#oc lilja alekov
writer-of-various · 1 year
Lilja: Did you do it?
Lilja: Good job. They would have gotten in the way. You grew too soft.
Richtofen: I know...
Richtofen, looks back at the room and stares at the four head figures of Requiem: I'm sorry.
Dempsey, pats his shoulder: It's okay Doc, they're in a better place now.
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writer-of-various · 6 months
Drownin' In The Rain
(High School AU)
High School isn't easy, there's drama at school and whatever is happening at home, it just ruins a teen's mental health. An unexpected group of teenagers are about to become friends who need a way out of their shitty lives.
WARNINGS: Use of F-Slur, Violence, Bullying, Implied Abuse
Chapter I / Edward
The ringing of an alarm clock forced awake a young man, his eyes opening the slightest bit and a groan left him as bright light peeked through his wearing curtains. He can smell coffee, the aroma wafting through the cool air as he hears soft muffles from beyond his closed door. A heavy sigh escapes him this time as he slams a pale hand on his alarm clock, shutting it up as he forces himself out of the comfort of his bed. The creaking noise it made had him wincing, careful to place his feet on the equally as creaky floor and shivering at the cold touch of tile against his warm feet. He risks a glance at his clock and feels the slightest bit relieved, he didn't snooze it until it was five minutes before the bell rang this time.
He stands up and stretches, walking over to his closet and grabbing whatever he got his hands on first, sleepily wandering into his bathroom and turning the shower on, waiting for the water to warm up before jumping in and cleaning up. After five minutes, he starts to smell French toast and bacon and hurries up cleaning up, throwing his clothes on and scurrying downstairs. He smiles softly at the sight of his sister, Samantha, and his father talking, Sam helping their father set up the table but his eyes narrow slightly at her attire.
"What are you wearing?" He speaks up and gives an apologetic smile when he realizes he startled both of them, his father giving him a warm smile in greeting before turning his attention back to the French toast. Sam, however, rolls her eyes and places a hand on her left hip.
"Clothes, Eddie. I thought that was obvious." She tilts her head to the side, trying to play innocent but her brother wasn't going to deal with her young teenage attitude so early in the morning.
"If you can call those clothes, Sammy." He says the childhood nickname with a bit more bite and it's Samantha's turn to narrow her eyes. "Most of your stomach is showing and those are not even tights. Look how many holes they have!"
"Hey, I don't judge you when you dress like some old man!"
Their father gives her a look and she gives him a smile, "Not that your outfits are bad, vater."
"I hope not. Enough bickering though, sit down, both of you." They comply, giving each other looks before turning their attention to breakfast, their stomachs growling. Once the food was served, they dug in, and their father watched with a small smile as they ate, although the guilt he felt made him sulk as his plate remained empty, his kids not noticing. When they asked for seconds, he was quick to offer the rest of the food from the pan, placing his clean plate back on the disk rack and taking their plates once they were done. He listened idly as they raced back upstairs to finish getting ready before rushing back down and bidding him goodbye as they headed out the door for school, leaving him alone to his thoughts.
"Remember that girl, Vivian?" Samantha speaks up after a long five minutes of silence and Edward turns the volume down on the radio, humming to let her know to continue. "Well...she keeps...confronting me about not being father's real daughter."
Edward swallows hard, looking at his sister when he stops at a red light, his heart tearing at the look of distress written across the fourteen year old's face.
"I'm sorry, Sam. Have you tried talking to an adult about this? I know she's always giving you a hard time–"
"The adults won't do anything, Eddie! They never have, and they never will. We're different from all the other kids, we're adopted! And ever since mutter died, it's been hard to get by! We wear old shoes, we sometimes don't get to eat at home at all, and we barely get to use this old car whenever we get our gas allowance. It sucks." Samantha huffs out a heavy breath, crossing her arms over her chest as she glares out the window. "Father has done so much to keep us fed and protected, so why does he have to struggle so much with money? He saved us."
Edward turns the car into the middle school parking lot and sighs, putting the car into break and turning to face Sam.
"Life is hard, Sam. Life is also very unfair. Father is trying everything he can do to get more assistance, but with the problems going on with the government...we might not get the checks we need to get by. It's bad enough he was furloughed a few months back and he's barely getting his paychecks in. Just hang in a little more, okay? Be strong for father, for us. And Vivian, don't listen to a single piece of shit that comes out of her mouth, because her mother is a cheating whore and her father is a lazy pig who can't even function a hotel." Samantha giggles at that, giving her brother a thankful smile as she leans over to hug him. He hugs her back, not wanting to let go but he does so reluctantly, wanting nothing more to just ease his sister's worries and her troubles.
"Thank you, Eddie. I gotta go, see you later." Sam hurries and leaves the car, racing up the steps inside her school right as the first bell rang, warning students they have a few minutes to get to class. Edward stares at the doors to the school for a minute longer before putting the car into drive and leaving the parking lot, mentally preparing himself for the hell he is about to step into.
High School.
Edward gazed at the whiteboard with a bored expression, having muffled the sound of his English teacher's voice since the old man decided to start giving a lesson. He heard snickers a few seats away from him and turned his head slightly, frowning when he saw some of the stereotypical jocks make crude gestures towards one of their classmates, a pretty girl who's grip on her pencil looked threatening. He spared a glance at the clock and his eyes widened when the bell rang, signaling for lunch. The students in the class hurriedly shoved their notebooks into their backpacks and rushed out of the class for the lunch period, Edward taking his time. He looked over to the girl again and saw her walking up to the teacher, talking to him in a hushed voice but Edward knew what she was requesting: a seat change. The teacher looked over to him and seemed to nod at the girl, stepping back a bit and looking over at him again.
"Edward, can you come here?" The teacher called and Edward nodded, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and cautiously making his way over, avoiding eye contact with the girl. "Ms. Alekov here is looking for a new seat and I was wondering if it'll be alright if she were to take the seat next to yours since Mr. McCain won't be returning this school year."
The girl looks up at Edward, and his breath is caught in his throat at how dark her blue eyes were; they were like a storm in the middle of the Pacific ocean, specks of gray resembling the storm clouds while the blue was the darkened sea.
"Uh, yeah. I don't mind." He stutters out, looking away quickly and their teacher claps his hands together, writing the adjustment on the seating chart and thanking them both.
"Thank you." The girl says quietly to him before walking out of the class, and it takes Edward a few seconds to recover from hearing her soft voice before he rushes out of the class as well. He frowns when he doesn't see her walking down any of the halls, tugging the strap from his backpack closer to him as he heads to the library, not in the mood to go to the cafeteria and face the loudness of rousey teenagers.
Ms. Sophia, the school's beloved librarian, smiles when she sees him enter, immediately standing from her seat and holding up a stack of papers stapled together. Upon closer look, Edward groans as he sees a familiar title, his face heating up.
"Mr. Schuster couldn't keep this to himself, he wants you to use this to apply for that science scholarship!" The older woman says in a chirpy voice. Edward takes his article out of her hands, gazing at the title and although his heart swells with intense pride, his mind sulks because the reality is that he'll never get into the college of his dreams. The money is one problem, his main challenge is his self-confidence.
"I don't know..." He finally says, and Ms. Sophia raises a brow.
"Why not? You're in the top 30 of your class, you have amazing grades and perfect attendance! I know it's still early in the year, but this is Senior year, Edward. This is your time to show all those colleges what you are worth." She gives him a knowing smile and Edward hesitates before nodding, his hands trembling as he can imagine himself applying to Harvard, using this article he wrote to win a huge scholarship that other kids are likely to apply for as well.
"Thank you, Ms. Sophia" Edward gives her a warm smile and the woman nods, grabbing something from behind her desk, handing a tray to Edward.
"I grabbed you lunch, I know you hate the crowds. Come, sit down with me. How's Samantha, a d your father?" Ms. Sophia looks a bit flush at mentioning his father, but Edward pays it no attention and sits across from her, letting himself ramble about Samantha and his father. He never once talked about himself, and Ms. Sophia took note of this, concerned about eating at her but she keeps playing it as typical teenage boy behavior. But...was it really?
The end of the school day brought joy to Edward, his fingers twirling his keys as he made his way across the parking lot to his car. He's oblivious to the tall football player who's following him, his day at its peak when it comes crashing down when he's pulled back from his backpack. He stumbles back, the force knocking him down as his backpack is ripped off of him, the sound of it unzipping forcing him to turn around and narrow his eyes at none other than quarterback Lev Kravchenko. But his eyes widen when he sees the taller boy holding his article.
"What's this I've been hearing so much about?" Lev taunts, flipping through the papers harshly, and Edward moves to stand when the quarterback rips one out from the staple, but he's kicked hard in the chest, falling onto his back. A broken cry leaves him and his face heats up in embarrassment and anger, watching as Lev rips the papers and grins maliciously at him.
"Don't bother applying for that scholarship, Fritz" Lev sneers down at him with disgust, "I mean, did you really think any college would want you, when your own parents didn't?" He moves his leg to kick Edward again when a blur runs past him and Lev is tackled to the floor, a smaller yet well built boy punching him swiftly in the face.
"Fuck off, Kravchenko!" The newcomer growls, grunting when Lev throws him off of him and delivers a punch to his stomach, forcing the younger boy to kneel over and hiss in pain.
"You're going to regret that, faggot." Lev growls, spitting at the boy before stalking off. Edward ignores his ruined papers in favor of the boy, limping over to him and offering his hand, which the younger takes with a grateful smile.
"Ignore that asshole, man. He's just jealous he didn't make team captain." The boy says, looking at Edward and sighing. "Really, man, forget him. And don't let him push you around. Sorry about your papers." Edward recognizes the boy, Tommy, or Tank as he hears people call him. He's the new captain for the football team, the youngest person to be elected as such in their school.
"It's fine, I can get another copy. Will you be alright?" Edward's gaze lands on the bruise around Tommy's left eye, and he knew the boy had it before fighting Lev.
"Yeah, they don't call the Tank for nothing! See you around, man!" Tommy is quick to leave, patting his back on his way out and Edward watches him walk away. He had heard the rumors surrounding the other boy, but he won't be like the rest of his classmates and judge the boy. After all, he did beat up one of his own teammates.
With a heavy sigh, Edward gets in his car and drives to Samantha's school, using all his will to not let his tears fall from his eyes.
Everything would get better.
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writer-of-various · 7 months
1960s AU ft. Primis Crew
AI Art Gens kinda suck on some of these pics, I used photos of the characters to try making them resemble but it's just AI being fucking **** and I stuck at drawing and couldn't find any good Picrews or things that like. If you have links to anything cool like that, feel free to lmk.
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Takeo Masaki, a former college student who was drafted to fight an unjust war. At least he has his best friend by his side. And he'll make his family proud, after disappointing them by going to college and not serving.
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Edward Richtofen is a former scientist who was drafted during the war to become a skilled medic for US Army troops. After a year into his service, he became known as a "doctor" with his intelligence and large set of skills.
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A historian who lost everything, Nikolai Belinski joins the war as a historian, fighting and documenting alongside US troops as he captures the war through writing and film. His goal is to teach the world a valuable lesson. And maybe find a bigger purpose in life to not go back to drinking his life away.
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Tommy "Tank" Dempsey, a young college student who was drafted into the war. He finds himself enjoying the camaraderie, the thrill, and the fact he has his best friend by his side. But war wears people down, and his young naive heart is starting to discover that the world is harsh all over, and he wants to make a difference.
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Lilja Alekov is a young woman who disguised herself as a man to take her brother's place for the draft. War felt like a place for her, but the effort to keep her secret gets tough every day, especially when her team joins forces with an equally as skilled Marines unit.
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writer-of-various · 6 months
Drownin' In The Rain
Chapter II / Tank
A heavy sigh left the young boy's lips once he stepped into the small apartment he called home, his eyes landing on the numerous beer bottles and cigarette butts littering the stained carpet. He expertly maneuvered around the trash, careful with the broken pieces of glass as he practically tiptoed to his room, setting his backpack down on his bed before walking back out and grabbing the broom and dustpan. He cleaned up the mess with an empty expression, taking the full trash bag out of the trashcan and about to tie it to take it out to the dumpster when the front door slammed open and his already drunken out sauntered in, her dark, glazed over eyes landing on him with disgust.
"I always forget I have someone waiting at home for me." She slurs out, looking behind her and the boy straightens up, his blood running cold when a really sketchy guy walks in after his aunt, his eyes immediately falling on him. "Roy, this is Tommy, my nephew. Don't mind him, he won't disturb us. Right, Tommy?"
Tommy swallows the lump in his throat and gives a curt nod, "Yes ma'am."
His aunt smiled, something predatory, "Good boy. Take that out, then go to your room, I don't want to see you out here again."
"Yes ma'am." Tommy repeats, quick to leave the apartment and he feels pathetic when tears sting the edges of his eyelids, wishing he can just run away from the horror that was about to unfold. But he couldn't. His aunt Jenny needed him, and he had nowhere to go. Sometimes he wished he could blame his parents for getting themselves involved in serious crime, but he knew they did it for him. They had no money, they were trying their hardest to give him a better life and he's thankful. He could only pray to them tonight once again, hoping they'll hear him and save him from another night of abuse.
"Faggot." That name, the way Lev Kravchenko stared him down with a gleaming glare, like that bastard knew what went on at home. He didn't. Tommy never wanted any of this.
The next morning, Tommy weighed his options. Go to school, or do what every other teenager does and ditch. The latter option sounded better, he wanted to ditch because his body ached and he felt embarrassed to show up at school wearing his aunt's sunglasses to cover the marks he couldn't hide with makeup. But he's team captain of the football team, and ditching can cost him that title. He couldn't risk it, being put as team captain really saves his ass. Although he couldn't help but feel guilty, his best bud, Peter, had gotten a severe injury after a game and he won't ever be able to play again. Tommy would admit he cried a lot that day, Peter's family always took him in and Peter was just...he was there for Tommy when he needed him. They've been friends since elementary school, and Peter always protected him. But he moved after the injury so he can live closer to all the doctors he needed and Tommy had cried a lot that day too. He could feel the warmth Peter radiated, his charming smile as he embraced Tommy and promised to visit the soonest he can, the promise that after high school they can finally be free.
It's been six months, and Tommy can't help but feel like he's been played. It wouldn't have been the first time it happened, but Peter felt different, he was the only person he could trust.
Somehow, Tommy found himself in front of the high school and rolled his eyes, walking inside and forcing himself to relax as he walked into his second hell. He saw Kravchenko and cursed, instantly ducking into a random classroom and started to close the door when a deep voice spooked him.
"What's got you so jumpy?" Tommy turns around and sees a tall boy staring at him, a large history book in his hands as his piercing blue eyes try staring into his soul. Tommy averts his gaze, suddenly feeling very small and vulnerable and even more embarrassed.
"Nothing. I just thought this was my class..." He knew the excuse was lame, and the other boy knew that too, but he played along and gave him a small smile.
"I can help you find your actual class if you want," the boy offered and Tommy nodded, exhaling shakily as he moved out of the class and watched as the boy set the book down on the empty teacher's desk and walked out into the hall with him. They walked in silence, Tommy feeling eyes on him but for some reason, the presence of the other teenager made him feel...safer. Too bad it won't last for long, when the boy stops in front of his math class and gives him that same smile, but it seems to reach his blue eyes this time.
"I'm Nikolai Belinksi," He reaches out and Tommy flinches, his mind screaming at him when Nikolai frowns and retracts his hand carefully. "It was nice meeting you officially, Tommy." With that, he leaves Tommy standing alone with his intruding thoughts. Fuck, he screwed up bad this time.
"Hey Tak–"
"Whatever you're going to ask, no." Takeo Masaki gave him a look, once that had Tommy frowning and sitting across from him.
"Hey man, you don't even know what I was going to ask you!"
Takeo made a noise, "That's the point, Tank. Why are you wearing those...things."
Tank, such a strong and brave, albeit silly, nickname that Peter gave him during middle school and it has stuck since then. It made Tommy feel better about himself, although lately he was anything but a tank.
"These things are sunglasses, even if fugly. I didn't get much sleep last night, some asshole's dog wouldn't shut up." Tank says with a shrug, purposely avoiding the look of disbelief his best friend gave him but he also chooses not to say anything either, knowing the other teen would refuse any "allegations."
"Are you ready for Mr. Monty's test?" Takeo asks, and Tank groans, slumping in his seat and shaking his head.
"Fuck no, man. That dude wants us all to fail!" Tank complains and Takeo nods, face suddenly solemn.
"He's not the best teacher. But even if I fail this, I am still a disappointment to my family." Takeo mumbles, and Tank sits up and scoots closer to his friend, patting his back comfortingly.
"Hey, screw your family, Tak. Just because you don't want to join the military doesn't give them the excuse to treat you like shit. You have your own life to live, we're entering the 21st century soon, man! Things ought to change, for us. We can't be in the shadows anymore." Takeo smiles and nods, nudging Tank gently.
"Do you tell yourself that?"
Tank thinks for a moment, and when he opens his mouth to lie, Takeo gives him that look again. "No...I don't."
"Then I'll tell you, screw your family. You don't have to be burdened by them forever, you're smart and strong, you should never do something you don't want to do."
Tank gives him a smile, something small that reaches his eyes, trying to ignore the way his heart pounded against his chest as he imagined himself running away from this hellhole. To be free.
"I heard you punched Kravchenko," Takeo speaks up after a moment of silence, and Tank nods. "We should leave then."
"Wh–" "Dempsey!" Before he can react, he's forced out of his seat and slammed against the table, his already bruised abdomen screaming at the pain. He sees Takeo stand, yelling at Kravchenko to leave him alone or else, but two other guys come up and surround him, warning him to not get involved.
Tank is turned around and he glares up at the quarterback, squaring his shoulders as he prepares himself for a fight.
"You fucking thought you can get away with this? You're fucking trailer park trash, Tommy." Kravchenko spat and Tank growls, moving to punch him when the bigger teen grabs his wrist in a bone crushing grasp and punches him in the jaw, the force knocking his head to the side and forcing the sunglasses to fall. He hears everyone gasping, he can heat the chanting, even with the ringing. He doesn't hear a familiar deep voice, he barely registers being freed and he doesn't fucking see Nikolai Belinski beating the crap out of Kravchenko. He grabs his bag and runs out of the cafeteria, shock eating at him as the same thing runs through his mind like a broken record.
Everyone saw the bruises. Everyone saw how weak and pathetic he is. Everyone fucking saw.
He can't go to the apartment, he has nowhere to go. He walks out to the field and goes to the bleachers, throwing his bag on the ground and letting his tears fall as he grabs his hair harshly.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" He whispers, his blood running so cold it feels like he has no skin or muscle to protect his blood vessels.
"Lev Kravchenko is a sorry excuse for a man." A soft voice speaks behind him and he whips around, eyes widening at the sight of a pretty girl he recognizes from some of his classes. "Here," she tosses a cloth to him and a water bottle, but he can only hold the items and stare at her with confusion. She sighs, motioning him to sit and he does so, her figure kneeling in front of him and taking the cloth and water. She pours water on the cloth and wrings out the excess water, holding it up to his face and staring into his eyes.
"Can I?" He nods, and she gently presses it against the corner of his mouth, frowning as he winces from the sting. "Did you get him back worse?"
"Uh...no. I don't know what happened...it was all so fast."
"There you are. Lilja, thank you," Tank looks up and sees Nikolai standing there, out of breath and holding his left hand close to his chest and Tank sees the bloodied knuckles and immediately looks down, guilt eating at him.
"I take it you got him?" Lilja turns her head to look at the other boy and Nikolai gives her a charming grin.
"Of course, I've been waiting to fuck him up for a while. Tommy, do you need to see the nurse?" Nikolai turns his attention back on him and Tank shakes his head, giving Lilja a thankful smile when she nods her head and puts away the cloth.
"No, I'll be fine. I just...I just don't know what to do now. Wait– where's Tak? Is he okay?"
"Of course I am. You worry too much," Takeo comes out from the other side of the bleacher and Tank smiles, his face heating up at the last sentence.
"The staff will be looking for us." Nikolai murmurs, that grin slipping from his face upon realizing that they can get in trouble. He shares a look with Lilja, who shrugs and grabs her backpack the exact time the bell rings.
"I wasn't involved, Nikolai." She says, her eyes staring down at the older teen and he nods, grabbing her hand and holding it.
"Thank you for helping. I'll make sure you aren't mentioned," He looks at Tank, who nods and makes a zipping motion in front of his lips.
"Mine are sealed."
Lilja nods, "Good. I'll see you later."
She walks off without another word and Tank watches her go with a smile, oblivious to the look Nikolai gave him as he turns his attention to Takeo.
"Remember how I said screw your family?" He says, and Takeo nods. "Let's ditch, man." He turns to Nikolai and holds out a hand, "You in too?"
Nikolai and Takeo share a look before grinning, patting Tank on the back as they race over to the fence at the end of the field and hopping over it.
Screw everyone, Tank Dempsey is going to be free one way or another.
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writer-of-various · 1 year
I need this
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But Ultimis and Primis Crew.
And maybe Ultimis and Primis Lilja if anyone wants to draw her 👉👈
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writer-of-various · 5 months
Snippet...[Warnings: N*zis, Strong Language, and the Crew are just a warning to anything]
"I'm done, man, honestly, I'm done." Dempsey shut his eyes, his breathing growing shallow as he struggled to gain control of the anger that is brewing inside him. Richtofen frowned, looking at his teammate and shaking his head.
Dempsey made a noise, like a strangled animal, and jumped up from the old chair he was sitting on, his arms outstretched as he lets out another noise. "I'm done, Eddie! This time travel BS is fucking with us! I mean, come on, the Nazis won? The Soviets won? The US turned into its worst possible nightmare?! Fuck this man, I'm done!"
Nikolai shrugs, "I mean...at least we haven't gone back in time and gotten the Black Plague or went into another universe that was dictated by women." He avoids Lilja's hard stare, her eyes narrowed. Takeo sighs.
"You're making it worse." He mumbles, and Nikolai gives him a look.
"Worse? No, I'm trying to say that what we've seen so far is nothing compared to what could possibly await us. We've chased after some stupid piece of uranium, we're looking for some artifact, we encountered a crazy group of people from the future of another world that plans to use zombies to gain control of their world– I mean, how can anything possibly get worse, actually?"
"Alright, you better shut up before I knock all your teeth out. I'm sorry this isn't going according to plan, but if we decide to avoid this, then everything we've known is completely fucked. Our old lives were the same, fighting the undead constantly while we followed him," Lilja points at Richtofen, who gives a small, sheepish smile. "We died so many times, we sacrificed so much. But Samantha needs us. The universes are merging, and if we don't stop it, we can face a death more horrific and real than we have ever gone through."
Dempsey sighs, nodding his head while walking closer to the group. "I know...I'm sorry. It's just...these different versions of us...Vietnam? Post World War Two? Fuck, being royalty? How do we know that this...is actually who we are?"
"Because we remembered each other. The dreams, the memories...I've told you all this before and you better start believing it. Fate brought us together. In a horrible way, but we found each other again. And I think now, that's all that matters." Lilja offers him a smile, but it doesn't reach her eyes. Dempsey doesn't notice this and smiles back, nodding his head once more and rubbing his hands together, the light returning to his eyes.
"Alright, where to next then?"
As Lilja explains their next objective, she can't help but think back to her sadistic self. She knew everything her previous selves have went through, the troubles they endured in both World Wars by the Russians and then Germans. To see her Ultimis self joining the Germans, to becoming a sick person who loved to get her next thrill by torturing POWs and traitors of Germany?
To see Richtofen growing more insane by the second, his desire to rule the world so unreal, so different, even from his Ultimis self. And the brainwashings, how they changed Dempsey and Takeo. Dempsey, someone who loves to help others and has a big heart, to be changed to a supersoldier with no empathy or that childlike light in his eyes. Takeo, someone who knows the pressure of being honorable and someone who takes his actions into full responsibility, to be so reckless and bloodthirsty.
And Nikolai, to betray his home, his people, to indulge in severe drinking and drug use and to be...she can't describe it. It makes her stomach churn, to have seen them in their worst versions, to force the boys to see themselves like that?
The outcome of World War Two was always a big topic among everyone, the 'what ifs' like a scary story. What if Germany won? What if the Soviets caused a nuclear fallout? What if the USA finally pursued Manifest Destiny? What if all the countries that have abused by bigger powers teamed up and caused another war? Her country being the cause of another war.
"Lilja, you okay?" Richtofen looks at her with a questioning gaze, and it makes her feel so...vulnerable. She wants to cry. She wants to just say "Fuck it", and give up. She doesn't want to see what else awaits them. She doesn't want these memories, she never wanted them, she never asked for them. They weren't a gift, they were a curse. Like being chosen by the supposedly dead Kronorium.
Instead, she forces another smile and nods. "Yes, I am. Let's get to work, the fate of all humanity depends on us."
There's no hope for wherever they go next. Because it's another death Lilja is going to be pained with.
So I planned, like a year or something ago, to try continuing the Zombies storyline since these recent CODs have been disappointing in continuing Cold War's story. I haven't published much story content, rather Headcanons and short snippets here and there. I'm not even sure if I have actually discussed this topic with y'all. But, basically, in these storyline, I chose my OC, Lilja, to be the new leader of the crew. She is chosen to attain all memories from her Ultimis and Primis selves, and she has to reunite the crew after Samantha Maxis manages to contact her with many warnings, the main one being that all universes could merge and humanity could end once that happens. If this wasn't OC led, Dempsey would have been the "Chosen One" and have been the new leader.
Anyways, basically they are guided by Samantha (and sometimes the evil forces from the Dark Aether who disguise themselves as Samantha) to time travel and jump universes to find objects that can help them in the final battle against the Dark Aether to save Samantha and basically the whole fucking universe.
The Crew has to jump universes to not only find significant artifacts, but they have to kill the different versions of themselves, and killing another version of themselves is painful in pretty much all the senses (for example, Nikolai shooting another version of himself in the head gives him a horrible headache.)
This snippet takes place after the crew finds themselves in an alternate universe where Germany won WW2 and took control of pretty much the whole world (with some territories given to its Axis Powers allies.) The versions of the crew are, as you can imagine, terrible and troubled and it affected the crew a lot to see themselves represent themselves as followers of the Nazi party. It's hard enough for me to write shit like that, but the What Ifs of World War Two are always a big topic among pretty much everyone and I couldn't ignore the opportunity of putting this theory to the test with our crew, who are World War Two oriented.
So this is basically what I've planned to write, and I might not even the get the chance to actually write a full on story about this potential work of continuing the zombies storyline (this is all my own opinions) since I won't get the chance to actually see how Gulf War's zombie storyline works out. Anyways, I hope you somewhat enjoyed this and I understand if you just left midway through my rant.
Have a wonderful day!
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writer-of-various · 5 months
Their Eyes / Part I / Lilja Alekov
"There was a storm brewing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the dark grey thunder clouds completely covering the sky, turning the deep blue tides into a darker color, something deep and rich and beautiful but also so frightening and cold. Her eyes, a dark blue that isn't too blue or too black or too light. They are the ocean. They hide so much, and it only proves my ally, Lilja Alekov, to be an enigma that I should have put more thought and caution into." [Edward Richtofen's Diary Entry about Lilja Alekov.]
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writer-of-various · 6 months
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writer-of-various · 2 years
*at an awards show*
Nikolai: Can I carry you on my back like Richtofen did?
Lilja: I don't think Dempsey would like that.
Nikolai: *pouts*
Nikolai: *carrying Lilja on his back*
Dempsey: What the hell??
Lilja: What was I supposed to do? Say no?
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writer-of-various · 2 years
Richtofen, flirting shamelessly with Nikolai:
Nikolai, replying back with smug and flirty comments:
Lilja, Dempsey, Takeo: I want new parents...
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writer-of-various · 1 year
Samantha: Eddie isn't completely heartless
Eddie: Yeah! Wait, what?
Samantha: Yeah, you let me take Grey out for dinner. Best night of my life, and hers.
Dempsey: *trying not to laugh at Eddie's shocked expression*
Lilja: Damn, really Doc?
Eddie: I thought it was a joke...you're...?
Samantha: Gay? Ja.
Eddie: I want to hug you, but it's going against my morals of hating you...*hugs her anyway*
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writer-of-various · 1 year
Richtofen: I mean. Lilja's just standing there now.
Richtofen: Waiting for me, I guess.
Richtofen: But it's okay, I think she's pretty much settled down.
Nikolai: Settled down?
Richtofen: Well, she only stabbed me once.
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writer-of-various · 2 years
Lilja: I think I love you...
Dempsey, tearful: I love you too
Nikolai, hugging both of them: I love you both!
Takeo, grabs their hands: I love you all too.
Edward, kisses each of them: I don't deserve such wonderful people like you. I love you.
The Four: We love you too, Eddie!
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writer-of-various · 2 years
So I decided to give our beloved zombie crew (and my oc) their own theme songs, which are the Easter Egg songs. I will also dissect the lyrics for you all and give a personal meaning and connection of the song to its character. I know most of the Easter Egg Songs are usually reserved for Samantha, but I managed to get some lyrics and hidden meanings I want to show you all. This is just headcanon and fun, so I hope you all enjoy!
Lilja – Shockwave
Dempsey — Where Are We Going?
Takeo — Archangel
Richtofen — Beauty of Annihilation
Nikolai — Abracadavre
Samantha — 115
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writer-of-various · 2 years
Ultimis/Primis Crew (w/OC) Headcanons Pt. I
Richtofen is the oldest, Lilja the youngest
Dempsey dyed his hair blonde before going to the Pacific Theater
No one in Ultimis is sane, Primis Dempsey is the sanest
Lilja scares the boys
Richtofen often, unintentionally, acts like a mama hen ("That's the pee pee corner, that's the poo poo corner" "Don't drink that, Nikolai!" "Nein, you're running a fever Dempsey!" "Lilja, be careful! Bitte." "Takeo, take this. Are you cold? Do you need anything else? Are you hungry?")
Lilja probably is the man of the group ("SPIDER!!!! LILJA HELP!" "For fucks sake, Nikolai, it's a leaf!")
Ultimis Dempsey and Lilja love each other
Primis Dempsey, Nikolai, and Lilja love each other
Dempsey is a bottom.
They often sing songs, only to fight if one of them gets a verse wrong
Lilja is the chosen one, having to remember everything and face those memories alone
Ultimis Richtofen has an odd obsession with Nikolai, hates Dempsey, is suspicious of Takeo, and is scared of Lilja
Primis Richtofen likes Takeo, empathic to Dempsey, strained relationship with Nikolai, and is trying to be better for Lilja (he might also have a *small* crush on her)
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writer-of-various · 2 years
Just an idea...
Nikolai: Oh no, the baby fell down!
Lilja: Is the baby okay?
Dempsey, blushing and pouting: YOU'RE A YEAR OLDER THAN ME, LILJA! I'm not the baby!
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