francabroadcast · 1 year
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@matryoshka2001 @sixcoursemeal
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nightlist · 2 years
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eyezocketz are holez too :3
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yukiwada · 11 months
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Photographed by YUKI WADA (yukiwadafotografie)
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vivid-badsquad · 7 months
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sfw sonic
oh my god 2 dayz ago?
take zfw zonic guyz
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keiranzstuff · 2 years
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lazt bit of acko form playground ztuff. dude juzt having fun
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vbbasu · 10 months
you are 15 why do you have an nsfw blog <-not judging
also you left asks off on it
yeah i kinda left em off bcuz of thiz but like
i dont wnna pozt my nzfw zhit on my main zo i thought making a zideblog would b eazier zo ppl wouldnt have 2 zee it like block it or dni if ur not comfy w it but thx 4 reminding me abt adding that
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canyouseethehabit · 1 year
thiz iz not related to the art, but inztead a follow i zaw on here
you can come back when youre 18
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cheezieypoofz · 2 months
can I get uh…
Stan x Fem!Reader x Craig SFW & NSFW poly relationship headcanons pls 🙏 ?
take ur time & hope ur doing well :3
Ztanley Marzh x F!Reader x Craig Tucker
ZFW & NZFW Dating Headcanonz!
DIZCLAIMER: headcanonz are hard for me to write, zo i will only write headcanonz for my mutualz. alzo, ztan might juzt be the hardezt character for me to write, zo i zend my deepezt apologiez to moon if it'z not up to her ztandardz alzo i think i lied when i zaid there waz gonna be more nzfw headcanonz than zfw- i went a little overboard teehee. i'm zozozozo zorry if it zeemz ruzhed!!!
WARNINGZ: pet namez, mentionz of zex, zub&dom mentionz, mentionz of threezomez, waizt grabbing, implied p in v & p in a, ztaig mentionz
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; How did you three get together?
; You most likely forgot all about each other, luckily enough, Bebe wanted to have a little get-together with all her friends from high school (my dumbazz couldn't think of anything elze-)
; After maybe a year or so of catching up, becoming friends, and then developing crushes on each other, confessions are made
; I feel like Craig would fall first, and confess first
; Craig was definitely on the more open-minded side of being in a poly relationship, Stan, still being open-minded, but a little reluctant
; Being reluctant only because of what others might think, he's a little paranoid
; But, you need not worry, after weighing the pros and cons of dating both you and Craig, he agreed to the proposal
; The relationship is... rocky—at first
; They both have some issues to work out, everyone does
; But everything's better when you work it out in a group
; As long as you're patient with them, the relationship will turn out just fine
; After a couple months, and everyone figures out how the relationship works, it definitely goes from rocky to chaotic
; In a good way!
; Stan is more on the affectionate side, wanting to shower you and Craig with love
; His love language is physical touch and quality time
; Craig's being words of affirmation and acts of service
; Craig is the one who plans out all the dates, Stan only occasionally plans the more physical dates—hiking, biking, skating, skiing/snowboarding, etc.
; One of y'alls favorite dates is a picnic under the stars
;  Definitely being Craig's favorite because he can geek out; it's the entire reason why he planned it to begin with
; Stan is the type to buy y'all matching items, whether that's bracelets, shirts, pins, body jewelry, necklaces, or just anything really
; You three go stargazing together pretty regularly
; You better like animals, cause Stan LOVES them, and Craig refuses to live without Stripes NO. 7
; I feel like Stan would be trying to be a veterinarian in college, and Craig aiming to be an astronaut (and no, you can't change my mind on thiz)
; Craig loves to use pet names, but only basic ones—babe, hunny, sweetheart, etc.
; Stan rarely uses pet names—hun, sweetie, babe, and, angel
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御負け ,,, OMAKE
; Craig is probably more active in the afternoon, while Stan is definitely a night owl
; They have greasy ass hair (i will die on thiz hill)
; They both use 5-in-one shampoo
; Craig seems like a smartass but is a dumbass, Stan's a dumbass through thick and thin
; Craig and Stan fight over who'll pay the bill during a dinner date, and you end up paying for it when they're not paying attention
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; The first time between the three of you was... awkward to say the least
; But, it's okay, you three got the hang of it after a bit
; Their favorite position is probably DP Cowgirl
; Maybe because it was the easiest to do—the easiest once you figured out where to put your knees at
; You and Stan, chest to chest, while Craig leans over you, hand gripping onto your waist
; Stan likes to look at your face when y'all fuck, it just gets him going to watch your face contort in pleasure
; And Craig?
; Craig just likes ass, man
; They're so competitive, they turn everything they can into a competition
; They'll literally fight over you man
; Stan looks like he whimpers and whines (zorry chat, ztan iz not a heavy dom in my mind)
; Craig is on the quiet side in bed, only letting out groans and grunts every now and then
; In my eyes, Stan is a switch leaning towards sub, and Craig is also a switch, buuuttttt
; Craig prefers to dom and will in most situations
; Craig is the type to degrade you, and so is Stan
; But Stan also likes to be degraded, yet he also likes to be praised
; I feel like Stan would like to be called Stanley when he's in the mood to be more submissive
; Stan looks like the type to crack a couple jokes when being intimate, he's still a bit serious though
; Craig is serious, there is no joking around
; He honestly gets pissed off when Stan starts joking in the middle of sex
; Which works out in your favor, but they don't need to know that
; Remember how I said they wear competitive?
; Yeah, they definitely compete to see who can get you to cum first
; Either that or who can get you to cum the most
; Craig likes to give you and Stan hickeys
; But Craig likes it when he gets hickeys too, it proves that y'all love each other
; Stan LOVES when either you or Craig bite or kiss his neck
; Craig doesn't have a high sex drive, I just don't see it
; Stan?
; I wouldn't say he would be as high as Kenny, but MAN
; It's fucking up there
; Craig is the one who usually does all the aftercare stuff
; Stan is too fucked out to do anything
; Craig will usually draw a bath for you and Stan, or start up a shower for y'all
; Then he'll carry you to bed, making sure to tuck y'all in all once and cozy
; Craig still likes to use pet names—slut, babydoll, sweetie, and love
; Stan's—my sweet angel, slut, whore, and baby
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御負け ,,, OMAKE
; If you're not in the mood, but Stan and Craig are, they go to fuck each other on the couch
; And Craig will always dom if that's the case
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yum-zlurplie · 5 months
welcome to glorp N' go(tm)
(old account was @3-kids-in-a-trenchcoat)
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roleplay azkz CLOZED for the time being
she/her/xe/xem/any/all (when /ic)
any and all nzfw and/or suggeztive azkz will be deleted! (any nsfw and/or suggestive asks will be deleted)
when anon iz turned off, azzume that therez been to many of the above (when anon iturned off, assume that theres been to many of the above)
bazic dni (eg, pedophilez, zoophilez, ect ect) (basic dni eg, pedophiles, zoophiles, ect ect)
nzfw accountz (nsfw accounts)
kink accountz (kinks accounts)
izrael zupporterz (israrl supporters)
dream ztanz (dream stans (exceptions for fictives))
endogenic "zyztemz" (endogenic "systems")
(ooc) basic boundaries:
dont randomly vent to me, ask first
if ion feel good, dont baby me pleagse 🙏
zpecial tagz and their meaningz (special tags and their meanings):
yum anzwerz (azkz that i have anzwered) (yum answers (asks that i have answered)
yum zlurplie zpeakz (thoughtz on a rb or og pozt) (yum zlurplie speaks (thoughts on a rb or og post))
yum rebloogz (reblogz) (yum rebloogs (reblogs)
yumz headcanonz (my headcanonz for characterz/the floorz) (yums headcanons kmy headcanons for the characters/the floors))
(ooc info under the cut)
my name is lesley, pip, or yum (none of these are my birth given name, using different names on here for my own safety. i don't dislike my birth given name)
pronouns page blehh 😝😝:
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when ic, i will use Z's instead of S's, tell me in you need a translation
mod has a hard time typing and reading tones through text! use tone tags and bare with them if they make a spelling mistake
autism, adhd, anxiety, possible DID and bipolar (not self diagnosing)
if you have any questions for me, put "question for mod" or something like that
uhh any/all prns for when im ooc, when i say any, i MEAN any. unless your a family member, family members r only allowed to use she/her on me for comfort reasons
i am barely on during the day, so if it takes a bit for me to get to your ask i apologize
my funny stamps 👍👍 i smile 😁
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my silly posic and objectum blinkies
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i love my touys /p
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yukiwada · 11 months
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Photographed by YUKI WADA (yukiwadafotografie)
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rretaenam · 2 years
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xxn00bpwn3rxx · 9 months
HEY00 ★
th1z iz a perz0nal bl0g (zide bl0g, i cant foll0w bac.. if ur foll0w3d by teh uz3r "heyitsdamiien" it m1gh7 b me!!) zo i c4n rebl0g artz n ztuff i like, m4ybe p0zt mah art az w3ll! w1ll be m0ztly regret3vat0r ztuff, w1th teh occazi0nal oth3r f4nd0mz! x3
i g0 by Kazper (Kasper) m4inly, but u c4n alz0 call me Pix or Infected!! i g0 by a l0t of ne0z but my m4in prnz r he/nya/pix (+)
yez i am a f1ct1ve, fr0m teh amb3reign zyz! HAIII 1f u kn0 me fr0m 0ur tw1tter lulz o/ . . . m0re 1nf0 ab0ut meh f0und h3r3!!
azkz r alw4yz op3n! i juzt azk u d0nt be we1rd or pry ab0ut 0ur p3rzonal l1fe tyyy <3 alz0 d0nt t4ke anyth1ng i zay az can0n plz >_< im n0t a d3v 0r anyth1ng!! juzt a z1lly guy
any fandom artz i m4ke iz f2u W1TH CR3D1T!!!1!!! idm, juzt d0nt cl4im th3m az ur 0wn, plz
BAZ1C DNI (pr0zh1p/p3d0z/etc - i alz0 azk th4t nzfw pplz go aw4y! [Content Deleted] U WE1RDOZ)
eazier 2 read intro ^^
thiz iz a perzonal blog (zide blog, i cant follow bac.. if ur followed by the uzer "heyitsdamiien" it might b me!!) zo i can reblog art n ztuff i like, maybe pozt my art az well! will be moztly regretevator ztuff, with the occazional other fandomz!
i go by Kazper (Kasper) mainly, but u can alzo call me Pix or Infected!! i go by a lot of neoz but my main prnz r he/nya/pix +
yez i am a fictive, from the ambereign zyz! HAIII if u know me from our twitter lulz
azkz r alwayz open! i juzt azk u dont be weird or pry about our perzonal life tyyy alzo dont take anything i zay az canon plz ... im not a dev or anything!! juzt a zilly guy
any fandom art i make iz f2u WITH CREDIT!!!!!!! idm, juzt dont claim them az ur own, plz
BAZIC DNI (prozhip/pedoz/etc - i alzo azk that nzfw pplz go away! FUCK U WEIRDOZ)
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vivid-badsquad · 11 months
when i zay a little bit problematic i mean. maybe zharing a couple of my zillier hcz.
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xx-fa3r13-fl0zz-xx · 4 months
w3lcom3 t0 t3h bl0g >_<!!
'm juzt g0nna mak3 diz 'm g3t t0 kn0w m3
my n4m3 iz k4rm4, 'm 20, uz3 h3/h1m pr0n0unz, m alzo 4 gh0ul h3h3
'm 4 hug3 n3rd, w33b nd g4m3r XD
i luv teh c0lour blu3, anyt1ng zw33t, föb, nd h0m3ztuck >:p
1 luv mak1n n3w fr13ndz zo plz d0nt hezit4t3 t0 m3zzag3 m3!!
diz iz a zid3 bl0g, m m4in bl0g iz, @duke-of-the-flies nd m k1nn13 bl0g iz @kibbyomori
DNI: b4z1c dn1 ((r4c1st, hom0phob1c, tr4nzphob1c, 3ct.)), pr0 4n4/3d blogz, zh bl0gz, ((b4z1cally 4ny tr1gg3r1ng blog)) nzfw 4nd/0r k1nk, t3rfz/r4df3mz, fujozh1z. m b3rry l1b3ral w1 d4 block butt0n z0 plz r3sp3ct m dni
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thecl0wnzcar · 6 months
Intro !!
Hiii hello!! Making a Tumblr for the 1zt time becauze I need more endo friendz tbh :/
Call uz Clown or Jezter collectively. We uze she/he/honk/bonk/silly/circus/clown/joy/balloon/crayon/smile/XD. Collective typing quirk of z's that we will alwayz tranzlate!!! We zwitch lotz and lotz but Heckle iz uzually here and we're willing to bring anyone out if you want zourcematez!!
Aroaceflux, bizx, and ceterom collectively!! Alzo neutroiz, umbrian, xenbinary, and dazecoric. We are taken and not looking cuz we're monogamouz!!
Looking for platonic relationzhips ONLY. The only other one we're willing to dabble in iz familial with zpecific alterz. No romantic, queerplatonic, etc. We have dizcord! Pleaze DM uz if you wanna be friendz! (Endo zyztemz preferred but if you're a pro endo traumagen then that'z okay too!)
Our DNI iz very zimple! Anti endoz, any zort of bigot, fakeclaimerz, thingz like p*doz, prozhipperz, and NZFW accountz (if you pozt NZFW it'z fine but exlcuzively NZFW is weird for uz).
Thin ice iz if you're apart of radqueer spacez. We do not care if you are radqueer but we aren't radqueer becauze of zome of the beliefz (mainly, tranzID people). We will be willing to be friendz!
BYI?? Well juzt that we're a cool praezigenic zyz who likes clowncore! Tyzm for reading my wall of text. Will not being doing thiz in the future... lol...
Hiii hello!! Making a Tumblr for the 1st time because I need more endo friends tbh :/
Call us Clown or Jester collectively. We use she/he/honk/bonk/silly/circus/clown/joy/balloon/crayon/smile/XD. Collective typing quirk of z's that we will always translate!!! We switch lots and lots but Heckle is usually here and we're willing to bring anyone out if you want sourcemates!!
Aroaceflux, bisx, and ceterom collectively!! Also neutrois, umbrian, xenbinary, and dazecoric. We are taken and not looking cuz we're monogamous!!
Looking for platonic relationships ONLY. The only other one we're willing to dabble in is familial with specific alters. No romantic, queerplatonic, etc. We have discord! Please DM us if you wanna be friends! (Endo systems preferred but if you're a pro endo traumagen then that's okay too!)
Our DNI is very simple! Anti endos, any sort of bigot, fakeclaimers, things like p*dos, proshippers, and NSFW accounts (if you post NSFW it's fine but exlcusively NSFW is weird for us).
Thin ice is if you're apart of radqueer spaces. We do not care if you are radqueer but we aren't radqueer because of some of the beliefs (mainly, transID people). We will be willing to be friends!
BYI?? Well just that we're a cool praesigenic sys who likes clowncore! Tysm for reading my wall of text. Will not being doing this in the future... lol...
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voidzphere · 6 months
hey juzt a little psa if you juzt turned 18 :3 maybe not !! go around in your bio goin “eighteen !!1 🥺🥺💞💞 MINORZ AND ANTIZ DNIIIII 🤬🤬🤬💥💥💥” becuz we all know you were a kid juzt like five secondz ago. doeznt give you a right to draw inc*zt + nzfw alright ? okay glad we talked about that ^_^
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