#oc olivia
precambrianhottopic · 2 months
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(ref under the cut ->)
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mynamesaplant · 2 months
The Headspace that is Grief (Ch. 2)
Summary: The grieving process is different for everyone, Emmet and Olivia know that first hand but they just don't know it yet. Sometimes it takes another person experiencing the same things as you to move through those feelings. Together, they learn and grow with their grief and each other.
In this chapter: Emmet starts making a few changes to Olivia's home and she's unsure how to take them, or her new tenant.
Notes: This is a short chapter by comparison to others, but it's more for set-up than anything. This was not beta read - so if there are spelling or grammatical errors, let me know. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!~
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Over the course of the next week, Mr. Emmet made a lot of changes that weren't strictly part of the rental agreement. She could tell he combed over it carefully, not disobeying any of the rules she set in place, but Olivia was starting to find some of his realistic and reasonable “things” involved a lot of renovation.
"There was not anything in the lease agreement that said I could not."
Mr. Emmet said as Olivia stormed up to him. He was meticulous. He was selecting things that he knew she wouldn't object to if she really paused to consider it. Better internet access with underground cables running from Cedaridge, a bigger generator to replace the old one that had seen better days, and he had a replacement fridge in mind from the moment he saw her old one.
That was the one she fought him the most on, but Mr. Emmet was quick to assure her that none of these changes were going to come out of her own pocket. He warned her that he was going to have an electrician come in and upgrade the wattage of her house and all the outlets, that was when Olivia told him that she couldn't allow any more changes.
"I will require no more after that."
He said patiently, offering her a smile. He knew that she was very unlikely to object, not without being completely unreasonable. That, Emmet had clocked right away. She had outlined all other aspects of his lease, but this had been a pretty big blind spot that he conveniently neglected to expound upon. He was referring to them as cosmetic changes or necessary upgrades made by the tenant at the tenant's expense.
She left the house, Raichu and Infernape in tow as she tried not to be annoyed with the workers who were fundamentally changing her home. He watched her go with whatever guilt he was feeling shoved off to the side to be examined later.
In town, Olivia took refuge in her still closed for the season shop. It would be opening soon, so she figured might as well clean up here. She would also have to talk to Hayate about working the shop this season, knowing this was his last year before he went off to university.
He was a moody boy, but he had a passion for plants, which was the only reason entrusted her shop to him. The lock clicked and the door swung open, the closed sign still flipped toward the street when she shut the door behind her.
"Alright guys. Let's get this place cleaned up for Hayate."
Olivia rolled up her sleeves and pulled her hair back into a bun, knowing she was going to get pretty gross cleaning this place up. She handed Raichu a feather duster and told him to shoo away any stray Bug Pokémon hiding in the curtains. Infernape was also on dust duty, getting any loose debris on the floor for Olivia to sweep up before he hopped on window duty, a spray bottle and rag in his hands. With his climbing and jumping skills, he was usually done pretty fast.
"Keep going in here. Don't forget the vents and fans in the back, Raichu, okay?"
She heard a dutiful squeak before she stepped onto the street to view the exterior with a sigh. It really needed a fresh coat of paint. It hadn't received one in nearly five years, and it was starting to show when you looked at the cracked and sun-bleached sills.
She knew if she asked Ethan to do it, he would get it done in a weekend for a pack of beer. Hayate would be too busy with cram work. She didn't want to hire a crew to paint, it would cost her an arm and a leg... Ethan was her best choice. She would go see him and her best friend when she was done cleaning up.
Olivia's mind shifted back to her new tenant with a frown. She was trying to be understanding, but she also felt a little insulted that he was taking over her home. Mr. Emmet intimidated her slightly, something about his expression and intensity that made her a little nervous. She was glad she had the foresight to put that clause to evict him if she thought he couldn't handle living there, but that would only be applicable with the change in seasons.
For now, she would put up with the changes - many of them were for the better and he had assured her that none of them were temporary once he vacated. They were hers to keep.
"A token of my thanks."
He had said, just a touch sheepish, before she stormed out of her home. Realistically, how long could or would Mr. Emmet want to stay? Olivia guessed a year at best. If he stayed any longer, she would be very surprised. She looked at the empty pots in the sill boxes, her face falling into a steep frown as she remembered she would have to transplant her gracideas soon. ------------------------------------------
Gina opened the door and lifted Olivia off her feet with the tight hug she engulfed her in.
"Livvy! So good to see you. It's been an age. Ethan just finished up dinner, but there’s plenty enough for another plate."
A warmth settled in her chest while she was ushered inside and to a dinner table. The LeMars were the closest thing she had to family anymore and it was always so nice to feel so welcomed in their home. Gina's two girls greeted her with a barely contained excitement,
"Auntie! Mama helped me catch a Buizel down by the coast last week."
"Oh yeah?"
Olivia hummed curiously, listening with rapt attention to Sierra's story while Gina, not so surreptitiously, piled her plate high. Conversation was light for the duration of the meal, but once Gina started a fire outside and Ethan put the girls to bed, Olivia knew she was going to be offered a drink and to have a more serious chat outside. She didn't fight it.
"Are you sure you're okay with painting this weekend? I don't want to stress you out."
"Nah, I like to be busy."
Ethan replied, bringing up a glass to his lips with a congenial smile. Gina slid into her line of vision, effectively interrupting their conversation.
"There's been a lot of trucks headed up your way, Livvy. Doing a little remodeling finally?"
Olivia's face turned crimson, and she looked towards the flame, a spike of guilt lancing her heart at the thought of how much was changing.
"I-It’s not me. I have a new tenant and he's... weirdly specific."
Ethan and Gina exchanged looks, what did that mean? Olivia shifted in her chair, hiding a grimace in her glass of beer. She tried to change the subject, joking about losing Hayate next year and having to hire Sierra, but Gina leaned forward.
"Why is a tenant making so many changes to your house?"
Although Olivia had brushed it off with a joke about how Mr. Emmet was footing the cost and had forced the topic of conversation to other things, she wondered to herself why she was accepting these changes with less of a fight. A few days into residence and he was already turning her life upside down - what did the mean for their remaining lease? She could have told him no. She could have forced him to stop his renovations or expelled him... But she hadn't. Although frustrated, she didn't kick him out.
She returned home and found Mr. Emmet reorganizing his room, looking at what appeared to be a small, framed picture that he set abruptly face down when Olivia stuck her head in to apologize for not providing dinner. His posture relaxed a little, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him.
"I am Emmet. I ordered some food from town. The fried rice was good... I, uh... I bought you some."
"Oh," Olivia was a little stunned by his foresight. "Thank you. I ate at a friend's house, but I'll probably eat it tomorrow."
"Ah..." He trailed off, something about his posture was nervous and Olivia couldn't help but wonder if something had happened. She was reminded of a little kid who was trying to hide a broken vase. "You left earlier. You were upset with me. Because of the changes."
He tapped his fingertips together, searching for words to apologize in a reasonable way. Olivia raised her eyebrows as he released a held breath, the apology sincere, if a little rushed sounding.
"Thank you." She replied, nibbling her lower lip, and folding her arms over her chest. "You're very observant, Mr. Emmet, and you were within your rights, according to our agreement... It's just - It's hard to see so many changes so quickly."
It was her turn to trail off, to half turn and take great interest in the wilted flowers set in a vase on her table. She didn't notice the little tilt to his head when she said that or how his grey eyes seemed to soften imperceptibly when she had her back to him. She tended to her flowers, filling the vase with fresh water, and returning it to the table just as Mr. Emmet said he was going to turn in for the night.
"If you find any issues, please let me know right away. I will have them handled right away. Yup."
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waluigis-elbow · 6 months
take my sily oc
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her (stage) name is Olivia, and shes a model and seamstress
(i promise shes not a witch)
varients of art
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zexal-club · 7 months
Here's a bunch of Olivia's facial expressions/sprites
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@yukii0nna @marrondrawsalot @gritsandbrits @kousaka-ayumu @darkicewolfknight @soprinceblizzard
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
For Both of You: Chapter Index
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Status: Ongoing
Summary: EZ finds himself quickly falling head over heels for Olivia, not scared off at all by the fact that loving her also means loving her 10-year-old son, Javier, too. Despite all of the things trying to pull them apart, they are determined to stay together and create their own little family. EZ didn't think that he would be able to step up to the plate until he had no other choice.
Chapter list under the cut!
Main Character(s): EZ Reyes, OC Olivia Castellano, OC Javier Castellano
Chapter List: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight
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oli-and-val · 1 year
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And here is our second half of the oc duo, Olivia
She is the creator of Valerie and various other animatronics, and is the resident expert of all things robotics in the pizzaplex. She has worked there since day one
Totally has her own workshop in her home's basement too
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Clavell writing notes in the margins of his notebook during a meeting but after a while he realizes he's just been writing Olivia's name in flowery script like a highschooler
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ratnukegenius · 2 years
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[ ID in alt. ]
this was my piece for the one year anniversary for PROLEGOMENON... drawing it was kind of hell on earth but i'm still pretty proud of it. putting an ID on this one and writing all the tags is also super messed up because of how much is going on here but it's still fun.
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pyjamac · 1 year
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icarian-angel · 2 years
are any of your ocs friends with each other, or enemies or it's complicated?
my babies (tommy, arlo, and beau) from ghosts wip are becoming best friends (and lovers? perhaps? idk) as the story goes on :D
and noah, zilli, and olivia from flood wip are besties and queer-platonic partners for many years!! they are so lovely
ray and auri have not canonically met but ray kind of. stole a bunch of auri's stuff when kit came to the world so if auri finds out there will be a fight
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bug-s0da · 1 month
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i made an aa/lawyersona of @snapscube :3 we all know and love the lawyer+silly girl duos of ace attorney but it's about time the silly girl became the lawyer
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one track mind, one track heart
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mynamesaplant · 1 month
The Headspace that is Grief (Ch. 7)
Summary: The grieving process is different for everyone, Emmet and Olivia know that first hand but they just don't know it yet. Sometimes it takes another person experiencing the same things as you to move through those feelings. Together, they learn and grow with their grief and each other.
In this chapter: A trip to Spear Pillar ends more poorly than expected.
Notes: Sorry this is a day late, I've been playing a lot of Stardew Valley, so that's had my whole focus for like... over a month now? Damn. This was not beta read - so if there are spelling or grammatical errors, let me know. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!~
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The summer passed by with record speed. It was early fall before they knew it. Neither Emmet nor Olivia saw much of each other, both entirely engrossed in their work. Olivia was running all over the place in her little truck, often leaving some breakfast for Emmet in the fridge and gone all day. The bed packed to the brim with pre-packaged pints and bushels, she was taking her weekly tours to her merchants. Many trips to Hearthome for the bakery serving poffin and to Snowpoint to take the ferry to the Battle Frontier. She had a circuit, trying to tackle certain parts of the region in sections so she wasn’t running from Snowpoint to Sunyshore in the span of a day.
When she wasn’t running all over Sinnoh to make deliveries, she was at home working on her online orders and store or taking packages to her physical storefront in Cedaridge. If Emmet hadn’t been so consumed with his research on the legendaries of the region, he would have tried to offer his assistance to her more. He did try to a few times, but he learned to stop pressing the issue early one morning when she slammed her truck door a little too hard as she got in.
The wordless ‘no’ reminded Emmet of his time still working the whole of the Battle Subway on his own. Singles and Double lines. The Multi lines were closed for the foreseeable future. His resistance to accept any help from his coworkers or friends. She was the same. She accepted help from Hayate, and only Hayate, when it came to her plants and berries. Emmet supposed it was her pride getting in the way, probably a little bit of guilt too. If she couldn’t do this, what else might she not be able to manage? He could sympathize, but also knew it was an unhealthy mindset. But it also wasn’t his business. His energies were elsewhere anyway.
The libraries at Canalave and Celestic had produced plenty of information on legends and myths, but nothing on how to summon them. He had asked Cynthia to take him to the ruins at the top of Mount Coronet and she did with no argument, but no amount of communing or praying had ever earned a response. The mountain remained eerily silent. It vexed him because he was close – so close in fact that he could taste it and to be denied again and again… He wasn’t going to let it stop him now.
“Miss Olivia?” She was hunched over her fossil of a computer, tack-tack-tacking away at some financial report she was running from what Emmet could see over her shoulder. No reply. He said her name again a little louder. “Olivia?”
It came out as a stressed sigh and Emmet almost bit back his question. Almost.
“Do you know the route to get up to Spear Pillar?”
The tapping of keys ceased. Olivia swiveled around in her desk chair, her mouth pulled into a frown and eyebrows drawn tight. He wanted to go to Spear Pillar?
“I do, but an older couple run a business in Celestic to take people up to see the various ruins on the mountain. If that’s-”
“No!” Emmet said abruptly, not wanting to go back to town and accidentally run into Cynthia anytime soon. She was polite and usually quite helpful, but Emmet couldn’t help but feel like she was holding something back. Not that he knew what that something was. “I mean – I would just like to see Spear Pillar.”
“Er,” Olivia turned back to her computer and clicked her virtual calendar. Studying it once it had taken its sweet time loading in, she said over her shoulder, “I can show you a little later tomorrow, if that’s alright?”
“That sounds perfect. Yup. I will be here all day tomorrow. Grooming day.”
She tried to hide her cringe when she tapped in her “appointment” with Mr. Emmet around 7. It would still be light enough to get there and back, she could order dinner from Toubuchi Udon, and crash. Already slated to be a long day, Olivia was already dreading it in the back of her head.
“Alright, you’re on my schedule, Mr. Emmet.”
She chirped, unaware how much her voice was slipping into the one she used for customer service. The Subway Boss noticed but made no comment. Probably just tired.
“Verrrrry good.”
Emmet headed to his room, listening in the dark to his landlord move around and speak quietly to Pokémon before she went upstairs. He was almost positive that this time at Spear Pillar would be just as fruitless as all the other times at, but he was nothing but relentless.
The following day was a lot of polishing and brushing and scrubbing. His decision fell in tandem with Galvantula’s and Haxorus’ molts. He and Ingo did their best to keep up with grooming, but it was especially crucial for Galvantula. Her limbs would start to lock up until she freed herself from her old shed.
Haxorus was rubbing up against everything, little flakes drifting off her hide like grayish snow. The dragon lounged in a large, inflatable kiddie pool, she needed to be hydrated during her sheds, and Garbodor was helpfully scooping cups full of water to get the portions of Haxorus not in the pool.
Emmet sat cross legged on the grass, absently polishing Klingklang’s and Durant’s while he kept tossing little glances to Galvantula, who lay on her back writhing and squirming as her shed came off inch by inch. She was still on her back as Emmet finished removing the soot and polishing the glass on Chandelure’s body. He had intended to help Archeops with his preening, but he took a detour to check on her.
“Hello little lady, do you require assistance?”
Galvantula hissed in response, struggling to free her legs from her shed, but Emmet never touched without permission. A few more moments of struggling, a few Joltiks chirping beside her to cheer her on, the Electric type freed herself.
“Good girl. Take a break now.”
Swarmed by her younger siblings, Galvantula chittered and righted herself to lay in the sun for her dewy fresh limbs to harden.
Miss Olivia’s Pokémon were also in the garden, seemingly interested but not approaching, they were focused on tending to the green space in their trainer’s absence. She always seemed to be grooming Raichu, his affinity for sweets often made his glossy coat feel tacky. It looked to be a very labor intensive and precise procedure, so she might not appreciate him attempting to clean the Electric Pokémon up. He severely doubted Infernape would allow him to be that close to him for an extended period of time for a necessary groom. So, Emmet left them alone.
Archeops was usually on top of his own maintenance, but the Subway Boss still liked to help him preen to build a stronger relationship with the fossil Pokémon. Tweezing erupting pin feathers delicately to remove the waxy tips. Just like with Eelektross, Emmet also filed the Rock type’s nails.
Crustle was already underground to find fresh soil for his new shell. Emmet explicitly told him to stay out of Miss Olivia’s garden and, so far, he hadn’t seen any disturbed areas on the property, so he must have been somewhere else on the mountain. While he filed Eelektross’ nails, checking his fins and mouth for any signs of parasites – not that that would ever happen! Emmet took verrrrry good care of his and Ingo’s Pokémon – he wondered if Crustle’s new shell would be noticeably different from the Unovan one. Professor Juniper would have found the topic fascinating – Burgh too, probably.
Excadrill was pawing at himself with a growl, trying to loosen the caked-on mud and dirt on his slackened skin. Of all his Pokémon, Miss Olivia really seemed to like Excadrill. With his help she was able to move whole portions of her orchard around without completely destroying the root systems. She was out there every day with the Ground type as he toiled away underground until everything was where she wanted it to be. Excadrill loved the work, he loved digging and burrowing, which was not something he could have done easily in Nimbasa. Ingo often took him to Route 4 to play and dig as he pleased, but this was more of the soil that his species was used to.
It took a good hour and a half of brushing with an undercoat brush, and that was already after scrubbing him with a bristle brush to rid him of mud and plastered on to him. The really caked-on stuff was at the base of his claws and at the sharp helmet-like ornament on his head, but there was plenty of dust hidden in his dense fur. Last was polishing for Excadrill and he tottered off to doze next to Galvantula and the Joltiks.
“One more.”
Emmet said to himself. He refused to think about it. He refused to get his hopes up. Just focus on cleaning up his team. He was not going to allow himself to get impatient as he waited for Miss Olivia.
There was no cleaning Garbodor. He tended to groom himself anyway in his own strange way, but he never smelled bad. Trubbish and Garbodor could actually produce a rather pleasant odor around people who loved them and took care of them properly, like he and Ingo did.
So that left Haxorus, who had pretty much shed on her own. Emmet tested parts of her tail, noting that beneath was neither sticky nor gooey and gently peeled. Haxorus’ scales shone brightly, grumbling with delight as her tusks received a good scrubbing, polishing, and filing. Everyone was all cleaned up and Emmet’s stomach was rumbling.
Miss Olivia’s Pokémon followed him back inside. He was positive that Infernape still didn’t really trust him, but Raichu seemed more intrigued by him than anything. Electric types always had an affinity for him and Elesa. Their mutual interest actually got their foot in the door in terms of friendship. Emmet went on a few dates with her before she had come out.
“It’s not you!”
Elesa had told him in a panic, but Emmet didn’t take it that way. He came to the realization that he was gay after the dates he had had with her, so he understood. After that they remained really good friends. Ingo too.
Raichu hovered around him, an arm length or two away from him as Emmet slapped together a sandwich with some pickles on the side. Deli meats were not too common unless Emmet specifically went out to look for them in Jublife or Canalave, but he had come to enjoy fried chicken cutlets with some lettuce, mayo, and mozzarella. His time with Miss Olivia had nudged him into being a little more adventurous, but she also accepted his limitations… She really was a kind person.
Almost like he had read his mind, Raichu chirped and moved closer, cozying up to Emmet.
“Hello. I am not giving you treats.”
The Pokémon didn’t seem interested in treats or his food. His soft fur against his neck made a shiver run up his spine because it was triggering the same sensation one might get if they were being tickled. He stifled a chuckle, his shoulder shifting to guard his exposed neck when Raichu’s tail twisted lazily around his bicep. Small paws kneaded his stiff shoulder, the Pokémon rubbing his head against him with small, happy cheeps.
“I am Emmet. What are you doing?”
It didn’t seem like a big deal. Just the Pokémon warming up to him. He allowed it, sitting down to eat his lunch as Raichu got comfy.
Olivia arrived home a few hours later to discover a funny scene. Raichu was sleeping on Mr. Emmet’s chest on the couch, the man himself just scrolling through his phone with one hand and stroking her Pokémon’s head with the other.
“Sorry, he can be annoying when he wants affection.”
Mr. Emmet glanced around at her, scooping Raichu up with one arm to sit up right.
“I do not mind. He is very soft.”
“He gets salt baths and a good brush down every week.”
“I noticed. And Infernape?”
“Grooms himself, but I try to comb him every so often. He’s very particular… Ready for a little hike?”
Emmet was already moving around the room. He had been ready hours ago. He was using the grooming as a distraction, but his mind was buzzing like a swarm of angry Beedrill. This would always happen when he was closing in on a lead. Don’t get your hopes up. Manage your expectations.
Considering how close Cedaridge was to the top of Mount Coronet, it didn’t take as long to get to Spear Pillar as it had with Cynthia. Emmet already knew the drill once they exited the tunnel and felt the pressure and drop in temperature, he had taken the time climbing up the underground path to button up his coat to the collar. He was about to bypass Miss Olivia and head up the stairs toward the dais, when he felt something holding fast to his sleeve.
His knee-jerk reaction was to yank out of her grasp, not that Olivia was surprised. His expression was unreadable for a moment, an odd mix of apprehension and exasperation, before Mr. Emmet recomposed himself.
“Sorry,” she replied sheepishly, putting her hands up and away from him. “Here. I usually take a second to pay my respects before coming up here.”
Rummaging through her pocket, she produced two berries. Two Lansat berries. They were hell to grow, but they were for very special occasions. A pocketknife was able to crack its shell and she worked it open until she reached the fruit within.
Emmet watched her place one down on the stairs before she handed him the knife and the other berry. Okay. She really wanted him to do this. He didn’t really understand why. Cynthia hadn’t made him do anything. However, he obliged. Perhaps some sort of superstition for the inhabitants of the mountain.
He hadn’t seen many Lansat berries, but he was under the impression that the red shell was also edible. Pokémon seemed to eat it with no trouble, but he had a delicate human mouth.
He placed the berry down by hers and was about to step over them when Miss Olivia cleared her throat.
“This is a divine place, Mr. Emmet.”
He muttered, stepping back into line with her and copying her closed eyes and hands clasped in front of her… Well, for the most part. The Subway Boss kept peeking to see if she was finished, unsure what exactly he was supposed to be doing. The gym leader in Johto had a similar expectation of him - Clair, was it? No, that was the Dragon’s Den. She had just expected him to battle to prove his worth. He more than met her high expectations. No, it had been Morty at the Brass Tower and then the Tin Tower. He had stopped and bowed his head, mumbling something to himself in reverence, and waiting for Emmet to do the same. Miss Olivia expected the same.
It wasn’t that Emmet was unaware of or against any particular religious belief, he just never really got religion. Yes, he had respect for everyone’s beliefs - but praying, burning incense, bowing? It didn’t quite click. He often humored whoever, but it often left him scratching his head.
Emitting a soft sigh through his flared nostrils, Emmet closed his eyes. He had realized just how much his eyes ached as he closed them, like he hadn’t blinked in a long time.
I am Emmet. I do not know what to say… I want to find my brother. Please help me find Ingo. I would do anything for him.
“Okay, thank you, Mr. Emmet.” That was the only response he received. He opened his eyes. The fruit still sat on the stairs, uneaten and fragrant at his feet. Emmet stepped over them and made his way slowly toward the dais. “Sorry. I was always taught to treat places like this with respect. You never know who’s watching.”
He replied with a grunt and began to weave his way between the pillars, examining every inch of the place and Olivia watched him work meticulously while she stood by the head of the stairs. It was odd. This place had a presence. Pressure on your body. A low hum that would rattle your bones and make your vision go fuzzy. Spear Pillar was ancient, and it demanded your respect. Mr. Emmet was not being disrespectful, but Olivia had always been taught not to upset things bigger than yourself if you could avoid it.
She had never been particular good with prayers, but she gave it a shot. Something was better than nothing. Hugging herself, she waited and waited for Mr. Emmet to approach the dais.
“Do you know much about the ruins?”
“No, not really.”
She replied truthfully. Olivia had played in the mountain ruins a lot as a child with her best friend, but never Spear Pillar. It was just a little too far, a little too difficult to get to, and a little too daunting to approach. Even now that sense of fright still sat on her chest as heavy as a Copperajah.
“Used to be a place of worship for the ancient people of Sinnoh. It changed hands a couple of times. Supposedly, a great disaster made it look like this.”
Mr. Emmet gestured at all the broken pillars from which the place derived its name. That made sense. It must have fallen into a state of disrepair from the disaster and continued to deteriorate after its destruction, people gradually moving away from the place to leave it in isolation on top of the mountain.
“I wouldn’t have pinned you as a history buff, Mr. Emmet.”
He looked slowly around at her, his brow furrowed, and the corners of his mouth flattened out, which was the closest he could get to a frown he could get she had discovered. He said he wasn’t. Olivia wasn’t sure if she was convinced. Mr. Emmet seemed to realize that and quickly clarified.
“It is not a passion. It is a necessity.”
“Why is a necessity?” He didn’t answer, his gray eyes scanning over the pictograms and symbols on the dais, and they flashed momentarily angry. Why did he feel so close? What on earth was he missing? “Well, if you want to know more about the ruins, there’s a tour group in Celestic that-”
“I have already spoken to Cynthia. I have already spoken to everyone I can think of. All tracks lead to empty stations. By the sacred swords, this is infuriating!”
Emmet did not notice her flinch or spot her edging away. What she said next was soft and sheepish, she did not know how much it sounded like pity.
“I’m sorry.”
It was not remotely her fault. Emmet just needed to get this frustration out. This place was hiding secrets and he desperately wanted to know them. A pent-up fury that had been building and building since he first started this journey was starting to reach critical mass inside the Subway Boss. All the dead ends, all the false hope, all the detours and delays – Emmet just wanted his brother back. His brother, who would have never left him by choice. His brother, who loved him, and who he loved in return. Ingo, his brother, his twin, his closest companion, and confidant, was just out of reach and Emmet was tired of it.
“Sorry? Our paths may run alongside each other, but you have no idea.” When she didn’t say anything too stunned by his raised voice and blunt words, he rounded on her. Miss Olivia looked like a young Deerling; big, frightened eyes and completely frozen limbs as she waited for the other shoe to drop. “Dragons above, you are clueless. You do not get it and you never will.”
It was a harsh bark and Olivia shrank back from his imposing frame, barely containing a whimper because she did not understand why he was lashing out at her. Perhaps proximity, she was here, and she looked like an easy punching bag, but that was no reason to get nasty with her. Although she was frightened, Olivia inhaled sharply, her chest puffing out in indignation, and squared her shoulders. She took a step towards him, jabbing him in the chest with a stiff index and hissed through gritted teeth.
“I will be waiting at the entrance to the cave. I don’t know what your problem is, but you need time to cool off.”
The walk back down the mountain was utterly silent. Neither made an attempt to engage in conversation, or even so much as glance at one another. Emmet had spent another ten minutes storming around the ruins until he had mostly mastered his anger. Unsurprisingly, Miss Olivia only offered him a cold shoulder the entire way back, which was deserved. She only told him there were some leftovers in the fridge before she headed upstairs with her Pokémon following close behind. Alone in the kitchen, Emmet sat at the table with his head in his hands.
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zexal-club · 7 months
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I made these two in Lily Diary
@yukii0nna @marrondrawsalot @gritsandbrits @kousaka-ayumu @darkicewolfknight @soprinceblizzard
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deadirlshwriters · 5 months
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
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1K notes · View notes
psiirockin · 6 months
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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .             ✦
Finally drew my favorite polycule again!
445 notes · View notes