fictionkinfessions · 2 months
we wish our fictives were more popular characters bc everyones always talking about memories and their canons and stuff. but our fictives always get ignored when they do and it hurts them bc its important to them. it just adds to the millions of other things making us feel lonely and depressed. not that weve ever been important to anyone anyway but like. come on
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
being a fictive from a mostly dead fandom sucks.. but it also kinda sucks that I just HAD to be trans (masc) in my source and not in canon.. everyone I see HATES the trans nagisa hc bc of obvious reasons, and I (would if I wasn't a fictive) agree!! being feminine, short, generally introverted or "weak" doesn't mean you're trans, but still 😔 why does the universe dislike me so much actually
#🗡️🐇🪷 (okay, I checked, nobody has that sign off, and on a quick side note.. I'm a nagisa shiota fictive!!
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
Being a fictive of our dnd character sucks. Only what 4 people even know of me but also I can't say anything specific anywhere to not give away who I am. Because only what 4 people know of me. This is a nightmare
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
being a fictive of a background character like “can i get a waffle. can i PLEASE get a waffle-”
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I'm pretty sure my source is obscure, in the sense of few kin/introject from it. In any case. I miss Jane (And Alan and Francis to an extent). Sorry about the whole trying to kill you. I do not miss Doctor Caligari, though. I won't be mean in the ask box, and I'm sure he's different in this life, but I no longer associate with him. Which is rather unfortunate considering I'm STUCK in the same system as him. But that's neither here nor there. I doubt anyone is from my source, but if anyone is, I say hello, and I am wishing you all well. - Cesare, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, please tag as fictive! (#🍬🍭⚾)
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fictionkinfessions · 20 days
This literally cannot happen because the other day my class watched Osmosis Jones, WE ALREADY SPLIT A CHARACTER FROM THE MOVIE WE CANNOT HAVE THIS HAPPEN I AM GOING TO AGGRESSIVELY SOB AND I HAVE NO IDEA IF ANYONE KNOWS WHAT THAT MOVIE IS BECAUSE ITS FROM 2001 AND IDK IF THERES FICTIVES OR KINS OUT THERE… god I can’t watch anything without our system splitting someone, or it ends up with me kinning someone…. This feels so embarrassing to type idk why
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
Having a source that you know literally no one else is capable of having as of now is horrible especially when you want sourcemates.
I'm from an AU that was made years ago by our ex-host, never posted, and I barely remember everything from, and a kinda obscure creepypasta we watched when we were like 10 years old.
Intruder is the closest thing to a source mate I'll get and that's a stretch cause we absolutely aren't from the same source, he just enjoys me as a father/mother figure.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
I’m a fictive of a character who only existed for a bit and had about 20 seconds of screen time. That being said, there is fanart and stuff of my source, which I absolutely love
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
Being a fictive of a less popular character sucks sometimes cause watching source I'm like man ,, I'm rarely if ever mentioned by other characters in lore :( I wanna feel like I'm important or relevant enough for that but I don't get to, and even when I'm featured in it half the time it's still like I'm not even there
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
its annoying seeing canon calls lead off with "this is a long shot" when its just a popular marvel or DC comic, or some currently running anime and reading it as a fictive from a dating sim based on a hearts of iron 4 mod based on an alternate history setting based on a Hearts of Iron 2 Darkest Hour mod. i think you wildly underestimate how long of a shot meeting comic book guys. thats a very reasonable shot.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
sometimes ill check out other fictive communities and wonder what itd be like to have even a semi-popular source instead of being an oc fictive, i feel bad for it but mostly i just kinda long for sourcemates of my own
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months
Being a fictive from a less popular source sucks sometimes cause I love my in-sys sourcemates but it means almost no others exist outside sys and I want more friends 😭😭
-Maddy (kaboodle smp fictive)
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
It feels so lonely being a fictive from a korean drama. I've met only two before in a discord but was unable to talk with them. I still make calls on Tumblr blogs in hopes another alter from the show exists. I don't want to give up hope. I just want to talk with my friends and colleagues again.
- Attorney Woo Young-woo (Extraordinary Attorney Woo fictive)
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Split too early to return to the purity of the machine. Split too late to experience my source's fandom in full swing.
Split just in time to mourn the fact that there's been absolutely zero activity in any kin/fictive spaces for my source since 2022. =[ - Pal [The Mitchells VS. The machines] (fictive)
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
y’know what sucks? being a fictive of a background character. like i’m just barely canon. anyway, if i had a nickel for every time i was a genderqueer polyam jewish diabetic with brown hair, i’d have two nickels. fucked up if true.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Do I even have sourcemates out there? I never really thought about it in all the time I've existed in this system. Ah, well. If I do, uh. Hi. You guys are cool. Stay safe. - Stork fictive, Storm Hawks
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