#oc kissing meme 2k16
tiefighter · 9 years
gentle smooches with uh, i would say pronine as always but then i remembered that horrid little snippet i wrote three years ago and so YOU CAN PICK ANYONE
It takes some getting used to. Intimacy. It’s not that he’s never had it- it’s rare in their line of work, given that they spend far too much time blowing people up to be, well, in the business of blowing people. Pronine’s used to being woken up by explosions or frantic phonecalls, not gentle kisses along his jaw but he’ll take what he can get. 
“What?” He saks, keeping his eyes closed. It’s honestly just to hear him laugh; Aly’s laugh is warm and rough, just like the rest of him. 
“It’s one in the afternoon. You slept through half the Austen marathon.”
Cracking open an eye, finally, Pronine fixes the younger man with a lazy glare. 
“I guess we’ll just have to start again, won’t we, love?”
They don’t make it downstairs until at least three. 
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tiefighter · 9 years
yes hi hello max is here to kiss klue
“Hello Max, Klue is here to be kissed.” He’s still laughing when she hauls him down, drunk enough that she doesn’t mind when he has to bend more than she’d expected. She kisses him like he’s interesting and he hauls her back inside, out of the hallway. Just in case. 
“...Nah. Lena’s better.” She mutters, and Klue laughs so hard he very nearly hurts himself when he flops back against the wall. 
“Max, honey. You’re gay as shit.”
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