#hes one of my fav ocs rn i love him
floororangejuice · 1 year
idk some art
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alot of just an oc that i havent shared on here but i love him alot
[and a single alex cause why not]
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cyellolemon · 5 months
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Myel and the most normal of his boyfriends <33
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Back to our regularly schedules beat downs with part 4 of this au with the wonderful Syn belonging to @seasidemew being put in situations!
Rain lashed down hard and fast and Syn groaned from under his psychic protection as wind whipped up and slapped raindrops in his face. He did not like the rain, especially with it interfering with his flight and tracking, he couldn't sense anything past the heavy clouds and the rumbles of thunder. It'd been a few weeks since he last actually knew the location of the pair turned trio, he'd left to let their dynamic settle not wanting to deal with the fight and resistance as a new social dynamic formed and when he finally lazily backtracked to locate them he couldn't sense a trace! Nada, zilch!
He thought he sensed a ping of shadow energy far off east one day but it was too far away, with the pairs' travel pace even with Citrus' abilities they couldn't have gone that far could they? Not with May walking at least and from what he gathered from watching them she wasn't exactly the most confident when being carried around either.
Another harsh gust saw raindrops flying right into his eye and he snarled at the sky, "FINE," he growled as if it could hear him and was intentionally trying to provoke him. He shot up through the clouds' psychic energy creating a shield to protect him from any rogue lightning that may decide to take issue with him. Fighting through the storm he finally broke through and flew above it looking down tail swaying at the expanding storm, he lifted himself further looking to try to get an idea of how large the storm was to estimate how long it would annoyingly stay around for. His psychic powers couldn't penetrate the dense storm system meaning he couldn't sense anything below, they could be right below him and he wouldn't have the foggiest clue and that frustrated him greatly.
Summoning psychic energy in his palms he moved his hands in calculated swipes attempting to dispel the storm through sheer will, he saw the clouds shift and swirl underneath him and he smirked at his act of controlling nature.
Screeching in rage at the insult against his skies the long green serpentine god swirled and descended rapidly onto the dark hued Pokemon invading its territory and messing with the balance of things. Their body slammed into a protect barrier in an attempt to slam into this perceived rival knocking them backwards by the sheer force and weight behind their collision snarling at the creature in insult Rayquaza did not allow even a moments breath as a concentrated shot of energy blasted from the back of their throat right at the other causing the protect to splinter and shatter.
Syn shot to the side to avoid the blast glaring at the sky god, "Oh you want to play huh?" He smirked, eyeing up the creature already in a bad mood from the weather and feeling overly cocky with himself in general. Flying past as the god attempted to ram into him again he created shadow energy around his hand like a claw stabbing his hand down into the back of the creature as he flew past to rip a long slash like wound across the length of its back before he had to break away for it's screeching and attempt to whip him with its tail end. He smirked at the damage caused as he watched the gods body spin as it flew to adjust itself.
The draconic power infused rock slammed hard into his back from behind as crackling energy blasted once more from the gods mouth, the energy darted through the sky in shades of purples and blues creating the silhouette of a dragon as it flew slamming into his front secondd after the rock. Syn yelled out in pain feeling his chest burning from the impact as his back ached in turn. His gaze turned hateful towards the serpent crystal in his shoulder growing and power flowing through his veins as his form changed and he went for them again.
His fist collided hard downwards into Rayquazas face as they roared in pain speckles of blood flying out the god's nostrils as Syns fist ruptured blood vessels in the gods snout. His other fist came punching above the creatures eye causing at least a fracture before strategically backing off to attempt a downwards kick into the back of the gods neck. Rayquaza twisted, grabbing his leg in their maw and biting down hard with previously concealed teeth. Syn yelled once more the pain and frustration attempting to kick the gods face but they wouldn't let go.
Rayquaza began to move their neck and head beginning to shake and sway Syn in its jaw like he was some play thing, each jostle sending the gods teeth deeper into his flesh, blood beginning to pour from the gods mouth through the clouds. He moved his body to attempt to grab at and forcefully wrench the serpents mouth open but it only snarled biting down harder as he attempted to pull it's maw open.
Finally it threw him but before he could even rebalance himself it rammed into him with a sickening thud that shook the skies like a crack of thunder. The god didn't stop flying past and swirling around slamming into him over and over each collision with intent to break and hurt and not letting him escape, not allowing him a moment to regain any composure.
Pokemon in the woods below scurried and ran to shelter as the storm cracked and rumbled on above them sensing the dispute as Syns yells of pain were drowned in thunder.
Rayquaza wrapped itself around Syn, squeezing him hard in its middle section crushing him, he felt his ribs cracking and like his arms were going to be popped and crushed further into their sockets. He could feel his consciousness slipping as the god slowly unwound itself. His eyesight was blurry as he looked watching an abundance of energy form around the creature as its form grew larger, orange energy flowed from it's forms as it looked down at him in disgust, before he could think the gods tail came down on him like a mighty whip cutting through his flesh and sending him hurtling down through the sky with a horrid crack that resonated along the sky.
The god returned to its original state glaring down at the clouds before ascending back up into the upper atmosphere having defended its territory.
Syns body smashed and bounced against trees on his way down further damaging his already battered body, he rolled and landed face down onto a bouldery stoned area and an empty gasp of agony wheezed from his throat as he felt his ribs break and a searing hot pain in his chest. Despite the state of him driven by the crystals strength he began to push himself up gasping in pain with blood slowly dripping down the jagged pointed rock he'd landed on, that had punctured through his lung.
He barely managed to remove himself from the rock as his mega form broke suddenly, his hands slipping from the cold and wet as he tumbled off of the rocks into the wet mud and grass with a groan of agony. And there he lay without any more strength left in him to drag himself to shelter or heal, barely able to really form a logical thought around the pain of his body and the difficulty in breathing he was currently having each breath a fight and a wheeze at that.
May had been out in the rain trying to find shelter, despite having managed to steal a human coat she still shivered for the cruel wind and felt soaked to the bone as she held a large leaf as a makeshift umbrella. She'd flinched to herself at the sound of the storm above, the sudden loud noises right overhead terrifying her with how unpredictable they were and relentless. All she could think of was a cave to at least shelter in she knew there was one nearby when she heard a strange sound. A wheezing, and no not the Pokemon. Despite her freezing fingers and trembling ankles begging her to just find shelter she moved her head and listened to follow the sound worried it may have been another Pokemon in distress.
The bloody bruised collapsed body that she found wasn't what she expected, despite the dimness of the tail and crystal she knew immediately who it was.
"Syn!" She hurried over, despite the fight despite the wariness of him to see him in this state, she couldn't just ignore it. She knew that she didn't really know him at all but she couldn't just continue walking. She knelt and carefully moved him into the recovery position to get a better look at him, gasping quietly at the bleeding wound on his chest on the left hand side. She felt the panic quickly setting in as she didn't know what to do.
Syn could hear someone nearby, had breathing not been so hard he would've tried to growl to preserve what little dignity he had left, his hearing was like he was underwater and incredibly faded but he was almost sure he heard his own name as his body was moved, he wheezed too weak to open his eyes exhaling a struggled, "nne…" as hands just slightly warmer than his cold body carefully cupped over his wound.
She couldn't let him die, she couldn't! I mean how was he supposed to become a better person to grow if he died right here right now? She couldn't let that happen; she owed it to him if he was truly sorry to at least have the chance to make it up to them. Her hands covered his wound as she struggled for clear thoughts, oran berries and medical leaks weren't enough to fix this the other wounds maybe but this looked bad real bad, it was a deep wound by the looks of it, as her hands covered the hole she could feel his breath escaping, oh god his lung was pierced. She tried to concentrate her thoughts to formulate a plan on how to save him, surely there would be some Pokemon nearby with some kind of healing move? Like, like recover or…
She didn't notice her hands blooming with warmth as she tried to think of what to do, green energy forming over her hands and flowing into him and over his body, the move focused on his internal damages mostly, closing the hole in his lung, fixing bone fractures and recorrecting other broken ones. When she opened her eyes from her panic thinking she stared bewildered at the green glow from his body, she glanced quickly at her palms confirming that it was her own powers before quickly focusing herself thinking thoughts of healing and wanting to help him to channel her limited abilities into healing.
Energy pulsed over his body glowing brightly in waves, his breathing became easier and more steady but he was still much too tired to awaken being far too drained from the battle. As the internal wounds and injuries fixed themselves her hands began to tremble with exhaustion before the energy weakened and fizzled to nothing. The rain continued to hammer down, but it seemed most of his injuries now were treatable through other means and he was much more stable.
May moved stumbling a little to her feet with leaf umbrella thoroughly abandoned, she moved him onto his back before crouching and wrapping her arms under his carefully and being rather cautious of the crystal as she heaved and huffed lifting him up the best she could and beginning to effectively drag him along as she carefully walked backwards checking her surroundings as she pulled him along, had he been a bit shorter she may have been able to lift him into a carry but his longer body made that difficult, she could only just pick up Darkness when standing around the waist.
Finally spotting the cave she knew was about she continued to carefully drag him along until they were finally in shelter, hoping he didn't mind when he woke up that she dragged him but what else could she do. Very slowly and very carefully she moved to lay him down on the cave floor, she sighed feeling more than a bit exhausted as she moved to slowly stand again she didn't have time to waste his other wounds still needed seeing too after all. She paused looking at him lying on the cave floor, she awkwardly shuffled closer moving to kneel besides him and pressed the side of her head against his chest listening carefully to his lung that had been injured as he breathed just to make sure that it had in fact healed and she wasn't just leaving him to quietly suffocate or suffer.
She lifted her head, nodding to herself satisfied with the sound of his breathing, no wheezing or whistling, just shallow as she carefully put him in the recovery position again in case he started to cough up blood while she was gone, not wanting him to choke. She took off the coat she was wearing and carefully lay it over him as a makeshift blanket or warmer as his skin was freezing. She wondered how long he'd been out in the rain for as she moved and headed back out to brave the weather for medical supplies.
Syn quietly shivered but he felt something warm on his body as he lay in vague awareness for what seemed like hours.
May swore her bone marrow was soaked by the time she came back carrying a bundle of medical leaks and oran berries as she sloshed back into the cave, she stopped to shake off her body at the cave entrance before she went deeper to where Syn was laying still to her knowledge unconscious. She carefully sat near him and removed the coat from him with a quiet, "I'm sorry I promise I'll put this back soon."
In one hand she crushed some oran berries into a smushed consistency as with her other hand and teeth she peeled the outer leaves off of the medical leak to get to the part that she needed, she squeezed the leak watching the clear fluid fall out the stem into the oran mush in her hand before she mixed and rubbed her hands together watching the color of the mush change into a more purpley to indicate the reaction was complete before she carefully began to cover Syns remaining wounds with the old style medicine.
A hot stinging ran through Syns spine and nerves from one of his injuries causing him to quietly groan and hiss in response as May carefully tended to his wounds creating more of the medical paste to apply as she needed it and wrapping the wounds to keep the paste in place with the long leak leaves. Despite the wound being healed she carefully added a dollop to his chest to get rid of what was on her hands before carefully putting the coat back over him to give him a blanket knowing he probably needed to be warm to recover properly.
May sighed softly feeling her eyes hang heavy, she had probably been up quite a while tending to him as she moved to look at him, she tilted her head a bit at him moving her hand slowly to touch his cheek and stroke up to feel his forehead, he thankfully wasn't burning up because she wouldn't know how to deal with a fever, he was still a bit cool though which made her worry. She slowly moved her hand off of his face realizing that was probably a bit strange but, guess Darkness had been right, he did have some cute stripes.
Shaking her head she moved to the other side of the cave sitting to lean against the wall, though guilt wracked through her as she saw his tail shiver with the cold. Cautiously shifted onto her knees and moved some sticks and leaves from the ground into a pile and held her hands over the little pile as she tried to concentrate, she didn't want him to be cold, just a little spark to keep him warm.
Energy quietly crackled and fizzled little sparks of energy darting from her paws zapping the leaf that fluttered and danced and another dart of energy seeming to walk along the little twig before a small flame formed. It swayed a bit as it grew on the end of the twig as first a soft red before a wave of orange yellow pinks and all colors waved through it and as the flame grew into just a small fire the colors danced and decorated the flame that radiated heat and light. She sighed softly in relief and exhaustion moving to rest back on her ankles, her head feeling more than a bit fuzzy from over exertion.
She watched the flame for a moment making sure it was contained, it shifted and danced but seemed relatively well behaved as she slowly moved to lie on her side tiredness quickly dragging her under into blissful unconsciousness.
By morning it had finally stopped raining with the clouds beginning to depart and sunlight finally fighting it's way back through, droplets of water collected on leaves and blades of grass dripping down on anyone unsuspecting who knocked the incorrect branch like a mini shower. Syns eyes were heavy and it was a struggle to even barely open one to squint. He was in a cave by the looks of it from the vague shapes and colors he could make out. He blinked with his one eye heavily fighting to get it back open knowing he should be far more alert and wary of unknown environments. He could make out the faint smell of smoke, glancing he spotted some burnt leaves and twigs still emitting a thin little smoke wisp.
He closed his eye again just taking a moment to lie there before finally registering the slight weight on his body, finally and reluctantly he moved his head to look with blurry eyes and hard blinking as a coat came into vision draped over his body though it wasn't exactly big enough to cover him fully. He moved his arm slowly to lift the coat to examine it and paused, noticing green wrapped around his arm. He squinted in confusion as he moved his wrist closer to look at the leaves wrapped around him and became aware of the sensation of more leaf bandaged spots covering his body. What the hell happened…
He remembers the rain, then being above the storm…and..ugh.. That blasted snake. He groaned softly, moving to attempt to sit up and finally noticing a small pile of berries on a leaf left near him. Resting on his forearm to lift himself without fully committing to sitting up he stared at it, wracking his brain for how in the world those got there and if they were left by someone then who? And if they were left by someone were they the one who brought him here? Perhaps it was Citrine..
He turned his head hearing footsteps in the wet grass making faint splats and squelches as the unexpected but familiar orange one came into view, she was holding a large leaf with more berries carefully balanced inside like a bag by the looks of it leaves weaved and formed into a bowl shape. Their eyes met and she blinked at him looking surprised before to his surprise her expression turned into a smile as she looked at him.
"You're awake!" She beamed as she carefully stepped into the cave placing down the leaf bag of berries, "how are you feeling? I was worried figured you'd have woken up before me so when you were still out cold I thought oh that's not good I hope he's just sleepy so I went oh you know I'll go get him some foods for when he wakes he's probably gonna be starving." He watched her talk quickly but her tone was rather bright as she looked at him before kind of floundering as she placed down the leaf bowl filled with water, "oh arceus are you stuck? Do you need help?"
For a moment he was confused before realizing he was still only resting on his forearm barely lifting himself, he didn't feel as though he was genuinely stuck he likely had the energy to shove himself into a sit but, with the way she looked at him all worried and compassionate he let out a sigh lifting his other arm up.
"Yea, I'm, a bit more knackered than I thought I was," he lied, putting on a smile that passed as bashful as she moved closer and for a brief moment he thought of how easy it would be to just grab her and take her life. He felt her gently grab his arm though her grip was rather strong and her other hand gently held his shoulder where he was leaning before feeling her pull him into a sitting position as he blinked a bit at her strength as she helped him sit unassisted readjusting the coat so it was still around his shoulders for warmth.
She smiled at him, "is that better?" and he nodded as he collected his thoughts. She picked up the leaf bowl and carefully put it into his hand using her hands to make sure he had a proper hold on it, "here, you're probably thirsty. Got Suicune himself to bless the water so it is of utmost freshness." She smiled at him again, moving to shuffle from where she'd crouched to help him up to check his tail.
"You know Suicune?" he inquired though his tone was friendly as she shyly laughed slowly unwrapping some of the leaves off of his tail and wiping away the excess medication to reveal a fully healed wound with no mark nor scar.
"oh, oh no not personal or no I've never actually seen him. It's, that's more of a joke me and my brother use when we're reassuring each other that something is safe. Like there berries are good got them from Celebi themselves, or surely these rocks are safe Groundon told me so." She made a nervous soft laugh, "sorry." She felt unsure and awkward as she checked where he had been injured.
He chuckled softly as he drank some of the water it was cool and quite refreshing actually he hadn't noticed the horrid coppery taste in his mouth till just now.
"I appreciate you trying to reassure me that it's not poisoned." Laughing again at her startled gasp as she very panicked told him she wouldn't do such a thing.
"I'm pulling your leg I knew you wouldn't." He heard her sigh in relief as he chuckled moving to pick out a berry to try, "so got these from Celebi huh? Well if they're no good I'll be having words with the little onion." His teeth sank into the flesh of the berry as she made a soft chuckle seeming to appreciate him playing into the joke with her as he hummed softly, "I suppose the onion gets to live," joking on as she made a soft gasp at his answer looking a bit shocked as he chuckled once more at her expression. He bit into the berry devouring it with quiet hunger he hadn't even realised he was feeling. Getting beat down apparently gives one quite the appetite.
He paused his eating feeling Mays palm gently rest on his chest, he looked at her hand then back at her seeing her expression being quite focused as he raised a brow, "I didn't think we knew each other that well," He easily teased as he watched her expression become startled as she removed her hand.
"I'm sorry! When I found you you have a chest injury and I wanted to make sure it was like healed? That I couldn't feel your lung struggling I guess? So I thought hey I'll just feel through my palm because I didn't want to just put my ear against your chest because that's kind of weird but that was probably even weirder I'm so sorry." Her voice was undeniably stressed as she rambled her reasoning.
Syn smirked a bit gently taking her wrist and placing her palm back on his chest, "well by all means nurse, feel away," He chuckled removing his hand glad when her hand didn't pull away. He took a long deep breath in, he held it and then exhaled for her as well. She nodded a bit to herself.
"One more time? Just a bit slower." He chuckled taking in another long deep breath but slower, holding his breath and then slowly exhaled as she nodded once more, "feels, good I can't sense any difficulty and that didn't hurt right? Ah Magikarp I should've asked that before I started touching and letting you do breathing exercises I'm so sorry."
He waved a dismissive hand to the side, "if it'd hurt I would've gone 'ow!'" He chuckled, "and I did the breathing first, I wouldn't have if it hurt. For someone who patched me up and brought me here you're so apologetic. I mean you and whatever pokemon you convinced to use recover or whatever healing move on me saved my life."
He watched her duck her head shyly slowly moving her palm and brushing her thumb over a scar that had been left behind, "it was me actually, I just, if I'd been stronger maybe you wouldn't have a scar so I feel bad I couldn't heal you spotless." He hummed slightly moving his hand to the scar making a soft sound as May pulled her hand away.
"oh yea, would you look at that," he'd not noticed before a paler spot of scar tissue, "well what's another stripe, besides I imagine without your help I'd have a lot more to worry about than a little scar." He lazily brushed off his chest of imaginary dirt, "and that's not the worst scar I've received and whenever I look at it I know it's because I was helped by a very pretty nurse." He gave her a toothy smile as he saw hues of pink appear on her face before she looked away shyly laughing in response.
"oh don't look away from me, cute thing, how am I to admire the one who saved me?" He moved leaning closer as she looked away harder cheeks and over her snout thoroughly pinkened, "I must say I'm impressed you even managed to move me, did you perhaps mega evolve? Or levitate me?" She leaned away from him in shyness gently putting her hands to his face and pushing him back away from her making a soft odd embarrassed e-eh vocalization type sound.
"no, no I just, I had to drag you? Sorry," she glanced at him nervously worried he'd be mad at being dragged around, he blinked, pressing his face into her hands that were holding him away for sheer sanitys sake, he looked her up and down brows coming together in thoughtful puzzlement.
"You must be very strong," as he tried not to laugh at the mental image of her dragging his large mega body. Like a Lillipup with a Snorlax plushie he couldn't help grinning at the thought as May shyly looked away.
"I guess? Uh," she slowly brought her hands back to herself feeling awkward about holding him away by the face, "sorry," to which he chuckled easily.
"Oh it's all good, I could certainly get used to having your hands on me after all." The squeak she made as she ducked and moved to get up made him chuckle in a mischievous fashion though sad to see her put physical distance between them he was sure the blush was reaching her horns.
"Well!" She fumbled with her hands a bit shyly glancing over to him as her face felt very warm, "since you seem in good spirits I suppose I can uh, with confidence say you'll be fine and probably don't need anymore help from me? So you're uh, discharged or something." She could see him grinning at her playfully as she realized she was playing into the nurse bit.
"Why not stay? I haven't seen you eat a bite yet, and I'd like to see you eat, so why don't you join me in breakfast?" holding out a berry for her as she looked a bit shy and unsure, "Please? I'm sorry for teasing you really, I'm still trying to do and be better so let me show you that I'm changing for the better?" He looked at her all soft and pout like watching her shoulders slowly relax as she smiled back at him with a soft;
"oh fine, but only because you're looking at me all sad." before moving to sit opposite him accepting the berry he held out and taking a careful bite. His tail swayed content watching her stay with him, smiling to himself as he bit into a new berry himself enjoying the flavor on his tongue wondering what she was thinking of him right now, surely positive things. With how pink she was he was curious if she was attracted to him.
"So," He started carefully, "how come you're all on your lonesome? I haven't heard or seen Citrine or pinky yet." He had to bite his tongue from adding a cheeky 'though I suppose you're pretty pinky right now.'
She looked at him with a soft, "oh," as she thought around a new mouthful of berry buying herself time before settling on, "Matt wanted some space, I asked Citrine to watch him, I'm sure they'll be back soon."
He tried not to show his intrigue, so she was alone, and she was alone with him of all people. He hid his thoughtful smirk behind another mouthful of food. Well, he was sure she would come around to liking him and understanding what he had to offer incredibly soon.
"Ah," He vocalized thoughtfully. "Say, if you're on your own and I'm on my own perhaps we could, travel together for a time? I'd hate to leave you on your own after all, especially considering how kind you've been to me. And, maybe you could get to see how I'm doing and what I'm doing to improve myself? It's been a while since we last saw each other after all and I want you to see that I'm serious about getting better." He smiled at her in casual affection, lies falling from his mouth easily.
He could see her hesitate for a moment, her tail shifting and waving in slow thought. He wasn't particularly panicked, she saved his life and stuck around to take care of him stayed to eat together there was no way she wasn't at least intrigued enough by him to consider the offer and by how open she was to interaction he can't see her denying.
"I, I think that'd be kind of nice actually," He hid a knowing smirk, "but," his mouth fell, "I'll be honest I'm still, wary of you..which I know is pretty awful of me considering that you've been really quite nice and you're likely working hard to improve your image and self and I don't want to knock you down from that, you seem to be really coming along well I'm just. It's just a me thing is all." He could see her squirm a little in guilt, in honesty he knew she was being completely reasonable and rational to be cautious of him especially as he knew he had less than honest intentions but seeing as the self doubt was already planted evident by her awkward disposition it made his job easier.
"No no I completely understand, we, didn't have a first good meeting and my behavior afterwards wasn't, I'm not the most proud of it." He looked at his hands as though in sorrow, "I completely understand your caution and I just appreciate that you're giving me a chance." He looked to her and smiled, "you're really kind for that." He saw her face soften into a smile, anxiety ebbing away slightly. Hook line and sinker she believed him and felt more reassured in his company.
He finished off the last berry and sighed softly in contentment, though he'd preferred something more meaty and maybe a bit more alive; he couldn't complain when the berries were picked for him and he didn't have to forage. He glanced at her seeing her finishing up as well as he stood up offering his hand to her.
"Let's go then huh, together?" He smiled down at her as she looked up at him, her expression soft as she smiled and took his hand so he could help her up to her feet.
#My writing#@seasidemew oc#@seasidemew syn#Tw blood#Tw fighting#Tw violence#Tw lung injury#Tw manipulation#Syn that lives in my brain: hey who are those fighting warning for op. Me: oh no one..go look over there real quick#Beating Syn with a mallet and he squeaks like a chew toy at ever smash#Me: how would Syn logically be in such an injured state he needs healing he's like really op#The mushroom network that lives inside my brain: Have rayquaza beat his ass#Me: :0 you're right! Lmao so me just pits him against rayquaza because I need the scene dammit#And yes Rayquaza does mega at the end to land the finishing strike out of pure pettiness he's allowed#And YES half dying Syn does try to wheeze Anne because like he's real fucked up rn and presyn brain probably kind wishes she was with him#I just love the tragedy of to some minor degree a little part of him still thinks of her wishing she didn't let him go#Also he really do just be out here like oh May just saved my life? Press x to flirt#There's a time and a place my man's lmao#The oran berry medical leak thing is a PLA reference my fav medical media trope is slap some goop on that shit#Also he really just out here like I'm a good boy now see I'm totally getting good character development come closer I promise I won't bite#Also Syn once more grumpy with the weather I dunno why but I make him very grumpy about things in my writing XD as a treat on the house#I also make him seem weirdly touch starved lmao because he probably is lmao pressing into that touch#Funnily enough this is technically still pre corruption arc XD he still gets a lil corruption in probably but like no actually shadowin yet#Which is very funny to me because lmao these are all establishing fics I fucking love my build up fixs
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carpthecarp · 1 month
I need to talk about my robins
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diorsluv · 9 months
feather , christmas special
“ all i want for christmas is you ”
series m. list
nhl + umich x platonic!drysdale!reader,
luke hughes x fem!reader,
temporary male!oc x fem!reader
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by yourusername, dylanduke25, lhughes_06, and 58,021 others
jamie.drysdale happy 20th birthday lil sis..
tagged: yourusername
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edwards.73 aww you were best friends when you were kids…. what happened
→ jamie.drysdale she got too annoying
→ yourusername he became “one of the boys” 🙄
yourusername u dont seem too happy abt me turning 20
→ jamie.drysdale ur one year away from being 21 and that means i have to take care of u when u get drunk
→ trevorzegras he started crying to me about how he didn’t want you to grow up
→ jamie.drysdale LIES trevorzegras
markestapa thanks for the childhood pics that i def won’t post when she least expects it
→ jamie.drysdale anytime 🫡
→ yourusername HEY HEY NO
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liked by jackhughes, yourusername, trevorzegras, and 32,332 others
_alexturcotte happy birthday to miss mini drysdale and i hope you enjoyed your photoshoot (i took all the pics) 🥳🥳
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername my own personal photographer 🥰
→ _alexturcotte you’re lucky you’re my fav girl
→ yourusername AWWW STOP ITTT
colecaufield yes and i brought the props
luca.fantilli i don’t think you should trust her with a torch
→ yourusername I’M VERY RESPONSIBLE
username49 THE TIARAAAA
username57 i love how they all post her at the same exact time
jackhughes be careful, remember how her dress lit on fire last time?
→ yourusername THAT WAS YOU THO????
→ _quinnhughes but it was kinda your fault jack
→ lhughes_06 dude YOU were the one that dropped a lit candle on her skirt
→ jackhughes okay i didn’t need you to gang up on me 😟
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likes by yourusername, adamfantilli, colecaufield, and 59,795 others
rutgermcgroarty happy birthday to the best drysdale 🍰
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yourusername aw i AM the best drysdale 🥱
→ rutgermcgroarty ok now dont gotta get all cocky about it
username54 all the phones 😭😭
username25 the second pic is giving best girl energy
adamfantilli that cake genuinely scared the shit out of me
→ yourusername it’s just sparklers 🙄
markestapa you made us sing happy birthday for her 6 times.
→ rutgermcgroarty well you all sounded bad
→ mackie.samo you were the one that was off key tho???
username38 her bday looks so funnn
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liked by trevorzegras, jackhughes, yourusername, and 45,239 others
colecaufield happy birthday even tho we don’t see each other enough so i had to use pics from your 18th birthday 😒
tagged: yourusername
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_alexturcotte imagine not being able to see her
→ colecaufield ok little buddy you don’t see her any more than i do
→ jackhughes literally could not be me (it’s torture)
→ colecaufield i take it back i don’t want you coming near me
→ trevorzegras i started “cough syrup” u gotta give me credits
→ yourusername no i did it first stop trying to steal my genius ideas
username36 the heart shaped balloon is adorableee
luca.fantilli her 18th bday was 🔥🔥
→ lhughes_06 bro u werent even there
→ edwards.73 u didnt even know her
→ yourusername it’s okay guys he just wants to fit in #fomo
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liked by luca.fantilli, yourusername, rutgermcgroarty, and 75,239 others
_quinnhughes i helped secretly decorate her apartment for her 20th birthday and you didn’t. we are not the same 🥱🥱
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername since when did you start bragging about me
→ _quinnhughes since rn
→ yourusername i’ll take it ig……
username19 guys have you noticed how dead silent booker’s been
→ username58 fr he hasn’t commented at all or posted anything abt her 😭
jackhughes i helped too
→ _quinnhughes shut up no u didnt
→ yourusername let him have his moment jack, he doesn’t get a lot of them
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liked by yourusername, adamfantilli, mackie.samo, and 24,136 others
dylanduke25 took her out to eat then surprised her with the best pizza she’s ever eaten for her bday 💪
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mackie.samo your handwriting is atrocious
→ dylanduke25 wbk tell me something i don’t know 🙄
username34 oh! candles on pizza!
username15 mcdonalds on ur bday >>>>>
yourusername the pizza was cold asf but that’s okay!!!!!!
→ dylanduke25 hard as a rock
→ markestapa WOAHHH THERE DUKER 🤨🤨
→ dylanduke25 bro stop making it weird
→ lhughes_06 fr
trevorzegras they always say the way to a woman’s heart is through food
→ yourusername but do they say that tho….??
username93 best gift ever frfr
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liked by yourusername, edwards.73, lhughes_06, and 65,297 others
tagged: yourusername
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→ markestapa LETS FUCKING GO I WIN
mackie.samo goddammit i knew i should’ve done this instead
→ markestapa loserrrr
username32 oh my……
_quinnhughes what the hell is this
jamie.drysdale i’m ashamed to say i think you know my sister better than i do
→ markestapa no no her edward cullen phase was a difficult time for all of us
→ jamie.drysdale i’ve blocked out all the trauma
→ yourusername you’re all haters
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liked by jamie.drysdale, _quinnhughes, yourusername, and 89,027 others
trevorzegras i spent 5 hours secretly decorating and making these cupcakes and i survived all the weird stares i got for walking straight past the christmas section SO BE GRATEFUL. oh and happy birthday i guess
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername i was so confused why jack and quinn wouldn’t let me in my own room for those five hours.. but yes yes i’m so grateful AND THE CUPCAKES ARE MAGNIFICENT
→ trevorzegras at least SOMEONE appreciates my efforts
→ _alexturcotte trevor you almost popped like half the balloons from blowing them up too much
username61 why did i just now realize that her birthday is on christmas
colecaufield wait i thought ian somerhalder was supposed to be on one of the cupcakes
→ trevorzegras who???
→ yourusername fr i was kinda expecting tom blyth too but it’s okay
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liked by lhughes_06, yourusername, adamfantilli, and 53,928 others
mackie.samo i tried going the “aesthetic” route for u but clearly u like the rob pattinson ones more 🙄🙄 happy birthday mini drysdale
tagged: yourusername
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→ mackie.samo HAHA IN UR FACE markestapa
_quinnhughes the amount of tiaras we’ve given her is concerning
→ yourusername i like them thoughhh ☺️
→ jamie.drysdale you know how she is with her tiaras
username57 the way it’s turned into a competition 💀
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liked by markestapa, adamfantilli, yourusername, and 57,294 others
edwards.73 pics from the birthday girl’s afterparty bc everyone else is unoriginal
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername wait til you see jack’s post 😭
→ edwards.73 wait WHAT
username44 good lord how many parties are there lmaooo
→ yourusername you don’t even wanna know
jackhughes oh please you weren’t even there for the pre-party
→ edwards.73 WHAT PRE-PARTY??
→ yourusername don’t worry ethan i didn’t know about it either until i was there 😭😭
→ edwards.73 how come i wasn’t invited 😒
trevorzegras since when was there an afterparty???????
→ yourusername yeah i don’t think they invited you..
→ trevorzegras WHO??
→ yourusername uhh mark, mackie, moosey, duker, rut, luca and adam
→ jackhughes it’s fine z they weren’t invited to the pre-party anyway
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liked by yourusername, lhughes_06, mackie.samo, and 85,872 others
luca.fantilli more pics of this kid at her afterparty 🤷‍♂️ happy 20th birthday
tagged: yourusername
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edwards.73 ur actually so unoriginal
→ yourusername he idolizes u 🤩🤩🤩
→ luca.fantilli shut up
username12 wait that cake is so cool
username47 new tiara every post LMAO
yourusername “this kid” is crazy
→ luca.fantilli i am older than u tho
→ yourusername NOT EVEN BY A YEAR
→ luca.fantilli I’M LIKE 5 DAYS OFF
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liked by _quinnhughes, yourusername, trevorzegras, and 94,782 others
jackhughes happy birthday to our christmas girl (our pre-party was on christmas eve) 🥳🥳
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername i think i maxxed out my cake consumption
→ jackhughes good thing you ate our cake first
username27 are you telling me she had THREE parties 😦
→ yourusername yes. THREE of them.
→ username27 girl you are stronger than i’ll ever be
edwards.73 wtvvv the pre-party sounds like it was lame
→ lhughes_06 ngl it might’ve been better than the afterparty
→ dylanduke25 LUKE YOU WERE AT THE PRE-PARTY????
→ lhughes_06 oops
username16 birthday princess turned birthday queen i loveeeeee
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liked by jamie.drysdale, luca.fantilli, yourusername, and 48,396 others
adamfantilli HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIL DRIZZ! i hope you enjoy your birthday and that baby pic i definitely didn’t steal from your brother
tagged: yourusername
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username34 jamie has started the attack of the baby pics
yourusername the shrek photos 😦😦 my sweet sweet adam what have they done to you
→ adamfantilli many many things 😔
markestapa im ngl 4 year old lil drizzy was dripped out
→ adamfantilli fr
→ yourusername FR
→ jamie.drysdale no… no she wasn’t
username6 i need someone to post shrek on my birthday
luca.fantilli i can’t believe you posted two whole pics of her on her bday
→ yourusername you’re just toooooo funny 😒
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liked by yourusername, _quinnhughes, edwards.73, and 97,290 others
lhughes_06 hit em with the annual birthday sleepover ���� happy 20th birthday lil drizzy, ur finally my age
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername i’ve always been your age 🙄
→ lhughes_06 mmmm but barely
→ lhughes_06 i bought you $200 worth of gifts u just havent opened them all yet
jackhughes she stopped letting me and quinn sleep over when we turned 13 but how come u still get to do it 🤨
→ lhughes_06 i’m the favorite
→ yourusername wbk tbh
rutgermcgroarty is that why you kicked the rest of us out after the afterparty 😞
→ lhughes_06 yes
→ yourusername can’t break tradition!
_quinnhughes hey hey no funny business alright
→ lhughes_06 bro she has a literal bf
→ yourusername all we do is gossip and give each other facials
→ lhughes_06 DON’T SAY THAT yourusername
→ luca.fantilli luke do you have something to tell us…?
username75 luke is secretly a girl
→ username12 or secretly a simp
→ username71 i dont think hes “secretly” any of those things 😭😭
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liked by lhughes_06, jamie.drysdale, colecaufield, and 99,117 others
yourusername thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and to everyone who celebrated me turning 20 years old!! and ofc thank you to a certain someone who always stays up until exactly 12 am to wish me happy birthday first 🫢 also merry christmas and happy holidays, i love you all mwahhhh!
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jackhughes i wonder who that someone could be 🤔
→ trevorzegras huh i think their name seemed to have slipped my mind
→ _alexturcotte it’s so weird usually i don’t forget
→ colecaufield i can’t believe none of us can remember
→ _quinnhughes you’re all painfully obvious
lhughes_06 wow the special shoutout 😱
→ yourusername ik ur just so lucky
username26 so let’s run it back to booker and the fact that he’s been completely silent throughout ALL of this
→ username48 fr like where is bro
username3 isn’t that the crown luke gave her
mackie.samo we’ll throw an even better party next year
→ yourusername i’m looking forward to it 🫣
notes ) so.. i actually struggled trying to find good pics and ALMOST NONE OF THEM MATCH EACH OTHER lmaooo but yes here is the christmas special i promised and ik no one posts actual insta posts for someone elses bday but it was more fun writing it that way n i hope u all like it!! (lightly proofread so if there are any mistakes i apologize 😭)
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot
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mistkisbiggestfan · 11 months
Hello! this is based on an OC, but may you write about Medic with a cloned child OC? I always thought of him as a mad scientist type, so I’m sure he would’ve figured out how to do that. He basically raises this clone as his own kid, and they’d be a late teen / young adult by the time the events of TF2 happen
The OC is a girl but honestly you can make it gender neutral if you’d like!
Sorry if it’s too specific, but TYSM!
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Medic & Child, Cloned reader HC
A/n: This is one of my fav reqs of all time ngl Requests are open!!
Summary: You're Medic's cloned child, headcanons. Words: 636 Request: Yeah
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I like to think you’re a clone based on him, or atleast a clone made in his image. One medic is enough to create chaos and things like that, just imagine another person who's almost a 1to1 of him, pure chaos. 
Your first day being alive, he took you in his arms and was like “it’s alive!” just as Heavy and Spy walked in to ask him if he wanted to go grab a beer. They were absolutely terrified, Spy just cloaked out of there having the day Scout was born in the back of his mind.
That left only Medic, you and Heavy there. Heavy was shocked and Medic just held you up looking at him; “Isn’t she so cute!!” While you looked alarmingly similar to him with his grin on your face.
Others found out like ten minutes after that and soon everyone was just looking at you with no clue of what to do.
When Ms. Pauling found out she almost died on her spot. “There’s no way Medic is suited to even have a dog, let alone a child!” 
Nobody gave af, she soon came around to like you too. 
Medic is 100% your father figure (That’s rather obvious) but so was Heavy, they’re like your dads.
Sniper, Engie, Demo and Soldier are like your uncles (That doesn’t include Spy because he’s def a wine aunt, and so is Ms. Pauling). While Pyro and Scout act more like your siblings. 
Medic showed you the ropes and soon you were as capable of doing batshit crazy things like him. He was so proud!! 
Archimedes loves you, always resting on your shoulder doing simple things like staying with you and Medic during operations on other Mercs. 
When you were a less capable child everyone basically coparented, of course Heavy and Medic were like your parents the most but everyone wanted to take care of you so they followed a schedule of who has to babysit you and when. 
Once you grew up to actually be independent, mercenaries were terrified to realize how similar you are to Medic, you were the same person, with slightly different looks, you even wore the same glasses he did. 
When the events of the TF2 mercs splitting happened (Referencing the comics rn if someone didn’t know) you went with Medic, the change impacted you way more than it did him, you really missed everyone, they were like your family. 
Once he started to work with those blue guys you were cool with it, they underestimated you but you showed them that you’re just like your fellow dad, insane. 
Medic showed you all the modifications he made and you showed the modifications you did before you both laughed it off like the silliest thing one can do. 
When everyone got back together you were way older than you used to be, but fortunately you remembered everything. 
When Medic told you about the fact that you were a clone you were very interested and didn’t care, like at all. I mean you’re basically him, so it was more interesting than scary or sad.
He helped you in acquiring 9 souls from some suckers just like he did! (Can’t believe all mercs gave him their souls lmao) 
Sometimes you operate on the Mercs when he’s somewhere else, at first they were very unwilling but soon it showed that you were just like him in this profession (which isn’t the ideal tbh)
Everyone showed you something, so you were really multiclass, leaning heavily into being another medic (shocking, I know)
Overall a 10/10 father, sure he has some loose screws but isn’t that normal? You two are the most chaotic beings even the devil can’t contain.
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mochimouiemarty · 1 month
I need your headcanons I don’t care which character which fandom I need headcanons because you seem awesome now give them to me /affectionate
ARGHHHH IM SORRY THAT THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER?!?!? i was drawing the pookies to go with these hcs
i jumbled all my favs together and yeah have some silly hcs (thisll prolly be rlly short, or not) not in a set order so good luck finding the characters from fandoms you know 😈/hj
CHARACTERS MENTIONED IN THIS!! Idia Shroud, Cater diamond, Mime Bomb, Weeping Clown
- Cater once played this dress up game for fun (or to make some content out of it), got some HARSH constructive criticism, never played again (person who insulted gave him advice was idia)
- Weepy often puts wax on the hair in front of his face to keep it out of his eyes while performing. (totally not based on an oc x canon thing i thought of.)
- Mime Bomb often has makeup residue around his eyes, making him look more tired than he already is. He struggles to get it out and also doesnt see the point bcs 9 times out of 10 hes gonna be hopping on another flight anyway!!!!
- Idia is half filipino. dont try and change my mind YOU CANNOT
- Cater has freckles and used to cover them up around highschool - year one in NRC. maybe because of insecurity or to follow the current "trends". maybe both!!!!!1!1!1!1! probably still does it to this even better if no one actually knows if his freckles are real or nah
- Mime Bomb knows how to draw! always uses himself as a reference when he can. loves drawing hands
- weepy is a jack of all trades, master of none. he'd observe and learn other peoples crafts silently from other people at the circus! even if he's not that good at most of them, he knows the basic stuff.. maybe.
- Cater often puts white eyeliner on to brighten up his eyes!!
- i think idia likes watching those process videos on sculpting and carving, just traditional art in general.
- cater probably likes to deconstruct a bunch of stuff, mainly content-making related things and especially music! I saw someone mention how passionate he seems about music based on the details in his room (might sound like a total idiot rn if those details were disclosed in one of the vignettes or something) so in my heart it seems like something he'd totes do. he's also a very detail oriented person so !1!1!1!1!1
- Joker dislikes popcorn, also smells like stale buttered popcorn(/hj)
- mime bombs skin is either hella sensitive or the complete opposite. I can see him either hoarding this one brand of makeup cuz it's the only one he can use, or his skin is THAT ok with any product that he's fine with using VILE products 😭
- I like to believe that Jokers hair is either a wig (or he dyed it) and he's a brunette. or he's just silly like that yk (the most likely possibility)
- Cater has an old list of piercings he wanted/wants, idk which ones he'd want but yuh!!! maybe he got a piercing when he was younger but got caught soooo
- Idia hates oily foods
this is probably it
also have the drawings that took TOO DAMN LONG.
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"one is not like the other!!!!!" ahh favs 😭🙏
these are sort of my hcs on how they'd look? or at least a reference for myself for when I draw them again, I'm too inconsistent
random, but idias hair being so expressive is my most favorite detail about his character
ok these took too long thank you bye
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minnieposting · 2 months
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MIITOPIA SCS 🥺🥺🥺🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 i love love love playing with my fav enstars charas again!!! so happy i picked this game up again after way too long!!!
some chara dynamics ive been thinking about under the cut!! note that canon is only loosely considered bc these charas are basically my ocs 😭🩷
kaname (kanamie :3) here is based off my old ogmeru hcs back in the day and i love thinking abt him as the 'glue' to the group in a way?? hes got a very big presence, loud and proud, tho deeply insecure... hes got the airheaded trait so hes always in the clouds in his own world, can be stubborn and hard to work with. but he is very cute so its fine. he is best friends with mayoi and has a crush on tatsumi... also hes a popstar!
tatsumi here in my game is so funny bc he keeps acting in character, aka, chaotic as fuck!! he loves the foods everyone hates, says he swallows giant MP candies in one go, definitely has the ability to kill whenever he wants but simply chooses not to which is somehow scarier . Even tho i gave him the kind trait, hes got threatening :) vibes, yknow. he has loves both mayoi and kaname #polyamory. cleric!
rinne has the laid back trait, and he hates literally every single food for some reason?? 🥲 im sorry man. i dont have him set up for anyone rn, but i might do something with niki or develop his relationship w hiiro later on as the story progresses. i have niki and hiiro as npcs but im planning to use them for when my main team eventually gets kidnapped lol. hes a thief
finally, mayoi!! my main chara and hero, he loves and cares for his team so much. esp kaname! he feels very strongly abt him and wants him to be happy and safe. sometimes falls into ocd thought spirals because he convinces himself his genuine love and affection for him is smth perverse and wrong. but he understands how his brain is and knows hes just being 🫠. anyway hes a mage !!!! and lowkey has a giant crush on rinne too
i definitely want to turn mayoi into a cat or an imp when the option comes up. so maybe my story will change entirely when that happens bc the thought of imp mayoi wanting to protect this cutesy popstar kaname is super adorable to me. plus imp mayoi and cleric tatsumi!! YES!!!!!!!!!! i love it so much
now some more misc rambles ... mayoi and kaname randomly got mad at each other and now the thought of kaname getting >:| easily and throwing out canon kaname style 'insults' is so ... i love u. i can never be mad at you. tho mayoi would probably be so sad and then kaname would be sad too (shoots myself)
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trashiest-person · 6 months
people I'd love to know better (???)
uhh i have never done any of these kinda posts ever in my 5 years of tumblr-ing but i got tagged by @thedemises so ig im gonna do this
last song: CLOSET by Yoh kamiyama
this is actually kinda a lie cuz the last song i actually listened to was smth from one of those daily mixes on spotify
BUT is it the last some i added to the playlist of songs i like so it counts??? i guess???? pretty nice song go listen to it 👍🤠👍
also go listen to will wood and tv room (bro has 7.5k followers on Spotify PLEASE + also he made Say It Back if u ever saw it on yt)
fav color: purple, red (except not really)
i used to really like purble but tbh i don't really know what i like anymore
a big chunk my fav characters have red so i like it by association lol (+ red eyes go hard)
last movie: across the spider-verse
decided to go watch it w/ my kid cousins once and now i need to see unspeakable things happen to Spot. i will not elaborate.
sweet or spicy or savoury?
sweet & savoury
tbh all of them r good but my spice tolerance aint strong enough to devour spicy dried squid like id want to :(
relationship status: single and not lookin for anybody (+demiromanic)
id like to get a lover or lovers (i kinda wanna be in poly) at some point but not yet (not sure if i'll ever manage to :/)
last thing i googled: "portal characters"
so context: i suddenly thought of a oc idea and i wanted them to be trans and that they named xemself after a portal character n yeah
meet Wheatley lol (i know nothing abt Portal btw)
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(good lorde my style is inconsistent as hell)
(note @ringdabel they're in that prev wb we did if u wanna see thems)
hohhh boy here we go
current obsession: BOOTHILL 🤠👢🪦‼️‼️
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bros highkey actin as my will to live rn...AND he got dripped 1 day RIGHT BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY. I LOVE HIM. 250 passes + 40 pity he WILL COME HOME
im fucking insane for this guy
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so yeah datz itz i think thankz mori (i think thats ur name???????? i cant remember names)
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detectivebambam · 5 months
so im cheating and I'm doing 2 characters for the ask game
Kevin day and Aaron minyard (my favs, my pookies, my loves)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
11. Would you date this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
okay okay
Kevin and Aaron
He reminds me so much of myself, in terms of his relationship with exy. He's also funny asf. I dislike that he tries to pretend he's normal cuz my dude, you're not. But i like that he genuinely wants to be a normal person after all his trauma.
He's like 6'0" and his guard dog is an entire foot shorter than him. His girlfriend lol
The Hunger Games. I haven't read/watched it but from what I've heard it would be funny. Damn probably Supernatural but I would make him a vampire or smth
Stockholm Syndrome with my coach, and way too obsessive about being the best at everything. I fucking love Katelyn Mackenzie
Make him a little bitch. He's a "coward" because he was given to the fucking mafia as a little plaything. Be so real rn. They tend to make him the twin that tries the hardest to reach out and bond but post car crash, he's really not
No for both of them I'd probably strangle them in their sleep
No for both of them, I'd be a Neil type where I'm like goddamn why do you act like that? why don't you kill that guy instead of being upset about it ??
Yes he's probably gifted if yk what I mean. I could, but could he date me, that's the real question
He snores. Chronic nosebleeds and also he gets "straight man sick" as in he gets a tiny cold and he's out for the week
ima do the one i think they'd use a lot bc that's fun
Kevi: 😒 Aaron: 🙄
No fashion sense unless he's in a suit or court gear 😔 Emo lol he's got the spiky bracelets and everything
Kevin x Avery. Avery is my oc who knows absolutely nothing about exy and I think that's what Kevi needs tbh. Aaron x Katelyn of course they're amazing
Fucking,,, each other lol
idk probs Kandreil. no feelings one way or another with that ship. if he's not with Katie, I'm mad so
Kev x Thea. I just think they're a little too different, and in order to heal the way they both need to, they can't do that with each other. Love them as besties though. obvs i love Katie and Aaron 🤭
Jeremy!!!!! first of all, they've definitely fucked, second, Kevi actually smiles with Jer like he seems to really enjoy his company. Matt and I will stand by this. I have no reasoning, just... Matt
Probably Charlie Spring??? in a way?? and I can't really describe why tbh. Aaron is so unique that it's hard to find one, but if I had to choose, probably Matthias Helvar
First impression??? Damn, why is he like that? Oh, that's why he's like that. Damn, I'm kinda like that.
God what a bitch. Oh. Oh okay. Damn what a little bitch. Damn, wtf??
Now??? Babygirl and Little Bitch (with love)
this was so fun ty ty
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longlivedelusion · 2 months
🌈WIP Wednesday💅
Thanks for the tag @heytheredelulu 🥰 been slacking a bit but here's a WIP from a lonnngg fic I've been planning/working on. Which is a bit different than what I normally post *bucky, cough, bucky*
It's a Marauders era fic, post grad, with my own OC insert. Pretty excited about it, but let's see if I get it posted ever 😅
Trigger warning though: looooot of negative self-talk. Depression. Hint of s*icidal thoughts. Mentions of death. Yeah I picked a heavy one to drop, sorry, it's all I have rn 😅
Sirius didn't talk after that, after the news. As much as I tried to get him to speak, say anything, all I could hear were the occasional shift of his chains to know he was alive. I eventually gave up trying.
I sat down on the ground, the chains shifting beneath me as I moved to get comfortable. I hunched over my slowly weakening legs. Even though the Dementors kept mostly away from us, or me technically, the food we got still didn't help sustain us. We were meant to be living skeletons, just alive enough to survive and know that we would never leave. Not that we could anyway.
I looked down at my hands. These weak, useless hands. I didn't need the Dementors to feed on me to realize how badly the universe had messed up. To know they chose the wrong person to be here, to live. Just a piss poor witch incapable of dealing with a couple wizards, who couldn't even do shit to help save her friends. I took in a stuttered breath, my lungs struggling to fill, before releasing a slow breath out.
It should have been me. Not James. Not Lily. Not... Reggie. They were the heroes. They were the capable ones. Not me.
I laid down onto the damp, cold floor, eyes fixated on the stone wall in front of me. Drip. Another leak. Drip.
I don't know how long I sat there for, eyes staring forward at the water coming down from the wall. I stopped hearing the rush of the waves outside, the steady pour of rain, the occasional wails. I stopped hearing everything all together. Blink.
Two stones up and three over. It had a chip in the corner. Was that me? Or someone before me.
My eyes felt a bit tired. Maybe I could just close them a while.
Nothing else really mattered, anyways.
Mumbled voices. Must be the screams.
It didn't stop. They sound louder, closer.
Doesn't matter though. Probably just the Dementors feeding.
But it didn't stop. It got louder. Franctic. Familiar. Who was that? I knew that voice.
"Please, please don't leave. You can't go too, you can't-" The voice came now, clearly. It was Sirius. I had never heard him so desperate before, so afraid. "I'm sorry I shut down, please be alive, please-"
"I'm here," I said, a rasp from unuse. How long had it been since I'd last spoken? "I'm here."
"Fuck, I thought- I hadn't heard you move in a while and when I called your name you didn't answer. You- shit, I thought you were dead!" I heard him choke back what could be... A sob?
"Why are you crying?" I asked, the words falling from my mouth drily. Why are you crying over me? I wanted to say.
"Are you fucking kidding!" He shouted, or what sounded like a shout in these near silent halls. "You're the only person I have left. You- you're all I have left." He stopped, the last words dying on his lips.
James. Lilly. Peter. Remus. Re-
All of his friends, dead or betrayed. 
No family. No home.
Another choked sob left his throat, "Addie-"
"I'm sorry. I'm here. I was just a bit tired is all." I said, a bit louder this time though the conviction in my voice was passable at best. "Talk to me."
I was new. I wasn't his childhood friend, it was different. I couldn't replace the gaping hole left in his heart of the people he'd lost, the family that no longer was, and those he loved who thought he and I were murderers. Killers. But I was all he had left, and he needed me.
I suppose I would have to do.
No pressure tags to some favs (and to anyone else who wants to share a WIP!!): @kayhi808 @navybrat817 @pretty-little-mind33 @drabbles-mc
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aejiee · 9 months
hi! you asked for marauders fic recs so im here to give you some :)
idk if you’ve read these or any yet, so they might seem kinda basic. they’re just to introduce you to this world/the characters. i wish i had a list like this when i first got into the marauders fandom ngl
also these are only gonna be marauders era fics, if you want golden trio era fics as well, i can give you some!
all the young dudes by mskingbean89 (completed, 527k words, wolfstar & jily): this is THE marauders fic for most ppl, and i just think of it as what happened canonically. no fic is perfect, but this should be every1’s first marauders era fic imo (you might’ve read this already cuz it’s SO popular). its from remus’ pov and it follows him throughout hogwarts and until (i think) poa or ootp
the wolf’s tail by myheadsgonenumb (wip, 457k words, no ships yet but prob wolfstar & jily): this one’s pretty underrated imo, and it’s SO WELL WRITTEN!!! this also follows remus throughout hogwarts. however id say the diff between this and atyd is that (so far at least) it focuses more on the war side of the marauders era, even when they are still young and at hogwarts. so if you’re interested in how actually dark and dangerous the times were back then, even for children, you will like this one! the only thing ill say for this is that its kinda very descriptive at points (ex. there’s a lot of newspaper clippings, book quotes, interview transcripts etc) but you can just gloss over them if you think they’re not that important. rn i think their 5th year just started, so keep that in mind (its gonna be a long one)!
the cadence of part-time poets by motswolo (completed, 980k words, wolfstar & jily): AAAAAAHHHH this one is my ALL TIME FAV (marauders era) FIC <33333 this is a muggle au, so no magic! this is also a remus pov (😭) and he goes to hawkings (which is basically hogwarts) in his (i think??) 4th year? or younger? smt like that :,). this fic also has my fav oc (tomny) hehe. as the tags say, its a band fic/au, but i’ll spoil no more!
the making of the map by fox_pitch (completed, 79k words, wolfstar & jily): this is a shorter one, but its also rlyyy good. pretty sure this starts and ends in their sixth year, but as the title suggests, its how the marauders map come to exist! its also how wolfstar gets together and its very cute and wholesome. the ending is kinda ambiguous in the sense that it doesn’t give any hints as to if anything changes in this fic’s universe’s future, but id assume not.
choices by messermoon (completed, 624k words, jegulus, wolfstar & jily): i kinda assumed you wanted the “canon” ships (aka jily and wolfstar) but if you’re interested in jegulus (james potter/regulus black) then this one is prob for you. i personally haven’t finished this fic, but ik its a jegulus classic/canon, just like atyd is for jily (& wolfstar). this one follows james, and it doesn’t start on his first year i think. it has alternating povs as well! however, as the tags warn, it is canon compliant, aka reg dies in the end, so do w that what you will :,)
only the brave by solmussa (completed, 646k words, jegulus, wolfstar, dorlene, rosekiller & pandalily): this is another jegulus fic! it has started being considered a classic and if you read it, you’ll understand why. this also does not start from their first year, and this one also has alternating povs! i love the writing and just general concept/plot of this one; i don’t love jegulus but i was still HOOKED w this fic, so yes. its rly good. and as you can see w the tags, this is a happy ending (aka, reg lives)!!!!! mwah love those.
art heist, baby! by otrbs (completed, 219k words, jegulus, wolfstar, dorlene, alice/frank longbottom - idk their ship name): i also have not read this fic, but ive only heard good things about it (and some sobs but that’s what you get for “major character death” : ) )! i know the ending of it tho, and it is kinda sad, so prepare yourself. it is a muggle au, and they basically wanna pull an art heist? yup lets go w that simple explanation.
that’s it for now bahhaha, and its a LOT, so enjoy! if you want shorter ones, i also have some i can show you, and if you’ve read these, lmk if you like them! <3
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH 🙏🙏🙏 Ur my savior bro. I'm abt to finish ATYD and I started reading The Making of the Map per your suggestion because it was short enough to download a pdf to read in class 💀💀 I really like both of them!! I need to psych myself up to read some of the 500k+ fics tho bc atyd took me so long 😭😭😭 I'll let you know how I find the rest of them ^^ TYY!!!
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I just read your new oc like ten times already and I LOVE him, he is the perfect yandere, I do really hope that your leg and situation get better though, And don’t want to be one of those people that ask “wHen aRe yoU gOinG tO poST tHIs neXt pARt oF thIs oLd oc” but…are you going to post another yandere big brother oc because he’s like my second fav, cuz your new oc took the first stop lol he’s that good.
U rn 4 a crumb of yandere big brother 😭
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But like fr tho what do y'all even wanna see with yandere big brother like, yeah i got it in the works rn but i exhausted all scenarios except smut so its so short and like sloppy
Like cmon here i cant do all the projecting myself u guys gotta project some stuff too or like gimme prompts that let me project more shit i been drained dry , big brother copium is too effective i had to like lower my intensity and dosage to Yves levels
Like what do u guys wanna see big brother do like how he reacts at the dmv or something 😭
Yves is pretty much yandere big bro without the incest and with a name and an appearance and a personality, like yall r still in this truman show style yandere except yves is a lot less smothering and less of a golden retriever energy and more like a really old cat energy close to being put down
In other words,, unless theres a promtpt that gets my brain juicy,, Yves is my new comfort character nowxz and everything is on hold until one of them gives more comfort than Yves
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sketch-guardian · 1 month
ODONS *feral sounds* thank for listening to my ted talk (I need him to be given 47 kisses,hugs and 47 hours of cuddles)
(⬇️ me rn:)
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Well, this is a much longer string of compliments than I expected😳however it makes me very happy that you appreciated my headcanons☺💜after all I put a lot of effort into writing each character and not being very good at angst, I tried my best🙈anyway I'll make sure all OCs get a hug😂💕✨
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zessdynamite · 3 months
MAN YOU KILLED ME HNFJSDDNF i honestly find it so so hard to rank faves rn, i used to be able to and i even remember making a "top 10 favorite pokémon" powerpoint when i was 10 lmao
i'll just say ten i love and why i hope that's fine 👉🏻👈🏻
let's start w flygon i love this guy. i love dragons in general and it looks like a bug! it's green! amazing design and great in battle too
next is meganium! the chikorita evolution line is so underrated and i've said this before and i'll say it again. the same people that trash on chikorita for being useless in the first gyms praise charmander's evo line for "giving you a challenge" in the first gyms. you can't have both sweetie stop contradicting urself!! but yeah i have a special connection to my meganium he's lvl 100 and nicknamed petal <3 flower dinosaur? couldn't ask for a better companion
then togepi evo line i love all three of them equally. iconic character design, cute egg babies. togekiss is so majestic and also good in battle AND THE FAIRY TYPING... they needed that so bad
continuing w babies we got cubone evolution line MY SWEET BABY I WANT A CUBONE IRL SO BAD I WOULD ADOPT IT IN A HEARTBEAT... immaculate design and lore. and i put evo line bc marowak's alola form SLAPS i love it sm
banette... i always liked the design and lore (though honestly all the ghost type's have amazing backstories) and also sentimental value. when i was friends with my bf i told him how i always wanted to make a banette plush w an actual zipper for the mouth, and later he suprised me w one he made himself as a gift!!! i still have it and it brings good memories <3
mismagius not much to say except i love the design and i just think it's neat jngdnsjdf
wobbuffet iconic bc of the anime but also i find it's moveset and the strategy ppl use it for very unique and useful. and also it's cute and blue (AND THE FACT THAT THE ACTUAL PKMN IS THE TAIL.... good stuff right there)
ok technically that's 10 but an honorable mention goes to charmander. my fave when i was a kid, my name sketchy comes from my pokésona sketchy the charmander which was just a charmander w a beret (i made her when i was 11) and i made countless more charmander ocs. though it's not my fave anymore i still have a soft spot for the lil guy
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apollotronica · 1 year
hey whos ur favorite oc of yours rn
OH MY GOD okay so i split my ocs into categories so im gonna pick one from each
FOR MY MAGICAL GIRLS my fav is probably berry because i based her off of me and shes grown and changed with me and i know im the one writing her but she literally makes me so unwell . i wont go into Too much detail but shes a psychopath that meets people that arent scared of her and dont judge her for something she cant help :]
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here she is! lovely lady :]
DANGAN OCS im stuck between 3 of them . theres buwan (ult oneirologist) kieryuu (ult actor) and teqora (ult street performer)
BUWAN WAS ONE OF MY FIRST DANGAN OCS !!! i love him dearly . his backstory is kinda annoying me so i havent done anything w him in a while but i still love him. hes autistic schizophrenic and has chronic fatigue!!!
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here he is! the eepy eeper !!!
IVE TALKED ABOUT KIERYUU BEFORE hes so fucking embarrassing its so funny . he thrives off of positive attention which directors and interviewers r more than happy to give him but everyone else he ahs to talk to hates him . he could bag so many bitches because hes beautiful but the two people he wants carnally hate him w every fiber of their being .
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hes so pathetic sopping wet himedere core. kill
TEQORA !!!! pronounced tek-KOH-rah (they also go by q-te!! pronounce like cutie :3) their backstory is actually so so fucked up like i could list like 10 trigger warnings . anyway they looks like theyd listen to some soft shit but No dadaroma is the band i associate w them . THEYRE SO SILLY !!! (NOT REALLY) theyre semiverbal when not performing
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the silly :)
AS FOR GENERAL OCS !!! hrm . either cross or kioshi... i cant talk about cross publicly (his entire existence is a trigger warning i literallyb made him to vent out intrusive thoughts) but ill post art of him anyway
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so incredibly unwell. ignore the blonde he means nothing right now
ANYWAY KIOSHI IS JUST A SILLY BUNNY RABBIT DETECTIVE !! theyre so autistic . their gf belongs to @toastmaloats !!! theyre also part cat so they have some carnivorous tendencies along w the bunny rabbit stuff :] i love them.
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them :3
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