#oc: Harry Wright
islandtarochips · 2 months
Harry Potter x COD
I REALLY love watching the Harry Potter Movie! Trying to read books about it but we don’t have it and I can’t order it because shipping from off-island to here is EXPENSIVE these days so I have to live off of the movies…
And also, I JUST remembered about an artist putting the COD characters into that AU! And I will show the list of those characters! (I only remembered SOME since I saw it like...last year? I think. And I forgot the name of the artist too...)
So here is what I remembered for the COD Characters being in Harry Potter AU:
Soap - Gryffindor/Senior (7th Year) Gaz - Hufflepuff/Senior (7th Year) Ghost (or Simon) - Ravenclaw/Senior (7th Year) Farah - Gryffindor/Senior (7th Year) Alex - Hufflepuff/Senior (7th Year) Price - Slytherin/Professor (Defense Against the Dark Arts) Graves - Slytherin/Senior (7th Year)
And…that’s about it. That’s who I just remembered. I’ll let you guys know if there’s more!
Anyway! I am DYING to share these ideas with you about this one! Let me list down my COD OCs in this Universe!
Tiala - Student/Senior (7th Year)/Ravenclaw: Because of her smartness of planning something ahead. I think that Tiala will likely be fitting in the Ravenclaw house! She also plays quidditch for the Ravenclaw! Which I know we didn't SEE one of the Students from that house actually PLAY but I'm gonna put Tiala in there anyway. She'll be playing as a Chaser or a Beater!
Kanoa - Professor (Defense Against the Dark Arts)/Gryffindor: I see Kanoa being: 1) VERY confident 2)Wants to protect his friends and 3) Causes ALL the problems (Well...most of it). And I know that teaching that kind of subject is...kind of dangerous to learn but when you have Kanoa around! He'll make it somehow...FUN??? I don't know how this man got the students attention of teaching these subject. I'm sure if Hogwarts are doing the "Teacher of the Month". Kanoa will be taking the spotlights! HA!
Agnes - Student/Junior (6th Year)/Gryffindor: As always, Agnes being a chaotic girl and getting into trouble. Causing some explosions during Potions Class (Trying to make something explosive with it). But she will help and protect her friends from dangers. With her BOMBS!
Nigel - Student/Junior (6th Year)/Hufflepuff: I was thinking that Nigel has that LOYAL personality and since Hufflepuff is loyal. Why not put him there? I know he worked hard to help others as much as he can! Wanting to satisfy them! He plays in Quidditch as being the Chasers or the Seekers!
Aelan - Nurse: Aelan is a smart gal and she knows what she is doing. She used to be in the Ravenclaw House. And when she graduated, she decided to be in the nursing office to help and heal the students.
Callie - Student/Senior (7th Year)/Slytherin: I know she got that attitude from Graves and Graves IS a Slytherin too. So you bet that these two will be annoying ANYONE to death. (Her rivalry is with Tiala while Graves' rivalry is with Soap in this AU)
Rosa - Professor (Potions)/Ravenclaw: I believe Rosa will be fitting for Ravenclaw. Think of her as a smart gal with charms. Always a quick-thinker of going against her opponent! And also quite creative while teaching her students to get their attention!
Alana - School Counselor/Gryffindor: Making sure to help students and getting them out of trouble. AHEM- Agnes and Nigel- AHEM- 
Koa - Professor (Flying lesson)/Coach for the Gryffindor/Gryffindor: I see this hunk of a man being the coach. And I know he's brave enough to face anyone or any creatures to make sure that anyone is safe. So Gryffindor for him! And oh! He's also the coach for the Gryffindor House obviously! Lol.
And now! For my mutuals OCs that I have been asking them! And I’m also still waiting for my other mutuals to respond so I’ll reblogged this post once they send it to me!
@revnah1406 OCs in Harry Potter AU:
Sparrow - Student/Senior (7th Year)/Gryffindor: I see this hunk of a woman is a Senior student. And knows how to play quidditch! I don't know if Rev will agree for her to be a BEATER because seeing how strong she looks. I KNOW she'll knock those chasers DOWN with one throw!
Amara - Student/Senior (7th Year)/Hufflepuff: I most definitely see it! Amara being a hard working student and always be fair with others! And I KNOW she's loyal to her best Girlfriend! Sparrow! You could see her cheering her lover on during the Quidditch match!
Abby - Student/5th Year/Slytherin: Abby is a smart gal for a Slytherin and I KNOW she'll be sassy towards others. She's also confident! Which I like it! So I guessed this DOES fits her!
Now for @alypink OCs in Harry Potter AU:
Aly - Professor/Gryffindor: I could DEFINITELY see Aly being in that house! She's a very brave one! I know she is! And has that determination sparks inside of her! But haven't decided of which subjects she'll teach.
Aleks - Student/7th Year/Ravenclaw: I could see it so CLEARLY! This smart gal being part of the Ravenclaw house? Fits pretty well! With her smartness and great ideas. She's gonna knock the house's roof off with it! Lol.
@deeptrashwitch OCs in the Harry Potter AU:
Alicia - Professor (Defense Against the Dark Arts)/Gryffindor: YES! YES! Both her and Kanoa teaching the SAME subjects and is in the SAME house?! No wonder they're both BEST of FRIENDS! Hahaha! And I could definitely see it and I LOVE it!
Luke - Professor (Muggle Studdies)/Slytherin: I don't know if there IS a subject about teaching Muggle. It's been a long time that I've watched Harry Potter so I don't know much. But for this AU! We'll pretend that existed! And I would LOVE to know more about Luke being a Slytherin! This is getting too much fun! Lol.
And lastly that I got respond from. Is @welldonekhushi OCs:
Arjun - Professors (Transfiguration)/Gryffindor: Since I JUST remembered that @welldonekhushi did draw Arjun as being no a PROFESSOR. Soooo….thinking that he’ll be teaching Transfiguration. Doing something to change objects like that. Him being a professor is a WIN-WIN🥴AHEM- Anyway, I could see him teaching that subject!
Scarlet - Student/7th Year/Hufflepuff: This is really sweet to see Scarlet being a Hufflepuff! I wonder if she likes animals. And being a hard worker is her style if she wants to get the job done! Loving it!
And I think that's about it! But for my mutuals! If you are interested to join in, you can DM me! And for those who already ANSWERED the ask the I sent in your inbox and I didn't add it in here. Do let me know in my DM as well! Thank you all and I MIGHT write a fic about this AU too! But maybe later on after me writing the OTHER stories! Ok! Thank you for reading this far and I love ya, peles! 😚❤️
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prntrink · 3 months
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artblock sucks have an OC timeline
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404-mind-not-found · 5 months
I think one of the character tropes I like is guys in Situations and most of the time they have a daughter and they also often get betrayed
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BEHOLD! THE TABLE OF GUYS IN SITUATIONS! We have: - guy who gets his daughter murdered by his "best friend", proceeds to cry about it for 40 years - guy who's daughter goes missing then he goes missing, both by the same dude - guy fighting for redemption with a shapeshifter - guy who faces horrors at a company and daughter follows suit - guy whose wife gets poisoned leaving the daughter behind, proceeds to get tricked into thinking he was the culprit - guy whose brother forces him out of his own company by working with an evil space entity - guy who gets captured by an illegal business because his body naturally produces a powerful chemical
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welldonekhushi · 3 months
Sorry to bother you for another Inbox sent! BUT I've been asking the others! If you're into Harry Potter! I was wondering of which houses does your OCs (Arjun or Scarlet or BOTH) will be in it! Are they students or Professors? I'm just gathering some intel before posting it! And I'm also still sorting out for MY OCs! I'm just curious!
Hey Taro! And to say sadly, I'm not into Harry Potter *sniff* (but I watched a few movies with my cousin bros a few years ago since they were die hard fans of the movies!)
But, if I had to tell which houses my OCs would belong to if they were in the Harry Potter universe, then for Arjun, he'd be in Gryffindor, as a professor!
And for Scarlet, she heavily can resonate herself in Hufflepuff, as a student! Hope it helps! <3
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vulpixelates · 1 month
more 🍓🍓🍓 for whoever you like hehe
send me a 🍓 and one of my OCs for a random fact about them
ooo i asked my wife to give me three random ocs for this and she mentioned poppy harris, who i don't think i've talked about on here in YEEEARS, bc we've been talking restarting her campaign again. poppy is a forest ranger who has sometimes unpredictable magic that can control plants. these abilities started manifesting around high school, when one morning she woke up from a weird dream and every plant within like a 100ft radius had sprouted up at least a foot overnight.
kit wright, my private investigator girlie, also happens to be a pickpocket. but she's also a little bit strange, so things just kinda... appear in her pockets sometimes without her actually stealing them. (she recently was in this rich ceo lady's apartment and the lady pulled a trinket out of her pocket that had been on a table nearby - awkward!) but sometimes it's quite useful, like a business card to a cafe that a suspect frequents or a schedule book for someone she's trying to get information on.
one of my favorite things about venus keller is that she might possibly be one of the most extroverted people in the galaxy. she was so sheltered when she was young that once she got out of there, she became a social butterfly. any time her adoptive mom, el, brought her onto a space station, she would gab with everyone she possibly could. the result is that whenever she goes anywhere, there's at least a handful of people that know her - and some of them might have funny stories about leetle baby venus chattin' with them about power sources or giving them tips to fix their engine problems. she's a delight. 🥺
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saibugslegacy · 23 days
PSA: Everyone is absolutely allowed to have their own opinions and boundaries, but for me please don't comment anything explicit about Everett or my new vampire OC, I know the pictures I made are in game so they look older, but in the main game they are ten years old and in their story they are eleven. You may be comfortable with that and that's fine but it makes me super uncomfortable, thanks
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angels-and-demons · 2 years
Incorrect Quote!
Under the cut for length
Toby, on a mission, talking about Lilith: so, she keeps asking me "papa, what's the scariest movie you've ever seen?"
Toby: and I know where this is going, cuz I said "I'm not gonna tell you the scariest movie" - cuz she's gonna want to watch that.
[Doby, Hoodie, and Masky all nod]
Masky: 'course.
Toby: "papa, please tell me the scariest movie you've ever seen."
Toby: I said The Shining.
Toby: so, Lilith says, "can we watch The Shining?"
[Toby laughs. Doby snorts]
Doby: 'course!
Toby: and I said, "no, you cannot watch The Shining. The Shining is really, psychologically terrifying."
Hoodie: Yeah.
Toby: -and so, she just kept asking.
Toby: and persisting.
Toby: and so, we watched The Shining last week.
Masky, sarcastically: wow, what a beautiful family... father-daughter moment.
Toby, defensively: I don't know if it was a good call! But I-and it is still really scary!
Doby: it is, right?!
Masky: Jack Nicholson. Super freaky.
Hoodie: blood elevator!
Doby: Oh, the blood flows through the halls! And the twin on the tricycle!
Toby: the girls staring, scary! And so I said, "what do you think?"
Toby: and she said, "I'm mildly disappointed."
[Masky and Hoodie are trying not to laugh; Doby has given up on that front]
Masky: "I'm mildly disappointed"?
[Toby nods]
Toby: "I'm a bit disappointed."
Doby: I love that she said that.
Toby: Well, I said "Well, why?"
Toby: she said, "that was the scariest movie you've ever seen?" I was like, "it's not 2022 scary-!"
Masky: not jump-scare scary.
Toby: and she was like, "Yeah, it wasn't that scary".
Doby: wow! Good for her!
Toby: ...and she has slept in our bed for, like, the past four nights.
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nooklingposting · 2 years
What modern song would your Fallout OC love? Julie would be all over 'Treat People with Kindness' and she'd learn the boot scoot
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If Saturday cartoons taught us anything it’s that The Power Of Friendship is the ultimate weapon that can defeat any obstacle! But can it defeat...other friendships!? 
This tournament will pit Dynamic Duo vs Dynamic Duo to see who has the Ultimate Friendship. They will do this by punching other pairs in the face winning polls! The competition will be single-bracket-style (because that’s the only kind I know how to do lol)
[SUBMIT HERE!] but read the rules first :3 We have 100 fandoms represented by over 130 submissions! Thanks so much to everyone!! Preliminary polls are being organized NOW to limit the number of pairs to 1 per fandom. 
👉Characters must be (or once were) canonically friends, which means they’ve had on-screen/in-text buddy time together, or have mentioned their friendship explicitly. Characters who start as friends but lose their friendship are allowed! 👉No real people, real people playing themselves (DSMP, etc), or country-fictions (Hetalia, etc). I may accept pets or OCs IF they get multiple submissions from different people and there’s room left in the bracket (I feel bad when they lose :(  )  👉No Harry Potter or Attack on Titan. 👉Pairs only. As fun as groups are, I worry that having more characters on their team may sway the votes. Characters with DID or who otherwise have alternate identities count as a single character. 👉Canonically romantic pairs must have significant on-screen/in-text platonic time, and/or emphasis placed on buddy-hood over romance throughout the story.* (a good example is Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth) This is semi-subjective & somewhat controversial, so I’ll be prioritizing purely platonic friendships. Friends With Benefits™️ are totally fine as long as they are actually friends.  👉Familial pairs are fine as long as their buddy-hood is emphasized throughout the story. (a good example is Goofy & Max) 
*Sometimes characters only get together late into the story, or use the Power of Friendship even after getting together, or their relationship is on the vague side, so these duos may be included ^^ Essentially, even if they get together romantically, you’re still submitting them as friends, and confirming that their relationship is portrayed as comfortably platonic more than romantic/pining. 
As for me, my name is Murphy (he/him or she/her), I’m arospec, Autistic, and I’ve never run a tournament before. I can’t make polls on desktop for unknown reasons & barely know how to use mobile, so this blog might be a bit...scuffed, at first ^^; please be patient with me.
Shameless self-plug: if you like my me, please check out my [YouTube channel] where I do art & science education, or my [Warriors/art tumblr]. Thank you!!
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leonenjoyer69 · 4 months
--- Finally making an intro post, Yippee!! ---
~Hello! I'm Leon (or James, but people usually call me Leon lmao) :3
~My pronouns are He/Him, and I'm 19
Some of my current fixations are:
The Glass Scientists (highest fixation, obviously), Jekyll and Hyde, My OCs (the sillies), Chonny Jash, Will Wood, MCR, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Resident Evil, and Silent Hill
Some facts:
~I am autistic w/ anxiety. I'm also partially nonverbal and have auditory processing issues sometimes (tho that info is only really useful to the fellas I VC with on Discord lmao)
~I am Trans, Pan, and Graysexual :3
~I like drawing, writing, playing D&D (technically Pathfinder, but still), and playing video games
~i am a chronic music listener. Like, I hyperfixate on a couple of artists for months and listen to them non stop, as I have been doing with Chonny Jash and Will Wood since oct. of 2023. Ask me about the music I like and I'll freak out /pos
~feel free to use my art as pfps or banners or edits or whatever, with credit, of course :3
~fan art and writings of/with my OCs is totally fine!! In fact, I will literally explode and autistically flap my hands and giggle/pos, I genuinely still can't fathom that people like my silly fellas, always catches me off guard and makes me unequivocally joyous
-please please please don't repost my art or I'll blow you up /neg 🫵
Tags I use:
#OC: Elias Wright ~ OC tag for my Robert Lanyon HJ7 alter! filled with art, lore dumps, and fanfic links. Use this if you make fan art of him :3
#OC: "Whole" Jekyll ~OC tag for my guy Harry, who's basically the original Jekyll that got trapped in the mindscape after the split, inspired by Chonny Jash's soul. Also filled with art and lore dumps/ramblings, and a single fic. Again, use this tag if you make art or anything of him :3
#My art ~all my art (pretty self explanatory), which for now is all TGS, OCs, and like, 2 Chonny Jash things
#my ramblings ~all my random stuff, lore dumps and responses to stuff is also under here
#answered asks ~where all my answered asks usually go, when I remember to tag them with it 💀
DNI: Homophobes, transphobes, racists, all the usual horrible people ig?
I think that's basically everything? Please don't ever be afraid to DM me or ask me anything, I love rambling and talking to people about the things I like :3 but yeah, thank you for reading lmao
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peonyblossom · 4 months
Ships I'll Write For
for reference :)
m!Channing Lowe x m!MC (Kalani Mochizuki)
America's Most Eligible
Carson Stewart x f!MC (Juliet James)
Blades of Light and Shadow
Nia Ellarious x f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend)
Valax x f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend)
Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury
Mal Volari x Tyril Starfury x m!elf!MC (Hades Nightbloom)
Adrian Raines x Gaius Augustine
Dirty Little Secrets
m!Carpenter (Emmett King) x m!MC (Brooklyn Peters)
High School Story
Wes Porter x Ezra Mitchell
Payton Saunders x f!MC (Lola Williams)
Michael Harrison x nb!MC (Jamie Baxter)
Mia Warren x Katherine
Ajay Bhandari x m!MC (Matty Wright)
Hollywood U
Thomas Hunt x f/nb!MC (Jackie Winters)
Hot Couture
Marco Di Vincenzo x f!MC (Analise Moore)
Immortal Desires
m!Cas x m!Gabe x nb!MC (Reese O'Malley)
Lewyn Junius x m!OC (Jude Junius)
It Lives Anthology
Noah Marshall x m!MC (Harry Spear)
Noah Marshall x Connor Green
Connor Green x m!MC (Jesse Harrison)
Ava Cunningham x f!MC (Raven Adams)
Stacy Green x f!MC (Ivy Lovelace)
Imogen Wescott x f!MC (Fiona Vance)
Tom Sato x m!MC (River Vance)
Danni Asturias x f!MC (Merliah Vance)
Abel Flint x nb!MC (Ollie Bridgers)
Lincoln Aquino x nb!MC (Keagan Burke)
Amalia de León x nb!MC (Lottie Hamilton)
Jocelyn Wu x f!MC (Eleanor Wilkins) (slowburn)
Matthias McQuoid x m!OC (Ezra Wilkins)
Laws of Attraction
Gabe Ricci x Aislinn Tanaka x nb!MC (Sav Zarza)
Open Heart
Ethan Ramsey x m!MC (Sydney Valentine)
Ethan Ramsey x Tobias Carrick
Aurora Emery x Sienna Trinh
Queen B
Zoey Wade x f!MC (Quinn Hughes)
Ian Kingsley x f!MC (Quinn Hughes)
Untameable Anthology
m!Kit Jackson x m!MC (Jules Rojas)
Mandy Martinez x Ryder Wilson x m!MC (Barrett Kemp)
Grey's Anatomy/Station 19
Mark Sloan x Jackson Avery x Lexi Grey
Mark Sloan x Jackson Avery
Meredith Grey x Derek Shepherd
Meredith Grey x Andy Herrera
Victoria Hughes x Lucas Ripley
Izzie Stevens x Denny Duquette
Ben Warren x Miranda Bailey
Cristina Yang x Teddy Altman
Maya Bishop x Carina DeLuca
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multi-fandom-imagine · 6 months
hello there! I literally just found your blog a hour ago and I'm in love!! I love the way you wright and just the energy of your blog overhaul :D but anyway what I can here to ask is just some questions about Husk and the readers Kits. I find them adorable! (I have a oc x cannon ship with Husk and they have kids so this is rlly cute to me) anyway- I'm rambling- so long story short I rlly wanna draw the kits so I was wondering if I could get a description of the kits, like clothes, if they have scruffy fur, fluffy fur and there ages? Just so I can doodle the lill baby's in my style :3
THATS THE SWEETEST THING EVER, ah that makes me so happy 😩. { also i love that your oc and Husk has kids. }
But that's comment makes me do happy
This is what I thought of for their looks.
With him being the first born out of the triplets, I can see him looking at lot like Husk. With his fur being jet black with a cream colored splotches across his fur. { 100% has Husk's eyes }, has Husk's wing's. Little boy will wear anything, he doesn't care.
His fur takes on the hue of your hair color, has no white in him at all. His eyes are two different colors, yours and Husk. Is more fluffier out of the three. He also has Husk's wings, I also imagine he wears little suits like his father did as an Overlord.
Pure white with your eyes, silky fur. She is the smallest being the runt. She is the only one that took on your{ the readers} angle wings.
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tsunderesalty · 8 months
Writing Prompts Ask Game
Wow, this is the first time I've started one of these! Kind of cool! I will try to keep this short, though. Basically, I am looking for prompts! It can be whatever you want, from as big as an entire fic idea to even just one word, and I will do my best to write with the prompt! I will provide a list of my fandoms and ships, but you can also request a ship from a fandom I am a part of!
*If you ask for a fandom I did not list on the off chance that I might know it and write it, please send at least one prompt for a listed fandom as well*
This prompt game is also open to everyone, so all writers and/or artists can use this as a spot to get more prompts!
*If a creator you know requests prompts from this, please do your best to send them at least one, but also be respectful of the fact that they can alter the prompts to their liking*
Okay, I'm done rambling, now on to the list fandoms and ships!
MCU (Natasha Romanoff/Peggy Carter, Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop, Peter Parker/Michelle Jones)
DC/Young Justice (Roy Harper/Jade Nguyen, Roy Harper/Donna Troy, Conner Kent/Megan Morse, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Wally West/Artemis Crock, Artemis Crock/Zatanna Zatara)
Attack on Titan (Jean Kirstein/Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman/Annie Leonhardt, Levi Ackerman/Hange Zoë)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Megumi Fushiguro/Yuuji Itadori, Nobara Kugisaki/Maki Zenin)
Ace Attorney (Franziska von Karma/Maya Fey, Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth)
Arcane: League of Legends (Caitlyn/Vi, Jayce/Viktor)
Lesbiampires (Daphne/Veronika Kaminski)
Demon Slayer (Tengen Uzui/Kyojuro Rengoku/Makio Uzui/Suma Uzui/Hinatsuru Uzui, Shinobu Kocho/Mitsuri Kanroji, Tanjiro Kamada/Inosuke, Kanzaki Aoi/Tsuyuri Kanao)
One Piece (Roronoa Zoro/Nico Robin, Vinsmoke Sanji/Roronoa Zoro, Nami/Vivi)
Scream (Stu Macher/Billy Loomis, most ships with Sidney Prescott)
NCIS (Anthony DiNozzo/Ziva David)
Harry Potter (My knowledge of the fandom is very limited and I only know movie canon)
As you can see, I am opening myself up to prompts for my OC world/characters. I have not yet made an official post about my characters and worlds, but I do plan on it. If you do know my OC characters and would like to request a fic/give a prompt for them, then I will hug you and scream as I write the fic!
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anemoic-pluviophile · 3 months
Master List
List of all my works. Both those posted on tumblr and elsewhere.
PS - Pure Smut (minors dni)
F - Fluff
PWS - Plot with smut
Criminal Minds
Oblivious - Spencer Reid x OC (PWS)
Agent Rory James is haunted by her dark past. Drifting through life entangled in relationships doomed from the beginning, her spirit on the brink of collapse.
Dr. Spencer Reid is a genius within the BAU. Harbouring a hidden loneliness, drowning in his intellect, yearning for connection.
Amidst the shadows of their demons, their paths collide amid a dangerous case. Drawn together by an unspoken understanding, they find solace in each other's brokenness.
But as they navigate the tangled webs of their hearts, secrets emerge and danger lurks. Will they unravel the mysteries within themselves and find the courage to embrace the love they seek, or will they remain oblivious, unaware of the light that could set them free?
Harry Potter
Look After You - Draco Malfoy x OC x Fred Weasley Love Triangle (PWS)
All she wanted was for everything to be different.
She wished she looked different, with a different family and a different name.
She wished things were better, brighter.
When she starts in her third year at Hogwarts as a transfer student from Beauxbatons, she believes she may just have a chance to change everything.
But Leda Wright is a realist, and everything is too much to ask.
Maybe if she cannot have everything she deserves nothing.
Maybe she should just give into the darkness.
Or maybe just maybe she'll find her bright shining sun to keep the shadows away.
Tease - Part 1 - Sebastian Sallow x Reader (PS)
Sebastian doesn’t like when you accept the advances of other men.
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animation-is-my-jam · 3 months
in honor of pride month whats your favorite queer ship?
YEAHHH HAPPY PRIDE! and thx eagle for the ask!! Much appreciated 👏
Hmm, but why choose one... when I can just list off all the queer ships I Iove/ I shipped right NOW YIPPE--
Of course, this is gonna go beyond Wordgirl bc I'm pulling from everything that I'm fixated on or was. Let's get to it!!
(Not in order/ Not chronologically)
From Lilo and Stitch: (Jumba x Pleakley.)
From the Lion King and Lion Gaurd: (Timon x Pumbaa)
From Ever After High: Appling (Apple White x Darling Chamring)
From Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: NaruMitsu (Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth)
From Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonadow (Sonic x Shadow)
From Deltarune: Krusie (Kris x Susie), Suselle (Susie x Noelle), Kerdly (Berdly x Kris). Spamvil (Spamton x Jevil)
From Undertale: (Alphys x Undyne)
From Pokémon (anime series): (Goh x Ash) (Ash x Gary x Goh) (Serena x Iris) (Clemont x Tracey)
From Kung Fu Panda: (Li Shan x Mr. Ping)
From Sam and Max Freelance Police: Freelance Husbands (Sam x Max)
From Legend of Korra: Korrasami (Korra x Asami)
From In Stars and Time: Isaffrin (Isabeau x Siffrin)
From Final Fantasy 7: (Aerith x Tifa x Cloud x Zach)
From Omori: Sunflower (Basil x Sunny), Cactiflower (Kel x Basil)
From the Adventure Zone (Balance): (Kravitz x Taako)
From One Piece: (Zorro x Sanji) (Zorro x Luffy [unrequited])
From Rockos Modern Life (Rachel x Rocko)
From The Owl House: Lumity (Luz x Amity)
From Kingdom Hearts: Soriku (Riku x Sora). Sidekick Dads (Donald x Goofy).
From Winnie the Pooh: Ragber/Tigbit (Rabbit x Tigger)
From Half Life But the AI is Self-Aware: Frenrey (Gordon x Benrey), Boomer (Bubby x Dr. Coomer)
From Mob Psycho 100: Terumob (Teru x Mob). Serieri (Arataka Reigen x Katsuya Serizawa)
From Darkwing Duck/Ducktales 2017: (Launchpad x Drake Mallard)
From We Bare Bears: Grizznom (Grizz x Nom Nom) Panlie (Charlie x Panda)
From Duckula: (Count Duckula x Goosewing)
From Time Squad: Tuddlarry (Tudd Russel x Larry 3000)
From Pinky and the Brain: (Pinky x Brain)
She-Ra Princesses of Power: Glimmora (Glimmer x Adora)
From Wander over Yonder: Skeleton Dance
From Adventure Time: (Princess Bubblegum x Marceline the vampire Queen)
From Steven Universe: (Pearl x Bismuth)
From Sk8 the infinity: Renga (Reki x Langa), Matchablossom (Joe x Cherry)
From Given: (Ritsuka x Mafuyu)
From the Muppets: (Beaker and Bunsen)
From Seasme Street: (Bert and Ernie)
Equestria Girls/Mlp: (Sunset x Twilight (any version))
Okay now just onto the Wordgirl ones lol:
(Tjohnson/Fanboys) TJ Botsford x Johnson
(Tubebrains) Dr. Two-brains x Professor Tubing
(Knuckle Sandwich/PB&Wham) Chuck the evil sandwich making guy x The Whammer
(InvisibleHand) Invisi-bill x Big left hand Guy
(Victory Roses) Victoria x Rose
Butcher x Two-brains x Chuck
Scoops x Phil
And then just to my queer Wordgirl AU ones (Future AU) (Yes I know that these include oc ships, but I you have no idea how much I actively ship these more than the list up there lol.)
(Team Mom) Claire McCallister x Harris
(Space Gluri!!) Lei Lexicon x Pen Exagon
(Wil-Luis) Wil-Liam x Luis McCallister-Botsford
(Baked-in Stars) Tori McCallister-Botsford x Sele May
(Mecha shipping) Kuzo Botsford x Zach Notarobot
Thrash x Requiem
(Second Chance) Edith McCallister x Lupe Vásquez
(Legally Cheesy) Brie Boxleitner x Elaine Question
(Roast beef sandwich) Mason Carbini x Hoagie the young Sandwich-making Guy
(Tall shipping) Cecil Vásquez x Jeremy
Otty Monnie Smalls x Hanna Botsford
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theirmadness · 4 months
muse update list!
below the cut you will find: deleted muses i think aren't going anywhere. if we have any interactions with these muses, please consider them null. thanks!
all fantastic beast muses.
all cursed child era muses.
tom riddle.
severus snape.
sirius black.
remus lupin.
bucky barnes.
steve rogers.
hope van dyne.
thor odinson.
tony stark.
matt murdock.
bruce wayne.
arthur curry.
clark kent.
dr. fate.
lois lane.
anakin skywalker.
kylo ren.
10th-12th doctor.
dean winchester.
nicholas scratch.
daemon targaryen.
jon snow.
belle french.
hannibal lecter.
charlie swan.
carlisle cullen.
edward cullen.
damon salvatore.
niklaus mikaelson.
stefan salvatore.
van helsing.
alice cooper.
hermione lodge.
hiram lodge.
alcide herveaux.
bill compton.
eric northman.
john watson.
mycroft holmes.
atticus lincoln.
amelia shepherd.
greg house.
aaron hotchner.
joe goldberg.
emily prentiss.
eve polastri.
joe goldberg.
ellie settler.
jeanine matthews.
lorraine warren.
ed warren.
jim preston.
ian malcolm.
oc muses:
agna blake.
bambi elsher.
bess cromwell.
bianca delaveaux.
camilla souza.
dahlia ledger.
elia sandstone.
emily reacher.
grace stevens.
george star.
harriet stark.
jane williams.
kitty green.
margot peach.
nymeria sand.
ophelia dragos.
pearl james.
roxy blue.
ruby andrews.
summer hayes.
suzanne preacher.
jean taylor.
gertrud northman.
jack smithman.
juliana marques.
madame erin.
margaret greene.
edward charles.
elias karlson.
jack wallace.
max everwell.
philip windsor.
tiresias iamus thebeus.
brandon strage.
christopher smith.
daniel williams.
dante smith.
harry williams.
ian caroll.
jeffrey cole.
patrick wright.
paul smith.
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