toasttt11 · 6 hours
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March 3, 2021
Jack was over at Oscar and Nico’s apartment hanging out with the two, Oscar left the room to use the restroom and Nico and Jack were getting snacks.
“You guys always have a lot of pretzels.” Jack commented as he grabbed a bag that wasfilled with pretzels and Jack could’ve sworn the bag he saw last time he was here was just as full still when he left.
Nico snickered making Jack snap his head over to him, “What?” Jack looked confused on what’s funny.
“You are the only one that likes them.” Nico snickered answering him.
“But why do i always have them?” Jack looked even more confused as he just assumed that Oscar liked them because he always had them at his apartment.
“Because Beds buys them for you.” Nico told Jack having found it sweet when he realized what Oscar was doing.
“For me?” Jack repeated softly, he looked down at the bag of pretzels that are his favorite snack.
“Yeah Beds hates pretzels actually.” Nico chuckled again, “Like he can’t stand them but then started buying them from you.”
Jack smiled softly at how sweet that is.
Oscar walked in looking between the two suspicious before Jack walked over to him and cupped his face pulling him into a very passionate kiss.
Oscar blinked as they pulled apart looking at Jack with loving smile and flushed cheeks, “Not that i mind but what was that for?”
“You buy me pretzels.” Jack softly pouted looking at Oscar with his big puppy dog eyes absolutely melting from Oscar’s actions.
Oscar cheeks turned red as he realized Jack knows what he has been doing, “Yeah you like them.” Oscar explained extremely simply, Jack likes pretzels and he wants Jack to have what he likes.
If it was even possible Jack melted more and pulled Oscar into another long and passionate kiss.
“Alright you two no more in front of me.” Nico groaned being dramatic and covering his eyes.
“Then we won’t be in front of you.” Jack sassed, sadly pulling away from his boyfriend and stopping kissing him, Jack grabbed Oscar’s hand and pulled him out of the kitchen and towards Oscar’s bedroom.
Oscar smirked and waved at Nico, Nico just groaned and grabbed his headphones.
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toasttt11 · 7 days
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February 1, 2021
Oscar was laying on his hotel bed in Buffalo after the game the New Jersey Devils won a few hours against the Sabres.
Nico was really sick when the team left for two game road trip so he was staying home and hopefully getting better but it also meant that Oscar was rooming with Jack for the trip instead of his usual roommate, Nico.
Oscar noticed how close Jack and him have gotten during the break especially with how much Oscar and Jack talked and texted each other over the few months they were both home.
Oscar and Jack both fell asleep many times with each other on face time and Jack was always so happy to wake up and see Oscar fast asleep on the face time.
Oscar remembered how tightly Jack held onto him when they saw each other a few weeks ago after the break and Oscar really enjoyed that hug he shared with Jack.
Oscar snapped out of his thoughts when the bathroom door opened and Jack walked out after taking a shower and he was wearing a hoodie Oscar knew very well.
“You still have it?” Oscar softly asked smiling in disbelief, he thought Jack would just get rid of it and not keep his hoodie.
Jack blinked and looked down at the hoodie he was wearing and flushed bright red, “Oh yeah i’ve had it,” Jack fiddled with the larger sleeves, “I can give it back if you want?” Jack nervously rambled and went to take it off but Oscar quickly shook his head making Jack freeze and slowly put his hands back down.
“No, No it looks better on you.” Oscar cleared his throat after he said that realizing it was flirty and he didn’t want to make Jack uncomfortable.
Jack paused and titled his head thoughtfully looking at Oscar, “It looks better on me?” Jack softly asked feeling incredibly hopeful as he stepped closer to Oscar.
Oscar sat up from the bed narrowing his eyes curiously at Jack and reluctantly “You look very pretty.” Oscar boldly told Jack but still swallowing nervously but it was worth it with the way Jack lite up and beamed happily at him.
“You think so?” Jack beamed softly asking as he walked in closer to Oscar as Oscar slowly opened his legs letting Jack step between if he wants to.
“I think you always look beautiful Jack.” Oscar truthfully told Jack, watching him very intently as Jack seemed to take a deep breath before stepping the last step so he was standing between Oscar’s legs.
Oscar hesitantly brought his hands up and looked at Jack for permission and Jack nodded making Oscar gently rest his hands on Jack’s hips.
Jack smiled softly finally getting closer to having the boy he’s been dreaming about for the past few years.
Jack bit his lip before he gently brought his legs up onto the bed and straddled Oscar’s lap making Oscar blink in shock but fully relaxed holding on to Jack. Jack wrapped his arms around Oscar’s neck tightly.
“Hi.” Jack hopefully and softly whispered to Oscar.
“Hello.” Oscar softly whispered back gently rubbing one of his hands across Jack’s back.
Oscar brought his other hand up and gently cupped Jack’s cheek watching Jack’s face making sure he was not making Jack uncomfortable, Oscar gently brushed back Jack’s hair behind his ear as he gently caressed Jack’s face.
Jack made a happy sound and leaned more into Oscar’s touch, he thought he could now die happily getting Oscar’s attention like this, something he has dreamed of having for years.
“Do you have feelings for me Jack?” Oscar softly questioned as he gently brought his finger around Jack’s face and traced Jack’s small nose.
“I thought that was obvious Osc.” Jack softly teased but still rubbed his nose against Oscar’s finger.
“It might’ve been i didn’t notice.” Oscar truthfully anwsered back, he thought he was more distracted by Jack to notice Jack’s feelings for him.
“And do you have feelings for me?” Jack hesitated asking nervously, he look at Oscar with very hopeful eyes and watched as Oscar’s face seemed to soften even more as he looked at him.
“I do.” Oscar simply answered looking at Jack softly.
Jack bit his lip trying to keep his happy squeal contained but could not hide his smile at all.
“Can i kiss you Jack?” Oscar softly asked moving his hand through Jack’s hair and cupping the back of his head.
Jack will never get over how much he loves Oscar saying his name.
Jack rapidly nodded with a giddy smile making Oscar let out a very fond breath.
Oscar pulled Jack closer to him making their foreheads brush against each other, Oscar gently rubbed Jack’s head as he held onto Jack.
“Come on.” Jack impatiently whined pouting at Oscar, just wanting to finally kiss Oscar.
Oscar fondly rolled his eyes but pressed his lips to Jack’s.
Jack all but melted against Oscar and kept his arms wrapped around Oscars neck tightly as he happily kept his lips pressed to Oscar’s.
Oscar gently tugged on Jack’s hair making Jack whine slighty against Oscar’s lip and Oscar mentally saved that for later.
Oscar slowly pulled back panting trying to catch his breath as Jack tried to leaned forward to connect their lips again but pouted when Oscar stopped him.
“You do know you are stuck with me now.” Jack soflty told Oscar as he looked at Oscar with soft puppy eyes.
Oscar let out a fond chuckle, “I wouldn’t want it any other way Baby.”
Jack felt his eyes widen and he could feel his cheeks burning like crazy and he hide his face against Oscar’s chest, he thought he might of just died hearing Oscar call him baby.
Oscar smiled softly at Jack’s reaction and knew that pet name would be sticking around.
“What you don’t like being called baby, baby?” Oscar softly teased as he leaned down to whisper in Jack’s ear.
“Fuck off.” Jack grumbled against Oscars chest but couldn’t help but smile feeling Oscar’s chest shake with laughter.
Jack pressed a soft kiss to Oscar’s chest before reluctantly looking up but keeping his chin resting on Oscar’s chest.
“Letting you know you are my boyfriend now.” Jack sternly demanded looking at Oscar with his puppy eyes.
“I know.” Oscar fondly replied and hesitated but leaned down pressing a kiss to Jack’s forehead.
Jack beamed happily and let out a sigh of content, “Again!” Jack playfully demanded leaning his forehead closer to Oscar.
Oscar smiled but compiled to Jack’s request
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ilovepapers · 5 years
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Get Wallpaper: https://ilovepapers.com/ob98-rose-minimal-simple-flower-nature-spring/ - HD Wallpapers by Artists via http://ilovepapers.com
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1 : 以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします2017/09/22(金) 20:50:32.208 ID Z3YbMdY50 .net 日常 4 : 以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします2017/09/22(金) 20:50:52.443 ID oB98++Kh0 .net ファントムワールド 15 : 以下、\(^o^)/でVIPがお送りします2017/09/22(金) 20:51:52.540 ID BwnWkVv3a .net 消失 続きを読む Source: デジタルニューススレッド
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toasttt11 · 24 days
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September 2, 2019
Oscar was running a hand over his hair yawning slightly as he stumbled into the locker room for the first day of training camp before the preseason.
Nico and Oscar’s apartment is luckily only a short drive to the arena so Oscar can sleep longer. Nico almost always is gone by the time Oscar stumbles out of bed, not that Oscar minded because he knows Nico likes being early and Oscar rather get there right on time.
Oscar heard his name being called and he turned his head seeing Taylor Hall calling for him and having an arm wrapped around a younger player and Oscar titled his head looking at the younger player’s face and realized he was the number one pick their team got, Jack Hughes.
Oscar slowly walked over and raised an eyebrow at Taylor.
“Bedsy this is Hughesy, Hughesy this is our koala he’s always looking so sleepy and sleeping everywhere.” Taylor beamed introducing the two and teasing Oscar, Oscar just fondly rolled his eyes use to the teasing about his sleep.
“Hi.” Jack beamed looking up at Oscar with bright eyes and a wide smile, Jack shifted on his feet nervously being introduced to the guy he’s been thinking about since he saw him playing in the WJC.
Oscar tightly smiled and nodded back and suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders and he looked over slighty and saw the light platinum blonde hair and knew who it was, “Hi Jes.” Oscar fondly mumbled back to one of his closest friends.
“Hi Beds.” Jesper softly beamed back hugging one of his closet friends having not seen him for a few weeks.
“It was nice meeting you Jack.” Oscar politely nodded and let Jesper drag him away.
Jack smiled and nodded back watching Oscar leave before his face redden and his eyes widen and he realized Oscar knew his name and not the name Taylor introduced him as.
Taylor let out a little laugh seeing the heart eyes Jack already has for Oscar and couldn’t wait to watch more interactions between them.
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toasttt11 · 22 days
first game
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October 11, 2018
Oscar walked into the Prudential Center for his first ever game in the National Hockey League. He picked out an all black suit with a white button down shirt and a burgundy tie, he has his cuff links on that his younger siblings got him.
Oscar walked in with his headphones in and ignored all the cameras around him as he walked into the locker room and headed over to his stall.
He took out his headphones and turned his phone off throwing them both into his stall and let out a breath and started to untie his tie.
Oscar pressed his lips together tightly as he looked down at his tie and noticed how many of his fingers he had broke the skin on.
It wasn’t something new for him and it’s a bad habit he has had for his whole life but he does try not to have any open wounds on his fingers before games because of the sweat from his gloves and he doesn’t want a risk at any infection.
Oscar let out a breath annoyed at himself but shook his head ignoring it for now and continued to un dress into his warm up clothes.
Oscar headed to the gym and started on the bike and started his warm ups, Miles patted Oscar’s shoulder as he joined him on the bike next to him.
Oscar finished warming up around the same time as most of the team and they decided to start a game of sewer.
Oscar let out a snicker as the ball hit Taylor right in the back making Taylor groan and dramatically fall to the floor.
After losing the ball in the roof one to many times the team headed back to the locker room and started getting ready for the game.
Oscar fiddled with his gloves trying not to pick anymore at his fingers and Nico titled his head and noticed Oscar fiddling with his gloves as they waited to go on to the ice for warm ups.
Nico noticed Oscar fiddles with his hands a lot.
Nico nudged Oscar and Oscar snapped his attention to Nico and Nico gestured for him to follow him onto the ice.
Before Oscar knew it he was skating to the center of the ice about to take the first face off of the game and his first in the NHL, he looked to his sides and saw Taylor and Nico both giving him encouraging looks.
Oscar let out a small breath and looked straight waiting for the puck to drop.
From the second the game started anyone could tell the Devils were dominating the game and within a few minutes the first goal was scored by a rookie.
Oscar Bedard got his first goal.
The game was flying by and before Oscar even realized the second period was already over and they were heading back to the locker room.
Oscar leaned his head back against his stall closing his eyes and before he knew it he was fast asleep in the stall.
Nico turned his head to the right and looked at Oscar who was next to him and found him sleeping, Nico shook his head fondly kinda surprised but not really. Nico has know Oscar for a few months now and they live together and he knows Oscar will fall asleep anywhere he just didn’t think in between periods of a game.
Nico just tossed a wad of tape over Oscar to the stall next to him hitting Jesper, Jesper turned another and saw Nico gesturing to Oscar. Jesper turned to Oscar and let out a little laugh seeing Oscar fast asleep with his head back against the stall.
Nico and Jesper shared a fond chuckle before they turned back to themselves and getting ready for the third period.
Nico saw there was a minute before they had to get back on the ice, he gently shook Oscar, “Beds. Beds.” Oscar grumbled but squinted his eyes open, “Come on its time for the third period.” Nico told him making Oscar nod and run a hand through his hair.
Oscar shook his head waking himself up and he grabbed a energy waffle and started eating it quickly and throwing on his jersey and heading out of the locker room and onto the ice for the last period of the game.
The buzzer rang through out the arena at the end of the game, The New Jersey Devils won 6-0 against the Washington Capitals on the first game of the season.
Oscar smiled as he was brought into many hugs on the ice everyone congratulating him on his first NHL game. Oscar had gotten two goals and two assists on his first ever game in the NHL.
Oscar was his regular monotone self through all the media at the end of the game before he was finally released and he quickly headed to the showers and took a quick shower and threw on his suit and hurried out of the locker room and to the family room.
Oscar walked in the room and saw many family members in there but was looking for his.
“Ozzie!” A thirteen year old Connor spoke smiling as he quickly ran to his older brother, Oscar quickly wrapped his arms around his little brother holding him against him tightly.
Fifteen year old Madi smiled and walked over to him hugging Oscar on his other side. Oscar softy smiled and wrapped one of his arms around his little sister as well.
“You played so good!” Connor looked up at Oscar in awe and giant smile in his Devils Jersey with their last name and number on the back, “You second was goal was so cool!” Connor gushed he couldn’t wait till he played with Oscar.
“Thank you buddy.” Oscar softly whispered back kissing the top of his head and leaned over kissing Madi’s head too, “Thank you for coming Mads.”
“Course Oz.” Madi sweetly smiled back.
“Oh sweetheart.” Melanie smiled and pulled her eldest into a hug once her other kids let go of him, “I’m so proud of you.” Melanie softly cooed hugging him tightly.
Oscar soflty smiled and melted into his mother’s warm embrace, he’s always had a very special relationship with his mother.
Tom clapped Oscar’s shoulder giving him a proud smile.
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toasttt11 · 16 days
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October 29, 2019
Oscar and Nico were having their usually hang out at their apartment, where they just watch a game or movie or play video games and eat a bunch of food.
Jesper always joins and most of the time Taylor, Kevin and Boqvist usually join too and sometimes Miles.
Oscar had invited Jack too, wanting Jack to get closer to the team outside of the ice too.
Oscar and Nico were in their kitchen working on some snacks and drinks when there was a knock at the door.
Nico looked at the clock and it was early for the time they had set and he knows know the boys would even be early they are always late.
“Who’s here early?” Nico looked towards Oscar for an answer.
“Could be Jack.” Oscar shrugged as he poured the bag of pretzels into a bowl and scrunching his nose in disgust at the pretzels, having always thought they are disgusting.
Nico froze and look at Oscar in surprise, Oscar never invites anyone letting Nico do it because Oscar doesn’t care who shows up. So for Oscar to personally invite someone to their apartment is extremely rare.
Nico shook his head and headed to the door and smiling as he greeted Jack.
Nico led Jack to the kitchen and he watched as Jack bounced right over to Oscar and beamed up at him and what surprised Nico was the way Oscar’s eyes soften as he looked at Jack.
“Pretzels!” Jack beamed as he saw his exact favorite snack, “Thanks Oscar.”
Oscar nodded and Nico blinked in shock again because Oscar absolutely hated pretzels and he willingly bought them for Jack?
Nico shook his head and knew he was in for a lot more surprises.
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