#oc arianrhod griffiths
druidx · 2 years
Incorrect Tags Game
Tagged by @odysseywritings TY!
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Because I'm still in The Ruby Falls brainrot territory, these will be for that WIP. And since there are 22 tags... most of the quotes are going under the cut!
Mankar Camoran: Dammit, you ruin everything! Aderyn: You're welcome.
Martin, writing in their diary at Kvatch with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
Jauffre: Do you have any idea what you’re doing? Aderyn: Why start now?
Martin & Baurus, pointing a camera at Aderyn: There she is, our sweet baby. Aderyn, holding a cigarette and a beer: What-?
Baurus & Martin, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here. Jena: Hey. Aderyn: Hi. Jauffre: Hello. Ferrum: Hey! Baurus: I gave you the key to our place for emergencies only! Roliand: We were out of Doritos.
Arianrhod: Aderyn, how could you possibly have gotten into this much trouble in one day? Aderyn: It… It didn't take me the whole day…
Aderyn, to the Squad: I’d die for you. Jauffre: Then perish. Baurus: Please don’t. Ferrum: Cool. Martin: I’d die for you first.
Jauffre: We wouldn’t last two minutes without Aderyn. Jauffre: Jauffre: Don’t tell her I said that.
Aderyn, throwing their head into Arianrhod's lap: Tell me I'm pretty! Arianrhod, lovingly stroking their hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
Aderyn: I'm having problems with a guy... Belisarius: Like his dead body won't fit into your trunk kind of problems, or you like him kind of problems? Belisarius: Because I can only help with the former.
Ferrum: How would you like your coffee? Jena: As dark and as bitter as my soul. Ferrum, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!
Caroline: What is love? Martin: An emotional minefield. Jauffre: A neurochemical reaction. Aderyn: Baby don't hurt me.
Aderyn: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
*The Squad when asked about their earlier confession of love* Martin: Yeah, you're lucky. I like you. Baurus: I'd understand if you didn't feel the same way… Aderyn: *has a panic attack* What confession? Jena: *winks* I know, babe. You like me too. Ferrum: So what? Are you going to date me or not? Jauffre: It was a dare.
Martin to Baurus: Me? I'm the bee knees, but, you? You're just... Aderyn: Cockroach ankles! Martin: Ye- uh, what?
Aderyn: I'm tired. Arianrhod: You slept for three hours last night! Why are you surprised?! Aderyn: I'm not surprised. I just wanted to complain about it.
Baurus: *holds a gun out to Martin* Martin: I-I don't believe in guns. Baurus: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
Martin: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning. Baurus: This is a lie. Baurus: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie. Baurus: THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO COOK A PANCAKE, WHAT IS THIS.
Baragon: Like they say, "If you can't beat them, curl up in a ball and protect your organs."
Aderyn: A decision had to be made. Jauffre: And you fucked it up!
Jauffre: You know, when I first met you I thought you were a real bitch. Aderyn: What changed your mind? Jauffre: Oh, now I know that you’re a fake bitch. Why do you ask?
Jena: So… who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon? Arcturus: We're chopsticks! Jena: Well… that's cute! Jena: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly? Cyrus: No, it means that if you take one away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.
Cheeky bonus from the Doc:
Baragon, on a random band name generator: Oooo! They Might Be Depressed Horses! That about sums up my teammates.
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nine-blessed-hero · 2 years
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druidx · 2 years
Find the Word
Tagged by @cheerfulmelancholies, TY!
Tagging back: @strosmkai-rum @spacetimewraithwrites @wildswrites @odysseywritings @ayzrules @morganwriteblr @my-writblr @bexminx @writingingraves @dreamwishing @aalinaaaaaa @pleaseloathemyveryexistence @jaguarthecat @catharticallysarcastic @bread-of-death @bluegreystarstuff @bodoramzap @whimsyqueen @dxrlingdaydreams @horridmacaronibaby @thewriteflame @amoretteverity
Your words: Thought, Information (or Info), Stranger, Hall
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Taken these from the new parts of The Ruby Falls. CW Smoking and swearing
Aderyn pressed a hand to her forehead. The cigarette packet sat on the table between them, devil- red packaging almost cheery in the homey kitchen. "Ah fuck. Can I have one?" Aderyn said, nodding at the pack. Arianrhod inclined her head and shoved it towards Aderyn. "Knock yourself out." Aderyn took a cigarette, breathing in the heat and letting a billow of smoke take her anger with it. In the corner of the kitchen, the fridge buzzed and the tap dribbled. "So," Aderyn said. "Radio says it's gonna snow. Think we'll get it here?"
Lewawin was just as cold as every other part of scotland. But with the added mists hanging down from the Cairngorms and mingling with the marsh on the other side of the town, it seemed extra frigid. Aderyn pulled her scarf higher up her face, wishing she'd put tights on under her jeans as she moved through the winding streets and past the historic and brightly rendered houses towards the east side of the town.
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nine-blessed-hero · 2 years
OCs - Who the Hell is Arianrhod Griffiths
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(A short Original Character primer)
TES IV: Oblivion (Modern AU)
What does she look like?
Arianrhod is pale, slender and of average height, with short auburn hair and green eyes. She dresses comfortably in jeans, heavy work boots, t-shirts and a leather 'biker'-style jacket.
What's she like?
She has a sharp wit, and an eye for artistry. Unfortunately she's also prone to passive aggression and resentment.
Who are the main important people in her life?
Aderyn Griffiths - Daughter
Modryn Oreyn - Best friend
Luned Owens - A close friend in the village
Can you give us a highlight reel of her life?
Born to Pryce and Gwyneth Griffiths and raised in a small village in the Valleys, south Wales.
Attended Plymouth University, studying fine arts.
Got pregnant in her second year of Uni. Went back to her parents. They wanted her to abort or give up the child, but Ari didn't want that. Parents kicked her out.
Takes child and lives with Modryn on the Marine Base in Dorset.
Meets future husband Robert "Bob" Williams – a bricklayer from Brighton. Moves with him to Southampton.
Marries Bob. Has no further children. Lives with him for 10 years, before Bob walks out and they divorce. Stays in the house a further 2 years while Aderyn completes mandatory schooling and subsequently drops out of college.
Moves in with Modryn and Sabine Oreyn for a few years while the divorce goes through, the family house is sold, she gets her life turned around, etc.
Moves back to Wales, to a different small village in the Valleys.
Earns a living taking photographs - primarily landscape of the countryside.
What points in her life are you writing about?
From the start of The Ruby Falls, where her life intersects with Aderyn's.
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druidx · 4 years
MOAU Event Scenario: A Continuation
I was encouraged to finish off the Event scenario by someone on Discord. I still feel it’s a bit Geralt: “hrmmm”, so I preemptively beg indulgence, and blame fever-brain. TW for injury, hospitals, single-parenting, daddy issues, explosions/ fireballs/ bombs and general assery.
The previous scenario left our team outside the event hall, with Baurus calming down a very frazzled Marti. Baurus is lowkey pissed off at the world in general for making his baby suffer more than he has to. So: they’re going home, Baurus decides, and they’re going now; Marti is not complaining. But someone needs to go back, collect coats, tell Ocato, et al, etc. Aderyn came in her own car (that really sweet Ferrari 250 GT) not the Company SUVs, so she’s cool with doing that. Excellent, that’s settled. She waves them off, heads back inside.
Aderyn grabs all the bits they left behind (including her very important pilfered cocktail sausages), goes off to tell Ocato that Marti’s left and why. Ocato is an ass about it, Aderyn gets pissy. As she’s walking away, Ocato mutters something about Aderyn being “A worthless Eurotrash guttersnipe”. She stops. Dumps the coats. Turns around. “Say that to my face, coward.” (Now, at the end of Haven’s Ember, Aderyn decks Ocato. And once you’ve decked someone once, it’s pretty easy to get over the mental hurdle to deck them twice.) He gives her a cold smile. She starts winding up. “I called you a worthless-” “Aderyn I need a sitrep. Outside,” says Jauffre, stepping in between them. “Pick those up. I need it now.” Ocato and Aderyn glare at each other a moment longer, before she picks the gear up, and Jauffre walks her outside. Gramps does some grampa-ing: “You know he’s trying to provoke you, stop letting him needle you into doing something stupid. How much have you had to drink?” Slightly over the legal limit, so “Fine, I’ll drive you home.” Aderyn dumps the gathered gear into Gramps’ SUV, goes to her own car for her overnight bag.
Boot is unlocked, bag retrieved, KABOOM! A fireball envelops the Ferrari. Aderyn is thrown across the car park.
Cut to: a hospital waiting room. A woman in her 40s, tall, slim, flaming red hair and a very welsh accent hurries in. "Where is my daughter?" Roliand steps away from where he's been standing outside a single occupancy room. "Ms Griffiths? In here, marm." A slim man with a blue-black mohawk follows but remains outside.
Inside the room, Marti is perched on a chair holding Aderyn's hand, Baurus behind him. Ms Griffiths goes to her other side, fusses for a moment then looks over. She and Martin make eye contact. He goes pale with shock; she goes white from lividity. "Ari?" "Get this man away from my daughter." "Ari, please-" "No. Leave. Right now." "Mum? What's all the yelling-?" "Ma'am, if you could calm down-" Aderyn's stat monitor starts beeping as her heart rate rises, in comes a nurse. "You're agitating my patient. You all need to leave."
They all troop out. Nurse looks at them all: "Okay, which one of you people is her actual next of kin? because I've got two dads, a mother, and an uncle down here and you can't all be it." Mama Griffiths puts her hand up, nurse leads her away, explains that there was some kind of detonation, but Aderyn's a super lucky girl; she's come away with minor burns to her back, a broken arm and a concussion. 
Meanwhile, Caroline (who has remained in the room – no force on Earth will move her away from her position while a Blade Sister's life may be in danger) is explaining to Aderyn that Jauffre's fine, he's assisting Captain Lex and the Met. Police with their investigation. Mama Griffiths is unavailable, Aderyn has sads, can Marti please come back? How is anyone supposed to say no to those puppy-eyes, huh? Of course he can. 
Mama Griffiths comes back from talking to the Nurse, instantly irate that Martin's back in Aderyn's room. Baurus runs interference: "If your daughter was a minor, you absolutely would have a say over who can and can't be in her room. But as she's a 24-year-old woman who explicitly requested his presence, you've just gotta suck it up and deal. Let me buy you a coffee."
So off they pop, get their coffee and share war-stories about making Aderyn eat like a reasonable human being. Baurus makes note that never once does she call her ex-husband Aderyn's father. He wasn't, she says, it's half of why the bastard walked out. She got pregnant in University, wound up staying with Modryn after her parents kicked her out for being a whore and for not giving up the child, or having an abortion. She met her ex when Aderyn was three; Aderyn'd be too young to know the difference, what did it matter anyway? And then – because, of course, he has to – Baurus asks how Mama Griffiths knows Martin.
(please, please, please forgive me)
Well, she slept with him.  A while ago, of course. Some 20-odd years, in fact. But she'd never mistake those crystal-cut blue eyes; and it's not surprising he recognised her, her temper, and her hair. They met at university while party!Marti was going through that whole slut-on-every-conceivable-drug-encouraged-by-Sanguine phase. She was going through a small one of her own, so no judging. Baurus has this awful feeling in his gut, but again, he has to ask: "Why do you hate him?" "Because the fucker never pulled out on time. Because he never returned my calls or responded to my letters when I tried to tell him about my... condition." The takeaway cup crumples in Baurus' hand as he does the maths. He hardly notices the coffee scalding him. Is she sure? No; there were others, but he was the first – and last – to use the "pull out" method. "You have to tell them. At least get a paternity test. I can get you his hair-" A derisive laugh. "And have some random old man butt into Aderyn's life, nagging away? I don't think so." Baurus is just staring and shaking his head. "Oh. Oh, that ship has sailed. That ship is halfway around the goddamn world by now. They're already thick as thieves. Genetics would just be the icing on the cake." "Genetics don't mean shit, and anyway, he's an asshole." "Oh, man. Lady, let me tell you-" Baurus goes on to give the lowdown on priest!Marti, on the Crisis, on CEO-of-Nirn-Industries!Marti, on basically-already-Marti, no, Marti&Baurus’-daughter!Aderyn. 
Arianrhod Griffiths agrees to get a paternity test, but until the results are in, this stays between her and Baurus.
(Again: forgive me. There is no conclusion. I'm not sure I want there to be one. And anyway it’s... Yeah.)
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druidx · 4 years
Haven’s Ember Masterpost
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Haven’s Ember is about a girl in the wrong place at the right time, a man who’s trying to make up for a failure that wasn’t his fault, and the man who, for a few months, is the most important man in the world. Haven’s Ember is about finding a place you belong in a modern, uncaring world; about how sometimes, if you’re really very lucky, then everyone gets to live; and what comes after a happy ending.
➼ Original Characters
Sophie Aderyn Williams/ Griffiths - Hero of Kvatch Tags: #oc aderyn griffiths (druidx) #oc aderyn griffiths (nine-blessed-hero)
Arianrhod Griffiths - Aderyn's Mother Tag: #oc ariahnod griffiths
Alexine Fenn - a prominent Blade
Garrus - a Blade
Christophe - a Blade
➼ WIPs
The Ruby Falls - The full Main Quest set in the Haven's Ember AU Tag: #wip 'the ruby falls' (druidx) #wip 'the ruby falls' (nine-blessed-hero)
Learning to Shoot - During MQ, Baurus teaches Martin to defend himself
A Commercial for Shampoo - Post MQ. The crew discovers an old TV advert...
Spiritual Ties - Early MQ. Cyrus shares some words of wisdom and faith with Martin.
For Love and Honour - Post MQ. The team go to a reenactment fair, where Lena is almost kidnapped and Caroline looks awesome in armour.
➼ Tags
On nine-blessed-hero - #Haven's Ember series ; #modern oblivion au
On druidx - #Haven's Ember series ; #modern oblivion au
➼ The Fics (in rough narrative order)
A Night to Drink to Words: 1028 A set of 3 drabbles, set well before the main Crisis, detailing how each of the Trio line up on the “Drink Alignment” triangle. Read on AO3 or Tumblr: Electric Night (HoK) : Pastel Night (Baurus) : Classic Night (Martin) ; Podfic on Tumblr
It's Fashion, Boss Words: 360 Set in the Modern AU, pre-main quest. Aderyn & The Grey Fox have a conversation about her attire. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Cookies Words: 410 Set in the Modern AU, during main quest. Aderyn, the HoK returns hungry to Cloud Ruler manor; Baurus provides food. Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
The Lunchbox Words: 1200 Set in the Modern AU, during the main quest. Martin sends Aderyn off on a job, Baurus gives her food for the trip. Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
Spiritus Alco Custodiat Words: 451 Set in the Modern AU, during the main quest. A jest from Jena turns swiftly sour. Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
Lunchbox Adjacent Words: 820 Set in the Modern AU, during the main quest. Aderyn returns to Cloud Ruler Manor to an apology from Jauffre. Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
Bad Dreams Abound Words: 1,450 Set in the Modern AU, during the main ques. Martin and Aderyn talk about their bad dreams. Read on Tumblr
Bitter Winds and Rain Words: 1000 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest, but while Martin is still in a coma. Aderyn is not holding up too well. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Shaving Accidents Words: 1000 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest, but while Martin is still in a coma. Baurus is not holding up too well. Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
Night will Fall and Drown the Sun Words: 1,260 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest, but while Martin is still in a coma. Jauffre is not holding up too well. Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
The Insomnolence of a Troubled Mind Words: 700 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest. Martin can’t sleep, Baurus find out why. Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
The Birthday Party Words: 3570 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest. It’s Baurus’ Birthday! Have some domestic cooking fluff. Read on AO3 or Tumblr: Pt1 & Pt2
Better Homes and Gardens Words: 440 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest. Martin asks Aderyn for thoughts on his and Baurus’ new house. Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
A Day at the Beach Words: 500 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest. The gang decide to spend some time at the beach. Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
It's Fashion, Baby Words: 350 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest. Martin wears a Hawaiian shirt; Baurus does not approve. Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
Night Exercises Words: 2400 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest. Fortis runs a training exercise for Aderyn at night Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Fruitcake is Deadly Words: 320 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest. A tee-total Martin has accidentally imbibed alcohol from a very sodden fruitcake and now has a hangover. Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
A Little Something-Something Words: 1,459 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest. Aderyn takes Jena along to an unusual meeting of GreyFox Security personnel. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Strawberry Fizz Words: 219 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest. Martin and Baurus take a summer holiday Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
Get up! Words: 1,020 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest. Martin and Baurus sneak away from a gala event, only for a detonation to rock their world... Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
Long Past Dawn Words: 646 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest. Martin isn't fond of parties or unwanted female attention. Baurus has a solution... Read on AO3 or Tumblr ; Podfic on Tumblr
A Floral Surprise Words: 720 Set in the Modern AU, post main quest. On the morning of Martin & Baurus' Anniversary, Aderyn and Belisarius lay out flowers and gifts, conscripted by their respective friends. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
Self Indulgent AU Words: 8,274 Set in the Modern AU, mostly post main quest. The Hero of Kvatch is Martin’s Biological Child. Read on AO3 or Tumblr
(Last updated 27 Jul 2024)
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