#oc group: the spooky arcade friends
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Poly's character sheet is now up on toyhouse!
You can also watch the speedpaint for his profile assets here! [[LINK]]
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osseincactus · 5 years
tagged by @mojave-musing thank you <3 
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
I’m gonna do Lynn because of course I am dghadugh 
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1. What is your name?
Lynn Elizabeth Chelsea!! 
2. How old are you?
I’m 26!! My birthday is in May! 
3. What do you look like?
Elegant, Beautiful, Perfect, the Peak of Old World Glamour! Nah I’m kidding.. sorta..  
4. Where are you from? Where do you live now?
Well, I was born ‘n Texas, though I only spent a couple years there then dad took me back here! “Here” as in the Mojave oops... 
5. What was your childhood like?
Hmm don’t remember a lot before I was in the Mojave, dad doesn’t like to talk about it and I’m never sure what’s a memory and what ‘m just imagining. Mojave is nice though! 
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions?
Like to think most everyone! People in freeside are pretty nice, I know the ncr likes me! Though... sometimes people in westside give me weird looks ‘n mutter stuff at me...
7. Tell me about your best friend.
 Oh!! Arcade has been my closest friend for the longest time! Boone’s a close second but uhhh ‘Cade knew me when I was still lernin’ to read so he gets first place... though there’s not much to say about him... 
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them!
Never knew my mom, and dad doesn’t like to tell me what happened to her... and my biological dad is uhh... ya know lets not talk about that! But my dad dad is the best!! I don’t trust anyone like i trust him!! Plus dad part 2 is a colonel so that’s fun!!!
9. What about a partner or partners?
Hehe well I have Boone! He’s great! He listens when I talk even if I’m not talking about anythin’ he cares about ‘n he doesn’t mind that ‘m so clingy ‘n that sometimes i bring home random animals ‘n... also legion kids i stole... OH AND he lets me cuddle even if he’s not tired ‘n it’s like he’s always there when i need help or if ‘m in trouble! He’s great idk what I would do without him! (she could keep talking but i doubt you wanna hear her keep talking)
10. Who are your enemies, and why?
Man ‘enemies’ is such a harsh word... too bad ‘s not harsh enough for how i feel ‘bout raiders.
11. Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them?
Most everyone is the ncr says they’re bad ‘n need to be eliminated.. but Veronica has never been anything but kind to me so they can’t be too bad I guess. 
12. What about The Enclave?
Hmm yeah I’ve uhhh I’ve heard about them...
13. How do you feel about Super Mutants?
The big angry guys? I like ‘em! Some of them can be a little mean but dad used to take me to Jacobstown a lot and Marcus and Lily are both super sweet!! Some of the nightkin can be a little grouchy but I think it’s best if I just stay away and let them be mad away from me.
14. What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in?
OH!! I’ve been in lots of crazy fights!!! Killing Caesar was fun! So was Lanius! Gettin’ my burn sucked but at least I gotta kill the raiders! All the bounties that Dhatri told me not to go after that I did anyway! I’ve had lots of good times!
15. Have you ever fought a Deathclaw?
Yep!! It’s wild they’re so much bigger up close!!! 
16. Do you like fighting?
Depends on who it is and why I’m fightin’ I guess!! 
17. What’s your weapon of choice?
Golf clubs!! Or machetes or bats or anythin’ kinda heavy I can hit people with!!! Guns are a no go... they hurt my lip.. 
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?)
I like to think I’ve very charismatic! But i know for sure I’m strong! I know most people don’t believe me but I’d say I’m fairly smart as well! I was almost a doctor!!
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them?
The only vaults I’ve been to are the broken ones... they’re spooky... plus I hate the elevators
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you?
Well usually I just don’t go near super irradiated places! Sometimes I have to so I make sure i have lots of meds and the right gear!
21. What’s your favorite wasteland critter?
Nightstalkers are fun!!! I have a little one I got from that place that took my brain! 
22. What’s your least favorite wasteland critter?
That’s kinda mean don’t ya think??
23. How do you feel about robots?
Robots are fun!!! One did save me after all. 
24. How many caps do you have on you right now?
A couple thousand. Nothin’ too much right now. 
25. Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla?
Sarsaparilla tastes better but Nuka has a lot of fun flavors! 
26. Do you do chems?
Julie makes me take these meds every so often cuz she says it’ll help my head, but nothin’ beyond that.
27. Do you ever think about the Pre-War world?
Only all the time!!! I love those old pin ups and all the clothes!! Those ladies were all so pretty!!!
28. What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently?
I don’t really wanna talk about that... 
29. What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?
I’m pretty happy with the things I’ve been able to do with the ncr and the folks around the Mojave!
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world?
I wanna be able to have a quiet happy life with a family! It’s fun having everyone know you but it gets tiring to be worried about how people see me... 
I’m tagging @mgmsx @radregeneration @kourumi and anyone else that wants to!!
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daybreak-coalition · 4 years
ok intro 2.0, hopefully less annoying this time
hi, we’re Daybreak, an autistic system of walk-ins (mostly). We collectively ID as genderfluid bi litho/lithro, and are all fine with being referred to with he/him, shey/shem, and they/them.
We use /ext and /int to specify if something is happening inside or outside the system
we always have:
- Tick ( @fireticktrue ): default fronter, Darkly’s twin, human(ish) (he/him & ram/rams)
- Rowan ( @rowanthoughts): tall lizard man, asleep a lot of the time but wakes up to front every now and again (he/him)
- Darkly ( @echodarklyagain ): used to be the default fronter, Gamer Girl, human(ish) (she/her & they/them)
- Abbie ( @deepspacesaga): spooky void being, tends to be the voice of reason, not human but looks it (vex/vexs & she/her & they/them & ram/rams)
- Lausey ( @theoreticgold ): elditch entity made out of sunlight, nostalgia, and eyes, we used to think it was scary lmao, Shaela’s best friend (it/its)
- Shaela ( @shaelawashere ): some kind of selkie/siren mix, doesn’t feel the cold much, Lausey’s best friend (they/them & shey/shem)
- Miette (yes like the tweet, no we didnt get a choice): gets us to actually drink water and do basic self care, somehow manages to be the exception to every rule (she/her)
- Mae: ominous changeling child, around 10-12, its Illegal to swear around Mae (preferably none, but any will do)
- Keriel: eyesore furry, looks like a cross between a deviantart sonic recolour, arcade carpet, and an undertale oc. all gender right beef. (they/them, shey/shem, elverson spivak (ey/em/eir))
- Madeline/Dela: The normal one, actually does homework wtf, unfortunately not around very often. also might be a ghost. (she/her)
- Caleb: Ticks brother and an awful awful influence on our friends (he/him & she/her)
- Cinnamon: The Dreamweaver, is an in-system god who makes our dreams. (they/them & tay/tam/tams tamself)
Just passing through (ie. has showed up more than once, but isn’t a permanent resident):
Shadowlands Subsys - (they/them & it/its) (its a very long story lmao)
Longcoat Subsys [
- Gene: Bloodborne PC fictive, was confronted with a group of teenagers and the sudden freedom to form emotional attachments and went “is anyone going to parent these” then didnt wait for an answer. (he/him & it/its & they/them)
- Wolfman: Doesn’t condone eating people i prommy (he/him & it/its) ]
Ghostie - (he/him & they/them)
Cherry - (she/her & they/them)
Mossy - (he/him & it/its)
Lilian - (he/him)
cr4sh - (he/him & they/them & it/its & shh/hush/hushself)
V - (he/him & they/them)
BBlade - (he/him)
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acustardduckling · 7 years
It’s under the cut! Here’s the blank version if you want to do it : [Link]
Custard's cool new hip OC meme: now with rules for your convenience. -Pick as many of your ocs as you like! Let's say, five, as an example. -Answer the questions! -You can answer AS the OCs or just ABOUT the ocs, either is fine! -Tag your friends!!!
 I’ve chosen to use:
Rosie the Dragon (I haven’t posted a drawing of her in ages  Y I K ES )
Finn the Inkling
Pansy the . . . humanoid
Neo the . . . also humanoid
Dewey the Duck
1. Hello! Let's start with a dreaded, simple and boring question: What are your OCs favourite colours?
As she’s a dragon, I can easily say that Rosie’s favourite colour is gold. Silver is a close second, but she’ll like any colour if it has a glittery sheen.
Finn’s favourite colour is a sort of minty-turquoise. Since it’s his natural ink colour, he’s grown quite fond of it!
Pansy loves the colour green; she’s come to associate it with thriving plant life- although she’s also quite a large fan of the colour pink.
Neo likes… well, I’m not too sure what she likes, but green is far from her favourite colour. She seems to gravitate towards blue clothing, but has made no comment on whether this is her favourite.
2. Do any of your OCs have a secret? Shh, don't worry, I won't tell anyone . . . 
It’s not really a secret that Rosie used to be a really nasty dragon that almost destroyed a village near her cave. But her fear of sharks. . . it’s so bizarre that she’s never told another dragon about it.
Finn secretly has a crush on Marie, but everyone already knows this!!
…The same goes for Pansy, if she had a secret she’s probably already told you about it so many times that it’s not considered a secret anymore. Some AUs may imply she has a secret man-eating plant in her garden shed, or a secret basement where she keeps a mysterious power sealed away. . .  but given her looseness with classified information, that’s PROBABLY not true.
Neo secretly likes people and wants to have friends. But she’s also secretly scared of the unpredictability of human nature and being double-crossed, too. . .
Dewey is still quite sad about her brother’s death, but she tries to keep this to herself. 3. How about supernatural powers? Do any of your OCs have those, and what are they? If no, what powers would they LIKE to have?
Rosie… is a dragon. I don’t know if that’s a supernatural power, really. She can fly and breathe fire. I guess if she were to have a supernatural power, she’d want to be a PSYCHIC DRAGON that can CREATE BARRIERS and SHATTER BOULDERS WITH HER MIND but she’s pretty okay with not being able to do that.
Finn’s an inkling, so his ‘powers’ aren’t really supernatural, but if he had any he’d probably think reading minds was cool. OR SHOOTING INK WITH HIS BARE HANDS INSTEAD OF USING A WEAPON, 10/10 there should be an inkling comic book that has something like that—
Pansy’s pyrokinetic! She also has a (very) weak telekinetic ability that was taught to her by her mother, but using it too much gives her a headache. She’s trying to use this to learn teleport, but that’s even W O R S E . …then again, learning these wouldn’t be considered ‘supernatural’ where she comes from, so. . .
Neo can use weak electrical force to her advantage, though it wouldn’t be a particularly strong attack. (She’s trying to improve on that.) Her real ability lies in being able to turn herself into code and travel the internet and computer data this way.
Dewey can talk. That’s supernatural!?! That said, she quite enjoys being normal otherwise. . .
4. If your OCs found an unopened bag of gummy bears on the ground, would they eat them, or be more cautious?
ROSIE WOULD EAT THEM STRAIGHT UP WITHOUT EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT,, though she’d also eat the bag whole and be really upset that there were no more. It’s like eating a single gummy bear for her.
Finn probably wouldn’t even go near it. After all, it could be a trap, or they could actually have been poisoned, or . . . well ew they MIGHT be open and could just be plain dirty.
Pansy might want to make sure no-one had dropped them first, and then investigate… by eating one. If that one’s good, then OH BOY, FREE SWEETS! If they’re bad? 1,000 years of embarrassing shame and regret.
Neo does not care for your gummy bears, she claims, scooping up the entire bag and bringing them home to share with her brother.
Dewey doesn’t like gummy-anything, so she’d probably pick them up to throw away or put somewhere that isn’t on the ground.
5. Oh no!! A SCARY BOSS MONSTER HAS APPEARED, TERRORISING YOUR PEACEFUL(?) TOWN!! Will your OCs try to fight, run away, or ... something else ?
Rosie IS the scary boss monster—ok yeah she’d probably fight, after all she’s probably the biggest and strongest thing currently around to match the monster’s strength. Featuring tons and tons of property damage, yaaayy!!
Finn would be unsure about his chances, but as resident hero number . . . four, he’d probably be roped along to fight it, though he’d only do so if Molly and some others had his back. He’s not reckless enough to throw himself into an impossible fight.
Neo is. . . out of there. There isn’t really much she can do about it, unless she happened to be tagging along with a group of other people she can fight with (…which would be extremely unlikely). If it poses a threat to her personally, though, she wouldn’t go down quietly.
Dewey can’t really help fight, so she’ll spend her time helping others evacuate to safety! 6. Beach day!! What are your OCs favourite seaside activity?  ...or do they hate beaches with a fiery passion?? (Why??)
Rosie isn’t too good with beaches because SHARKS ARE THERE!!!! But if there is DEFINITELY NO SHARKS IN THE WATER she’ll probably just sit there, or have a swim and splash around, opening her mouth in the hopes that fishies will just come swimming in.
Finn likes beachcombing so that he can add to his never-ending collection of junk for making sculptures, as well as building things out of sand, but Molly doesn’t like going to the beach for extremely justified reasons, so he hasn’t been there in a while.
Pansy has this thing about staring at the ocean for a long period of time. It’s probably because she’s too scared to go in. She also enjoys bothering- uh, I mean TALKING to beachgoers, and attending BBQ’s that don’t just have grilled fish in them.
Neo isn’t sure what she likes about the beach. She sunburns easy, but there’s a certain sense of freedom about being on the beach that she enjoys, even if she does just… stand there. She’d probably be interested in the arcades on the beachfront, too.
Dewey loves to swim!! Swim, and meet new people! AND SWIM!!! 8/10 not quite as good as ponds.
7. What would each OC see inside the mirror of erised?  (If you don't know what that is, google it!) 
Rosie would probably see THE GIFT OF POPULARITY AND FRIENDSHIP . . . and like a MOUND of riches. Because they make good beds. She’d also probably be wearing a ton of fancy dragonmade jewellery.
Finn would probably see himself standing next to Marie, his best friend Molly patting him on the shoulder as he receives recognition for his artistic talent. His parents and little brother are also there, looking really, really proud of him.
It’s likely that Pansy would see herself with a family she’d (evidently) raised herself, as well as showing off a PhD in botanical science and looking a lot taller and more beautiful than she perceives herself to be.
Neo would be smiling. Her brother would be there, too, and so would their missing dad. Her brown hair would be back.
YUP DEWEY WOULD ALSO SEE HER BROTHER BUT IT’D BE MORE SAD BECAUSE HE’S DEAD N’ STUFF. . . That and a way fancier new hat. 8. Oooh, a spooky forest. Rumour has it there's ghosts, tricks and traps in there... but also treasure. Are your OCs interested?  ROSIE ISN’T SCARED OF NO GHOSTS. Although, traversing spooky forests isn’t that easy when you’re a HUUUGE dragon. She probably wouldn’t be too interested in such a small promise of treasure . . . now, spooky CASTLES . . .
Finn reeeeeeeeeeaally wouldn’t be interested, but if Molly wanted to go (which she NO DOUBT WOULD) he’d follow suit. He isn’t sure he believes in ghosts, but he’d still be the first to get spooked. . . . and the REAL treasure would be the friends they made along the way - -
Pansy doesn’t like ghosts, but it wouldn’t be an ADVENTURE if there wasn’t a bit of fear involved. If she can round up some friends to go with her, SURE! She’ll go in.
Neo DEFINITELY isn’t buying the whole ‘ghosts’ deal. She waltzes straight in there without batting an eyelash; she could really use the money if there IS treasure in there.
Dewey … prooobably wouldn’t want to go in. Ghosts? Traps? Tricks? It’s not her thing, and she’d rather leave it up to the hero types. If you go in, though, be sure to tell her AAALLL about it, yah!
9. Do your OCs have any embarrassing stories? ...If no, how do they deal with secondhand embarassment? DO THEY FEEL SHAME AT ALL?
I guess the time Rosie almost destroyed a village is embarrassing to her now she’s friendly with the villagers . . .
Finn discovers embarrassment in the smallest of things, but his biggest embarrassing moment was when during one of his first turf wars he got stuck in squid form, and had to hide in a corner away from other players. . . including his own teammates. B U T since he wasn’t very good yet, he kept getting spotted . . .
Pansy could probably put a TON of instances on this list, like the time she drunkenly challenged an entire bar-gang to a fight and almost burned the place down, BUT she’d probably go for the memory of high-school prom, where she ate WAY TOO MANY fancy seafood nibbles and then puked it all onto her crushes shoes. Who she also then discovered was attending the party with someone else. She’s not been able to eat fish since.
I’m almost certain the concept of embarrassment is foreign to Neo. Or, at least, she acts like it is. Her idea of ‘weird’ is being absolutely 100% normal, and she’s a bit behind the times, so will unabashedly perform actions that might be deemed ‘embarrassing’ by the general public.
Dewey’s embarrassing stories probably revolve around her inability to read well, even though she’s been provided with encouragement about it. Whenever she’s asked to read something, she gets flustered and asks if she can do it in her own time- thankfully, since most people know about her learning difficulty, they hardly demand she read anything out to them. 10. Describe your OCs as if they were the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of who they are now.
Rosie used to be super sweet and nice, but now she’s RUTHLESS AND BLOODTHIRSTY AND SHARPENS HER CLAWS ON THE INNOCENT. She lives wide out in the open countryside, no hoard to her name, eating grass and THE FLESH OF HER ENEMIES. She is greatly respected by all other dragons and uses this to her advantage.
Finn is the most confident octarian you will ever meet. He mains a charger and his favourite ink colour is an angry red, but he doesn’t have much of a passion for turf battles. He has a ton of ‘friends’, none of which are particularly considered the closest, and he treats them all disposably and quite nastily. His favourite squid sister is Callie.
Pansy is graceful, distant and exceedingly cruel. She doesn’t care much for others and despises human filth most of all. She specialises in the water element, and uses it to swamp land irreparably so that hardly anything can grow there and hardly anyone can reach it, where she will set up residence. She is extremely secretive and despises socializing.
Neo is a precious, gullible social butterfly. Short and chubby, she specializes in powerful earth magic, and can get along with just about everyone, except her brother. All this might make her seem like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, but deep down she is planNING EVERYONE’S DEMISE. SHE WILL NOT HESITATE TO PHYSICALLY RIP OUT YOUR HEART IF YOU BECOME TOO DISTANT FROM HER.
Dewey is an altogether unpleasant individual that almost never says a word. She can read astoundingly well, but has immense difficulty with numbers and arithmetic. Her hobbies include tripping up the elderly in the street, stealing candy from children, and burning library books.
11. Aw, looks like there's only this question to go. How well do your OCs deal with prolonged goodbyes?
Rosie can deal with goodbye – it won’t be forever, and she can wait for  Y E A R S . Until then . . .
Finn is crying. Like, weeping. Begging you to stay, do you really have to go? Now? He tries desperately to wipe away his tears and assure you he’ll be fine.
Pansy pretends to be strong but, oh no, she’s already blubbing endlessly. You’ll write, won’t you??? GIMME A HUG!!!!
Neo just. Nods. Yup, bye. She’ll see you around someday. Maybe she’ll shed a single tear after turning around.
Dewey is optimistic that everything will be okay, wherever you’re going, and she can’t wait to see you again!! Goodbye!! Wave, wave!! She’s still waving!! You’ve gone, but she’s still waving, just in case!!!!
OK I’M GONNA TAG SOME PEOPLE WHO I THINK MIGHT WANNA DO THIS . . . PLEASE: @thegoldendoorknob @agentchimendez @mintfizzles @bardiclnspiration   uhh and anyone else if i can think of ‘em
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Dot's character sheet is now available on toyhouse!
You can also watch the speedpaint for their profile assets here! [[LINK]]
Also quick note that i may be a bit slow on art posts for a bit because i have a bit of burnout/art block (not sure which) and i'm going to be taking a break
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Explaining my most recent OCs part 5 (the final part): dot (full name: dothelhin the all-powerful)
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Dot was born in the deep cosmos of space as an eldritch creature; as they grew and learned how to control their powers, they developed an interest in horror and all things macabre which soon turned to them essentially making it their whole brand. Dot especially got a kick out of possessing various pieces of fiction and scaring mortals by doing so. One day in the mid 2000's they found an arcade in ohio and saw it as a perfect oppertunity to give some good scares, while there they met pixel: a ghost who haunts the arcade and poly: a robotic creature of unknown origin, dot befriended the two creatures and decided to live at the arcade with them
While dot is roughly estimated to be thousands of years old, they behave a LOT like a high school freshman in the sense that they're extremely overdramatic and loud-mouthed with the teenage angst to boot! I even imagine their theme song is the dotEXE remix of monster by meg and dia....y'know, to REALLY push that early gen Z fandom culture feel!
Like their ref sheet shows: dot is able to create portals and open pocket dimensions. One of said pocket dimensions is made to look like an emo kid's bedroom and when dot is feeling REALLY emotional, they go there to calm down (plus it's really funny to imagine them throwing a bitchfit and instead of stomping up to their room and slamming the door they just REALLY aggressively open a pocket dimension and slam the opening)
Dot is also REALLY into blogging, they often talk about their time in the arcade and the kind of pranks they pull but nobody actually believes any of it to be real and just think that dot's blog is some kind of horror art project or even an ARG!
Just like pixel, dot LOVES pulling pranks and causing mischief! Though much to pixel's dismay, dot is a lot more cruel with them than she is so they have a sort of friendly rivalry going on. On the flipside, dot has a sort of "mordecai and rigby" esque friendship with poly and they often call him "big P" as a nickname.
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Explaining my most recent OCs part 4: poly the arcade creature
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Also jsyk his name is pronounced like "roly-poly" because he's named after polybius
It's unknown how poly was born but for the first few years of his life, he just spent his days lumbering around in the woods, feeling as though he didn't belong anywhere. Everyone he met feared him and he found himself feeling as though the forest wasn't his home, one night in the late 90's he found an arcade called "the blast zone" and began to explore the area; while there he met pixel, a ghost who haunted the arcade and they became fast friends. Soon poly decided to live at the arcade as a game cabinet and he became a local urban legend in the town. Some say you can sometimes see him walk around during closing hours
Despite being mostly computer, poly is very slow-witted (his main inspirations personality-wise are patrick from spongebob, big the cat from sonic and big man from splatoon) and he doesn't have any interest in causing mischief like his friends pixel and dot. Because of this: they often go to him when they need to just chillax
Poly loves collecting all sorts of neat trash such as loose coins and he enjoys cleaning up the arcade after closing hours just to find things he can collect. He also likes going outside every once in a while just to pick flowers (a trait inspired by the iron golem from minecraft)
And, as i'm sure some of you can tell, poly was based on the song "cabinet man" by lemon demon. I was actually going to make his backstory a LOT MORE similar to what's said in the song but i changed it because i wanted to have all 3 of the spooky arcade friends have different backgrounds and i felt that basing him ENTIRELY off cabinet man would make his and pixel's backstories too similar (pixel was a human who died at the arcade, poly is a being of unknown origin who just came across the arcade one day and dot is a cosmic entity who came to the arcade because they wanted to fuck shit up)
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