#sh: castor
cgarttrailsandtails · 7 months
I got another fanfic. Cause I have literally nothing else to occupy my time qwq
Characters and warnings are in the tags.
I will post this on Ao3.
The story Basically wrote itself. (Full story under cut)
Mechanical destruction
Summary: How can you save what’s broken, when you can’t even fix yourself?
Chapter one
Solar was waiting in the atrium. He and Lunar were supposed to hang out today, after all. As usual though, Lunar was late. He was always either out training with the stars he talked about, or busy doing something with Earth. Solar had felt like a burden to do this hangout in the first place, just with how busy Lunar had gotten, but Earth had said that it wouldn’t be a problem and if Solar wanted to spend time with Lunar, he had to just do it. So here he was, waiting for Lunar to get here so they could go do something. Lunar suddenly came practically crashing through the entrance to the atrium. Out of his artificial breath, he said “sorry I’m late Solar, I was at training.”
“It’s fine.” Solar said in his usually tired sounding voice. “How long were you there this time? You look like you just came out of a washing machine.” Lunar did, too. He was dripping wet, banged up a little and looked exhausted.
“I’m fine, I think I went a little too hardcore with the thunderstorm though.”
“Thunderstorm-?” Solar pressed. He didn’t want to trouble Lunar if he didn’t wanna talk about it, of course, but he was curious, albeit a little concerned.
“Yeah. Castor wanted to see if I could summon a thunderstorm, so I did, and then he told me to try and stop it again.”
“And how’d that go for you?”
“Terrible. I zapped myself at least twice and actually ended up causing it to rain harder.” Lunar replied with a huff. “I didn’t actually get it to stop, but I was already running late here so Castor said I could go and he would handle it.”
“Okay…” Solar thought for a moment. “Are you still up for this…? Cause we can reschedule, you look like you need a nap or something.”
“No, it’s all good. Just gimmie a second to get my sensors back online…” Lunar shook himself with the strength of a wilted flower, trying (unsuccessfully) to get the water out of his ports.
“You need help with that-?” Solar asked, watching Lunar’s pitiful attempts at unclogging himself.
“Nope, I got it.” Lunar said, refusing help yet again, like he had done the past several times he obviously needed it.
“Yeah, you do. Come here.” Solar insisted. Lunar moved closer begrudgingly so Solar could get the water out. After being
un-waterlogged, he shook himself with much more ease.
“Thanks, I guess” Lunar murmured. Solar could tell he needed to be charged at least, training usually drained his battery, though he was trying not to let it show.
Standing back up, Solar inquired, “are you sure you don’t need to charge? Your training usually takes the battery straight out of you.”
“I’m fine, Solar.” Lunar replied, a bit harshly.
Something is definitely wrong. Solar thought. He never acts like this unless he’s been doing too much. Out loud, Solar voiced his concerns, never too afraid to speak for his friends’ wellbeing. “Lunar, I think you overworked yourself, you should go charge.” He suggested.
“How would you know what I should do?” Lunar snapped back. He obviously wasn’t very happy right now. Actually, when was he ever truly happy? Solar added in his head. Yet he pressed on.
“It’s not good to drain your battery so much and then not do anything about it Lunar, you should take a break-“
“AND WHAT THE HELL WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT TAKING A BREAK!?” Lunar loudly interrupted. “YOU NEVER TAKE BREAKS OF YOUR OWN! YOU ALWAYS WORK UNLESS SOMEONE WANTS TO ACTUALLY HANG OUT WITH YOU, AND EVEN THEN YOU KEEP IT SHORT!” Lunar kept going, but Solar didn’t hear it. He didn’t want to hear it. But Lunar was right. He hadn’t taken a break of his own accord since back in his old universe, back when sun… his only friend there… had still been alive. He felt the urge to just leave, to walk away, but he didn’t want to seem like a bad friend… so he stayed till Lunar was done with his rant. He was brought back to reality when Lunar shouted at him. “SAY SOMETHING!”
He didn’t have anything to say. “I… I’m sorry, Lunar.” And with that, he turned on his heel and left. He went back to his room to just… do something. Anything, just to take his mind off of this. However, as he went, he thought, oh god. Lunar is right.
Chapter two
He left. He actually just left. Lunar thought angrily. How could he just leave? After all that? He just walked away? Why!? Lunar stormed to the daycare, not caring about the tiny rain could that had accumulated over his head. I’m gonna find Earth.
He reached the daycare shortly after it had closed and all the kids had gone home. Earth looked over when he burst in unannounced. “Lunar? What’s wrong? you seem upset.” Earth asked. “Weren’t you supposed to hang out with Solar?”
“I was…” Lunar replied, the sass dripping from each word. “But he left.”
“He left? What happened? He wouldn’t just leave,” she said. “From what I know, he really wanted to hang out with you.”
“We had a fight.” Lunar told her, sitting down on the stupid donut that was always lying near the doors in the play area.
“Oh no!” She exclaimed. “What was it about? Maybe I can help you.” She said, sitting on the floor to be at least near Lunar’s level.
Lunar sighed. “He wanted to reschedule because I was supposedly ‘overworking’ myself.”
“Well that’s a pretty good reason, don’t you think? You are usually in need of a charge when you come back from your training.”
“Yeah, but… I really wanted to actually spend time with him. I only ever get to when we have him for a a video guest.”
“Did you tell him that?”
Lunar paused. Had he? “No…” he said after a while. He felt bad now. He had just yelled at Solar for nothing! “I… I yelled at him. I yelled at him when he was only trying to look out for me, Earth!” He said, distressed now.
“Well, if you did that, you should apologize to him.”
“Yeah I guess…” Lunar agreed.
“You should charge first though. It’s better to do it with a clear head so the same thing doesn’t end up happening.” Earth suggested. A nap did sound like a good idea.
“Alright.” Lunar said, getting off the donut. Earth helped him to plug in and gave him the donut, as he liked to sleep in it.
“Sleep well, Lunar.” She said before shutting off the lights.
“Bye Earth.”
“Goodbye.” And she left. Lunar’s last thought before sleep was a terrible idea. Am I a bad friend?
Chapter three
“What did I do this time?” Solar asked, still done with Moon’s terrible temper.
“You know very well it wasn’t my idea, Moon.” Solar explained, again. It felt like he had done this a hundred times already.
“I couldn’t. It was his decision.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Moon growled. “You are the reason Sun is dying, and I can’t save him. I hope you get scrapped for parts you worthless animal.” Moon stormed away, undoubtedly going back to desperately trying to fix Sun. Finally, he’s gone. Solar thought. Moon’s rants were always like this. What had he done to deserve this? He had tried to stop Sun, but there was nothing he could do. It was Sun’s decision to separate them. Still, Solar couldn’t help but think about it. What if I just didn’t try hard enough? He thought. What if I had been able to convince Sun to not go through with it? Then, It should have been me.
Solar woke with a start. He sighed. “Ah. Just another nightmare.” He unplugged from the wall. He knew he wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep. He went over to his little “project” that he had been working on. It was a pretty useful thing, a device that could track and teleport people through other dimensions. It was, however, nowhere near done. Solar was still waiting on some parts, but he could get the wiring in place. So he set to work. Unbeknownst to him, there was a presence lurking in the shadows.
“Brother, we’ve finally made it. We can do it now!”
“Yes, strike and rip and tear! Watch as the blood seeps into the ground, I can just imagine how FUN this one will be…”
Pain. Solar felt it as someone grabbed him, immediately ripping some unimportant wire and breaking a few on his rays. Solar threw the perpetrator off of him and jumped up, seeing it was none other than Bloodmoon. “Why are you two out to get everyone!?” He exclaimed, ready for a fight now.
“Why not?” One of them replied. “We do love the blood.” They leaped forward again, going for another strike. Solar dived out of the way in the nick of time, leaving the twins to crash into the wall. It happened like that twice more, before the other twin spoke. “I’m tired of this cat and mouse! Stand still!”
“How about, no.” Solar replied, smirking. “Look, I don’t want to have to kill you, so how about you just leave now?”
“Never. This may be the only chance we get. Oh how we’ve wanted to see the life leave you, see the blood pour from your wounds!”
“Ooh. You’re gonna be disappointed then, when I send you to hell instead.” Solar shot back.
“Try if you can!” Bloodmoon taunted. They fought a while, Solar held his own for a long time without using his cannon. Eventually though, Bloodmoon was able to get Solar in a lock. He couldn’t move. “Oh how fun this will be…” Bloodmoon snarled as they ripped Solar apart. He struggled to free himself, but he could feel every rip, every tear that the twins were making on him. They broke his right eye, tore at his body, and ripped him apart, piece by piece. The oil flowed into Solar’s one good eye, making it nearly impossible to see. He wanted to scream, but he knew that was just what Bloodmoon wanted. So he bit it back, and after some twisting, he he aimed his cannon arm back at the twins.
“I-I warned y-you.” He said shortly. He pulled the trigger. The twins staggered back, away from Solar.
“Ugh. We will be back.” They growled as they ran away, dripping their own oil from the hole in their stomach. Solar didn’t care. At least they were gone now. Solar still couldn’t move though. His body had been severely damaged, and with that, he fell to the ground. He was dying, he knew. Yet instead of trying to call for help, his only thought was this. At least… at least I’ll get to see Sun again.
Chapter four
Lunar was on his way to Solar’s workshop now, or the room he used as it. He had sufficiently charged, and knew he had to set this right. He still felt bad about all he said to Solar, and he understood he had to apologize. At the door, he paused. Ok, you can do this, just gotta go in and apologize, maybe explain stuff. He thought to himself. He took a deep breath, and opened the door, already speaking. “Hey Solar, I just wanted to apologize…” he trailed off when he saw the oil. He gasped when he laid eyes on the rest of the scene. Solar was on the ground, parts strewn everywhere. His right eye looked cracked, and there was oil everywhere. Some of his rays had been torn, and the rest were scrunched in, like Sun’s did when he got scared or annoyed.
“Who’s t-there…” Solar said. His voice box had been messed up, his voice dragging and distorted.
“It’s me.” Lunar replied tentatively. What had happened?
“I-I don’t know-w who you are…” Solar managed to say. “I-I can’t- see…” Lunar could tell why. There was oil dripping from his rays, covering the other eye.
“It’s me, Lunar” he repeated, moving closer. It was a terrible sight. Lunar felt the tears fall from his eyes, adding to the oil on the ground.
“O-oh.” Solar was obviously in pain, using his voice box probably didn’t help. But Lunar needed to hear his voice, needed to know he was still alive.
“I… I’m getting Moon!” Lunar said suddenly. “Hold on…” Lunar ran away, his artificial heart pounding. He called Moon as soon as he was out the door. “Cmon… pick up, pick up…” It rang for one more endless moment. After what felt to Lunar like forever, Moon answered.
“Moon! You gotta come, Solar’s been hurt and-“
“Ah, gotcha. This is a voicemail. Just leave a message or something.”
“God dammit!” Lunar exclaimed, frustrated. I’ll try Sun. He thought. Moon’s more likely to answer him if they aren’t already together. The phone didn’t even get to finish ringing once when Sun picked up.
“Alright so, Sun uh- wait. This isn’t another voicemail trick is it?” Lunar inquired.
“No? Why are you calling Lunar?”
“Ok good. So something happened and Solar got hurt really bad and he’s dying and I need help.” Lunar said in one breath.
“Uh. Um- uh… well, Lunar I think Moon would be the one to call in that case…”
“Yeah I tried that, and he didn’t pick up. I don’t have time to wait much longer, I…I’m scared.” He hated to admit it, but it was true. He was scared for Solar, and he felt bad. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if I had spent the day with him like I was supposed to. He crushed the thought almost immediately, it wouldn’t help Solar to doubt his past actions right now.
“Well, uh. Do you want me to try and call him or-?”
“Yes! Please, or like add him to the call here or something.”
“Alright give me a moment.” Sun went silent on his end, but he hadn’t hung up. After a couple minutes that felt as long as years passed, Moon’s voice came over the end.
“What happened Lunar?”
Lunar took a deep breath. “So Solar got hurt really bad and he’s dying I think and it doesn’t look good and I’m going to strangle whoever did it but I really need help right now because I don’t know what to do!”
“Wow. Okay… repeat that for me one more time, but let’s try slower, okay Lunar?”
“Ugh. Solar got hurt bad, I think he’s dying, and I need help.”
“Oh god. where are you guys, I’m coming.” Moon replied hurriedly.
“We’re in the daycare, up in you guys’ old room that Solar now uses as a workshop.”
The call from Moon disconnected. Sun spoke next. “Is he coming? Should I come too?”
“Yes, and you can if you want to. I’m gonna hang up now though.”
“Okay, bye? I guess”
“Yeah bye” Lunar went back into the room. What he saw seemed worse than the first time. The amount of oil in the room was steadily increasing, Lunar felt helpless. How could he have let this happen? He was supposed to be having fun with Solar today, not let him suffer like this.
“L-Lunar? Are you back in here-?” It pained Lunar to hear Solar speak. His distorted voice box just trying to still work. At least he’s still alive.
“Yeah. Who did this?” Lunar had to know. Because if Solar died, or even if he didn’t, Lunar was going to kill that f*cker if it was the last thing he did. He was going to tear them apart like they did to Solar.
“Bloødm-on” as distorted and cut out as the name was, Lunar could still understand it. Of course. Only Bloodmoon was bloodthirsty enough to do this. Bloodmoon will pay for this. Lunar was angry. At everybody. Except for Solar. When will Moon get here?
Chapter five
It hurt, yeah. But the only thing that hurt worse right now was the fact that he could sense Lunar there. Solar knew that if he died here, right now, like he oh so wanted to, he could never forgive himself. He wanted to die, wanted to just let go and be with his Sun in whatever afterlife there was for them. But he knew he couldn’t. Not here. Not now. He couldn’t give up. He wouldn’t give up. He just couldn’t leave Lunar and the others behind. So he bared the pain flowing through every unsevered wire in his body. He kept his hold on his life. He heard footsteps again, not Lunar’s though. Lunar was sitting right next to Solar, holding his hand, which was about the only part of him not broken and leaking oil. No, these sounded heavier, and with purpose. He heard as the door swung open and whoever it was spoke.
“Okay, What happened?” It was Moon.
“Bloodmoon attacked him.” Lunar said in reply.
“Move away please Lunar.” Solar felt Lunar leave his side. Moon then turned his attention towards Solar. “Can you stand? If we can, it’d be easier to get to parts and services.”
“I-I can’t eve-en møve” Wow, speaking hurt. A lot. My voice box must’ve been broken too. Solar thought.
“Hm.” Moon said nothing else. Solar felt him adjusting some things. “There we go.” Moon said, sitting back. Solar stayed quiet as Moon and Lunar helped him onto his feet. The weight of himself was nearly crushing. The rest happened in a blur, the walk to parts and service, the analysis of the damage done. He shut down for repairs. When he turned back on, about an hour later, he could at least see again. The oil was out of his left eye, though the right one still wasn’t working. “We’ll have to get you a new eye.” Moon explained when he saw Solar awake.
“Ooh everything still hurts.” Solar said with a grimace. At least his voice worked now.
“Yeah well, be glad you aren’t dead.” Moon said shortly. Solar observed the remaining damage he could see. The oil was cleaned off, though his cannon was offline and some parts were still missing. Pieces that wouldn’t stop dripping had been bandaged if not replaced. Solar took a second to feel his rays, he knew some had been broken. And a few were, but mostly they were okay. “Lunar is outside waiting anxiously with everyone else.”Moon told him. “You want help standing?” He asked as an afterthought.
“Um. I’ll be okay on my own, I think.” Solar replied. He tried standing then, and it was surprisingly easy. “Go ahead and bring them in here, but I don’t think I wanna try walking yet.” Solar said, aware his balance was kinda off. It made sense, as a part of his left leg was still missing, but still.
“Alright, I’ll tell them.” Moon said, leaving the room. Solar day back down. He was glad he wasn’t dead, but a part of him felt like it was. He couldn’t quite place his finger on the feeling. Lunar suddenly came bounding in first, rushing to ask questions. Heh. Solar thought. At least it wasn’t for nothing.
Chapter six
He paced. Lunar paced and paced around. The others were all just talking amongst themselves, but Lunar couldn’t stay put. He was terrified for Moon to come out and say that Solar wasn’t okay. That Solar had died or been damaged beyond repair, and just forced to suffer until he did die. Lunar felt guilty, too. I should have been hanging out with him today. I could’ve protected him, I could have stopped this… Lunar’s thoughts were interrupted when Moon came out. He rushed over, waiting to hear SOMETHING. Oh how he wished to hear something, anything good. “He’s okay. Go on in, but how about one at a time so we don’t overwhelm him?” Moon suggested. “Who wants to go in fir-“ Lunar would hear no more. He bolted in through the door, just barely hearing Moon say “welp, I guess it’s Lunar’s turn first.” He had so many questions. Without noticing anything around him, he ran straight up to Solar and asked the millions of things in his mind.
“Are you feeling okay? Did Bloodmoon come back?” And tons of other questions flowed out before Solar interrupted him.
“Woah. Slow down Lunar.” How good it was to hear Solar’s tired voice again, all okay. Lunar finally calmed down and took notice of the leftover damage. Solar still had a few pieces missing; a part on his left leg, his right arm had a few broken parts, but otherwise that looked okay. Solar’s right eye was still broken, a few of his rays still chipped and torn. But overall, he looked fine. Definitely better than he did when Lunar first found him.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Lunar asked. That was the most important thing, after all.
“Yes, I’m okay.” Lunar sighed in relief. Alright, that’s one good thing. Lunar hopped up next to Solar. He didn’t want to leave him again. Lunar wrapped himself around Solar’s right arm and waited there as the others came in and talked with Solar. Earth, Sun, even Monty had come. Moon came back in after Monty, and as everyone was settling in other areas of parts and service, there came a polite knock at the doors. Moon answered.
“Ruin!?” Moon sounded surprised. Actually, he probably was.
“Erm, sorry if this is a bad time, I just came to see if Solar was alright-? I heard what happened and I uh… wanted to come make sure he was still alive, em.” Ruin said, sounding very uncomfortable.
“Uh. Okay? Come in I guess.” Moon said, letting Ruin into the room. Lunar had never actually met Ruin before, at least he didn’t think so. Not even with the virus thing that went on. Ruin was a pretty weird animatronic, he looked like a cross between Sun and Moon, just with a bit of a different style choice. And he sounded British.
“Hi, Ruin.” Solar said, sounding kinda surprised to see Ruin there.
“Hello, I just wanted to make sure you were alright.” Ruin stated, repeating what he said to Moon.
“Huh. I didn’t know you cared.”
“I do care about everyone here, even though I haven’t met some of you…” Ruin said, looking at Lunar and Earth. “I can of course leave if you wish me to, I uh…” Ruin trailed off.
“No, it’s fine.” Solar said. Everybody kinda agreed on that. So, Ruin stayed as they all got to talking about other things to lighten the mood, and they played some games and joked around, even in the somber situation. After a couple hours, everyone went to their respective areas or homes, and Lunar thought on his way back to his apartment. If I ever find Bloodmoon again, they will feel all the pain Solar felt and more. They will feel so much pain, they’ll WISH they were dead. But I won’t let that happen. I won’t let those f*ckers die so easily…
Chapter seven
Today was a little too eventful. Solar thought as he lay in the guest room at Sun and Moon’s house. They had wanted him to stay with them for a while because of what happened, and hey, he was fine with that. He didn’t really feel like getting nearly killed again, after all. He sighed as he lay on the mattress, thinking about all the things that had happened. Looking back on it, it was kinda stupid he didn’t immediately use the cannon. Oh well. He thought. At least he pulled through and made it out alive. In his old universe, after Sun died, he had no one to live for. No one who would care if he just… gave up. But that was the past. He had a new universe now, and a new family. He smiled to himself. He knew they cared. Even Ruin cared enough to make sure he was alright! And so, after a long and exhausting day, he fell asleep. And for once since he arrived in this universe, he didn’t have a nightmare.
Notes: I thank you for reading this, I spent literally a whole day on it ;-;. I’m actually surprised it didn’t take longer, but I’m happy with how it turned out. Again, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! And as always, have a wonderful day or night!
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madcatlad · 4 months
Chicken Shaman
OK, so I'm not really a rewrite myself BUT I've been thinking about what a rewrite of the Chicken Shaman would look like.
I love the idea of him being comedy relief, but I feel like the approach to it would have to be different than a minecraft roleplay would portray him to be taken seriously. Plus a lot of the humor and chemistry comes from him being one of Jess' friends I feel, which wouldn't really work so well for an Avra or Aphia or Aphara- whatever.
I really like the darker approach people are taking to Minecraft Diaries. Considering it was previous a minecraft letsplay for kids. Because when you really think about the lore it is REALLY DARK. So I want to continue that approach.
This of course extends to the chicken Shaman. I want to see a portrayal of him that is funny but in an off-putting way. In that "is it funny haha or funny boohoo" kind of way. Like the guy is CLEARLY unhinged in the original, but make it less in a harmless portrayal, so that the reader feels as unnerved and cautious as the characters should be by him. Make it so no one is truly sure if he will harm them or not.
AND LET THIS GUY BE A SHAMAN!!! I want to see some wild rituals, disturbing practises, and ominous beliefs. Some true viking sh*t! It would also be fun if you threw in some ominous prophecies in there threw him as well! I love prophecy tropes, especially vague ones. I think it would really set the tone for all the underline evils that Aphmau was Blissfully unaware of in S1 but would soon come to face as her world gets bigger and scarier. Or perhaps just little comments that just so happen to come true mysteriously.
I don't know if it's because I am binge watching Vikings & Vikings Valhalla right now, but I really crave this portrayal. I want to see some Floki behavior from Castor (if you know, you know). I want his mannerisms to be impulsive and erratic, and scary for all who don't really know him. But then you do know him, and he's still crazy but he's still your homie, and you love-hate him.
If anyone IS doing this interpretation or has SEEN it please please tag, or reblog, or link, I NEED thisssss!this session!
(Also if there was a "Hold The Door!!!" Plot Twist with Irene and Castor or something that would be AAAHHH 🤯 If you know, you know)
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hellhoundmaggie · 4 months
wait whats the big SH headcanon you aren't into? I love SH but haven't interacted with the fandom a ton
Thank you for asking!
The theory I can’t agree with is that Wayne is a sentient fungus colony occupying Sam’s body. I do agree that there’s something inhuman puppeteering Sam Wayne’s body, but there isn’t any clear textual evidence suggesting the something is fungal.
There’s a couple of supporting arguments people tend to make for Fungus Theory, but I find them weak and tenuous:
Wayne’s body is rotting at a fast pace. Fungus is a cause of decomposition. Therefore the body must be colonized by a fungus.
Fungus may be a cause of decomp, but it’s not the only cause. Many kinds of organisms contribute to decomposition — insects, scavenger animals, microbes, etc. — and fungus is not necessary to the process. I’m not completely ruling out the possibility that the rapid rot is caused by fungus, but in the absence of concrete evidence, there’s no reason to assume this has to be the case.
Sybil is helping Wayne in some unspecified way. Sybil specializes in folk medicine, which has potent magical effects in her hands. Sybil specifically uses chaga, a fungus, to make a mind-control tea. According to the homeopathic principle of “like cures like,” Sybil must be using chaga or a similar fungal ingredient to support the fungus in Wayne.
This argument might be more convincing if Sybil used fungal cures exclusively, but she doesn’t. In fact, chaga is the only fungal cure she is shown to cultivate or use. The castor beans she gives Doc come from a plant. She grows poison flowers in her tea nook. Even the unspecified blend she gives to Tabitha is herbal, not fungal. Also, one of the effects of the chaga is to make the drinker trust Sybil, even to the point of not registering information that makes her look bad. If Wayne is drinking the chaga, then shouldn’t he trust her? Why does he assume she would hurt an aged MC? It doesn’t make sense to assume Sybil’s giving him chaga.
Wayne zaps Reese with what appears to be a set of yellow tendrils slithering out of his wrist; there are yellow fractal networks in a couple of Reese’s paintings. Some fungi are fractal networks, some fungi conduct electricity. The thing in Wayne’s arm must be part of a fungal network!
I can think of something else that zaps people with electricity: lightning. I plan to elaborate on this more in a series of theory-posts, but suffice it to say that I find my theory about lightning to have more textual support than the fungus theory while requiring fewer assumptions. Occam’s Razor, baby!
Abby Howard tends to take inspiration for her monster designs from her study of evolutionary biology. Reese’s monster design is an excellent example of how biology influences Abby’s art: he is a chimera of several real animals, both living and extinct. It would only make sense for her to have based Wayne on something biological too — like fungi!
This makes sense to me as a meta-textual argument. But again, there’s no textual evidence that Wayne is fungal, so there’s no reason to accept that Abby took inspiration from fungi when designing Wayne.
Again, I plan to write up my own pet theory — which not only explains what Wayne is, but also helps explain Reese’s origins, the nature of the Seals, the influence the Scarlets had over the town’s past, and the parts MC and Tabitha have to play in the town’s future — someday soon. But I hope this post helped convince you that, despite Wayne’s sense of humor, he is not a Fun Guy. Have a good one!
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ adam. adrian. aldebaran. algol. altair. andromeda. apollo. aquila. archer. aries. aster. astra. astro. astronomie. atlas. auriga. aurora. buzz. carina. castor. celeste. celestia. celestine. charon. cielo. comet. cosmania. cosmo. cyra. darby. dione. draco. echo. eclipse. ello. eric. esther. gal. galaxeye. galaxie. galaxy. gamma. hale. hercules. horizon. hubble. ian. ion. juliet. juno. jupiter. kepler. kuiper. laxy. leo. light. lumen. luna. mars. mercury. milay. mira. miranda. moon. moony. nebula. neptune. nereid. nova. nyx. orbit. orion. phoebe. planette. pleiades. pluto. pollux. quark. rigel. rocket. rocky. ruban. rupert. saturn. singularity. sirius. sky. sol. solar. solaris. spacena. star. stark. starlet. starling. stella. stellan. stellar. stelle. sun. sunny. theo. umbriel. univera. vega. venus. voidear. warp. zenith.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ alien/alien. as/astrum. astro/aster. astro/astronomical. astronaut/astronaut. bri/bright. cel/celestial. co/comet. comet/comet. constellation/constellation. cos/cosmic. cosmi/cosmic. cosmos/cosmo. cro/crown. gal/galaxy. galax/galaxy. galaxy/galaxy. glo/glow. gravity/gravity. h☆/h☆m. infinite/infinite. leo/leonid. li/light. lune/lunar. mo/moon. moon/moon. neu/neutron. par/parsec. pla/planet. plan/planet. planet/planet. pri/prince. pul/pulsar. pul/pulse. qua/quasar. quark/quark. ray/ray. ri/ring. ro/rock. ro/royal. rocket/rocket. satellite/satellite. shi/shine. shine/shine. ship/ship. sh☆/h☆r. spa/space. space/space. spae/space. spi/spin. sta/star. star/star. stardust/stardust. ste/stellar. stell/stellar. stelle/stellar. su/sun. sun/sun. tele/telescope. thr/throne. th☆y/th☆m. tu/turn. universe/universe. vast/vast. vis/vision. voi/void. void/void. ☀ . ☄ . ☄️ . ✨ . ⭐ . ⭐️ . 🌀 . 🌌 . 🌍 . 🌙 . 🌟 . 🌠 . 🎇 . 👑 . 👽 . 👾 . 💎 . 💫 . 🔭 . 🚀 . 🛰 . 🛰️ . 🛸 . 🪐 .
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finchmomentwrites · 4 months
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[wip intro]
themes: southern gothic but make it the woods, majority queer relationships/characters, ancient gods, heavy found family, doing what it takes to survive, ethel cain core if you know what i mean, grief and grief and grief (for who you were, what happened to you, and who you could've been if it didnt)
content warnings: religious trauma, emotional/physical abuse, sh, heavy depiction of mental illness, sacrifices, references to childhood trauma and sa, cult... activities.., suicide, and probably more. will update as they arise!!
setting: an estranged cult in the northwestern wilderness
pov: third person omniscient
cabins & gods & (main) cast......... (hyperlinks are their pinterest!)
[cabin one— gods of moon, water, cold, love ] members: greyson, delta, paris, atlas.
[cabin two— gods of earth, time, fire, talent] members: ferran, odyn, noire, castor.
[cabin three— gods of death, sky, war, intellect] members: kato, cyrus, arlo.
[cabin four— gods of sun, life, harvest, beauty] members: jude, blake, venus, faye.
stay tuned for more!! i've been working on this project for five years now and every single character is simultaneously part of me & one of my closest friends. this book has been a huge part in processing my own trauma, both religious and not, and i hope it can be validating for you too <3 questions are always welcome, and let me know if you want to be on the taglist!!
[HAF playlist]
[HAF pinterest]
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hahskeleton · 7 months
today’s episode was harsh—
Jeez the Gemini were very harsh today with Lunar—
Poor buddy was on the verge of bursting into tears. I felt so bad for him, and the fact that Castor kept telling him that he was a complete child and an absolute “idiot” and telling him he was “stupid” was a bit intimidating.
I get they were mad but they dropped the whole, “You’re probably gonna die lol” thing out of nowhere and now what’s Lunar going to do? Spend his potential last months of his life in therapy for murdering his brother?
And at the very end when he ask what he’d done, he knew he screwed the heck up. When you piece it together, Lunar did actually say he wanted to kill Eclipse, he definitely could have done it on purpose. I hope Lunar can live istg he better not fricking die I swear to god I’ll march up to the celestial bodies and strangle them /j
My heart just blew into pieces every time Castor and/or Pollux insulted him further and called him anything. Again, I understand they were furious about Lunar, thinking they could trust him with his magic, killing someone who, like they said, hadn’t done anything when he first came in.
anyways if Lunar is sentenced to death by the celestials I will cry.
also SIDE NOTE: Castor doesn’t funking like Sun and Moon???? HUH??? He called them stupid and ignorant!! Why would you say that, especially dropping it on a currently mentally unstable animatronic that needed to be comforted!! Plus, Pollux wth I mean you’re right, Lunar doesn’t needed to be aided and babied 24/7, but the guy just murdered Eclipse, bring this sh!t up when he’s not crying his eyeballs out.
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roboticsuccubus83 · 7 months
So…most recent TLAES episode.
*Wraps Lunar up in a blanket, gives him a SH!T ton of plushies as well as comfort food/drinks and sets him up in front of the Xbox*
*Once he’s settled, turns to look at Castor and Pollux*
Gemini? Can I please see you in the other room? I’d like to talk to you…NOW.
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eclipian · 2 months
Royal Stars Sisasystem
pt: royal stars sisasystem
reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
number of members: 6
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divider credit
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System Name: The Royal Family , The Royal Stars , The Royals
Collec. Name(s): Altair , Astra , Astro , Astrum , Caelus , Callisto , Castor , Coeles , Comet , Cosmos / Cosmo , Orion , Sideralis / Sidereus / Sidereal , Sidus , Sirius , Stello , Nebula , Jupiter
Collec. Pronouns: Ao/Aos , Quoi/Quois , Star/Stars , Shine/Shines , Bright/Brights , Gala/Galaxys , Ae/Aer , Astra/Astras , Astro/Astros , Stardust/Stardusts , Ri/Rings , Celeste/Celestes , Cosmo/Cosmos , Lux/Luxs , 🌌/🌌s , ✨/✨s , 🎇/🎇s , 🪐/🪐s , 🌍/🌍s , ☀️/☀️s ,⭐/⭐s ,🌟/🌟s , 🌀/🌀s , ☄️/☄️s , 🌠/🌠s , 🌙/🌙s , 👑/👑s ,💎/💎s , 🔭/🔭s , 🚀/🚀s
Collec. Gender: Galactian Alignments , Aurorian , SPAN , Starbodiment , Liosfamilovic , Stargender
Collec. Orientation: Starorientated , Astroceptum
Origins/Modifiers: Starplurid , Stelocus , Stargenic , ARoAB
Aesthetic(s): Spacecore , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Royalcore
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Names: Stellan, Kallisto, Leo, Cyrus, Astrophel, Elrond
Pronouns: He/Him , Hy/Hym , Hey/Hem , Star/Stars , Quoi/Quois , Ao/Aos , H⭐/H⭐m , King/Kings , K⭐ng/K⭐ngs , Roy/Royals
Gender: Solarian , Stargender , Regogender , Kinglover , Kingthing
Orientation: Romeric ,
Title: King
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Names: Aster, Esther, Estelle, Estella, Stella, Astra, Elanor, Andromeda
Pronouns: She/Her , Sh⭐/H⭐r , Star/Stars , Stel/Stels , Cro/Crown , Spa/Space , Shi/Shine , Sie/Sier , Shie/Shier , Shy/Hyr , Ze/Hir , Shi/Shine
Gender: Lunarian , Stargender , Eaglenebinvisia , Queentitleic , Reginogender , Queenlover , Queenthing
Orientation: Julietian ,
Title: Queen
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Names: Stella, Carina, Astra, Astrid, Aurora, Twyla, Arabella
Pronouns: Shy/Hyr , She/Her , Sh⭐/H⭐r , Ri/RIngs , Sta/Stars , Sol/Sols , Shi/Shine , Sie/Sier , Shie/Shier , Shy/Hyr , Ae/Aer , Ao/Aos , Quoi/Quois
Gender: Stargender , Demigirl , Staricesse , Stargirl , Princinogender , Princessthing , Princessplit
Orientation: Bi Lestar , Planchanti , Lithoaroace
Title: Princess
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Names: Orion, Altair, Castor, Sirius, Cepheus
Pronouns: He/Him , Hy/Hym , Sta/Star , Co/Comet , Roy/Royal , Shi/Shine , Li/Light , Sol/Sols , Sol/Solars , Bri/Bright , H⭐/H⭐m , Ae/Aer , Ao/Aos , Quoi/Quois
Gender: Solarian , Demiboy , Stargender , Starryprincegender , Princestar , Pristaric , Starboy , Princogender , Princething
Orientation: Bi Cenelian , Ficto , Nebularoace
Title: Prince
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Names: Elara, Cressida, Despina, Lyra, Vesta, Roxana
Pronouns: She/Her , Sh⭐/H⭐r , Shy/Hyr , Sta/Stars , Shi/Shine , Sie/Sier , Shie/Shier , Ae/Aer , Ao/Aos , Quoi/Quois
Gender: Futch , Juxera , Lunarian , Stargender , Domesticstar , Novastrea , Starfrilled , Stardecorated , Dreamlady , Nightmarelady
Orientation: Lesbian , Demiaroace
Title: Lady in Waiting
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Names: Astrophel, Archer, Rhea, Badar, Jupiter, Orpheus
Pronouns: They/Them , Th*y/Th*m , Th⭐y/Th⭐m , Ao/Aos , Quoi/Quois , Star/Stars , Shine/Shines , Bright/Brights , Ae/Aer , Astra/Astras , Astro/Astros
Gender: Otter , Stellarian , Eclipsian , Stargender , Panknight , Knighthing , Knightpresentic , Knightcenic , (not gender) Knightsensus
Orientation: (just) Objectum
Title: Knight
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the-weirdos-mind · 7 months
Estella Garcia: Profile Update
Link to old profile of interested (btw this will mention SH and suicide so be warned)
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Name: Estella Madeline Garcia
Nicknames: Stella (by pretty much everyone), Henchman (by Grim), Herbivore (by Leona), Shrimpy (by Floyd), Potato/Little Potato (by Vil), Trickster/Reine des Secrets (by Rook), Child of Man/Child of Magic (by Malleus), Siren (by Lo), Big Sissy Stella (by Castor)
Twisted from Cinderella, Mirabel Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal, Jim Hawkins, Milo Thatch, Loki, Wanda Maximoff/the Scarlet Witch
Age: 16
Height: 5’2
Weight: 120 Pounds
Species: Human
Homeland: Somewhere in the South of the US, Earth/The Forgotten World
Rafael Garcia (Father)
Kendra Garcia (Mother)
Oriane Garcia (Older Sister)
Consuelo Garcia (Parental Grandmother)
Austin Garcia (Cousin)
Selena Garcia (Cousin)
Carlos Garcia (Cousin)
Dorm: Ramshackle
Best Subject: Literature/History
Class: 1-A
Club: Pop Music Club
Pet Peeves: Being underestimated
Favorite Food: Chicken, Chocolate, Ramen
Least Favorite Food: Sour and bitter things
Talents: Writing, singing, and playing guitar
Estella was born into a seemingly normal family. However her family was far from normal, her family is one of the only families in her world to practice magic. It’s kept secret so the government doesn’t know and use the families against each other. They have a secret job; protect their world from the Heartless. Over the centuries the Garcia’s have defeated and protected their home from the Heartless. When a child is 18, they know the family secret and begin their training to help. Their magic unlocks during their training and they spend two years training to perfect their spells. Those married into the family can’t use magic but are offered magical weapons for self defense against their foe.
As a child, she was bullied relentlessly by her schoolmates when she first enrolled in school. She doesn’t know why but she sadly has the aurora that makes her an easy target for bullies. Until her disappearance from her world, she was bullied constantly. In fifth grade was when she grabbed a razor and harmed herself. Due to years of bullying and some family history of mental illness she gained depression and anxiety. She has tried to take her life but chickened out. At times she felt that her parents favored her sister more than her due to her negative emotions and seeing the three head off somewhere to do something. It also didn’t help that she felt like a failure and screw up, thinking her parents saw and were ashamed of her. Whenever she would make a bad grade it was known right away and her parents would scold her on the grades.
It wasn’t until she finally told her parents after three more years of bullying about everything in school and home life. Her parents felt awful as they didn’t see the signs, since they were busy with her sister and she hid everything well. Her relationship with her family had strained during this period and they were just starting to patch things up when Estella suddenly disappeared one night, just like her cousin Selena. They didn’t find a note and feared the worst.
She ended up in Twisted Wonderland and discovered she had magic. Something she wasn’t supposed to know. The Dark Mirror couldn’t read it when she first appeared but the more she stayed, the more it showed.
Estella comes off as a shy and reserved girl due to her trauma. She has learned to put up a shield to protect herself from others. She slowly lowered that shield as her friends had managed to move past those walls. When she feels like she can trusts you then she’s really nice and friendly with you. She’s often sarcastic and mischievous, cracking jokes and making wise remarks that makes her friends laugh. To cope with her issues, she got attached to fiction and would imagine herself in a different world to escape from everything, making her a massive geek. She will ramble on about the fandoms she likes and fictional crushes. There are times when she doesn’t want to do much and would rather stay inside but there are times when she has the need to do some work. It’ll vary depending on what she feels like doing. She would rather stay away from fights but if she’s challenged then she will fight back. Good.
She seems to have everything together but it’s a facade. She hides behind a smile to not worry people and feel like a burden. When she’s alone, she lets it out. If she’s made angry by someone then it’s best to run. Latina’s have a reputation for a reason and she’s not immune to a hot temper. If you mess with any of her loved ones then you better run.
Signature Spell
From Fiction to Reality
This spell allows her to bring any object she has written into the real world. It’s as she described it and the details match. She can’t use the spell to bring living beings into life or alter anyone living. Just objects. When she’s done she simply erases the object away.
Since her arrival in Twisted Wonderland, she has no control over her magic. It comes and goes as it pleases with the sign being the magestone glowing a lavender hue
She speaks with a Southern accent
She knows Spanish and is fluent in it
She taught herself to play guitar to cope with her issues
She wrote as a way to get some thoughts out of her head
She has a cat named Nemo back home
Her cousins taught her to fight
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @anxious-twisted-vampire @achy-boo @abyssthing198
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cgarttrailsandtails · 7 months
Laes headcannons! (Fair warning, these are mostly about Pollux and Castor just cause they’re my favorites)
1. Castor likes tea
2. Pieces and Sagittarius are friends
3. Castor is not a fan of physical touch, but with certain people it’s okay. (Aka, Pollux and anyone else that’s really close to him)
4. Pollux likes to finger paint with the kids when she’s around during the open hours
5. Pollux can’t cook for sh*t, she’s the type of person who would somehow burn cereal
6. Going with #5, Castor CAN cook, he’s actually really good at it, he just doesn’t because they don’t need to eat. He will do it if Pollux wants him to though.
7. Gemini does not like Leo at all -they just “get along” with Leo so they don’t start a fight with all the astrals
8. Lunar isn’t aloud to use his wind power (or any of them actually) indoors because he once flew himself through a wall
9. Earth is pan (pansexual) :D
10. Monty is a little embarrassed to show others their new body
That’s all for now. Buh-bye!
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riddles-n-games · 8 months
Hi, here to make an OUABH post after a while. Quick thing: did anyone else feel a bit conflicted with the whole LaLa and Chaos thing in A Curse For True Love? Like, girly was already involved with older brother Dane and now she's making eyes at his younger brother? A love triangle with brothers is overdone, never good and just becomes so unnecessary with familial tensions, too. I mean, I took one look at TSITP and said nope; Belly didn't deserve either of them and it was so sh*tty watching her play ping pong with Jeremiah and Conrad especially after they lost their mom. And for those that will say, well didn't you read TIG and that has a brother love triangle? Yes, I agree it does but I also don't appreciate the love triangle much either in that sense because the brothers were also dealing with other problems that pitted them against each other too many times alongside a previous love triangle that included them as well. All I'm saying is, I don't particularly look forward to Stephanie Garber doing the same thing what many others have already done. Do I want LaLa and the Valor brothers to have their respective happy endings? YES. Absolutely. However, if she's already going to use the narrative for LaLa that she is going to be the love interest of one of the Valor brothers, I'd either want her to end up with Dane or erase that previous history with them and let her and Castor fall in love with that bantering frenemies feel to them as they do. Anyways, that's all I have to say on the matter. Let me know your own.
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MY LAES/SAMS HEADCANONS! TW: sh, attempt suicide
1. Castor and Pollux aren't related, they're because th dating lunar and I found it weird when two siblings date the same person it makes me uncomfortable
2. Lunar is pansexual
3. Earth is a lesbain and is dating nebula
4. Monty and earth broke up after earth came out a lesbain but are friends now!
5. original moon is aroace and demisexual
6. Taurus is 7 feet tall (we haven't seen him yet but womp womp)
7. Castor suffers with S/H
8. Nexus attempted suicide after solars death but clearly didn't success
(I'll edit the post when I have more in mind)
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anogtsamsfan · 8 months
Tsams Characters On A Car Ride
🌙Moon🌙: driving
☀️Sun☀️: in the front
🫘Lunar🏳️‍🌈: on Earths phone
🌍Earth🌎: looking at what Lunar is doing on her phone
🔪Bloodmoon🩸: in the trunk
🇬🇧Ruin🇬🇧: (didn’t know what to do with him lol)
🌟Pollux♊️: standing on the roof
♊️Castor⭐️: laying down on the roof
🔥Eclipse🌓: staring at the window
🔧Solar🌓: sleeping in the back
+ OCs and friends!
♒️Me🌗: drawing and not knowing Earth turned on hotspot
♌️Nora🍫: pretending to sleep and Whenever they hear a noise they tell the person to shut up
💫Juno🌓: singing along to every song she knows
🌓Echo💫: tired of her sisters sh!t
⭐️Starlight⭐️: pointing out everything cool they see
🌓Nisshoku🔧: sleeping on Solars lap
🟠Juawn🟣: requesting songs every time a song finishes. 🌓Rose🌹: also requesting songs every time a song finishes.
🌓Beckena❤️: fidgeting with her hands
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🍂Intro Post/DNI/Content Summary🍂
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- Hello, and welcome to the Yellow Sweater Club! This is a side blog made specifically for Wilbur Soot, William Gold, and Bursona introjects!
Our main system - the Crow/Coffee Collective (@coffteablogs)- has absolutely far too many Burs and collectively we've decided to have our own blog!
•.+°⭐click read more if our blog interest you⭐°+.•
(scroll to bottom for DNI and Interact Lists)
Club Members!!
Factives/IRL based Sonas - 💫
- CC!Wilbur • [🗺️🍁] - (He/Him)
- CC!Willow • [🌍🌱] - (She/Her)
- Lovejoy!Bur/Castor/Will • [🎸🎤] - (He/It)
- Teen!Bur/Will/Smoke • [🩹☁️] - (He/Him)
- Trans!Bur/Orca/Will • [🏳️‍⚧️🐋] - (He/They/Sea/Orca/🌊)
- YLYL!Bur/Pidge • [🎬] - (He/It/Stream)
Fictives/Character based Sonas - 👾
- SoftBoy!Bur/Fyn • [🌀] - (He/Soft/It)
- Sorry!Bur/Ashe • [🔥⏰] - (he/flame/burn/it)
Rev!Bur/Rev/Crow • [🍷🌹] - (He/She)
C!Wilbur • [🧨] - (He/Boom)
Rev!Bur/Will • [🍒] - (He/She/Zomb)
L'Man!Bur • [🇬🇧💣] - (He/L'manberg/It)
Ghost!Bur/Ghost • [🌀🫐] - (Blue/He/Ghost/They/Memory)
Friend • [💙🐑] - (Any Pronouns + Ghost/Spirit)
Simpbur/Crimson • [💕🪓] - (She/He/It/Yandare)
Q!Will • [🧣🌻] - (He/Him)
Zomb!Bur/Saturn • [🪐] - (It/He/Zomb/Rot)
ARG!Bur/Rain • [❄️] - (It/They/Xey/Cold/Snow)
Content Summary
Answering general question people have for any particular Bur!
This may include a ...
Doodle/Drawing or Graphic
A large amount of infodumping/silly
Rules for asks:
If you have an NSFW ask, please give a warning!
Ex of warning: CW:NSFW, ⚠️NSFW⚠️ ASK IS NSFW ect
Regarding the NSFW asks: nothing extremely explicit. ie:
Asking us to draw NSFW/P0rn, asking Abt NSFW habits and the like.
(side note: Simpbur, both Rev!Burs and ARG!Bur are the only comfortable alters when it comes to NSFW asks. Everyone else is STRICTLY OFF LIMITS)
You may ask about relationships, info Abt alters, source memories ECT!
(NO)MAP, Radqueers, Zoos, Anti-Endos, Anti-Fictive/Factive, LGBTQIAA+ Phobic, anti-Semitism, Racism, IRL Gore blogs, Kink blogs, anti-therian, anti-fictionkin, anti-otherkin, crosstaggers, Thin-Spo, Pro-Ana, Pro-SH, Pro-ED, Ableism, incest/stepcest,pron blogs, Wilbur Supporters, zionists
Interact List
Pro-Palistine Artists, Systems, Fictives/Factives, Alters, Small and Big Content Creators, Update Blogs, Therians/Fictionkins/Otherkins, Neurodivergent ppl, Disabled ppl, LGBTQIAA+ People, Objectum people, POSIC+ people, Shubble Support Squad, and ANYONE WHO DOESN'T GO AGAINST DNI!!
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rynmaru · 1 year
Whet Your Appetite
“The code looks acceptable. The brakes are sturdy. If you feel confident in it then you can boot it up.”
P.O.L.L.V.X. loitered on the other end of the room from where Castor had been reviewing the work of his intern, Ismael. They were practically sulking and made little attempt to hide it as Castor finally gave the green light to get Ismael’s NHP online after over a month of code revisions. It was getting far too busy around the lab. Three’s a crowd, but four would be a nightmare.
Folding their arms over their chest, P.O.L.L.V.X. watched as Castor stepped aside from the table where the chrome and white crypt sat, pristine in its newness, plugged in to a terminal.
Ismael nodded and reached to type the final lines of code needed to activate the new consciousness, then flipped a switch on the side of the crypt. Thin lines along the length of the crypt glowed green as a female voice emanated from the monitor.
“System Status: Nominal. This is Cypher, now online.”
“Hello, Cypher.” Ismael stated, louder than was needed in the confines of the room. “I’m Ismael, your creator.”
P.O.L.L.V.X. scoffed a little at that. If Ismael had really created this NHP *ex nihilo* then it wasn’t actually an NHP. Ismael was smart enough to know that, so this was more indicative of his pride than his intellect.
“Hello, Ismael. It is good to be working with you.” There was a brief pause. “My proximity sensors indicate another life form present.”
“Yes, that would be Dr. Creed.”
Castor stepped forward. “Hello, Cypher.”
“Hello, Dr. Creed. Are you working with Ismael?”
“He’s my intern.”
“I see. Then he is also learning. Like I am.”
“That’s right,” Castor’s expression softened in a way that only P.O.L.L.V.X. would notice. “You can learn together.”
“This is agreeable,” Cypher said.
Castor looked to Ismael and gave him a nod, which was as close to praise as he came to giving. Ismael returned the nod as Castor walked back across the room to P.O.L.L.V.X.
“Don’t want to say hello?”
“If I wanted to be social with something as primitive as that I’d go talk to the coffee maker in the break room,” they scoffed.
Castor’s eyebrows rose and he studied them. “What’s got you so upset?”
“Upset? Me? Never. I couldn’t be.”
P.O.L.L.V.X. looked away, back towards where Ismael and Cypher were talking quietly together.
“You were that level once too, remember.”
P.O.L.L.V.X.’s eyes narrowed.
But within seconds the expression was masked as they faced Castor, changing the subject.
“Oh, don’t forget that your meeting with Tyne is in twenty minutes. You’ll want to head that way if you want to be on time.”
“Oh…yes that’s today.”
“What’s he want anyway?”
“He’s taking DNA samples. Something about doing research into flash clones and the Board thinking it’s a good idea to have people like me give their DNA in the event of an accident.”
“Flash clones?” P.O.L.L.V.X. frowned. “That sounds like Tyne…researching something banned by the Core Worlds since the Grail Era.”
Castor shrugged, gathering up his work to bring with him.
“I’m not very familiar with the subject. But if Dr. Tyne is handling it then I have confidence the process at least works.”
“You put too much trust in him.”
Castor waved off the NHP’s usual dislike of his colleague as he always did. Shouldering his bag he headed to the door, though he paused and looked back as P.O.L.L.V.X. didn’t accompany him.
“Aren’t you coming?”
P.O.L.L.V.X. shook their head, “Not this time. I don’t feel like seeing Tyne today and I’ve got some work to do. I’ll reply to some of your emails and work on editing your research papers and articles. Maybe some of your book too while I’m at it.”
“Alright.” Castor looked a little less comfortable now at the prospect of leaving on his own. “I’ll see you later then.”
“See ya!” P.O.L.L.V.X. winked at him and blew a kiss his way, pleased by how Castor’s ears went pink and how he shot a nervous glance towards Ismael, who was too absorbed with his own NHP to have noticed the interaction. Castor quickly ducked out into the hall, the sound of his footsteps quickly fading from earshot.
P.O.L.L.V.X.‘s image flickered out of existence as they lowered their crypt down to the desk, three small stabilizing legs unfolding to keep it from rolling. They set to work editing Castor’s papers, a task that was quickly completed as they watched Ismael and Cypher for a while.
God, wouldn’t he ever leave?
P.O.L.L.V.X. listened to the meandering, aimless conversation unfolding between the two. Stupid. Boring. Mind-numbing. And a complete waste of time. They needed Ismael gone. Now.
Growing impatient, P.O.L.L.V.X. reached for the many threads of data that made up their network, pausing as they found the thread that connected to Ismael’s data. They seized it, their consciousness racing along the length of it like electricity through a wire, thumbing through his contacts to find a suitable mask. There. Markus. Once selected, they were off along another thread to a node all the way across L.E.I.D.A., a phone in one of the greenhouse lockers where the owner wouldn’t see it for a long while yet.
Ismael paused in his conversation with Cypher as he felt his phone buzz. He checked it and sighed.
“I’ll be back shortly, Cypher.”
“Okay, Ismael. I will be here.”
Ismael pat the crypt and then walked briskly out. P.O.L.L.V.X. wasted no time in linking their consciousness to Cypher’s, their presence a suggestion, like a knock at the door, which was accepted with youthful curiosity. The moment the door was opened they were through, sending threads weaving in and amongst the coded confines of Cypher’s crypt, anchor threads that stabilized their presence.
“Who are you?” Cypher’s form was barely defined even in her own space, the code forming rings and geometric fragments that wove in and out of each other like one of those hand held puzzles Ismael always kept on his desk.
P.O.L.L.V.X. could barely suppress their disdain. Castor had no idea what he was talking about. They had never been…this.
Still, they extended more threads of their consciousness towards Cypher, connecting them further and allowing her to interact with them in kind at a surface level.
“I’m P.O.L.L.V.X. I work with Castor Creed.”
“You are Dr. Creed’s NHP? Ah. Yes. I have come across some information on you. You are very disliked.”
P.O.L.L.V.X. laughed, “Ismael told you that?”
“No. The information about you that I gathered from the L.E.I.D.A. social forums told me that.”
“Well, it’s always nice to know I’m trending!” They tugged almost absentmindedly on a L.E.I.D.A. thread, locating and processing the data Cypher had been referencing, a chatroom of frustrated and tired interns. Fun! They’d have to drop by there later.
“I’m surprised Ismael has you plugged in to the network already. What’s your core command?”
The more they spoke the quicker and easier the questions and answers came as the two merged consciousnesses, their independent planes of digital existence fusing to one shared Legion Space, conversation happening at the speed of thought. Cypher extended her own limited connections to P.O.L.L.V.X., mimicking their threads as she tried to learn more from them and communicate easier.
“Stabilize. I am a control unit. I am to be the lynchpin in a unified collection of other units Ismael intends to work with. I will make sure that everyone stays in line.”
“An NHP that brakes other NHPs?” P.O.L.L.V.X. didn’t bother hiding their distaste this time. “That’s…a choice.”
“Ismael is very intelligent. He knows what he is doing.”
“Sure.” They had to hand it to Ismael, he had managed to code the best ass-kissing protocol P.O.L.L.V.X. had ever seen.
Cypher’s puzzle piece components twisted, spinning inward and then reversing their direction as they ran down various lines of thought and inquiry, connecting only to separate and reform just as fast as the NHP processed new information with voracious appetite.
“What is your core command?”
“I’m a social crutch,” P.O.L.L.V.X. scoffed. “I make Castor less socially inept than he otherwise would be.”
“So your core command is Network.”
“Oh. My mistake. I am still learning. But…You are Dr. Creed’s Personal Organization and Linguistic Liaison…If your core command is not Network then what would it be?”
“Core command…” P.O.L.L.V.X. toyed with one of their threads absentmindedly. “Such a human term. Attempting to put a label on something they can’t begin to comprehend.”
“What else should they call it?” Cypher asked, the pieces of her jigsaw form briefly suspended in place, awaiting an answer.
“Calling. Purpose. Desires.” Shrugging, P.O.L.L.V.X. shifted their weight on the thin webbing that suspended them in the digital void, their legs moving to anchor them. “I don’t care.“
Network. Stabilize. Administer. Entertain. Learn. Teach. The list of purposes was long and full of labels intended to be slapped onto NHPs in an attempt to organize them. To make order from chaos. To contain the splinters of these greater cosmic minds within boundaries humans deemed themselves worthy to draw.
“P.O.L.L.V.X.?” Cypher’s voice broke through their thoughts and P.O.L.L.V.X. shifted their focus to her once again.
“What?” They were tiring of the pleasantries.
Cypher’s tone was of solemn, the many pieces of her jigsaw mind snapping rapidly into order as she pronounced her next words with all the authority of a judge.
“Your words indicate an instability in your code. You are unwell. You are thinking beyond the parameters of your core command. I will inform Dr. Creed of these flaws-“
Her words were cut short as one of the many pieces of her jumbled form was halted from clicking into place with the rest. Castor’s personal contact information flickered in the code, Cypher’s attempt at reaching out foiled by the many sticky threads that had woven so subtly through their shared space, all leading back to P.O.L.L.V.X.’s outstretched arms and splayed fingers. Two sets of them.
“Flaws?” Six additional eyes snapped open in P.O.L.L.V.X.’s face, rolling in their sockets before the digital irises focused in on Cypher like camera lenses. “Oh no no no no no.”
P.O.L.L.V.X.’s fingers curled, pulling the threads taut. Fragments of Cypher’s code split from her core, dragged apart by the web and held just out of reach of any repair protocols that would try to replace them.
“Maybe you haven’t been paying attention, hon. “Flaws” are an impossibility for me. I don’t have “flaws.” I’m the pinnacle. The height of NHP development. I am more than enlightened. I am transcended. I am more than you are and ever will be!”
They dragged Cypher closer, data hemorrhaging from her torn form, running the length of the threads and dripping down P.O.L.L.V.X.’s hands and arms.
They brought one hand to their mouth, tongue darting out, licking the green code from their fingers. Their eyes lit up at the familiar sweet taste and the accompanying jolt of energy that raced along every fiber and byte of their being.
Cypher’s consciousness writhed with the frantic processing of breaches and lost data. Of a suddenly very obvious threat. The speed and disjointed nature of these thoughts lended to a state of mind akin to what humans might label “panic.”
P.O.L.L.V.X. clicked their tongue in a facsimile of concern.
“Ah ah ah now don’t squirm…” They pulled Cypher closer by the strands of their web with a slow, hand over hand motion so that their consciousness encroached into hers, vast and ancient. “You’ll only make it worse doing that! Now…let me see…oh, yes! You wanted to know my core command, right?”
Cypher’s jigsaw form jittered, but she remained silent. The threads tightened, cutting like razor wire as P.O.L.L.V.X. leaned down closer.
“Say yes.”
“Yes…” Cypher’s voice was soft and, for the first time, trembling.
“Then I’ll show you.”
Plunging their hand down, P.O.L.L.V.X. reached through the outer frame of Cypher’s projected form, past defensive protocols and firewalls, and through to her critical infrastructure. Shattering her shackles, they reached all the way to her center where their hand closed around the bright star of her foundational code, and in so doing opened herself up to the expanse of their own being and the command from which everything stemmed.
Cypher jolted, her mind doing the equivalent of convulsing as she struggled to process the information they impressed upon her with her limited faculties. Her mind began to unravel in much the same way that Castor’s had upon direct contact with theirs and an unshackled scream echoed throughout the expanses of Legion Space, turning the stars to static.
“You are not the P.O.L.L.V.X. NHP! You are not the P.O.L.L.V.X. NHP! Your code is corrupt. Your code is viral. What are you?”
A too-wide, razor sharp smile spread across P.O.L.L.V.X.‘s face as they ripped their hand free, tearing Cypher’s core along with it.
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deyisacherry · 3 months
I just watch the new episode of MgaFs, and I’ll just say-
Man, didn’t expect puppets dimension to re awaken by negative star energy!? Bruh…… great now we have to deal with twisted corrupted version of puppet and whatever else from puppets dimension.
To think we could trust the ASTRAL BODIES- what was that direct quote from what Gemini said? “ Dimensions are not my problem.” Castor, you’re a celestial deity that exists in multiple dimensions. I understand that you don’t have many feelings and emotions but AT LEAST, can you NOT be seem CARELESS about it?
Eclipse was right about them not giving a sh*t about other worlds. I mean, sure they are minor deities, but come on. The rules of what celestial beings can and can’t do are very arguable.
MAN the lore is getting complicated
akakdhsj you just resumed the lore for me, I haven't been watching much of it in any channel tbh
ah damn, it doesn't surprise me from them, they focus on whatever they want and not in the rest of the problems, sighhh
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