chaosbcund · 5 years
@obeyeternally​ said: "....You are perhaps the strangest looking hedgehog I have ever come across." Says the hedgehog with one eye and a gaping hole where his other eye should have been. Shadow paused, then continued, "and that is saying something."
        “ OH, isn’t that just RICH coming from YOU! ” INSULT GOES FLYING OVER THE CHAOTIC ENTITY’S HEAD, hyena-like laughter emitted from unholy maw of razors as he begins circling ebony ‘hog. it’s his ever prominent SHARK-LIKE behavior, yet he does not pounce like one would expect from feral being--- instead he simply continues without falling ill to dizziness, laughter finding itself bubbled down to that of incessant giggles.
        THOUGH CIRCLING DOES NOT LAST, as the golden demon is coming to halt right back where he had started--- just before shadow. with no warning does he lurch forward, arm extending in almost FEROCIOUS manner expected of him, as if he decided not to play any games and go straight to absolutely SHREDDING shadow’s throat.
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        EXCEPT THAT’S NOT THE CASE AT ALL. with no regard for personal space is it surprising to see he’s simply cupping the side of shadow’s face within his hand--- specifically the side where missing eye could be seen. it’s unsettling really--- backed by the fact a PURR had escaped chaotic entity as he did so, moving closer so that faces would be mere centimeters from each other.
        “ it’s a shame, really. ” FLEETWAY SPEAKS IN LOW TONE--- alarmingly calm and fluid considering the demeanor shown only moments prior. clawed thumb is gently brushing itself over the other hedgehog’s cheek; a soft motion it was, but still held the threat of suddenly turning already gruesome injury into something even worse. “ if only i were there to have seen how you could’ve gotten this... ”
        TAME ATTITUDE IS SLOWLY GROWING MORE CORRUPT AS INTERACTION CONTINUES, yet the golden hedgehog is not making any moves to follow suit. “ though, i do wonder... ” he begins with another purr, grin widening.
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        “what NOISE it would make if i POPPED that other eye RIGHT out of your pretty skull? ”
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obeyeternally · 5 years
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Dusts off Dominic’s blog.
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Missed you all~.
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💙 - kinship ( symbolic familial bond )
Shipping Call - Send me one if you want to plot one or more of these
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((runs off to your DMs
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nothingphobia · 4 years
💛 - hateship ( enemies ) 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) [ listen i am also for hateships and i for one have wanted dominic / shadow to just LOATHE someone and this?? yes. ]
❛[ ✧ INFINITE ] ≻ PRIVATE FILES:RELATIONSHIP MEME // ACCEPTING!              ❛≻ 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) x4
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May I add another 💛 💛 for the road? BUT PLEASE GIVE ME THE ABSOLUTE LOATHING AND HATE? Give me a ‘i hate them with my entire being’ type of stuff please? With a side of please kick this jackals ass for me
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
MAINS [updated]
This is an official Mains Call / Mains Page, for Kendall Maurice Rennard’s universe! Please read this entire page, as it is very important!
What is a Main?
These Mains will be the default / assumed character when an ask is sent in, regarding that character! ( I.E, Knuckles, or Amy, etc. ) It is also the default character that Kendall will think of / refer to when mentioning said character. This is also the character that Kendall will have known for many, many, many years.
What do I have to do to become a Main?
You MUST READ KENDALL’S HISTORY PAGE! No two ways about it. I know the history page is long, but it’s imperative; I’ll be willing to flesh out the dynamics between Kendall & your character more. Not everything is fully set in stone! We can hash out further details!
You must acknowledge that ‘Sonic’ & CO. are NOW HUMANS, AND HAVE BEEN FORCEFULLY TRANSFORMED FROM THEIR MOBIAN STATES. Nobody knows why; most gave up trying to put it together ages ago. It has canonically been a year and a half since Kendall & co. transformed into regular humans; since Earth became ravaged by demons & angels; since society and stability fell into shambles.
You must have roleplayed with Kravitz with Kendall plenty, or plotted things, or have a good chemistry between Kendall & your character: it also helps if Kravitz knows you personally, but that isn’t strictly required!
You MUST BE WILLING to roleplay your character AGED UP! Kendall, in his default main verse, is nearing 30 years old! Thusly, your character must be close to his age ( Knuckles would be 31, Amy would be around…. 26 / 27? Tails [ who now goes by Miles Prower ] would be in his mid to late 20s! etc. )!
I’d LOVE for you to make a verse tag specifically for Kendall’s verse! This is just so I can keep track of your character in Kendall’s life a bit easier! A tag for Kendall himself would also be preferred!
Please be active! We don’t have to roleplay every single day, or what have you! But I do expect interaction, headcanon ideas, thread ideas, and the like to be tossed back and forth between us! I really want Kendall’s story to keep evolving and pushing forward, and I’ll need your help to do that! Kendall can’t have a main story if he doesn’t have anyone else to interact with, and his friends / your muses will be very important in those story events! Even in just little interactions! It all matters & adds up!
What can I expect as a Main?
Priority! I’ll be answering your threads / asks first! As mentioned above, your character is the one Kendall’s known for years! I’ll be tagging you in images, asks related to Kendall, headcanons. I’ll come to you first for any events / ideas I might have for Kendall!
A lot of interaction! Kendall’s going to be coming to your character a lot, with asks, with threads! He loves hanging out with his friends! It’ll never be a dull moment!!
My full trust: this might sound strange! But, I’ve had Kendall as a muse for about eight or nine years now: he means the world to me! I’ve been hesitant to make this entire page, because I worried that people might not be interested? I also worried that people may not stick around! If you’re a main, then I trust you to be there for Kendall! I trust you with Kendall, and interacting with him in a way that will be fun for both us of! You’ll also have my full support, that goes without saying!
Sharing! I’ll often find music or artwork or aesthetics that I think would fit Kendall and his interactions with your muse specifically! I’ll tag you in these, either on Tumblr or via discord ( if we’ve mutually shared it )! I’ll make playlists or images if I feel inspired / have some free time! I’ll share headcanon ideas, possible plot ideas, and I encourage you to do the same! I’d love to see things that make you think of your muse & Kendall!
World building! Kendall’s got a vast storyline: originally from Mobius, he & his friends were warped to Earth over 10 years ago ( as of current story timeline )! A lot of stuff’ll have happened between now and then! We don’t have to thread out all of it! But
I would love for us to sit down and hash out finer details about your muse’s life in Kendall’s timeline, how they interacted in Kendall’s life! Their own daily lives! What are they like as an adult? What were they like as a younger child, when first meeting Kendall? Expect a lot of world building together! Kravitz adores world building, especially with roleplay partners!
What can I NOT expect as a Main?
Exclusivity! While you will get top billing, I still want to interact with other muses of your character! This is just to keep everything fair, and I love seeing everybody’s interpretations of these characters!! I will never do exclusives, so please do not ask!
Expecting to be on 24/7! We all have lives, and it’s very important that we keep them healthy and balanced. While I love roleplaying, it isn’t everything! It’s totally fine if you need to be away for a while, or just can’t find the will to roleplay! I’ll understand: I will never hound you for interactions, or answering things. Just please let me know if it might take you a while to get to stuff!
Pressure to thread! If you’re just not feeling an interaction anymore in a certain thread, we can drop it. It’s okay! Just let me know you’re not feeling it anymore. We can make it shorter, end it somehow, or just scrap it entirely! I’m all for feeling out what might or might not work! Let’s work together to make this story our story and for it to be fun!
Will I lose Main status?
You may. If you’ve gone inactive for a year, without any word or contact, I’ll try and contact you. If I can’t, and you’re clearly not around anymore or interested, then I’ll drop you from the main status! If you also don’t want to be a main anymore, you’re free to come by and let me know! This is just so I can keep interactions, well, interacting! If we’re still in touch and you’re just not feeling up to writing, let me know and I’ll easily extend it for you! Again, no pressure!
Knuckles the Echidna ( Age range: 28 - 30 ) :
Amelia “Amy” Rose ( Age range: 25 - 27 ) :
Miles “Tails” Prower ( Age range: 23 - 25 ) :
Shadow the Hedgehog ( Age range: 28 - 31 ) :
Ivo Robotnik ( Age range: 30s ) : @chaoticonscious
Christopher Thorndyke ( Age range: 23 - 25 ) :
Rouge the Bat ( Age range: 28 - 30 ) :
Sally Acorn ( Age range: 27 - 29 ) :
VOLT  & HARMONY: @projectlightfox / @familylightfox
ALTERNATE SONICS: @thewayfaringhero ( @chaosworthy ) / @fighteternally
IVO ROBOTNIK: @dreggmxn
DOMINIC / ALT SHADOW: @obeyeternally
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familylightfox · 5 years
"Why do you look at me with such an expression." Something about the other, felt oddly, familiar. Had they met? No. Shadow would have remembered if they had. Still. What then, was the purpose of their staring at him in such a way. [ Open to either Harmony or Volt, left it up to you. This is under the pretense that they've seen Dominic again, after he lost his memories & such, and yes, after he tried and failed to harm them. He doesn't remember that bit. ]
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     “She’s trying to decide whether or not to bite you.” The answer was an honest one from Volt, who was very tightly holding onto his daughter’s bandana. While his expression was a bit more wary, there was also a sadness upon realizing who it was and the fact that their friend still didn’t remember them.
     Harmony on the other hand was crouched low on all fours, lips pulled back to expose her clenched teeth. Thankfully there wasn’t growling, but that could change depending on what might happen next. She remembered their last encounter with Dominic, remembered it very well and did not like the fact that he had tried to attack them. It wasn’t going to happen again. Thus why she was essentially scruffed at the moment.
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     “Ya better not think ‘bout tryin’ ta hurt us again or I’ll throw ya into a mountainside!”
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chaosworthyarchive · 5 years
✘ What are your thoughts on Dominic? ( pre-losing memory loss & post, cause Kravitz wonders! Take care, Tats, all the best to ya!! )
➤ It Can Hurt | 1/10 
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     {➹} – “I LIKE THE GUY, don’t get me wrong. We haven’t talked a whole lot but I’d like t’ get t’ know him better, if he’ll let me but…” here he paused, a thoughtful frown on his face. “He’s been through a lot, if the all the rumors are true, an’ I haven’t seen or heard from him in a long time. I’m worried about him…”
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Do you enjoy the concept of the “Fallen Hero”? Are you into gods that were created and not simply born with their powers? Do you like the idea of the Chaos Emeralds having an origin different than source material? Fine with OCs ( so long as they’re fleshed out )? Don’t mind powerful yet bitter gods? Then Malpercio Emi’amar, an OC of Kravitz’s might just be up your alley! Be sure to read the LAWS & the ABOUT!
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fighteternally · 5 years
Are you mutuals exclusive?
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It depends on what I feel up to writing at the time? I’m usually not, no! But there are people whose interactions I’ll get to first, purely because I’m feeling that thread or interacting with that person & their muse.
I don’t really do exclusive so much as I do mains, but that doesn’t have to be mutually between us both. I’m pretty laid back, in that sense.
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fortruechaos-moved · 5 years
❤ + chaoticspeed / obeyeternally / fighteternally
Kravitz is probably the first friend I made in the rpc; honestly I was intimidated af by him because his writing is SO GOOD? And I love his ideas for his characters; when I read Ryker’s about I was just so blown away by the amount of thought he put into this canon-divergent Sonic and I was so scared I’d fall short (I STILL AM). All of his blogs have the same amount of care put into them, but I remember just being like “whoaaa” while reading up on Ryker.
But he’s very kind and easy to get along with and I feel like our writing bounces off of each other pretty well. And it’s true: his writing is still just simply incredible. And he writes really fucking fast asdjfkljdsflk it’s kind of amazing.
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rcsebloom · 5 years
ShadAmy or SonAmy?
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i’ve always been a huge dork for SHADAMY. ever since i was 12, i think?? ( i can still recall the first video of the ship i ever watched! ) i would literally die for these two characters to interact again. they’ve always just had good chemistry in my eyes; amy being the ecstatic ray of sunshine with a kickass spunk & shadow, the mysterious outsider who’s just needed to know his purpose. NOT TO MENTION SHADOW LOST THE ONE FRIEND HE HAD YEARS AGO AND DAMMIT AMY’S WILLING TO HELP SHADOW THROUGH IT ALL. these two just work so well together! i’m a dork for their ship dynamic uwu!!!  i think shadow honestly does want to at least THANK amy for all she’s done for him, without her the planet could’ve been destroyed. i also have a lot of planned ideas for the pairing as well; @ shadow mututals hmu if you’re up for it! it’s a real shame s/ega won’t let them interact like they did in sa2 :/ but oh well! maybe it’s for the best? anyway yeah I REALLY LOVE THIS SHIP & IT FEELS ME WITH JOY. as for SONAMY, the ship is fine. i don’t ship as much but it’s sweet! i can see why people like it! their dynamic is also cute and its got a certain charm to it. but i see amy personally as a huge fan of sonic, just like i portray her in rps. i use to be really into the ship whenever i was younger & still got a soft spot for it if done correctly! i just prefer the two as buddies, though i won’t turn down a chance to ship them.  IN CONCLUSION, I LIKE BOTH OF THESE SHIPS BUT PREFER SHADAMY MORE.
* ♕  — : send a ship or a ship name to see if I ship it or not. // accepting!
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crueltymade · 5 years
❛ was the use of force necessary in completing your objectives? ❜
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❛   Without question, yes. Fear keeps those too weak to stand for themselves in line, and brutality is the consequence and warning for those foolish enough to fight back against their own inevitable and pitiful ends.   ❜
                       ⟨ PROMPT ⟩ ;  /  accepting
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obeyeternally · 5 years
Shadow observed the fox-hedgehog hybrid with a critical gaze, from where he stood on top of the tree branch. His palm resting against the tree trunk, Shadow combed over the internal mental data that the doctor had provided him.
This was a comrade of Sonic the Hedgehog’s.
“Mission start,” muttering to himself, Shadow moved swift from the tree branch. He had warped above the fox-hybrid’s head, and tried to swiftly cut at his throat with a spear of pure dark energy, intent on ending him quick.
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mobian-of-science · 5 years
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$  FINANCIAL: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚  MEDICAL: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪  CLASS OR CASTE: upper / middle / working / street trash / slave / unsure ✔  EDUCATION: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ CRIMINAL RECORD: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / hasn’t been caught ◒  FAMILY/CHILDREN: has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent ◑  RELATIONSHIP WITH FAMILY: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔  AFFILIATION: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s)  / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ disorganized / organized / in between / both extremes at once ♦ close-minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between   ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between ♦ leader / follower / loner / in between ♦ empathetic / un-empathetic / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★  FAITH: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated   ☆  BELIEF IN GHOSTS OR SPIRITS: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care   ✮  BELIEF IN AN AFTERLIFE: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care   ✯  BELIEF IN REINCARNATION: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care   ❃  BELIEF IN ALIENS: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care   ✧  RELIGIOUS: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious / questioning ❀  PHILOSOPHICAL: yes / no
❤  SEXUALITY: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demi-sexual / no labels ❥ SEX: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless ♥  ROMANCE: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless ❣ SEXUALLY: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / inhibited ⚧ POTENTIAL SEXUAL PARTNERS: male / female / agender / none / all ⚧  POTENTIAL ROMANTIC PARTNERS: male / female / agender / none / all
☠ COMBAT SKILLS: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡  LITERACY SKILLS:  excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ ARTISTIC SKILLS: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ TECHNICAL SKILLS: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ DRINKING ALCOHOL:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ☁ SMOKING: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✿ NARCOTICS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ✌ MEDICINAL DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess ☻ INDULGENT FOOD: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess   $ SPLURGE SPENDING: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess   ♣ GAMBLING: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Tagged by: @hcrofraid​  (Thank you, Toxi!)
tagging: @moonlit-mystic​ , @thatgal-withthepinkhat​ , @the-worlds-the-limit​ , @obeyeternally​ , @infxnatum​ , @lcstinadream
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
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When will Kravitz’s muses stop trying to kill each other?
Will Kendall ever rest?
Can Dominic please get his memories back??
More at 11!!
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fighteternally · 5 years
kravitz do any of your blogs have a 'verse' page? or am i just missing them?
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[ Haha, nope! They don’t, but that’s generally cause most of my blogs only have the one verse! If they do have multiple verses, I’ve sorta just listed them by numbers. ]
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