#oc (juno)
wrenkenstein · 4 days
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Updated Juno's ref for the new year, which included a face overhaul, some flaire and touch-ups, and her updated oxygen pack! Now she may be released into the wild to go do SCIENCE!!!
If you want to learn more about her, read here!
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nekoinukit · 3 months
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Kinda obsessed with giving them black hair
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greatwesternway · 7 days
Do Pilot and Pioneer's train cars meddle in their love lives like their fellow engines, or is it not done?
Pioneer's do not. 505 and 570 have known him their entire careers and while his obliviousness to other engines' overtures is frustrating, their sense of coach decorum prevents them from saying anything lest they embarrass him. They figure that if it was going to happen for him, it would have by now and that maybe their engine just isn't interested.
But what do they know? They're articulated so they never really had anyone but each other. They're not the best judge of these things.
Pilot's cars, on the other hand, are a mixed lot. While Pioneer's cars observe a more staid, old-fashioned car etiquette, the Nebraska Zephyr is more outspoken and takes liberties with their duties.
Those at the center of the train do not meddle however. Vesta doesn't because she likes yard drama and it drives everyone else insane that Pilot is uncoupled despite being spoiled for choice. Minerva thinks it is not a car's place to meddle in the affairs of their engine. And Ceres would have to speak up to meddle so that's right out.
Venus and Juno, however, do. They're not overt about it; they know a gentle ride is preferable, but they do nonetheless shunt as much as they can.
Juno is the observation car and so she observes. It seems quite obvious to her that the two Zephyr engines ought be a paired set, particularly once Pioneer starts actually visiting and it'd be more than just letters.
Venus is a little more self-serving in her efforts, if only because she might have thought she and Pilot would have been the It Couple in the museum. Once he cleaned up, that is. That Pilot completely failed to recognize that... well, if she can't have him, someone should. And if it's the Pioneer Zephyr, all the better. (She is the opposite of Mate: If it's Pioneer, then she didn't strike out, she just couldn't compare to the engine in the letters, that's all!)
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munchychippies · 3 months
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Whiteboard drawings because i can B)
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ragingdumpsterfire · 1 year
[Delsin Rowe x Female OC]
Sirens shrieked in the cold Seattle air, surveillance cameras blaring their alarms. The noise drowned out the chatting pedestrians, and an oversized military vehicle pulled up to the vicinity, earning an annoyed glance from the bystanders. Juno glanced up from her phone, locating the flashing lights. Shit. She watches them for a moment, blue eyes scanning the situation, heart sinking when the vehicle stops and boots hit the ground. Loud voices come from over the walkie talkies of the DUP agents, and she can hear their next target: a female bioterrorist. Juno feels her stomach turn as she panics and thinks back over the last week. Have I used my power in front of anyone? She couldn’t think of anything that would have incriminated her. Hell, she didn’t even like to use her abilities outside of her apartment. Discreetly turning around and working her way through the crowd, Juno quickened her pace to try and find an alley to leave the DUP’s search area. Even if she wasn’t the target, the DUP were known to attack first and ask later. 
Success. Nestled between two tall buildings was a little brick-lined alley. Juno ducked down into the alley and broke out into a brisk jog, mentally calculating where the end of the alley came out. Shouting from the DUP agents grew faint, and Juno slowed her pace as she came to the end of the alley. She let out a sigh as she rounded the corner, her nerves were finally calming down. She hated the DUP more than anything. An organization targeting entire cities on the basis of rumors, snatching and shooting at people from the streets. Neighbors reporting neighbors over petty disputes, citizens missing out of the blue, lives being ruined. 
“Arrogant asshol—“ left her mouth, but the words stopped abruptly as her body collided with a solid form. Juno was slightly stunned, then judging by the grunting she now heard, the realization sunk in that she had collided with a person. 
“Ouch”, a warm voice chuckled, “arrogant I can handle, but asshole? I’m hurt.” A mischievous face looked down on Juno, soft brown eyes with a hint of trouble gazing down at her. A lopsided smirk turned into a grin at the sight of the tiny woman now falling back, and a large hand reached out to help stabilize her.  
“Oh my god,” Juno whispered, face burning as she grabbed the offered hand, slightly phased. “I’m so sorry—oh my god I can’t believe I ran into you.” After confirming that Juno was stable on her feet, the man’s tattooed arm went back to his side, and Juno‘s own hands ran through her hair nervously, biting her lip as she stared a hole into the stranger’s black sneakers. 
“Hey, it’s all good,” said the man, a metallic clanking sound filling the air. “You didn’t hurt me, but my project’s another story.” 
Juno’s eyes shot up at the words, a small oh emitting from her when she saw the context of the statement. The man she ran in to had been spray painting the wall, intricate details of a portrait, bold colors creating a poignant message. And now across the entirety of it, one long messy line of red. Because she ran into him. 
A long groan left Juno, and she glanced up at him. He wasn’t upset, his body language said that much. His hands were resting up behind his head, dark hair sticking out from under a maroon beanie. His entire appearance was relaxed, from his ripped up vest to his paint-spattered jeans. There was a gleam of mischief behind his brown eyes, his mouth turned up in a smirk, and he exuded boyish charm. There was no trace of irritation with Juno over the ruined artwork. On the contrary, he looked amused by the whole thing. 
“Again, I’m so sorry,” Juno began, “if there’s anything I can do to help, just tell me. I feel so awful about this, I-I was trying to avoid the uh…”
Juno trailed off, gesturing with a thumb behind her, the sirens just audible in the alley. The man chuckled, and began surveying his freshly marred artwork. “Yeah, I hate those assholes too.” Juno watched as he sprayed tactfully over the red, making it less obvious. 
He worked so fluidly, the paint can seemed like an extension of himself. Juno became caught up watching him work, the final piece evolving from its original intention. Her focus returned when the artist in front of her cleared his throat and broke the silence. “So, if you really want to help, how about you come by when I do my next painting? Come hold stencils, shake cans, watch the great master at work.” He glanced back at her with a grin. “How’s that sound, Miss Altruist?” Juno felt her face flush under his gaze, and she nodded, slowly at first and then a little more enthusiastically. “Yeah….yeah, that sounds great!” 
With a final flourish of his paint can, the man next to Juno gestured behind her, and the two stepped back to take in the finished painting. It was a bold message to the DUP, a message of defiance and spirit, and aesthetically pleasing to top it all. Juno glanced over at the artist, taking in his satisfaction. He wiped his hands on his pants, adding a few more spots of paint to them. Juno hadn’t noticed before, but he had spent time altering the denim vest he wore over his gray sweatshirt. Despite his carefree demeanor, Juno realized that his attention to detail must have been something he used in every aspect of his life.  
“So….my name is Juno. Figured you should know that since I’m now your new assistant.” This earned Juno a laugh. It also sent a curious sensation through her stomach. “Well then, new assistant Juno. I’m Delsin,” he stated a little formally, shooting her a grin. “You can call me Del….or Mr. Awesome Manager Delsin. Whatever works for you.” 
Juno shot Delsin a thumbs up as she laughed at the goofy expression he made. “You got it, Mister Manager.” 
Both Delsin and Juno couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculous exchange. With the sun reaching their spot, Juno noticed how Delsin’s eyelashes framed his dark brown eyes, and the way sunlight showed various shades of chocolate hues. The way he looked down at her, grin softening to an honest smile. The way he looked down at her…the way he looked down at her. Juno’s face flushed with the sudden realization of the way he was gazing down at her, and broke the eye contact. Delsin must have had the same realization because he suddenly cleared his throat, looking back at the art on the wall next to them. 
“If you want to give me your phone,” Juno stammered, “I can put my number in so you can let me know when you work on your next project.” 
Delsin looked slightly shocked by the fact that she actually accepted his offer, but pulled his phone out from the back pocket of his jeans, unlocked it, and handed it over nevertheless.
“You’re not just gonna take off with it and run, are you?” 
Juno scoffed at the idea as she grabbed the phone, ignoring Delsin’s fake suspicious glare. 
“And…..there!” Juno stated, having entered her info on the phone, and handed it back to Delsin. For a brief moment, their fingertips brush, skin against skin. Delsin hesitated before taking the phone from Juno, as if thinking better of removing the sensation. The warmth of his skin coursed waves of something through Juno,  and she suddenly became acutely aware of the missing warmth once he removed his touch. 
The two stood in comfortable silence for a moment, the quiet of the lingering sunset casting a glow down the alley.
“Well…I guess I should head out,” Juno said, giving Delsin a small smile. “I think the DUP are gone now, and I’ve got a hungry cat waiting for me at home.” A pause, then she continued. “So…anyway…you’ll text me when you work on your next project?” She mentally cringed at how overly expectant that came out. 
Delsin raised a hand, giving a finger gun, and winked her way. 
“You bet! It’s a date, assistant.”
This little action, these three little words, lit up Juno’s face. She gave a small salute, and turned to leave, taking one last glance at his face. Her shoes seem heavy, heavier than they were this morning. “See you later, Delsin.”
Delsin. Delsin. Yeah, Juno liked saying that name.
As Juno rounded the corner, waving from down the alley before disappearing, Delsin removed his beanie and ran a hand through his hair, letting out a humored sigh. Quietly, he murmured to himself.
“Del, man, you just met her. C’mon, chill, she might not even be into you.” 
Delsin was left standing in the alley, looking at nothing in particular, lost in thought. His hands hung at his side, absently tapping on his legs. Suddenly, he remembered his phone, and pulled it out to look at the new contact. 
Juno Moore, Quality Control and Assistant Awesome Manager
He let out a laugh, a smile playing on his lips. “God damn…that girl is amazing.”
[My first rambling bit about my OC and Delsin! I’m still trying to get the hang of writing Delsin, and it’s been so long since I wrote anything substantial, so I hope this was okay! If you want to know about my girl Juno, here is some info about her.]
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ai-kan1 · 2 months
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Added few more on the FragmemxTwst thing I drew!!
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macaronichewtoyz · 2 months
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I describe trans people as art and the sun.
[Juno (dog) he/him, Skai (fox) he/they/aer]
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wrenkenstein · 7 months
Juno's Bio Carrd is done!
I finally managed to finish fleshing out Juno's bio carrd! For those of you who were interested in learning about our beloved mad scientist, here you go! ^v^
And a few screenshots from the site, so you can get a glimpse of what lies beyond that page!
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nekoinukit · 9 months
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For fic
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greatwesternway · 20 days
Lots of traveling for me at the moment. Makes me think of the trains! What was their favorite route to take?
For Pioneer, it's easily Lincoln-Kansas City. It's the route he started on, the route he re-debuted on with his new name, and the route his legacy and the entire Zephyr fleet was built on top of. A humble route for a doughty little train, but the people in those cities loved him so much they had to get bigger and better trains to replace him on it to service the demand.
Pilot's favorite is Denver-Ft. Worth, the Texas Zephyr.
It's a little different for E5's, you see, because E5's never had the presumption of being Zephyrs. Every shovelnose was built with a specific route in mind and, indeed, the first shovelnose trainsets were articulated so it was actually the train that had the Zephyr name and not the route. As the CB&Q abandoned the articulation over time, the route rather than the train carried the Zephyr name, but shovelnoses were still built with their route in mind. A shovelnosed trainset simply would be a Zephyr upon entering service.
But E5's were built to cover the Zephyr routes. They were meant to be substitutes who would work elsewhere unless needed, not unlike the Aeolus. Silver Bullet was given a Zephyr route right out the gate, the Silver Streak Zephyr (taking over Pioneer's Lincoln-Kansas City route since his train took their name with them), but most E5's were given other non-Zephyr routes.
To be sure, getting a named route at all is a mark of distinction to any engine who isn't named on his own. The Fast Mail or the Exposition Flyer is still something special. But E5's were designed to look like shovelnoses and if Silver Bullet was made a Zephyr... well, one can hope they'd get that chance too.
The Texas Zephyr then became the route that made most of the E5's Zephyrs in their own right. Almost all of them saw assignment to it, so Pilot thinks back on it not just as the route that gives him claim to Zephyr lineage, but also as a route he shared with most of his siblings.
That Pioneer also asserted that pulling the Texas Zephyr made Pilot as much as Zephyr as he is helps, though that's a retroactive addition to Pilot's fondness for Denver-Ft. Worth. He also doesn't know that if he'd not pulled the Texas Zephyr first, Pioneer would still have said that pulling the Nebraska Zephyr now makes him a Zephyr engine. That Pilot has the history means Pioneer doesn't have to insist on more tenuous logic since the point of saying so wasn't so much to convince Pilot, but to convince his train. The Goddesses were already dubious on whether the Texas Zephyr counted at all, not being a proper CB&Q route. How would it look for mere cars to argue with the Pioneer Zephyr on the subject though?
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munchychippies · 27 days
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starmonsterrr · 20 days
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[ * Hi guys i'm still cringe btw. Me and the boyfriend and husband (gender neutral) (yes he is both at the same time) :3 ]
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ragingdumpsterfire · 1 year
juno moore- infamous second son oc profile
Full name: Juno Moore
Conduit power: hydrokinesis
Meaning for name: Juno’s parents thought it was a clever play on words considering their child was born in the month of June.
Age: 27
Eye color: pale green
Build: pixielike
Hair color and length: Juno keeps her black hair at a short bob length, with bangs that frame her aquamarine eyes. She has an undercut, and a blue streak. Sometimes she wears it up in a ponytail.
Taste in clothes: Juno wears an eclectic mix of minimal and grunge, sleek sweaters with cutoffs and fishnets, skinny jeans with band tshirts and doc martens. She has tattoos.
Music: indie hipster music
Daredevil or cautious: Juno is more of a cautious, reserved person, and waits to step out of her comfort zone for moments where she has someone with her to instigate her. She’s not quite “no fucks given”, more like “some fucks given”.
Hobbies: Juno collects records, and her fondness of her local record shop led to the owner offering her a position at the cozy shop. Juno doesn’t tell him (not that he would actually mind), but she makes a weekly trip to all of the various record shops across Seattle to hunt for her grail records.
Because of Juno’s conduit power, she keeps a lot of house plants. She has a knack for keeping the potted greenery alive and thriving.
Juno also paints, a hobby she held since her college days. Her tiny apartment has half painted canvases shoved behind every corner, and has even hung some in a couple local coffee shops.
Favorite thing: the quiet of sunrise on the waterfront, mist coating the water and a hot drink in hand.
Favorite person: There’s this guy that Juno met recently. He’s tall, he’s a troublemaker, and he’s got a wickedly charming smile. She ran into him (quite literally) while trying to avoid a DUP truck. He was spray painting some graffiti, and she slammed right into his back. He laughed it off, turning the resulting paint error into a feature, and they’ve since met up a few times after running into each other casually. Juno hasn’t quite parsed what the flutters in her stomach mean, but he’s quickly becoming her favorite person to be around.
What would break them: being found out by the DUP, and getting locked up.
What are they reluctant to tell people: Juno doesn’t tell anyone about her conduit powers, given the current status of the DUP. Given her particular powers, it’s easy to keep them hidden.
Opinion on sex / relationships: Juno had a few flames that burnt out after a while, a couple girlfriends and a boyfriend in college. Lately, Juno hasn’t gotten close enough to anyone to bother with either, although she’s not opposed to the idea. She’s an adamant supporter of consenting adults allowing themselves to enjoy life.
Major flaws: Juno can be hesitant to do things, confidence doesn’t always come easy to her. Self doubt floats through her mind frequently, and having the stigma of being a conduit has directly affected that. She can sometimes be oblivious because of how she overlooks the interactions of others with her.
Selfish or selfless: Juno, in general, is altruistic. She’s quick to help a person in need.
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eyerealm · 28 days
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ai-kan1 · 23 days
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Ramshackle uniform I have been working on for my guy!! What do you think guys?
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wineauntie · 2 months
WHEN WE MET THE WORLD STILLED – quinn hughes x singer!oc
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summary: quinn hughes finds himself enamoured by someone he’s convinced is far out of his league.
note: your honour, I love these two!
warnings: none really!
word count: 1.8k+
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Juno Blackwood had absolutely zero idea about the logistics of hockey as a sport. In fact, if she hadn't been invited to Rogers Arena to perform the national anthems and a quick interval show, she probably wouldn't have even given the sport a second thought.
Her red-heeled, signature cowboy boots clacked across the cement floor as her head swivelled to look at everything her assigned tour guide, Michael had pointed out. She was half-listening, her thoughts more focused on running through various lyrics for her performance– she hadn't meant to zone out but it had just been so easy to.
"And obviously, we managed to get our hands on a jacket for you to wear for the anthems," the man guiding her spoke, snapping her out of her daze. "We figured the jersey mightn't be up your lane."
Feeling a sudden wave of doubt, Juno glanced down at her beige, afghan jacket that just brushed her knees. She wore one of her typical outfits— her boots, a pair of red wide-leg pants and a loose white shirt with a deep neckline, loosely knotted together in the front. Those paired with a gold belt (that she was certain was a long necklace before) seemed to be one of the only suitable options she'd had in her wardrobe.
She wasn't made for the cold weather in Vancouver or the chilly atmosphere of the hockey arena, she was a summer child, drawn to the sun and its warmth.
"Not that your jacket isn't perfect!" Michael rushed to say in a panic as his eyes bulged. Juno had realised that, once again, she seemed to zone out from the conversation at hand. "It's really nice and all, but I know you expressed interest in some Canucks apparel and—"
"The jacket sounds great," Juno cut in kindly, her ring-clad hand placing itself on top of his waving one. "May I see it?" The man flushed and bobbed his head, rushing forward, as Juno kept her strides long to keep up with him.
At the end of the hallway, a group of three people stood, idly chatting. As Juno's heels clicked and echoed, the group's eyes snapped up to meet her gaze. Her eyes remained lax as she locked eyes with the man who stood between two women. His eyes searched hers, as they softened. Juno examined the man shamelessly, taking in his navy suit and beanie, so unlike the outfit she adorned. Her gaze travelled across his stubble to his sheepish smile and his eyes.
Juno hummed, her lips quirking up as Michael stopped in front of the group with her by his side.
"Juno, this is Charlotte and Andrea, our social team," Michael explained, gesturing towards the two women who stood with their cameras and phones out, yet Juno's eyes lingered on the nameless man. "...and this is Quinn Hughes, Captain of the Canucks."
"It's lovely to meet you guys, I’m Juno." She smiled, moving her gaze away from the man–Quinn, as she shook Andrea and Charlotte's hands first. She paused as she turned to shake Quinn's, his intense stare igniting something within her.
Quinn took her hand carefully, their fingers briefly brushing as he finally cracked a smile.
"I'm going to be showing you around from here on,"
Juno almost melted at the sound of his raspy voice, her head tilting as they kept their hands connected. Realising that she had yet to speak up, she cleared her throat and released her grip.
"Great," she offered up, her eyes flitting to Andrea and Charlotte. "And you guys will be coming along for the trip too?"
"Yes!" Andrea gleamed, her eyes twinkling in excitement. "We have a few things planned, so Quinn will be taking you on a tour of the locker rooms as well as presenting you with a jacket."
Juno's eyes jumped back to Quinn, who seemed to be solely focused on her face. She cleared her throat and folded her arms, trying to block out the cold that infiltrated the arena surrounding her– although the heat stemming from his stare was creeping up her spine in indescribable warming sensation.
"You'll also get to meet some of the other guys and we'll try to linger in the background taking photos as subtly as we can," Andrea finished explaining, recapturing Juno's attention.
"You've got it all planned out," Juno commented appreciatively, "that all sounds perfect." She turned back to Quinn. "Well, I guess you're leading the way, Cap."
Quinn stifled a smile and gestured with his head for her to follow as he began to walk. "We can start with the locker room," he spoke, leading Juno further down the hall as she nodded and followed alongside him.
If Quinn's voice was a song, she wanted to listen to it on repeat because she knew she'd never get tired of it.
Now, Juno was no romantic, but with Quinn? He intrigued her...enraptured her attention and she couldn't place why.
"So, how did you get roped into giving me this tour?" Juno teased, as the media women followed close behind. "Lose a bet or were you sacrificed for the greater good?"
"Neither, fortunately," Quinn remarked, his warm eyes sparking with mirth. "I had to quite literally 'take one for the team' as the captain."
"You poor thing," She grinned, her lip jutting out in mock offence.
"That's not what the guys think," he mused, causing Juno's brows to raise in question. "A few of them begged to take you on the tour themselves." Quinn's confession caught her off guard, and she couldn't help but chuckle.
"Well, I must be quite the hot ticket item around here," she replied, her tone playful and light, undeterred by his words as they reached the locker room door.
Like a gentleman, Quinn stepped aside and held the door open for her, warning him with a dazzling and warm smile. As Juno stepped inside the locker room, she was immediately hit by the smell of sweat, disinfectant and leather. Quinn was close behind her as she scanned the room taking in the rows of lockers adorned with players' names and numbers.
"So, uh...this is where the magic happens," Quinn sheepishly spoke, his hands in his pockets. "Well, most of the time."
Juno nodded, impressed by the organized chaos of the space. "It's got a winning kind of energy tonight," she remarked, moving closer to one of the lockers to get a better look at the jerseys hanging up.
"Well, I'd hope so," Quinn mumbled as she approached a locker on the far side which was labelled with her name and displayed a vintage, navy Canucks jacket with a red stripe down the sleeves and the logo on the back.
Juno beamed and ran her hand over the material, her fingers caressing the red, feeling rather glad for her coincidentally, coordinating outfit.
Quinn watched Juno with a soft smile, appreciating her genuine excitement, as he took the jacket off of the hanger and passed it over to her.
"Welcome to the team," he teased, handing her the Canucks jacket, the pair deaf to rapid clicking and flash of the cameras behind them.
Juno shrugged off her Afghan coat and hung it up on the hanger before she took the jacket from him, her fingers running over the material.
"Thank you," she said gratefully, slipping it on over her shoulders. It was slightly oversized but was comfortable and warm, two things she loved about clothing.
Quinn nodded, a small smile playing across his lips. "You're welcome," he replied, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer than necessary.
As they stood there, exchanging smiles, Juno couldn't help but feel a flutter erupt in her stomach as her eyes locked on Quinn's. There was something about him that drew her in, further and further.
"Well, how do I look?" Juno radiated a smile, breaking the momentary silence as she twirled.
Quinn watched her with interest, his eyes following her every move. "Looks good on you," he remarked, his voice soft.
Juno grinned, feeling a rush of warmth at his compliment. "Thanks," she said, heat rising up her neck. This was so unlike her, she never acted like this with men– or women for that matter!
"Hi guys, could we just grab a photo of the two of you?" Andrea's perky voice asked, infiltrating whatever moment she and Quinn seemed to be sharing.
"Of course!"
Quinn and Juno's words overlapped as the two of them scooted closer together. She plastered her biggest smile across her lips, her head tilting as they faced the multiple cameras facing them. They stood for another few minutes before they were allowed to move apart and move on with the tour.
"So, you're performing during one of the intervals tonight, right?" Quinn asked, glancing over at her as they walked.
Juno shrugged, a smile tugging at her lips. "I am," she hummed, "three songs during the second interval and then the two anthems before the match."
Quinn nodded, seemingly satisfied with her answer. "Well, we're glad to have you here," he said sincerely, his eyes meeting hers. "And I have a feeling you're going to knock it out of the park tonight." Juno felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words, and she couldn't help but return his smile.
"Why thank you, Cap," she joked, successfully hiding the blush she could feel rising to her cheeks as a flutter of excitement turned into a flurry of joy at the thought of performing in front of the crowd later that evening.
"Juno, we're being told to show you where you're sitting and then bring you back in a while to meet some of the players," Andrea read off her phone, her eyes apologetic at the order.
"Alright," Juno hummed before she turned to Quinn for the final time. "Well, Cap, it's been a pleasure, thanks for the tour."
Quinn felt a faint smile grow at her words, a small laugh escaping his lips. "The pleasure's all mine," he nodded, sticking out his hand once again.
As Juno accepted Quinn's hand, she couldn't help but notice the warmth that radiated from his touch. His hand was strong and reassuring, yet surprisingly gentle, despite the toughness of them as their palms met.
For a moment, Juno swore the clocks stopped and the world apart from them fell into the depths of space, leaving the two of them in their bubble. Juno felt another damned flutter erupt in the pit of her stomach, a sensation she couldn't quite explain but couldn't ignore.
As Quinn's thumb brushed over her knuckles, she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over her. There was something about the way he held her hand – firm yet tender, confident yet gentle, a feeling that seemed to scream safe, as if she had finally found someone who understood her in a way no one else ever had.
Good Lord, Juno needed to take a nap or something. She was becoming soppy and unlike herself.
Pulling away, Juno followed Andrea out of the room, but not before flashing Quinn a dazzling smile, one that was quickly reciprocated by the man.
a/n: oh and this is her outfit + the jacket I envisioned her getting!
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