#oc: Lantiria
katarrinskey · 4 months
@korblez going through my stuff reminded me of some unfinished stuff that I don't think ever going to be fully finished, but i have a more finished version of so
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This, for example. Tiri met a varren first time she got on the citadel and, well, let's just say that encounter left an impression
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Tiri with 41?? A funky bunch of colours for a funky lil’ girl
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Funky colors indeed! Was not expecting to see my girly as one of the requests, but am I grateful for the excuse, haha!
Requests info
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sallysavestheday · 6 months
End of Year Fic Recs!
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Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
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My recs are all Tolkien, a mix of canon and AU, angst and fluff and humor, with a variety of lengths and ratings from G to E. Please check the tags on each fic before you read!!
5 series/multichapter fics:
Atandil by @eilinelsghost (Finrod/Beor)
seabird by @welcomingdisaster (Fingon/Maedhros AU)
The Harrowing by @chthonion (Annatar/Celebrimbor very much post-canon)
companions in shipwreck by spellworth (173 women from Tolkien's works)
Ungoliant's Bane by @polutrope (Earendil, Elwing, Elrond, and Elros)
5 single-chapter fics/one-shots:
Inflection by @thelordofgifs (Maedhros, Maglor, Elrond, Elros)
wedding dance by @swanmaids (Maglor/Maglor's wife)
This Living Earth by @searchingforserendipity25 (Maedhros, immediately post-canon)
Fourteen Hours by @clothonono (Fingon/Maedhros, Returned)
It would make every nightingale sing by eye_of_a_cat (Maedhros/Elwing)
5 oldies but goodies:
Recalled to Life: Alqualonde by Anna_Wing (Maedhros, Returned)
A reason to live (a reason it is not permissible to die) by Chestnut_pod (Elwing/Earendil)
What Your Life Is by @starspray (Maglor, post-canon)
The West Wind Quartet by @hhimring (Maglor & OC)
dear fellow traveler by @raisingcain-onceagain (Finrod/Edrahil)
5 of mine from 2023:
Thy Brothers' Keeper: Finarfin rues his role in the House of Finwe
Not By Wisdom But By Love: Beleg and Turin: the beginning
Tender Morsels: Fingon/Maedhros, loving monstrousness
A Sea Change: Reborn Curufin learns to live again
Full Disclosure: Fingon/Maedhros, Finrod/The Speaking Peoples, epistolary science and ridiculousness
Tagging @melestasflight @cuarthol @antares0606 @dreamingthroughthenoise @idrilsscribe @gellalaer @anerea-lantiria @echo-bleu @grey-gazania @spiced-wine-fic @tathrin and authors of the fics I listed. Let's hear what you've enjoyed this year. What do you recommend?
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hhimring · 9 months
Comfort Food - Podficced!
Summary: Breakfast with the Feanorians, late in the First Age featuring Himring's OC Narye, ex-housekeeper of Himring.
Elrond's POV
Now podficced 💖 by @anerea-lantiria, with cover art by @anerea-lantiria.
Podfic (4:00) on SWG
Links to my ficlet on SWG and AO3.
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katarrinskey · 9 months
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Been a while since i've done anything with my girly so here is a flying heads sketch
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katarrinskey · 2 years
You know what I just remembered?
I made a sort of a character sheet for my mass effect oc a while ago ad then never posted it? for some reason?
Anyways here she is!
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Some of you might remember her from a comic I made a while ago (I'd link to it but, well, tumblr ate it and i don't wanna repost it cause I might do some stuff differently? one day? if i get to it?)
But yeah, for the majority who doesn't remember, her name is Tiri, she is daughter of Desolas and Lt. Abrudas (i believe i called her Namira), an absolute nightmare of a child, bane of Saren's existence, all that. Way too brave to the point of stupidity, curious as heck, loves space dogs varren normal amount.
These things are old enough that I thought she was gonna be an engineer when she grows up (hence the top left thingy). Pretty sure i rejected the idea, but we'll see.
Gonna put all of these separately under the cut, in case someone wants to look at them
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I am busy, she said. I will be posting less, she said. I'm gonna stop drawing fandom stuff for a bit, she said.
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How long did that last, a bit more than a week? Figures
Anyways, here is a WIP
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So, this was... a lot. It's honestly kinda funny how short it ended up being for all the time and effort that went into it
And, just for the record, I've grown quite attached to that girl and i'm gonna make that everyone's problem now
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After literal months, I present to you possibly the most self indulgent thing I ever made.
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Here she is!
Since she is probably going to be a more or less regular here, thought i'd show you some rought and not-so-rought consepts I made for Tiri when i started on thay comic
It's been a few months now tho, so i think I wanna redo them some time soon. Maybe make a proper character sheet for once
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Felt like sharing a lil WIP today
With the end of term fastly approaching, chances are, I will be posting less stuff, but here is a rough sketch for some character design stuff I'm doing. Since that one comic turned into a pretty long monstrosity that lives in my brain rent free, I wanted to do studies for some characters that are going to be featured, both my OCs and canon characters we know so little about they might as well be.
So, here, a messy thing with Lt. Abrudas, whom I'm borrowing for a role of Tiri's mum. I've been calling her Namira, since we weren't really given a name for her. I also did some serious redesign there, haha
Also, tiny Lantiria inside the collar, anyone?
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Can we see more Tiri pretty please? 🥺🥺
Ask and yee shall receive
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Why did tiri end up running away? She said she can’t stay there anymore but that’s pretty vague. Is there something serious going on and she is just With Saren now? (What’s her relationship with saren like? And nihlus too, since that sketch has made me curious now lmao)
Why indeed.
This family has issues on so many levels, you have no idea. I spent an entire day thinking about how to explain it without losing some nuances, and I'm not sure I can, actually. Wouldn't you rather hear it from characters themselves?
What I AM going to say tho, is that she is in fact a repeat offender on that front, even if it's the first time she'd done something that radical. She also hasn't done it all on her own. She's only 11, after all.
As for her relationship with both Saren and Nihlus, we'll, it's very new, yeah? Them finding their footing around each other is, in fact, an important plot point, soooo... Wait and see?
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