#oc jack ringer
nostromo130 · 5 months
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drawings of my Signal Hill character Ringer (he/him). yayayy
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tiesthatbind-tf · 2 years
I just spent a whole ass 5 hours scrolling through your ENTIRE blog and god I love The Ties that Bind! Just HAAAA It brings me so much happiness. Just a few Questions whats the Surgery you keep mentioning, Especially with Creepy Cockroach man (I forget his name Sorryeeee). 2) Can we put our own characters into this story? Cuz I have a TF Oc that I would LOVE to draw for this Au. And Since I normally draw humans and cant draw bots :) 3) Are we gonna see more character sheets soon? Are we gonna see characters Like Bulkhead, Elita-One, Wheel Jack? 4) Hot Rod Is adorable. I love him. 5) KEEP DOING WHAT YOUR DOING CUZ THIS IS INCREDIBLEEEE
AAYYYY I’m really glad you’ve been enjoying your deep dive into TTB! (That’s the series’ acronym ouob)
Onto the questions!
1. Mnemosurgery is actually a thing that exists in Transformers, you can look it up. It’s more or less brain surgery to fix “deviant behaviour” (as was attempted in Megatron’s case) or edit memories (As was done on Prowl). In more severe cases, a form of it called Shadowplay is done which can completely rewire a person/make them unable to emote properly (As was done to Shockwave). In TTB, it’s occasionally used in psychiatry (with some controversy) but it’s more often used as a tool of social engineering by unscrupulous governments on political dissidents.
2. ABSOLUTELY! This AU and world is open to anyone who would like to make art or write stories based on it with their characters ouob
3. Sure are! Elita already has an existing design/sheet here, while Wheeljack is in the making. The jury is still out on whether I have use for Bulkhead in the narrative though.
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4. The boy deserves all the love! Especially here shehhdjfdssd I put him through the ringer.
5. Thank you! It’s def been a Labour of Love eueb
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📝 i love hearing about other writer wips!
Yay! Thanks! I have too many WIPS that I am struggling to begin but I’m having a hoot outlining them. 1. Egyxos 3 years later!
Summary: Leo is now a teenager in high school, trying to balance out student life, being an older brother, a social life and being part of the Golden Army in another world. However, things go sideways when one of his teachers is attacked by Anubi wielding a mysterious ancient artifact from a civilization long forgotten. Leo and his allies must race to find the source of Exaton’s new power, as well as unlock the secrets from a civilization long lost to time. And why was Anubi targeting his teacher in the first place?
Egyxos is one of my favorite shows in terms of world-building but I HATED how few arcs there were in terms of character growth! There’s so much potential there and it’s under utilized, so I decided to do a fast-forward in time to after the events in the show. It’s a chance to put the characters through new circumstances as well as expand on the world-building because there are so many questions the show never answered. 
One thing I wished the show had done was give Leo a human ally from Earth. Leo is a kid who is suddenly having to not only deal with the stresses of human life but also being a hero in an entirely different dimension with world-ending consequences. That’s a lot for any kid. Not having anyone on Earth to open up to who can relate to the Earth-side perspective he has would have been hard on him. So I made an OC for him to open up and to step up for him because what do you mean ‘he has to always be available for every problem in Egyxos?’ What do you mean ‘12 years old is a great age to start having to fight in a literal war?”
(TBH I’m super hyped for her to interact with the rest of the cast simply because having a responsible adult confront them on some of their non-sense would be delightful.)
Aaaaaand because I like to make things hard on myself, I decided to re-write some of the characters to better fit into the world, flesh out their backstory or some combination of the two. Leo for example having grown up a bit has a slightly different personality shaped from his experiences, including the fact he struggles to really open up to others. At the same time I reimagined him because why is any descendant of any pharoah white, so that was fun to do. 
Outlining wise I’m actually at 25,000 words of backstory development, arc planning and character personality writing, plus research for the other ancient civilization I want to add in. It’s going to be a bit before I’m really done with the outline, simply because every time I finish one part, it gives me 6 ideas for other arcs. 
2. Red Shoes and the 7 Dwarves OC
I have like 2-3 ocs for Red Shoes, one of them having been re-worked for another WIP I’m having fun with, but basically they’re possible love interests for the rest of the cast of Red Shows besides Merlin and Snow.
Thumbelina as the name implies is the tiny little lady from the story Thumbelina. I found out through a bit of research that originally in the credits after the movie it was going to be Thumbelina, not little Red Riding Hood, who was going to be Arthur’s love interest but in the end I wound up making her Kio’s love interest. She’s not as developed as the other oc I mentioned, but she’s been fun to flesh out. 
What’s been really fun is figuring out what type of personality she’d have after the events in the story because holy smokes does Thumbelina go through the ringer. She literally got kidnapped, nearly forcibly married to a frog, forced to be a bug’s friend before she was ditched, dressed up and then ditched again, almost forced to marry a mole against her will because she was guilt-tripped by a mouse who had saved her, saved by a bird she saved only to be betrayed at the last second by said bird who could have flown her home and instead flies her to the fairy prince who forcibly marries her. Yes the story implies she marries the Prince by choice, but considering what fairies typically do to people who don’t agree with them, I can’t imagine Thumbelina would be thrilled at the idea. Especially since her repeatedly stated goal is to go home to her mother. 
Personality-wise she’s a bright little lady who understandably has severe trust issues around strangers given her incredible streak of bad luck in the past. Her experiences have made her be more observant of her surroundings and quick-minded so as to escape any situation. Plus, because she’s survived so long in the wilds at her diminutive height she’s very knowledgeable about the woods and how to really thrive in a tough situation.  
The other oc is Yvonne the Hunter. There’s a lot of hunters in fairytales to work with so I thought it would be fun for there to be one hell of a good hunter who is not actively trying to be part of fairytales but it keeps falling that way. Also I’m a sucker for a badass female hunter who can kick ass without any hesitation. 
Yvonne is the eldest of 4 kids in a very poor family in the woods. To help support her much younger siblings Yvonne became a hunter, taking on deadly kills and bounties for deep wood beasts that haunted the surrounding mountains. With the added in cash flow she was able to better support her siblings once her parents died, wanting to provide them a good life. 
Currently she has taken on the hunt of a life-time; a dragon attacking the northern lands repeatedly, but completely untrackable. The reward? A king’s favor. Any favor from a king, completely impossible for him to refuse. It’s a chance Yvonne could not pass up (for more than one reason). 
I fluctuated between Arthur and Jack for her and I’m still undecided, because 
a) I’m a sucker for a stern badass and a himbo starting off as rivals and becoming attached.
b) I’m a sucker for a pretty boy falling for a feral hunter. 
so it’s going to be a while before Yvonne or Thumbelina’s stories will be written, though I do have some outlines for them. 
3. The many requests from this inbox!
I’m always working on an ask for this blog, so there’s a lot of WIPs at the moment. 
4. Grace and Alexander
Summary: Lorcia. The country with an army unlike any other. At it’s northern mountain border the empire of Marvansk looms - ever-eager to take the southern fertile lands to feed its expanding population. For centuries they have been at a deadlock, unable to start war without plummeting the entirety of the continent into decades of combat. Grace Tenorio, the head of the legendary Black Brigade, has grown under these circumstances. Never has there been a day where the Lorcian military woman was able to discount the lethal presence of the northern bully. When air pirates raids increase at the the Northern border and invitations from the north to discuss collaboration arrive, she must escort the Foreign Minister deep into enemy territory to find the root of the recent attacks.  Alexander Volkov - the merchant turned leader of the finest pirate hunters the empire has to offer - is a man who seeks redemption for a crime not his own. When a brilliant battle axe of a woman arrives from the south seeking out to hunt the worst of all threats, the two will have to make alliances with an enemy of the opposing land to take down a threat larger than either could have ever assumed. 
I’ve been working on this one for years now. A steampunk adventure/romance with plenty of intrigue, ass-kicking, enemies to lovers, pining, and badassery all around. I try to write a bit of it every now and again with mixed results. It’s more of a personal project than a fandom WIP but who knows? Maybe someday I’ll get it out there. 
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Black Eyes & Bloodlust - Chapter 15
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My Masterlist
Black Eyes & Bloodlust Masterlist
Summary: Dean has never met his Omega, never even thought there could be one waiting for him–but she’s out there, and they’re connected in ways they could never have imagined.
Characters: DeanxReader, Sam, Cass, a few OC’s
Warnings: Eventual smut so typical A/B/O warnings,Slow burn (and I mean it. SLOW BURN GUYS.)Language, depictions of mental illness, Gore and Violence, (Warnings will apply to all chapters just to cover all the bases.)
Word Count: ~3,140
A/N: New aesthetic/header by @tumbler-tidbits​ and I loveeee it! Thank you so much! ALSO! Chapter 16 WILL NOT be the last. The end is in sight, but it’s not here yet ;) 
Unbeta’d for reasons, but heavily edited by me, so if you find mistakes that irk you PLEASEEEE  message me so I can fix them :)
Halfway to the hospital Sam broke the silence, taking a quick scan of the poor Omega girl, Carrie, to make sure she was still fast asleep before speaking. “Cas, we can’t let him do this.”
“It’s done by now, Sam.” Castiel didn’t miss the clench of Sam’s jaw, but with what he now knew, this had been inevitable. In this particular fight against Fate, they’d lost miserably. “It was done the moment we let him take her. Getting between an Alpha and his Omega is never an intelligent decision, but I felt their connection, Sam. When I healed Y/N I sensed her soul and it was--” Castiel huffed, frustration seeping through as he came to terms the new information in his head, then tried to form the words to make Sam understand. “--Her soul is damaged similarly to Dean’s. It’s whole, I think, but I don’t believe either of them will ever be the same. The Mark is--”
“I know, Cas.” Sam whispered, “I know what the Mark does.” A long silence stretched as Sam attempted to sort out what this all meant for his brother. “You know...this is the worst time for Dean to shove off into some--some, extra jacked up Bonnie and Clyde murder act. I mean Cas, she killed like nine people, and that’s only what we know of! She killed a hunter, you said so yourself. We’ve killed monsters for less, and Dean’s barely holding on as it is--”
“--It’s not her fault Sam. Y/N is not a monster, she’s a human. I would think that you of all people--”
“--It’s just that throwing himself into an Omega just as messed up as he is--” Sam’s knuckles whitened where he gripped the steering wheel tighter.
“--Is a recipe for disaster, yes, I know, but they are true mates. There’s nothing we can do.”
“There always something Cas.” The silence resumed, loaded and heavy, and continued even after the girl had been properly dropped off at the hospital. 
Sam didn’t quite understand why Castiel hadn’t flitted off to somewhere less stressful, normally he’d be gone by now. Instead of leaving, Castiel stayed by his side as they walked back to their own motel from Lane’s.
“True mates, huh?” Sam asked after a while, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket. The concept was so foreign; he wasn’t sure either him or Dean had ever even believed in any such thing, especially with the lives they lived. The side streets were dark and empty, devoid of anything interesting enough to keep Sam from overthinking. The Alpha knew the Angel was right about one thing, atleast: it wasn’t Y/N’s fault she’d gotten wrapped up into this mess they’d created. Castiel nodded solemnly.
“That must be the source of their psychic connection.”
“I thought that was just some fairy tale...or just genetic compatibility or something.” Castiel shook his head.
“Not at all. They’re rare, but it is a soul connection. You probably have one waiting somewhere as well.” 
Sam avoided Castiel’s last statement. “Did you see anything else while you were in her head?” The side-eye Castiel gave him before looking away spoke volumes. “What? What did you see? Anything that could help us figure out the Mark?” Sam found he was almost afraid of the answer as Castiel inhaled deeply.
“I saw...everything Sam, but there’s nothing inside Y/N that can help us find a cure.”
Dean’s thick fingers kneaded into your shoulders, lazily exploring the dip and curve of your muscles. Your smile was soft as you let his tingling touches wander your skin while your fingers trailed over the keys of the cheap keyboard, playing ‘See You Again,’ the song that had been haunting him. When he’d explained how you had followed him in that way you’d had to giggle. It wasn’t your favorite song like he, and apparently Lane, thought--oh god, Lane, you thought, but pushed it away-- it just happened to be the one you’d been playing when you had collapsed the first time. It had haunted you too, you thought. It was hard to be sure.
Memories were still surfacing and rearranging inside your head, forcing you to sift through the mess. However, the night everything had begun had been clear as glass since it had come back.
An average day in your average life had ended with a glass of wine and your piano, grumbling about your shitty workday and contemplating yet another dating site until suddenly you’d found yourself in searing pain and curled into a ball on the floor. From then on it had been nothing but nightmares and sleepless nights until you’d been committed.
Telling Dean that part of the story was equal parts cathartic and painful, but you hadn’t been able to explain past being released from the facility. Those memories were still too much, but Dean knew enough to fill in the blanks on his own.
He’d dreamt your experiences as you had his.
Dean connected the timelines for you carefully, and realized you had been connected since he’d taken The Mark. Then he’d managed to explain what the Mark of Cain even was, and how he’d come to recieve it. That story had culminated with your tears but ended with you on all fours, just like every snippet of conversation the two of you had attempted since mating the first time. His bite mark throbbed deliciously, igniting the heat still simmering under your skin.
He couldn’t keep his hands off you, even when he wasn’t fucking you. The need for your skin on his was almost a physical presence it was so intense, and your scents had long ago combined into something intoxicating that kept you both on the edge of arousal for what had seemed like days, though it had only been overnight. The sunlight peeking through the curtains and spilling onto the shitty carpet was mesmerizing as you tapped the last key and held it, letting the sound linger. Behind you, Dean raised up and planted a soft kiss to the back of your neck.
“It’s so much prettier when you play it.” He mumbled, his mouth settling over his bite to worry his teeth at the healing scar.
“Mmm, yeah. I’ve had some practice...but I think I’d rather hear you sing it.” Dean knew you’d heard him sing before, while you’d been sleeping, but he groaned at the thought of having to do it again.
“Not today sweetheart.”
“Oh come on,” you turned around and pressed against him, forcing him onto his back so you could crawl over him. “I love it.” When you pecked your lips teasingly against his, Dean grabbed your hips and pinned his erection between your bodies, following your mouth up as you tried to pull away.
Sam hadn’t slept well, spending all night after Castiel explained what he thought had happened to you doing research. He’d sent the Angel to the bunker for some books he thought might help, but in the end Sam had fallen asleep at the little motel table, drooling over the ancient tomes until the shrill ringing of his cellphone dragged him from the fitful rest.
“Agent Betts?” Officer Bishop asked the second his call was answered.
“Hm?” Sam grunted, sleep leaving him confused for a moment. “Oh, yeah. Yes. Can I help you?” The voice was familiar, and he shook the grogginess off quickly when he realized it was Bishop.
“One of Y/N’s doctors is back at the station, and uh...he says he has information about her he needs to share, but he won’t talk to anyone but you.”
“I’ll be right there.”  After hanging up, Sam checked his messages. He hoped there would be one from Dean, but there were only three missed calls--all from Lane--and a text from Castiel about having some business to take care of. The latter worried him, but not as much as not hearing from his brother.
Half an hour later, Sam was sitting across from a seemingly different man than he’d met the first day they’d arrived. Instead of bristling when the giant Alpha walked through the door, Doctor Cameron slouched his shoulders and shifted his gaze down to the table. Sam frowned, immediately realizing the man had been through the ringer. His initial theory that both doctors were in on Y/N's situation was revised upon seeing the doctor was disheveled, sporting a deep black eye with a giant knot beside it.
“Morning, Doctor,” Sam said evenly as he dropped to the chair across from Cameron.
“I know you’re not FBI,” Cameron conspiratorially leaned forward and whispered, his normally flat voice holding a frantic edge.
“That so?” Sam raised an eyebrow, only mildly surprised at the turn of events. Maybe this doctor knew more than Sam was giving him credit for.
“Yes. I know Doctor Mara wasn’t human. And I know your name is Winchester.”
Sam didn’t like the sound of that, and leaned forward menacingly. He kept his eyes locked to the other Alpha’s and his shoulders squared. Cameron bristled when Sam’s scent strengthened, dominating his own. The hunter’s voice held a dangerous edge, telling Cameron to tread carefully as Sam growled out,  “I’m listening.”
“Do you think it was the hypnosis or the magic?” You asked breathily, right hand stretching over Dean’s ribs at the spot over his heart. The thick thumps were just as frantic as yours, but slowing down as he recovered from knotting you the umpteeth time.
“Huh?” He grunted before realizing what you meant. Dean shifted lower on the pillows and tucked you closer into his left side. He was enjoying these moments too much, and held you tighter for fear you could disappear at any moment. “Oh, that connects us? I dunno. Hard to tell when you mix magic and science like that.” Your unsure ‘hm’ had him pressing his lips to your forehead. Rationality was starting to creep back in as the adrenaline ramped down, leaving your bodies all but useless for the time being. “I’m sorry I did this to you.”
The apology was unexpected and you pulled away, propping your head on his bicep to look him in the eyes. “What do you mean?” The greens seemed alive as he stared at you with new intensity, guilt hiding transparently behind the vibrant colors. You couldn't recall anywhere in the story where he'd personally inflicted you with the Mark, and your confusion was obvious.
“If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be in this mess. You wouldn’t have--”
“Don’t say it,” you snapped, body stiffening against his. You held your Alpha’s gaze for a moment before burying yourself back to his chest.
“Omega,” Dean warned, but you sat up in a huff to glare at the wall, unable to meet his gaze if he was going to force the conversation.  
“I know what i did, but I don’t wanna talk about it, okay?” When you turned to look at him, for the first time you didn’t see lust...not in the way he was looking at you, nor in the way you were seeing him.
For the first time you were reminded that you were strangers. Connected in two very important, disturbingly strong, ways, yes, but still completely alienated from one another. He’d been inside your mind and your body, but the lives you’d lived were lightyears apart. Tears pricked at your eyes as you forced yourself to look back at the ugly wallpaper across the room.
Would it be possible to ever close that distance? You didn’t even know yourself any longer, how could he?
The venomous thoughts whirled in your gaze, and Dean saw them clearly because he’d seen that look in the mirror a thousand times.
“Hey,” his voice was quiet but firm as he sat up beside you, his giant shoulder bumping against yours playfully. “I’m gonna sort it out. All of it. The Mark, your...case. You’re not gettin’ in any trouble for this, sweetheart, I swear it” Your own guilt slammed into you as he wrongly assumed what you’d been thinking; the lives you'd taken, the things you'd said...you knew those weren’t your fault, but under the confusion it was still a heavy weight. 
When you looked up into his earnest gaze however, you were lost again, the chill of moments before being replaced by the familiar warmth emanating from your arm.
He hissed when you did as the warmth increased to painful levels, and a moan escaped your chest when you were forced to shake off the quick flashes of blood and eyelids. 
“Fuck,” you whispered, pulling your arm close to inspect the vague rash. When the angel had healed you it had gone away. Disappointedly, you realized you should have known it was too good to be true. Everything was going to crash down around you soon, you could feel it as well as you could smell the coming rain. “I guess even Angels can’t fix us.”
“Something highly unnatural is going on with Y/N,” Doctor Cameron said around a mouth full of croissant. After verifying he wasn’t full of shit, Sam had brought him to a diner for breakfast before heading to the motel to see Dean and his Omega. They needed to arrive with arms full of refreshments for the newly mated couple or risk being torn apart by Dean for even knocking on the door.
“You think?” Sam scoffed, but kept his voice low as he continued. “You let a demon fuck with a psychiatric patient. What did you think was gonna happen?”
“I didn’t know what she was!” Cameron defended. “I thought we were conducting--”
“--Highly unethical, unauthorized, treatments on mentally ill patients? Yeah, much better.” The Doctor balked at Sam’s interruption, but Sam ignored it. “In another life, I would have been the one making sure you ended up behind bars for pulling something like this, but I’ll just have to settle for fixing your mistakes instead.” Sam beckoned with two fingers toward the spiral notebook Cameron had kept on his side of the table. With a glare he slid “Doctor Mara’’s notebook across to Sam.
“We were conducting unprecedented research in the field of Omega Psychiatric Studies, I don’t deserve jail time, Mr Winchester, I deserve a Nobel!” Cameron snapped indignantly. “Doctor Mara didn’t tell me what she had going on, but it’s all in here. Very disturbing. Explains why she never let anyone look at her notes, not even Doctor Adams.” Cameron grudgingly dug back into his food as Sam flipped through the pages of a demon’s journal. He knew Cameron wasn’t lying, but he was disquieted with how easily the hypnotist had accepted this new knowledge of the supernatural, like demons were no big thing compared to the fact that his research had been compromised. It was disgusting.  
“Who’s Doctor Adams?” Sam frowned at the name, thinking it sounded familiar.
“Oh, he was Y/N’s psychotherapist. In charge of her meds and all her therapies, but Mara was always sticking her nose in since she was the lead on the case. Shame, really. Seems like he’s one of the few that actually cares about their patients in that place.” That’s where Sam knew the name from, Y/N’s file.
“Why didn’t he come when Y/N disappeared, if he cared so much?” The poor excuse for an Alpha just shrugged and Sam rolled his eyes.
“Had a full case-load when we got the news I guess. I didn’t ask because he’s a nosey asshole.” Cameron cleared his throat as he finished his food and spoke up again. “If you’re thinking about calling him, he can’t help. Only I can. You see, Y/N is still technically hypnotized.”
Sam’s head snapped up from where he’d gone back to looking through the notes in his hand, long hair whipping him in the face. “Come again?”
“Yes. When she attacked me I tried to release her from the session, but whatever dream she was in had her locked inside. Something about a man named Lester,” Sam blanched, but Cameron didn’t notice. “Then Mara pumped her full of drugs, which probably made everything worse despite all appearances. You’ll have to look in there--” he motioned to the cursed notebook that contained nothing good, “--to find out which ones, but, technically speaking, Y/N could still be locked inside a dream. I need to see my patient, Mr. Winchester.”
Sam growled, his unexpectedly protective hackles rising. It suddenly dawned on him that if Dean had marked Y/N, she was family now, and after what he’d done, Cameron would never touch Dean’s Omega again. Especially now that they had another option. “I don’t think so. We’re done here. Breakfast on me.” Sam dropped a $50 bill on the table. “Thanks for this,” he said dismissively, tilting the notebook toward Cameron before standing to his full height. Sam used all 6’4” at his disposal as he loomed over the doctor who’d assisted in the mess they were in. The atmosphere in the restaurant shifted as he did, the challenge made clear for anyone to see, or smell. “You need to go back to wherever you’re from. Today. Now. And if I ever see you again, especially near Y/N, I’ll shoot you.” Without a backward glance Sam left the smaller Alpha glaring at his back and coming to the realization that everything he’d worked for was effectively leaving with the hunter.
Cold showers were a staple of Omega life, but having an Alpha in there with you brought the experience to a whole new level. Dean’s fiery hands contrasted perfectly with the freezing water, soothing and exciting you simultaneously. Your nipples were sore from the constant attention, but thankfully your Alpha had realized this and softened his touches to a light caress.
The bruises littering your skin made you smile as you examined them in the dim lighting, physical evidence that you finally had the Alpha you’d always pretended not to dream of. Part of you thought maybe you’d set feminism or the Omega rights movements back a few years, but couldn’t find it in you to care as you turned in his arms under the spray. It had come with a hefty price, but when Dean’s body slotted so perfectly against yours better than anything you could have ever imagined, you knew it was worth it. He was worth it.
The dead eyes of your combined victims dancing in your nightmares begged to differ, but that could wait until reality set in.
A knock on the door pulled Dean from the nap you’d both succumbed to late in the morning, and he groaned as his shoulder protested the awkward position your upper body was pinning his arm into when he tried to sit up.
“Go away,” Dean grunted, already knowing the scent of his brother before he’d fully woken up. Sating his rut had helped the immediate rage he held for his younger sibling and his angelic friend, but all wasn’t completely forgiven.
“I have bacon,” came the muffled response, and a quick sniff confirmed Sam was telling the truth. He’d brought greasy diner food, which went a long way with Dean in the moment considering neither of you had eaten in almost twenty-four hours.
“Alright, hold on.” The conversation had already woken you partially, and Dean finished the job by rolling into you and snuggling his nose close to your ear. “‘Mega,” he whispered, “we’ve got company...and the company has bacon. You might wanna put some clothes on before I let him in.” He smiled when you cracked one eye open.
Questions? Comments? Incoherent screaming?
Bring it on!
Black Eyes & Bloodlust Tags: 
@allaboutbailey @alligator210 @alyssa6marie @amarokofficial @anjiep24 @antiscocialfanwarrior​ @bodhi-black @deanna-s-winchester @deliciouslydisturbed365 @edensparks​ @erinmcd1234 :(  @faith901t-blog :( @fangirl-and-medstudent-help​ @fangirlanotherjust​ @flamencodiva @gabegirrl86 @getnaildbyme @hennessy0274-blog @hotterthanfire-colderthanice @jodibullock1 @karouwinchester​ @katkit73 @kbl1313​ @kittenofdoomage​ @lostdarksoul6 @mannls​ @mbbevans @mistress-sassafras @ne-gans @pickleporkupine @rainbowkisses31 @secretlysage​ @shatteredabby @spnskinnyballs​ @starfirerules​ @tamtamlov @tgwge @thatrandomredheadchick @thefaithfulwriter @tumbler-tidbits @ultrahviolent @violentmommabear42 @weepingwillowphoenix @whisperingwillows @wildsageleon @winchesterprincessbride @witchyhoeski​
4ever&ever Tags:
@ain-t-bovvered @bamby0304 @dean-winchesters-bacon @justcallmeasmodeus @ldyhawkeye @maddiepants @mariekoukie6661 @mogaruke @mrs-meghan-winchester @stormy-skies-1997 @supernatural-teamfreewillpage-d @waywardbaby
Dean Tags:
@adoptdontshoppets @akshi8278 @bobasheebaby @paranoiadestroyah
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superduckywho · 6 years
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Got my keyboard! Medibang doesn't quite work with the keyboard mode so i'm giving IbisPaint a try. Here's a super rough sketch that I plan to use to put it through the ringers. This is an OC named Jack who is a werewolf.
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tedrick · 3 years
oc name meanings. some are scarily accurate
Agnes De la Rosa - pure, holy, St Agnes is patron saint of girls, of the rose
Josiah Gray - healed, welcoming/pleasing
Corinne Kelly - girl/maiden, bright-headed?
Lucia Caro - Light, dear/beloved
Edgar Graves - prosperity/fortune/spear, head of town?
Susannah Reid - Lily, red
Corbin Wright - little crow, craftsman
Eben Holt - stone/rock, small wood/grove of trees
Cecilia Ayers - blind, heir
Amber Little - jewel, little
Art (Arthur) Andrews - bear/champion, manly
Ben Luna - boy, light
March (Marcelo) Abbot - like a hammer, priest
Jude Keane - praised, battle/distant/long
Taylor Zamora - tailor, wild olives
Robyn Parry - bright famous one, Harry’s son
Eden Houghton - paradise, settlement
Cathy - pure/clear
Keith Harlow - forest, rock/mound/hill
Ethan Wake - strong/safe, vigilant
Christian Covett - christan, covered
Adrien - rich
Hayden Voss - hay field/valley/hill, fox
Tere Montoya - harvest, hills/valleys
Callum Sorel - dove, reddish/chestnut
Gossamer Glasglow - a hollow
Fathom Jackson - jacks son lol
Harvey Duran - strong/worthy, enduring
Leo Vargas - lion, steep slope
Josie Morrison - god will increase????, dark
Devon Banks - defender, ridge/hillside
Tyler Everett - tavern owner, brave/hardy/strong
Dakota Herrera - friend/ally, blacksmith/forge
Lucille Bloom - light, iron worker
Eleanor Fay - light-hearted, fairy/fate/destiny
Angel Murillo - messenger, wall
Nicodemus Worth - victory, enclosure/settlement
Harlow Liu - pile of rocks/hill, kill
Ruby Lopez - red, wolf
Rosario Vergara - rosary
Misha Amato - resembling god, beloved
Nadia Bell - hope, bell ringer
Charlie - free man
Antonio - priceless/flower
Alarick - noble/regal ruler
Dahlia Gunner - dahlia flower, battle/heavy artillery
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pip-the-enby · 7 years
I'm now a member of @ace-diaries! I though I'd do a little "about me", er thing: I'm a Genderfluid Panromantic Asexual being named Steph (assigned female at birth, so don't mind feminine pronouns but prefer neutral ones. I also go by Sirius on my masculine days). I came out 2 years ago as a Genderfluid Pancake (which I find funny as pancakes are my fave food!) I'm British, and reside in the city of Brighton and Hove (which is the LGBTQIA+ capital of Europe I believe). Been here since I was born (so 23 going on 24 years now). I'm also half Irish too. I'm a geek and proud! I also love heavy metal and have been to close to 20 concerts since 2006... My fave bands are AC/DC and Rammstein (been into them since I was 6), and do have some guilty pleasures (like Rhianna and Lady Gaga to name a couple). I'm a Ringer, Hunter, Trekkie and a member of House Stark to name a few (I think there's some more on my profile!). I'm an amateur cosplayer and photographer and also love creative writing (and fan fiction....). Also most of my OCs in my fan fictions are based on me, as I like to add a bit of myself into the story! I love fantasy and science fiction stuff and have had some experience in LARPing, fencing and archery so I like swords and all those awesome weapons. I'm also fascinated with Vlad Tepes/ Vlad the Impaler, Countess Elizabeth Bathory and Jack the Ripper and have been since I was in my early to mid teens......... Although I am Ace, I can watch Game of Thrones and attempt to write smut (in fan fictions) without an issue, but if I were to do that sort of, ahem, "saucy stuff" myself, I'd freak out, so I've come to terms with having Erotophobia. I can be dirty minded at times too (especially when playing Cards Against Humanity, haha!). I've been to quite a few places in the world, but would love to go to Middle Earth- I mean New Zealand..... #SorryNotSorry I can speak and write very basic/ conversational German (I blame Rammstein!), and learnt it in Secondary school. I even went to Aachen a couple of times too. I have quite a few celeb crushes, but my current top 3 are (and have been for a while): Anton Yelchin (R.I.P you sweet Russian cinnamon roll), Karl Urban and Sean Bean. Erm that's all I can think of!
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ckatwriter · 7 years
Sympathy Series Side Stories #7
This one you might have seen me post about before, but that’s only because I liked it so much. I think it’s so very Pinkie Pie.^^
Another one that nearly made it into the story,  and still semi-canon since Pinkie is the only other member of the main 6 that didn’t go anywhere.
Also Marble Cake was a half-baked OC I made up back in 2011 to be a love interest for Pinkie.This was well before Cheese Sandwich took that spot for me, making poor Marble superfluous. (I also had a cheese-related character for AJ to pair off with named Colby Jack. He was to have an Australian accent. :P)
To: Twilight Sparkle
From: Pinkie Pie
Dear Twilight,
Did you get your letter yet from Rainbow Dash? I just got mine in the mail today. It sounds like she is having a lot of fun over at the Wonderbolt Academy. She told me all about how she might get to go to practices, and about how she might get to coach some new recruits, and how she plans on putting them through the ringer and showing them no mercy, and about what she heard about that Lightning Dust mare she was friends with… but if you already got your letter from her you probably know all that stuff already, huh? If not, sorry for the spoilers, try to act surprised.
I know I could just tell you all this stuff the next time I see you, but I left this with Spike just in case I get busy, or you get busy, or we both get busy and I forget to come by and you forget to answer your door. I remember one time you were doing research and Spike told me you were probably drowning in rune translations at the time and to come back later. Glad to know you made it out though.
I was thinking that when Rainbow Dash gets back from the academy we should throw her a party at the library. Well, first I was thinking Sugarcube Corner, but the twins are having a little bit of a sleeping problem at the moment – meaning they aren’t – and so they are sort of up all night and then grouchy in the day time. I think it is because they’re teething, but I can’t be sure. I give them soft cool wet things to chew on to try and make them feel better though. But anyway I figured the party would be more fun without crying foals and/or having to be extra quiet when and if the crying foals actually fell asleep. Mrs. Cake would totally blow a fuse if we woke them from sleep a this point. I don’t know about the decoration situation. If it is gonna be a welcome back party for every pony that left (Rainbow, Rarity, and now I think Fluttershy went somewhere too) then maybe the standard ‘Pinkie Pie Party Plan’ (patent pending) should do the trick. What do you think? (I might just ask the next time I see you)
If it is ok with you to have party at your place, then we can try and schedule it when both she and Rarity come home from their trips. Also before AJ goes off on hers. Boy, it seems like every pony is taking a trip this fall, but I guess as long as it is not a literal fall it’s alright.
When I got my letter from Rainbow Dash, I also got a letter from my pen pal Marble out near Rivertail (before you get to Vanhoover). He’s a relative of the Cakes’, a nephew or a cousin or something, but he’s really nice and has the neatest recipes for breakfast pastries. Anyways, he wrote in his letter that their town’s well (that is supposed to be magical or something, like it grants wishes. Isn’t that neat? I wish I could go to a wishing well, but what if that used up my wish and then I didn’t get another?) kind of just exploded with salamanders the other day. Now I am pretty sure I know what a salamander is, and I know they shouldn’t be living in a well, or at least not that well from how he worded it. Everything was fixed in a jiffy, but it did stir things up in his town because of all the little slippery lizard looking things squirming around.
Marble said they got into his mother’s garden and were just swimming around the flowers… like swimming on top of them. Can salamanders fly? I don’t think they can, but you’re the one who knows about magical creatures. They live in water but some of them (the magical ones) come from fire, right? Maybe I should actually check out a book from the library when I visit you every now and then.
Has Discord ever been that far north before? I mean, I am not saying I think he had anything to do with that, because I know that isn’t close by one of his designated spots to live, and he did make that promise to leave every pony alone and not mess with them… but doesn’t that sound like something weird that he might know about? I sure hope it wasn’t anything to do with him, because I wouldn’t want every pony to be upset with him about something like that. He’s really not that bad, especially now that he’s tried to help us and he’s so close with you and everything.
If I knew where he was I’d ask him myself, but if you see him or know where he is, maybe tell him about what Marble saw. Have you heard from him lately, by the way? (Discord, not Marble). I haven’t seen you heading into the Everfree Forest lately, and I know that is where you go to meet him. Have you been teleporting there? If you ever need some pony to go with, you can always come find me. Just be sure to be quiet if you come around Sugarcube Corner and you don’t hear babies screaming.
Boy, it sure is taking me a long time to write this, Spike’s still here next to me waiting for me to finish so he can take this letter from me. In hindsight I think I should have written this back at home and then come over and given it to him. But I didn’t know if you’d be home yet, or if I should wait around to tell you all this face to face. Spike said you’d be back in a little while, but you know me, I don’t really like to sit for too long, I get sorta distracted.
Anyway, talk to ya soon!
Your Friend,
Pinkie Pie
P.S. Oh wait, you know what? that is you coming inside right now! I guess I can just stop writing this and just tell you. So never mind, ignore this letter. But have a great day anyway, Twilight.
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