#oc: Eran Tabris
danceswithdarkspawn · 1 month
I think at one point I talked about what Ariel's life might've been like if Everything didn't happen but I didn't talk about Eran. I'm approaching the Fade Nightmare chapter and I'm debating on whether or not to include Eran's part of the nightmare. Given that the demon trapping them wants them to stay happy, and therefore asleep, I was considering what that might be.
And honestly, I think he just wants a family, however that might look.
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anosmic-sheep · 4 years
Some of my Dragon Age OCs as the spirits and demons they probably have the most in common with
Jairden Surana - Compassion and Despair
Valori Amell - Valor and Pride
Eran Tabris - Justice and Vengeance
Wayde Cousland - Duty and Fear
Wyle Cousland - Courage and Fear
Khoren Brosca - Command and Rage
someone please ask me about them
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danceswithdarkspawn · 3 months
Eran: your girlfriend might be cool, but can she turn into a fucking bear???
everyone else: uhm...no???
Eran, sticking his entire head in Morrigan's open jaws: look how fuckin cool this is
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danceswithdarkspawn · 5 months
final battle at Denerim but Eran makes a dad joke every time he opens his mouth
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danceswithdarkspawn · 9 months
- Awesome spicy disaster lesbian goodness with a side of feelings
Also, bonus fic:
a: this could be most of my fics i think but i'm pretty sure this is about Fractal
b: SHHH DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT IT'S FINE HE'LL BE JUST FINE *shoves Broken Bird/Ravenglass/Griffonheart into the closet* SEE IT'S FINE! THE FUNNY ELF MAN IS FINE!!
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danceswithdarkspawn · 6 months
wip wednesday
this is something a little different; I wrote this on the spot in response to a prompt activity on reddit.
This contains major spoilers for the end of Broken Bird. (Annie if you see this, run away screaming)
If you've read Griffonheart, you're already gonna be aware of the ending. Highly recommend skipping if you'd like to avoid spoilers.
It's the first time I've been in this chantry before becoming a Grey Warden.
But the rain hasn't stopped since the darkspawn fled the city, and the light that comes through the glass is as pale and grey as Andraste's stone flesh. There is no smoke to hide the smell of wet and battle. And now Andraste stands, head bowed and arms outstretched over the altar where the battered corpse of my brother lay.
The last time was to receive blessings before the rest of my life began. I felt so small then, dressed in Summerday whites with flowers in my hair, and holding upon my brother's arm like a demure whelp of a girl.
The priestess joked with him about his own wedding, how he could finally wed now that I'd been matched off. Six years too late, she said, but I was too busy looking at the way the sunlight came through the stained glass. Glittering and golden, in perfect compliment to the smoke that rose from hanging censers. It swirled, as if drawn to the statue of Andraste that dwarfed the altar, with her arms outstretched over it and her head bowed.
A pew in the middle left side has been my home since he was brought here yesterday morning. Every now and again, the chantry doors groan upon their hinges and in floats a survivor or two. They tread carefully and speak softly to where he lies. Sometimes touching the altar, or him, or offering him a ragged flower or prayer before leaving again. I watch them all go, and they watch me in turn, a hollow woman still in her blood-caked armor, and for some of them, it's the first time I've seen them have sympathy for an elf.
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danceswithdarkspawn · 7 months
Would you ever write an AU where Ariel doesn't exist and it's just Eran that joins the party?
Mmm. Maybe? I think, without Ariel there, it'd change a lot about him to the point he's not the same character.
Assuming he completely took Ariel's place in the story, i.e. he was the one getting married, the AU would be Gen instead of a shipfic. He'd want to go back to his betrothed once the Blight is over, assuming she survives the purge Arl Howe/Teyrn Loghain allows in the Denerim alienage. He might still have a fling with Morrigan, but it wouldn't progress beyond simple fun.
Additionally, he'd probably be a Good Little Warden and do whatever the Grey Wardens told him to do after the Blight.
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danceswithdarkspawn · 8 months
wip wednesday
something a little different this time
Morrigan dug her fingers in his hair and pulled until he lifted himself. His features were only just visible against whatever firelight seeped through the tent canvas. Eran still had a far away, glazed look in his eyes, the grey of his irises nearly swallowed by black. He had every look about him of being ensorcelled, which, Morrigan thought bitterly, was not so far from the truth.  His eyes began to roam, to drink her in again, but she tightened her fingers and said, "Have you not had your fill?"
A corner of his mouth quirked up and he drew back. Her arms fell from around his shoulders, landing with a dull thump palms up on either side of her head. Eran ran his hands up her arms, stopping just short of sliding his palms over hers. Good, she thought, he's learning. "What if I said I haven't?"
Morrigan gave an annoyed huff and shoved him with her foot. "Oaf." Eran relented, laughing, and helped Morrigan disentangle herself from him completely. She rolled onto her side, faced away from him and propped on one elbow. She ran a hand through her hair, trying to put it back into some semblance of order. The final dregs of contentment waned as she stretched, sitting up.
"You won't be staying, will you?"
Oh. Oh, you fool. Perhaps he wasn't learning after all.
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danceswithdarkspawn · 2 years
Character Master List (aka The Idiots I Lovingly Torture)
Eran Tabris | The Eagle | Grey Warden | 11 Wintermarch 9:04, Denerim, Ferelden | 5'10 |
WARRIOR: Sword and Shield | SPECIALIZATION: Guardian | ROMANCE: Morrigan |
Patient, understanding, and averse to conflict...but Maker help you if you hurt his sister. The backbone of the group, a natural leader, taking on more burdens than he should bear for the sake of helping others.
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Ariel Tabris | The Swallow | Warden-Commander | 20 Justinian 9:10, Denerim, Ferelden | 5'6 |
ROGUE: Dual Swords | SPECIALIZATIONS: Bard, Shadow | ROMANCE: Leliana |
Iron-hearted. Fiercely loyal. Passion in all things.
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Renata Lavellan | The Blackbird | Herald of Andraste | circa 5 Draconis 9:15, Free Marches | 5'5 |
WARRIOR: Sword and Shield | SPECIALIZATION: Champion | ROMANCE: Josephine |
Once a proud Dalish warrior, now the unfortunate and unwilling spearhead of Thedas' major religion.
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Elisabeth Trevelyan | The Owl | Inquisitor | 16 Harvestmere 9:12, Ostwick, Free Marches | 5'8 |
MAGE: Spirit Blade | SPECIALIZATION: Knight-Enchanter | ROMANCE: -
Brutal. Pragmatic. Once destined to a life of luxury and privilege serving the Chantry, until she showed a mage's talents. Her time in the Circle has made her disillusioned with the Chantry.
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danceswithdarkspawn · 2 years
☀️, 🍕, 🤔
☀️Current word count: 68,948
🍕My characters' favourite foods:
Ariel: particularly fond of soups and stews, especially mushroom barley soup.
Eran: Fest Day Fish (also known as fluffy mackerel pudding) ((yes this is an actual thing, fun fact it was an item in the 1974 catalog of Weight Watchers)). This isn't something Eran partakes in often because Ariel hates the smell.
🤔 What's the inspiration behind my WIP:
Uhhhhhh. Basically, I wanted something very specific, which was a canon-divergent, angsty slow-burn. About a year ago, I replayed through the source material and found myself thinking, "i love this, but what if things happened like this instead?" Thus, here we are.
Thanks for the ask! 💕Ask post if you missed it.
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danceswithdarkspawn · 5 months
Eran would spoil the fuck out of his niece and nephew. he would love them so much /dies
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danceswithdarkspawn · 10 months
Im curious, what originally inspired you to create your OC Ariel for Dragon Age?
Hi there and thanks for the ask.
Before I begin, I'd like to say that there is a subset of fandom (not just in Dragon Age, but generally) that would not consider Ariel an OC of any kind. A character that exists or is named in some way in the story, as all Dragon Age player-characters are, are not what they would consider original. Similarly, some might argue that player-characters tend to be self-inserts, and to some degree that may be true (Dragon Age is an RPG, after all) but that isn't always the case.
I think both of these arguments have merit. I do, however, consider player-characters as OCs because the interpretations of said characters vary by individual. Particularly with the Warden and Inquisitor, we were given a rough starting point (and even then, some forego that entirely) while the rest is ambiguous enough to be left to the player's imagination.
Ariel was originally thought up following a complete playthrough of Origins, in which I immediately went on to Inquisition. She started out as a simple idea: I wanted the Warden at Skyhold following Here Lies the Abyss, with the Wardens recruited into the Inquisition, and having been a victim of Corypheus' false Calling herself.
I was missing my Warden in Inquisition and didn't like that they were handwaved away and exploring "the lands beyond Thedas." The letter the HoF sends to Skyhold was generic (can't really fault Bioware for that) and didn't sound like her. The way I played this Warden in Origins was such that she would have been horrified at what the Order had done, and be aware enough that she could use the Inquisition's resources to her benefit.
TLDR: I had a "What If" idea and ran with it.
I suppose this technically answers the question, but there's a bit more and this is getting a bit long so more under the cut.
She was also initially meant to be somewhat secondary to another problem I had with Inquisition, which was that Leliana went through a lot and I didn't feel like it was properly explored. You could argue this is understandable given her position and history, that she'd be more walled off and guarded. This is why Griffonheart is from her POV. (Griffonheart my beloved absolute trashfire.) But specifically, this was a romanced Leliana and I wanted to explore the conflicts of that as well.
However, given the absolute mess that is Leliana's canon writing, I sometimes feel like it would have been better if Bioware had introduced another character in Leliana's place. But alas, the stage was set from Leliana's Song and DA2's Exiled Prince.
Anyway, from there Ariel became more in-depth with her inner conflicts and struggles. I started thinking about what she would be like given how I set her up for Griffonheart (which was started before Broken Bird). For example, her brother, Eran, initially existed only to justify Ariel's existence, because I wanted a very specific world state that is not possible due to gameplay/story limitations of Origins. I thought about the City Elf origin, how that might change with siblings both recruited by Duncan, and all the little things about a Tabris playthrough that I felt could be expanded on.
I started thinking about her life in the alienage, made mountains out of molehills of the alienage's arranged marriages (internalized homophobia), racism/classism between elves and humans, and how a running theme (in my opinion) across the Origin's companions is loss and mourning.
Eventually, I ended up with a flawed and traumatized elf.
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danceswithdarkspawn · 2 years
Masterpost [Updated 1/30/24]
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Hi, it's me, the anon from two seconds ago, would you also mind info-dumping about your OCs in this ask?
Pretty please?
With a giant cinnamon roll as a bribe?
I'm assuming you haven't seen this, a list of my OCs, which is purposefully vague.
You could also search through my character tags, if you were so inclined.
Eran Tabris, Ariel Tabris, Renata Lavellan, and Elisabeth Trevelyan
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anosmic-sheep · 5 years
tell us about your wardens lad
Brief Summaries of the Wardens, as of DAO:
Jairden Surana (my most fleshed out character):
Age 20 (born 9:10), cis male (he/him), disaster bisexual. He's 5' tall. Five foot 0. According to Google that's 152 cm. He's a small boy. I'm not good at physical descriptions so I'll just add a drawing or screenshot of him later.
Spirit Healer
Morrigan Romance (Opposites attract, what can I say?)
Too precious for this world. Way too kind and forgiving for Thedas to deserve him. Literally saw a Qunari 2 heads taller than him who was charged with murdering a bunch of people and was like "We're gonna be friends now. Because I said."
A huge pushover until you mess with someone he cares about, and he is very much capable of murder (though you wouldn't think so upon first meeting him).
Overly polite.
Biggest botany nerd ever.
Just a small dork.
"No, Jowan, we can't sacrifice the arless-"
His mom is actually from clan Lavellan! I have an alternate worldstate where he's the Inquisitor.
Will (Irrelevant OC mentioned earlier) is his younger half-brother!
Khoren Brosca:
Age 20, probably (she doesn't know and neither do I), cis female (she/her), a bit on the tall side for a dwarf. Vaguely functional pansexual.
Warrior (no spec yet, probably berserker or something tho)
Completely fucking feral.
Dual wields axes because fuck you.
Seems standoffish and uncaring, cares A Lot™
Trust Issues, daddy issues, just... Issues ™.
Alistair romance (has flirted with Leliana, only because I have no self control)
Very protective over the people closest to her.
Like Jared, 19, she never fucking learned how to read.
She's great and I love her.
"Son of a sodding nugshit."
Eran Tabris:
Age: 21 (born 9:09), nonbinary (they/them), asexual. Kinda bulky in build for an elf, average height.
Born Erana Tabris, and yeeted the "a" at the end off upon being conscripted into the Wardens.
Also feral, but is capable of being chill. Unlike Khoren.
Dual wield rogue
Will literally butcher a man if their patience is tested (example: the noble guy from their Origin)
Chaotic Bastard
No romance
Jairden is their cousin (Will isn't though, by blood at least)
Valori Amell:
Age 21 (born 9:09), cis female (she/her), average height. Sexuality? Who knows, definitely not straight though.
Pyromaniac with a bit of Entropy (may be a blood mage, have yet to decide)
If she were a Hawke she'd be purple.
"I'm just gonna stand back, and let the chaos unfold. Is it my business? No. Is my nose in it? Definitely."
Cullen's crush was a mutual thing, let's put it that way.
No decided romance. (Unless you count flirting with Cullen)
Ran STRAIGHT to Irving when Jowan told her shit.
Chaotic neutral.
Here come the Cousland Twins!
Wyle Cousland:
Age: 22 (born 9:08), cis male (he/him), gay as fuck. Kinda lanky.
Dual wield rogue part 2
Big dumbass energy
Third born child, baby of the family, dramatic as all hell.
"I am GOING to flirt with the pretty assassin, and NO, Wade, you can't stop me!"
"The closet?? Who is she, never heard of her!"
Full of jokes and pranks.
Favorite game is "how many times can I steal Alistair's coinpurse and put it back before he notices anything's happened."
A part of the joking is him deflecting how hard his parents' death is hitting him (gotta love that sweet sweet angst).
He and Wade make fun of each other constantly. Come on, they're siblings, what did you expect?
Very high-energy and extroverted, social and talkative.
Wade Cousland:
Age: 22 (born 9:08), cis male (he/him), straight. Bulky compared to Wyle.
Has not slept since 9:07 Dragon (aka the womb).
Sword and shield warrior.
Was initially going to be my obligatory asshole character, but I didn't have the heart to be mean to anyone.
Seems kinda cold and anti-social, but is a kind and considerate guy.
Very introverted, not a fan of small talk. Would rather go hit a training dummy, personally.
"Wyle, no."
Is basically Wyle's impulse control, and the certified Responsible Sibling.
People have judged his brother in the past. Each of them were at least punched by Wade at some point. 0 exceptions.
Has a crush on Leliana, is very much teased by Wyle about it.
Dry humor.
Has thrown Wyle into a lake when said twin brother would not leave him alone.
Spends the first part of the game mostly keeping to himself, quietly grieving his parents, as well as those lost at Ostagar (used much healthier coping mechanisms than Wyle)
Okay! I think that's pretty much everyone?? I love them all. I probably missed some things. Feel free to ask pretty much anything about any of them! Thank you Sam for asking about my children- I mean my OCs!
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anosmic-sheep · 5 years
Please someone ask me about my DAO OCs
I need to yell about them or I'll explode and I can't chill out enough to just write things normally or calmly.
Their names are Jairden Surana, Khoren Brosca, Eran Tabris, Valori Amell, and Wade and Wyle Cousland. There's also Phaera Aeducan but I have a lot less info on her.
There's also Will McPhate, who had 0 relevance to the plot, but I love him so he gets mentioned anyway.
I don't have every detail of their existences nailed down so getting questions may help me flesh them out a bit more??? I dunno
Anon is always on. Please someone ask about them.
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