#obrien would absolutely jump in on this
thegeminisage · 4 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. friday we FINALLY kicked off ds9 season 4 with "way of the warrior" pts i & ii and oh my godddd:
firstly, i miss sisko''s hair. the beard looks GREAT it's a HUGE improvement but i miss his hair!! i also kinda miss kira's really butch cut. jadzia's hair is still touch and go...important ds9 topics
drilling changeling combat with odo is SO fun. but like also, such a dramatic turn from like, s1, when he pretends to be objects and doesn't want anyone to remember he can do this, because he wants to be able to spy on them. it's fun and funny etc but i could also write an essay about it. he's allowing his body, once a subject of scientific study that traumatized him, to be used again by his allies as a…if not subject of study again, exactly, a teaching tool. he's teaching them how to find and contain and maybe even hurt his people but at the same time HE IS USING HIMSELF TO DO IT he is ALSO TEACHING THEM HOW TO HURT HIM. yes, they're comically bad at it NOW, but they're just getting started, and it also illustrates how horrifically underprepared they are for his people to come and fuck with them at any time. i can't keep thinking about odo i'm going to make myself insane
spn has traumatized me bc i was half convinced yates was a changeling for most of this episode, since she was in and out so often. but he just gets to have a girlfriend!!! i think it's kind of a shame he never seemed to get any romantic chemistry with the rest of the cast…picard and janeway and kirk all get love interest from the main cast…but i still love watching him flirt and make eyes at this lady
THOLIAN MENTION!!!! my beloveds…someday i wanna see what they look like
julian and obrien doing…whatever it was with the peas. they scripted shot and greenlit this. he is suffering so bad without his wife
I KNEW THEY WOULD START JUST FUCKING CUTTING EACH OTHER EVENTUALLY. right across the palm, too. like speaking of being traumatiozed by spn. jesus.
what in the sweet lesbian fuck was going on with dax and kira in the holosuite…kira basically said no matyter how sexy this is it isn't any good if it isn't real and dax DIDN'T immediately fuck her? star trek's cowardice when it comes to gay people ESPECIALLY dax she's literally kissed women off screen. come on
garak getting racially profiled and jumped in his little shop :(
and then we get to WORF……………tbh i was so worried about him changing the atmosphere and i really liked how the atmosphere was already. but the s4 atmosphere is already different in a great way. it was a serious episode w a serious plot yet i was giggling nonstop. and klingon stuff is SO dry on tng and so lively on ds9. idk why i was worried. i am very sad they prince zuko'd him again though
also, the wof/obrien tng reunion…….besties :')
ALSO lol when he ordered prune juice and quark laughed at him and worf gave him the look. this is the most i have liked quark in like an entire season i'm so afraid something bad will happen and ruin it
the dax/worf comes on a little strong ESPECIALLY when i am still sooo :( over no riker e worf e deanna content but they ARE fun to watch. dax seems like a natural choice too since curzon was buddies with so many klingons, i just wish she was SLIGHTLY less forward...this is his first episode...give it time to breathe. maybe odo/kira and bashir/garak has just got me stuck on slow burns for ds9
i do like worf's position here too…he's always stuck in the middle of klingon and starfleet bullshit. it sucks that he got racially profiled YET AGAIN but at least sisko was like "and you absolutely do NOT have to do this" instead of putting on the pressure like picard talking to a bajoran. also, him starting a bar fight on purpose was great
worf and odo conversation………..theyre gonna be so grumpy w each other and i cannot wait
i missed gowran. his eyes are so huge. i didn't always really care when he showed up in tng but somehow he and his enormous eyes have become really special to me. same genre of character as dukat i think
at first i thought sisko was dadding worf a little and maybe he was a TINY bit but i also think it's nice that he's just seeing himself in worf and trying to help him out. i liked all of their conversations a lot because sometimes people are weird about worf being klingon and sisko was actually totally normal and respectful about it. he would never be like worf kill yourself. never.
sisko was SO good in this ep i love when he bends the rules also. getting measured for a new suit and letting garak overhear shit on purpose is very clever but at the same time he's not even trying to be subtle. he knows the right thing to do isn't always following the rule book and he's not even pretending he can do both. unlike PICARD. i think he went bald to flex on picard actually like he does do it better love and light to sir patrick stewart
bashir advising his little guys in the infirmary…please he's so in charge. i also loved him and odo very earnestly wishing each other safety int eh upcoming attack. THEY'RE FRIENDS!!!!!
dukat and sisko were gay this whole episode. i think very seriously there should be a sisko/dukat movement just like there's a bashir/garak movement. i didn't think much of dukat first but i like him more every time i see him. he's just really funny and also gay
quark and garak talking about the cloying qualities of humanity over root beer ??? that was also gay. again, quark in this episode…a breath of fresh air. for once he's just being the fun kind of horrible. also when he wanted to defend his bar and rom stole his weapon lol "i will kill him" "with what?" i love odo sm
i love that kira pointed out the irony of her saving and GETTING STABBED for the cardassian government. times have CHANGED WORF LOOKS GREAT IN RED! he's not head of security anymore but i like that he gets a thinker's job…"worf is a big ugly dumb brute" jokes were OLD AND TIRED on tng!!!
anyway, s4 seems amazing so far. it's almost everything i already liked about ds9 but much more serious and funny at the same time. i will miss the post-war atmosphere since we're not mid-war again but i am really excited to see where it goes
TONIGHT: voy's "non sequitur" and "twisted."
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dylinski · 5 years
Stalker Boy
Part 2
Warnings: Angst, slow burn, anxiety, cussing
Relationships: Dylan O’Brien/Reader
Word Count: 2617
Author: @dylan-obrien-fanblog
A/N: So here’s part two. I spent roughly four and a half hours on this, but probably only actually wrote for about 1 hour. I;m actually really proud of this and excited to see what people think. (by people i mean like the 3 people who actually read my stuffs). I left it with some closure, but if ya’ll want a part 3, let me know and I’ll whip something up. Thankies. You can tell towards the end I was losing it. I wrote this having had 3 hours of sleep and I’ve been awake since 9am. it is now 9pm.
Part 1
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Part 2
Reader POV
You groaned into your pillow as you laid in bed, alerting Kayla who had been passing by your room. She backpedaled and lingered in the door frame, giving you a face of contemptment. Meeting her gaze, you grunted as you threw the pillow you were holding at her head. She cackles as she jumps out of the way, picks up the pillow and then sits next to you in bed. You sit up to meet your friend, “It's been over a week! You gave him the right number, right?”
Kayla looked at you like you were insane and nodded, “Yes. I’ve told you at least a hundred times, I gave him your number.”
“But are you sure? You were drunk off your ass.”
Kayla glared at your accusation then rolled her eyes. “Yes, I was slightly inebriated, but not black out drunk. Thank you very much.” Kayla then stood up and sashayed away as you groaned again, flopping back down into your bed. “He’ll call!” She shouted over her shoulder as she exited the room.
You laid there for a couple minutes, staring up at the ceiling, contemplating your situation and your options. You replayed the memory in your mind, trying to find the point in which you could have scared him off. Maybe you gave him your all too familiar crazed eye look, or made him feel uncomfortable at the length of time you stared at him. Could he possibly think you were in fact a crazy person by the way you fumbled your words and how you freaked out when he approached you? That had to be it. He thinks you're a nutcase and too much work. Rolling over onto your stomach, you groaned into the pillow as you buried your head in it.
“I need a distraction.” Deciding you needed to put your thoughts elsewhere, before you actually drove yourself into insanity, you hopped out of bed and left the room to go watch a movie. You passed Kayla’s room and saw her laying in bed reading some girly magazine you would never touch. Ick. “Hey,” she looked up at you, giving her attention, “you wanna watch a movie? Preferably something violent and mindless.” You gritted your teeth in a smile, hoping she would catch on to the need for distraction.
Kayla sighed and whined as she spoke, “You know I hate those kinds of movies. Can we watching something sappy? Those are the best.”
You stared down your mentally blonde friend as she was obviously oblivious to your current mental state. “Kayla. The last thing I need right now is some stupid love story to remind me of my terrible luck with guys.” “You mean guy. More specifically, the guy from the bar. What was his name again?” She laughed as she spoke, but let out a yelp as you lunged at her for the antagonization. You both laughed and giggled as you wrestled and then settled into the bed. “Honestly Y/N, don’t overthink it. Okay?” She smiled at you, making you relax.
The ease of your muscles didn’t last long as you heard your ringtone come from your room. Your body tensed and your eyes widened, pupils dilating as you stared at Kayla. She stared back in confusion, wondering why you weren’t moving. Your mind was racing and your body was frozen. Was it him? What would you say? What will he say? Why did he take so long to call? Does he want to see me again?
You realized you were wasting time and jumped up, hurdling yourself across the bed, making yourself look like a fool. You ran through the door, slamming against the wall and practically slid down the hall to your room. You grabbed your phone off your nightstand and saw an unrecognizable number. Pupils blown, you answered the call and lifted the phone to your ear. With a shaky voice you answered.
“He..hello?” There was a pause of silence that lasted less than five seconds, but felt like five million.
“Hi, I’m calling about your car’s extended warranty…”
The automated voice on the line continued as you remained silent, heart and soul completely obliterated. A rumble started in your stomach and rolled its way up your throat and to your mouth, escaping as a scream that scared Kayla shitless.
Dylan POV
Dylan stared at the picture of the girl on his phone, amazed by her beauty. He whispered her name under his breath, almost unsure that the entire encounter had even happened, his only proof that she was even real was this picture. He promised himself he would wait at least a couple days before he called, but it was getting difficult. He looked at the clock and grunted at what he saw. It had only been sixteen hours since he met her.
He opened the contact for Y/N and held his thumb above the number, hesitating to tap down on the illuminated screen. He held it there until his thumb began to ache from the uncomfortable position. Fuck it, he thought as he let the digit fall and hit the number, initiating the call. 
The phone rang four times before and automated voice bellowed through the line. “The number you have tried to reach is no longer in service or has been disconnected…” The woman in his ear continued as confusion and horror befell his mole-speckled face. 
“What the fuck?” He shouted into the phone as if the programmed voice would have the answer. He hung up the line and attempted the call a second time, achieving the same results. He drew his brows in and jutted out his jaw as rage filled his lungs. How could this happen? Y/N’s friend, whos name escaped him, must have given him the wrong number. But how? He took the phones from her when he saw her struggling and--. Shit. She had put in the first six digits to the phone number with her fumbling fingers and he had entered the last four. She must have typed them in wrong. Six numbers. That’s probably over a million different combinations.
The brunette threw his head back on the couch in defeat and whined at his predicament. How was he going to call her? He only knew her first name and there had to be millions of Y/Ns in the world, and thousands in the city alone. He slouched on the couch and hung his head holding his phone in his lap. He turned the device to face him and pulled up the picture of the angel who was now lost to him.
Four weeks later
Dylan was crossing the busy street that was crowded and full of people. In the mass sea of bodies, what he thought to be absolutely impossible was now before his eyes. Further up the block, there she was, plain as day. He shook his head, blinking his eyes rapidly to ensure he wasn’t, in fact, seeing things. The girl was sitting at a small round table for two outside of a cafe, her nose buried in a book. She couldn't be more than 100 feet away, so Dylan altered his course without hesitation and closed the distance between them. As he neared her, he was unable to tell if his heavy breathing was from the presence of the angel in front of him or that he was now moving at a much more rapid pace.
He now stood less than 15 feet away from the girl he had dreamed about almost every night since they met. At that moment he made a mental note not to tell her that to avoid sounding like a creep. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he stepped forward and placed the curve of his hand on her shoulder.
Reader POV
You had just gotten off work and found yourself craving a pastry. Although you knew you probably shouldn’t eat the sweet, work was relatively difficult, so you determined that you deserved it. You questioned whether you should stop at the shop on 9th or sit and read at the cafe on 12th. It had been a while since you were actually able to sit down and read with how crazy work had been recently. Hailing a cab, you told him the address of the cafe and slumped back into the plastic covered seat underneath you.
It took about ten minutes to reach the destination, so you paid the driver and exited the yellow vehicle and sat at your favorite table. You relaxed into the iron-wired chair and opened your book to the page you had left the story at. Before you could fully delve into the enticing tale, the waiter appeared and offered his services. You ordered a puff pastry with cherry filling and some tea. Not long after, he returned with the requested items and swiftly left to assist other customers. You took an over-exaggerated bite that was too big and felt the cherry filling stick to your face. You blushed at your lack of etiquette and self-consciously wiped the mess off your face. Sipping your tea and taking smaller bites, you buried your face in your book. 
Time and the world escaped you as you were consumed by the drama, mystery, and romance that filled the pages your eyes roamed. You were so unaware of your surroundings that when a rough hand landed on your shoulder you screamed and almost flew out of your seat. You instinctively dropped the book in your hands and used your arms to balance you, preventing the tumble to the ground.
“We gotta stop meeting like this.” A soft and smooth voice chuckled as it rolled over your shoulder and echoed through your ears. You immediately froze at the memorable sound, fearing your sound holes were betraying you. Turning frantically, you accidentally hit the man in the face with your hair, causing him to spit and claw at the strands as he flew back.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry.” You bellowed reaching out to the disoriented face. When he found his bearings, he looked you over and began to attempt to hide the chuckle that rumbled in his throat. Your brows furrowed as anxiety saturated your already embarrassed and shocked nervous system. “What? Is there something on my face?” Your eyes filled with horror as you wiped the right corner of your mouth.
“Actually, yes.” He no longer attempted to hide the laugh as he walked up to you, less than a foot between you. He reached out to the left corner of your mouth with his right hand and wiped away the leftover pastry, which you were now undoubtedly regretting. Your lips were slightly parted by the touch and your eyes locked as he wiped away the mess. His fingers smelled of lavender and cigarettes which was surprisingly intoxicating and left you brimming with heat.
You both stood there, his fingers on your mouth and eyes locked for an unnatural amount of time, but you were the first to break the trance as you shook your head and stepped back. “What are you doing here?” You shot at him, the indignatious tone in your voice obvious.
“Well, this is a street, and I was crossing it.” He motioned to the street in front of you as if you were a child who needed visualization. The emotion that lingered in your voice was now visible on your face and the scruffy-looking man cocked his head in wonder. “What?” He bluntly asked.
“You never called me.”
Immediately a look of enlightenment fell upon his face as he palmed his forehead. He must have realized the total asshole had been for not calling and then acting like he did nothing wrong. He moved  his hand from his face to the back of his neck, almost hiding behind his raised bicep. Ignore the biceps, you’re mad. “I can explain why that never happened, which I’m completely sorry about.” You jerked your head, informing him to elaborate. “Your friend...she was drunk. I was going to wait a couple days to call you, but I couldn’t wait so I tried the next day, but I guess the number she gave me was wrong because it said it was disconnected and then I had no idea what to do because I really wanted to talk to you but I had no idea how to find you and--”
“While I would love to continue to listen to you verbal on-run sentence, it’s okay. I get it.” He smiled at your understanding and took a step closer again. “Let me see your phone. I’ll make sure you have the right number this time.” His smile showed teeth, very white and beautiful teeth that you couldn’t help but smile too. God, this man just keeps getting more and more beautiful. Even his smile is gorgeous. What the actual fuck.
He pulled the device out of his pocket, unlocked it, and handed it to you. When you opened up the contact info under your name, you were shocked to see the picture of yourself, but it was more flattering than alarming. Your eyes trailed down to the number your idiot friend had given him and you laughed. Dylan looked at you as if you had told a joke and he missed the punchline. He moved to stand next to him, a shiver shooting down your spine as your shoulders touched, and showed him the screen. “The number she gave you was close. She switched the 8 and 6, they’re in the wrong places.” 
You pulled the phone back, not breaking your contact to him, and fixed the error, then pressed the new number. Immediately the phone in your pocket began to ring and a smile of victory washed over your features. “Now you don't have any more excuses.” You handed him the phone and a look of adoration and appreciation was exhibited on his mug.
“Thanks. Besides, I won’t need any.” He winked at the end of his sentence as his previous timid trait melted away and was replaced by a cocky one.
“Look who’s being cocky.” You smirked at the mole-speckled boy, but a mixture of shock and heat permeated at his response.
“Oh you don’t know the half of it.” The brunette waggled his eyebrows at you with a crooked smile that made you want to jump his bones right then and there. But you didn't. Sadly.
In an effort to avoid mortifying yourself, you attempted an escape, “Well, it was really good to see you and I’m glad we got that all cleared up. I should really head home now, though.” Although the man was still smiling, his whisky eyes were frowning and full of sorrow. You would have given in right then and there, but self-control availed yet again.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” He asked desperately.
“As far as I know, nothing.”
“Well, I know what you're doing.” You were impressed with his wit and laughed in your chest. “You’re gonna spend the day with me.” His cocky demeanor was betrayed by his nervous eyes, but they relaxed when you smiled and nodded. As you started to leave, he shouted over to you. “I’ll call you.” 
Without hesitation, you shot him a glare that could have cut him in half were your eyes lasers. He palmed the back of his neck and nervously chuckled, but then composed himself and winked. You smiled from ear to ear and stuck your tongue at him as you turned and then headed home to first, yell at Kayla, and then freak out as you tell her everything that just happened.
Taglist: @xceafh
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Auburn is hoping to keep the backend of its defense loaded with NFL calibre talent.
Over the next 2 weeks 2-3ish indeterminate number of weeks, we will be taking a position by position look at the top targets on Auburn’s 2021 board. This is a first pass at who might be looking at Auburn the hardest this early in the cycle and whom Auburn might have the most interest in. However, recruiting is fluid and these lists will likely change.
For the past 2 seasons, the very back of Auburn’s defense has been lead by the tandem of Daniel Thomas and Jeremiah Dinson. After their very productive careers, they are off to the NFL to make some well deserved money. The baton has been passed to Smoke Monday and Jamien Sherwood but behind those two are a lot of question marks. The Tigers signed one of the hardest hitting safeties in the 2020 class in Chris Thompson Jr and there are rumors that Matthew Hill will be switching to the defensive side of the ball next season. But even considering those two, it’s pretty clear that there is playing time to be had on the Plains at safety in the very near future. Here’s a look at who could be next in line for the Tigers.
4* Kamren Kinchens | 5’11” | 190 lbs | Miami, FL
As of today, Kinchens might be the most likely name (other than Auburn’s current commit) to sign with the Tigers come signing day. The Northwestern High School standout recently dropped a top 5 of Auburn, LSU, Miami, Nebraska and Texas A&M. He was on campus in early March just before the shutdown and is reportedly close friends with AU safety commit Phillip O’Brien Jr. There is still work to be done in this race but I like where Auburn sits at the moment.
Scouting Report
How do you snag 10 interceptions in a season? Well if you are Kinchens, it’s due to a combination of outstanding instincts and great ball skills (plus some absolutely terrible passes). Kinchens excels at reading a QB’s eyes, breaking on the ball and coming down with the big play. He’s a kid that has a chance to step on campus and immediately make an impact.
3* MJ Daniels | 6’3” | 185 lbs | Lucedale, MS | Ole Miss Commit
With Marcus Woodson gone, Auburn might not be able to necessarily replicate the same level of success in Mississippi as they have the last 2 cycles but they are likely to still chase the top end talent in that state. One such talent is long time Ole Miss commit MJ Daniels. Auburn offered in late April so they have only recently become a factor in his recruitment but it sounds like there’s a good chance the Tigers could get an official visit. The instate Bulldogs are pushing hard for a flip and unsurprisingly with Woodson now running the secondary in Tallahassee, the Noles are expected to be a factor as well.
Scouting Report
Daniels is a big kid who plays corner for his HS team but will likely transition to safety at the next level. While not necessarily a burner, he’s got great speed given his size. He’s a very fluid athlete who shows great ability to play both off man and zone coverage at a high level. I think he’s pretty underrated at the moment and wouldn’t be surprised to see his stock continue to rise in the coming months.
3* Kyndrich Breedlove | 5’10” | 165 lbs | Nashville, TN
Auburn has had some success recently stealing talent from the Volunteer State. Last cycle, they devastated the Vols by snatching 4* DL Jay Hardy. Last month, they surprised Tennessee and other when they landed 3* OT J’Marion Gooch. Auburn is hoping to continue that success with Breedlove. The Nashville native dropped a top 5 of Auburn, LSU, Ole Miss, Tennessee and Texas A&M in late April. This could end up being another Vols/Tigers battle in the end.
Scouting Report
Breedlove is a speedster with a knack for making the big play. He’s versatile enough that it wouldn’t be a surprise if he got a look at corner or nickel at the next level. He’s not the biggest kid but has some good length and great athleticism. That offer list is no joke and neither is that top 5 list. He strikes me as the type of DB prospect Auburn has had some good success with in recent years, relatively underrated kids with great speed and versatility.
3* Phillip O’Brien Jr | 6’0” | 170 lbs | Deerfield Beach, FL
O’Brien’s commitment came as a pretty big surprise following his Junior Day visit. It was believed he was a virtual lock to the Noles with there being five Crystal Ball predictions logged for FSU before his pledge. However, he was on FSU’s campus the next day and gave indications he was still open to being recruited. Throw in Marcus Woodson moving down there as well and it’s Auburn will likely have to fight to keep his pledge but from all indications as of today, he seems solid to the Tigers.
Scouting Report
I am a big fan of O’Brien’s tape. Kid has great speed as shown by that incredible rundown in his highlights. He’s also not afraid to lower the boom in the run game and displays outstanding ball skills down the field. He’s versatile enough that he could play really anywhere in the secondary but apparently McGriff has made it clear that he sees O’Brien and Kinchens as the safeties in this class.
3* Jah’Von Grigsby | 5’10” | 185 lbs | Baton Rouge, LA
Auburn’s offer in late March was a game changer for the Louisiana native. He even told Rivals.com that he almost committed on the spot. Since then a number of other programs have jumped into the mix including Michigan State and Kansas who appear to be the two top contenders for his pledge. It’s hard to know at this stage where he sits on Auburn’s board but he’s definitely a name to watch in the coming months.
Scouting Report
It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that Auburn is recruiting Grigsby to play the Nickel position in their defense. He’s got a good combination of size, physicality and speed to fit there in Steele’s scheme. A hard hitter, Grigsby thrives off contact yet still has the ball skills to be effective in coverage.
Brandon Perry | 5’10” | 180 lbs | Union Springs, AL
This is an odd recruitment. Perry announced last August he was committing to Auburn. In fact, that tweet is still pinned on his profile. Yet Auburn does not consider him a commit at this time because he didn’t get the green light before going public. He’s not listed on any recruiting site as a current Auburn commit. There’s also been nothing reported on him since. I suspect he’s a kid that could have used a camp to show the coaches he’s pledge should be accepted but unfortunately that won’t happen. It will be very interesting to see how this recruitment plays out.
Scouting Report
I couldn’t find any of his junior tape but you can get a feel for his talent based off his sophomore year. Perry is a two way player for Bullock County who does a little of everything from catching bombs at WR to rushing the passer off the edge. His versatility would make him an ideal Nickel back in Steele’s system though he could also fit in at strong safety.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/5/12/21244941/2021-class-preview-safety-kamren-kinchens-mj-daniels-phillip-obrien-jr-kyndrich-breedlove
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wydobrien · 7 years
to the dress that never fit.
AUTHOR: @wydobrien
PAIRING/S: stiles stilinski x reader.
AUTHORS NOTE: this is pure angst and something that took a lot of will power to write. i really connected to this fic, since i dealt with most of the things the reader-insert did. i want you all to know that in your lowest times, when you look at yourself in the mirror and just want to change everything that you see, that it’s through self-strength and realization (through others or yourself) that will pull you through. find strength in your weakness and you will prevail. thank you for taking the time to read this fic, i worked really hard on it. and a huge thanks to @writing-obrien for being an absolute angel and giving me courage to post this instead of deleting it all ahaha.
WARNING/S: body image issues and some depressing/self-hate themes.
listen to me.
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To the dress that never fit,
              Why did you hug everyone else so welcomingly except for me? I don’t know what I did, or what I could’ve said to you to make you feel so cold-shouldered to me. You laughed mockingly at my reflection in the mirror, and you agreed with the voice at the back of my head instead of fighting back against it. You pointed fingers, just like the other kids used to back when pigtails still happily bounced behind my ears, and you prodded the parts of me I didn’t even know looked bad on me till you did.
“So, did you try that exercise I recommended to you, miss (y/l/n)?” My lips cease their distracted movement, eyes making eye-contact with the patient ones staring back at me. A red hue falling over my cheeks, I instinctively tuck some stray-fallen hair behind my right ear, tongue swollen and throat suddenly dry. A weight presses into my chest as I force a small nod out of myself, earning a hum in response. I shrink further into the padded-chair beneath me. “That’s good. I’m proud to see how more open you’ve been lately.”
A humorless, breathy chuckle puffs out my mouth. “I’ve been feeling better. Lately. I guess.” The woman, sitting casually in front me, nods, eyes flickering to the vanilla envelope resting rigidly in my right hand. “I—I uh… I went out last night too.” She smiles, and I look down onto my lap, feeling unsure if I should’ve told her that. If she found it to be relevant, even. I press my ankles together a little harder as I try not to let my blush darken at the small sound of a pen scribbling away.
To the dress that never fit,
              Why did you make everyone else grin at the sight of you besides me? You’re such a pretty color, and you are said to compliment people’s eyes, but each time I pulled you over me you diminished my features with no remorse. The day I first tried you on, and I listened to your retorts, I saw what tear stains looked like against the pretty color I was supposed to like on me instead of hate.
 The silence between us is short-lived as I hear her scoot her chair in closer to her desk. “Where did you go?” She asks, and I blink furiously for a few moments. “Did you go with anyone?” Nodding, a weak grin trembles onto my lips.
 “My best friend did.”
 “Hmm.” She hums warmly, and it takes another wave of courage to lift my head to look at her again. “Were they good to you?” The question makes my stomach twist, but, I assure to shake my head as soon as the question was asked. I hold my grin, surprisingly.
I lift my free hand to scratch the back of my neck. “Yeah.” I start, my voice lowering to a whisper. “Yeah he was.”
To the dress that never fit,
              Why was it so hard to treat me the same way you treated others? Did it ever occur to you that all I wanted was the same thing every other person wanted when they fitted you over their body? Tell me, oh please tell me, I beg of you, I plead with all I have left in me, why did you hate the figure I was born with so much? I’ve tried to reshape it so many times to impress you, to try to change your feelings towards it, to even try to prove you and your hateful statements wrong. But no matter how many times I cried for mercy, you still kicked me down.
 Her eyes drift to the clock, and so do mine, knowing that this has been a more awkwardly short session than normal. “You didn’t tell me where you two went, (y/n).” I clear my throat as our eyes meet in unison, my lips folding into my mouth as I uncross my ankles to bounce my leg. “Was it a movie? A walk? Dinner?” I start to shake my head at all three guesses, right until my brain focuses on the second one.
 I lick over my lips briefly before assembling the right words to describe where he took me last night. “It was kinda like a walk.” I look down at my feet for a handful of seconds, the soreness on the top of my feet and my toes suddenly coming back at the thought of last night. “We did something else when we arrived to the place.”
 “What did you two do?”
 “Star-gazed, at first.” This time, a small laugh puffs through my nose, the memory of him mixing up the names of the constellations running through my mind, and for a slight moment I felt if I closed my eyes, I could hear his voice in my ears as he did. “We walked a little after that. He said that he felt that sitting in some grass with our chins to the sky wasn’t romantic enough to him. So, he stood us up and we walked a little further till we reached this—this kind of clearing. W—Where—uhm… where the flowers were. And when he pulled us together we started… swaying. Slow-dancing, he explained it being.” My index finger of my free hand taps onto my left knee anxiously. “And you know what else, Ms. Morrell?”
 “What, (y/n)?” She asks, leaning in her seat with a sort of interested expression on her face, being unfamiliar to the sight of me actually talking to her.
 “When I told him that I couldn’t dance, he said he couldn’t either. But we still continued to dance, even when we each accidentally stepped on each other’s toes. I also told him that I wasn’t the best date, but, he said—” I pause, hearing what I remembered him saying echo through my mind, taking a second to digest it just like how I did the first time he said it. “The eyes do not see a flaw if the heart…” I take another pause, gulping lightly. “loves a heart.” I watch as Ms. Morrell lean back in her chair, arms crossing over her chest. “I—I haven’t been able to get that out of my head, but I’ve been too scared to ask him about what he meant when he said that.”
 Ms. Morrell tilts her head. “Why are you scared, (y/n)? You went on a date, which is something I’ve never been happier to hear from you, so, I’m sure he meant nothing but good from it.”
 I bite my bottom lip, my line of sight falling to the right as I rummage through my thoughts.
 To the dress that never fit,
              Today you came back to me, your appearance first hidden by a black box with a little silk red bow on top of it. The look on my friend’s face when she handed it to me was unfazed by the numbed expression on my face when I pulled you from out of the box. It had been a while since I had seen you, and I had actually spent time away from an elliptical or a salad that you spat at me to go back to. But I heard nothing from you when my friend urged me to put you on. You didn’t say a word to me, and I thought maybe my worries for my date, my first date, tonight may have been satisfying enough to you. The assumption didn’t sit well in me, but, when I got a text, from the same boy you had told me repeatedly to forget, saying that he would be over to pick me up in fifteen minutes—I suddenly didn’t care about what you could say to me.
              And when you brought tears to my eyes when I stared at myself in my own mirror, it was not from your bullying, or from your cruel, inconsiderate judgement, but from the much different feeling I got with you on me. When my friend asked me why I was crying, I let the happy tears roll down my much-too tear-abused cheeks as I spoke that I looked great. My heart did not pound when I dare let those words fall from my mouth, and you still had nothing to say. Because I did not let myself listen to you. I still won’t.
 “I’m afraid that he won’t want to stay if I get bad again. He’s known me since I was five, but, he doesn’t know everything about me yet.” Ms. Morrell frowns, but I start speaking up again, my thoughts working ahead of my heart and my brain, the two parts of me that felt embarrassed of how much I was revealing to her. “But, you know what Ms. Morrell, I’m not feeling all that scared anymore.” Looking up at the clock again, I take it upon myself to set the envelope onto her desk. She looks at it for a few moments, until taking it into her own hands. “I should be going. I don’t want to be late for his lacrosse practice. Stiles likes it when I talk to him on the bench.” I stand from my chair gingerly, tucking the hair on the other side of my face behind the other ear. “I think this exercise made me feel better the most out of all the other ones I tried. I doubted writing letters would help at all, but, it did. I—I wrote five of them.” Ms. Morrell doesn’t say anything back this time, looking up at me with a pleasantly surprised set of features on her face. I nod shyly, before turning and grabbing the handle of my backpack, before heading out the door. I surpass the sign on the door that read ‘Guidance Counselor’ with ease instead of anxiety, not knowing that I would have to walk through that door, desperate to be undetected as I did so, only three more times.
 Two to report my bettering progress, and the other to get a slip of paper to show to my parents that therapy sessions would not be needed anymore.
 I suddenly feel fingertips gently brush across my arm, and I jump till I turn my head to look at who the touch belonged to. His happy lopsided grin makes me grin widely back, his whiskey-brown eyes boring into mine with glossy adoration in them. “What did Ms. Morrell want with you?” He asks curiously, and I look ahead, before looking at where his fingers were at previously, now sliding into my hand while his other hand held his gloves. I bite my lip once more, before allowing a toothy grin to break the lip-bite as I move my stare back up at him.
 “Not anything important. She just wanted to talk to me for a few minutes.”
“About what?” Stiles probes again, and I laugh shortly, gripping onto his hand and looking ahead once more as we neared the back-door to the boy’s locker-room, practice already started evidently.
“Not much.” I answer, as my toothy grin grows a little, letting go of his hand to instead wrap it around my waist bashfully, Stiles chuckling in surprise as he pulls me immediately into his side and rubs my hip tenderly.
To the dress that never fit,
              Thank you so much for not fitting.
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bxcketbarnes · 7 years
Pairing: Thomas x Chloe
Author: @ninja-stiles
Words: 1873
Authors Note: This is for @writing-obrien because she’s Thomas af, so I wrote a little something for her! :) I want to thank @dumbass-stilinski for reading it over and helping me out a bit. Hope you enjoy it Chlo! 
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Chloe’s POV
        I see the new recruits enter the cafeteria area. They look around at the people in the room and my eyes connect with one of them. He’s absolutely gorgeous, probably the most gorgeous guy in the group. He’s got brown hair that lays gently against his forehead and looks absolutely soft. I just want to run my fingers through his hair, and maybe even do other things like gripping and tugging. Alright Chloe, you haven’t even met the guy and you’re mind’s going into the gutter. He’s got these chestnut colored eyes that sparkle in the light. Light pink lips that also look fucking soft. Man I wonder what they’d feel like against my skin… While I continue to stare at this beautiful creature in front of me his eyes eventually find mine and my cheeks immediately start to turn red. I look down quickly at my food hoping he didn’t see my blush. I poke at my food with my fork thinking about the mysterious guy with beautiful chestnut eyes when someone cleared their throat snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up to see the same mysterious boy standing in front of me with a tray of food.
        “Can I uh-can I sit here?” He asks nervously.
        “O-Oh! Yes! I mean yeah, sure.” I reply kind of excitingly at first, but then tone it down.
He smiles at me taking a seat across from me picking at his food before I feel his eyes on me. I look up seeing him looking at me I smile at him lightly looking back down as a blush finds my cheeks. I rarely ever blush. How is this guy making me blush by just smiling at me. Ugh I’m falling to hard.
        “So, what’s your name?” He asks me.
        “I-I’m Chloe. You?”
        “O-Oh I’m Thomas. Do you know exactly what this place is?” He asks looking around at everyone in the room.
        “Well according to Janson it’s a safe haven, but I have my doubts.” I say and Thomas was about to say something, but was cut off by Janson himself.
        “Good evening ladies and gentleman,” everyone faces Janson and he continues, “You all know how this works. If you hear your name being called please rise in an orderly fashion and join my colleagues behind me,” he points towards the guards behind him, “where they will escort you to the eastern wing. Your new lives are about to begin.”
        “Connor, Evelyn, Justin, Peter, Alison, Squeegee, Franklin, and Abigail.” A lot of groans fill the room and Janson calms them down saying, “Now, now. Don’t get discouraged. If I could take more, I would. There’s always tomorrow, your time will come.” He leads the kids out of the room and Thomas’ eyebrows furrow together in confusion watching the kids leave. He looks over to his friends then back to me with a curious look on his face.
        “Where are they brought?”
        “I don’t know and I don’t want to. The only person who has the same suspicions as me is that guy over there.” I point to the guy who’s sitting by himself and one of Thomas’ friends call him over. Thomas nods at them looking back at me before whispering his goodbyes.
        “Whatever you do please be careful.” I tell him before he gets out of earshot. He turns around and smiles at me also giving me a quick wink before walking off with his friends. My heart rate picks up a bit and I chew on my lip as I walk back to my room.
        The next few days I haven’t seen Thomas and I’ve began to worry. I bite my nails in nervousness waiting for him to walk into the cafeteria area. He hasn’t walked through those doors ever since he had tried to get through the guards into the east wing and almost got into a fight with them. Oh god what if they killed him. I get up and leave the area and try to sneak into the area they’re roomed in. I find their door, looking through the window and the only people I see are his friends, whose names are still a mystery to me. I was about to knock on the window when a huge hand covers my mouth and a needle sticks into my neck. They pull the needle out and I start to lose consciousness with only one thing on my mind. Thomas…
        I regain consciousness and the first thing I hear is the alarms going off. My eyebrows cinch in confusion as I get off the bed I was placed in. I look around seeing guards running around the halls in search for something. I walk down one of the hallways and I was grabbed by a guard with a gun placed against my temple. I tremble in fear as he drags me towards the main exit door I see Janson with a bunch of guards around him with shields up.
        “You wouldn’t think you’d want to leave without her would you?” Janson asks and the guard holding his gun to my head moves me next to Janson and I look down the hall to see Thomas with a gun pointed at Janson and his eyes widen.
        “T-Thomas.” I whisper as my lip trembles.
        “LET HER GO.” Thomas yells angrily. The guard cocks his gun and my eyes close as a few tears slide down my cheeks. I feel the gun being pushed away from my head and I look towards Janson to see him looking angrily at the guard.
        “What do you think you’re doing? I told you we weren’t going to harm her.” Janson tells him. The guard looks at him angrily mentioning that he wanted to intimidate Thomas to surrender. As they argue I look to Thomas to see him nod his head towards his friends, a signal telling me to make a run for it. I bolt towards his friends and hear the guard that had his gun against my head fire a shot towards me but misses. I yelp passing Thomas feeling his fingers hit my back as I run by and a blonde guy pushes me behind him protecting me.
        “Open the door Janson!” Thomas yells.
        “You really don’t want me to.”
        “Open the damn door!” Thomas yells getting irritated.
        “Listen to me. I’m trying to save your life. The maze is one thing, but you kids wouldn’t last one day out in the Scorch. If the elements don’t kill you the cranks will. Thomas you have to believe me, I only want what’s best for you.”
        “Yeah let me guess, WCKD is good?” Thomas says and my eyes widen in shock and fear.
        “You’re not getting through that door, Thomas.” Janson says with a small smirk on his face and a few seconds after the door behind us opens and the kid I mentioned to Thomas is on the other side.
        “Hey guys.” He says and all of us walk through the door.
        “Thomas, come on!”
        “Let’s go!”
        “Go, go, go!” We all yell as Thomas tries to shoot his gun but it jams and he throws it.
        “Shut the main corridor door now!” Janson yells into his radio.
        “COME ON THOMAS!” I yell and he runs a little faster as the door is closing. I run my hands through my hair as I see him slide under the door making it through as the door closes a few seconds later. One of the guys bash the card reader breaking the door as Janson and his goons stand on the other side. Thomas flips them off as his friends run towards the exit.
        “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” Thomas asks me rubbing his thumb against my cheek.
        “Yeah I’m fine, physically. Mentally I’m a little terrified.” I say grabbing Thomas’ shirt and he pulls me into a hug petting my blonde hair.
        “I’m so sorry. If I knew where they were holding you I would’ve went to grab you first.” He tells me as we run towards the exit.
        “Hey. It’s okay, I’m here now.” I stop Thomas smiling up at him and he grabs my cheeks planting his lips onto mine. My eyes widen as his hands run through my golden locks and my eyes flutter shut as I grip his shirt. We hear one of his friends yell for us to hurry up and we jump apart blushing madly.
        “W-We should probably go.” Thomas says grabbing my hand as we run outside into the sand storm. The group runs to an abandoned building as we hide from WCKD. We stopped once we got completely inside and all his friends were staring at me.
        “Who are you?” A Korean man asks me.
        “Uhm I’m Chloe.” I say feeling intimidated by all the guys in Thomas’ group.
        “Chloe this is Minho, Newt, Winston, Frypan, and Aris” Thomas introduces and I wave shyly tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. They all wave back and smile at me as Thomas grabs my hand bringing me to a more private area. I shiver slightly and Thomas looks around in one of the bags on the floor finding a jacket placing it on my shoulders.
        “Thanks Thomas.” I smile and he once again places his hand against my cheek rubbing my cheekbone.
        “Can I be honest with you?” He asks me.
        “Yeah of course.” I say softly rubbing his hand that’s on my face.
        “I really, really, want to kiss you again.” He confesses as he looks into my eyes then move down towards my lips.
        “Me too. Really, really badly.” I say as our faces gravitate towards each other and our lips mesh together. I groan slightly at the feeling of his lips on mine and I melt into his chest. He wraps his arms around my lower back and I wrap my arms around his neck as my hands run through his hair. God his hair is so soft. He grips my hips as our kiss get a little rougher and his tongue darts out against my bottom lip asking for permission. I open my mouth in the kiss and our tongues fight for dominance which he ends up winning. We continued making out for a minute or two when one of his friends walked into the room.
        “Hey Thomas what are we-“ Newt asks looking up seeing up making out and we pull away quickly, “Oh sorry, was I interrupting something?”
        “Y-Yeah, but it’s fine. We need to get away from this base.” Thomas says as one of his arms stays wrapped around my waist. They start to head back towards the group when I stop him.
“Everything okay?” Thomas asks me.
“Yeah. I just wanted to tell you that although your friends were intimidating at first, I feel really safe with you guys,” I look up at him smiling, “I’m also really glad that I got to meet you.” He smiles down at me before placing a chaste kiss against my lips.
“I’m glad I met you too, because now I get to kiss you whenever I feel like it.” Thomas mentions chuckling slightly bringing his lips back to mine.
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dylinski · 5 years
The Sexapades of Stiles Stilinski
Warnings: Mild smut, angst, cussing, oral (male receiving)
Relationships: Stiles Stilinski/Jackson Whittmore
Word Count: 2529
Author: @dylan-obrien-fanblog
A/N: Was a little hesitant to actually start this series and post anything for it. but thanks to the amazing @daisyxbuckley (who is just, the greatest) she convinced me to post it. You should definitely check out her work too. Its fantastic. (:
Middle school is the worst, except for kids who are popular. Stiles Stilinski wasn’t necessarily popular, but people liked him and he had a lot of friends. His best friends were Scott and Jackson, but that was until Jackson’s parents told him he was adopted. When they came back from summer break in 7th grade he was a different person, emotionally and physically. This was the first time Stiles had noticed another boys appearance. He never thought about liking boys or girls, it was just always about Lydia. He didn’t feel the way he did for her about anyone, but when he saw Jackson and his newfound muscles, he sure as hell made him feel something.
“Stiles! Are you even listening to me?” Scott bellowed in annoyance at his oblivious friend.
“Huh? What? Sorry, I wasn’t listening.” Stiles responded without averting his eyes from Jackson sitting with his friends at lunch. “Obviously.” Scott rolled his eyes and carried on the conversation with Julia at the lunch table as Stiles still seemed distracted.
It was more than Jackson’s body that appealed to him, he also made him curious. With Stiles, when he couldn’t figure something out, he sure as fuck researched and detected the shit out of it until he did. He was going to figure out why this boy suddenly ditched him and Scott, put up walls and basically became an asshole.
Stiles was pretty athletic himself, but usually lagged behind so that Scott wouldn’t feel so bad because of his asthma. Thankfully, today wasn’t too strenuous so they wouldn’t fall behind with the rest of the class.
“Today we’re playing dodgeball,” Mr. Richards announced to the class of youngsters. A mixture of cheering and booing filled the gym. “Team Captains are Jackson and Samantha. Pick your teams.”
Stiles had the biggest smile on his face since he absolutely loved dodgeball. It was the only time being skinny and fast came in handy, plus the bonus of being able to chuck rubber balls at people for the hell of it. Scott felt differently since he was slow. “Don’t worry bud, I got you. Think of me as your guardian angel.”
“How are you going to guard me? Your a stick.” Scott gestured to the boy standing in front of him.
“Stiles curled in his lips and squinted at his friend, “Yes, I’m aware of that. That makes it harder for them to hit me.”
“Yeah. And easier for them to hit me.”
“Scott, for once in your life, could you stop complaining and try to be at least semi-optimistic?” 
While arguing, they had hardly noticed that everyone had been divided up into teams already.
“Do I really have to take the losers?” Jackson whined as he pointed to the duo.
“This is your fault, you know? Nerd by association. Dragging me down to your nerd depths.” Stiles rambled on as they added themselves to the crowd of kids designated the green team. 
Each group spread themselves out on either side of the gym with a line of balls separating them. Stiles lingered around Scott in case he needed him at a moments notice. The teacher blew the whistle and everyone dived for the rubber spheres. Stiles was able to get one and spastically threw it at no particular person in the direction of the other team. He must have hit someone because he soon heard a whine afterwards.
Doing his own little dance to himself, he heard an all too familiar yelp from behind him. Scott was on the ground and had obviously been knocked out. He rushed over to his friend and helped him up. “At least you don’t have to worry about playing now.” Scott glared at the boy and stomped off to the sidelines that were filling up fast.
Soon there were a handful of players left on either team. Stiles, Jackson, and another girl were on the green team and Samantha with Julia and Marcus were on the blue team. Everyone had a ball and they were in the middle of a standoff. If one ball was thrown, the rest would fly soon after in a mess of plastic.
Julia was the first to toss her ball and it hit the other girl on their team. Stiles threw his just as Jackson happened to step in front of him. Almost immediately, he whirled around to the lanky kid with a look he had never seen on his old friend before. He took the dodgeball in his own grip and hurled it at Stiles, hitting him directly in the face, echoing a “plunk”. Everyone winced at the sight as it knocked him to the ground.
“BLUE TEAM WINS.” The teacher broke the silence of children beholding the pain that befell Stiles.
The teacher had taken Stiles to the nurse to make sure his nose wasn’t broken and then she gave him a bag of ice for his face. He returned to the now empty locker rooms to change out of his gym clothes. He groaned as he removed the ice, a bruise now forming around his right eye. He opened his locker but it was immediately shut by a fuming Jackson before he could retrieve his clothes.
“What the hell was that?”
“What the hell was that? What the hell was this?” Stiles motioned his long fingers to his now swollen eye.
Jackson grabbed the boy and threw him against the locker, caging him with his arms. “That was you getting exactly what you deserved.” Jackson practically spat in his face.
“I think you're slightly overestimating the severity of the situation.” Stiles winced as Jackson growled at his retort, obviously unhappy with the sarcasm. “Look man. I just threw the ball and you stepped in front of it. Okay? I wasn’t trying to hit you.” Stiles could feel Jackson’s breath on his face as he assumed the muscular boy was contemplating whether to believe him or not.
Jackson must have taken him for his word since he took a step back, allowing Stiles to ease off the wall of lockers. Jackson left, a look of anger still lingering on his face. Stiles sighed with relief that he didn’t have to go home to his father with two black eyes. He turned to his locker, opening it for a second time and pulled out his school clothes. Thinking he was alone, he began to strip his clothes off.
Jackson hid in the shadows, watching the tall kid as he began to remove his clothes. He wasn’t trying to be a peeping tom, but his anger got the best of him. He was waiting around, still not entirely sure if he was going to beat the shit out of the little bitch or not. Before he realized it, the kid was completely naked in front of his eyes. He found himself scraping over the boys body, covered in moles just like his face. While the boy was tall and skinny, he hid muscle under his clothes.
He hadn’t talked to him in over a year, so all he could do was assume the kid had joined a sports team outside of school or was active in some sort of way. His rage subsided and embarrassment filled his cheeks as he realized he was staring at a naked Stiles. He ran off from the boy’s locker room before he saw much else aside from his backside.
Two weeks passed after the dodgeball incident and Stiles was more intrigued than ever since Jackson had been avoiding him. He would bully Stiles constantly and he was half expecting for the abuse to be worse since he accidentally hit him with the dodgeball, but nothing.
Stiles was able to find out that something did happen last year around the time that Jackson stopped talking to him which must have been the trigger. No one knew what happened and supposedly Jackson would freak out anytime someone tried to talk to him about it. Stiles being Stiles was going to ask anyways, he just needed to wait for the right moment.
Apparently that moment came when Jackson had been excused to use the restroom. Stiles raised his hand with excitement and the teacher rolled his eyes.
“Yes, Mr. Stilinski. What is it now?”
“I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Mr. Whittmore just left, you’ll have to wait your turn.” The teacher turned to continue the lecture, assuming the conversation was done.
“But I reeeeeeeeeally need to go.” Stiles persisted. Turning back to the spastic child with annoyance, the teacher stared him down. “If I have to wait, I think I might have to take a dump here.” Stiles added strain to his voice, as if he was struggling to hold it all in. He jumped up and clench his butt cheeks and then proceeded to grab his ass as if everything was going to fall out.
The teacher was furious and tired of the child's antics. “I don’t get paid enough for this.” He mumbled under his breath as he motioned for the over active child to leave. Stiles then proceeded to waddle out of the room while holding his ass, keeping up the illusion that no one was believing.
As soon as he entered the hall, he shifted into a hustle to meet Jackson in the bathroom. He entered the restroom but found silence. He peeked into each stall and found the last one to be locked. He ducked his head down and saw someone sitting on the floor in the stall. “Jackson? Is that you?”
The person behind the door sniffed as if they had been crying which was then followed by shuffling as they stood up. Jackson opened the door with a hard look on his face, “What do you want asshat?”
Realizing that Jackson had been upset, Stiles changed his demeanor from curiosity to sincerity. “I wanted to see if you were okay.” While he had not originally known the state of his classmate, the statement was still true.
“I’m fine.” Jackson shot back, pushing past Stiles as he stood in the doorframe of the stalls.
“Well you don’t seem f--” Stiles was cut off Jackson pushed him back into the stall door.
“Well this seems to be a habit,” Stiles scoffed more to himself than Jackson for the position he found himself in. His comment only infuriated Jackson more. Stiles face wasn’t fearful like it had been before. This time he showed sympathy and concern as he could see the pain in Jackson’s eyes.
Jackson felt vulnerable and naked by the way the mole speckled boy was looking at him, reminding him of the way Stiles would have probably felt had he known Jackson was watching him when he changed. He furrowed his brow in thought, springing a look of confusion on Stiles’ face. Before either of them realized what was happening, Jackson had slammed his lips down onto Stiles’. With his eyes wide open and filled with shock, he pushed the sad boy from his lips.
“Jackson, what the fuck are you doing?” 
Jackson’s eyes and face fell in sadness, but as he looked back up to Stiles, his eyes were filled with lust. “Shut up you little shit.” He went back in to kiss him again.
Still riddled with confusion, Stiles found himself dumbfounded and trying to process what was happening as he kissed Jackson back. Jackson began to sink to his knees as he looked up at the skinny boy through his lashes. “Wha….what are you doi...AH.” Stiles fumbled his words as Jackson popped the button on his pants and pulled out his slightly erect penis. He looked down at the boy and discovered he liked seeing his cock stroked by him. 
Stiles threw his head back at the feeling of fingers other than his own around his cock. A new sensation riddled his body, causing him to fling his arms out for balance as Jackson took him in his mouth. His mouth hung agape as he could feel the pressure build up inside him. The way Jackson moved his tongue in circles around his head, then taking him fully in while stroking the shaft that couldn’t fit. Jackson reached up, touching his stomach under his shirt and slid his hand around to his back. He pulled him into his mouth as deep as he could and Stiles grabbed the back of his head, lacing his fingers in his hair. Feeling himself hit the back of his throat was all he needed to meet his release.
The pressure left him and flowed into Jackson’s mouth in spurts. Jackson took all of his cum in his mouth and swallowed. He stood up and went to the sink, washing his mouth out and leaving Stiles standing there with his limp cock out and pants around his ankles. Still not entirely sure what just happened, he threw his pants on and found himself for the first time in his life, speechless.
“What the fuck was that?” He finally managed to scrape together after he came down from his high. Jackson turned around, looking angrier than he had ever seen him. “What’s with the face?”
Suddenly his face turned from anger to sadness, the same sadness that had shown when Stiles found him. “Today is a year.” Unaware he could become more confused than he already was, Stiles proved himself wrong.
“I can’t read your mind. You have to elaborate.” Stiles gestured upwards, speaking with his hands as he always does.
“A year ago today, my parents….” Stiles brows furrowed with concern as he could see Jackson struggling to say the words. “They told me I was adopted.” Stiles eyes grew so wide that he thought they might pop out. “I was already struggling with who I was as a person, but now I have absolutely no idea who I am. They won’t tell me anything about them or why they gave me up. They said they want to wait until I’m older.” Stiles began to approach his friend, but he jerked away before he could rest a hand on his shoulder.
Suddenly, Jackson’s look changed again. He glared at Stiles with a hard stare. “If you tell anyone...about any of this, I will kill you.” Jackson then stormed out of the bathroom.
“Oh, I have no doubt about that.” Stiles spoke sarcastically to himself as he now found himself alone. He looked into the mirror as he lost himself in his thoughts, trying to decipher what just happened as well as process the new information. He wanted to be there for his friend, but being pushed away was making it really hard. Being the relentless tidal wave of ambition that he was, he’d be damned if he’d let that stop him. You never give up on someone, especially someone who is hurting. Stiles knew that hurt all too well. He had lost his mom a couple years ago, but Jackson lost both of his and he never even knew them. He was going to research the shit out of this new mystery and maybe bring some peace and identity to Jackson.
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