#oc: Ariel Tabris
danceswithdarkspawn · 5 months
Well, seeing as I cannot perceive the unperceivable... as attractive as that title is. Tell me about Ravenglass (even if I have to read more than 3 chapters of Broken Bird yet.)
I'll give you a booby prize: you're already aware of the Unperceivable One, the Hellspawn, er, spawned it. The whump one? Yeah that. That's what that is.
Ravenglass is still in the I'm Thinking About It™ stage. I don't really have a plot for it, just a vibe, which essentially boils down to Ariel throwing herself into work to cope with grief and trauma. It doesn't work very well. Interally I like to refer to this as Ariel's Villain Era.
Unfortunately, I don't have much to share except bits and pieces of Ariel attempting to meld into the role of Warden-Commander, and how her vassals/constituents might perceive her.
A recent thought that I had was an official portrait of her commissioned to be hung in Vigil's Keep, the base of Warden operations in Amaranthine, and the seat of her rule (though she'd never call it such, as she's not there to rule anyone).
What biases would the painter have? Which side of her would they paint? Would they paint the "good" side of her face, or the side with a scar and docked ear? If they paint this side, would they make her look more human to be more palatable?
Another thought I had regarding the painting was having her painted as the tarot card Death. Oooo symbolism.
Some other tidbits I have:
She cuts off most of her hair and keeps it this way until reuniting with Leliana (so about 10-11 years)
There's a sidequest in the Awakening expansion (which this fic would be based around) where a Grey Warden's dying wish is to give his wife his wedding ring. You do this for him, and discover the wife has been having an affair with the "military wife" justification. I don't know where to go with this but I feel like this would fuck Ariel up a little.
Someone is very likely to meet the business end of Ariel's sword for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time
90% sure she's gonna have a breakdown somewhere
TLDR, Ariel has a Very Bad Time.
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curiouslavellan · 9 months
Three-Song Playlists
@herearedragons tagged me in a very fun game making 3 song playlists for OCs. I make decently long playlists for most of my characters so the challenge for me is definitely narrowing this down
I'm tagging @floralprintshark, @calicostorms, @merrybandofmurderers, @arainayeet, @dungeons-and-dragon-age, and anyone else who wants to share any music for their characters <3
I'm gonna do a bunch of my dragon age OCs so this is going under a cut
Aurelia Trevelyan
Would That I - Hozier
Monet Issues - Chase Petra
Free - Florence + The Machine
Halveri Lavellan
Medusa in a Stone Garden - molly ofgeography
In Dreams - Ben Howard (I named a fic from this one!)
Can't Catch Me Now - Olivia Rodrigo
Ariel Hawke
Dirty Imbecile - The Happy Fits
Good in Red - The Midnight
Love From The Other Side - Fall Out Boy
Laurel Hawke
Keep You Safe - The Crane Wives
Back to You - Flower Face
Little Bird - The Weepies
Harriet Cousland
Daniel in the Den - Bastille
Will I Find My Home - Juniper Vale ft. Vian Izak (acoustic version)
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters and Men
Yulita Tabris
The Garden - The Crane Wives
Stray Italian Greyhound - Vienna Tang
This Is Why - Paramore
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unsettlingcreature · 2 years
🚩all my OCs red flags🚩
Arielle Vilspire: cishet, tried to run away from being the dragonborn
Ataraxis: made a bet to see who could get laid first and then used magic to sprint to the base and ask two party members to smash
Atisha Lavellan: solasmancer
Brannon: unapologetically looks at your ass
Caleb Vaugn: goes to visit his not-boyfriend at the hospital, all while trying to not reveal that he's secretly the villain that put him there
Cassian Jejune: willingly got vored by an evil god
Cyrille Ashcroft: "all vampires should die" and fully includes themselves
Darin Tabris: sucker for a pretty face but taken to the extreme
Eren Diggory: acts untrustworthy and then gets upset that nobody trusts them
Livius von Dacre: aspiring war criminal
Matthieu Thorne: has a vengeful streak longer than a list of his sexual exploits
Narine Drath: literal war criminal
Nilus: thinks it's funny to "scam" daedric princes out of their artefacts
Perseus Rook: promises to be less reckless, immediately sells their soul to save someone else
Scott Trevelyan: abuses his power and status to cover up the crimes of his friends/get them lavish gifts
Val Hawke: becomes viscount, immediately tries to start kicking the templars out of the city
Wander: no sense of direction, tries to lead the way anyway
Zeline Ashcroft: "not all vampires" but only when it comes to Cyrille and Serana
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sky-fire-forever · 3 months
My prompt list for @dadrunkwriting
Please feel free to send me any prompt for any character or relationship, even ones I don't have listed, as I may be willing to try something new! My own OCs will be used for any player characters.
Here are some relationships and characters I'd be especially willing to write for! Asterisks (*) represent characters or relationships I prefer to write at the moment.
Romantic Relationships:
Zevran/Warden, Leliana/Warden, Sten/Warden, Alistair/Warden, Morrigan/Warden, Anders/Warden*, Nathaniel/Warden, Anders/Karl, Anders/Hawke*, Fenris/Hawke, Fenris/Anders*, Fenris/Anders/Hawke*, Sebastian/Hawke, Isabela/Hawke, Merrill/Hawke, Varric/Hawke, Kirkwall Polycule, Isabela/Hawke/Fenris, Dorian/Inquisitor
Queerplatonic Relationships:
Justice/Warden*, Fenris/Anders*, Justice/Hawke*, Justice/Anders*, Justice/Anders/Hawke*, Varric/Hawke
Other Relationships:
Jowan&Warden, Sten&Warden, Leliana&Warden, Morrigan&Warden, Alistair&Warden, Wynne&Warden, Shale&Warden, Anders&Warden, Justice&Warden*, Nathaniel&Justice, Nathaniel&Warden, Anders&Varric, Carver&Anders, Leandra&Hawke, Carver&Hawke, Malcolm&Hawke, Merrill&Hawke, Isabela&Hawke, Varric&Hawke, Aveline&Hawke, Cole&Anders*, Cole&Hawke*, Cole&Inquisitor
Orion Mahariel, Rose Tabris, Pigfrid Brosca, Benten Brosca, Ralsei Aeducan, Orla Cousland, Eluvia Amell , Primrose Surana , Scorpius Hawke , Aster Hawke, Aurora Hawke, Mal Hawke , Angel Hawke, Ariel Hawke , Kelli Hawke, Kios Hawke , Cygnus Adaar
Sadderday Prompts
Angst Prompts
Pining/Yearning Prompts
Feeling Safe Prompts
Flirty Prompts
Epic the Musical Prompts
Dialogue Prompts
Angst Dialogue Prompts
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
Dragon Age Inspired Prompts
Hurt/Comfort Prompts (Hard to Find)
Rivals Sentence Starters
Protective Prompts
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maiden-of-wolves · 5 years
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Another for this week of @ockissweek 2020!
This time I borrowed @quizzikemen ‘s child, Archibald Tabris. Ariel just wanted to be sure he knew he was loved this close to Valentine’s day!
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witchyangels · 6 years
Who is your favorite OC and why?
Of mine?? Oh gosh, that’s a hard one... 
I can’t say they’re all my favs, can I?
Uuuummm.... hmm.... The obvious answer would be Atrina Tabris, because I know her so well and have done a few things with her already (did two full play throughs, working on two fanfics with her, I’ve done art of her, I have a plushie of her, etc)......Okay, listing all of that made it harder. I was going to say Ariel Surana, because of how mischievous she is, how she loves to tease, and because she’s really good at getting under Cullen’s skin in many ways. She’s carefree and jumps head first for her friends...
But, then there’s Atrina, who has gone through so much and just keeps getting back up again and again... She loves a lot and tries really hard to be a good leader... 
In conclusion, both Atrina and Ariel are my favorite OCs. You can’t make me choose. I think if they were in the same universe, they’d get along pretty well. 
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c-cloudyy · 7 years
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Worldstates Masterpost
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Worldstate 1 : Heroes of Thedas Warden: Ilsramel Cousland; Champion: Claire Hawke; Inquisitor: Catherina Hammond
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Worldstate 2 : Sharp Blade of Freedom Warden: Mephis Tabris; Champion: Nicholas Rovver; Inquisitor: Ilamar Hammond
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Worldstate 3 : Magic, Knowledge and Blood Warden: Malaad Surana ; Champion: Conte Amell; Inquisitor: Moghrana Lavellan  
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Worldstate 4 : Of Noble Birth Warden: Portia Aeducan; Orlesian Warden: Cato Beauchêne; Champion: Ariel Bourgeois; Inquisitor: Juleka Trevelyan  
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Worldstate 5 : Dwarven Mischief Warden: Korinn Brosca; Champion: Malika Cadash; Inquisitor: Kasimir Cadash  
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Worldstate 6 : Found Families Warden: Kamela Mahariel; Champion: Abbassira; Inquisitor: Asala Adaar 
The Multiverse Worldscape
Introduction :
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DAO ; the Heroes of Ferelden 
DA2  ; Hawke’s Crew (WIP)
DAI ; Inquisition Forces (WIP)
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The Last Court ; Dimitrian de Serault
OC Pages :
Wardens; Hawke’s Crew; Inquisition Forces
Link to the au/dark Worldstates Masterpost
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prowlingthunder · 6 years
Tagged by @skywalking-across-the-galaxy​
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!!
Htnght. OK. I can do this.
Deus ex machina SnK WIP - IC - ??? Eileen - ??? CM - Lupercalia WIP - Red CM - Lupercalia WIP - ??? A Mother's Love Harry Potter and the Light of the Moon Minor Troubles Roses in Stained Glass The Ripple Effect: Desert Rose Trigun x Outlaw Star Gargoyles x Ronin Warriors Power Rangers x Ronin Warriors Ronin Warriors x Outlaw Star Rurouni Kenshin x Yu Yu Hakusho Dragon's Breath - DAO&RW FFX&GW - Yuna - Like Shooting Stars - WIP Gundam Wing - With Daemons WIP GW Pacific Rim GW/Naruto - Shikamaru - ??? GW&IA&FFX - Auron - Roulette - Unlikely Hobbit/RW - Bilbo - ??? House Ronin Warriors RK-Xmen = Dragon Teeth RW-PJ RWSG1 SG1/JOS - Third - In a God's Bedroom ST/RW SW/GW - [clonefic] Thor-X-Ronin Warriors Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Levi (Attack on Titan) - Hunting Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Prowls (Exalted) - Stars Noctis (Final Fantasy XV) / Ezio (Assassin’s Creed) - Family Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) - Honor Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho) / Dex-Star - Love Voltron/Escaflowne YYH/Naruto - Kurama - Foxkids CSI NY - Lupercalia WIP - ??? Dark Matter - Hiro - [Lupercalia] - WIP Every Warden Ever - WIP - ??? Nelaros and F!Tabris as wardens Carslile/Sil - Highschool Junior - (Best laid plans) Junior - Outsider Junior - The G.O.A.T. MacCready - Big Town Blues MacCready - Radstorm Nora - Line-dried Laundry (Lupercalia) Pandora - ??? Pandora - Lupercalia fic - [Inside Pandora's Box] Russian Roulette - Silas deathfic Silas - Demon Summoner AU - ??? Silas King - Snow Angels (Papawolf!Renigald) Silas King - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Operation: Rescue Quinn kidfic) Y7 - All the Things I Didn't Say Ambulo Cathedral of You fanfiction Cor - ??? Cor - Dawnfire - WIP Dave - [Scourgeverse] strings and things give a brother wings FFXV - Ardyn - ??? [Cor/Ariel Altissia Thing] [15yr old female Cor with the Retinue of Old -- Cid] [15 year old female Cor with the Retinue of Old -- Regis] Noct raises Ardyn Nyx - ??? Prompto - Terrible Things Prompto & Ignis - Blood and Water Transplant Fic Box Clonebaby - Genderbend AU - Nate and Kids IA - Kasmir!Oliver Briggs - WIP IA - Nebrija x Arzu - Family - WIP Giayl - Wolflords (Lupercalia) LotRO - Aeglirann - Caran Dagra - WIP Lupercalia - Shepard - Star-light, Star-bright ME - OC - Blood And Water - WIP Black Cats and Broken Mirrors Itachi - Step Two The Hardest Part - Chapter One - Alone Two and a Number 100+ Words Character Roulette Logan - (This is what it's like) - WIP Outlander - Kainan - (wolf fur and dragon teeth) SPCH - drabble Thor - All the Little Children [Lupercalia] Thor - Lupercalia - WIP - Frigga - ??? WoW - Livieva - Puppy At Heart Haruko - Genji Lives path McHanzo Timetravel Shenanigans Nest of Vipers Stan/Haruko Stanfic Yuuma Op Children Mia - Lupercalia fic - ??? RW - Lupercalia - Arago & Hariel - Blood and Ashes - WIP Ryou - Coal Dust - GIFT - WIP Seiji - Kagome, Kagome Seiji & Cale - Quadrature Pt2 - GIFT - WIP Yulie - WIP Things Saint Seiya Has Taught Me Anakin - ??? - timetravel fic tcw/ep7 Anakin / Rey - A Pocket Full of Sand (Reincarnation Fic) Eurynome - (Empire Captive Fic) Eurynome - Monsters in the Dark Eurynome - Supernova? Jeeri - ??? Snowdrops Anemone Steals Nazgul Anemone Steals Squad Anemone Steals Nazgul + Squad Anemone Fails Stealing Order 66, Friend of Everyone verse Order 66, Jedi verse We Shouldn't Be Friends SG1 - Sam - ??? - WIP SG1 - Sam&Jack - ??? - WIP SAO - Yui - SAOFest - Marching Band SAO - Yui - SAOFest - What Big Sisters Are For SAO w Jaegers - Silica - WIP Bad Plan Arrow&RW - Oliver - ??? - WIP Cye - Homecoming (Multiverse) Papa!Cye Voltron - Keith - ???
...plus some cowriting things I don't feel comfortable sharing, a whole lot of stuff shoved in a box titled “prompts”, and a Significant Lot of ofic that's not ready for the world.
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danceswithdarkspawn · 8 months
six sentence sunday
i guess this is technically seven if you squint but who's counting, also i am very close to being done with this but oh my god this idiot will not shut up
"This," she said, balling her fists and shaking them. "This insistence to just...keep going, even if I don't want to. It's what Eran used to do for me. Whenever I wanted to lay down and be done with it all, he'd just—" She sucked in a breath; her colorless eyes were wild. "He'd pick me up by the scruff and say 'Get up.'," she hissed through her teeth, "'You're not done yet, get up!'"
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mercs4art · 7 years
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My OC faces!!
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this-basic-mage · 7 years
4+5 for all 3 of your girls :')
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Ashanna: Growing up Ash was quite the daddy’s girl. He would take her walks around the alienage to satisfy her need to explore when she was really little and be there to clean her wounds and deliver sage advice after fights with kids that were mean to her and her cousins. Of course he could never condone such behaviour, in fact it was him who taught her ‘the greatest victory is the battle not fought’, a motto she tries to live by whenever she meets a new opponent (though how easily completely depends on the opponent), but he always low key agreed the kids had it coming. However, this started to change as Ash got older and her attention turned to outside the alienage. As a teen, she and some friends became Red Jennys, which worried Cyrion no end and even led to a few arguments about whether all the pranks on rich humans were really worth the risk. She came eventually agree with him when a couple of her friends were caught and brutally punished for their crimes and hung it up, if only for his sake. The resentment this caused expanded when announced her arranged marriage, which she protested but begrudgingly accepted once again for his and the family’s sake. Since the events of Origins they’ve patched things up, be it a bit awkwardly (he still worries too damn much), and he’s always the first person she visits whenever she’s back in Dernerim.
As for her mother, she died when she was about 5 so her memories of her are really hazy but what she does remember is a compassionate and fierce woman who’s probably the one installed the compulsion to do whatever you think is right no matter what. So she must’ve made a deep impression on her young mind.
Alindra: Lin got her dorky sense of humour and all her best jokes from Malcolm. So he’s to thank/blame for her not taking life too seriously. Their childish banter around the dinner table amused/annoyed Leandra to no end. Although this bond remained strong up until his death she did find it hard to accept most of his free time would be spent with Bethany after her magic showed and often felt resentful whenever her and Carver were waved outside to play while he taught Bethany how to do a new spell inside. So much of her relationship with her father is a paradox of closeness and distance and she’s never been able to fully articulate how she feels about that.
Meanwhile, much of Lin’s insecurities can be traced back to Leandra. As the eldest, she expected her to be the responsible one, especially after Malcolm died, which did not gel well with her originally more laid back attitude. Which meant she often got the blame when things went wrong, which she was actually happy to take cause it spared her siblings and she thought she deserved it anyway.  Although really Lin owes a lot to Leandra, she taught her to be cautious, to think before she acted, and the importance of family. If Lin had a problem she couldn’t solve it was her mother she turned to, as much as she hates to admit it. Malcolm taught her to be funny, Leandra taught her how to turn that humour into charm. The best times they had together was at the fancy high town parties where they could finally relax and laugh, even if Lin was secretly laughing more at the high-class guests than with them. 
Ariel: Ari doesn’t remember her real parents very well as she was adopted by Clan Lavellan when her magic manifested at age 6. But she does remember them quietly indulging her interest in humans by giving her a few trinkets they found during raids on Shem camps, even if in most other memories they come off as quite harsh to others.
When she came to Clan Lavellan the Keeper took her under her wing and became like her adoptive mother, making her see her magic as a gift rather than a danger and encouraged her inquisitive mind and kind heart. They would debate about many things, particularly Ariel perhaps straying too far alone on her explorations and her curiosity of humans sometimes winning over her caution. But Ariel respected her wisdom and would come around in her own time unless it was something that really mattered to her then she would just agree to disagree or negotiate hard. Sometimes she wondered if the Keeper just played devil’s advocate to test her wits. So it was quite a surprise when the Keeper agreed to her going alone to the conclave without much explanation, although she didn’t let her leave without assuring her ‘you still have much to learn da’len’.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Ashanna: She doesn’t have any but Soris and Shiannai are pretty much her siblings in all but name as both look up to her as like a big sister. They were always playing together as kids, with Ash and Shiannai even dragging the more cautious Soris off on what they thought to be real adventures with the Red Jennys when they hit their teens. As adults, they’ve all matured and gone their own ways in life, so they don’t get to see each other that much, especially Ash. But when they do get back together it’s like their kids again.
Alindra: As mentioned Lin was expected to be the responsible role model to her younger siblings, though in practice this proved to be the more mature Bethany. She’s often Lin’s voice of reason when her need to joke about everything becomes too much and knows her better than anyone, which is why she’s her perfect sidekick that can stay positive when she can’t. But it wasn’t always like that, as a child, Lin was jealous of how much time she got to spend with her father, and how protecting her was always the family’s top priority. This has subconsciously followed her into adulthood, manifesting as resentment and frustration at the constant pressure of protecting her. But she’d never ever let Bethany say she was a burden. She really missed her after she was sent to the circle, but she was happy Bethany was is happy and they wrote regularly, something they’ve kept in practice every time Lin has to go off and do Hawke stuff.
Carver was the annoying little brother she was always having to pull away from fights. So of course when he enlisted in the army she had to follow him. After all, she was responsible for him and the two had the kind of begrudging but unbreakable bond only two siblings in the shadow of another can have. She really misses their bickering and beating his ass every time he annoyed her into sparing with him.
Ariel: She doesn’t have any though Sera has become like her little sister. They debate/bicker about elf things all the time but Ari appreciates her unique perspective on things and how she’s taught her not to take some things too seriously, and there is no one in the world Sera trusts more.
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saphylee · 6 years
Sylathi is precious~
I know asks can limit how much you wanna say so I was hoping you can give me more information about them! Likes and dislikes and all that jazz.
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vvakarians · 7 years
TMI-Tuesday: Dragon Age Edition
I have a bunch of DA oc’s so I’ll just be listing the mains and main-ish ones. Literally all of the exist in the same universe, I’m that person. 
Warden-Commander Tauriel Mahariel: Hero of Ferelden/Warrior-Two Handed/Champion/Pan-poly/Dalish/LI: Alistair + Cassiopeia 
Queen Cassiopeia Cousland: Queen of Ferelden/Warden-Constable/Blind/Rogue-Daggers/Bard/Pan-poly/Orlesian born/LI: Alistair and Tauriel
Fen’Asha Tabris: Senior Warden/Blood Mage/Healer/Lesbian/Transwoman/LI: Morrigan 
Serynn Aeducan: Senior Warden/Warrior-Sword + Shield/Champion/Lesbian/Princess of Orzammer/LI: Leliana
Merielle Amell: Senior Warden/Blood Mage/Bi-demiaro/Orlesian/LI: Zevran
Neo Caron: Warden/Elf blooded/Orlesian born/Gay/Former Chevalier/Dual Wielder/LI: Nathaniel Howe 
Cadmius Iraneaus: Warden-Recruit/Dwarven/Tevene/Aro-Ace/Disgraced noble/LI: none, bff’s w/ Sten
Ophelia Elspeth Hawke: Champion of Kirkwall/NB-they/them/Rogue-dual wielding/twin to Hero/Assassin/Panro-demi/LI: Fenris
Halcyon Hawke: Templar/Eldest Hawke sib/Warrior/bi-ace/Princess of Starkhaven/LI: Sebastian 
Hero Hawke: Twin to the Champion/Mage/Blood Mage-Healer/Lesbian-poly/LI: Merrill + Isabela
Calliope Imryll Lavellan: Lady Inquisitor/Reincarnation of Falon’Din/Dalish/Orlesian-Tevene/Warrior-Mage/Reaver/pan/LI: Solas (or in Halliope and FFXV AU, @lorspolairepeluche ‘s Halla Trevelyan)
Elessar Lavellan: Twin Brother to the Inquisitor/ Warden/ Reincarnation of Dirthamen/Dalish/Orlesian-Tevene/Mage-Archer/Tempest/gay/LI: none
Evra Mahariel: Daughter of the Warden-Commander/Inquisition Footsoldier/Mage/Knight Enchanter/NB-she/they/pan/LI: Cullen
Ariel “Ari” Chatelain: Inquisition scout/Orlesian City elf/ Rogue-dual wielder/Assassin/gay/LI: Krie Mahariel, courtesy of @orihharas
Elodie Vandame: Chevalier/Orlesian Noble/Warrior-Weapon+Shield/Pan/LI: Either Leonelle+Gaspard courtesy of @mordinsolis or Re courtesy of @avitvsrix
August Fischer: Free Mage/Anderfels Noble/Abomination of Valor/Rift Mage/Pan-poly/LI: Cassandra + Silvhen
Silvhen Halveri: Ancient Elf/Agent of Fen’harel/Blood Mage/pan-poly/LI: Cassandra + August
(I do have two bullmancers, a seramancer, a josiemancer, and a dorianmancer, but for the sake of the post and how long it’ll be these are the only ones I’m listing. Feel free to ask tho)
//d&d edition//mass effect edition//
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maiden-of-wolves · 5 years
(Updated 6/7/19)
Dragon Age:
Persistence - Essentially a written RP with tk-duveraun {Unfinished - On Hiatus}
     Part 1 (500+ words)
     Part 2 (500+ words)
     Part 3 (500+ words)
     Part 4 (500+ words)
     Part 5 (500+ words) 
     Part 6 (500+ words) 
     Part 7 (500+ words) 
     Part 8 (500+ words) 
     Part 9 (500+ words) 
     Part 10 (500+ words) 
     Part 11 (500+ words) 
     Part 12 (500+ words) 
     Part 13 (500+ words) 
     Part 14 (500+ words) 
     Part 15(500+ words) 
Teaser intro to Chapter 1 of My Name’s Tabris - an AU of Tabris sisters in DA:O - (500+ words)
Teaser Intro to Chapter 2 of My Name’s Tabris -  (500+ words)
Naeleen Fluff - I borrowed quizzikemen’s Athleen to write about an AU idea with her and my warden Naema Tabris - (500+ words)
A Bet - I borrowed quizzikemen’s Daeron for a drabble with Ariel - (500+ words)
When the Night Comes:
Freya Backstory Drabble (~500 words)
Cooling Off - FreyaxFinn Drabble (~250 words)
Seduce Me:
Chapter 1 of Heads in Beds - an AU about the boys learning the human world under a woman’s watchful eye as she takes over her mother’s bed & breakfast as a last ditch effort to stay afloat in life
Chapter 2 of Heads in Beds
Chapter 3 of Heads in Beds
Chapter 4 of Heads in Beds
Chapter 5 of Heads in Beds
Chapter 6 of Heads in Beds
Post with link to chapter 10 of Heads in Beds
Mystic Messenger:
Teaser paragraph for Chapter 2 of my Zen x Cassandra fic
Teaser paragraph for Chapter 3 of my Zen x Cassandra fic
Expectation - Zen x Cassandra [OC] {AU in USA when Zen gets some international fame and needs a translator} - (500+ words)
Teaser Paragraph for Advice Amongst Friends - Chapter 1 - Yoosung x Ella [OC] - Chatroom format - on Ao3
Teaser Paragraph for The Best Vacation Ever - Part 2 - Yoosung x Ella fic on Ao3
Teaser paragraph for Chapter 1 of my Yoosung x Ella fic on Ao3
Teaser paragraph for Chapter 2 of my Yoosung x Ella fic on Ao3
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witchyangels · 7 years
GUUUUYS! I’m at 252 followers!
*cue screaming*
And I realize I haven’t said welcome or anything to the new people…
HELLO AND WELCOME!!! I hope you enjoy me on your dash!
When I got to 150 I showed little previews of writings that I was working on… 
My life is getting a little busier (which is good for my bank account!) so things might be a little slower from me with fics and such……………….
Buuuut if anyone wants me to share anything, just ask!
In faaaaact….
Ask me anything about any of my stories that are on AO3 or the ones that I’m writing, but haven’t made it onto AO3 yet… and I’ll tell you what I can without spoiling anything! :D
On AO3: Dragon Age Origins: Restart The Life and Times of Prince Alistair Theirin
Not on AO3, but I’ve got notes and thoughts on: Ariel Surana and Cullen Rutherford’s story (No title yet) A Day at the Tower (takes place during DAO) Writing Prompt 60 (takes place during DA2)
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