whatilike2c2 · 5 months
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vergildantedavid · 2 years
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fire-emblem-birthdays · 2 months
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wawamouse · 2 months
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imagine the miguel x chico toxic yuri.....
(carmen would definitely have a gold necklace that spells out her name lol.... miguela would still go sleeveless, don't be mistaken.... she's still ripped)
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akutouart · 25 days
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Miguela O’Hara serving it up at the club
Feat, Tempest, Xina, and Peter
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a-universe-nextdoor · 2 years
“Hhhheyyyyy…” Bambee hovers nearby, tapping together their little hoof nubbins. “Um, I’ve been putting this off since it’s kinda scary, but uh… I think we need to figure out how to use your powers to protect yourself soon.”
After all, the rat had recently been lectured for irresponsibility in that area, and Bambee doesn’t particularly want to have that happen to them as well.
Miguela looks up at him, offering part of a granola bar. "Oh, yea uh... should probably figure that out huh?"
She folds the wrapper over the rest of the bar and puts it in a snack baggie in her jacket pocket, moving away from the wall she was leaning on.
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miguelalmagro · 2 years
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Halloween ya está aquí y Krakj! también.
Ya en preventa.
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sissymiguela · 10 months
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Sissy Miguela - Exposed Nun Bunny Sissy Miguela
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pannaginip · 28 days
Environmental defender Rowena Dasig has gone missing after a court dismissed the trumped-up charges against her.
Dasig, who was reportedly freed from the Lucena City District Jail (LCDJ) on August 22, has not been seen or heard from since her supposed release, leaving her family, legal team, and human rights advocates concerned for her safety.
Dasig was arrested alongside community health worker Miguela Peniero on July 12, 2023, by elements of the 85th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army (IBPA).
The human rights group [Karapatan Southern Tagalog] recounted how their humanitarian team, along with the Free Owen & Ella Network, had been coordinating with LCDJ since August 21 to process Dasig’s release papers. Despite their efforts, they were met with what they called as “delaying tactics” from jail officials. The group said they were given the runaround by various offices without providing clear information.
According to LCDJ paralegal Almira Alfuerta, Dasig was allegedly picked up by her family—a claim immediately refuted by her relatives, who confirmed they had no knowledge of her whereabouts.
The disappearance of Dasig has heightened fears for her safety, especially given the long history of human rights abuses against political prisoners in the Philippines.
During her more than a year in detention, Dasig endured harassment and isolation, with her paralegals deprived from visiting and herself denied participation in activities with other persons deprived of liberty (PDLs).
2024 Aug. 24
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ravangie · 4 months
do tulia and miguela differ from their original counterparts in any way? is their story the same or do they take a different path? what was their life like in spain?
give us brainworms
Thank you for the question!! GREAT question!! LOVE this question!!!✨
I, for one, very much love imagining Tulia and Miguella's life in Spain. It's my safespace, if you will. I don't tend to tell you much, because i still hope to one day illustrate all of my ideas. But, i suppose, it's not fair keeping you all completely in the dark. Hm, let me think...
How about this: i'll tell you two things: one appearance related and one lore related, okie?
1. Tulia and Miguella's clothes work like transformers. Remember their removable sleeves and additional hems on skirts? They come in very handy when you're running away from guards and have to blend in with the crowd. Switch around some pieces of clothing between each other, tie something around your head to hide your hair and you basically just dissapeared :) 
Also! Their gold hoop earrings are constantly used as bait in gamling games.
2. I came up with this whole story about how Tulia and Miguella met and ended up staying together. It's worth a good like 30-page comic or a short cartoon, so i'm not gonna tell it to you now in case i end up doing something with it, BUT picture this dynamic: a woman who grew up in a rough environment and doesn't want any more conflict in her life, just enough money to live comfortably; and a naive lady who ran away from a traditional way of life assigned to her, to whom everything is a brand new adventure. That's them, that's my mamas 💙❤️
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gloomysarchive · 10 months
sumn random
ʚ🩸ɞ type: mini something
ʚ🩸ɞ includes: fem miguel ohara (her name is miguela)
ʚ🩸ɞ summary: social withdrawal
She's crawling through a cramped space inside one of the big engines in the headquarters. It doesn't need to be fixed, she's just tinkering to keep herself occupied.
She's alone in the engine room, though she isn't lonely. Her back rests against a cool wall, and she's idly chatting to the machine spirits of the engines on one side of her. She seems happier, more herself. The engines hum and glow with a soft amber light, and they seem to speak to her in a whisper. She likes the the solitude. This is the only place where she doesn't have a to be a leader, a hero, or a mentor — it's just her and her machines.
Reality starts to set in along with the dark circles beneath her eyes. She rubs them with the back of her hand. She wipes the sweat off her head, wrench in one hand. “Mierda...” She huffs. She smells like metal, sweat, and oil. Her hands are grimey and scarred with bits of singed flesh from mishandling a welding tool. She chews her nail idly in thought.
Her excellent hearing makes up for her lack of spidey senses — she wouldn't have noticed your entry. She stands up immediately, tired eyes straining harshly as she prepares to face the intruder.
“How did you get in here?” She questions, her voice firm and accusatory.
“The door was open,” you reply, but you're lying - LYLA had let you in, though she was instructed to restrict any and everyone's access to the sub-level.
“Do you need something from me?” She wants to get you out of here as quick as possible. She doesn't want to, but she has to be boss for at least few minutes so she can get back to her voluntary isolation.
“I just wanted to check on you...” This, isn't a lie.
Her face softens ever so slightly. Someone came to check on her? “...Gracias.” She rubs her eyes again, this time out of a bit of guilt for being so defensive. “Perdón. I'm just... tired.”
“You're... (y/n), right?” She asks. She tries to at least remember the first names of her recruits, but there's just so many. Too many. You nod in confirmation and she feels a prideful smirk tug at the corner of her lips. She didn't forget.
You two chat for a few minutes. Miguela didn't even think she'd be ready interact with people again; she intended to avoid everyone for the rest of the day, shut herself in her office, skip dinner, and work until LYLA forced her consoles on lockdown. This is... refreshing.
She says with a slight smile, “Thank you.” The corners of her eyes crinkle with that last bit of emotion her smile couldn't convey.
“...You're welcome... for what, exactly?”
She just smiles again.
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err for da lesbian miguel ohara likers (me)
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Fanartist draws Miguel O’Hara from Across The Spider Verse, except it’s more Miguela(?).
People get mad at her for changing the skin color.
Even though Miguel in the movie spends almost every single second in colored lighting.
Someone else complained that she wasn’t as “muscular” as Miguel, ignoring the whole “Miguel’s body is also idealized” thing.
A bunch of people draw fanart of the fanart in solidarity.
According to KYM, the artist claimed someone tried to blackmail her. Over fanart. Tweet now deleted.
Also, here’s the canonical Spider-Woman 2099.
Also, anyone remember the Dream Daddy controversy? Someone genderbent a “husky” dude into a “curvy” woman, and a bunch of idiots got mad over it?
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theeccentricraven · 5 months
Writing Share Tag
Thank you @kaylinalexanderbooks and @jay-avian for the tag 💜
Rules: share a bit of your writing no matter how big or small
A while ago I shared a snippet from The Blood Cleaners here
After a lot of rewriting, I feel ready to post my current version of the first two pages. Wish me luck!
The Blood Cleaners | Chapter 1
"It's not fair," Justin’s lips muttered as he sat in the corner with his arms folded. 
Ellen towered over him, looking down with her hazel eyes. She didn’t come all of this way from her assignment to be soft. 
“Don’t give me that, it’s plenty fair.” Her low voice filled the lecture hall. Justin felt like she was speaking to him from all angles. He heard the children in the hallway, muttering and chatting about the mess he made. Lady Miguela, his supervisor and overseer of the child workers, hushed the children. Justin could pick up voices calling him “that luny kid again” or “el loco”. Steve’s callous voice chimed. Justin’s blood boiled.
Ellen went on. “You spilled the cleaners. You clean them up.”
“It was Steve’s fault!” Justin yelled.   
“Steve didn’t hit you. You hit him.”
Justin clenched his fists. “Because he took my broom and dustpan!” 
Ellen shook her head. “No matter how much the broom and dustpan mean to you, it’s never okay to hit someone and throw things.”
Justin protruded his lips. 
“And worse,” Ellen continued, “you could have contaminated something. Of all the places you could have gotten away with being careless, the hydroponics lab is NOT one of them.”
Justin raised his hands. “But he took it from me!”
Ellen took hold of his hands. “I’m sorry, but we don’t own the tools for our jobs. The broom and dustpan don’t belong to you, not to Steve, not to anyone. At the end of the day, it belongs to the city.”
“But it….” Justin breathed in a sob. He was trying to not cry when the other kids could hear him, but he didn’t have a need to hold back around Ellen. “But it….” He wanted to say, But it talked to me! He wasn’t concerned about saying it around Ellen who didn’t think of him as crazy, though that was only part of it. 
“But it’s mine.” Justin managed to mutter with a sob.
Ellen’s eyes shifted. “I understand Steve hurt you. You don’t need to follow his example.”
Ellen bent her knees to get her head down to Justin’s level. Her hazel eyes faced his dark brown eyes. “Justin, no matter what, you’ll have to get a new broom and pan out of the closet. Once you finish cleaning up, you’ll be back with Deirdre and Miriam.”
Justin made a grunt as he shifted to face the wall. 
Ellen slowly stood up. “Hey,” she bursted with a little cheer. “Tell you what?”
Justin turned his neck to look up at her as she smiled down on him. 
Ellen lightened her voice. “If you clean up the garden room now, then once you get a new broom and pan, I’ll send you to cover one of my assignments today. Now that you’re eight years old, you are allowed to cover some areas alone. You won’t need to spend the rest of the day with Steve.”
Justin’s face lifted. “You mean it?”
Justin knew that he couldn’t refuse a good bargain like this. He extended his hand. 
“Ok. Deal.”
Ellen’s light tan hand held Justin’s medium brown hand as they shook. Ellen rubbed his spiky dark black hair. He twirled one of her loose light brown locks. Justin stood up from his stool. The two walked across the lecture hall and made their way into the hallway of chatter. A team of three lab workers dressed in white lab coats walked in. Their shoulders were low. Their heads looked down. Justin almost cracked a laugh to ask, “Who died?” but he focused on joining up with Lady Miguela and the other child workers. 
Steve held the stolen broom and pan high, smirking and acting like a big shot. Justin clinched his fits and stuck out his tongue. Steve laughed. So did the other children. Miriam and Deirdre stood quietly with their hands behind their backs, smiling at Justin. Deirdre looked so much like her mother Ellen with the flowing brown locks and soft hazel eyes. Miriam shared her eyes and hair, though her flat head and face were said to me more like her father’s. Everyone preferred to not bring up his name. 
“Get Betty on the line,” Ellen said to Lady Miguela.
Lady Miguela pulled out the walkie talkie. 
“Betty,” Lady Miguela said to the walkie talkie.
“Yes?” said the groaning voice of Lady Betty. 
“Ellen has an update.” Lady Miguela handed the walkie talkie to Ellen. 
Justin looked up at the hallway ceiling fluorescent tubes, pretending he wasn’t listening. 
“Betty,” said Ellen. “Justin is going to clean the green room. I’m going back to the boiler room.”
“I knew I could count on you,” said Lady Betty’s long drawn voice. “You are the closest person to a Mamá that he has.” 
Justin was frequently reminded how obvious it was that he was not a bloodborne son in the family with his medium brown skin, dark brown eyes, and spiky black hair. It didn’t matter. Ellen was his dead mother’s friend, not his Mamá.
Justin walked to the broom closet, gladly without the company of anyone else. He opened the broom closet in the hallway. A few brooms spilled onto the concrete floor as the strong scent of molded bread spewed out. He picked up each broom with both hands, changing from one broom to the next one. He held each with both hands, waiting for the feeling to come to him. 
He had to go through at least ten brooms. At the eleventh, he felt something. He clutched the broom handle as a faint warmth inside the broom built up under his palms. He gripped the handle tighter, feeling like he held his hands above a fire. He let go of his right hand and held the attached dustpan. The warmth channeled from his fingers down to his arms. Justin eyed the dustpan and broom. He directed his thoughts to the items in his hands, like they were people who could hear inside his head. Here I am. Talk to me, please. He waited. He felt nothing. He tried again. I am here. Please talk to me. He waited. The broom and pan were warm, but quiet. He had to hurry before he got yelled at, though he wasn’t giving up yet. He closed his eyes as he focused harder. I can feel you. Let me know that you can feel me. Justin felt the broom handle and pan surface vibrate. Channels of energy flowed through his arms and to his spine. He smiled. This would do.
tagging (no obligation): @orphanheirs @unstablewifiaccess @floweryprosegarden @proceduralpassion @leopardsnake-stories @ramitola @minamaybe @winglesswriter @g0ttest0d @tildeathiwillwrite @whatwewrotepodcast and open!
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akutouart · 8 months
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M-Miss Miguela… ////
I forgot to post this here lol
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