#o!Ciel phantomhive
imintobones · 1 month
Ciel Phantomhive is a hilarious character specifically because he is a 13 year old
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bleachykoala · 7 days
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Have this experiment sketch thing I liked <3
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madamemaddy · 1 year
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the end of chapter 147 if ciel was allowed to say fuck
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w3irdlady · 1 year
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The one with an eye patch.
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hellbubu · 3 months
Ciel has a spray bottle with holy water. When Sebastian doesn't give him sweets, he sprays him. The holy water doesn't do shit, but Ciel thinks it's funny. Also, Sebastian looks hot with wet hair
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delusinaldreamer19 · 2 months
After receiving some interaction with this post I made about my feelings on the Undertaker, I wanted to clarify some of the things I said. And give, you know, actual points + evidence for why I don’t like him.
I’ll start by rephrasing that very point. It’s not that I don’t like him as a character, it’s that I think he’s evil. Maybe one of the most evil characters in the series.
@abybweisse left a comment on my post saying how Yana had specified that UT wasn’t the main villain of the story. I agree. But whether or not he’s the main villain of the story doesn’t take away from how evil his actions are.
I’m just going to go ahead and get the main point across, or my main reason for “hating him” ig.
He needed r!Ciel’s body in order to revive him. In order to retrieve his corpse from the sight of the sacrifice, he needed to have known where it was. In order to retrieve r!Ciel’s body before the place fully burned down after being set ablaze by Ciel & Seb, he would have needed to be there when it was happening.
Remember this panel?
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There are numourus theory’s abt it, but I personally believe it’s UT.
Case and point, he must have known that the twins where being held captive by the cult. Whether or not he knew about all the ways they were being abused is kind of irrelevant—I feel that seeing them in the cage would be enough to know they were being harmed.
This biggest thing about him that I just can’t get past is why didn’t he intervene?
Your telling me that the same person who said “I can’t bare to lose another Phantomhive” just sat by and watched as one of these Phantomhives he supposedly cares so much about was murdered right before his eyes? It’s just doesn’t sit right with me.
I’m halfway to believing that he specifically waited for r!ciel (and prob o!ciel) to die so that he could do the whole reanimated corpse thing. But I’m not convinced that will be the main payoff of his actions within the series.
Speaking of his actions…yeah I’m not done.
What is the point of him essentially ruining o!Ciel’s life? Seriously. Framing him for the sapphire music hall incidents, kicking him out of his own home, stripping him of everything he has aside from Seb and his servants. Like- why? What does that do to further his goals (whatever they may be)?
I feel like he could have kept the whole reviving r!ciel thing more…idk personal? Privet? Like revealing to only o!ciel that he’d done that.
And why revive Doll if not to specifically torment o!ciel with a ghost of his past? Or at least to have some sort of negative effect on him?
There are so many questions about the UT, and while we don’t have the answers for them yet, the questions themselves paint him in a very bad light.
Yes, he had some sort of relationship to Claudia. Yes, he cried over the picture of Vincent. He may care about the Phantomhives in some manner, but I can’t help but feel that he doesn’t care about o!ciel. He may have had a few lines that suggest otherwise, but is actions have spoken very loudly through this series.
If I had to put it into a theory, I’d say I think his main reason for doing all of this is that he just want to pit a real human (o!ciel) against one of his reanimated creations (r!ciel) to see which will come out on top. His whole thing has always been laughter and entertainment.
But that’s just the impression I’ve gotten from thinking about the Undertaker and trying to piece his actions together. Do I think this is the real motivation that Yana has in store for him? No. But I just can’t seem to get past it.
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cartyrs · 2 years
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December 14th
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"Ciel" Phantomhive / Our Ciel / O!Ciel
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sweetmoonbunny · 2 months
No mucho despues de que Sebastian se llevara su juguete, Ciel entro en la habitacion de su hermano.
R!Ciel: que le diste a Sebastian? De repente lo llamaste, cuando volvio estaba entretenido con algo y me ignoro
O!Ciel: un juguete que encontre por ahi, con suerte no le arrancara la cabeza tan rapido como al conejo que le dimos antes *Se rie pensando en el sufrimiento del llamado "mayordomo de bolsillo" *
R!Ciel: *haciendo mojines con falsa indignacion* si en tu baul habia un juguete porque no me lo diste?
O!Ciel: a la proxima imita a Sebastian para que me quede claro que eres de su especie, Ciel
R!Ciel: no soy ningun perro, pero me molesta que obtengas algo bueno y lo primero que haces es darselo a Sebastian
O!Ciel: bueno que te parece esto, ya que Sebastian te ignora vamos a jugar juntos una partida de ajedrez en la sala de estar
R!Ciel: si! *Sin siquiera esperar una reaccion arrastro a su hermano por el brazo hasta la sala de estar cuando pasaron por el estudio de su padre chocaron con el vendedor de la tienda de antiguedades*
Undertaker: oh heehee pero si no son mis encantadores clientes~? Apuesto que ya han comprobado la calidad de los objetos que compraron y las sorpresas que guardan en su interior, no? *Sus ojos se dirigieron hacia O!Ciel especialmente* Sobre todo tu jovencito, lo que compraste tenia una larga data, pertenecia a un conde muy particular en su momento durante la epoca del reinado de Victoria fufu
O!Ciel: *Teniendo una idea de lo que se referia el particular vendendor* si te refieres a si encontre encantadora a la plaga dentro del baul, debo admitir que se la tire al perro *Se encoge de hombros y antes que pudiera continuar una estruendosa risa lo interrumpio*
Undertaker: ah ah jovencito me has dado una alegre mañana heehee solo pensar en que le diste tal uso es suficiente para alegrar mi semana, solo por eso te hare un descuento sustancial si vuelves a mi tienda
O!Ciel: si todos tus articulos vienen con uno de esos, preferiria no volver nunca
R!Ciel: * sintiendose frustrado por no entender jala devuelta a su hermano* Estelle, vamos? *Sin darle oportunidad a oponerse Ciel se llevo a su hermano lejos de Undertarker*
Undertaker: no lo olvides jovencito, cualquier cosa que quieras me la puedes pedir a cambio de risas que me has dado hoy
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thislittlekumquat · 8 months
In which the narrative undergoes a brief tonal shift.
Were you right about who the mystery figure at the end of chapter 14 was? This one is short and sweet and to the point, pun intended. The last two chapters are chonky bois, so get ready for some real meat after this!
‘Reaping What You Sow’ is my 17-part fanfic asking questions about what would happen if Lizzy and Grell teamed up to take Undertaker out. Updates most Sundays or Mondays on ao3 until I run out of chapters!
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magicalara · 2 years
Mister Santa
Kuroshitcember day 11 is here! I thought this prompt was absolutely adorable and so enjoy reading about Finny’s letter to Santa. Also, I apologize for slacking on the other prompts, I just finished finals week and it was rough to say the least haha.
As always, thank you @eemoo1o-animoo​ for creating the prompts which you can find  here !
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Snowing. It was snowing. Outside the manor. Snowing!
Of course, to the other members of the Phantomhive manor, snow wasn’t a new thing. It happened in the winter season and was to be expected each year. However, to a certain young boy, it was a joyous event that he had never been able to see before. Sure, he felt the cold while he was labeled as “Subject 12” but to actually be able to touch the cold substance that fell from the sky? Finnian almost couldn’t believe it to be true.
His excitement increased even more when Sebastian, as his teacher, told him about Christmas when he questioned why shops put out decorations. A day full of presents and joy, there was no way that Finny was to miss out on this.
Taking this as an opportune moment to allow the young boy to practice his writing skills, Sebastian tasked Finny one cold day when working in the garden just wouldn’t have been possible with writing a letter to Saint Nicholas himself. The butler even promised to hand-deliver it if the boy did well enough. After knowing that Finny would be occupied for long enough, Sebastian let him write his letter, opting to do some housework in the meantime.
Later that night, Sebastian went back to the room he had left Finnian in to complete his letter and was surprised to see the boy sound asleep, letter in hand. It would appear that the boy waited for the butler to come back to see his handy work of a messily sealed red envelope with what Sebastian assumed to be the letter to the fantastical Santa Claus inside.
Heaving a sigh, Sebastian walked over to the boy and pocketed the envelope for later before lifting the boy into his arms and placing him in his bed. He walked out of the room, ensuring to blow out the candle with a full plan of discarding the letter and pretending as if an elf had taken it to the North Pole and just waiting for the boy to forget about the whole thing.
Before he could toss the envelope into the fire, though, Sebastian noticed a drawing that included crude images of what he could only assume to be himself, the young master, and Finnian together around a christmas tree. Letting curiosity get the better of him, Sebastian decided to open the letter to see just what the boy who had never even seen snow could have possibly written to jolly ol’ Saint Nick.
Dear Santa
Hello! My name is Finnian and I live with the young master and Sebastian. They treat me very well. Sebastian told me that if I write to you I can get a gift! The gift is not for me. If you are to bring a gift, please bring it to the young master instead. His name is Ciel and he is around my age too. He saved me from the bad people and I want him to feel as happy as I do when I go outside. The young master is very kind so please give him something really nice. He gave me my hat though I don’t really use it right now because the snow won’t let me outside. Maybe you can get him a hat too. That would be nice.
You could even get something for Sebastian too! He helped the young master save me and I’m very greatfull for him too. I don’t know much about Sebastian but maybe a hat will be good for him too. I’m sure he’d like that. 
I hope you are well Mister Santa. Happy Christmas!
Finnian <3
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imintobones · 9 months
My favorite part of the manga is Undertaker holding the Phantomhive twins the same way vets handle cats during check ups
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bleachykoala · 6 days
rip o!ciel phantomhive you would have loved Agatha Christie
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goodkoji-kun · 5 months
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One more meme and then I’ll draw something serious 😌
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luchigeon · 2 months
mombastian time
original video
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hellbubu · 4 months
If you don’t like what I post, filter tags and block me. I’m not gonna argue with anyone.
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Tf are you on? German bread is literally so fucking good
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What mascara do you use??? I need it
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I feel like they either fucking cheated or Vincent knew they had the better team
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+ "Who said it would stop at graduation"
So his job is just basically being Sebastian? Ciel calls, and he goes. They're both dogs.
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Your son has a better dog
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He's so extra, I love him
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They're here <3
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I'm not a manga reader, I'm writing as I watch. But I am 2000000000% certain someone will get drugged. Why else would Lau who runs an opium den be here?
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He saw y'all play and decided that fleeing the country was better than to be associated with that
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I know you're stupid, but do you really not recognize him?? How did you even manage to become a doctor??
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I fucking knew it
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You really changed just for that? I bet you were itching to get back into your butler clothes
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I- I have no words
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Fucking pervert, stop lusting after Mr. Michaelis's boys.
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I have the feeling he's so okay with this because Vincent did this too
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I think Violet is now my favorite character
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Why do you think so much about his magical fingers? 👀👀
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If only you had been able to hit the rocks that Zeke was throwing at you
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Damn, Bluewer trained him using this method
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Ciel is so manipulative, I love him
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Bitch, did you just pull a Sasuke (see someone use a move and use it later on)?????
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