obeyeternally · 5 years
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Dusts off Dominic’s blog.
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Missed you all~.
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
MAINS [updated]
This is an official Mains Call / Mains Page, for Kendall Maurice Rennard’s universe! Please read this entire page, as it is very important!
What is a Main?
These Mains will be the default / assumed character when an ask is sent in, regarding that character! ( I.E, Knuckles, or Amy, etc. ) It is also the default character that Kendall will think of / refer to when mentioning said character. This is also the character that Kendall will have known for many, many, many years.
What do I have to do to become a Main?
You MUST READ KENDALL’S HISTORY PAGE! No two ways about it. I know the history page is long, but it’s imperative; I’ll be willing to flesh out the dynamics between Kendall & your character more. Not everything is fully set in stone! We can hash out further details!
You must acknowledge that ‘Sonic’ & CO. are NOW HUMANS, AND HAVE BEEN FORCEFULLY TRANSFORMED FROM THEIR MOBIAN STATES. Nobody knows why; most gave up trying to put it together ages ago. It has canonically been a year and a half since Kendall & co. transformed into regular humans; since Earth became ravaged by demons & angels; since society and stability fell into shambles.
You must have roleplayed with Kravitz with Kendall plenty, or plotted things, or have a good chemistry between Kendall & your character: it also helps if Kravitz knows you personally, but that isn’t strictly required!
You MUST BE WILLING to roleplay your character AGED UP! Kendall, in his default main verse, is nearing 30 years old! Thusly, your character must be close to his age ( Knuckles would be 31, Amy would be around…. 26 / 27? Tails [ who now goes by Miles Prower ] would be in his mid to late 20s! etc. )!
I’d LOVE for you to make a verse tag specifically for Kendall’s verse! This is just so I can keep track of your character in Kendall’s life a bit easier! A tag for Kendall himself would also be preferred!
Please be active! We don’t have to roleplay every single day, or what have you! But I do expect interaction, headcanon ideas, thread ideas, and the like to be tossed back and forth between us! I really want Kendall’s story to keep evolving and pushing forward, and I’ll need your help to do that! Kendall can’t have a main story if he doesn’t have anyone else to interact with, and his friends / your muses will be very important in those story events! Even in just little interactions! It all matters & adds up!
What can I expect as a Main?
Priority! I’ll be answering your threads / asks first! As mentioned above, your character is the one Kendall’s known for years! I’ll be tagging you in images, asks related to Kendall, headcanons. I’ll come to you first for any events / ideas I might have for Kendall!
A lot of interaction! Kendall’s going to be coming to your character a lot, with asks, with threads! He loves hanging out with his friends! It’ll never be a dull moment!!
My full trust: this might sound strange! But, I’ve had Kendall as a muse for about eight or nine years now: he means the world to me! I’ve been hesitant to make this entire page, because I worried that people might not be interested? I also worried that people may not stick around! If you’re a main, then I trust you to be there for Kendall! I trust you with Kendall, and interacting with him in a way that will be fun for both us of! You’ll also have my full support, that goes without saying!
Sharing! I’ll often find music or artwork or aesthetics that I think would fit Kendall and his interactions with your muse specifically! I’ll tag you in these, either on Tumblr or via discord ( if we’ve mutually shared it )! I’ll make playlists or images if I feel inspired / have some free time! I’ll share headcanon ideas, possible plot ideas, and I encourage you to do the same! I’d love to see things that make you think of your muse & Kendall!
World building! Kendall’s got a vast storyline: originally from Mobius, he & his friends were warped to Earth over 10 years ago ( as of current story timeline )! A lot of stuff’ll have happened between now and then! We don’t have to thread out all of it! But
I would love for us to sit down and hash out finer details about your muse’s life in Kendall’s timeline, how they interacted in Kendall’s life! Their own daily lives! What are they like as an adult? What were they like as a younger child, when first meeting Kendall? Expect a lot of world building together! Kravitz adores world building, especially with roleplay partners!
What can I NOT expect as a Main?
Exclusivity! While you will get top billing, I still want to interact with other muses of your character! This is just to keep everything fair, and I love seeing everybody’s interpretations of these characters!! I will never do exclusives, so please do not ask!
Expecting to be on 24/7! We all have lives, and it’s very important that we keep them healthy and balanced. While I love roleplaying, it isn’t everything! It’s totally fine if you need to be away for a while, or just can’t find the will to roleplay! I’ll understand: I will never hound you for interactions, or answering things. Just please let me know if it might take you a while to get to stuff!
Pressure to thread! If you’re just not feeling an interaction anymore in a certain thread, we can drop it. It’s okay! Just let me know you’re not feeling it anymore. We can make it shorter, end it somehow, or just scrap it entirely! I’m all for feeling out what might or might not work! Let’s work together to make this story our story and for it to be fun!
Will I lose Main status?
You may. If you’ve gone inactive for a year, without any word or contact, I’ll try and contact you. If I can’t, and you’re clearly not around anymore or interested, then I’ll drop you from the main status! If you also don’t want to be a main anymore, you’re free to come by and let me know! This is just so I can keep interactions, well, interacting! If we’re still in touch and you’re just not feeling up to writing, let me know and I’ll easily extend it for you! Again, no pressure!
Knuckles the Echidna ( Age range: 28 - 30 ) :
Amelia “Amy” Rose ( Age range: 25 - 27 ) :
Miles “Tails” Prower ( Age range: 23 - 25 ) :
Shadow the Hedgehog ( Age range: 28 - 31 ) :
Ivo Robotnik ( Age range: 30s ) : @chaoticonscious
Christopher Thorndyke ( Age range: 23 - 25 ) :
Rouge the Bat ( Age range: 28 - 30 ) :
Sally Acorn ( Age range: 27 - 29 ) :
VOLT  & HARMONY: @projectlightfox / @familylightfox
ALTERNATE SONICS: @thewayfaringhero ( @chaosworthy ) / @fighteternally
IVO ROBOTNIK: @dreggmxn
DOMINIC / ALT SHADOW: @obeyeternally
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fighteternally · 5 years
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“Yo! Shadow! C’mon, let’s fight,” Sonic was already bouncing on his heels; arms drawn upward slightly, as though he would swing at Shadow, even if Shadow declined-- but he wouldn’t really?... Sonic’s gaze was alight with fiery energy, mischievous yet determined. Stubborn, as always.
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Do you enjoy the concept of the “Fallen Hero”? Are you into gods that were created and not simply born with their powers? Do you like the idea of the Chaos Emeralds having an origin different than source material? Fine with OCs ( so long as they’re fleshed out )? Don’t mind powerful yet bitter gods? Then Malpercio Emi’amar, an OC of Kravitz’s might just be up your alley! Be sure to read the LAWS & the ABOUT!
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projectlightfox · 5 years
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     “I’m gonna punch dat Sonic in da muzzle...” Harmony might be mumbling mostly to herself as she glares at her tablet. “If somebody tells ya dey wanna be called something different, ya call em da new name.”
     “Harmony..? What’s wrong pumpkin?” Volt leaned over to look at the screen himself and frowned as Harmony pointed at what was going on. It didn’t take long for him to cover his face with a hand. 
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     “I REALLY hope Dominic kicks his ass...”
     “Language!” Harmony looked up at him to glare and was right back to watching her tablet screen. “But I hope he kicks dat meanie’s butt too.”
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heroquills-a · 6 years
wisheternally replied to your post: (x) “Do I look like…”
actual child boi sonic t. hedgehog.
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“Tch. What the test means is I’ll always be a kid at heart! That’s just my youthful energy shinin’ through!”
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gcrminatorarchive · 6 years
(☞゚∀゚)☞: would you rather be hugged by a bunny or kissed by a doe?
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// Hugged by a bunny! Especially by a certain carrot-loving wabbit. *wink wink*
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“Mm, I think Ais is tryin’a tell ya somethin’ ‘ere, B~.”
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fryordie · 6 years
“You do not look very godly to me.”
[gods and deities meme] | @wisheternally
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“Then it is clear that you know nothing of godhood, creature.” Not that he was doing much to give a positive impression, drinking warm mead and arguing with every person that so much as looked at him wrong.     “Were I still capable of lifting my hammer, I would not hesitate to strike you dead for this offence.”
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wabbitseezonarchive · 6 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
aw man thank you so much!! ♥ you’re so nice and awesome for sending this!! ♥
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crueltymade · 6 years
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thank you for reading my rules! I appreciate it!
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obeyeternally · 5 years
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    There I stood in disbelief              //    My heart as black as evil can     Trying all I could to see                   //      And everything     through these lies                            //       I could have been     And every word that I could breathe      //  Erased by what I wanted then     Would you find more inclined to leave    //  I couldn't think of lesser men     But I tried, I tried                                   //   As you died, you died
                            BOTH LOVED DISASTROUSLY BY KRAVITZ
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
    Volt had been just getting Harmony ready for the day. Since he had the day off and his daughter was currently out of school pending the investigation on the bully situation, he had planned for them to have a little picnic. At least that HAD been the plan.
    The strange footsteps entering their home was the first thing to get the red tipped ears to swivel in the direction of the hallway and Harmony found her bandana being quickly tied so her father’s hands could be free. Both sets of eyes settled on the hedgehog before them, he looked like hell and Volt’s gaze went to the scar on his chest.
“…Dominic’s dead.”
    Well that had been where his eyes were, they shot back to meet the Sonic alternate’s while furrowing his brows in disbelief.
    “Nuh uh! We just saw Dominic! He was hurt, but… but….” Harmony had trouble wrapping her mind around it. To the pup, all the Shadow and Shadow alternates she knew were harder to kill than her father. The only one to have come close was the one from their Zone and that was because of an alternate.
     Tears began to fill her eyes as Volt scooped her up from the floor to hold her close. He didn’t mind her grabbing tightly to his chest fur, folded his ears to block her whines and made sure to hold the gaze of the hedgehog across from him.
    “Where is HE?”
It was the young child, starting to cry, that got to Kendall. Out of every group he’d given the news to, so far, few of them had been children. His heart went out to the young girl, but Kendall had to stay focused. Besides, it wasn’t his place to comfort her, that was the duty of her father.
Volt, stared directly across at Kendall, and his voice was dripping with anger, with sheer dislike. Kendall frowned a bit, and stepped closer, leaning over to whisper so only Volt would hear,
“You need time, to mourn. We still have a funeral to attend. Let’s bury Dominic first and try to heal, before you go off and do something stupid. Alright?” Then, Kendall leaned back, but not before pausing and gently, respectfully caressing Harmony’s head, hoping to bring some small comfort.
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“I’ll tell you once everything’s settled.”
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fighteternally · 5 years
It had not even been a full day, since that bloodied clash. Yet, here Sonic was– Dominic had tried to turn Sonic away, citing that he need rest. He need rest, and quite frankly, he had no desire to see Sonic. Not yet. Not so soon.
Sonic’s response?
“I don’t give a shit about any of that.” Something had clearly pissed Sonic off: Dominic could hear it in Sonic’s voice, how sharp and determined it was. Dominic stared across at the blue hedgehog, his eye unfocused for a moment.
“I see. If you are here to fight, I must disappoint you. I cannot–”
“Sure you can. What, cause you’re out an eye, you’re suddenly lame? You can still see, right? How many fingers?” Sonic held up his middle finger solely, and Dominic merely gazed at him. He knew that had been meant as an insult, but to Dominic, it was simply a finger, no real merit behind the action.
“See? You aren’t suddenly some moron or cripple.”
How… how could Sonic act this way? So casually, have the ability to just– converse so simply. Yesterday, had occurred, yes. It had. Of course it had, Dominic’s eye was testament to that.
His shoulders were heavy; his ears rang slightly; he was tired. He wanted to retreat into the depths of his home and rest.
Somehow, Dominic felt that if he tried to leave, Sonic would not let him. He exhaled.
“I will not fight you.”
“Afraid you’ll lose again?” Sonic’s smirk had widened: and Shadow merely stared across at him. Sonic, meanwhile, kept his gaze focused primarily on the wrapping that covered Shadow’s lost eye-- gross. It probably looked gnarly--
“Whatever. I just came by to remind you: we had a deal. You lose, you go back to Shadow, and not that stupid--”
“I never agreed to those terms. You can not decide my fate, Sonic.”
“You are to leave. Now.” Not a request from Shadow: a warning. Sonic’s gaze brightened in enthuse; and that smirk turned to a sly grin.
Deliberately, Sonic leaned in closer to Shadow, staring directly at his good eye. “Or what~? You gonna move me? What happened to being lame all of a sudden? It’s only when it’s convinent for you, huh? How’s that fair?”
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lightdash · 6 years
Dominic walks up to Sonic's doorstep, holding in his hand a present which is held in a rather fancy yet calm looking bag. Inside of said bag, wrapped in light green silk, are some silver coloured inhibitor rings that have been tailored to Sonic's particular chaos energy. Dominic clears his throat, and rings the doorbell; this isn't just a present that he can leave, he needs to explain, plus, he- wishes to see Sonic's reaction.
         Sonic’s reaction he certainly would receive, seen as the hedgehog opened the door in what must’ve been record time. He looked almost disheveled, quills mussed about and eyes wide. All signs pointed to him having just woken up, not that he’d admit it. He wasn’t exactly proud of an afternoon nap spanning several hours.
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         “Shadow?” The name came out as if he’d never said it before. He cleared his throat soon afterwards, running a hand through messy quills. Embarrassment, thy name is Sonic. “Whatcha doin’ here? I mean, not that it ain’t a nice surprise— I just wasn’t expectin’ to see ya.” Or anyone, for that matter. Most visitors to Tails’ workshop were of the Knuckles or Amy variety, and even they didn’t venture out in such cold weather.
          “— Sorry, eheh. Do ya wanna come in or..?”
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projectlightfox · 5 years
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     Now there was an actual negative reaction from Volt. A growl that rivaled his daughter’s at the one sentence that seemed to echo in his mind. If there was one thing that Volt couldn’t stand...
~You’re just some creation– some freak– MADE in a lab!~
It was comments like that.       Standing on very thin ice there, Sonic...
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heroquills-a · 5 years
Their first impression of your muse: faker!!
Current impression: still a faker!! except now he’s also a frienemy
Are they attracted to your muse?: appearance-wise, he’s not bad looking. though personality-wise he’s kind of a stick in the mud
Something they find frightening about your muse: probably...mmm the fact shadow can actually keep up with him. not that sonic doesn’t like the challenge shadow presents, he loves it actually, but that kind of speed can be scary if used for the wrong reasons.
Something they find adorable about your muse: chest fluff…
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: depends on the circumstance but i mean, someone’s gonna have to take sonic’s place if he washes out
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic: platonic maybe…
One word my muse would use to describe yours: stubborn
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: he would, but at what cost
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: depends, but likely not
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