#oc bion/bryne
floororangejuice · 5 months
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oc lore posting, 1st image in a series that will be made,,,,,
solve my riddles or whatever
(also, if you dont know what LSD dream emulator is, the text is a direct refrence to it yadda yadda)
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floororangejuice · 1 month
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bryne smoking animation i did kinda quickly........... i actually really like this so YEAH!
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floororangejuice · 5 months
BION Information master post!! (abibaz oc)
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real image of me after making all of this or something
hit the read more to get blasted with everything or something
I want people to find some things out through hints and clues hidden in art, so there may be a big chunk missing! Also, his story isn't FULLY finished yet too, so there will be a lot more to come. This post will (if I remember to) be updated along with any major art/information I make about him! (FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS TOO!)
Bion and Bryne are the same person. Bryne is the person/version of himself when he was alive, and Bion is the spirit that remains after death.
I just wanted to clarify this as this can be something that is easily mistaken if you see me draw them at different times/in different posts, sense at first look they can seem like completely different characters.
In my interp of abibaz, it takes place somewhere in the 90's, so that is also where his story takes place.
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BASIC LORE (quick/low effort summary)
Bryne is a poor-ish guy living on his own and looking for a job and in some way ends up applying as an IT guy for the school. He applies for this job because it somewhat relates to his huge interest in computers, and he is already desperate enough for any job so this place seems perfect for him so far.
Upon entering the school for the first time, he can immediately tell something is off. He cant place his finger on exactly what it is but it does raise some red flags for him. Even so, he continues on for his interview and gets hired yadda yadda I dont really know how to explain that part and its not important.
Though, adding to his suspicions about this place, he has to meet and be around Alex now. I dont know how to word it in a good way, but basically he thinks Alex is a massive freak.
As time goes on, he gets more and more curious about what is happening in the school. Kids keep going missing, if there is any at all, and the place constantly smells like iron and rot. Bryne tries to research about the school online, trying to find any documents or reports about the school, like possible crimes that happened or any leads on the disappearances, but keeps coming up empty-handed.
This leads Bryne into a spiral, he keeps trying and trying to find information, it just seems right out of his reach. He spends most of his time at work in his own classroom, in the back with his personal computer most of the time because of this. That computer is like a sort of personal companion to him now, with how much time he has spent there alone with it.
Alex is aware of Bryne's researching, and after a while started to have his own fun with him. Setting up red herrings and letting information slip as a way to reel Bryne back into a game he almost had set up from the start.
Anyways, as time goes on Alex starts to get bored of this, and decides one night to finally get some real enjoyment out of this.
He was ready. The clock seemed to tick exceptionally slow that day, there was nothing different about that day from the rest, all but that usual feeling of dread seeming to hang heavier on Bryne's shoulders.
Alex slinked into his room, looming over him just watching him before making his presence known. He just started talking to Bryne, placing a hand on his shoulder and getting close to his level. Bryne could sense that something was wrong with this little meeting of his, though he did this type of thing this one felt wrong.
Bryne started to head out of his room and to the exit doors, hurrying his pace as he got further away from his room. Though when he finally reached the exit, he found the doors to be locked. No matter how much he tried he couldn't get them undone. He was now stuck here, unsure as to why. He started to panic, Bryne had always been weary of Alex, and now his suspicions have been proven. He was stuck there with a monster.
Now, I dont feel like I have the capability or patience to write the whole next segment, but to quickly summarize it: Bryne gets fucking hunted and chased through the school, becoming exhausted and more panicked over time and ends up heading back to his room, then Alex corners him there and kills him by giving him so much blunt force trauma to the face through smashing his face into a computer screen. yay!
I will probably try and write it out better at a later date when I have it more clearly thought out and have the energy to
anyways, here is a quick demonstration of what that looked like:
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really good mock-up i know right
Anyways, after this there is a week period(important) of time where he is dead, his body rotting away, semi-untouched. Bion apears within one of the computers as, well, him, and has to re-learn what it feels like to exist again along with his newfound unstable emotions and overall physical form.
He now has a hatred for Alex that burns brighter than the sun, and in simple terms is extremely violent over even the mention of him.
I'll add more onto Bion's way of processing thought and emotion later, but it is a pretty key part in everything he does. He is extremely impulsive.
Bion is a massive recluse, hiding away in his computer most of the time, rarely ever coming out. The computer is his safe space, leaving it even voluntarily causes him to get horribly stressed. The only times he ever fully leaves is when he is driven by an extreme emotion. (usually anger)
Touching him is most times lethal, he is electrically charge. Holding onto him or touching him in general causes a feeling of numbness after a period of time, intensity varying on his emotion and the time touching him. (it feels like when one of your limbs falls asleep, but a bit more painfull)
If Bion was ever added in game, or if I felt like ever attempting to mass mod the game, his mechanic would be to locate Alex.
He would be a (mostly) neutral character, helping the player by showing where in the map Alex is with a pop-up map. It would only be accessible in his room. Along with this Alex would be unable to enter the room at all, but he could just camp at the door and completely trap you, so it would be wiser to be quick while in Bion's room.
Bion's room is also located in a semi-inconvenient spot, near the end of a very long corridor with the only exit down that hallway being one of the rooms with a red key required door. (I'll add a map of where his room is later)
He also has the chance of being a hostile character too. If you provoke him with enough questions about himself, his past, speak of Alex, or bring a special item to him. Any of these will result in him killing you instantly, or becoming one of the hostile character that chase you in the game from that point on.
I also have an idea with him for an Easter egg ending that is related to his lore, but i have to do some more developing on it before I explain it to the public.
Because he is a spirit now, his reactions and emotions are alot more raw and intense, causing him to lash out often or go into violent spirals. He is his greatest enemy. (other than Alex)
His most common emotion that happens is rage, appearing whenever his mind starts going down a path of thoughts about how he was wronged, and the monster that he was wrongfully made into.
His rage and his fear of new things causes him to become more of a recluse than he already was. He cant even go out of his classroom without being reminded of how he was made into such a beast.
Bion can still feel and react like a normal person, and is still somewhat the same man he was. Whither that is good or bad is for you to decide.
The way he comes off when not in any fit of emotions is more flat and mechanical, being inside machinery for so long has changed the way he talks a bit, becoming more formal and thought out.
Here are my Toyhouse pages for both Bryne and Bion where you can find most if not all of their art, which includes lore art.
(lore art will be specified in the bio of the images, and you can usually tell because there is more effort in the details)
ALSO, Bion has a twitter account! its mostly fun silly stuff, but occasionally there will be lore related posts!
@B10NSC0MPUT3R <- link to his account!!!
btw this is going to be updated with more soon!!!!! im probably going to add some facts + more clarifications later!
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floororangejuice · 5 months
more bryne animation shit yaayyyyy 8 now yayayayyayy
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floororangejuice · 1 year
idk some art
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alot of just an oc that i havent shared on here but i love him alot
[and a single alex cause why not]
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floororangejuice · 2 months
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art program crashed while drawign him smh
I'll make sure to get you back with one of ur guys.....
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floororangejuice · 2 months
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redraw thing going around on twt so i drew it w bryne and asmo
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floororangejuice · 1 month
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whatever whatever parallels and callbacks within the same character
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floororangejuice · 1 month
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01101101 01111001 00100000 01100100 01100001 01110010 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111
number 2 in the series!!
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floororangejuice · 2 months
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i looocvevee randomly sketching my ocs
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floororangejuice · 2 months
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weird doodle of bion w a minds eye squared quote whateveerrrrr
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floororangejuice · 4 months
A Lord Never Dies!
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inspired by this song/cover art LINK!
quick fun thing with bryne because errrrr fun
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floororangejuice · 4 months
Hi, this TV reminded me of your radioactive blue guy.
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(image from this post)
REALEST THING EVER GENUENLY.. very him.. Bion would love this
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floororangejuice · 5 months
we KILL bitches like bryne okay (or just him haha)
anyways my first time using alight motion and this is shitty on purpose trustt
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