#oc apricot
gianttol · 1 year
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borrower culture shock
max (left) and apricot (right) again < 3
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kings-cove · 1 year
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i really need to remember to post things here...
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winterpower98 · 8 months
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The blob bastard is loose, he's gonna cause problems- Oh, he was put in a jar. We're good
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cloud-ya · 2 months
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Prunus m(ume)
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ryctone · 11 days
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No waaay look what the cr Twitter posted 😱😱😱!!!! /JJJ
Also, a transparent version bc I haven't seen anyone do it, free to use in case you want to do your own silly cr comic!
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amethyst-halo · 5 months
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vilnan · 9 months
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i have lived a very long time. i have taken many lovers. my heart does not stir lightly. but it does now.
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citrimoti · 1 year
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Reposting my mario oc stuff here <3
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ocean-lunar · 6 months
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Another Magma with @dxrkl1ght (Cosmos and Apricot belongs to em)
We're silly <333
Featuring: Tycho and Sunspot @garbagechocolate Evil Lunar ( @smoljeanius 's) Glitch(es) and FFE Lunar @tiredmaskkara
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darkeralmond · 5 months
Please write Luca angst 🙏
NEVER YOURS; About You series
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song & artist: night shift- lucy dacus
synopsis: lia gets asked to prom by luca and the night starts off perfectly. that is until she finds luca in the hall when away from prom.
warnings: angst, swearing
word count: 2.2k
requests open!!
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It’s hard to forget the first time getting your heart broken by your best friend’s brother.
It was like a moment in a fairy tale when the nerd is able to score the popular guy at the end of the movie. Luca had shown up to Lia’s doorstep with a bouquet of flowers, a duck stuffed animal, and a sign which said:
Of course, she didn’t even hesitate to say yes. She rushed up to him and embraced him as tight as she could. After the proposal, it was all she could think and talk about.
Adam was happy to see Lia so happy. “I really didn’t think I would be a sophomore going to prom!” she squealed as she fell back onto her mattress, grabbing the stuffed duck from next to her.
Adam, on the other hand, sat at her desk trying to get his geometry homework done. The whole reason why he was at her house was to study with her, but she had gotten distracted with prom talk.
“I think I should get some credit for coming up with the idea,” he commented as he scribbled away at the equations on his worksheet.
Lia had the whole night planned out. First, Luca would stop by her house to pick her up. He would admire her and her sparkly dress when she came down the stairs like a princess being escorted to a ball.
Then, they would meet up with Adam and his date to take pictures with the Fantilli’s at the park. After that, they would go out to eat and make their way to the dance. They would dance and laugh and maybe even kiss at the end of the night.
After a month of waiting, it was finally the night Lia had been anticipating, and it started off like she had hoped it would.
She slipped into her shiny gold dress and matching heels after finishing up her hair and makeup. Like perfect sync, she heard the front door open and Luca’s voice echo throughout the house and up to her room.
She came down just like she had planned it out. Luca’s eyes met hers as she came down the stairs slowly. His jaw slacked as he watched her dress glisten in the light. When they finally met at the bottom, he couldn’t stop smiling.
“Cornelia,” he whispered. “You’re stunning.” He slid on her corsage to match his boutonnière, leaving a stupendous smile on her face. Even when taking pictures, he couldn’t stop staring at her. “You’re so beautiful, Lia,” he whispered into her ear as her mother snapped endless pictures of them.
It was a dream come true.
After being bombarded by her parents with pictures, they met up with Adam and his date, Emerson, at the park along with the boys’ parents.
Emerson was a girl from his mandatory art class freshman year, at the time she was a sophomore. They sat next to each other leaving Adam always distracted in class, but their dynamic was perfect because she was always there to help him pass.
She was a really pretty red head which Adam had developed feelings for shortly after meeting her. She wore a light pink dress with white heels and Adam wore a matching tie. They also had a matching pink corsage and boutonnière.
After pictures, the four of them went to get food at a steakhouse the Fantilli’s had reservations at before making their way to the dance.
Since Luca was the eldest brother, he had to drive them all everywhere. While Adam and Emerson sat in the backseat giggling with each other, Lia and Luca sat in the front.
Luca’s hand was rested on her leg. It felt so natural like it was meant to be there. Not only was his hand a secure feeling, but it also made her feel giddy.
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Adam snuck in Fireball shooters into the dance without ease. Lia, Adam, and Emerson had their heads on a swivel, but there were people everywhere and it was easy to sneak off. The chaperones were exhausted teachers who were probably drunk themselves.
A slow song started to play which caught the attention of Adam and Emerson. Emerson placed her hand on his arm, signaling that she wanted to go out and dance. Adam smiled at her before turning his attention back to Lia. “I’m gonna dance with Emerson,” he said. “Luca should be back soon. Probably taking a shit.”
Lia flashed a false smile and watched as the two strayed off together, leaving her stranded by the table. She looked around the packed gymnasium full of couples slow dances with one another before downing her entire shooter. Her throat burned and her eyes watered as her entire face scrunched up due to the strong flavor. Even with the amount of people here, she still felt very alone.
‘I need to find Luca’, she thought to herself making her way to the bathrooms where he had excused himself to. She tossed out the now empty bottle as she exited through the gym doors.
Her heels clicked against the hard tile as she made her way through the dimly lit hallway. She could see the bathrooms just down the hall, but they looked completely stranded.
Around the corner, she could hear a girl’s voice. “You know we could’ve just talked on the dance floor,” the disembodied girl giggled.
Lia turned around to head back to the gym doors. That was until she heard his voice respond, causing her to stop dead in her tracks. “No, we can’t.”
That drew not only Lia’s attention to around that corner, but it also physically dragged her over to the corner. Luca’s voice grew louder the closer she got to the end of the hall. “You know I’m here with Lia. She’s my date, you’re not.”
Lia’s head peaked around the corner to see them standing across each other. It was Amber, Luca’s ex girlfriend. What could she possibly want to do with him after she dumped him? “But Luca,” she pouted as she dragged her finger down his neck. He shuddered before pushing it away. “I really miss you.”
He didn’t say anything back, he just huffed and stared at her. Lia watched as his eyes shifted from anger and annoyance to hurt in an instant.
What was she doing to him? She had him wrapped around her finger still, even after tossing him to the side like a dirty t-shirt. It infuriated Lia, but like a bad car wreck, she couldn’t look away.
Lia felt relieved when he said, “No, you don’t.”
Before he was able to escape her, Amber was able to suck him back in with her coy expression. “But, babe. If I didn’t miss you, would I want to do this?” In a swift motion, her lips had locked with his.
Lia’s heart dropped to her stomach as she watched the two. She couldn’t speak, her jaw just hung wide open. This wasn’t how the night was supposed to go. Luca was supposed to be kissing her! Not his ex!
The worst part of it all, Luca didn’t even pull away. He kissed her back for a second before pulling away and shaking his head. Even though it was a second, it was a second too long for Lia. “I can’t,” he said flatly. “I can’t do this to Lia.” He said he couldn’t, but he just did.
His turned his head to find Lia paralyzed in front of him as she fought back tears. His face turned whiter than a ghost, along with Amber’s. “Lia…” He discarded Amber and made his way over to her, but she shook her head.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Her eyes darted between both he and Amber. “Unbelievable. I expected this from Amber, but from you Luca?! I’m fucking done.”
She turned around to walk away, but Luca followed her. “Cornelia!” He grabbed onto her wrist, but she pulled away from his grip. “Please!”
Even when she was furious with him, she still couldn’t ignore him. She spun around and stared at him. Her doe brown eyes were now glossy with the tears she was doing everything in her power to fight back.
“What?!” she screamed. “What could you possibly want to say to me?!” He was taken aback from her yelling. His posture stiffened and he hunched his shoulders in an attempt to become smaller, possibly even invisible.
Lia didn’t even know what to do except stare at him with racing thoughts. She resisted the urge to punch him in the mouth.
What should she even do? Call him a bitch then leave him to sulk in his own thoughts?
Her mouth ran before her brain was ready. “Amber?” she choked out. “I mean, seriously? The girl you said you were over? Really, Luca?”
“It was a vulnerable moment,” he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. His eyes fell down to his feet, too ashamed to even look Lia in the eye.
She scoffed, “Am I just supposed to watch you stare at your feet?” The tears finally fell after fighting a treacherous war.
He snuck a glance up at her, a look of guilt swept across his features. If she hadn’t known better, she would’ve kissed him now to know how it felt. “You don’t deserve what you don’t respect, Luca. I’m done.”
“I don’t want to lose you, Cornelia!” he finally replied. After hearing the words ‘I’m done’, he finally cracked. Not seeing her cry, not when she caught him kissing his ex, only when she cut it off.
She shook her head and spewed, “Can’t lose something you never had, Luca.” With that, she turned away and walked right back in the direction of the gymnasium.
Hearing him shout out her name caused her walking to turn to jogging as she sobbed even harder.
Where was Adam? She needed to find Adam.
She couldn’t find Adam before bumping into someone else on her way into the gym. “I’m really sorry!” she frantically apologized, wiping the tears away while avoiding eye contact with the man.
“Are you okay? What happened?” he hesitantly brought his hands up to her face. He tilted her face up so he could look at her. He had dark hair that flowed and piercing blue eyes.
Somehow, this man had captured the attention she needed for the night. It was a quick chance to escape this shit hole Luca had threw her in. She could dig herself out.
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It was the first time Lia kissed someone other than Luca. The kiss left her disgusted. She had an embarrassing coughing fit once they pulled away, which left upset the guy whose name she couldn’t remember. “Is there a problem?” he asked with his eyebrows lowered and eyes narrowed.
Sneakily taking shots with Adam at the table had really fucked her over now. Not to mention, she could only think about Luca in this moment. “It’s nothing, Luca! I-“
“Luca?!” he scoffed, quickly pulling his hands away from her body. “My fucking name is Jason!”
“Jason! I’m sorry! M-My brain is jumbled!” Her voice quivered even when trying to keep it stable, but she was a blubbering mess.
It’s not that Lia wanted to keep kissing Jason. He had fish lips and slobbered like a dog. She was desperate to fill that gaping hole Luca had left in her heart.
Jason got up from his spot on the floor, leaving her on the cold, hard floor. “Have a good night, Cornelia.” He stormed down the hallway while fuming, entering the gymnasium doors.
“Jason!” she yelled for him, but tears were already pouring from her eyes. Her makeup was already horrendously messed up, streaks of mascara streaming down her face as she became engulfed with her emotions. She grabbed her phone from the ground and immediately texted Adam.
I need to go home.
Adam 🚶‍♀️
Where are u??
Hallway by Mr. Thompson
Hurry pls
She wiped the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand while sniffling. It did no use since they continued pouring out of her. “Fuck!” she said through sobs.
It didn’t take long for Adam to locate her, quickly rushing over to her and stooping down to her level. “What happened?” he asked, confusion in his eyes because of how hysterical she was. “Why are you all the way over here?”
She had no words she could spit out. Her brain was too jumbled, she was too emotional, and her heart was shattered. All she could say was, “Home. I want to go home!” She entirely broke down.
“Uh, yeah!” He looked around with a panicked expression, not fully knowing what to do. “Let me get Luca.”
“No!” She protested. “Please don’t!”
His expression went from panic to disappointment as the realization hit him. His brother was the reason. “Fuck,” he groaned. He got his phone out of his pocket and called him mom. “Mom? We have a situation… No, we’re safe! It’s just Luca and Lia… Okay, thank you!” He hung up the phone then grabbed Lia’s hand. “She’ll be here as soon as possible.”
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gianttol · 1 year
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sewing cushion backpack, cork board sandals, strawberry
idk why i drew this but i was really craving a specific aesthetic
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caileycake · 8 months
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sweater weather 🧸🎀🤍
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winterpower98 · 1 year
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ryctone · 4 months
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The first meeting.
Apricot Cookie lore yeEEAAAAH-
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amethyst-halo · 6 months
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made a trollsona finally wahoo!!!
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rubyneo · 5 months
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there's a quiet place
in my embrace
a haven of safety waits
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