#oc catherine
artlesscomedic · 6 months
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this is catherine! everyone say hello to the beach girl
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fatedtime · 1 year
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Requests from my stream! Thank you so much to everyone who came. Hope to see you at the next one!
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study that got out of hands
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mexifurfoof · 25 days
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funniest workplace shenanigans!!!
wasting the office's printer ink WOO!!!
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moonmeg · 1 year
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First spell 🌟
Robyn is able to cast spells and that with barely any problems. Mark the "barely" - it's gonna be important later on :)
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sleepyminty · 1 month
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The ‘plain-looking character who is VERY MUCH SOMETHING to the narrative’ alignment chart
Here’s a very bad example
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aurahack · 9 months
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the holiday season is being a goof with the people you love 💖❄️
merry christmas everyone !! it's a lil late and not super polished but i'm on vacation and have been super busy so yknow. something light and fun!
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beebfreeb · 2 months
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There are Gregory Horror Show stories in my head so intricate.
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antlerqueer · 1 year
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First Kill (2022). First Blood.
@lgbtqcreators creator meme - 8 lgbtq+ relationships (5/8) - Cal Burns & Juliette Fairmont
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zoestanleyarts · 5 months
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My Gullible Gulls character, Squeenie the Squid Queen posed in a homage to the Catherine video game cover art. I wanted to try something experimental and more hands on with this illustration. I purchased a shadowbox frame and various craft paper to cut out and assemble this into a shadowbox paper craft.
This project was started back in March 2021. It was an ambitious project to begin with. I hadn’t made the proper time or had the space to work on it. With that, I had put it on the backburner. 3 years later, I’ve managed to finally chip away at it. This has to be my new favorite artwork yet! It's really nice to hang a physical piece of artwork in my home.
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beastie-art · 8 months
vere x mc shitposting
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this what an established relationship between vere x mc looks like
Original memes:
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dolls-self-ships · 25 days
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but what we really need is a
feminimominon !!
r.i.p Catherine you would’ve loved Chappell roan
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laugtherhyena · 2 months
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Finally getting around to posting refs of my termina ocs, writing these kinds descriptions takes longer than i thought it would.
Character story
The silent Bohemian night reigns with an underlying uneasiness to it. You can't help but feel as if something sinister lurks in the horizon, just beyond where your eyes can reach..
In an attempt to ignore the chill underneath your skin, you reminisce about what has led you to this point in life…
You are the bastard daughter of the minister of All-mer’s church. From the moment you were able to understand the world around you, you knew you were not born to be loved. Your mother hardly paid any mind to you and your father was no different, if it wasn't for her threats to expose him for infidelity he would not have brought you into his home. You never saw that woman again, as the anchor that kept her stuck to that decrepit man was now in his own possession. For her benefit and your suffering, you stayed with your father.
Neither he nor his family were kind to you, it was clear as day that you were nothing more than an unwanted pest in their lives, one of which they aimed to take some benefit from by making you serve them as a houseworker. You were not allowed to eat at the table with everyone, nor receive beautiful clothes or a luxurious room. Years trailed at a snail’s pace as the man you loathed to call father continued to ignore your presence, on occasion he would allow you to enjoy some of the manor's luxuries, but only if you did an exceptional job on the house chores. The small room under the stairs was truly the only place you could call yours in the manor.
His wife despised your very existence and took it upon herself to make your life miserable, expecting you to excel on the most arduous tasks whilst still being available to tend to the family's every needs. There were many times you went to sleep with an empty stomach as a punishment from the mistress, other times you were left with a bruised face and a bleeding nose. With no one to care for you other than yourself, you learned how to tend to your injuries and illnesses with the help of some old medicine books from the mansion’s library. You took pride in your abilities to keep yourself alive and continued to improve your skills as the abuse became progressively worse.
On top of what you endured by the hands of the minister's wife, your half-sister was hardly any different from her, if anything, Madeline’s favorite activity was torturing you for her own amusement. Your shrieks of pain as she cut your face open with the ritual knife were a source of laughter for her, blood and tears stained the floorboards as the burning pain numbed all your other senses. You stitched your face back together, but no amount of healing could ever clear their remnants off of your face. She made you horrendous. Far too undesirable to look at to be around the manor when visits came by.
Your self-taught medical skills weren't enough this time, the depth of the cut was irregular, parts continued to bleed and stitches came off no matter how hard you wrapped your head with dirty old cloth fragments to keep it together.
Hate swelled inside of you with every string of pain, you were determined to never experience such suffering again. And so, you…
Stayed on the lookout for Madeline (Gain nearby awareness)
You stayed alert for your sister's ill intentions during all times of the day. The mixture of the aching of your injuries and the paranoia were incredibly taxing in your young mind, you became restless, anxious to the point where your heart always thrumped at an accelerated rate.
Nevertheless, it worked like a charm. You were able to evade your sister's grasp and even stop her in her tracks whenever she tried to hurt you or damage your few belongings. You felt proud of yourself even if it led to the mistress handing you more work out of Madeline’s complaints to her
Utilized your resources to the max of their potential (Gain resourceful worker)
To treat your pesky injury you made the absolute best out of the few materials you had in hand, reusing the same old cloth fragments to stop the constant bleeding and mixing a couple crushed herbs into blue vials to increase their capabilities. Keeping notes of your doings for whenever such tactics were needed again.
They worked, but not without undesirable consequences as your methods granted you a nasty infection that kept you bedridden for weeks. If it wasn't for the knowledge you gained on medicinal herbs from those old books you're certain you wouldn't have made it. You felt incredibly proud of yourself despite your rocky recovery.
After the fact you went on to dedicate all your free time into studying medicine. Countless sleepless nights were spent flipping through medical journals in the manor's library and filling notepad after notepad with knowledge you deemed essential. During the day, you dragged your exhausted body through the house chores, repeating whatever you read last night in your mind as you worked. Now whenever you got sick or hurt, not a single desperate tear was shed as you knew exactly what to do, which in turn made Madeline disinterested in tormenting you. It wasn't fun if your pain wasn't visible.
You watched as your half-sister’s physique blossomed into a beautiful woman while the conditions you grew under made yours grow skeletal and lanky, which paired with the nasty scars tainting your face made you loathe your appearance almost as much as you despise your sister and her entire family.
One evening, luck knocked at your door as a burglar broke into the manor and stabbed Madeline in the stomach amidst his escape. Your room under the stairs kept your presence unknown to the attacker, when it was safe, you followed her cries of agony and marveled quietly at the scene.
Your sister was dying, she couldn't even stand when the pain from the wound kept her legs in place. Blood soaked her clothes as her eyes screamed despair while you simply watched from barely a feet away.
For all the suffering she made you go through, her death would have brought you nothing but happiness…
Yet, you didn't allow that to happen. You grabbed a large towel and pressed against her abdomen to stop the bleeding, keeping her conscious as you waited for her parents to return home so she could be brought to a hospital. That woman couldn't fathom why you were doing this for her, but you were more than aware of where your intentions stemmed from.
Madeline would have died if it weren't for your actions, she's only alive because you allowed her to do so. Attaining a level of power over your beloathed sister of which she could never surpass, she owes her life to you for the rest of her pathetic existence and that fact filled you with a joyful sentiment much greater than if you had watched life drain from her eyes.
Your newfound brought you external consequences that had never crossed your mind at the pivotal moment. Madeline began treating you nicer, she started bringing you along her trips around town and lending you her belongings, chatting with you about life, seemingly interested in forging a real sisterly bond with you. With her abrupt change soon came her mother's, the mistress stopped demanding that you work around the house and began giving you money to buy good clothes and whatever your heart desired. 
In a matter of months you were treated no differently than your sister, even if your father would never officially recognize you as his daughter. These people now smiled kindly at your sight but none ever apologized, nor did they ever acknowledge the abuse you suffered in their hands as horrid as it was. You paid no mind to it though. What you seek in their care is the places their power can lead you to, and for that you can pretend to enjoy their presence.
You told your father of your interest in the medical field and he went on to pay for your tuition in Bremen’s most prestigious university. For the following years you were able to put all your time into something you truly loved while being miles away from those people, learning about procedures and tools you would never have access to if it weren't for the power you acquired over your disgraceful family.
During your studies, you couldn't help but think of the different ways your skills could be put to use…
Study anatomy and amputation (Gain hacking saw + ×1 bonesaw) 
Study anesthetic procedures (Gain chemical slumber)
When you graduated you wasted no time in joining the Bremen army. You were no fool to fall for Kaiser's lunatic preachings, but a lunatic with power certainly has its worth. If you were able to catch his attention then perhaps a fraction of this power could be passed onto you. Giddy with delight over the prospect, you packed your belongings while thinking of ways to make your abilities stand out amongst all other doctors and nurses in the army.
The reality of the situation was much harsher than you had anticipated, but you never cowered. Countless men on the brink of death came to you daily while the frail nurses grew sick with all the death and destruction, you took it upon yourself to put order in the situation and keep the men alive no matter how challenging or exhausting the procedures were. Each and every soul clinging to earth out of your doing added more power to your name, you were certain that if you kept this pace sooner or later Kaiser would direct his gaze towards you.
Keeping your sanity in check amidst the horrors of war was no easy task, you could feel your mind deteriorating as the months went by and the conflict worsened. Still, you never allowed anyone to see through the cracks in your persona, remaining as a miraculous savior for the most gruesome injuries despite being increasingly closer to your breaking point.
You were well aware that you would be unable to remain this way for much longer, not without a way to take off the edge…
Do some reading (Gain ×1 All-mer skin bible)
You used the brief moments of respite through the nights to read through the bible your sister gifted you the day you left home for university, it had been laying in the bottom of your bags untouched for several years. In the absence of anything better to do you decided to give it a shot, though it did nothing but remind you how much you despise magic and everything associated with it, especially the ones that dabble in your field.
You had heard about healing magic once or twice through casual conversations with your classmates back in the university, the reminder alone made your blood boil. A ritual circle and a sacrifice of some kind were all it took for any weak minded moron to achieve medical wonders that defied nature, requiring not a fraction of the effort you put into your work, yet capable of doing so much more than you could ever achieve with your own hands…
Your burning hatred pushed you towards working harder than you had ever before, dead set in showing your superior proficiency in comparison to those deranged cultists.
Drink your worries away (Gain ×2 Vodka)
Through the cold nights you navigated towards places where you could numb your senses with alcohol, be it establishments nearby or the army's own settlements where you knew soldiers would always sneak little things that could briefly take their minds away from the horrors.
Surrounded by men, you were thankful for having a good alcohol tolerance, but you had a hunch that they wouldn't try to do anything to you even if you were the type to become tipsy after a few sips. You could see it in their eyes, your efforts gave you an enormous level of respect amids both the soldiers and lieutenant. Your presence was striking and unquestionably imposing, if you ordered, these mindless buffoons would do anything you wished without question…
To have the confirmation that your power did increase significantly stroked your ego and pushed you towards working even harder.
But despite your continuous efforts, Kaiser hardly bat an eye on you. It seemed as if, in his eyes, you were no different than the countless other nurses in the Bremen army. Day by day that man’s ignorance filled your heart with ire as you grew to hate him and everything he stood for, but you were never the kind to give up, especially not after all the turmoil you endured thus far.
It may not have been what you envisioned but this project of yours certainly wasn't for nothing, as you received a command to travel to Prehevil, capital of Bohemia. Tasked with making a report on the town and assessing when would be the best time to coordinate and invasion. Perhaps if you excel in this task Kaiser will finally set his eyes on you…
With an unexpected trip on the horizon, how did you prepare?
Stock up on medical goods (Gain ×2 blue vial and cloth fragments)
Stock up on self-defense items (Gain Lugr Pistol and ×10 9mm Bullets)
Stock up on food (Gain ×2 dried meat and moldy bread)
Staring at the walls of the stuffy apartment you booked in order to lay low, you couldn't help but wonder if Kaiser himself hand-picked you for this task. Perhaps you are closer to your goal than you had anticipated.
Possibilities swarmed your mind until your consciousness slowly faded as you drifted off to sleep…
Character skills
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steepwysdom · 1 month
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mexifurfoof · 9 months
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meeting at 9 (2021)
ur boss calls you for a meeting and she looks like this :o
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moonmeg · 1 year
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"So we flew up the twee to find the nest and the twee was thiiiiiiiiiis big!"
(I got Cat's sleeve wrong oof)
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