#oc Empa
korokonas · 1 year
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A cheery, flower-loving Mith and her grumpy dragon friend (they’re inseparable)
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im new to your block, could you introduce your OCs?
Of course!! Sorry for the wait this took me a long time to type up.
Firstly, welcome! Glad to have you here!
Secondly, this is gonna be a long post so I'm going to keep it under a read more.
Thank you so much for asking! I hope you enjoy! And feel free to ask about anyone
Demon characters across all stories -
Dayzel: he/him, trans/pan, ice/shadow demon hybrid. Dayzel is a bit of a han solo type rogue. He is very charismatic and flirty, with *severe* trauma. He's got mommy issues like crazy, and has had a long string of toxic exs. Was married to Nox for a while. He also worked as a hitman for hire with Rupert when they were dating. And then worked for Berkley for a while kidnapping victims for her. Later is a stay at home Dad while Mibium (his eventually husband) works full time.
Beth: She/her, cis/lesbian, ice/shadow demon hybrid. She is Dayzel's estranged younger sister. She's very prim and proper, until you get to know her and she loosens up. Then she becomes much more mischievous and playful. She's a bit reckless and incredibly stubborn, but ultimately is a good person, despite her past mistakes.
Cole: he/him, too young to know labels, electric demon. Beth's son who is adopted by/raised by Dayzel and Mibium.
Cindy: she/her, cis/bi, true shadow demon. Dayzel and Beth's mother. A truly ferocious woman who wanted "the best" for her kids. Toxic to everyone but Lucian. Was killed by Dayzel when he was 17.
Lucian: he/him, trans/straight, ice demon. Dayzel and Beth's father. Very laid back to the point of neglect.
Rupert: he/him, cis/gay, fire demon. He is also pretty charismatic but in a different direction. Think wolf in sheep's clothing. He's not as smart as some of my other OCS and much prefers brawn over brain. But definitely not a himbo. Runs a criminal gang of assassins and hitmen for hire. Mostly other demons.
Octavian: he/him, cis/bi (masc preference), poison/shadow demon hybrid. A demon aristocrat. A bit of slimeball but everyone loves him or at least pretends to because they're afraid of him. A collector of "fine" things.
Marley: they/poi, nonbinary/panromantic/asexual, poison demon. A chemist specializing in poisons/their own venom. They are very passionate and care deeply, but are a bit of a social outcast. Deeply, deeply craves connection.
Rain: he/him, trans/bi, touch/shadow demon hybrid. Very work focused and detail oriented due to his relationship with Berkley. Very low self esteem. Very little memory aside from living with Berkley. Incredibly lonely... This man needs a hug and a raise.
Reigns: he/him, trans/gay, true shadow demon. He is a "scientist" who works in Richard's lab. He's mostly muscle and sometimes an experiment himself though. He's very kind hearted, but is put in a place where he can't always abide by this. Ian's actual father figure and mentor for many years.
Jane: she/her, cis/bi, touch/shadow demon hybrid. She is a very gentle soul who has seen way too much. She's very laid back and relaxed most of the time, but does get anxious quite easily, especially when it comes to her family. She has no memory of her early childhood and was bounced from home to home the majority of her life. Married to Phoenix, and mother of Dee.
Phoenix: she/her, cis/bi, succubus. She is very... Passionate in a lot of ways. She tends to have a lot more of a temper than her wife, which can get her into trouble sometimes. She works as a secretary. She also streams games in her spare time.
Dee: they/them nonbinary/pan, touch/succubus/shadow demon hybrid. They are still a teenager, but they have a good head about them. Having picked up Phoenix's assertive nature, and Jane's levelheadedness.They can be very reckless at times and don't like listening to authority. They can be very stubborn, but what teenager isn't. Incredibly empathetic.
Dare: they/she/he, genderfluid/bi (feminine preference), true shadow demon. They are Jane and Ian's parent. They are a very gentle and empathetic soul that was thrust in a very bad relationship. The king of hell, alongside Richard. Just wants to be a dad in peace... Living out the cottagecore dream with their partner Mindy.
Richard: he/him, cis/gay, mind demon. The king of hell! He's very charismatic in the sense that he is powerful... But has the personality of a wet paper bag. He is very self centered and selfish to a certain level of cruelty. He's Ian's real dad... But definitely not a good one.
Ian: he/him, cis/bi (feminine preference), mind/shadow demon hybrid. He's got so many daddy issues it's not even funny. He's very quick to temper and struggles to express genuine emotions. He gets overwhelmed easily. He can be gentle with those he cares about though, such as Talon and Ryan. He is pretty suave and very good at manipulating people. He's the secret prince of Hell.
Talon: he/him demiboy/unlabeled, mind/shadow demon. A young clone of Ian that is being raised as Ian's son. He's very curious about the world around him and loves asking questions. Very friendly most of the time, but can be shy if he's already overwhelmed.
Ryan: he/him, trans/gay, true shadow demon. He is sweetie with a, albeit mischievous, heart of gold. He loves to cook for his friends and family. He's very introverted and enjoys the simpler things in life. Takes on being an adopted father to Talon with Ian.
Ash: he/him, cis/gay, touch/??? hybrid. He used to be Ian's best friend. They grew up in the lab together. They had a falling out though. He is very affectionate, sometimes to an uncomfortable degree.
Past: he/they, demiboy/demiromantic/pansexual, fate demon. He is the storyteller of the fate siblings. He is the most sociable and approachable of the siblings. Also, the least outwardly cruel.
Present: they/he/she, genderfluid/bi (masc preference), fate demon. The ambassador of the fate siblings. They are very work oriented and don't really take time for self care. They are easily the most cruel, but have a "work" persona most people like. Old friends with Nox, and they have a *massive* crush on him.
Future: xey/xem, agender/aromantic/asexual, fate demon. The prophet of the fate siblings. The most anti-social of the fates. The oldest and "leader" of the triplets. Xey consider Dare to be xer only true friend.
Isaac: he/him, cis/gay, true shadow demon. A bit of a sleezy guy. He is still powerful, and have influence, but is not well liked. He doesn't mind too much though. He has Luc to torment.
Luc: he/him, cis/pan, fire demon. Ironically has very bad luck. Is very hotheaded and snarky. He tries to be there for others as best he can, but has a lot of his own issues to deal with. Ends up lonely a lot of the time, aside from Isaac.
Zeke: he/him, cis/bi (feminine preference), electric/shadow demon hybrid. A bounty hunter in space in the far, far future when Humanity/angel/demons have taken to the stars. He is another roguish type. Very introverted and spends a lot of time alone. Though he warms up for those he cares about.
Angel characters across all stories -
Berkley: she/he/it, demigirl/demiromantic/demisexual, reaper angel. She is a bit of a mad scientist type. She is also a bit of a social recluse aside from a select few. She is very smart, but very socially inept. Collects teddy bears. She has a very large garden and does a lot of different crafts.
Mindy: she/he, genderfluid/bi (feminine preference), reaper angel. She is like... A feral raccoon. She does not have a lot of social skills due to her past. But her partner, Dare, very much doesn't mind. They can be very sweet at times to those they care about. A bit of himbo.
Mibium: he/him, cis/gay, guardian/healer angel hybrid. He is very much himbo, and a gentle giant. Unless you piss him off, then you're fucked. He deepy, deeply loves and cares about people. He works as a high-school French teacher. His students are convinced he's not human, but don't know what he is. He's a very popular teacher. He's very sociable, if a bit awkward.
Nox: he/him, cis/gay, touch demon/cupid angel hybrid. He is incredibly vain and self-centered. Used to be married to Dayzel, and best friends with Rupert. He is a coward and does not handle being under pressure well.
Omen: he/him, cis/gay, reaper/light angel hybrid. A space bounty hunter in the far, far future. Rivals with Zeke. He has a *massive* crush on him though. Another gentle giant type.
TTRPG characters -
Nom: he/him, trans/pan, Gnome paladin/barbarian. He's my PC that I play in @icyheart-and-friends's DND campaign. He's got a heart of gold but has a lot of trust and self esteem issues. He's a writer under a pen name. Kinda-sorta dating a god? Incredibly loyal and empathetic.
Jax: he/him, trans/bi (masc preference), Tiefling Paladin. He's my PC that I play in @emmettland's DND campaign. He is a soldier that has befriended the king he serves under. Very friendly and the life of the party. Bit of a flirt. Very firm in his moral code. Sees his fellow soldiers as family that he cares deeply about.
Sebastian: he/him, cis/bi, Human. He is very determined, but a bit of a scaredy cat. He woke up in a castle with no memories, and has to keep fighting monsters to get them back. (Castle of memories TTRPG). He's an artist and very kind hearted.
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pembrokewkorgi · 8 months
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Empa Is A Cutie
Random art I did for @Alpaca_Arts of his cute Ampharos OCs Empa and Emphy. Some def cuties, if you ask me.
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swearingcactus · 1 year
RULES: BOLD what applies to your OC I was tagged by @elvenbeard tysm! here's some little v lore before i hide in the bushes again 🏃‍♀️💨 and him being so touched people want to know MORE about him
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⭕❌⭕ PERSONAL ⭕❌⭕
Little V grew up dirt poor as a Heywood kid who never joined the Valentinos. But he was smart enough to get himself by (even if he cuts it close sometimes!) Technically he's pretty well off after becoming the go-to merc guy that fixers call, but old habits die hard and he often forgets he could afford the bigger treats. He was also sickly when he was a kid due to his ganic lungs being bad and Night City's air being dogshit. But then he got himself synth lungs and was fit as a fiddle all the way until Johnny happened and now he's back in square 1. I once wrote a fic about his history with his cybernetics that doubles as a little snippet of him throughout the years !
Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed >> was arrested multiple times and actually went to prison for a bit for some crimes he couldn't wiggle out of and had to pull in party favors and bribe the guards to hotfix the system and get himself out faster than he's supposed to serve. the minor crimes record stuck though.
⭕❌⭕ FAMILY ⭕❌⭕
His nice "everyone helped each other in the streets" story he told River was code for leeching off the soft-hearted joytoys and two-bit thieves who plays hot potato with children just like him. He was either abandoned in the hospital once he was born, or his parents were dumb teens who got themselves killed, or he was dropped off in the middle of a crowded street--the detail's kinda fuzzy and he doesn't bother to try and clear it up. His birth certificate most likely just listed some random generated name the hospital got before handing him to the nearest person willing to have him, so he never bothered to identify himself with his surname.
Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
Little V loves friendly quips, sometimes borderline into being a quick-tongued smartass (especially more so if he wants to annoy someone to death). he's always eager to listen to people's experiences and expand his horizons! that said, at the end of the day if it comes down to it, he'll always put himself first. he believes it's better off that he does things alone because of that, especially to minimize the chance of hurting others in the process.
♦ extroverted / introverted / in-between ♦ disorganized / organized / in-between ♦ close-minded / open-minded / in-between ♦ calm / anxious / in-between / highly contextual >> he tends to have a hard time sitting still but is otherwise calm in demeanor. ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ♦ cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual ♦ patient / impatient / in-between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in-between / highly contextual >> he tries to see other's POV and keeps his head down and mouth shut just to avoid prolonging time spent with people he disagree with. he won't sit still and take shit if it gets personal though. ♦ leader / follower / in-between >>he's not too happy that being the top dog means taking over the afterlife in the don't fear the reaper ending and would rather give the role back to Rogue, both because he knows she loves the place and treats it right; and because he can admit he sucks on making choices when they involve other people. ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ♦ traditional / modern / in-between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in-between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / in-between / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / in-between / unknown >> i headcanon that the whole dating both kerry and panam thing is consensual from all parties in a "this is my boyfriend v, and this is v's boyfriend kerry" thing; but he knows it isn't the real exclusive experience.
⭕❌⭕ BELIEFS ⭕❌⭕
I actually wrote a fic about his 'faith' so yes this works as ANOTHER fic plug. tl;dr-- he believes there's a higher power, somewhat, but just chalks it up to Death incarnate... and death's pretty fucking final. He also thinks ghost/spirits only exist in a manner of living on as memories/legacies. He loves aliens and thinks werewolves are totally real though, just to balance it out. Also used to like T-Bug's fun shakespeare-esque philosophies, makes for good convo starters.
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious Philosophical: yes / no / highly contextual
little v's relationship with sex is pretty grim. He used to think he'll have more time to find actual love and something more than quick fucks when he's made it to the big leagues... but then the whole relic business started and now he can't waste time to fuck much less to properly find love. still, if presented with the chance, he's never going to say no. AND he likes to think he managed a little slice of real romance here and there, with his big feelings with Panam and his mutual crush with Kerry... even if both won't last and he eventually broke it off. his actual one true love is Night City, which really, nobody can compete with :/
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
he quickly learned that his smaller stature gets him in tight places and if he could hack cameras and klep things without alerting any system in said places, people would pay him, and pay him well. sometimes his MO doesn't work out in his favor and he has to fight his way out; which sucks since he's HORRIBLE at aiming with a gun and would have to resort to close-ranged stabs with a knife or his mantis blades... but more often than not his stealth and quickhacks saves the day. he can read but he's not a reader. and he has no idea what could be considered art, much to Johnny's chagrin.
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
⭕❌⭕ HABITS ⭕❌⭕
it's not that he doesn't like drinking or partying, it's just that he thinks you should do a job sober, and you never know when the next job's gonna pop out. getting a snack doesn't count though. actually it should be encouraged. he needs the energy and all, right? and besides, quickhacks make him hungry! two fishball sticks please.
Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic / former borderline alcoholic turned sober >> he'll always order a drink at a bar, but he likes the taste of ice cold NiCola after a hard day at work more than he does a beer, sue him. Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker >> only smokes for Johnny. he had a bad experience with his ganic lungs to ever condone smoking Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess >> uses stims and other combat drugs if shit hits the fan; and is generous with his use of Bounce Back and MaxDoc instead of visiting the nearest ripper. he tries not to think about the possibility he might be too reliant on them Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / binge eater >> street food enthusiast ganggg Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic >> he hustles to buy the pricy things he want/needs and then it's "why do I need more stuff, I like the things I have now." Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gamble
PHEW that was a long one. thank you for reading about him if you managed to get all the way here! no pressure tagging @bunwithantlers @killyourrdarlingss @glitchinginthegarden @mail-me-a-snail and anyone who'd like to!
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ashlie-sweet · 5 years
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Days 6-10 of inktober/goretober.
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thenamesyuri · 3 years
I'm thinking of making a new ask blog... Frick it I will, also new oc cause why not
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Weirdcore oc a bit inspired by ENA but emoa stands for Eye Monster Prototype Animal I wanted to name her EMAP but it sounds weird so I choose EMPA.
Also I created her on my math book and here is a Lil info I have of her
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It's Mainly math stuff- but on the bottom is the info stuff it's hard to see but it's still kinds visible srry-
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ghostiestart · 8 years
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this is the first ref sheet ive ever done and it took 3 hours how do people do these
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hippityhoppitycat · 2 years
Here's some doodles of my oc Dr Theodore Langdon, he's currently running a little secret society/organisation known as empa(eldritch mutation protection association) that helps those affected by eldritch mutation.
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korokonas · 1 year
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ashlie-sweet · 7 years
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Goretober Day 29: Nightmare.
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ashlie-sweet · 7 years
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Goretober Day 12: Hypothermia. I tried.
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