threeletterslife · 4 years
Hi chana, its weekly anon!! Im so so so so sorry i was away for a while, my stupid wifi went out and we literally JUST got it back USDFSDKHFS howEVER i just caught up with everything ive missed and i literally have so many words. ‘On a cold summer day’ was literally so fun to read. As someone who LOVES fluff, this was such a cute story to read. Watching their relationship develop over time was literally so wholesome! Now, insurrection (its about time) i literally could NOT stop crying +
+ LITERALLY CHANA THE TEARS JUST KEPT COMING???? I had a FEELING something was gonna go wrong but i thought someone would find out about the club and snitch! I- LITERALLY THE WAY YOU WRITE YOUR STORIES ARE SO SPECIAL THAT I ALWAYS GET SO ATTACHED TO ALL THE CHARACTERS. I love how you brought attention to our disgusting school system, and especially the feeling of not having a passion or hobby. I feel exactly like that and it feels so nice to be understood. +
+this story was so bittersweet but the lesson it teaches is so beautiful. And i LOVED yn’s character so much, she was so kind hearted and so bubbly, it brought a lot of softness to the story!! And ‘for everland’ FIRST OFF CAN I SAY I'VE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER TO BE ABLE TO READ 24 HOUR TIME FUSDJGKSDG also hands down agree with y/n, its CAR- amel. Moving onto the ACTUAL story, the way you write dystopian concepts are so interesting. +
+ I love the little details you add and how you always add explanations to the things they use (eg, suppressants) also is it bad that i ACTUALLY thought everland was a place they went? WHEN I GOT HIT WITH THE TRUTH I WAS SO SHOOK. ESPECIALLY THE WAY YOU WROTE THE LINE OMG “don't you understand? Everland is death.” LIKE IT GAVE ME GOOSEBUMPS. I usually prefer happy endings over sad endings, but the way you write your endings is more of a ‘complete’. +
+ Like there are sad elements, but there's also a sense of happiness in it too, which makes it so unique. ANYWAYS! Again im so so so so so sorry i wasn't on for so long :(( BUT READING ALL OF THESE MADE ME SO CONTENT. Thanks so much for all your hard work chana, as usual it paid off SO well!!!! Take careeee!! <3 <3 <3
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AND YES, on a cold summer day rlly is one of my rArE fluff fics LOL. it’s definitely one of my more wholesome/comedic stories 🤩
omg i have a lot to say about insurrection (it’s about time) only because like half of the stuff that happened in that story happened in my school LOL. the bomb threat, the student su*cides were all stuff that happened irl. not to mention a couple of our students threatening to bring weapons to school to gun everyone down 😀 (they said, and i QUOTE “it was gonna be bigger than columbine”). yes, my school is messed up. welton is loosely inspired by it (: yes the story is a sad one, i agree 😔😔 I REALLY TRY TO MAKE MY CHARACTERS LIKABLE 😭😭 it took me a while to develop oc from insurrection though. i needed someone who was altruistic, intelligent and insightful but also blinded by her strong beliefs (which she paid the price for in the end). i wanted to write a story like insurrection for more than four years now. i remember one of my first planned drafts of it actually did end with the male mc ratting out the female oc and her group LMAO. but i held onto the school revolt idea for four years because 1) it’s kinda controversial 2) i didn’t have the writing skills then to flesh out the idea 3) i wasn’t accustomed to writing “darker” stories. but i mean, now that angst is my thing, i totally snatched up this opportunity 🥰 but you’re absolutely right! i tried very hard to make insurrection sound “lighter” and “happier” using yn’s character!! 
AHAHA AND I AGREE WITH YOU. IT’S CAR-AMEL. I FIGURED WRITING THE HOURS IN MILITARY TIME WOULD GIVE TAGNA THE MORE “DYSTOPIAN/MILITARY SOCIETY” TWIST TO IT. omg i was SO worried that people would find out that everland was death too early on in the story but to see that you had no idea until yoongi made the big reveal MAKES ME SO RELIEVEDFJDSLFJL. and yes. i think i’m literally obsessed with bittersweet endings. i love having that sad, angsty element to the end of the story. i don’t know why LMAO. but i also like interweaving a bit of hope. because what’s sadness without happiness yk? i need bOTH to get the perfect ending 😭 AHH I’M SORRY THAT YOU PREFER HAPPY ENDINGS AND ALL I EVER DO IS WRITE ANGSTY STUFF 😭😭 I PROMISE I HAVE A CRACK/FLUFF FIC COMING UP SOON!!
thank you SO, SO MUCH for this lengthy review again. you have no idea how much it brightened up my day. i write so you can read!!! and i’m so glad that i can even have the smallest impact on others through words/stories. please take care as well!!! 💜
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threeletterslife · 3 years
Hello Chana! Which characters from your stories (like crossovers) would get along romantically? Assuming their significant other from their original story doesn't mind haha!
what a fascinating question!
i have to admit i have not thought about this possibility at all. i mean shipping my protagonists with others outside their story?? such an interesting concept! i hope i do your question some justice!
—redefining destiny!jk x on a cold summer day!yn
i find redest!jk and oacsd!yn to be quite similar in a sense 😳 they’re both pretty noncommittal and prefer hookups over getting into an actual relationship
but like imagine if they came together 😩😩 literally
jk’s been through a lot of bad shit tbh and i think that yn has the capacity to help him get over the slumps!! their romance would most likely be slow-burn. they hook up once... then twice... then like three times 😄 until they become official unofficial friends with benefits
of course, an unwanted romance will blossom with time. in my mind, their chemistry would be *chef’s kiss*
yn is confident, comforting and caring and observant. jk can come off as cold (but he’s really a huge sweetheart). i think their relationship would be exciting to watch unfold!! (especially in a college au,,, which is like what their original stories are LMFAO)
—for everland!yoongi x all you see is blue!yn
this.... is quite an interesting combination
we all know that aysib yn is a dreamer who has her head stuck in the clouds. her “love interest” prince jk from aysib was just like her but almost worse (yikes)
but what if yn was matched with a man who could keep her grounded? someone so cynical and intelligent that he would surely balance out her vivid imagination and fantasies???
an unlikely combo, but i feel like they would be the epitome of enemies to lovers 😳 yoongi would say some mean shit to yn and she’d honestly probably cry over it. but once she reaches a certain threshold, she will fight back and end up impressing yoongi (who had previously thought of her as a kid because of her shallow thoughts). in turn, yn thinks yoongi is a big, grumpy pedant. over time, i think they’d warm up to each other and learn/grow from each other as well
i don’t think they’d necessarily be stuck in a dystopian au though. definitely e2l in a modern setting (in a bustling city!!)
—nothing a lil green can’t fix!jimin x appetence!yn
i feel like nalgcf jimin would do well with a partner who is soft and sweet and kind (just like him lmaooo). tbh where the colors fade!yn was also a good contender but i figured appetence!yn would reign over her. (just because the jimin in appetence!yn’s story is a fuckin asshole so she deserves to know a nicer jimin 😤)
and i think their romance would be fairly sweet
yn is optimistic and loves to tell stories. but she’s not overbearing and that outgoing either; she has her limits. i think she would balance well with jimin who likes to listen
their romance would be 100% fluff. think coffee shop/barista au cuz that’s really the vibes that i get from them LMAO
—over the moon!yoongi x propinquity!yn
yoongi’s cold, serious and calm. yn’s fiery, serious and passionate. i wonder how that’ll work 😳 
in a strange way, i kinda see the chemistry. they’re both serious characters but in totally different ways
if they ever met, they would probably subtly judge each other (without saying anything)
but with each subsequent coincidental meeting, they’d grow more and more curious about each other
i see them in a workplace romance together. both of them would want to keep it professional (cuz remember they’re serious people who take every aspect of their life seriously 😤). but later, they wouldn’t be able to resist each other 😳
i imagine their romance to be taken as seriously as well 😉😉
—the exam!yoongi x insurrection!yn
this is the ultimate education system combo 🤩
you might be asking why i didn’t pair yn with the main male protagonist of the exam (taehyung). but trust me, there is a reason!! 
yn is actually a character who is a bit... intimidating. she’s smart, charismatic and sis founded a whole ass cult okay 😭✋ taehyung, on the other hand, likes to pretend he’s intimidating (but we all know he’s a huge softie)
as a consequence, if the exam!tae were to be paired with insurrection!yn, the romance would like... not progress. tae would see yn as someone to look up to (an older sister like figure, despite her being younger than him canonically lmao)
but with YOONGI, on the other hand,,, their romance would be *chef’s kiss*
first of all, yoongi is stubborn. he thinks he’s always right 😤 but like,,, so does yn. hear me out 😳 that might sound like a recipe for disaster, but yoongi and yn aren’t heartless people either. they do actually care. so while they would probably drive each other crazy with their strong-ass personalities, they would also secretly admire each other for standing up for what they believe in, respectively
their romance would probably best be set in a dystopian/sci-fi setting. probably a lot of angst 😤😤 their romance would look calm and collected on the outside but would realistically be fiery and explosive on the inside!!
this was a LOT harder than i thought 😭😭😭✋but it was so fun to revisit my older characters and try to ship them with my other characters!! lmk if you agree or disagree 👀
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