#oc Sam wister
decoloraa · 1 year
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Wait a second, I just remembered that I never shared this publicly!
It’s @littlebear1537 ‘s oc Sam and Olivier as my part of an art trade I did last month. I love these two 🤲🏻
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littlebear1537 · 1 year
Sam Scar Timeline
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These are all of Sam's faces during their story (Up until post-canon)! (aka: Everything I have thought about until this point KLGFDSLKJG)
Descriptions below the cut!
This was them in bootcamp/when they graduated out! Not exactly before the chimera transmutation but between the ages of 17-24-ish!
This was around 1-2 years after their transmutation! The scar across their nose was actually a scar the bear had and it remained on Sam's human form! This was also the beginning of the Ishvalan War!
Their eye scar was after they were at Briggs for a couple months! (I will tell a bit more about that story later 0,0)
This was right before the promise day- around the time Olivier killed Raven and was sent back to Central!
The scar on Sam's nose is fading during the promise day since one, it's been awhile since the bear/they got it, and two, they are slowly becoming one with the bear and the scars of their past are slowly fading! However they have to be cool and have a scar still so they got one on the side of their face due to some confrontation 0,0
As you can see they are getting older/more tired of this shit but they are somewhat free from the burden of the military's secrets! They still have a cool scar to prove them fought hard and long on the Promise Day!
There is a lot of things that I still have to smooth out and debating what's canon in their lore - but also I am going to post more about their story so I don't want to explain too much here just because this is more of a basic timeline for their design!
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littlebear1537 · 1 year
Mira Annabeth Armstrong - FMAB Oc
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OBVIOUSLY Olivier had to have a hot, rich, lesbian aunt!! AND GUESS WHO GAVE HER ONE??? YEP- ME- KGFJDJLKG
My sister and I actually had a hc for awhile that Olivier had an aunt and that's where she gets her personality from! AND HERE I FINALLY DREW HER!!
A little bit about her and how she connects to FMA and my Oc Sam's story!
She is a HUGE Lesbian (Literally- She is like 6'10)
She is the Older sister to Phillip Armstrong (Olivier's father)
She wasn't apart of the military because of the discrimination against women in the military, HOWEVER she was hired as an agent for different missions that were not instructed by the "public military". This is how she learned how to use a sword and to fight.
She is a skilled fighter and has mastered the sword
I believe that the person who "Passed down Olivier's sword through the generations" was given by her aunt!
Also - Olivier's middle name was given to her by her aunt. Both of them are the oldest siblings!
Mira took Olivier under her wing throughout her childhood because she didn't think her mother was a good fit for someone so strong willed
Olivier's mother blames Mira for how Olivier turned out (aka - Mira is very much a lone wolf in the family and rarely gets along with anyone - Yet she is one of the most loved and respected among the elders)
Mira was very proud of Olivier for joining the military! Yet Mira doesn't fully agree with the military, she is glad that her niece is able to kick ass like she always wanted to!
Mira 100% knows that Olivier is in love with Sam and purposefully brought Sam along on any trips with them!!
Some physical features:
She has an automail leg. She lost it during an undercover mission in Aerugo. No one knows how she lost it except herself. Some say she was out hunting and got mauled by a bear. Others believed she fell really badly. And even some say she just wanted a cool leg... Only she knows what actually happens and she will never tell a single soul.
She has a cane that she uses! Some believe she uses it for her automail however it's actually her other knee that's bad and she laughs at people who think her automail isn't working properly!
She has scars across her body however she likes to cover them. No one knows about her past so showing scars that are clearly Not From Hunting is a lot to explain... Though if she could brag about her battles, she would do it in a heartbeat! She does however have two scars above her eyebrow that were a lot bigger when she first got them!!
(She has a necklace with two rings which symbolizes her marriage with her partner 0,0,,,, Yet no one knows they are together - They are just "good friends")
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littlebear1537 · 1 year
Let Me Roam Free in the World's Playground Again - Sam Wister
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A little more about this below the cut!
I had to write a monologue and present it for my drama class last year and decided to use Sam's transmutation as the theme! "Let me roam free in the world's playground again" was a line from it that I am very happy about because it explains Sam's struggle after joining the military and becoming a bear chimera! This scene depicts how it felt for Sam and the bear to fuse into one! I also made their transmutation circle which I'll talk about in more depth soon!
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littlebear1537 · 1 year
ART TRADE - Cas, Val, Thea, & Sam
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ART TRADE FOR @decoloraa !!!!
Thea finds Sam in their bear form (not knowing it's them) but wants to adopt them - And obviously the gay dads of Briggs are there!!!
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littlebear1537 · 1 year
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a bunch of doodles of Bear!Sam and Olivier
More cozy sketches of Olivier ft. Sleepy Sam
Some bust practices! (These ones are older I think BUT I FOUND THEM SAVED SO I ADDED THEM LKGFSDJG)
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littlebear1537 · 1 year
Bear Chimera Transmutation Circle for Sam
I wanted to go into more detail on how I created the transmutation circle for Sam!
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Here is the transmutation circle! I am thinking of cleaning it up but this is the first one I drew!
Below the cut is my explanation of how I created this circle! (It's pretty long so I suggest reading it if you have the energy too, or just skim through it! There are helpful links and explanations on the process I did to create one!)
Before I get into my explanation, the link below is the basics of alchemy in the show!
Alchemy Fullmetal Alchemist
First off, I started researching what goes into a transmutation circle. I stumbled across a couple of sites but one helped me in particular! Click here vvv
Analysis on Riza's Tattoo
This helped me understand what goes into the research behind transmutation circles. It uses science, art, and belief! Thankfully, science is a strong suit for me so I quickly grasped onto the idea of alchemy - So I am here to explain it!
Next, I stumbled across alchemy symbols! This helped me understand how a transmutation circle worked. Using different symbols within the circle can lead to different things happening. For example, the flame transmutation circle on Roy's glove uses the alchemy symbol for the element fire. I used Wikipedia for different symbols and what each of them mean!
Alchemical Symbols
From here, I was able to gather different symbols for the transmutation circle above! Each symbol that goes into a transmutation circle will do different things. Now I am not an expert on how to create a transmutation circle, but looking at the symbols, the transmutation circle explains what it should hypothetical do.
If I was doing basic alchemy, I would use a lot of the elemental symbols in my circle. However, a chimera is a branch of bio-alchemy which means I will be looking more at the processes instead of using elements such as copper (unless those elements had some sort of connection to them that would make sense of bonding two souls together and creating one entity)
Using the Alchemical process symbols, I was able to see which one would make the most sense in a chimera transmutation. In this case, I used the symbol for "cancer" which is a zodiac sign!
Cancer is the symbol to show the alchemical process of "Solution". A solution is a type of mixture that has the appearance of one substance, yet is a combination of multiple. For example, a mechanical mixture would have multiple substances that you are able to see with your bare eye (ex. A salad). However, a solution would be something that you would believe to be one pure substance, yet actually has multiple substances within it (Such as Salt water).
The cancer symbol can be seen in the transmutation circle (Highlighted in green):
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I used this symbol since Sam was supposed to merge with a bear and create one entity. So, they would be similar to a "solution" .Since there are two entities (Sam and the bear) and they would become as one.
Next, I used the symbol for Mercury (or spirit). This means fusibility. Fusibility is how likely two or more substances are able to connect and become one.
The symbol for Mercury can be seen here (Highlighted in Pink):
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This symbol was used because Sam was going to fuse with a bear. These two souls would fuse to create one which would be used in chimera transmutations.
And then! with a bit of artistic liberty plus the knowledge of a basic transmutation circle, I was able to create this!
I am no expert nor don't know if this would even make sense with the fma universe, yet this is what I came up with! One thing I did notice about other transmutation circles, is that every symbol was connected somehow. I am thinking of doing that and create a more polished one, yet these are the symbols I would use and even the structure itself!
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littlebear1537 · 9 months
What if I made a whole blog designated to sam and their story
Like it was just all Sam and FMAB story writing and comic strips ??? and all the asks would be directed at Sam??
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littlebear1537 · 1 year
I know you don’t have like an ask box for Sam but I have a few questions 8=D
How old was Sam when they joined Briggs
Would you consider Sam a bit of a self insert?
How did Sam come to join Briggs (transfer or like found as a bear maybe?)
What was Sam doing before Briggs?
(apologies if you’ve already answered these)
FIRST OFF- THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTIONS!!! Honestly - i've infodumped to my friend for so long that I forget that I have to actually tell their story again KLGJFSKLDG- so this is very helpful!!!
How Old Was Sam When They Joined Briggs?
Sam was around the age of 29-30 when they joined Briggs! I have a timeline that I am going to post some time soon after I re-do a bit of it!
Would You Consider Sam a bit of a Self Insert?
Yes! Sam is my Self Insert! There are some elements of their story that became more distant from me personally, but! They are still my self insert! It's funny because they started out as just- me using FMAB to cope with stuff happening and now they have a whole story line and such in depth character!! Fun fact: Sam's bear form and the whole transmutation was me trying to cope with emotions and helped me a lot and that story line stuck with me!
How Did Sam Come to Join Briggs?
Ooh Very good question!! There are a couple things that I am in the process of drawing and writing so I will keep those a secret for now - But!! They were originally from central - The military kept them there because "they had plans" which later revealed it to be the bear chimera transmutation In 1901, the year the Ishvalan war began, Sam transmutation happened. Sam was sent around 1-2 years later to train some recruits in the east. The day Order 3066 happened, an incident happened leaving Sam with so much anger- (This will be revealed :)) Because of this, Sam has motivations that lead them up to the North. Their ticket up there is Briggs! It was a hard process but that's sums up how they got to Briggs! (MAN I AM SO EXCITED TO SHARE THIS PART BECAUSE I HAVE SO MANY OCS I NEED TO SHOWWW!!!)
What Was Sam Doing Before Briggs?
I kind of?? answered this above??? But basically they were at Central. Olivier's excuse to bring them up north was "their talent is being wasted sitting behind a desk and doing nothing" - They did however become a captain in the east to train recruits during the ishvalan war! They had no more use in the east after the war ended so they transferred back to central, which led them being transferred to Briggs so they were all over the place trying to find answers (and trying to silently get back at the military)
Also!! if you have any more questions please feel free to ask!! This helps me fix any plot holes that I accidentally made because I forget to share important parts KGLJFDLKJG,,,,
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littlebear1537 · 1 year
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I don't know a full scenario HOWEVER - I feel like this is what they wear when infiltrating a drachma government gala-
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littlebear1537 · 11 months
Something about Vampire!Olivier finding solitude in the snowy woods is VERY FITTING. In her early life, she was turned for experiments (from the military). This was around 50-ish years before the canon timeline of FMAB.
Basically the au plays on the story of FMAB but Whoops! All Vampires! Like Al is still haunting a suit of armour, Ed has magic arms and stuff like that! (I have another magic/fantasy/monster au for fmab which I will explain later too BECAUSE I LOVE IT)
But focusing on Olivier since she is currently the brainrot- UNDER THE CUT! (also tw for blood and also minor swearing)
So Olivier decided to flip off Central Village and go live in the snowy woods where no one would find her. There is this "Secret society" of vampires/monsters (The deadly sins) and they basically have control over others who are turned. Olivier also said "fuck you" to them and just went to have some peace and quiet.
Sam plays into all of this by accidentally turning into some sort of immortal bear monster. They don't know they are a bear but basically gets chased out and forced into the snowy forests up north (and Woah! stumbles across Olivier!)
Olivier takes pity of them and decides that maybe having a guard would be helpful. Plus they seem to have some sort of aggression towards central so bonus points!
There is a lot more to their story at this point but I think that deserves more posts because of the cute interactions 0,0
Ok so every vampire/monster has some sort of power. Something that is unique to them. Olivier is able to manipulate blood (similar to blood bending in Avatar:TLA) and also can make blood dangers by somewhat freezing and hardening blood. She can only do this to people who's blood she has consumed. (Points at Sam who likes to go all out in battle and be on the verge of death - Olivier likes to use them as a puppet to go feral - and obviously Sam consents to this - They also like to go feral)
MANY years pass and she is invited to join the military. This is perfect since she has been wanting to take the place of furher for years now. She slowly takes over Briggs from the previous general, yet it starts turning out into something different than just a military wall. It is home to all monsters/vampires to the point people believe it's abandoned yet haunted. Everyone at Briggs has their own unique form! A lot of the soldiers are failed experiments who protect Briggs and find comfort within the walls as well.
So in summary: This au is "what if everything was haunted and abandoned and every civilian thought they were protected by their military from these monsters. Spoiler alert: Civilians are the ones used to create the monsters"
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littlebear1537 · 1 year
Incorrect quote
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Olivier trying to flirt- thinking that the alarm is just a false alarm
THANK YOU @littlewhispersofsolitude FOR THIS-
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littlebear1537 · 10 months
What if I did a Briggs AU with Lethal company???
I KNOW FOR A FACT that Briggs would DEMOLISH that game - Olivier would literally grab all the items and get out WITHOUT BEING SCARED. Like she just walks in AND THE CREATURES ARE SCARED OF HER. Also what if she gains trust with the shadows and the creatures bring things to her????
Long-ish post ahead!
I feel like as Briggs was building - She decided to co-exist with the creatures on one of the moons. Like they built Briggs to help the crew AND the creatures florish - Briggs being a safe haven for misfits is literally my favourite thing to add into any AU
Going back to missions and meeting quotas - Briggs separates into different squads - Olivier usually is with Miles but she likes to tag along with Buccaneer - (She won't admit it but she finds it amusing how he screams at the tiny bugs) like just imagine Buccaneer - not afraid of anything - like the bracken just appears and then slowly walks away because Buccaneer is not phased by their existence - BUT HE DON'T MESS WITH THE DAMN BUGS - You can't prove me wrong because I am correct!!!
Karley is usually stationed at Briggs or with one of the groups on a mission - He stays back at the ship for Comms and anything having to do with navigation through the cameras and signalling doors -
Patricia (Briggs Doctor) is constantly making sure medicine is updated for every creature added to the bestiary -
Miles focuses on what they will need for the mission and usually is the one disarming turrets and mines - stuff like that
I feel like the monster within the walls (Which name I believe is Jeb in the game?) would be Pride - Like 1. similar tendril looking things and 2. Pride grabbing all the resources is sUCH A PRIDE THING -
Obviously the extra stuff they find gets taken back to Briggs- Like the engines and stuff all go to Neil so he can distribute them to the proper places in the fort
ALSO - With Automail - It would be AMAZING if they were made out of scrap metal along with other cool things included with lethal company.
OK AND FINALLY: Olivier and Sam (obviously they are in this AU) - Olivier still holds her role as general - however - I feel like the engineering side of her gets overlooked!! So in this AU - that part of her shines out when it comes to creating new gadgets and ways to make Briggs better defended - Sam is VERY similar to Buccaneer except they are ALWAYS with Olivier - They also were the one to suggest they build Briggs to co-exist with the creatures! Yeah they screamed at first but they gained the trust with the creatures in the shadows!!
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littlebear1537 · 1 year
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This is Sam and Buccaneers dynamics...
Also this is a modern AU :D
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littlebear1537 · 10 months
Over the past few months- every time I draw Sam, they get a new hairstyle
And I don't mean how they style it - I mean some days it's shorter and some days it's longer
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littlebear1537 · 10 months
Been thinking about Transfem!Olivier....
Just how her experience with Gender is so complex and how confident she is within her gender expression. The hardwork that was put behind her expression in order to be confident. Like she is Femmine while also expressing masculine. She doesn't like to be refered to using Feminine terms and is VERY certain to tell someone that. And with that being said - she still does "feminine things" AND is still a woman!! HER CHARACTER IS SO COMPLEX AND I LOVE IT
This also led me into Sam and Olivier being T4T,,, Sam is Transmasc/Non-binary while Olivier is Transfem/Non-binary and just how they helped eachother express their gender through their lives!! Sam had enough and wanted a haircut? Olivier was there to do that for them!! Olivier wanted to present in a more femine way except had nothing to present that way? Sam just gave her all their old stuff!! They are both comfortable in their gender at a certain point in time that they both are able to express in ways that go against the gender binary!!
In conclusion: T4T lesbians deserve love!!
(Also thank you @patron-saints for giving me the Trans!Olivier brainrot LKGFLKDJSG)
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