#oc archipelago
stellomiacis · 11 months
May I offer you some of my ocs in these trying times
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floq · 6 months
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character redesign
experimenting on how to convey albinism in my art style
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drdepper · 2 years
Diluc did in fact, Not actually get a tan🏝
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jabberwockprince · 11 months
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trying to stay motivated by releasing these two bastards into the wild - Rikki and Ban's new ref sheets <3 minus their other outfits because I'm not done with them. but they're literally soulmates, the best and worst influences/thing to happen to each other, theyre married and divorced, they're found family, they're codependent and clingy, can't stand each other
they also met at a dumpster, somewhere in Nila District, and immediately began planning to scam the shit out NSR and get Rikki out of the archipelago <3
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3zethe3zr · 8 months
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In order: Acai 'Berry', Marengo, Extravaganza, Archipelago, (the late) King Blackbird, (a much much younger) Queen Eagle Owl, Pelican and Greeneye
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cipher-the-sidhe · 1 month
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I cannot possibly even begin to provide the context for the world in which these OCs exist, but Shore (and the rest of the crew) from @theninjamouse’s fic Ocean on Fire are there, and so are a very specific handful of pokemon… for some reason. Don’t think too hard about it
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fritoley · 1 month
Me: I need to make up a name for the Star Wars planet i made up. Oh, I know! I'll slap some sounds together and make a nice and completely original planet name! The fucking dictionary:
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lynxz-studios · 1 year
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chasing storms..
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duskgryphon · 3 months
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various things with @/ottosbigtop's ocs :]
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mushlandsandbeyond · 7 months
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mine, all mine
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corpsoir · 1 year
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the first sketch of him ever vs one of the more recent ones...... still green at least
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simplegenius042 · 8 months
Music Monday & Last Line Tag
Tagged by @poisonedtruth
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @shallow-gravy @direwombat @voidika @g0dspeeed @adelaidedrubman @chazz-anova @cassietrn @deputy-morgan-malone @strafethesesinners @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @strangefable @derelictheretic @wrathfulrook @inafieldofdaisies @minilev and @jillvalentinesday
Paul Yellowjack is a character who has gone through many changes. He started as Silva's first real father figure, a teacher who raised her on morals to live by, protected her from Adam when the poor-excuse of a man wanted her back, and lead his people in a revolution against their violent oppressors on the Archipelagos. Ultimately, after the massacre though, he ended up as a tragic fallen hero whose core morals corrupted when put through tragedy after tragedy, leaving bitterness to take his heart and (regrettably) lash out at the world, before Silva could restore his hope again. Left down a dark path for so long he can no longer return as the man Silva once knew (even if there are shades of him deep inside the villain he has become), and sadly neither wishes him to, Paul because of his self-loathing, Silva because of the pain he inflicted on her. There is a longing between them, but both have gone down two different paths, with no way to return to one another (or at least, that's what both believe). I believe this song reflects his turmoil perfectly. I'll probably explain in the tags.
"I want you by my side So that I never feel alone again They've always been so kind But now they've brought you away from me
I hope they didn't get your mind Your heart is too strong anyway We need to fetch back the time They have stolen from us
And I want you We can bring it on the floor You've never danced like this before We don't talk about it Dancin' on, doing the boogie all night long Stoned in paradise Shouldn't talk about it
And I want you We can bring it on the floor You've never danced like this before We don't talk about it Dancin' on, doing the boogie all night long Stoned in paradise Shouldn't talk about it Shouldn't talk about it
Coldest winter for me No sun is shining anymore The only thing I feel is pain Caused by absence of you
Suspense controlling my mind I cannot find the way out of here I want you by my side So that I never feel alone again
And I want you We can bring it on the floor You've never danced like this before We don't talk about it Dancin' on, doing the boogie all night long Stoned in paradise Shouldn't talk about it
And I want you We can bring it on the floor You've never danced like this before We don't talk about it Dancin' on, doing the boogie all night long Stoned in paradise Shouldn't talk about it Shouldn't talk about it
And I want you We can bring it on the floor You've never danced like this before We don't talk about it Dancin' on, doing the boogie all night long Stoned in paradise Shouldn't talk about it
And I want you We can bring it on the floor You've never danced like this before We don't talk about it Dancin' on, doing the boogie all night long Stoned in paradise Shouldn't talk about it Shouldn't talk about it
And last line for The Years In Hope County, which is getting pushed for possibly next week.
"We've come a long way. You've come a long way," Elsa tells [Sylvester], downing the latte in her hands like shots at the Fairgrave's bar, "You may not see it but... we're already honouring them, just by being alive."
#far cry the silver chronicles#far cry 5#oc: paul yellowjack#fic: the years in hope county#oc: elsa omar#so with paul and silva one of their favourite pass times was dancing#and their dance was always a way for them to feel connected with each other and express their familial affection to one another#however the “dance” as described in the song has changed#“you've never danced like this before” being a euphemism for “you've never desired to kill me before”#who “they” refer to are those who have “stolen” silva away from paul especially now in his villainy#that being the residents of hope county and her remaining family like elsa + persephone and allies like gavin and kamski and etc#“coldest winter” and “no sun is shining” refers to both literal examples#like the archipelagos#as well as metaphorical#like his emptiness and loss of silva#“we don't/shouldn't talk about it” refers to both the lack/loss of communication between silva and paul#and paul's guilt preventing him from acknowledging and processing the event that completely destroyed any chance of recovering silva's love#“i cannot find a way out of here” is essentially being unable to escape his eternal servitude to zachariah the orchestrator#“you're heart is too strong anyway”#paul acknowledges that the morals he and others' had taught silva has made her defiant and against his attempts to bring her into villainy#(which also stops silva from giving up and is part of the reason she refuses to join eden's gate and their violence in the future)#it is something he can't help but feel pride and relief from#there's more but you can probably come to your own conclusions on what those are#Youtube
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sanguinesorcery · 6 days
Lore Canon 002
The Three and Ten Archipelago are what remains of a crater created by an asteroid striking the planet long before any of the nations [and any people as would be recognized] ever existed.
The Clouded Isle is the rock itself that hit, made predominantly of meteoric iron that over time gained layers of piled sediments that are now home to bizarre flora and fauna found nowhere else in the Isles, and bizarre happenings are known to occur. The ground is said to sing sometimes, and that is why Oracles are as prized as they are; they hear the songs and can interpret them, the source of their trademark vocal manipulation magicks being to draw on the low drone of the meteoric rock foundation of their home. A blue-eyed child [or cloud-eyed as they are sometimes called] born in a family is revered and sent in their childhood to the Isle with much fanfare to be taught by and become an Oracle. Given the nature of the island as sacred to all in the Three and Ten, no mining is allowed to take place there in fear it would anger not only their Oracles but also their gods, of whom there are many believed to take on aspects of war and bloodshed among their many other individual traits. Things that are forged with the meteoric iron are very rare and very prized; Imperials are gifted on coronation with a sword of their own made with it, but it returns to the Isle when they are interred into the family crypt. Only the Aeroglaive remains as the one thing made with it that returns only under certain circumstance and never stays to rest. It's still a mystery as to why the mists and fogs remain after so long after the initial impact, even making it into the beginnings of stories from their religion and folktales as a 'Once Upon A Time' catered specifically to them: And when the Gods touched the earth, the seas began to boil into eternal mist.
The Imperial Isle -or Central Isle-rests just north and west of the Clouded Isle, the closest to it and one of the Inner Triad that surrounds it. One of the islands where the impact was the greatest, it is not the largest of the islands but it is the tallest. It is the home of the Imperial family as well as the Imperial Palace Complex, a white marble masterpiece that uses the natural fortifications of the mountain around it as structure and safety. Although it glitters due to culturally-aesthetic architectural embellishments, it stands as a monument with its three lookout towers and the impressive Lighthouse At the Summit, a monstrous feat of engineering that sits on the peak of the mountain that can be seen well before Imperial waters are breached passed the Outer Ring islands. Its only rival is The Waterworks, the main facility for such is built and operates from the Imperial Isle, as it is nearly direct center of the archipelago and therefore provides the shortest distance to any one point in the island cluster. The Imperial Isle is also home to the only dock that ferries to the Clouded Isle, since one needs permission from the active Imperial to go there legally.
The Harbor Isle is one of the Inner Triad, a fair distance from the impact some south and east of it. While it has its fair share of mountainous terrain, it is not as dramatic as the Imperial Isle, as the force of impact was away from it. It does have some of the flatter coastlines, however, and so has the most harbors in the area, giving it a symmetrical clover appearance with the larger curved breakwaters, a hub for every major direction. It also is home to the largest number of lighthouses and each lighthouse is timed meticulously to run the same timing with each other, while simultaneously running the off-beat of the Summit Lighthouse for ease of vision. The crew that runs the lighthouses has its own specialized corps, a branch off the Engineering Corps, knowing if even a single light is off-time it could cause problems. As it is the center of transportation, it is also the center of commerce, sporting the largest known market in the Three and Ten, as well as a number of shopping districts. There are a few residential neighborhoods, but they are among the more expensive civilian properties in the archipelago.
The Cultural Isle is the last of the Inner Triad, south and west of the Clouded and Imperial Isles. Like the Harbor Isle, it formed away from the force of the impact and so shares a similar terrain of sweeping hills and small mountains. Of the Triad, it has the highest concentration of residential neighborhoods spread with a few shopping districts and smaller markets, making it the most populous of the inner islands. It also shares its space with a number of institutes, however, and so caters more toward education and the arts than the others. Everything from engineering to sciences to dance to art is represented here, and it is from here the richness and progression of Sidhe culture originates.
The Outer Ring, or The Ten, makes up the rest of the archipelago. What remains of the crater's original rim, they surround the Inner Triad and the Clouded Isle in a circle made uneven by time and erosion. The terrain among them varies widely depending on which direction they face; the northernmost islands have steep cliffs and sharp inclines that seem to fade in their neighbors the further south they go, leading to rolling flatland on the southernmost islands. The terrain defines what the islands are used for, as the Outer Ring is where industry and agriculture thrive. There are few luxury residential neighborhoods, most of those who live in the area being considered 'rural' from the rest of the Inner Triad. However, those who live and work on the Outer Ring are not treated poorly by their average peers as without them, life would cease to exist as it does across the archipelago. As such, four islands are dedicated to agriculture, including crops that are both planted yearly and vast forests of fruiting orchards and industry trees; three islands are dedicated to animal husbandry and livestock products; three islands are dedicated to industry such as metal working, forges, refineries, and textile mills. It is from the Outer Ring the very livelihood and core of the Empire comes from and it is the Outer Ring that the military is stationed on in the highest concentration. Every island has a substantial barracks and their ports are equipped for both passenger ferries as well as the armada warships that stay to protect them. Although they deploy from the Imperial Isle, not even the political hub has such a presence of military might, but it is essential in the case of attack to keep the gears that run their society safe.
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art-emis99 · 5 months
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new pfp with my wofsona archipelago!!
final part of a challenge to to draw daily for a week, links to the others:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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burninglights · 2 months
💯 for the oc ask meme!
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
We’re going to go for my OC from Archipelago; Mag Brennan.
1. Mag is a nickname; his full name is Magpie Lewis Brennan, as there was a magpie at the window when he was born.
2. His mother, Mei Huang-Brennan, is Chinese-Guyanese.
3. Mag’s parents are Wesleyan Methodists. Despite not being or having been religious, he maintains teetotalism.
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brainyxbat · 3 months
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Venus' outfit for the Sabaody arc!
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