jualkantongtehkosong · 11 months
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KLIK: https://wa.me/0882-0089-8640-7, obat hernia, obat herbal alami, obat hernia ampuh, obat hernia sumatra
AKAR BAJAKAH solusi almai untuk penyakit hernia, penderita hernia seringkali mencari solusi yang alami dan aman untuk meredakan gejala mereka. akar bajakah telah dikenal secara tradisional sebagai ramuan alami yang dapat membantu mengurangi nyeri dan ketidaknyamanan akibat hernia MANFAAT AKAR BAJAKAH UNTUK PENYAKIT HERNIA yaitu, mengurangi nyeri,memprkuat otot,anti-inflamasi, memperbaiki sistem pencernaan.
ISI 250g 100% HALAL
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sadashivg · 1 year
Understanding Hernias: Types, Causes, and Symptoms
Hernias, a prevalent medical condition affecting millions worldwide, can affect individuals of any age, regardless of gender. While they may not pose an immediate threat to life, untreated hernias can result in significant discomfort and potential complications. Today, we seek guidance from Dr. Sadashiv Chaudhari, a distinguished hernia specialist in Mumbai. He will enlighten us on various aspects of hernias, encompassing their types, causes, and symptoms, providing valuable insights into this common issue
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What is a Hernia?
A hernia occurs when an organ or tissue pushes through a weak spot or tear in the muscles or connective tissues that hold it in place. Hernias can develop in various parts of the body, but the most common types are inguinal, femoral, umbilical, hiatal, and incisional hernias.
Types of Hernias
Inguinal Hernia: The most common type of hernia, known as an inguinal hernia, occurs when a portion of the intestine or bladder bulges through the abdominal wall or into the inguinal canal located in the groin area. Inguinal hernias are more commonly observed in men than in women.
Femoral Hernia: Femoral hernias are less common and typically affect women more than men. They occur when tissue, often part of the intestine, pushes through the femoral canal, which is located in the upper thigh.
Umbilical Hernia: Umbilical hernias are most common in infants, but they can also occur in adults. They develop when part of the intestine pushes through the abdominal wall near the navel (umbilicus).
Hiatal Hernia: A piece of the stomach that pushes through the diaphragm and into the chest cavity is known as a hiatal hernia. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and this kind of hernia are linked.
Incisional Hernia: The site of a previous surgical incision is where incisional hernias form. If the abdominal muscles were weakened during surgery, they are more prone to happen.
Causes of Hernias
Hernias can develop for various reasons, including:
Muscle Weakness: A common cause of hernias is weakened muscles. This can be due to factors such as aging, injury, or a congenital condition.
Heavy Lifting: Straining while lifting heavy objects can increase abdominal pressure and lead to hernias.
Chronic Constipation or Straining: Conditions that cause chronic constipation and excessive straining during bowel movements can increase the risk of hernias.
Pregnancy: Pregnancy can put extra pressure on the abdominal muscles and increase the risk of hernias.
Obesity: Excess body weight can strain the abdominal muscles and contribute to hernia development.
Hernia Symptoms
The symptoms of a hernia can vary depending on the type and severity, but common signs and symptoms include:
Visible Lump: One of the most noticeable signs of a hernia is a bulge or lump at the site of the hernia, which may become more prominent when standing or straining.
Pain or Discomfort: Hernias can cause pain or discomfort, especially when lifting, coughing, or straining during bowel movements.
Burning or aching sensation: Some individuals with hernias may experience a burning or aching sensation at the hernia site.
Feeling of fullness: Hernias can create a feeling of fullness or pressure in the affected area.
Nausea and vomiting: Hiatal hernias can lead to symptoms like heartburn, nausea, and vomiting, particularly after eating.
Hernias are a common medical issue that can affect anyone. While they may not always pose an immediate threat, they can lead to complications if left untreated. Recognizing the types, causes, and symptoms of hernias is crucial in seeking timely medical attention. Dr. Sadashiv Chaudhari, a leading hernia specialist in Mumbai, emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and appropriate treatment to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients with hernias. If you suspect you may have a hernia or are experiencing any related symptoms, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional promptly.
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If you're experiencing any of these five silent signs of a hernia, it's important not to ignore them. These symptoms can indicate a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention. our expert Dr. N. Subrahmaneshwar Babu is available to diagnose and treat hernias as well as provide guidance on prevention and management. Don't wait until it's too late, contact us today to schedule an appointment.
Book an appointment today!!!
Call: +91 9490808080
Web: https://www.hillsgastrocare.com
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drrajeevkapoor · 2 years
Hernia Surgeon In Chandigarh
Risk you can face after your hernia treatment are- Infection. Bleeding. Blood clots
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Visit us now for best hernia surgeon in Chandigarh.
Fortis Hospital, Sector 62, Mohali, Punjab (India) - 160062
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thestarhospital · 2 years
Hiatus Hernia Treatment, हाय्टस हर्निया, GERD Lax LES Reflux Disease Acidity, ऐसिड रिफ़लक़्स का इलाज Gastric Acid Reflux is a very common problem and very frequently people will be diagnosed to have Hiatus Hernia, Lax LES or GERD once they get evaluated for their problems. This video tries to touch upon all major aspects of these diseases and gives you and idea how to manage them. We hope this is useful for our audience.
STAR Hospital - Region's First Super-Specialist Centre for Bariatric Surgery | Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery | LASER Surgery
Dr. Jasmeet Singh Ahluwalia (MS, FNB-MAS, FBMS) Super-Specialist Bariatric, Metabolic & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon
STAR Hospital 9A, Link Road Jalandhar-144003 India
Helpline: +91-9888958889
Website: http://drjasmeetahluwalia.com
YouTube channel : https://youtube.com/c/drjasmeetsinghahluwalia
Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/drjasmeetahluwalia/
Google Map Link - https://maps.app.goo.gl/tgBRuhrc4V9opskx8
Appointment: 0181-4674888
For International Patients-
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Long term follow-up from India
What is a hiatal hernia?
In this condition where upper part of stomach is pulled into chest and now lies in chest rather than abdome. Normally stomach lies in abdomen (tummy). Food pipe joins stomach after coming out from chest through diaphragm (which separates chest from abdomen). Once stomach goes to chest, this disturbs the mechanism that prevents reflux of acid and food back into food pipe and leads to all the symptoms felt by such patient. The opening through which food pipe passes to reach abdomen is call hiatus and hence this condition is called Hiatus Hernia. This condition mostly occurs in people who are over 50 years old but can happen at any age. These days many young people are seen to be suffering from this condition and require surgery.
Types of hiatal hernia:
Sliding hiatal hernia This is the most common type of hiatus hernia. Stomach and food pipe (esophagus) slides into the chest through the hiatus opening.
Fixed hiatal hernia (Paraesophageal type) The junction of food pipe and stomach stays in abdomen but part of stomach moves into the chest just parallel to the food pipe from the hiatus.
What causes a hiatal hernia? The exact cause may not be evident in most cases. Still some cases may be related to:
Prolonged coughing Prolonged vomiting Chronic constipation Heavy weight lifting Can be a defect at birth as well Obesity Old age Smoking
Symptoms: Heartburns – especially on lying down Reflux of acid or food into chest or mouth Chest heaviness or pain Belching Feelling of vomiting or vomiting
GERD vs hiatal hernias: Gastroesophageal reflux disease is said to occur when food from stomach enters back into food pipe. The cause behind this may or may not be Hiatus Hernia.
Tests for Hiatus Hernia:
Endoscopy This is the gold standard and most commonly done test for Hiatus Hernia these days. A long flexible scope is inserted into from mouth via food pipe into stomach and hernia can be directly seen. Any complication due to hernia can also be seen.
Other tests like barium X-ray are not common these days.
Lifestyle changes: Eating smaller meals split across several times a day instead of three large meals may help Avoid any form of spices Avoid oily food like parantha, samosa etc. Decrease oil in sabzi Avoid tea and coffee Avoid alcohol, smoking Avoid mint and chocolate Avoid too citrus food like lemon juice, mosanbi juice etc Do not sleep prone (belly down) Avoid lifting heavy weight Avoid tight clothes tied across abdomen
Treatment options for hiatal hernias: If the hernia is small (under 2cm) and is not causing any symptom, it may not require any surgery. But if it is big (over 2cm) and especially if it is causing symptoms, it may require surgery. Medicines may be able to decrease symptoms of hernia but can not cure it. If left untreated, size of hernia may increase with time and become more difficult to operate upon.
Surgery: You must seek an opinion from a surgeon who performs such type of surgeries if you require surgery for this disease. Since such surgeries are not being performed by all surgeons, you may not get a satisfactory reply from all doctors regarding need of surgery.
Laparoscopic Fundoplication: This surgery is done by key hole method and hence there will be no big cut on abdomen (tummy). Migrated stomach is brought back into abdomen, loose hiatus is tightened and a wrap of upper stomach is created around food pipe to form a new valve to prevent reflux of food into food pipe. This is the most common surgery being done worldwide for hiatus hernia and gives excellent results. There are subtypes of this surgery which you may discuss with your surgeon before surgery.
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docjasmeet · 2 years
Inguinal Hernia _ Groin Hernia _ Laparoscopic Surgery for Groin Inguinal _ Groin Hernia _ Key Hole
In this video Dr. Jasmeet Singh Ahluwalia (MS, FNB-MAS, FBMS), SuperSpecialist Bariatric & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon, explains about Inguinal Hernia (known as groin hernia commonly). Inguinal Hernia occurs at junction of abdomen (tummy) and thigh. It is more common in males. He is a superspecialist laparoscopic surgeon and talks about all aspects of such hernias including advantages of laparoscopic surgery over open surgery in such cases. He performs all types of groin hernia surgeries like TEP, TAPP, ETEP, Lichensteins repair etc. He performes laparoscopic surgery for even complex hernias like hiatus hernia, diaphragmatic hernia, spigelian hernia etc.
Advantages of Laparoscopic Hernia Repair over open surgery:
Smaller cut – more cosmetic Bigger mesh can be inserted – so may have less chances of recurrence. Requires just three small holes for even both side groin hernias. Covers all kinds of holes for groin hernias as opposed to open surgery. Quicker recovery. Earlier return to work.
Visit us for Best Laparoscopic Surgery | Minilap Surgery | Single Incision Surgery | Bariatric Surgery | Weight Loss Surgery | Metabolic Surgery | Diabetes Surgery in Punjab, India:
Appointment by phone:
+91-9888958889 | +91-8196981385
Dr. Ahluwalia is a super-specialist in this field and currently runs a weight loss center in Punjab, India at Jalandhar. He is one of the best Bariatric Surgeon in the region and also the most qualified. He has been trained in among the best weight loss surgery hospital in India and also in one of the best bariatric surgery hospital in the world. Log on to https://www.drjasmeetahluwalia.com to know more about him.
Diabetes surgery or Diabetic surgery is a kind of metabolic surgery done for not so obese individuals who are suffering from Type 2 Diabetes and are not able to keep it under control with medicines (drugs).
Bariatric Surgery in India has gained a lot of momentum over last decade. Cost of bariatric surgery in India is also much less as compared to the western world.
Mini Gastric bypass or MGB has become quite popular over last few years in India
Feel confident when you meet Dr. Jasmeet Singh Ahluwalia as he is one of the top Bariatric Surgeons in Punjab, India. He runs a fully equipped bariatric surgery centre. His team consists of many other specialist & super-specialists like Cardiologist, Gastroenterologist, Nephrologist, Pulmonologist, Psychiatrist, physician, intensivist, anesthetist, psychologist, dietician, physiotherapist etc. All this makes his center - A top Bariatric Surgery Centre or A top Weight loss Surgery Center or Best Bariatric Surgery Hospital in Punjab – whatever you may call it!
How to lose weight? Its a question millions are asking. We at our center use the latest scientific knowledge to answer this question and offer solutions which are customized to your body needs –
Diet plans for weight loss (dieting)
Exercise for weight loss
Lifestyle changes
Bariatric Surgeries
We offer a wide range of bariatric surgeries or weight loss surgery for obesity – Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG or LSG) Mini gastric bypass (MGB) Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypas (RYGB or RGB) Duodenojejunal Bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy (LDJB SG) Proximal Jejunal Bypass
Visit is for best bariatric surgery in Punjab: https://www.drjasmeetahluwalia.com https://www.codmas.com Appointment by phone: +91-9888958889 | +91-8196981385
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gestunhacks-blog · 5 years
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Hernia atau turun berok adalah kondisi yang terjadi ketika organ dalam tubuh menekan dan mencuat melalui jaringan otot atau jaringan ikat disekitar nya yang lemah - Bantu sembuhkan turun berok dengan suplemen Proargi 9 plus dari synergy - Chat saya di WA: 0812-8097-3626 jika ada pertanyaan - #hernia #obathernia #herbalhernia #gejalahernia #efekhernia #sebabhernia #obatpelangsingaman #jualpelangsingbadan #agensmartdetox #distributorsmartdetox https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Z2oI6gDVM/?igshid=1vppnmpu1woem
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myakasn-blog · 5 years
Cara Menyembuhkan Hernia secara Alami tanpa Operasi
Ingin sembuh dari Hernia? Namun anda khawatir dan takut, kalau saja langkah untuk mengambil tindakan operasi bedah terpaksa harus dilakukan.  
Ada baiknya anda untuk mencoba cara mengobati hernia yang satu ini, siapa tahu saja cocok dan benar-benar terbukti ampuh.!
Hernia terjadi saat suatu organ menonjol keluar melalui celah pada otot atau jaringan penyangganya. Masalah ini paling sering terjadi pada bagian perut. Namun, hernia juga dapat terjadi pada paha atas, pusar, dan selangkangan. Meskipun sebagian besar kasus hernia tidak mengancam keselamatan, kondisi ini tidak akan sembuh dengan sendirinya dan membutuhkan tindakan operasi untuk mencegah komplikasi yang mungkin berbahaya. Hasil gambar untuk hernia Hernia
Penyebab Hernia
Hernia disebabkan oleh kombinasi antara kondisi otot yang tertarik dan melemah. Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan otot tubuh melemah, yaitu:
   Usia.    Batuk kronis.    Bawaan lahir, terutama di pusar dan diafragma.    Cedera atau komplikasi dari operasi di bagian perut.
Gejala Hernia
Gejala hernia bervariasi, tergantung lokasi dan tingkat keparahan. Hernia di perut atau selangkangan ditandai dengan munculnya benjolan atau tonjolan yang dapat hilang ketika berbaring. Namun, benjolan dapat muncul kembali ketika penderita tertawa, batuk, atau mengejan. Gejala hernia lainnya adalah :
   Nyeri di area benjolan, terutama ketika mengangkat atau membawa benda berat.    Rasa berat dan tidak nyaman di perut, terutama ketika membungkuk.    Konstipasi.    Ukuran benjolan semakin membesar seiring waktu. Bagi anda yang ingin melakukan pengobatan Hernia secara Alami tanpa Operasi, berikut ini kami memberikan informasi mengenai beberapa herbal yang bisa digunakan untuk membantu Menyembuhkan Hernia yang anda derita.
Cara Menyembuhkan Hernia secara Alami tanpa Operasi
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa jenis obat herbal hernia yang dipercaya dapat membantu mengobati hernia:
   Yoghurt. Produk olahan susu yang satu ini termasuk nikmat dikonsumsi. Kabarnya, yoghurt dapat menjadi salah satu produk yang bisa dijadikan sebagai obat herbal hernia. Benarkah? Hingga saat ini belum ada penelitian yang mengatakan bahwa yoghurt dapat membantu pasien dalam mengobati hernia.
   Meski begitu, yoghurt termasuk makanan yang masih boleh dikonsumsi oleh penderita hernia, khususnya hernia hiatus. Hal ini karena yoghurt tidak meningkatkan produksi asam lambung sehingga tidak memperburuk kondisi penderita hernia hiatus. Hernia hiatus adalah kondisi pangkal lambung berada di rongga dada sehingga isi lambung mudah kembali naik ke kerongkongan.
   Jahe. Manfaat jahe antara lain adalah untuk mengurangi rasa sakit, meredakan mual, mengurangi peradangan, dan mengatasi gangguan pencernaan . Jahe juga disebut-sebut sebagai makanan yang dapat menjadi obat herbal hernia. Tapi sayangnya, hingga kini juga belum ada penelitian yang membuktikan bahwa jahe dapat mengobati hernia atau memiliki manfaat kesehatan untuk menurunkan risiko hernia.
   Teh. Berikutnya ada teh yang juga dikabarkan dapat menjadi obat herbal hernia. Bagi Anda yang percaya hal ini, bersiaplah untuk kecewa. Teh bagi penderita hernia, khususnya hernia hiatus, adalah minuman yang seharusnya dihindari. Hal ini karena teh berisiko melemahkan otot sfingter kerongkongan bagian bawah, selain juga memiliki tingkat keasaman yang cukup tinggi, sehingga asam lambung dapat naik ke esofagus atau kerongkongan.
   Akar manis. Akar manis atau licorice merupakan tanaman yang biasa digunakan sebagai penambah rasa pada makanan atau minuman. Akar manis memiliki ragam manfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh, misalnya untuk mengatasi peradangan pada lapisan lambung, serta menangani sakit perut, batuk, dan sakit tenggorokan. Akar manis juga biasa digunakan untuk gangguan hati, keracunan makanan, TBC, malaria, dan osteoarthritis. Tapi faktanya, lagi-lagi Anda harus kecewa. Hingga saat ini, belum ada penelitian yang mengatakan bahwa akar manis merupakan salah satu obat herbal hernia atau dapat meredakan hernia.
Bagi Anda yang mengeluhkan penyakit hernia dan tidak ingin melakukan tindakan operasi jangan berputus asa, karena kami disini akan menginformasikan cara mengobati hernia selain operasi dengan QnC Jelly Gamat.
QnC Jelly Gamat QnC Jelly Gamat yaitu  Obat herbal multikhasiat yang dapat mengatasi berbagai masalah kesehatan termasuk dalam mengatasi penyakit hernia tanpa operasi. QnC Jelly Gamat terbuat dari gamat emas spesies golden stichopus hermanii, salah satu jenis teripang dengan kandungan gizi lengkap dan kualitas terbaik.
Terbuat dari 100% bahan-bahan alami dimana Ekstrak Gamat Emas dijadikan sebagai bahan utamanya karena hewan laut ini memiliki kandungan gizi yang super lengkap. Berikut kandungan obat herbal jelly gamat qnc diantaranya :
    Protein 86,8%    Kolagen 80,0%    Mukopolisakarida    GamapeptideSaponin    Lektin    DHA & EPA    Cell Growth Factor    Antiseptik Alamiah    Asam Amino    Asam Lemak Essensial    Glucosamine dan Chondroitin    Glucasaminoglycans (GAGs)    Omega-3, 6 dan 9    Mineral    Vitamin A, B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin) dan B3 (Niacin)
Dari semua kandungan yang ada diatas, hanya kandungan Gamapeptide yang paling istimewa karena kandungan ini hanya bisa anda temukan pada jenis Ekstrak Gamat Emas “spesies golden stichopus variegatus” dengan memiliki khasiat yang sangat luar biasa seperti :
   Memelihara sirkulasi darah    3x lebih cepat dalam menyembuhkan luka luar dan luka dalam tubuh    Mestabilkan emosi    Meningkatkan kecantikan dan membuat kulit lebih muda    Mengurangi rasa sakit    Mengaktifkan pertumbuhan dan mengaktifkan sel-sel dalam tubuh
Khasiat QnC Jelly Gamat untuk membantu Menyembuhkan Hernia secara Alami tanpa Operasi kini sudah terbukti berdasarkan Testimoni para pemakainya !!
Cara Pesan Obat Hernia Herbal
Ketikan (Kode) ⇒ AHA : Jumlah Pesanan : Nama : Alamat Pemesan : No Hp/Telepon
Kirim Ke 0823.2011.4649
**** Contoh SMS Pemesanan untuk 4 Botol : AHA : 4 Botol : Nur Fasha : Jln. Lanud Wiriadinata Perum. Parahiangan No. 93 Kota. Tasikmalaya Jawa Barat : 0852.1142.057X
Kirim Ke 0823.2011.4649
INGAT !!! AHA adalah kode produk QNC Jelly Gamat . kode AHA harus dicantumkan disetiap anda melakukan pemesanan QnC Jelly Gamat untuk memperlancar proses pengiriman dan untuk menghindari tertukarnyanya produk.
Hanya di Agen resmi serperti kami anda akan mendapatkan pelayanan “Kirim barang dulu, bayar belakangan.” !!
Karena perlu anda ketahui bahwa : QnC Jelly Gamat TIDAK DIPASARKAN SECARA BEBAS, apabila produk ini lebih murah dipastikan produk PALSU. Dapatkan QnC Jelly Gamat Asli dan Kualitasnya Terbaik hanya di Agen Resmi kami. Dan jangan lupa untuk mengirimkan format sesuai dengan petunjuk (cantumkan kode produk (AHA) setiap melakukan pemesanan).
Konsultasi > hubungi kami di  0823.2011.4649
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If you have a hernia, it is important to avoid activities that can worsen the condition. This includes smoking, straining during bowel movements and urination, and lifting heavy weights. You should also cure any persistent coughs and maintain a healthy body weight. If you are suffering from hernia then book your appointment now with one of the best Surgical gastroenterologists in Hyderabad. For more information & Treatment.
Book an appointment today!!!
Call: +91 9490808080
Web: https://www.hillsgastrocare.com
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svasthvida · 2 years
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A hernia is known as Antra Vriddhi in Ayurveda, and it takes place when an internal organ in your abdomen gets displaced and swells outward. 
Hernia can be fatal to life if not treated at the right time. To treat Hernia with the help of Ayurveda, our ayurvedic doctors at Svasthvida performs different types of therapies like Snehana, Virechana, Niruha Basti.
Visit Our Website For More Information: https://svasthvida.com/services/ayurvedic-treatment-for-hernia.php
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medicubhealthcare · 3 years
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Do not ignore your hernia, nip it in the bud with our specialized & experienced care
Visit for more :-https://medicub.in/hernia OR call us +91 78421 78421
#MediCub #healthcare #hyderabad #hernia #obathernia #herbalhernia #herniamurah #obatherniamanjur #terapihernia #kapsulhernia #herniapamekasan
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thestarhospital · 2 years
Hiatus Hernia Treatment, हाय्टस हर्निया, GERD Lax LES Reflux Disease Acidity, ऐसिड रिफ़लक़्स का इलाज Gastric Acid Reflux is a very common problem and very frequently people will be diagnosed to have Hiatus Hernia, Lax LES or GERD once they get evaluated for their problems. This video tries to touch upon all major aspects of these diseases and gives you and idea how to manage them. We hope this is useful for our audience.
STAR Hospital - Region's First Super-Specialist Centre for Bariatric Surgery | Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery | LASER Surgery
Dr. Jasmeet Singh Ahluwalia (MS, FNB-MAS, FBMS) Super-Specialist Bariatric, Metabolic & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon
STAR Hospital 9A, Link Road Jalandhar-144003 India
Helpline: +91-9888958889
Website: http://drjasmeetahluwalia.com
YouTube channel : https://youtube.com/c/drjasmeetsinghahluwalia
Facebook page: https://m.facebook.com/drjasmeetahluwalia/
Google Map Link - https://maps.app.goo.gl/tgBRuhrc4V9opskx8
Appointment: 0181-4674888
For International Patients-
Tour planning & help in medical visa
Airport pickup and drop
Deluxe Suit
Local accomodation
Long term follow-up from India
What is a hiatal hernia?
In this condition where upper part of stomach is pulled into chest and now lies in chest rather than abdome. Normally stomach lies in abdomen (tummy). Food pipe joins stomach after coming out from chest through diaphragm (which separates chest from abdomen). Once stomach goes to chest, this disturbs the mechanism that prevents reflux of acid and food back into food pipe and leads to all the symptoms felt by such patient. The opening through which food pipe passes to reach abdomen is call hiatus and hence this condition is called Hiatus Hernia. This condition mostly occurs in people who are over 50 years old but can happen at any age. These days many young people are seen to be suffering from this condition and require surgery.
Types of hiatal hernia:
Sliding hiatal hernia This is the most common type of hiatus hernia. Stomach and food pipe (esophagus) slides into the chest through the hiatus opening.
Fixed hiatal hernia (Paraesophageal type) The junction of food pipe and stomach stays in abdomen but part of stomach moves into the chest just parallel to the food pipe from the hiatus.
What causes a hiatal hernia? The exact cause may not be evident in most cases. Still some cases may be related to:
Prolonged coughing Prolonged vomiting Chronic constipation Heavy weight lifting Can be a defect at birth as well Obesity Old age Smoking
Symptoms: Heartburns – especially on lying down Reflux of acid or food into chest or mouth Chest heaviness or pain Belching Feelling of vomiting or vomiting
GERD vs hiatal hernias: Gastroesophageal reflux disease is said to occur when food from stomach enters back into food pipe. The cause behind this may or may not be Hiatus Hernia.
Tests for Hiatus Hernia:
Endoscopy This is the gold standard and most commonly done test for Hiatus Hernia these days. A long flexible scope is inserted into from mouth via food pipe into stomach and hernia can be directly seen. Any complication due to hernia can also be seen.
Other tests like barium X-ray are not common these days.
Lifestyle changes: Eating smaller meals split across several times a day instead of three large meals may help Avoid any form of spices Avoid oily food like parantha, samosa etc. Decrease oil in sabzi Avoid tea and coffee Avoid alcohol, smoking Avoid mint and chocolate Avoid too citrus food like lemon juice, mosanbi juice etc Do not sleep prone (belly down) Avoid lifting heavy weight Avoid tight clothes tied across abdomen
Treatment options for hiatal hernias: If the hernia is small (under 2cm) and is not causing any symptom, it may not require any surgery. But if it is big (over 2cm) and especially if it is causing symptoms, it may require surgery. Medicines may be able to decrease symptoms of hernia but can not cure it. If left untreated, size of hernia may increase with time and become more difficult to operate upon.
Surgery: You must seek an opinion from a surgeon who performs such type of surgeries if you require surgery for this disease. Since such surgeries are not being performed by all surgeons, you may not get a satisfactory reply from all doctors regarding need of surgery.
Laparoscopic Fundoplication: This surgery is done by key hole method and hence there will be no big cut on abdomen (tummy). Migrated stomach is brought back into abdomen, loose hiatus is tightened and a wrap of upper stomach is created around food pipe to form a new valve to prevent reflux of food into food pipe. This is the most common surgery being done worldwide for hiatus hernia and gives excellent results. There are subtypes of this surgery which you may discuss with your surgeon before surgery.
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gunjanhospital · 3 years
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Gunjan Hospital is one of the top hernia treatment Day care Hospitals in Noida, Delhi NCR with top-notch treatment standards. Book an appointment for the consultation. Contact us for appointments:- Email Id :- [email protected] Phone :- +91 9319358937 #gunjanhospital #hernia #obathernia #herbalhernia #herniamurah #obatherniamanjur #terapihernia #kapsulhernia #herniapamekasan #solusihernia #herniakapsul #terapiherniamurah #herbalherniaori #herniamadura #obatherniamadura #herbalherniapamekasan #atasihernia #postura #obatherniapamekasan #herniadedisco #solca #fisioterapia #ortopedia #nurulherbalmadura #nurulherbal #columnavertebral #rehabilitacion #kapsulherniapamekasana
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kkhospitalpune · 5 years
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Abnormal bulging on abdomen. Can be Hernia. Only treatment is Surgery. For more details- Call us on 9763725913 [email protected] www.kkhospitalpune.in Address:- S No 52/1/6, shriram Nagar, Mundhwa Bypass Chowk, pune-411014.
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