#oK i know draco is meant to be a bad kid but i dislike how she went out of his way to make him so awful (to the point it got BORING)
gritsandbrits · 2 years
Yall gonna hate me but if i (re)wrote harry potter i would give draco a redemption arc and well, introduce more good slytherins in general.
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slytherin-slitherin · 8 years
Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Review
Ok. So today I decide to write a review about Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, which I have just read the other day. I was too obsessed with Scorbus (actually I still am) so I have forgotten about the story, which clearly has too many unacceptable points. So here are the things I like and dislike about the book: 
As you can see, I’m really obsessed with Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter. They are born to be together. There is no need to argue about this. They are perfect for each other. I even want them to be together than me being together with my crush (actually I don’t have a crush right now but yeah). I’m even writing a fanfic about them, BEING TOGETHER!!! Anw, if you want to know more about how much i ship them or the hints between them, just go to my wall or dm me and I’ll so you. THEY NEED TO BE TOGETHER OKAY!!!!
2. Scorpius Malfoy. The most beautiful and perfect character they have created in this book. Sweet, sensitive, a bit nerd and awkward but super cute guy. He has traits in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw but no Slytherin. Really. So why did the hat put him there? Is that because of his Malfoy pure blood? Or because even the hat wanted Scorbus to be together? I’ll go with the second.😌😌😌 
3. Draco Malfoy. From a boy who was controlled by his father, who always stood behind his father’s shadow and the Malfoy name, becomes a good, caring dad and husband, even better than Harry Potter. I really like that point. Also the part that he said his gang (Crabbe and Goyle) were two lunks and admitted he envied with the friendship Harry has. I could see that in Draco when he was young, he was a lonely boy, poor that handsome guy.
4. Ginny is in charge in the house and Harry does the cooking. Nice. 
5. Finally Ron. Funny and sweet guy. Except the part that he was drunk on his wedding night… Wait what?!
1. Scorose. For god’s sake. SCOROSE. Seriously?! Scorose???!!! Scorpius ended up asking Rose out and she agreed. Wow. Wowww. WOW. Stop trying to heteronormative all the characters. Do you know how hard it is to move on from Remus and Sirius???? Now Scorp and Rose?! Just kill me already. And friendly reminder, this is the new generation, let them be themselves, stop making them be like their parents. Love/hate motip. Urg, just stop it ok. How much conversation had Rose spoken to Scorp??? And compare it to how much hints between Scorpius and Albus?? Nahh, just compare to the moments they hugged. Well, now you see. I’m not a gay shipper or lesbian shipper or whatever. I just want people who really love each other, who really meant to be together be together. And one more things, don’t tell me that they are just friends, best friends, whatever. I know the different between best friends and crush that are in the same sex with you. Believe me. I used to have a girl best friend and a girl crush. They’re not the same. We do different things and we share different things. I know it and when I read this book, I know they like each other more than just a friend, they’re just too confuse to admit it. But I believe they will one day, IF THE WRITERS DON’T FUCKING DESTROY IT WITH THE IDEA EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE HETEROS !!!
2. Cedric became a Death Eater. A FUCKING DEATH EATER!!!!! Hello??? He’s a Hufflepuff. A pure good Hufflepuff. He can’t just turn into a Death Eater after being embarrassed. Yes, there are people who can turn into evil after being embarrassed in front of everyone but not Cedric okay? He’s a really nice guy. He won’t blame everyone for his embarrassment. And he definitely won’t kill an innocent man like Neville, who didn’t do anything to him. No, that’s not Cedric. 
3. Delphi, Delphi, Delphi. Lovely, beautiful Delphi. The thing that she is Voldermort and Bellatrix’s daughter didn’t upset me at all. I mean yeah it’s weird to imagine Voldermort having sex with Bellatrix…. Urg, just can’t imagine. However, to me this is quite a creative idea. But the thing is there were too many plot holes. Like when Bellatrix was pregnant, (she gave birth before the battle right?), she did captured many people. There must be someone who noticed that right? Also the last scene, the battle between Harry Potter and Delphi, THAT WAS SHITTTTT !!!! LITERALLY SHIT !!!! It was insipid and lame and too easy to guess and yes, stupid. Really stupid. Also, why does she have a nose?? 
4. Again Scorose is disgusting af so please please stop it. 
5. Hermione and Ron didn’t married because they went to the Ball together in the second timeline. SERIOUSLY?! That is too funny, so so funny. Hahaha. Wow, love seems so easy. I’m wondering if the authors have ever been in love. All you need is to get jealous once and you end up married. And if you don’t, you will get bored and find someone else to fall in love with? Love is very complicated. We can see that Ron and Hermione had gone through a lot until they realized they love each other. But Padma and Ron…they rarely even talked. Ok, someone please explain for me about this cause i’m so confused. So so confused. Oh and in the third timeline, Hermi did admit that she loved Ron and Ron did too and before that Hermi had gone to the Ball with Ron, and … ok, you can see the point now right? 
6. This is definitely unacceptable. Hermione hid The Time Turner too easy that even a 14 years old kid can solve it. WTF??? Hermi is a very smart girl. Very very smart girl. Also she had broken into the Ministry of Magic before, she would have known that the security was too loose and when she became a Minister, she must have changed it so it won’t happen again. But she didn’t and that was stupid. Not Hermione-like. 
7. Harry had to watch his parents’ death. That’s too much. I can’t imagine how painful it was like. Standing there and watching your parents were killed and do nothing. 
8. Hermione and Rose are black. BLACK. I’m not racist, so please don’t accuse me of that. I just don’t like it cause it ruined my imagination through all the series. Also, Emma Watson had done a perfect job and this … idk what to say. But really, it’s not that lack of actresses you know. 
9. And finally, the father and son’s problems between Harry and Albus. So many people complain about this, about how Albus was such a aggressive and stupid teenager or how Harry said such a thing to his son. Well, i agreed but I sympathize with them. About Albus, he was teenager. He was bullied by his friends because every members in his family were and are in Gryffindor, “the house of brave and victory, whoops whoops, who doesn’t want to be in there.” And most of all, they kept comparing him with his father. If I were him, I would be mad too. Everyone hates being compared with someone else, let alone his own father. He couldn’t be himself because of his father and he wanted to prove it that he is something too, not just his father’s son. And Harry, yes, he had said something that unforgivable. A father told his son that sometimes he doesn’t want his son to be his son?! Wow, I would run away too if my father told me that. Still, i understand, people said things they didn’t mean to when they were angry. I did. My father did. Also stop saying that Harry Potter would never say that cause he had lived in a bullied house without love blah blah. Um… I think that’s why he is bad at parenting. He didn’t know what to do and he had tried his best. But still, he couldn’t win his son’s heart. The blanket was priceless to Harry, and Albus threw it away and didn’t respect it. Who wouldn’t be angry? 
So yes, that’s all I think of Harry Potter and The Cursed Child. Thank you for reading but I don’t expect you to finish all of this. But don’t expect a review to be short. And also comment below if you think I have missed something or my points were wrong. Ok? Thank you. <3 <3 <3
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