#oc: Gabriel the Deathclaw
sswitchblade03 · 2 years
Fun facts about my Fallout Protags/OCs
If the oc is in BOS/Enclave I will specify if it's West Coast(WC) or East Coast(EC)
Got most of them in timeline order (at least for the protags)
Born the exact day the bombs fell
Very naive at first, but becomes very violent in the end
Joins the Enclave for future events
Becomes a glowing ghoul and survives to the events of Fo4
Name is actually from my grandfather, it was his go-to for his Fallout/Skyrim player characters
Agoraphobic (made worse because he's been banished from vault 13)
Has his trusty vault 13 flask with him at all times (he gives it to Wilder once they meet)
He misses Harold... and Bob too ig
Calls his granddaughter, Quill "Songbird"
Has a hard time controlling his emotions (made worse when he becomes a super mutant)
Moves to Jacobstown to join Marcus after the events of Fo2
Jason Carter(Fallout Tactics: BOS)
I don't care that Howard said this one wasn't canon because he never played it :)
A fellow initiate stabbed Jason's right eye with a fork because he dared him to do it. Both were punished for this behaviour, but now Jason was limited to one eye
He used to sing to his teammates to help them sleep when on missions
THICK German accent
Very protective of his team (even as a knight)
Aromantic Asexual (only discovered this after he and his ex wife had Riley)
Taught Riley everything he knew before he passed in battle in 2233
They/them pronouns (but is okay with words like daughter/mother/sister)
Paladin Riley Carter (Fo2 BOS oc WC)
Son of Jason Carter
Wilder's father
Gained the rank of paladin just before his first and only child(?) was conceived
Quill and him got along instantly, basically became siblings
Lost his holotag in the Divide (along with an old teddy bear that belonged to his daughter son)
Dr. Faith Bishop (Fo2 Enclave oc WC)
Enclave scientist
Wilder's mother
Helped with eyebots such as ED-E
Was befriended by Quill to help them take down the oil rig (didn't really have much faith in the Enclave anyways so it wasn't hard)
Daddy's Boy perk on MAX (and Thief too)
Has a strength of 3, sarcasm is his only defense
His favourite baseball bat is signed by his dad because that's who his hero is
Butch and him actually got along during their last year of school (age 17-18)
The mutation he got from doing the wasteland survival guide did some damage to his face (his veins also glow faintly)
After Waters of Life his personality did a complete shift and he started doing questionable actions. Like telling slavers where a encampment is and helping them, and starting a ghoul revolution on Tenpenny Tower
Unlabeled. He's too busy seeking revenge to have a sexual/gender identity
Has a soft spot for kids
Somehow survived the blast of radiation from Project Purity??? He does start showing traits of becoming a ghoul
Joins the BOS (EC) after everything (mainly as a scribe because LMAO strength of 3 hello???)
Squire Maxson would follow him around while he was in recovery, so they basically became brothers at that point
Elder Lyons made an order that he would protected no matter what under the guidance of the Brotherhood (Maxson continues this order)
Only ghoul in the Brotherhood(?) (has to wear a mask to not be seen as one)
Does not like how Maxson runs the Brotherhood like how it's run on the West Coast
Karma went from Very Good -> Neutral -> Evil -> Good
(St. James Infirmary au) During Fo4 he helps Dante and the squires safely off the airship before the Railroad blow it up
Harry Wright(Railroad oc)
From Little Lamplight (so yeah he knew MacCready before he left)
Very good with kids
(St. James Infirmary au) Took Jaclyn in, he doesn't know where she's from, but he doesn't mind
Returned to the Capital Wasteland during the events of fo3 for a mission with Deacon (had a 7 yr old Jac with him too St.JIAU)
Met Andrew and they had a fling here and there
Also had a personality shift after fo3, went from a very excitable young adult to very reserved, even to his daughter
Jaclyn Wright(Railroad oc)
Only really exists in the St. James Infirmary au.
Bio daughter of Dante (my sole survivor)
Adopted by Harry
Using she/they pronouns
British accent from Harry rub off on her
Very good with robots and terminals, not so good with people or lock picking
Trained sniper by Harry
Wilder Carter (Fallout: New Vegas)
Trans masc (he/they) *pre op, but on T
Was adopted by Quill when Riley had to leave
Used to work at Gamora (under the name Marina)
His license from Mojave Express still says Female, no one knew his original name though, so Wilder is on there (no last name because he doesn't remember)
His snake's name is Diablo (baby from his original snake Fluffy that he used to have) he's a banana albino python
All he knows is that he is related to a BOS Paladin, he doesn't remember what his name is or who he was, especially since he had a bullet through his brain
He lost an eye on the same side as his grandfather Jason Carter (parallels :D)
Plays guitar for his friends
He might've met his dad in the BOS bunker, but neither of them recognized each other
Veronica and him get along because they both love using power fists and dressing pretty (and not agreeing with BOS ideals)
Gets along with Arcade the most because of how similar their pasts were
Cracks jokes with Yes Man anytime he gets the chance to hangout with him
Moves to the Commonwealth in 2286
Donna Lin(NV oc)
Works at the wrangler
Has a daughter (age 15), Vivian, that was taken by the Legion
The snake tattoo on her arm is to remember Wilder if any of his dumb adventures get him killed
She has a tattoo of a bluejay for Quill
Tattoo of a fox for her daughter Vivian
Does not have a tattoo for her wife yet, still deciding :)
Moves to Commonwealth with Wilder
Wolfram(NV oc)
They/Them Pronouns
Ex vault dweller now Follower of the Apocalypse
From Vault 23... a vault meant to experiment with gene splicing
Feathers grow from their skin in patches
Their hair even as a feather texture
Loves shiny things
Treats their pet raven like their son
Has a protective hair style for every reason you expect in a wasteland, but also it looks cool. Their raven tries to undo all the time though.
Carries medical supplies in their bag at all times (medical braces, surgical tubing, you name it)
Dante Valentine(Fo4)
Trans masc too (he/him) :D
Has a testosterone implant from before the war (it's either broken or empty)
His robotic arm sometimes has a mind of its own (especially when low on battery)
Despite being a nephew of the original Nick Valentine, he saw him like a father
Joined the Brotherhood mainly to make acquaintance with Paladin Danse and the scibes. Doesn't really follow any of Maxson's ideals
Postwar Nick still calls him Vivi and it's very jarring
Nick and him jokingly bullying each other when an old personality trait shows itself
His mutation is more similar to quills, they can settle along his back to lay flat, but if he's startled or aggressive they will stand up
His tongue is covered in bite marks because he's not used to his teeth being that sharp
Despite being a mutant, Dante still can die from over exposure to radiation
Gabriel(Deathclaw oc)
Just a big dog for the first few years
Gains intelligence somehow and learns basic words
Will follow anyone around if they have food (doesn't matter what)
His favourite snacks is apples and lemons :D (though he's supposed to be a carnivore)
Fully believes Dante is his bio dad because of Dante's mutation
XZ-91 Azrael (Courser oc)
Doesn't know the difference between romantic and platonic love. He fully believes he's in love with his friend, when in reality he might just be touch starved
Had a friend in the institute who worked in bioscience
Can see the unique stripes along on everyone's skin
A repurposed gen 3 synth
His looks are based on one of the scientists sons, the scientist died sadly so that's why Az was repurposed to be a courser
Has had his memory wiped more than Boone and MacCready have mentioned their dead partners combined
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jinglyjangly · 7 years
[devil's advocate] Can you do a masterpost of your fallout ocs? I love your ncr folks!
You can always search my blog on mobile for OC names and anything mentioning them will come up! Otherwise before i get into depth i have to describe some places that i made lore for since theres nothing in canon. Everything will be under the cut, its kinda long
- blyth: settlement right between Phoenix and Palm Springs. On the west side of the Colorado River. It’s a ncr Ranger post thats constantly vigilant because of heavy legion traffic
- palm springs: a touristy town today, a lot of 40s/50s celebrities had second homes here since hollywood had a rule about being no more the 2 hours away. was hit by a few missiles during the great war but mostly just got falloff from LA bombs. Its a very isolated community, with a few celebrity prewar ghouls and a vault. Uses the windfarm there for power, although a lot of the turbines were wrecked in the war giving of only 30% power. Theres some old world blues here. I nicknamed is “Fool’s Paradise” after the song by bob crosby, because they just try to ignore the legion and ncr. Eventually does get annexed into ncr.
- indio: kinda like westside, I never really developed it that much. Palm springs doesnt like like legion refugees so they congregate and live here as a patched community.
- 29 palms: an originally abandoned military base that was repurposed by some refugees to be a new home.
- joshua tree national park: deathclaw paradise. There are a lot of rocks for protection and bighorned sheep to snack on so i just feel like itd be the perfect habitat for them. Like zion i think itd be pretty unaffected by the war
- salton sea: an already toxic area to begin with in our timeline, it has the highest saltine level of all lakes caused my manmade mistakes. since its already useless, in fallout au they dumped radioactive waste into it. Absolutely inhospitable with mutated fish and giant birds, along with a constant toxic gas cloud surrounding it
-riverside city: an agricultural settlement, mostly fruit. Built out from a vault thats experiment was increasing vitamin c over a long period of time. Opened the doors 2200. The followers set up an outpost here and made a joint system to improve health and trade.
- big bear: a mountain logger town that virtually is unfazed by the war. Ncr territory.
Gabriel: my independent courier!!! He was born near the boneyard in 2244, and was raised on the road by his mom. Technically an ncr citizen, but not a soldier. He didnt meet his dad and (half) sister until he was six, and wasnt close to them growing up. When he was old enough he tried joining the followers, but it didnt work out, so he went to palm springs where his sister lives and learn more about her and his dad, and start work as a courier. She teaches him a lot of survival skills that she learned from their dad. He ends up in The Colorado territory (riverside county area) right when its getting annexed hes 27, and right after that he leaves and does courier traveling the west coast for a couple years. At age 33 he gets a notice that his dad went mia at the first battle of hoover dam while he was up near navarro. This is when he takes the package to the divide. He goes back to palm springs for a while before he actually decides to go to navada to pay his respects, and he takes a job in primm to deliver the chip and thats when fnv starts. He’s a sniper with high charisma and speech, good at stealth, and has good survival skills.
Miguela: gabriels older sister by 6 years who actually has a bunch of aliases and ncr’s number one tax evader. Born in el paso tx, her mom died giving birth and her dads a desert ranger so pretty much raises her as such in the mojave. She ends up going her own way, travels into the mountain areas of CA. lives on an apple farm for some time until the ncr starts pissing her off and she moves back to the mojave in palm springs/29 palms. Finds out what the legion is, hates it, and basically becomes a warden under the name Riley (its from an apple farm called Riley’s Farm, 5 star apple pie) for the area and turns into a legend pretty much. Based on the song “lady from 29 palms” so nicknames like “best of the west” and “witch of the west”. Gabriel shows up, and after a few years the mayor of palm springs is kidnapped and they go on that adventure trying to stop a legion raid after already dealing with ncr. She ends up becoming the mayor and hates it.
Luz: my chosen one and gabriels mom! After blowing up the oil she keeps wandering the wasteland more and does some random odd jobs. Meets gabriel’s dad near vegas. Goes back to CA to try and get to the boneyard but gets sidetracked. Shes pretty new so shes not super developed, she she ends up pretty aloof and mysterious. Shes pretty protective of gabriel though and does keep tabs on him.
Ray Vasquez (ranger dad): he was born in baja as a fisherman but traveled up to the mojave and joined the rangers. After that he just travels around a lot. Hes really charismatic but doesnt know what hes doing with his life, he just travels around and notes areas for the rangers.
Dimitri Romero: born in Tucson 2252. Hes strong, perceptive, and endurable. Hes not very charismatic, intelligent, or agile and has average luck. His skills though, contradict his stats. He cant do close combat, doesnt know lock picking/explosives, and although he can eat anything he doesnt know how to cook. Meanwhile hes very talkative yet no very likable, he can repair things but its from experiences learning from his mom, and hes good at using a gun but hes kinda like… rough with them and doesnt handle them nicely. He is a good hunter though, good at tracking. Had a desert ranger dad who died a few months after he was born from a raider attack. Has a mom who traveled from chihuahua mx, and then raised him on his own after finding the most remote yet stable location possible, big bear. He joins the ncr thinking itll help his mom financially and becomes one of the youngest ncr rangers. Hes 19 when the ncr-desert ranger truce is signed, and thats when he starts training to be a ranger. When he does become one hes sent to blyth. Hes then sent to a ncr prison near there to interrogate a legionary, and i drew that b99 comic of him yelling.
Caeso: hes the legionary getting yelled at. Its like that silus quest, except hes not stupid. He was a Frumentarii who killed a centurion, and got attacked by his squad. Was able to escape and swim across but was pretty close to dying in the river until an ncr patrol picked him up. He was near blyth when all this happened, thats where he was supposed to sneak into. He doesnt give any information and does break out and infiltrates the ncr. Hes the foil to dimitri where hes not strong/perceptive/endurable but he’s charismatic/intelligent/agile. Hes good at melee, but its less bashing and more calculated cuts. He doesnt really do medicine but knows a ton of herb remedies and recipes. Barely talks but somehow likable. Tall and not good and sneaking, knows how to pick locks, but never learned how to use terminals or most prewar technology.
Gauis: was my legion courier but got a bug where anytime he tried to sleep during the arizona killer hed die. Hes really tall and strong but has really, really bad charisma and speech so he just says the worst things all the time. Was living a pretty isolated life trapping and cannibalizing people in remote areas in arizonas forests. He still eats people.
Im still trying to develop some misc ocs, but tbh i have to actually start making more stuff that isnt just timelines and notes and stuff for it to sound coherent
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sswitchblade03 · 2 years
My beloved son
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sswitchblade03 · 2 years
Scribe Andrew: You know your deathclaw is female, right?
Dante: What? No he's a male, at least I think so?? Gabriel your a boy right?
Gabriel: *aggressive nodding*
Dante: See?
Scribe Andrew: But his horns, they are the female variant.
Dante: We will choose to ignore that, he's my son. Sides it just makes him more like his old man. *points to himself*
Scribe Andrew: Alrighty. He's very well behaved, you've done well raising him.
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sswitchblade03 · 2 years
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Sometimes you don't know fictional animals have sexual dimorphism and find out later and now you have a trans icon.
Anyways Dante and his scaly son are both trans and proud!!
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sswitchblade03 · 2 years
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Gabriel the Deathclaw
Trying to push myself into drawing monsters again :D so I think this is a start.
Also yesterday I found out deathclaws have sexual dimorphism when it comes to their horns-
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Image source: Fallout wiki
And guess who I accidentally gave the female variant of horns to... GABRIEL TRANS ICON!!!
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sswitchblade03 · 2 years
Gabriel my beloved
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sswitchblade03 · 2 years
Extra doodle from today because you've been good *pat pat*
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jinglyjangly · 8 years
11-16 for gabriel
They’re biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw?
he is awful with energy weapons and close range, and he would know it but not admit it. He’s agile so he can get out of a fight but he just, cannot punch. personality wise stuff i think he wouldnt really see as flaws, would be him being blunt and emotional, but a little secretive about himself. He also doesn’t plan long term, lives more in the moment, of his own life anyway.
What are they most insecure about?
Don’t make fun of his height :(
What Wasteland threat do they fear the most? (ex. Deathclaws, super mutants, raiders)
centaurs!!! seriously who fucking wouldn’t. I also imagine he’s seen a wanamingo and hated it. just one though.
What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most? 
I remember he’s a cancer and i think it fits pretty well. He’s born sometime in July… idk. i usually pick birthdays of famous artists to remember OC birthdays actually. July 6, is his new birthday if I’ve already said something else.
What are their placements (if you know them)? (ex. Aries sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius Venus)
I tried to do a calculator, but most wont calculate 200 years into the future… so I calculated based on if he were alive today but heres a chart… so Taurus moon?
What’s their Myers–Briggs Type? (ex. ENTP, ISFJ)
I tried to find it and i think ENFP-T? I’m not entirely sure how accurate that is but it sounds about right…
What Harry Potter house would they be in? (ex. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw)
like idk much about HP but im 99% he’d be a hufflepuff 
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