#oc ivan
stabbynunchuckss · 2 years
Day 31 of the wheel of whump!!
Today's prompt is:
New, clean clothes
Pet eyed its new Master with suspicion as he entered the room, a bag in one hand and a handful of keys in the other. He locked the door behind him, and turned to face Pet.
"So, I... I got you some stuff. I figured you'd prefer to stay here while I got it, you know, what with all the..." He didn't finish the sentence, but Pet knew what he meant. It didn't speak.
"There's some clothes in here, that's mostly all. I got food, too, if you want any."
For the first time that day, Pet managed to find its voice. "Cl- Clothes?" It regretted the word almost as soon as it spoke, as Master's expression changed, his eyes narrowing slightly.
"Yeah. Yeah, I got you some clothes. I wasn't sure what you'd like, so there's some hoodies, some jeans... You don't have to wear anything you don't want to."
But Pet simply stared as Master opened the bag, showing a heap of roughly folded clothes - t-shirts, jeans, jumpers, everything. Even shoes. How long had it been since Pet had worn proper shoes?
"I'll leave them for you to try them on, 'kay? Let me know when you're ready." He left the room, and Pet checked to make sure he wasn't still there before it allowed itself to touch the clothes.
They were soft, far softer than it deserved, but it couldn't bring itself to put them back. It would just hold on a little longer.
@roblingoblin285 @a-crumb-of-whump I feel like I'm missing someone
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peapod20001 · 10 months
Every time I see personified object characters (like in rubber hose cartoons) I remember a pair of ocs I made after smth silly that happened in 2017 (I can’t remember exactly off the top of my head but I think it was a friend who drew a candle that looked like a piece of chalk lol)
And I made these guys! Obviously this is from memory but I still have all of the original stuff I’ve done for them (tho that isn’t really a lot lol)
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They never really had actually names (I always just called them the chalk and the chalkboard) but for some reason I wanna call the chalkboard Boris and the chalk Ivan <3
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faemorningstar · 1 year
More like a game than an ask but assign each member of the Misfit Toys an element (fire/water/earth/fire) and a season(autumn/winter/spring/summer). I like to see who has weird combos like fire + winter.
bizarre combos, you say? well you came to the right place!
Chelsea: Earth/Spring (self explanatory, this one isn't as bizarre)
Connor: Fire/Winter (as soon as you mentioned a fire/winter combo, I immediately thought of my boy. Fire & Winter is like sitting by the fireplace while it snows outside, or for Connor, huddling by a garbage can fire under a bridge during a blizzard.)
Evangeline: Fire/Spring (hay fever)
Ivan: Earth/Summer (like a summer rock concert)
Jennifer: Water/Fall ((haha waterfall) like the border between autumn and winter, the first hints of frost, the drops of dew on the mushrooms littering the forest floor.)
Nancy: Air/Winter (like swinging through the air of New York City in December.)
Sofia: Water/Summer (like riding a motorcycle through puddles on summer nights in the city.)
Storm: Air/Fall (how the gentle wind, beckons through the leaves, as autumn colours fall...)
if I feel up to it, I'll do Team Legacy later, and/or the five element system, for shits & giggles.
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ignissaltator · 6 months
Tell me a fun fact about your OC that isn’t relevant to their narrative but you still think is neat 🔫
Ohh hmm I'll give you a couple @axolittle-boi!
Ivan doesn't like water and avoids getting his legs wet as much as he can. To clean himself he leans over a tub and washes his torso and hair, then once a month he'll give himself a full bath. His legs get waterlogged so most of the time he just brushes them.
Kazuli secretly loves both mystery and sci-fi books and movies but refuses to accept that he's a tiny bit nerdy
Michael (you don't know him) is afraid of modern technology and gets sensory overload by anything more complex than ocean documentaries on tv
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klimtsonian · 2 months
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we’re both of us beneath our love, we’re both of us above 🕊️🩸
my artificer-surgeon, valentin, and his friend/mentor/???, ivan, played by the wonderful @gildedruin 💘
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artwins · 8 months
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a hat-wearing man.
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gremlins-hotel · 20 days
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"Your voice soothes us, little starlight. Why, why, why?"
"I can't answer that for you, Lightwarden. I can only ask you to listen."
"We listen, moonbearer. Dear, sweet moon. A decade without the night, without you. Oh, how we listen..."
"Then hear me and know this pain will soon be over. Do not cry, great sun, and let go of your burning fear."
ffxiv (shadowbringers) au w/ @artistically-hershie!
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untoldstar · 8 months
male yandere psychologist x fem patient reader [introduction]
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warnings: heavily implied that the reader is a patient at a psych ward, obsessive behaviors and tendencies, abuse of power, toxic environment, yandere themes, might not show in this part but for the future Ivan takes advantage of the readers vulnerable mental state.
There aren’t intense scenes in this at all (as I see it) BUT as for the coming parts of this OC it still has to do with a character who struggles with mental illness, an extremely toxic psychologist who abuses his position and being in a psyche ward so if you feel like any of that sounds triggering or there’s a possibility it could be triggering I would urge you not to read this or other parts of this OC.
pls be careful what you read guys and stay safe mwah🫶
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Ivan taps his foot impatiently and pushes up his sleeve for the millionth time to reveal his wristwatch.
2:59 PM
Just a few more seconds..
3:00 PM
Ivan smiles, his stiff body finally relaxing and just like everyday a knock is heard on his office door and in walks the nurse pushing you forward like a criminal into his office. He only spares the nurse and nod and a polite smile before his attention is directed at you, focusing on your every move anticipating what you’ll do next. You huff and plop down in the chair in front of his desk rolling your eyes "Ah [name], how are we doing today?" he clasps his hands Infront of him and stares at you expectantly.
Just like everyday.
‘Why does he ask the same question every day? What could possibly change in the matter of a single day? They should've made these cheek-up's weekly instead. This is becoming such a pain.’
"Fine. Just like always." you answer curtly. He hums nodding "Well, I’m afraid I’m going to have to cut to the chase today there’s something I must discuss with you.” You quirk a brow. You have to admit seeing the serious expression instead of the easy going one he usually has is a bit unnerving “I'm sure you already know that your..leave is to be expected soon." his lips twist in displeasure as if merely saying that has left a bitter taste in his mouth. You nod "Yes..what about that?" he sighs "Well, I'm afraid I've come to the decision that you'll have to stay a while longer, just to be safe." Your heart plummets. Sure you haven't been kissing Dr.Ivan's ass or being necessarily..nice to him but that shouldn’t have anything to do with your treatment. You know you've been getting better so what possible reason could have you stay here "Just to be safe? What is that supposed to mean?" you shoot daggers at him but he doesn't seem the least bit bothered by it "We’ve witnessed many patients show signs of improvement and seem like they’re ready to leave but there were also many instances where patients leave our facility and end up..falling into old patterns. Not that I expect that from you but I would like to guarantee your safety." You swallow the lump in your throat. Can they even do that? Is that even legal? "..How long?" a few beats of silence passes by while he blankly stares at you before answering "A month." Your shoulders drop down exasperatedly. Another month??
You feel frustration bubble up inside your chest. You feel hopeless as if you’re never getting out of here. You can’t take it you can’t take seeing the same hallways the same people this same fucking office everyday.
You don't say anything when you get up from your chair and start charging for the door "Our daily check up isn't quite done, my dear." His voice booms behind you "I don't fucking care." You spit back and go to reach for the door when his hands suddenly slam the door on either side of you, trapping you against it "Why are you always trying to leave me?" he whispers his shaky breath fanning against the side of your neck "..What are you talking about..Doc-" his hand clenches into a fist "Don't call me that!" You flinch trembling slightly "..I'm sorry I raised my voice, but I've told you countless times before you don't have to call me 'Doctor' my dear. Ivan is fine." You stay quite and he sighs "You won't even say my name.." he leans his head on your shoulder his body slumping almost exhausted from the interaction.
You hold your breath eyeing the door handle inches away from you "Why do you hate me so much?" his voice almost breaks "You roll your eyes at me, you barely say a few words in our daily sessions, You can't stand it when I go to visit you in your room.." he steps closer, his body now flush against your back "You throw a fit and almost walk out on me.." he moves his head to the side sniffing your hair and you hear him let out a groan “God I thought you’d be happy about staying here. All I want is for you to love me. Why won’t you love me? hm?” his arms slide down for the door to wrap around you squeezing tightly “Am I just the annoying psychologist your forced to talk to? Is that all I am to you?” he keeps talking almost in his own world too intoxicated by you, having you in his arms body flush against his your scent enveloping him “Damnit why won’t you-“ you take advantage of his vulnerability and decide to make a run for it, using the door to push back all of your body weight to at least have his arms off of you immediately taking a hold of the door handle and leaping out of his office, you run down the hall never looking back. You’re surprised he didn’t pull you back in maybe he was shocked maybe he wasn’t and he just..let you go. Whatever the case was you had to get as far away from him as possible.
Ivan’s left alone in his office panting, cheeks flushed and an obvious tent in his pants. He lets out a low chuckle looking far off into the hallway ‘Soon..instead of running away from me you’ll be running to me. I’ll make sure of it darling.’
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cyberpchela · 6 months
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he got too silly
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androgymess · 1 month
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ivan, ivan, and vik!
body studies mostly, so excuse the obscured faces
ivan's owner is @/blackcatto on twt
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stabbynunchuckss · 2 years
Day 17 of the wheel of whump!!
Today's prompt is:
Trembling with fear
The boy's eyes widened, and his hands shook as he approached Ivan, dropping to the his knees before him and ducking his head.
"Hey- Kid? What's going on?"
"I- It's... It's been bad, M- Master, it's- It must be punished-"
An expression of horror crossed Ivan's face, and he shook his head, before realising that the boy wasn't looking. "No, kid, that's not..." He sighed. "That's not how things work around here, 'kay? No one's gonna get punished for anything."
"But... But, Master, it was..."
"There's no need to call me 'Master'. I'm just a guy, alright? I'm not your master. So, tell me what happened."
The boy's hands still trembled, and he held them behind his back to hide this. "It... it took food, without... without permission. Sir."
Ivan reached out and placed a hand on the kid's shoulder. "Look at me." He did. "You can take food from the kitchen whenever you need it. There's no problem with you doing that." At the boy's confused expression, he continued, "I'm not going to hurt you for fulfilling a basic human need."
"You... You're not?" And he sounded so utterly exhausted that Ivan didn't know what to do. So he simply nodded.
"I'm not, kid, I promise. You're always gonna be safe with me."
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secretdazedragon · 2 months
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Shay and his mother
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faemorningstar · 2 years
✍ Ivan and Storm... kissign?? 😳
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what if we were contestants on a reality tv show set on a remote island in canada and we both had long hair and an interest in rock music... and we were both boys...
i managed to draw this in less than two hours. that's a new record for me :)
I know the prompt was "drawn shittily in ms paint" but i do not care. i am the master of ms paint
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palilious · 9 days
Have any of your listener designs become the canon version? And for who if so?
Listeners are definitely tricky as they're supposed to be audience stand ins, BUT there have been a few cases where my listeners have become the VAs personal canon!
First one that comes to mind is Faith Koria from @goodboyaudios Bastard Warrior!
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I came to GB with the concept that she had more African features, and he loved the idea and made it canon to his canon! Hence why the official art of her brother is also black! Now that Faith has an official voice, she's more of a character then a listener. So you can consider this art accurate to her character!
Another option would be Raven from @escapedaudios Neon Noir, but that's a more complicated story
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I headcanoned that Raven got a Crow tattoo on her back, shoulder and neck to memorialize Crow at the end of the series and going into Neon Wings. Escaped really liked the idea! but my headcanons had already infected enough of that series and I felt bad, so I asked him to not include that one lol You can blame a lot of Ivan's look and backstory on me though! I came up with his birds and their names, his prosthetic leg, and his actual design!
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crookedsmilesnovel · 2 months
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'Ehhh... I mean, it is a stupid idea, but if you insist.'
Ivanichek 'Ivan' Vorobyev
Appears 27 years old
Intelligent, awkward, closed off.
Working out of a dilapidated clinic in the attic of a disused building just off Frying Pan Alley in Spitalfields, Ivan gets by feeding on the sick and infirm whom he is unable to treat.
At odds with his own kind for not fitting their into their stringent society and for being unable to accept the nature of his condition, Ivan strives daily to understand the parameters of what he is and how he might change that. His journey has brought him to studying other supernatural beings more closely... and has brought himself and Kostya into contact.
With innumerable walls up to keep others at a distance, Ivan has struggled to maintain human connections throughout his whole life; and this has certainly not eased throughout his afterlife. But he's never met someone like Kostya before, and finds his attention captured by the other man more and more.
Artwork by @anemonetea / Kit Buss
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artwins · 4 months
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suddenly felt like finishing an old sketch
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