lupismaris · 1 year
Shout out to academics who use every word in the fuckin English language when writing a proof to try and sound spiffy I promise you do not sound spiffy you sound unintelligible
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unohanadaydreams · 2 years
I haven’t watched the new episode and I haven’t finished any of these kinktober requests bc Mother Nature has been curb stomping me.
But uuuuh here have some random stuff, mostly me talking about some Bleach OCs, below.
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This song = Mayuri Kurotsuchi. I mean, just look at the album cover even??? The colors of her eyes and hair??? Mayuri’s emotional intelligence is definitely here, at this level.
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I started actually workshopping an OC (compliments of this pic and the following to picrew obv). Fairly restrained person who goes down the Maggots Nest to R&D pipeline. She doesn’t have a solid name yet, but I do know her zanpakuto is a giant centipede who cries when she doesn’t visit enough.
Although she does suffer from R&D morality disease, she comes off fairly normal in quick, then get back to work small talk. She doesn’t have ambitions outside of the R&D anymore. The whole getting locked up for not doing anything but showing potential to do something kind of killed it.
Part of the coding crew for the semi-organic technology. So part computer coding, part surgical expertise. Largely attempting to translate the two into a cleaner mesh. Highly interested in how different reishi & spiritual pressure (of different species) can make this process easier, but halted by lots of red tape.
Has come to realize that with surveillance spanning farther and larger after the war, that she is now also playing IT to many shinigami who can barely work a soul phone. Absolutely soul crushing work. Especially considering the work she WANTS to be doing.
Really, really loves insects but switches her accessories to more traditionally cute things (like bears) when she goes outside of R&D. Not good at following lines of conversation she hasnt prepped for. Wretched at generating small talk while doing IT calls and will just lead the conversation back to task at hand.
Glazes the fact that she’s part of Gotei 13 out of her mind and lets R&D be the wall she can’t look over. This makes the IT work even more harrowing.
Copes largely by throwing herself into hobbies & the work she likes but also does do drugs! Not for fun or anything because she is too socially lame for that but she eventually finds that other people are super down to do drugs with her. This is the entry point where she starts develop actual relationships with people. Tfw you need experimental drugs to loosen up and have a laugh with people. My precious girl is so bad with people ❤️
She inspired me to workshop ANOTHER OC, a friend. And also a large reason she ended up in the maggots nest:
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(Shut up no I don’t think girls with short hair and glasses is the height of character design this is just a wild coincidence)
Worked in a tea house in the Noble Quarters and quickly became drawn to Tokinada for his blatant cruelty toward nobleman, who she desperately wished to be blatantly cruel to as well. Due to their own cruelty. You know the drill.
Tossed in the maggots nest for *TV static* and got out once Tokinada has climbed ranks enough to pull her out, and almost got herself killed after she threw a fit about having to join Gotei 13. Because Tokinada is a controlling POS. But OC wants a sliver of control herself, too much to partways. And what other choice does she have? Commit herself to being a shinigami? Go work somewhere in the rukongai? As if!
She makes every excuse to tag along with above OC on IT. She’s much better at small talk but is also just really annoying and needling. She always has her I Want To Know All About You mask on. It’s the only way she keeps from fucking losing it.
Her zanpakuto is a goblin shark, half stuck in a half sealed shrine underwater. She hates shinigami and was drawn to OC for that reason. Also controlling, demanding, and lords her support over OC if conditions aren’t fulfilled. No idea why her zanpakuto hates shinigami yet, but I do know that she puts her entire sharkussy into evaluation fights because the opponents are always fellow shinigami (duh). Also pretends she can taste what OC eats and demands a diet of fish and crustacean. I thought that was funny.
I also think it’s funny that I know so much about her zanpakuto but to be fair she’s a huge personality, very mysterious, and enshrouded in anger. *boops her smooth snout*
I like the idea of a zanpakuto seeking out a personality they feel they can take advantage of. The sword souls need more insane personalities that blur the line of sword and shinigami imo.
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And finally, the last OC, who escaped being dragged into the maggots nest bc she is just not that dangerous nor smart by the standards of Central 46. Does know above two OCs very well.
Real simple girl. Loves having a roof over her head and a warm meal in her belly. Doesn’t care how she needs to accomplish that.
Great with people. Great with lying to people. Great with justifying violence against people. As long as she has a roof, a meal, and a cigarette (or any vice if she can’t have that), it’s all good.
Gets upset when people think she and first OC are related (bc of vaguely same hair and skin color. They don’t look alike apart from that). First OC died to get here and this one was born in the Rukongai. She takes a lot of pride in making it from then to now. She also holds a huge grudge if someone asks if they’re related. Monumental. Good luck winning shit in most gambling establishments within the Seireitei.
Runs a lot of gambling gigs for shinigami. Never for nobility any more. The money isn’t worth it. Promises a lot of things and only delivers sometimes. Has her hooks in Hisagi, for example, because he’s a sucker. She gets most of her human goods from filched pockets in the rukongai (s/o to the mind of Pirenja, im pretty sure for the black market post for this idea). She isn’t above pestering first OC to make something she’s promised at R&D. Rarely pays back the favor.
Runs a bootleg Urahara Shoten with Urahara’s blessing because he thinks it’s funny, he could use the extra storage, and Ururu really wanted to help running something in soul society. It’s called Ururu Shoten but everything else looks exactly the same as the human world counter part. This is how she knows a lot of big names.
OC and Ururu make an oddly good team and she unfortunately has a soft spot for the kid. To balance this out, she regularly tries to fuck over the business in ways that she can wriggle free from.
She’s a shinigami in name only. Doesn’t have a zanpakuto spirit to speak of. Barely in the ranks. Barely scrapes by her duties. In it for the room and board and connections.
Very funny how many people assume she has nothing going for her based on this. The amount of ppl taken aback when she shows up as the host of a card game is gargantuan.
She can not comprehend a day doing nothing, despite her love of simple pleasures. If she isn’t rubbing her little hands together and buzzing around a new shit scheme, she is listless.
If this has taught me anything, it’s that I’m horrible at committing to names. But uuuuuuuh, hope you like my gals.
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orriculum · 2 years
If you liked the first monster office romance book, there's now a sequel!
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LOVE LAUGH LICH is a short read about a secretary in love with her undead CEO and wants to find out what's under that (+2DEX) cloak-of-ever-billowing...
THE ORC FROM THE OFFICE is about a human from HR and an orc from the IT Department who find themselves trapped in a mating bond after an accident with a filing cabinet.
LLL is out already, OFTO comes out Oct.1.2022!
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missouri-and-woe · 16 days
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Do alam lizaninami lagomas ſceƿiſtuze, ne hede eċ, ȝac ena binȝu możinde letati. Flugilan onogo preganug ƿāȝli vetūcayent reƿo feti, ƿāȝli ab þam grundeȝon eċ. Sa binȝu, ofto, leteċ leȝac, vifur binȝūs redonċ ne, ċot manes amogin menonċ.
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 1 year
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someone i waz talking 2 on discord yezterday had the GENIUZ concept of rocky being a scene kid and i couldnt agree more so in a haze last night i drew him in da scene fit 👍
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fandommemequeen · 1 year
emoticons hold a special place in my heart
like i can just go :3 :D >:] :) oFTo ^_^ :o) and be silly
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 4 months
**discussion of spoilers**
As someone who hasn’t read the books, did you say Otto will die in this season? I thought I remember you saying that he goes before Aemond and daemon..? But don’t remember the timeline. Will we get that this season?
Spoilers below the cut!
Rhaenyra beheads Ofto when she captures King’s Landing. That happens while Aemond has command of Harrenhal, so Otto will likely die early on in season three.
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world-cinema-research · 5 months
Alfonso Sanchez
Film class
The Journy to Italy
So it's based on Ingrid and George who are a couple going on a trip to Italy and they are a couple that are very unhappy with eachother and want to go to Italy. The film was released 1953 but it took 18 months to be completed and was filmed in Viaggio Italy. One of the characters from the movie was Tony who is a former British soldier and Natalie was married after the war. So the theme for the movie that I watched is about pregancy and hautings because the movie has lots of scenes with ghosts and pregante women and it's the period of time when all those things happen in the movie. Since it came out the public has given it good feedback but as it has been in the movies for a long time people sometimes still watch it but most of the Time people don't wanna watch outdated movies because of the black-and-white theme but more people want to watch colored films. So with the research that I did in the journey to Italy, it's basically more like a romance type of movie with two couples going to Italy and just having fun and just learning more about different cultures, foods and countries.The movie is based on a road trip to Italy is very interesting at the start of the film because that's the first scene but when the movie keeps on going, there is more about that road trip. So a famous quote from this movie is” what noisy people. I've never seen noise and boredom go so well together”. Another famous quote in the journey of Italy is” Oh, I don't knowUncle Homer Lived Here for 40 yearsWithout getting bored”. So the main picture of this movie is that it's based on two couples going to Italy, but since they are an unhappy couple, they face some challenges during their trip and the road trip because they both don't get along but try to keep themselves happy. So what I learned during this research about this film is that it is based on two characters one is George and the other one is Ingrid but the story behind why they filmed This movie is because one of the characters was a British soldier who could've been fighting the War before filming the film or the film. So at the beginning of the film, we have the Italian music that gives us a brief explanation and description about what the movie is going to be about. In this case they put Italian music to give the vibe about the movie for the road trip.The music gives us like a spooky Italian version of music that gives you a spooky vibe, but the movie is generally about two couples going to Italy, and one of the scene gives you some skulls at the beginning of the movie. So the director just wanted to put out some Ways ofTo see how the films have changed during the 1954 to the 2023 films which there is a big difference of 1954 or more black and white films and today there's lots of technology that helps you get the right angles theme And color that is sweat has changed over the years. So what the author wanted to propose to this film was that having its Italian music and Road trip to Italy and have two actors that could be British or American who knows but the theme that he wanted is that road trips with people that you are not comfortable or are in a bad mood and just going on a road trip changes everything. So I'm just watching the trailer. I think this could be a good movie to watch but at the same time I'm not really into black-and-white film, but I can make a change and start watching more black-and-white films instead of colored films to get basically and learn more about how 1954 films are so importantAnd historic today. This film is very interesting because just from seeing the trailer it gives me the vibe to watch the film and see the road trip to Italy and just meet new people with no food cultures and just learn how Italian culture is for people that are from other countries and just want to learn more about other cultures. So from the research that I did, I think of my film. Would be conventional because it gives us real events that happened during that time and all the evidence that they use to make this film such a success till this day.
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When it came out
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xx-scene-undead-xx · 1 year
HATSUNE MIKU!!!!!!!!!! oFTo
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toasted-treasure · 2 years
Dear centricide followerz… sorry I got hyperfixated on eddsworld (I still am) however.. I am still im the centricide fandom :3!!! And I honestly don’t think I’ll ever leave O_o so herez a mothafluffin Ancom oFTo
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§§§§§ wtf is dis symbol XD §§§§§§§§§§
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primordial0riginator · 6 months
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Haaaiii I’m Wilfy!!!!
I’m a flipnote artist and like to draw and animate all my super awesome characters on my dsi!!!! Owo
I like cats and pokemon and roleplaying with my best buddies!!!! oFTo
Hatena is the best site ever, all the cool artists are there and if you don’t agree GTFO!!!!
Nice to meet u have a nice day!! X3
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Disclaimer: this is a joke as per usual please don’t unfollow me LMAO
celebiii -> wilfyy
Happy April fools, matching with my bestie!
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my sister n i were listening 2 old music and i was speed drawing for each song oFTo
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randompaw90 · 2 years
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missouri-and-woe · 1 year
Sąþi! – angasami – abra, abra angasami ja bech i esmo; nu wī mułwastech ćot ja esmo ludi? Sa sûktôme ebrowa mene fôyanųs – ne guba – ne tǫpowa. Najabrôz be sa fôyanu lûmo ebrina. Ja þuśach ałsane in þame himinejǫ i in þanǫ erþų. Ja þuśach munoginami sanumas in halų. Jak, togda, ja esmo ludi? Wiþuśajite! i zerajite jak sedrowlîk – jak stîrsawlîk ja mogǫ tayati þanǫ cêlį spelǫ.
On eć ąmogi mułwi jak furistlîk sa þankanu wechoda mene brajńǫ; nu jinogda menowa, on ulewa mę nêw dagejǫ i nachtujǫ. Sano nena be. Pećaluze nena be. Ja lubach sa singį manę. His nemât felowa mę. His nemât geba mi owidų. Hes gułþemis ja hawach ne wiyę. Ja menajǫ ćot on eć hes okǫ! da, on be ję! His hawa þanǫ okǫ enas sǫpo – ena flononi, modri oko, mid enô fełmemu nad on. Kogda on drûsa an mi, mene flôþo rina frusti; i þê nêw griþųs – abra ledralîk – ja prikupach mene mįtų ętati þanǫ ferchę singina mano, i dosa uwolajǫ sę þas okemis fur ałmât.
Nun je eć þanǫ vesanę. Wî uzmenajete mę ludį. Ludmanes lizajete nesanǫ. Nu wî hawâdid mę yitati śulati. Wî hawâdid yitati śulati jak frôdlîk ja þurlangach – mid ćę radanujǫ – mid ćę predeyitanujǫ – mid ćę predesedowanujǫ ja hodach tô łerkǫ! Ja bech nemât milôzi tô þanǫ singį manę þo ob þame cêlinu łikujǫ prede ja semach hime. Ja krǫtach bułte hes duremis i otuwerach on – þê abra ledralîk! I togda, jak ja śafach enǫ otuweranų fagrį fur mene hoftemis, ja klasach in ene tomoninu śîmejǫ, alanǫ zaweranį, zaweranį þê ćot ne lûchto flośa ût, i togda ja werach in mene hoftǫ. Â, wî hawâdid smijawi an yitaye jak fuchsuklîk ja werach on in! Ja sturźach on latlîk – abra, abra latlîk, þê ćot ja mogį ne męsati þas singina mano spanujǫ. On ęta mę ene stųdujǫ klasati mene cêlį hoftǫ in þanǫ otuweranų þê dalekį ćot ja mogį yitati hime jak his loźa an hes badźeńe. Hâ! – wiyâde ena ludi mane bit þê frôdi jak ję? I togda, kogda mene hofto be łal in þanǫ sale, ja ąddônach þanǫ śîmę radansamlîk – abra radansamlîk – radansamlîk (wifur sa gunes grenach) – ja ąddônach on tolik ćot ena sąlîki settu lûchtemis drûsa an þanǫ sǫplîkį okǫ. I ję ja dônach fur sebun langį nachtųs – ala nachtu ob medźinachtujǫ – nu ja desach þanǫ okǫ ałmât zaweranį; i þê on be ąmogi dônati þanǫ łerkǫ; fur on be ne þanǫ singį manę wa umęsani mę, nu hes ubilį okǫ. I ala murgines, kogda sa dage affema, ja hodach bałþlîk in þanǫ salę, i mułwach ayansamlîk tô hime, halach hime mid namenê, in ene fastinu farbujǫ, i wemolach hes jak his wichoda þanǫ nachtų. Þê wî yitajete ćot his wiyâdi be enǫ abra bǫbokį singį manę, ofto, uzmenati ćot ala nachtu, tolik ob kalif, ja yitach at hime heft his spa.
Ob þame ochmtinami nachtujǫ, ja bech węc þo gastajlîk radansami in otuwarayęs þas duremis. Enas ristuzamano fûnchądu sturźajeć węc śor þo dôna mene. Nemât prede tenǫ nachtų, ja fôyach þanǫ stemų mene þrûþuzes – mene łićemis. Ja mogį śǫdinlîk wederźati mene fôyanųs segemis. Menati, tamǫ ja bech, otuwerach þanǫ durǫ, fałi i fałi, i his ne iz dromati mene dogulińa dêdujis ći þankanujis. Ja gerlîk hochotach at þanǫ þankanų; i aru his þuśa mę; fur his sturźa an þame badźeńe nallîk, jak śim sturani. Nun wî moźeþ þankati ćot ja smikach sę – nu ne. Hes sale be jak flaki jak hartǫ mid þanô gǫstinom tomujǫ, (fur sa laþes be anklîk fastinani, þurwa agǫ leftełǫ,) i þê ja lizach ćot his moźe ne yitati þanǫ otuweranǫ þas duremis, i ja þurlangach weraje an onomu flatlîk, flatlîk.
Ja hawach mene hoftǫ in, i predberâch otuwerati þanǫ śîmę, kogda mene þûme þûpa an þame tin-bułtejǫ, i sa singi mane wezdraśa in badźeńe, i wigrêta – "Wa esi tamǫ?"
Ja þurlangach al geri i mułwach nesanǫ. Fur ena cêli stųdu ja sturźach ne enǫ brêdę, i ob tene matejǫ ja þuśach hime lećati. His jeć sedâśe wessąþi in þame badźeńe þuśayęt; – tolik jak ja dônach, nachtuze i nachtuze, wiþuśach tô þem doþbuþbudzumas in þem seftumas.
Śor ja þuśach enǫ þichtį puchanų, i ja lizach ćot on be þanǫ puchanų doþlîkina agemis. On be ne enǫ puchanų ako ći angaso – âch, ne! – on be þanǫ śurtį dâwanį dunę ćot westajeć fram þas bućmo ob þas sełaluze kogda on be perfulânani mid treftemu. Ja lizach þanǫ dunę łal. Tolik nachtųs, ob medźinachtų, kogda ala þas łerałduze spâchǫ, on hawa łayani fram mene eganina bôsmo, dûpânajeć, mid onogo agisaminom gałmemu, þanǫ agǫs ćot frasmika mę. Ja mułwajǫ ćot ja lizach on łal. Ja lizach ćot þanǫ singį manę fôyani, i źalach hime, nu ja hochotach in ibejǫ. Ja lizach ćot his łes lećajeti framaft þanǫ furistį þichtį dunę, kogda his hawâśe łądźajeti in þame badźeńe. Hes agos hawâśe si framaft alajeti an hime. His hawâśe si śichajeti uzmenati oneme wesanklosinami, nu mogî ne. His hawâśe si mułwajeti sę – "On eć nesanǫ nu þanǫ łįdę in þame emârejǫ – on eć tolik enǫ łęćę perchodajeti þas flaćemis," ći "on jenklîk enǫ þerćę wa krûka enǫ edinį krûkanų." Da, he hawâśe si śichajeti udobańowati sę mid tenma uzmenanumi: nu his desa alanǫ in pustinu. Ala in pustinu; wifur Doþe, in ąffemayęs hime hawâśe demńani mid hes flakina śazo prede hime, i rîcha þanǫ tîbrǫ. I on be þame źałsaminu unąþejǫ þas ąmmenanina śazo wa ćina hime fôyati – þoch his nekotro yita ći þuśa – fôyati þanǫ bitamę mene hoftemis in þame salejǫ.
Kogda ja ćakach dołmât, abra gaþułdlîk, ûte þuśaye hime lećajeć, ja fetach otuwerati enǫ łâjlį – enǫ abra, abra łâjlį gelų in þame śîmejǫ. Þê ja otuwerach on – wî moźete ne uzmenati kolik dogullîk, dogullîk – do, za ena rastu enǫ kenį tomonį settų, ćej sa þêrde þas ochmiladźo, śûta fram ût þas geluze i drûsa an þame sǫplîkinu okeńe.
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samurotting · 1 year
ppl rlly dont "oFTo" and "o3o" like they used to anymore huh
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realness-remade · 2 years
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kill this oFToing freak
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