck with it, and this was something he wasn’t shaking off. She ran her hands from Shokrakar’s shoulders down to the bottom of his shirt and began to button it up. “If you don’t wear it, you’ll never get to used to it.” She looked up into Shokrakar’s eyes, referring to his arm that she had commissioned for him.
“I wasn’t getting use to it anyway,” Shokrakar huffed, looking down at Vivienne. A weak smile appearing on his face. She was so beautiful. “But...I...I’ll keep trying, for you.” He never wanted to look weak in front of Vivienne. Maybe he would struggle for a while but with her helping him, he’d get there in the end. He leaned down and placed a small kiss onto her forehead, placing his hand onto her back. He pushed her in a little closer, wrapping his arm around her waist and sighing happily. “I love you.” He murmured quietly.
She finished buttoning up Shokrakar’s shirt before walking across the room and picking up his arm. “Roll up your sleeve,” She instructed. Shokrakar did as he was told. Vivienne carried the arm over to him and slowly attached it on. It fit at Shokrakar’s elbow by a tight leather strap, she’d soon get it attached permanently but first, she wanted him to get used to wearing and using it. She rolled Shokrakar’s sleeve back down and placed a small kiss onto his prosthetic hand. “Come on, my dear, I have someone who wants to meet you.”
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tk-duveraun · 5 years
nyssatrevelyan replied to your post: @lyrium-lovesong @kazimeer @thebluestofdaisies...
Solarcaine is a topical anesthetic, so it may help too
I’ll put it on the list! I do have a little sundamage, so it’s not a bad purchase in general. (like the tigerbalm)
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natmidd · 6 years
Best dice colors?
My favourite dice colours are usually mixed blends. These ones are my favourite:
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However, of my single colour dice, I really like red, such as these ones:
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So I would say that the best dice colour is red, at least out of the ones that I own.
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intraxvagor · 6 years
@nyssatrevelyan || Starter Call Like || Random Choice 2 - Aspen || v:: Closed Walls 
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“Wha-” The elf let off a surprised call as he tripped and dropped to his knees. The tray he had been carrying ended up clattering to the ground right in front of him, pouring wine and food across the floor. The woman would get a flash of purple eyes before a sunbright sheepish smile.
“Aw man, I’m sorry. I’m not normally so clumsy m’lady.” 
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loghainmactir · 6 years
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so, Harry’s world was significantly more advanced than ours. Science did a lotta wonderful stuff— cured diseases, got ‘em to other planets, created functioning AI, etc. It got to the point where they could modify DNA— changing certain things in babies, like hair and eye colour, you know. Once that was deemed safe, people started… you know. Getting extreme with it.
100% human-Harry was someone who was incredibly unsatisfied with his life. Like, he was severely depressed and suicidal. One day, he bumped into an old ‘friend’ from university at a bar, and they got to talking— the government agency the ‘friend’ worked for was going to start testing certain ways to modify human DNA with animal DNA.
Harry was convinced to sign up to be a part of the project, and he had no one (at the time) that cared enough about him to stop him.
If anyone asked him, he’d be sorely tempted to shoot them full of holes, lmao
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Alistair had desperately wanted to visit Skyhold in secret... but this was one of the many drawbacks of being King, as he’d discovered over the years. Enough people had a vested interest in keeping track of his comings and goings that he could hardly do anything without a lot of people knowing about it. He’d all but given up on the idea, and so sent word ahead of his party, to let the Inquisition know he was coming, “to extend our official thanks for the Inquisition’s assistance in ousting Tevinter Magister from his occupation in Redcliffe... among other things.”
Blah, blah, blah. If Alistair was entirely honest, he wasn’t quite sure what all the letter said. He had essentially instructed his scribe that he wanted to, “Play nice with the Inquisition. But make it sound good.” He’d skimmed it before sending it on, briefly wishing Alisa was with him; she’d always been better at this sort of thing.
As Skyhold came into view, he thought, She’s in there somewhere. Certainly, his first few hours here would be taken up with meetings and whatnot. But perhaps... if he got very lucky... he’d get a few moments to himself before too long. Well that was a lie. It’d already been too long.
They were allowed through the gate, and Alistair found himself distracted, taking in as much of his surroundings as he could lay eyes on, wondering where he might find her. But before he had much time to consider, he spotted a familiar face. His eyes widened in surprise as one of his aides murmured, “The Inquisitor, Highness.”
The look of surprise shifted rapidly into a grin as he moved toward her. “Inquisitor now, is it?” he said lightly. “Big promotion, well done. Or, ah... my condolences?” he added with a chuckle.
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daihell · 6 years
nyssatrevelyan replied to your photo “Oh my god, I almost wasn’t even gonna get the april fools picture...”
I can't get it. No matter how high my tcoins go, I've no where near enough to buy anything.
I really don’t get how it works because my holdings are only around 200? Try buying it anyway, that’s what I did and it randomly worked lol
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nyssatrevelyan · 6 years
Nyssa sniffled, and rubbed her eyes.  “I... I have to see her.   I have to say goodbye, Varric.  I can’t....”  She got up from her chair in front of the fireplace, and set her glass down, hesitating.  She didn’t want to go alone -- but how could she ask him to go back?
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starsandskies · 6 years
17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?
Hi! Thank you so much for asking! ♥ Since you haven’t specified any character, but you’re a Trevelyan, I’ll ask this for Hazel Trevelyan. I hope it’s okay.
Her guilty pleasure is raiding the Skyhold kitchens at night looking for something sweet to steal. It doesn’t matter which one; cookies, pie, cake... She’ll take everything she could find driving the kitchen staff crazy. And she’s embarrassed, yes, but she manages to keep it secret for a while until Sera realises and starts accompanying her.
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lavellanlove · 7 years
Nyssa was sent to the Circle at six because she encased her mother's rose garden in ice to make it 'look pretty'.
Oh Nyssa, you poor dear. Haha, I imagine her being very confused about why that was such a problem. :P How did her parents feel about sending their daughter to the Circle? What are Nyssa’s attitudes towards the Circle? 
Avira grew up fearing the Circle, being told it was like a prison for mages. She thought she’d gotten lucky by not inheriting her mother’s magic, and had grown up training as a rogue. But when she ran away from her clan at seventeen after being denied vallaslin, she was attacked by bandits and ended up violently manifesting in the fight for her life. She still feels guilty about what happened to her attackers.
She feels strongly that all mages deserve a place to train and learn to control their magic safely and without fear. To the extent that Circles can actually be that, she would support them wholly, but she strongly opposes the current system of Templar and Chantry oversight. 
(re: OC Talk)  
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ironbullsmissingeye · 6 years
★ Shok
★- He once got stabbed in his buttcheek and the scar looks like a little X.
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tk-duveraun · 6 years
MAUVE = You are really talented
BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better.
how dare you make me feel things. Ses i domstolen skitstövel.
But for real, thanks.
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