#oathbringer spoilers
cyber-marce · 2 days
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i broke down after reading this, god fucking damn kaladin.
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"Ah, of course, he's probably their leader now or something" - Adolin, when Kaladin shows up unannounced one morning with an army of 500-600 soldiers.
You can't ask Kaladin to infiltrate anything without him catapulting himself into a leadership role within days.
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nevertheless-moving · 6 months
canonically, in the cosmere, Invested individuals persist in the cognitive realm for a short time after end of life in the physical. Considering Elhokar was in the midst of swearing the First Ideal, and was highly likely to have had numerous infused gems on his person, I think it's not only plausible but probable that he survived in the cognitive realm for at least a couple minutes after his death.
all that is to say, Elhokar got to see his son be rescued by Drehy and Skar. and also got to watch Kaladin Stormblessed crawl emotionally devastated towards his unmoving body. So you know. It's not all bad.
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swagspren · 8 months
It’s actually so legendary of Dalinar to learn to read and write for the purpose of putting to paper all the times he fucked up bad
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sadibadimadi · 16 days
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My sister knows what’s up
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twobitsandanibble · 2 months
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Totally legit kowt bingo board
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Other worldhoppers: lol, looks like Roshar's in crisis. Let's go over there and cause problems on purpose. Hey that guy is obviously the main character we should totally go annoy him!
Azure: Hmm. I wonder what that guy's deal is. Anyway we need people on the walls
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cosmereplay · 4 months
We see a lot of examples of life before death and journey before destination, but I find the examples of strength before weakness a bit more subtle, or easier to gloss over. This one struck me today, from Dalinar's POV:
Renarin set his bowl beside his seat. It was easy to fall into the habit of underestimating Renarin. He always moved in this careful, deliberate way. It made him seem fragile. Don't forget, part of Dalinar thought. When you were broken on the floor, consumed by your past, this boy held you. Don't forget who was strong, when you--the Blackthorn--were weak.
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vanilla-vivillon · 2 months
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All the red flags looked green
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luckyspren · 2 months
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Your pain, give it to me
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kaladinstormblessed09 · 2 months
I finished Oathbringer. I’m in shambles. I can’t coherently write a review. But “you cannot have my pain. I will take responsibility for what I have done. If I must fall I’ll rise each time a better man.” I’m crying over this. Dalinar! This is my favourite stormlight book now.
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highly-invested · 2 months
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Elhokar googled this during the battle of Kholinar
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to-shards-you-say · 7 months
moash killed elhokar so design could get a boob job and open her own business btw. he did that for the girlies
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nevertheless-moving · 5 months
Shallan and Kaladin never actually talk about him killing Helaran until well post Oathbringer, when, and it is important it happens in exactly this way, she and Balat are having a petty sibling fight in front of company and she yells "KALADIN CAN YOU KILL MY NEXT OLDEST BROTHER"
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swagspren · 1 year
I know that they have definitely already met but it would be so ideal to me if adolin met hesina in urithiru just bc she is like someone to sew with or just bc she is basically the coolest guy around and one day adolin is like “kal there is this woman you have to meet. you would love her” and kal is like “my MOM???”
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miss-madithe-baddie · 6 months
Never mind if the other option is as handsome as sun, kind to everyone he meets regardless of thier station, passionate about his art, and genuinely humble in the weirdest, most confident way. Never mind if he actually seems to get you, and remarkably listens to your problems, encouraging you to be you - not hide yourself away. Never mind if being near him makes you want to rip his shirt off and push him into the nearest alleyway, then kiss him until he can’t breathe anymore. If he can’t fly, then well, you just have to call it off!
Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer
Raise your standards friends. Adolin Kholin is the bar.
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